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but is up everybody okay here's a real short one because it's a Easter holidays I you know saying so uh metahuman animator now uh metahumans inside of Unreal Engine you get some cool like animations right uh but how do you execute them if you inside of met human right met at human you go to Common you go to coming again I don't know is it common again oh on mate okay let it uh just run and inside of that you get uh there's nothing in moap is there is there mate let me just have a look lovies no okay so in common you get pose library right click on that Library go to face expressions Vis maze you get like all of these Expressions all right for your human and you get Expressions over here now how do you use this how do you use these for the medicum first thing you going want first thing you don't want to do is make a make a folder somewhere uh I'm just going to put it over here because I'm got to delete put it nicely though in your project and go to uh where is it where is it uh cinematics level sequence click click on the level sequence call it Bob make sure you call it Bob I'm joking call it whatever you want okay obviously give it a name that that's relevant uh not Bob not Bob Bob doesn't work okay uh and what I got to do is I'm going to click on that and in the details panel I'm going to double click it and I am going to just uh put in a uh you don't need to do this but it's it's for you to see actually you do need to see this I don't know I'm going to add Bob no I'm not going to add Bob why I'm going to add Bob I'm going to add the metahuman click on the Met human say add BP and uh you'll get a human mate you'll get human uh tired been traveling so uh just just really tired man uh this is just a nice way to see what's being used okay uh now soon as you get soon as you do that and you add your medic human you'll get animation and place actors over here in the on the side right which is nice look as soon as you pick your meta human uh you'll get you'll get these panels animation and place actors and this will be on the side here now once you get that and you want to access these animations you just got to go to uh poses right here and it'll open this mate okay it'll open this control rig pose uh from there just right click on all and say add existing folder to view click on that love and then you'll go back down to the metahumans right here you go to common common again and you'll go to pose Library okay and just you can click on that POS library and say okay and all a su mate you'll get met at humans here common common and POS Library lovely you can click on the face and you can open up either the expressions or the vises now what this does is if if I click on one of these you'll see it kind of opens up all of these uh let's try and get this in a way that we can see it all right um all right there we go let's try and click off the I'm just going to hit G on the keyboard so it hides everything so you can click on one of these and then you can go to here it gives you like a few options at the bottom here select control controls it'll select all the controls in your sequencer on your face rig right that need that need to be uh keyed to get this expression and then you can say paste from pose and Bam you get it isn't that lovely a't that lovely mate look at that Ah that's what he's saying and over here you know you can you can do what oh you can do whatever you can you can you can key everything you know if you just hit s on the keyboard you've keyed that you can go to the next frame and you can click on this one and then you can go down here and you can say select controls and you can say paste and you get the next one so now look at him ah what up you see and that's how you can start just utilizing these kind of I'm just going back and forth on the sequencer you can move a little bit more you can select another pose and anyway way this gives you the the nice thing select controls paste and you'll you you'll keep getting these these wicked wicked libraries mate Wicked poses um so that's pretty cool and then over here you know you've got other ones youve got vism so this is for the mouth uh you can use this to talk for instance okay if I put that like that say select it paste it bam if I do that select it select controls paste it does nothing okay let's select a more extreme what select controls paste it bam okay and so on you can you can sh Noob yeah there we go are Noob so real quick one to utilize to get some Expressions onto your meta humans it's kind of like a hidden Library uh but it's there and you can use it love okay um and you can get your meta humans to swear at ay you can get it you no anyway guys I hope you have a great Easter I hope this helps and speak to you later bye guys
Channel: imagine everything
Views: 1,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, 3d, vfx, motion graphics, 2d, daz 3d, daz, maya, unreal, UE5, blender, painter, photoshop, lectures, tutorials, How to, Unreal 5.2, Metahuman, Reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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