METAHUMAN KILLA? A first look at reblium. Not just a character creator.

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today we're going to talk about something pretty cool now there is a new program that's coming out okay it's called reum reum reum I don't know it's an odd name you'll forget it reum re I don't know it's an odd name but uh no one cares about the name let's look at what this is let's look at what this is this is actually amazing this is a metahuman competitor right uh so this is early beta there's a lot of bugs with it still you know completely revolutionizing it's not met human and all these others have but let's see what they do let's see let's see what they do differently to what metum does it all right um now take into account there's quite a few character creators out there we know that we got DZ we got real usion we got metahuman which is free if you're using Unreal Engine and then we got this which I don't know what their pricing models are yet okay I don't know what they pricing no except effect that we building okay so let's load it up let's see what it's like let's see if it's any good it's a beta remember there's going to be a ton of bugs in this thing but let's have a look what it is already let's have a look what it is okay so they don't have a scale button for the uh thing it took me a while to get this resolution and all fitting so I could record it uh you really need like a a minimized button and uh you know window where you can drag how big you want the program please that's so important right so you start off you'll get uh a thing saying demo you click on demo since you can't log in yet or anything and then you come into this avatars Gallery templates games try none of the these are grayed out they don't work you got a gallery which is nothing there and you got your avatars here you've got edit delete all these kind of things at the bottom here and then you've got creation generative mode artistic mode 2D photo mode prompt mode all right you can prompt it and build AI virtual present I mean this is insane let's have a look at the settings quick so this is what I'm talking about these are great out uh they're not working yet but the quality you can set to what you want the groom quality is gr out so nothing's working there yet this is your resolution which I had to choose this so I could get it fitting in uh recording and then you've got like wow screen you've got face up accents you can work with all of this stuff and then you can export you can set your lods your blend shapes AR kit met human cards Grooms type I mean it's ridiculous there's a lot of choice here which is pretty damn cool so let's uh let's have a look into it let's go to generative mode and there he is so this one's not working too well I couldn't find any controls or anything so I kind of got out of this one and started again demo so that's where you'll start off then you get this kind of thing artistic mode okay so click artistic mode right this is how you start generating it looks like it and now you get all of these things you get the Avatar so select your avatar here I mean they've got some crazy looking things here man absolutely insane wow once again this is a this is a beta it's there's going to be a million things wrong with this okay so take it with a grain of salt for now but look at the potential that is here which is absolutely ridiculous then you can go to skin for blending drag and drop items here by holding right Mouse button you can't really drag and drop into here because you don't you can't minimize the screen so that's a that's a very difficult one I'm not going to play with this now because I can't get out of here I did ask them about this whole minimize thing and a couple of other questions uh they got back to me once or twice but then they said they put into slack and they would get back to me on a couple of these questions which you all know means nothing they won't get back it'll get lost it's just another way of saying that I think I've been in this industry long enough to understand that which brings me to customer support customer support is vital if you want to succeed if there is no customer support you will fail customer support is King more than your program more than anything else it's customer support make sure you get that right in your company at such an early stage if you get that you're halfway there man your product is great your customer support needs to be better uh okay let's let's get on okay if I get out of here it minimizes the whole thing it's it doesn't work but over here you can select the kind of skin you're looking for which is absolutely insane you can blend between the original I takeen for now and that I mean this is insane this is this is really nice uh you got your tan how much tan you want which is quite crazy you've got your saturation which you can really oversaturate in this you know met a human kind of keeps it within boundaries so you can't go overboard but I like to be able to know that I can go overboard if I want to so I I very much like this I mean this is quite extreme what you can do here this is quite this is quite crazy a l a lot a lot age how old okay okay this needs a little bit more work uh but they do have like kind of these these maps that start driving the age which not bad it's not bad it's just not there yet more variation here definitely uh what does that say rosak I don't know what that means but I guess it's the cheeks and over here obviously it would be nice if you could change the colors of these which would be really cool birth marks you got birth marks you got moles there's a couple of moles acne I don't see any acne oh slightly slightly okay okay okay you got uh this oh wow that is incredible that's insane that's nice but once again we need to be able to change the colors 100% uh pimples you got a little pimples there mate would be nice to have like different maps that you can put on yourself of variations like metahumans and of course freckles you got the freckles there there we go I've created an Abomination mate makeup right let's have a look there you can just check on some lips to uh so I mean you've got nice you've got a lot of variation it's very cool very cool change the color of that that's nice you know and there's a lot of different ones to go around very cool oh I like that I like that I like it okay I'm going to leave the lips off now first item randomize lipstick oh okay you can randomize what's this first item oh easy way to get back last item first item that's cool nice to have right if I put in the lips I can do the opacity of the lips the metallic oh okay how gloss I see those lips are wow that's cool put on like a something like that mate keep your pass down a bit something like that there we go something chilled something chilled nice then you've got ey Shadow once again you can just randomize the ey Shadow oh no okay we're back like I say there's there's a lot of bugs there's a a lot of bugs here but let's just see what it is metallic I mean this is crazy glossy this is this is awesome you got the eyeliners randomize some of them get some eyeliners going boom boom boom okay nice uh you've got what this this is awesome and I presume you'll be able to bring in all your own maps and and deal with them straight inside of here but the stuff they've given man look at this this is this is absolutely Wicked Man they're not just sticking to humans you can create what it looks like creatures and monsters and animal fues flues what whatever they called but this is just insane this is fantastic wow and the details are well done let's make a clown mate call it Ari let's make a clown let's make an Arie here's an Arie a dog no dogs are cute I mean just absolutely insane like these are beautifully done as well look at that wow ey lenses wow I mean this goes far beyond metahuman doesn't it some things in met human are really nice but once again this is a beta this is a beta and they've got this it's absolutely insane and you can change you can't change the colors okay you can't okay so first item nice get back quickly love that right so you've that's your makeup then you've got groom and you can start picking a hairstyle they've got a lot of variation let's see how many variations they got they got quite a few they got quite a few they got a good set wow that is impressive H that is very impressive and obviously these will all be dynamic these will all be dynamic it's groom and this is just insane w we wait I want like a where is that one there let's just stick with something chilled right now beautiful isn't it you got your blend which I don't see much of a difference there I don't know what that is contrast maybe if you're just taking different like oh there we go there we go wow all really good that's really good to make it like a oh wow wow wow wow wow wow age the greyness of the air the greenness of the AR look at that let's keep it a little bit like that that's looking sexy isn't she looking sexy so that's your air your eyebrows you can choose your [Music] eyebrows it's insane man it's insane M wow wow eyelashes different eyelashes on the on the GLE let take a little bit of different eyelashes on the Geral that's beautiful man that's really be let's let's get some big ones look at that and then you can change the melon melon melon melon the mustache you can put it that's amazing look at that look at that we little bastard look at that it's like a biker chick look at that so absolutely incredible man wow you can blend you can oh you can trim you can trim and look at that that [ __ ] you know this is infant stages but this is absolutely incredible the manoline body manal what's that you can add different colors I don't see any colors maybe you got to blend it more no I don't know I don't know but this trim is bloody good first item I love these buttons man I didn't think much of them before but that's a winner that's an absolute winner well done well done look at this look at this look at this this is what a feature what a feature look at this we Bastard with a Santa Claus looking beard but look at the power look at the power you have on this that's bloody ridiculous once again you get a million kind of beards and each one of them has this trim feature which is probably the coolest feature I've seen that's just crazy man wow that that's awesome that's awesome what is this do man is this is this supposed to do anything what what does that do what does blend do I don't know and then let's just uh first item boom love that feature love that feature love that M and then this is just hair cards okay this is a hair cut system wow wow but here you can go ahead and choose real here awesome then you've got sculpt now this is this is a say eyes look at the eyes oh she's very pretty wow wow wow I mean that's pretty cool close beautifully closed wow what's this ey move look at this you can take these ones down here and create a [Music] night that is that is awesome what is this eyes move oh this is in and out so look there you've got like little gaps here or something that [ __ ] fix it oh he this is beautiful but God I love that look at that hello hello my name is grel wow okay let's not destroy it too much I guess something like that okay uh now this I love asymmetry that you can control asymmetry that you can control that's a that's a really beautiful feature look at this boom boom it's a Monster boom now if I mess this up reset the default back B ah that resets everything though I don't know I don't know maybe it just resets that let's just have a look here let's go to nose and let's do this and reset no that's beautiful it just resets the eyes that's beautiful that's well played well played that's really beautiful bring it down a little bit like that let's get onto the nose the size of that bastard let's get a little Michael Jackson nose what is this asymmetry once again beautiful love that and the depth of the nose awesome mouth I guess it's the same thing how big the mouth is you can rotate it up and down oh man this is awesome push it out a little bit look boom boom and uh I suppose just position it wow man wow wow wow yeah bastards have made something really cool I mean this is great you can see this was created by a bunch of artists there I mean they' got stuff in here which is I mean it's just having fun everything is just having fun with it inflate oh chubby chubby chubby and this is just like a nice way of it's a nice way of working with things wow what does this do now oh like a bastard it's jaw size of the jaw little jaw jaw protusion look at this actually the kill once again you can randomize things if you you know whatever if you're not happy with what it's doing you can randomize things now you get the body look at that little we fella that little we F all right arms now this is the only thing I don't like if I want to reset it to one item you know just do what unreal does here have little ticks here right you know those little things if I click it it resets that parameter only click click click click so reset a default is great if you want everything keep it but these kind of things man you need one for each one just just in case you want to just reset something because if I do this I can't I can't control Z but later on if I want to reset something it would be nice to have it right muscular how muscular they are how chubby how chubby they are wow man the shapes are ridiculous in this thing the shapes let's get back on the eyes let's get back on the eyes let's see how badly I've destroyed this wow let's say you want a different lighting you can do it here you can just click over here and you can get your different lighting what I prefer is a drop down menu because if I if I like this one and I got over it by mistake I got to go all the way around hold on hold done you double click it mate you pick Direction I mean this is bloody brilliant mate you've done it you've done it exactly what I wanted it to do you've done it double click it interior exterior interior Direction look this is insane that's awesome dramatic look how dramatic this man now and again you get something very exciting and you know a lot of you will say oh stop the voices go yourselves Ari it's when I'm excited I do these voices look I'll do a French one too but this is this is awesome man this is fantastic select the lighting you want the direction this is insane insane well done I'll get on to these later let's just have a look a little bit more let's get a a lighting that just soft box oh man this is beautiful look at this I want that uh you can pick the iris as you want uh the eyes I do believe need a little bit of work just a little bit of work there something not right about them but that's just a material right that's just a Shader you can fix that yourself right veins oh hi oh and I would also love one for like a couple of strong ones in the eyes that would be lovely random mind Iris change your look change whatever you want W so you have control you have control not perfect control I mean perfect control would mean like maybe how big the the iris is or how big this is or whatever but it's a beta it's a beta once again you've got eyeball sizeer wait a minute maybe I'm speaking too quickly again now I would love a control Z here or reset because I got to reset that to default but you can change different ones what is this where they are for some reason but you've got that control you've got that control for some reason if you wanted that control you have that control I don't think I'd ever use it but I have it in case for that one thing that I needed it's there and then you can redo the ears all right we get this we we get it you you got customizations we got it look how to fix the hair look at that look at that look at how it fixed the air isn't that Bloody brilliant isn't that Bloody brilliant you can have all these wonky looking ears they set the default make it a little bit smaller let's go to the Ed let's go to the goddamn Ed of this thing Ed move look at the size of that head that needs a noggin fuging d aging okay underweight okay muscular overweight OB hi okay and then you can do all the stuff teeth open mouth Bop and then you can choose the kind of teeth you want which is bloody brilliant now over here i' like I like the way metahumans does this where they've got like that scraggle how much I do like the way am of humans does this because you have so much ridiculous control but once again this is a beta it's a beta so let's see where they go with this and then the neck neck tense let's try and get a a little bit of lightting there all right neck tense too very cool man very cool very cool and now where this takes it that step further met humans is literally the face this is an entire body and then you get to the Wardrobe and look they've got a billion not a billion a billion is a lot a billion is a lot but they've got a lot of clothes you can use a little bit of fixing up there whatever but they've got a lot of clothes look at this look at this it's ridiculous it's ridiculous that's a little weird what's up with the arms anyway it's crazy it's crazy this is awesome this is awesome you know like you can't really look at it what it is now this is the beginning of this this is the absolute start to this program but my God K Footwear you can add boots look more than one shoe as well okay I think it's snapping because I got this Auto camera how do I it just keeps resetting why why can't do anything okay you can't zoom up to the feed for some reason I'm sure that'll be fixed it is what it is it is what it is uh accessories you've got ATS look you've got a at and it automatically disappear the hair all right it should C the hair in all honesty it's not and if they could make it fit the hair wow they can make that fit the hair that's a winner that's incredible and you got glasses oh random glasses let's do this let's do the size of the glasses it would be nice if it conformed but once again it's just accessories you've got a lot of different glasses uh you can reset the default and just keep randomizing you've got a couple okay you've got a couple uh first item none I love I I didn't think I would love a button this much in my life I didn't think I'd love a button that much and then you got earrings look at that Jesus look at that that's stunning that's really beautiful look you've got little earrings to piercings you got the piercing in your piercing in your nose Okay it would be nice to be able to add multiple it would be nice to add multiple but I'm sure I'm sure they'll come up with that sometime right I'm sure of it I'm sure I'm sure of it right after that you got scenes and props no icon uh so what it sounds like is that you can you can they'll have these things or you can bring in your own you can rotate your props there is no props there is a prop look at that look at that and what does this do oh oh you can just go over it plant Center it move the prop rotate it look at this you got to click that one the other ones you just got to go over and it does stuff up and down this is a little Annoying I don't want that I don't want this I don't I don't just give me a just this is cool just give me a widget though give me a a normal widget that I can manipulate myself I'm good with that I'm good with that that's cool a nice little gimmick but it is a gimmick and then you've got a generator you can just look at this look at this randomizer eyes offset prompt you can prompt something wow 8K look at this you can prompt these things negative generate generate generate you can go into a randomizer generate join offset put that up boom look at this you could just start just kind of putting things up generate and then you got a render button what is that can you render it inside the program I shouldn't have wow wow Save look at this look at this save before save it's ridiculous is it AI generating the renders it's an AI r that is this is insane this is a metahuman Destroyer this is an Absolut this is please sir can I have another look at this you can just take some stuff here put an afro on there some hair some clothes render not render not render it's the wrong button I want to regenerate the bastard that that's just ridiculous this is that that's what it is and that's what it it's ridiculous it's beautiful it's beautiful save after the gallery save before okay this is ridiculous look at this what about skin do you see skin here female scene mustache long hair it would be nice if they redid the skin as well in this but I don't I don't see it I don't see it generate have I done too much with it did I choose it in my avatar can I take it back let's go here oh oh a all right something is wrong set to default something's wrong here is it the Avatar I took what is it what is it why why I okay it's bugged I'm sure it's just bugged everybody chill out okay then you've got these and if I double click on them oh oh here we go here we go you know when you get a song you're like yeah this is a cool song and there and then when you put in all your energy in the dance this is awesome oh yeah wow man arid okay arit I don't know what to do there look at camera I've got that on it's not looking at the camera right this is just speeding up the animations how fast you want it there we go let's leave it on one idle okay this one you you can you can okay you can click these or you can double click them and you can select your thing you can reset oh okay that's a dangerous button that is a very dangerous button reset is an extremely dangerous button be careful with that one that resets everything that's that's going to have some people going God damn godamn but this generator there we go now it's working okay it's bugged and it's fine it's a beta it's a beta don't complain about all this stuff this is why they're rolling it out but these humans have character to them they've got character let's see that Bloody Renda again this is so exciting this is amazing look man there's a lot of things you can see the look but look at these things look at the this this this is why we're here and now these go directly into Unreal Engine right so you've got your help menu you've got all your shortcuts hide ah okay that's nice tab up and down switch camera okay switch camera up and down right hide okay go back let's see what else they got getting started they've got shortcuts can you add a I can't add the name to this for some reason I don't know file you can delete export you can export this so I'm going to save this out it's saving the character out let's see how easy this is to get into metahuman okay that would be an interesting one export edit reset settings okay we've seen all the settings you could go crazy these aren't on yet and 2011 Labs I mean external you you can use all the stuff what right in here can you use chat gbt okay nothing's working yet uh blend shapes art kit meta human car I mean damn man damn look at this character that's insane okay some little things but that's it's not a big it's not a big thing right wardrobe you can probably just go straight here accessories go to glasses and you could probably lift these glasses is up there we go well doesn't look like somebody I want to mess with but okay uh and that's it face M that's not working yet transform joints none of this is working yet all great out Stills moving do okay wow wow but oh you can also change the background the color of your background look at that that is looking so damn good once again you can get to settings from here as well Auto follow camera and that seems like the entire program simplistic couple of options would be amazing obviously uh it looks like you might be able to bring in your own characters to create here that skin okay so this looks like maybe you drag in pictures or images or something I wonder if you can you can make characters from your own sculpts okay this is yours would be nice to just import one here or something uh but this this is this is mind-blowing this is incredible my dad care well done well done on let's do it can't do that way [Music] look at this look at this hey sexy you know when they move their hair from the side to side this is incredible well done well done to these guys whatever their name is I can't pronounce their name not a real easy name all right not an easy name mate but here's your user guide you got everything this is great well done this I cannot wait to see where this goes put me on them beers I I want to test the hell out of this thing there we go you want a dog you've got a dog that fluts its hair okay you want that thing okay you've got that thing you want a furry with a lot of plastic surgery I mean this isn't limited to just humans you can make creatures creatures is there's something that resembles an abatar avatard well done anyway that's it I'm going to be playing with this thing for a long time this is amazing well done well done I cannot wait to see where this goes this is a metahuman absolute killer this is incredible H ai's going to love this one it's going to it's going to generate a lot of cash now let's wait for their pricing models Lord help us with their pricing model models that's where people kind of just break everything you know that's where things collapse onto each other and that's where you kind of like okay meta human's good enough for me let's wait for their pricing mod models because that's where people get greedy right it's probably not going to be a stationary thing it's probably going to maybe a buy per character subscription nobody knows uh the way mines work today it's always a subscription right and uh I'm done with subscriptions I'm done with them I can't stand them I ate it's the pivotal of greed and humans you know if they can get that last scent they will so let's see how these people price these things I'm interested to see otherwise it's fantastic the actual program itself is going to be an absolute Beauty the pricing module I'm terrified of let's see how that works um and well done so far well done we'll do another one once that pricing module comes out but otherwise well done this is this is awesome well done
Channel: imagine everything
Views: 1,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, 3d, vfx, motion graphics, 2d, daz 3d, daz, maya, unreal, UE5, blender, painter, photoshop, lectures, tutorials, How to, Unreal 5.2, Metahuman, Reviews
Id: O6q27xeFf6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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