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so we're going to learn how to make our own clothes very simple way very beginner tutorial on how to make your own clothes okay import them get them ready be able to use them for any character we all good all right we all good all good all right so let's begin what is up everybody okay this is going to be a pretty sweet tutorial okay it's how do you make your own clothes simple clothes you can go as detailed as you want but how to make your own clothes for Genesis 98 whatever the hell you want and how to bring it in all right so what you want to do is load up a Genesis from essential uh the essential 9 star Essentials load up the Genesis 9 figure okay it's free you can download it get it whatever from there just select your character file export selected export and Export as either an obj or an fbx okay so the reason if you if you export from an obj all right make sure you export and import is one a single piece so as you're going to get millions of pieces the easier way is just fbx call it whatever you want uh okay don't call it that but call it what you want AR call it what you want they just save the bloody bastard all right once you got that open up your favorite program all right uh this is Maya you can do the same in blender okay it's it's exactly the same process in blender uh blender is completely free so it's nice and uh file import the fbx just import it and you're good to go okay so once you've imported your character look at this look at and the reason we do it on the nine Essentials character is because then it'll fit all your other characters anything that you make anything that's there it'll fit it all so make sure you use the essentials character from there AR I'm just going to take the body I'm going to duplicate the body and I'm just going to unparent it unparented and then the rest of this I can just delete okay so I've just got I've just got the the uh duplicated mesh no skeleton nothing if you got the fbx if you got the obj you don't have the skeleton anyway so you got to go just make sure it's One Piece One Piece right from there are you can just start selecting faces okay in blender same thing and you can start selecting faces uh in Maya if I first click and then double click the one next to it holding down shift you can start selecting all the faces are it it'll select the edge Loop so that's what that's wrong you got you got to go the right way orse it doesn't work see this doesn't work this is out right so what I can do is I can start getting a payer brush mate start uh just uh making your brush a little bit bigger and just start selecting all the faces you want here right map out your shirt or your trousers or whatever you want over here we're just going to go and we're going to make like something like like a shirt okay a shirt let's make a shirt we good with a shirt anyway uh I'm going to map all this out I'll come back all right AR it looks like I've done it I've done it make sure you've got all the cut things here is it's not going to work I'm just thinking let it let it go a little bit higher something like that did it go all the way down no it's all right actually and then I'll just oh that's that's beautiful look at that little thing there so just design your shirt the way you want it but I think that's fine right once we've got that I'm going to edit also same same as in blender just go to uh uh you're going to duplicate it okay essentially you're just going to duplicate it uh and there we go are so uh I'm just going to delete all the transforms and everything on it but there we go there you've got you've got shirt you've got a sh that's beautiful isn't it right so now the beauty begins Ari know what you can do AR I got to stop that everything's got to do with ay here godamn ay no one even likes ay uh right so what we can do here is we can go into sculpting mode same thing as in blender and you can start sculpting this right I'm going to take a smooth here I'm going to bring up my brush sculpting mate and what I got do here is I'm going to start just smoothing stuff out now what what you can do is you can take this body over here in blender or mea I think it works the same and you can just add it to a layer and we're going to make it uh that you cannot pick this okay something like that so got TI right and you can see it's going through there now and that's all right mate that's all right because now we're just sculpting we're sculpting this thing out we just sculpting it making it nice fit better fit a little better and what we can do then is we can take uh vertices and we can we can pick that uh and we can soft select it so blender I'm not too sure what it is but they definitely is so is soft selecting and then we can just bring it out again just points you're just making a garment now so it's it's fine uh the other thing we can do just to make this a lot easier for us to see is we can take this material uh you can do the same thing once again in blend and you can assign just a new material to it and we going to make this like like this so I can see clearly huh I can see this beautiful thing thing so clear and I can't select it okay so now we can go back to this and we can start getting uh everything out you know just making it cool so it works right so I'm just going to expand the whole t-shirt okay a little bit bigger and then you're just forming it so it it's it sits nice okay it's it's nice it's just really nice with this whole bloody thing uh mess with your soft Le see get it late oh you can just tweak stuff get it out uh get it out get it out uh and this is going to take a while so I'm going to I'm going to Foss forward the section okay and speed up speed up the process going forward now okay so it looks like we've got it all done now that's pretty cool and because it's a shirt remember you can go in and start start enjoying start enjoying the process I you can start enjoying the process Ari so you know oh I don't know what that was Ari but you can start uh okay so over here m in Mya it's just that so now you can start just you know creating creating a bit of a shirt you know like the kind of a drag you have there and you know kind of make make a couple of nice things you know triat yourself trick yourself right so now we're just going to get the shirt looking good you know do do a couple of things Bring It Down Smooth it out you know sculpt sculpt it sculpt it mate sculpt it so it's looking good all right sculpt as you please okay get all this out there you know sculpt it out um and just just carry on sculpting SC sculpt it the way you want okay I'm using a brush that that puts down a layer and if I hold down if I go if I go too if I smooth it I hold down shift to smooth if it goes out I just click my button and I'm using uh just just a normal tool so now you can start just you know forming your creases you can even put the level up now yeah so you can say you can take this and you can say mesh and you can say uh now look if you're doing deforce you know make sure it's not touching any skin and you're not going to put a thickness to it you're going to leave it like this make sure it's not touching anything and then import it like this uh you know when you finished with it but if you're not using dforce and you just want something to stick then you can go a little bit crazy now over here I'm going to say merge and I'm going to say smooth so now I get a lot more detail you can see that Addy you can see that see and now you can start messing with your your uh you know just start start uh we're just trying to get like a kind of a cloy kind of a feel you know get get some uh little bit of detail in this uh once again I'll fast forward this all I'm doing is using like a uh what is it called uh sculpting just to get like a little bit of whatever it's not going to be perfect we know people we know it's not going to be perfect we get it okay but it's just to show you how to go about just getting this kind of a thing you know okay okay no need to go crazy no need just uh you know use it don't use it it's all right it's all right mate it's okay don't use it if you don't want to anyway uh here we go okay uh this looks terrible but but nobody cares mate nobody cares so then what you can do what you can do is you can just start doing some cool little refinements right so I'm going to take this I'm going to take this I'm going to take this and this and I'm just going to extrude them ever so slightly mate all right just something like that there we go so now if I hit three you can see that I've got like a kind of a kind of a hem on it right same thing with this I'm going to take faces I'm going to select the edge Loop not work uh something like this and then something like not the whole thing no something like that and and then yeah okay bring it down here there we go something like that okay and I'm going to do the same with that make sure it's all fine yes extrude it and just bring it up ever so slightly and it causes a nice little whatever for you okay and that's it I mean you can do your seams and everything you can play what whatever but that's the basic thing of a shirt right I mean I don't know what the hell it is I don't know what the hell it is but I'm gonna I'm gonna put it up so you guys can take it for free okay I don't know why you'd want to okay I don't know why you'd want to let's be honest let's be honest this isn't the greatest this isn't the greatest moment of my life with uh modeling this stuff but uh you know what are we going to do what are we going to do uh it's it's not great it's not great but you know uh maybe you want to use it as a template I I don't know what you'd use it for it's a waste of time honestly it's a waste of time anyway so there it is right next thing we got to do is UV unwrap this thing okay so I'm going to select it I'm going to uh same thing in blender you know I'm just going to get rid of all the transforms in it and I'm going to open up its uh UV editor okay uh select it and I don't know what it is in blender but you can just uh you can just you can just uh what is it I'm going to PL R it not that way that's stupid stupid not that way I'm going to plan or it on its is it Z yeah on the Z and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to just take a seam a seam from this thing get rid of soft whatever and I'm going to take a seam from the side something like that and then another seam from this part so essentially I'm just cutting this thing in half okay that's that's what I'm doing and then I'm going to go to tools uh cut no I'm going to go into my just say UVS split UVS or cut UV edges right and now what I've got mate I've got is I got two shells I got that one and I got that one so I got two beautiful beautiful shells I'm really loving this mate and then you can just select both of them and you can just say modify uh or you say control U and it'll just push them out and then control L and it lays them out for you okay so now you got these two beautiful things right and just going to make them a little bit bigger and try and set them out so I can have them nicely try and have them nicely amongst each other mate you know me uh yeah okay fine fine I'm just going to make that a bit smaller here and this one I'll make a bit smaller it's it's fine so right now we've got our garment with uh a thingy on them right last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to say history I'm going to control it's uh Delete all the history on it and then I am going to right click uh Delete all the history on this thing you've got your beautiful UVS I'm going to right click on it and say assign new material and you can you can assign anything to it you all you want to do is give it a name call it shirt shirt shirt right we done Done Right Next part is we want to texture this thing right we going to texture it in the next one but once you got it ready mate you what you do got to do what you do got to do is you got to say to select the shirt say file export selection I'm just going to put it anywhere in a folder and I'm just going to export it as an fbx I'm going to export it as an fbx where is the fbx there it is fpx and I'm going to call it shirt okay bam and I'm I'm going to export it bam export selection we're good okay once you've done that uh we're going to do this in painter substance painter but if you don't have painter you can use Quick SCE look I am going to do a an entire tutorial I'm going to do it in blender okay and I will do it in quickels so everything is free to do this everything I mean you can follow along this and just use quickel quickels or which is from epic it's free so now we're going to say uh new and we're going to say select and we're going to the shirt okay and that's it aut unrap no import just leave the default settings okay and just say hit okay right there's a beautiful shirt it's beautiful AR it's really beautiful I just go back there bake out this this shite bake it bake it Con on Bings have a little Vape go return painting and now we've got it okay so we're good we're good I'm going to return now to just 3D and go back to layers and now what we can do is we can start seeing what it's going to look oh that is beautiful mate look at that and from there you can rotate it let's say we want to rotate it by 90 so we get something like that isn't that beautiful look we don't have to stick with the first one we can we can fabric linen look at that obviously you can mess with the tiling you know so it looks pretty cool we can overlay stuff we can put different things on we can go crazy look at this Oney look at that that's stupid um uh so yeah I mean you know depending on your UVS I mean if I did this correctly what I would have done oh uh you can see like it's still quite raw there we don't want that right right what you have to do is you have to go into my and you know what while we're here AI while we're here let's just cut these off let's just cut these off and you'll you'll understand why uh I'm going to take that one I'm going to take this one and I'm just going to UV and I'm going to say uh cut UV edges okay cut UV edges and that gives me uh this I'm going to put it over here this going put put it over here this I'm going to put it over here and this okay and the last one that we want to cut is this one here this this thing so I'm going to take that and over here and here and here and here and here here here make sure it's all the way at the bottom yeah perfect and I'm going to say UVS and cut edges okay so all we're doing is we're separating we're separating uh the seams okay and that's pretty cool and you'll you'll understand why not right so I've got that I'm going to take that I'm going to uh put a smooth modifier on it mate I'm going to smooth it so we get that all right looks a little uh dodgy okay how many my God this is a very very heavy shirt do we really need to do that what I'm going to do is I'm going to write I'm going to take back that we don't want it that heavy and I'm going to say uh edit uh mesh display and I'm going to say soften edges there we go so I'm just softening the edges of the shirt right now we can just uh freeze everything file export it again you can just overwrite what you have and let's go once again back into painter file I mean you can go to ma uh mode and you can say edit and project configuration and you can select that shirt again and then it'll just overwrite this one okay and there we go so now you can see that we've got the seams in different places whatever it doesn't work really well so you just got to go and bake it anyway okay so let's bake it again let's bake it and once that's done you can just return and you've got it right so now everything that you've actually got on there will work just fine so there we go look man we're not going to go mental in this we're not going to go crazy what i is going to do is I'm going to uh let's set up popping oh look at that okay let's take that into it and here's the here's the cool part now oh that that's not too bad is it that's not too bad are it's not great it's not great but it's not bad it's not it's not bad it's not it's not good though it's not bad and we can just take down the height range something like that and then the normal intensity you can you can take down too there we go something but it's rubbish I'm not going to use it uh let's just take this one man seriously and what we can do is we can just uh change its color to something like that beautiful that is that is stunning mate that is stunning I'm going to duplicate I'm going to duplicate this one and I'm going to change its color to something like white all right that's perfect that's good but what I've got to do with this one is I'm going to right click and say add uh add white mask okay so actually I'm going to add a black mask so it's completely disappeared I'm going to click on that black mask go to this thingy over here uh is it this one I is is I uh and then I'm going to select UVS here right UVS and then if I just click on it it'll just map out those UVS for this there we go so now you got something like that okay what is lovely and let me tell you why arei you can go back to the paintbrush and now you've got something else right now I can click back on the little white thingy there and you can start messing around with what kind of color you want maybe you want to darker blue or something oh maybe you want something like that that's cool too so that is beautiful what else we can do is we can add like another uh another add a layer of a paintbrush you can do there just call it deal or something and then you can go find a beautiful little deal Ari you know what I'm saying Ari you can go find the oh get rid of the fabric oh I go find a beautiful little Deco oh here here we go here we go here we go this is this is awesome let's do this man because it's cool okay I'm going to hold down control and right click to get my brush bigger and I'm going to start setting what I want my brush to be right I want a color oh you want a color so pick a color let's make it like uh something like that I want uh metallic we we don't need metallic um I want height yes I want height ever so slightly just a little bit 36 should be fine if you if I click down you can see it yeah cool uh and then I want the roughness I want it to be kind of shiny and that is perfect actually so I can just boom and there we go this is a wicked shirt huh look at this as a logo or something right so you can just there okay perfect uh and then just to make it really cool Arie really cool is that do that no that that that that's brilliant that's brilliant that is right so we we done with this incredible incredible garment okay uh looking sweet now we just want to export it right so I'm going to say file and Export text so you can hit output directory and you can place it where you want I'm going to place mine right there uh on the desktop shouldn't but you know what it is uh now the template what kind of of template are we looking for uh we are looking for uh not Unreal Engine because it packs it uh we are looking for something like probably PBR metallic roughness right boom that's what we're looking for uh file type uh we just want pgs okay um size let's do 4K you can go 8K but we don't need that right now and file padding we don't care about it's all good right we've got shirt selected save settings okay I'm just going to export this bam and once it's exported mate it will say open up directory go ahead and that's what you get okay that is beautiful you can save the scene do what you want save settings save the scene out do whatever you need but we've got everything we need now right so now we can go to Dez and I can say file import go to where your shirt is saved out as the fbx and I'm going to import that now over here the only thing I'm going to pick here is uh include animation there's no animation it's all good include blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and we're pretty good we're pretty good here it's fine accept and there we go it should go directly onto your character from there what we got to do is just go to files here up here you can see it yes go to all and just type in Uber Uber and here's your Uber Shader so I'm going to click on the shirt I'm going to click on the shirt here in surfaces and I'm going to double click this Uber and that'll load the Uber Shader onto the onto the character then I'm going to go get my textures which are right here and I'm going to look for the relevant ones so there's the metal I'm going to look for metal right here and I'm going to drag and drop it on the metal bam I'm going to look for base color here is the base color I'm going to drag and drop it on the base color boom uh what else we got I got the height I got the normal and I got the roughness so here's my roughness color my glossy color I can just Chuck that into there and we good okay uh or you can Chuck it into the glossy roughness here we go boom that's right that's right and then you can just you can just tweak it there we go you can put on one because you're using the the glossy roughness and then I want my normal there's my normal map I'm going to take my normal and I'm going to drag it onto here and there it is okay so the height map I don't think this covers height I don't think it does it doesn't matter anyway you you've got what you need it's fine so now you've got your shirt and if I render this let's just see if it looks like anything oh I it's beautiful it's beautiful it's really gorgeous isn't that har absolutely gorgeous right now let's attach it to the character because as of now it's not attach to the character here we go so if I if I select the character and I pull on the character whatever it's not attached right so basically go select your shirt go to edit go to object and go to transfer utility click that now the first one you're going to go select your Genesis 9 or8 or whatever you want and the second item you're going to select your shirt that's all projection template base it's going to be a uh long template hair dress long dress tight dress bodysuit tight body I'm just going to take bodysuit loose okay I want it to be loose and accept and once that once that done it's done it works you can move it out your character look at thisi look at this look at this I can make him go all right and it just it just fits It just fits look at this there's some cutting I saw but it's fine let's see if we can get that again there but as soon as you let go it will it'll adjust itself that's what that's what it does right and if it doesn't if it doesn't AR once you've parented it like that you can see it falls under your character now okay uh you can go to parameters and all and you can just do the normal stuff that you usually do uh you can expand it a little bit there we go it's so you can loosen up you can do whatever you want or you can do a better job in uh uh doing it in the first place okay and that's it that's it that's said so now I want to put this on everything else right so I select shared I go to edit I go to sorry uh edit I go to object I go to that's not true I go to file and I say save as and I say supported asset figure prop assets right I click on that and I'm going to call this shirt test okay I'm going to put it in like my custom I made a custom folder uh in in my D Library I just named it custom folder and that's it uh it'll give you these options so asset directory is my H drive my dh's library is my external drive and I made a folder right in the rout uh there so I can find my stuff easily vendor name yeah product what is the product it's uh just call it shirt shirt test uh shirt test okay and that's it and over here it's just going to be in a Wardrobe full body you can find it on the full body it's not really is it it's just a shirt yeah put in shirt and that's it you can say accept bam and it'll save it out and if I go now to my Content Library and I go to my custom stuff you can see I just right under my desz uh Library here here my uh H my Dash Library I just made a you know right click and and and you can make a create a create a directory a sub folder and in mine I just did that and I put it under custom stuff and there it is shirt test now if I delete this shirt and I select my Genesis 9 character and I just double click that shirt boom it's on okay that's it you've got it working so now let's load up a different character all right okay so here we go I've uh already attached it to a uh a blue chant figure okay and you can you can attach to any figure here is raw Arts uh torello what a name torello brilliant uh and I can attach it to that character now look if it starts butting through and stuff that's not a big deal all you got to do is you got to go to the shirt uh say edit uh figure and geometry and add a smoothing modifier okay once you do that then you'll get something like uh where is it where is it there smoothing iterations and collision iterations you can just put that up okay and now we've got so you can use it on any character if you connect it straight to the uh uh put on the Genesis 9 Essentials anyway people I hope that helps I hope this helps and uh yeah let me know in the comments let me know what you want to see whatever we do want to do this completely free version Look all of this you can do with Quicks and blender anyway I hope you guys are good and I'll speak to you later bye guys
Channel: imagine everything
Views: 2,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, 3d, vfx, motion graphics, 2d, daz 3d, daz, maya, unreal, UE5, blender, painter, photoshop, lectures, tutorials, How to, Unreal 5.2, Metahuman, Reviews
Id: admycgqt1rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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