Making a Jacket in Blender using DivineCut - Smart Cloth Generator (Including New Features)

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hello guys and welcome to this tutorial where we'll be making a jacket that's even better than the one you just saw cuz I learned a few things while doing it again um so to get started very simple select your character and click on new cloth with the cloth type as top and let's position the neck where it should be the chin the usual setup the nipple the shoulder the elbow the wrist and the pelvis remember for a top you don't need to set the hip the knee or the ankle just leave those alone and click on generate top so for this jacket you can now use these circles to set um the shape of the jacket so let's say the shoulder or the yeah the arm should be about this big which is okay and the length of the sleeve should be about this far in this tutorial I'm going to be also show you like the new features that I've added um to make your workflow even easier the size of the neck you can set how big you want that to be and the length of this guy and the width you can just scale the circles how you want them to be I think that's fine and once you're done you can click on generate top and that's fine so the steps we're going to take for this tutorial are first of all the shape of the cloth followed by the hoodie which we'll add and then we'll sort out the physics of the cloth and then we can now add all the accessories which uh I can't wait to show you um okay so to get the shape of the hoodie you want to first let's cuff this sleeve so select it go into edit mode and um you can okay let's first of all set the shape of the cloth so let's sculpt this place go into sculpt mode and move this forward a little just to make it smoother then over here we can also pull this out or you can paint spring crap and remember if the shrink crap is not working properly just come on the shrink crap modifier and increase the offset so the scale of the character and the Armature affects the shrink crap strength so you can just play with it there a little bit then here you can see it's not entirely smooth so you can paint smoothness onto it like that you can sorry paint smoothness onto this area if you paint somewhere by mistake you can hold control to clean it or erase it and um don't think we C here um yeah so you can also paint shring crap onto this area but now I've seen that you know you may want to work in edit mode so in edit mode you can also select this um vertices and on the shrink crap click on this pin so that will shrink crap it you can click on smooth and that will smoo it and of course we want to pin this area to the character so you can click on pin and that way when your character moves the clock moves with it wherever you've pinned so you can also paint pinning but you can also go into edit mode and pin you know certain points like uh here for instance uh let me just do that so you can pin this vertex and it will be pinned like that okay so um we just want to finalize the shape of this guy um we want the jacket open so in edit mode you can select this line This row and move it to the left you can enable off the graphic projection and just move it to open it up and to sharpen these Corners select here and here sharpen it sh with shift e and drag in this area as well sharpen it with shift e all right there's also another function I've added which is toggle seams so you can toggle the seams off and on if you want to see the seams these are also the lines used for the UV mapping uh you may want to add another seam here so select a row like this and press CR e and Mark shop wherever you Mark shop will be um a seam and remember you can enable the subdivision modifier to make it tighter and you can increase it even more to make it even tighter but we'll disable it for now for performance purposes all right so once we're okay with the shape um I'm not fully okay I'm going to move I'm going to sculpt this and move it um closer to the body and from this view as well I'll just sculpt it and use the grab brush to just move it down a little so yeah this is kind of fine so once we're satisfied with this shape there's a new function add add hoodie so just click on that and and it will generate a hoodie based on the shape of your character's head and it will take you into sculp mode so you can just adjust the shape of the hoodie so um you might want to smooth the back area like that and remember this works for all characters all the functions here work for all characters it's not just um this one uh so depend on the shape of your character it will generate accordingly so um once the shape of the hood is okay there are two ways you can control this hoodie so one if you press play sorry when you're done sculpting it click on bind so that you bind it to the cloth if not it will fall on its own like this kind of broken so you want to bind that and you can see the cloth also needs rebinding so you can click on bind and um yeah so can click play and the first way that the hoodie behaves it just slides off normally and acts like you know a normal hoodie um soorry one more thing along here you can see this place on the cloth is too tense it's not allowing the cloth to stretch so under the cloth settings I'm going to reduce the tension to let's say two and the shear to about two and let's press play and see how that looks okay so that's better so that has allowed for some stretching um so yeah so the first way the hoodie behaves is like this where it just drops normally and if the character walks a bit more it might actually slide off her head but if you want to lock some areas in place you can just click on paint and paint painting so you can paint um the areas you want pinned onto the character so here will be like a hard red and then you can paint this area to stay like that and the hoodie also has its own weight so you can see now it's uh stuck in that position it has its own weight so you can select the hoodie come under the clo settings and increase the vertex Mass to let's say 1.5 and then when you press play it will drop a lot more like so so you can increase this even two and press play and it will drop so just however however you want it to look or behave you can set the weight accordingly and it will do so okay so for the for the um the jacket now I think the hoodie is okay you can also edit this hoodie to look however you want in edit mode so you can extrude places like let's say you want this area extrude forward you can SC it you can just like model the whole thing how you would model a normal mesh to get whichever kind of Hoodie shape you want exactly um this is just the base one it comes with so you can select like this row of edges and press contr e k that will also create this um SS for it and that's also your hoodie so however you want it to be when you're when you're done in edit mode remember to bind it again SOB and press play and if you want this area stiff as well you can just paint pinning to control that region a bit more so uh yeah that's it so I think we are good so far now we're going to mess with the physics of the jacket to make it um more silky like see so the vertex mask I'm going to turn it down to 0.03 so that makes it a bit more stiff and when you see like um these wrinkles like this you can see the simulation just started and it's form it its own wrinkles that means the weight is a bit too low so I'm going to pull this up to 075 and press play so you can see they're gone now but it's still stiffer than it all right marvelous so that's that's better that's more Jacky now we're going to do um the puffer I've changed the puffer algorithm completely um now if you want to puffer an area you say okay let's say you want to do the sleeves you select the sleeves press L with your mouse over the sleeve and if it doesn't select that region by default the Adam makes it selects the UV area so that section is so you can select this face for instance this back face for instance so let's say you want to work on this area select that and press shift H and again sorry if it doesn't select if you select the whole thing you can limit it from here so you see this menu down here UVS you can hold shift and deselect it or select it and that limits what the link selects so anyway select that area and press shift H and now you're going to select the Rings and pressing shift alt and click to select the Rings where you don't want to puffer so like these Loops for instance so everything here is going to kind of puff but these Rings will not so when you select them you can see the puff pressure here um a value that I've seen works I think is is .5 maybe and then click on puff so when you do that it puffers um that area and now we get um a kind of shape that I I find not so sexy this kind of wavy shape whereas you want this area to be tight and then suddenly puffer out here instead of like this so to solve that I'm going to edit mode and you're going to add more geometry to this area once you add geometry to this guy the hoodie goes a bit crazy so just hide it for now cuz we're going to be working on this guy you can create a loop cut here press crl R cut and drag and we're just going to add more geometry for it to work with around here and here as well and here as well and this area as well so now res select those guys I'm going to add a function that will let you select these guys with one click so you don't have to reselect where you puffer okay but um that'll be the next update so select these Rings we created where we don't have the puffer and we're going to do that again so just click on puffer or Puff and it looks a lot better sorry we're going to B it again and it looks a lot better so that's that's the mainly the reason I said it will look better than the video you saw in the beginning of the video um so that's that's awesome to me um you can now unhide everything else and work on the front faces shift H and let's say we just want this side and this side so we'll do the same thing but I'll un hide everything if we create to cut here is kind of going to affect this area here so I'm going to cut along here like that um sorry not that one we're going to do this one as well so I'll cut along here tighten it and then these guys I'm just going to press G and G to move them away to kind of free this area cuz we don't want to affect the back we just want to affect these front regions so now you can press L to select this guy and press shift H to hide the rest and just select these seams here and the weight of this front face has to be a lot less because this area is free so if you increase the pressure it's going to like fly upwards so we're going to turn this down to what I what I found works is 0.001 I think I'm going to save this for now and press puff and it will create a slight puffer without making the whole thing fly away let me just click on bind again sorry yeah so usually the pressure is too high the whole jacket starts flying from here because of the nature of blender puffer um blender's pressure rather so this I found works and remember you can always add um enable subdivision here to see how it will look finally and I think this is pretty beautiful um so we'll disable it for now we're still working and lastly we'll do the back area and uh let's say this face here if H and um you can press space bar or whatever your search button is come over to edit and search menu search and type in boundary so you can select boundary Loop and that will select all around it like this sometimes it selects the middle as well so you can just deselect those and then under the pressure we leave it at 0.1 and click on puff it's not entirely necessary for the back actually I think the back is fine as it is but um another thing I'm excited about is the fact that we're getting away with all this um settings and the simulation actually works very well with the um cloth quality set to 10 so this is like the lowest quality steps you can work with cloth in blender and the fact that it's working is pretty impressive um so you can see you don't really need to add pu to the back I think it's fine you know just dropping down so it's not floating or anything but if you want the quality even better you can turn this up to 20 or but if it works at 10 then then that's mous so yeah we're kind of good to go lastly what I'll do is add um extrude this area out so that we have a section we can use for the buttons so um I'll just select this face here shift E1 minus and I'll cut along here contr e k now one last thing to mention is because we extruded extruded it from this guy it has all the pressure settings from this face so if you want this place to not have all those pressure functions select them and hide everything else then under the puff click on this reset so that will reset all the pressure physic settings for these guys and they'll be fine so now when we play it these guys don't have the puffer and all that sorry let's click on bind then lastly for the jacket um we want to kind of stylize we don't want this place falling off of or sliding off of the character so you just paint um pinning lightly onto this area so it's not fully pinned it's not fully pinned and stiff but it's not going to completely slide off so when you press play the pinning kind of keeps that area slightly stiff but um not too stiff and not too Floy if you get and yeah that's basically it we've done the shape we've done the physics we've done the hoodie and now we can have have fun just adding accessories because the simulation is pretty okay um yeah so now we move on to the fun part I'll I will um bake I'll bake this cloth so and then add it to the video right now actually so that you can see it so far so I'll set the end frame to1 unhide the hoodie and rebind it and set the end frame to1 and I'll just play play till the end [Music] so this is the simulation so far um with those settings um I would one remove the seams I added on this point here and make the jacket a bit more solid but apart from that I think it's not bad maybe increase reduce the weight of the jacket to make it more stiff but yeah not bad so now um moving on we're going to add accessories to this guy I'm also going to remove the so what you would want to do ideally is um move this guy upwards a bit more and then res simulate or something so that this place is not so tight and Sh and this one as well and the same for down here but yeah now we can add accessories to it um especially now that we've baked it completely so I will show you how to install the ass library in a separate video or I'll just plug it into this section if I redo that but the asset Library comes with a few assets by the time you install it just come over here and click on Divine assets and you can see accessories buttons and materials and Pockets so they're all rather special um you have buttons which you can drag on So like um this one you can just drag it in place and in the menu here whenever you add a Divine accessory under design and just click on Divine accessory here so that will set it up and do any kind of functions you need to do on it so as you can see now we can drag it and it snaps onto the cloth and that just enables the stopping and set some stopping um functions anyway so you can now duplicate your buttons and add them on like that I think some shirts come with our tops come with one button like this and then one a bit smaller like that and this is the button hole for now I'll make a better one a bit later but you can just drag the button hole here and that just serves as like a hole for the button remember when you add uh Divine objects um you can see now it's just normal you click on Divine accessory and that kind of makes it a more special object as you can see it's stuck onto the cloth so we also duplicate this and add it you know along with all each button like that think this guy need move down a little bit [Music] more um do six so yeah that's fine and we can add more accessories like Pockets um these Pockets most of these guys I do not I not satisfied with them I don't really like them they're a bit too bulky but the good ones I currently use or these ones this one this one and this one you can try these out they're okay but they're not the best for now so I'm going to change them or um add better ones um this one for instance simulates as well so when you select it add it select that click on Divine accessory and you will now register it as a Divine uh Divine objects and that's okay you can click on bind um and what else do we have materials so this jacket I have one material here which I'll add just search jacket um that's my jacket material so I could also add I have this material I've added here for like areas like here that you have on sweatshirts so I'm going to select that area add a new material and you can just drag this onto that material here and click assign so it assigns it to this so when you view it in edit mode this is how the material kind of looks so you can increase the scale here I've just added simple settings and you can set the color you want it to be so I think the further away it is of course it looks better but for now I think that's not bad for like that elastic material um this guy can also have the this material and this one as well and um there are more accessories like this lace I'll make this better it currently doesn't work properly when colliding with the clo that's the sad part but um we're on to something great with it so you can drag accessories like this click on Divine accessory like that and let's drag it onto the clo and when you press bind it moves along with the [Music] clo so another update that I've added is you don't definitely don't want to select all these guys and keep pressing bind on all of them so all you have to do is Select nothing okay and click on bind so that will bind all the Divine objects in the scene so everything that needs to be sorted out it will sort out for you so when you press play you can see all the buttons are done the pocket is done the Rope is done and if you have um anything like this accessory this um button you want to add over here click on Divine accessory and then press G going to add that you can bind it and then under the surface deform modifier you just want to change this from Divine t-shirt to Hoodie so I'll delete this and now this will bind to the hoodie so you can click on bind and that will B it so you can duplicate that duplicate that duplicate that and each of these guys will need to be rebound because they're so you can click on nothing and click on bind so it takes a moment because it's doing all of them if you click on nothing but it helps you sort out all the binds in the scene um and that is basically it so we have you know more Pockets we can add like down here you can add this one click on Divine accessory and grab it you can scale it along the Zed axis to make it um poke out more or less and then click on bind and what else do we have we have this Buckle which is also pretty cool you can add it here but one thing I've learned with this Buckle is it's good if you rotate it downwards first when it starts um it also works you know fine by default but and remember to press Divine accessory so it sorts out and makes it how it's supposed to be then you can click B um yeah so apart from the pocket and the Buckle this Adon also tried to keep everything tidy so it's moved everything um into the Divine t-shirt so the Divine t-shirt kind of which is a jacket moves everything with it so it try to keep everything tidy um I'll sort these out as well so that they also um are parented to the jacket and we just keep everything tidy um this Buckle as well I would want this par to took off so yeah now when you press play Everything Is sorted you [Music] can some things are slower than others like you have three new simulation things here now you have this guy you have this guy and you have this guy so you can click on you can set their um you can set their end B to the scene end frame that's 151 I'll make this automatic as well I don't want you fiddling with all this but you can set the end cases and um click on bable Dynamics or save it and V Dynamic and I'll show you how it looks in the end and render out the final thing so we are practically done thanks so much for watching there will be more focus on trousers and and other cloth types as I get your feedback in Discord um as a slow pce tutorial this has taken about 25 minutes mainly because I'm also showing you the new features just added along the way my time doing the whole thing is about 6 and 1/2 minutes I have to always measure time at the end because though Divine C makes cloth creation easier while developing I also need to make sure it's all as fast as possible once again let me know whether this tutorial was too fast or too slow and lastly quick story someone left a really sad review on Divine C which unfairly brought it down to four stars he didn't even ask me any questions or anything before posting the one star review I felt so sad because I always try my best and try to respond as fast as possible to anyone that leaves a message or makes an inquiry so I decided to both rant and take action and honestly the Divine Community surprised me I sent out an email explaining what happened and that I have now opened the Discord Community where we can share our work and ask questions they felt for me and rushed to leave a bunch of heartfelt reviews which pulled it back to five stars where I'm trying my best to keep it that explains the surge of reviews yesterday I guess that's God's way of turning a bad event into something beautiful now we're closer so I want to thank you all so so much for the honest reviews I always say if it's not five stars please let me know what exactly is making that one star missing and I will try my best to get it solved as soon as possible it's extremely encouraging knowing that you're all here for this exciting Journey so thanks so much once again and take care [Music]
Channel: Xane Studios
Views: 1,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #xanegraphics, cgi, cgi animation, cbebbies, anime, manga, pop toons, cartoons, xane, graphics, 3d
Id: L6o64xm2tQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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