Creating Hairstyles for 3D Characters in Blender (Part 2 - Character Animation Series)

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in this video we're going to cover adding different hairstyles to our custom characters this is part of the full character creation Series where I show you how to create 3D visualizers with custom characters so with their character selected we need to enter edit mode and then select half the faces for the Scout once we have the faces selected we need to duplicate the mesh and then separate it into its own object then with our scalp object selected we can give it a name now we can add a mirror modifier and select our base model as a Target we also need to add a stricter modifier and once again select our base model as a Target this will ensure our mesh sticks to the base model as we shape the hairline in the next step now we can quickly delete all the materials attached to the scalp just to be able to see it a bit more clearly then in edit mode with personal editing turned on we can start moving the vertices to shape the hairline for our character it's important to look at reference images because this part can be a little tricky once we're happy with how our hairline looks we can apply our mirror modifier now we're finally ready to start adding in the hair [Music] so in the particle properties tab we can add a new particle system and select hair now we can reduce the hairline to something much shorter to match the length that we're going for you'll notice that our hair strands are extremely thick by default so in the hair shape tab we can reduce the thickness by changing the diameter scale let's also make sure to hide our emitter because we don't want to show that in the final render we can also increase the subdivision so the hair strands look more realistic next we can add children to our hair system to add more density to our hair Now to control the styling over here we need to go into particle edit mode this is where we can control the hair strand more precisely we can box select a group of hair and then press Ctrl and the plus button to grow our selection till we get to the root then we can move lengthen and turn the hair using the various brushes till we get the style that we're looking for and once again it's important to have reference images to look at while doing this to get the most realistic result [Music] thank you if we want to give our character a clean fade the easiest way to do this is by adding another vertex group for our scalp mesh then in wave painting mode we can start painting in different values depending on the length of the hair we want in that area so on the top everything will have a weight of one while the sides will fade out from a one to a zero we can use the blur brush to blend in the sides more easily once we're happy with how our weight painting looks we can unhide our air particle system then in the vertex groups option for the length and density we can add in our hair vertex group and now we have a nice clean fade finally we can change the default material to the principal hair bsdf which will look a lot more realistic in the final renders now when it comes to creating an afro-type hairstyle the process is pretty much the same except in the children's job we now need to change the Kink type to curl this will give us a huge curly ball of hair but as we reduce the amplitude the size of the curl will decrease and then if we start to increase the frequency the hair will start to coil more and it will start to match the curl of a typical afro hair strand to give the hair a little more Randomness we can adjust the roughness values we can reduce the size and play around with the random value until we get the desired look we're going for now that we have the correct shape of the hair strands we can adjust the number of children and the hairline till we get the density and the length that we like once again we can use the same technique of weight painting to give our character a fade and if we want to change the length of the afro and style it we can go into particle edit mode and use the various brushes as we saw earlier now when creating dreads the process is a little different so once we add in a new hair particle system we want to add a much higher number of subdivision steps this time since the hair needs to have much more detail then like before we'll decrease the diameter scale till we get thin hair strands next we want to set the number of hair to zero and then in particle edit mode we'll manually add the hair strand so we have more control over where each set of dreads gets added here we'll first add a single piece of hair until we get the right shape with the dried now in the children tab we can set the value to simple but we'll want to reduce the radius to get the right shape we're looking for once again we'll change the king type to curl and then reduce the amplitude and increase the frequency lastly we can adjust the roughness till we get the look we're going for then in the particle edit mode we can start adding in dreads one by one and then comb them into the correct orientation we can also adjust the length of the hair where needed once we have all the dreads added you'll notice that there's still a lot of empty spots on the scalp to fix this we can add another hair particle system but this time create really short hair to cover it up when it comes to creating braids the process is very different compared to the other hairstyles we need to First create a small set of boxes for the scallop where each braid will be coming out of to do this we could start off with our typical scallop mesh but this time start splitting it up by deleting vertices now the shape of the box is up to you and the style that you're going for and once we're happy with how the scalp mesh looks we can start creating the braids to create the braids we first start off with the cube then we scale it down and apply the scale then we need to scale it along the y-axis and add a subdivision modifier to it while still in edit mode we can duplicate it and start forming the shape of the braid next we need to add an array modifier and a curve modifier to be able to control the land and orientation of the braid we need to add a curve to the scene and then link this curve to our modifiers on our braid object foreign that we can control with our curve if the braid is either too big or too small we can scale it but we need to make sure we apply the scale so it always lines up proportionally to the curve at this point we could start adding the braids to the scalp one by one adjusting the length and the shape throughout the process we can also change the thickness of the braid in different areas by selecting a point on the curve and then pressing alt as you scale it once we have all the braids added then we can add in the short hair for the scalp as we did previously for the dreads finally we can add material for the hair and make any other adjustments until we're happy with how our braids look when creating facial hair we could start off by selecting a couple of faces and then duplicate them and separate them into their own object then we can apply the mirror modifier and the shrinker modifier as before now in edit mode we can start extruding the vertices to create a shape of our beard once we have our base mesh created we can add in our hair particle system and then start shaping the beer till we get the look that we like and that is it for this video If you enjoyed it please like And subscribe in the next part of the series we'll be going over adding outfits to our custom characters using Marvelous Designer I'll see you there
Channel: Sal
Views: 31,779
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Id: 8yG8rMfLU_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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