Daz 3D Beginners Tutorial : Building Custom Characters

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome to my channel my name is Rocco I hope you're doing well uh if you remember the last video that I did we had a quick Del off into the shape and tab uh which we can see down here if you're not seeing that video yet and you're not quite sure what I'm talking about just take a look in the top right there where you'll be able to see a link to that particular video and I did give a little spoiler a little promise at the end of that they're in the next video this video that we were going to start creating a few unique uh characters uh based on the shape and tab and some things that we can do in there but I'm not going to be messing around and playing around with no shapes and ear shapes I'm going to do it really simple and show you how you can do it yourself very easily uh in your own copy of Daz over here on this on The View part that you've got you can see I've got a bit of a crazy setup here we've got the main view part down here showing three models uh and up here we've got the headshots of each individual model uh this model is John nine this is the base Genesis 9 uh female model that we get and this over here is Victoria now what you might notice by them all they're all identical other than the faces that you can see they've all got the same hair all got the same body shapes even wearing the same bikini or be it different colors and the important thing is that we're really going to focus on is just these three shots up to up top here where we're showing off the individual faces now if we were to come up and give the left Model A click this model is dual and as we can see if we give it a little click and just come down onto the shape and tab for a moment and then click on currently used we can see that the only sliders that are in place there are the John 9 head and the Victorian nine body and this mouth realism uh slider that we've got there again if we come across to the right model uh we'll be able to see that this is I'll just select it correctly that this is Victorious we've got the Victoria 9 head Victorian Arm body again and the mouth realism about 100 also and then if we click on the middle model uh click on currently use we can see that the only thing that's being applied is the Victorian name body and the mouth realism but no head slider and this is why we're getting the Genesis 9 bass head now what we're going to do in this video is we've got to give Jonah over here and Victoria nine over here a love child well what we're going to do we're just going to blend the two heads together in this Central uh the central screen here the Central View part and we're going to create a unique character based on these two characters that we've got it's very simple very easy all we need to do is we we make sure that the the middle model is selected as you can see there and if we were to come up and we were to type in June into the little filter box it won't if it connects uh just give her a little clicking adjourn and click on all we can see all the sliders that are associated with John that are on my system and that's very important if you do an abjone you won't be able to do it exactly with John you'll have to do this with another model that you've got installed but here you can see Jordan 9 head right here so if I give that a click and what I'm going to do I'm just going to apply 50 of the jaw 9 head slider to the Genesis bass Genesis 9 slider that we've got up here in the middle view part and I'm going to click return and once all my screen has updated you can see that the Genesis 9 base model in the center here has changed it's not looking as as basic as what she did previously and that's because we've got 50 of the head slider from John here now applied to that Center model already she's looking pretty unique but we're going to do that a little bit further again and what we're going to do this time as I'm going to up in the filter box over in the shape and tab there I'm going to replace John with Victoria so we're looking at all the sliders that I've got and only filtering out the ones of Victoria and as you can see there there's the Victoria 9 head it's currently at zero again I'm just going to put a 50 in there and I'm going to click return and so now that everything is updated as you can see we've applied the victory to Victoria nine head 50 of it we can see now that we've got a blend of John 9 and Victoria nine in our middle model there where before that there was the uh base Genesis 9 model now a couple of things that you need to bear in mind if you're doing this ideally if we just click on the middle model Sorry by the click on the used uh and get rid of the Victoria we can see on there we've got the Jordan 9 and the Victorian and both at 50 now on those head Sliders in an Ideal World you want those sliders to add up to 100 uh you don't have to you can go up to 75 or you can go up to 125 maybe 150 if you wish but ideally you want to if you're going to be blending these models you ideally you want the the sliders to add up to 100 if you go too far above 100 you might start getting some weirdness taking place and the models might turn into something you'll see in a horror film but get them to add up to about 100 with a little bit of leeway either side and you should be absolutely fine uh you know we've gone 50 50 there I could have went 75 June or 25 Victoria or vice versa or a mixture of however I wanted the second thing that you need to bear in mind is that you don't have to stick to just two models you can do three you can do five you can do eight what I'm going to do now because it takes a while for the screens to update I'm going to play around I'm going to add some more blending of different models into it and we're going to have a look at the result at the end and we'll see what the head shapes you're uh down here when I've completed it so will only be a moment for you I'll come back when I when I've sorted all this out and we'll have a take a look at what we've got and so after a short while of playing around with the sliders that uh I have installed on my system this is what we've come up with my little unique model uh and I've done so as you can see over here on the currently used sliders I've got I've done so using these sliders that you can see here now I kept John at 50 because she had a little bit of a unique look and I wanted to to build it around that unique that look that John has Victoria I dropped down to 20 as you can see there I've added Van Helsing into 20 and then I've had a couple of little extras in there just at 10 just to add a little bit of a ride into it you'll also notice I've added Jones HD details on there to 100 and I've also cranked up the sub d uh high res resolution on there as well if you don't know what that is there's a video up in the top right which you'll be able to check out uh to get high resolution models and like I said this is the finished result a little unique model based off these sliders that I have in the shape and uh section that you can see there now as I mentioned earlier if you don't have these models Jordan 9 or Van Helsing or whatever you will be able to recreate this exactly because it's only based on what models you have installed in your system but uh you'll be able to take what you have and just combine them in any way that you want to create a little unique model that only you probably will be using in your own images there is a slight restriction you can only use gen model gen 9 sliders on Genesis 9 characters gen 8 sliders on Janet eight models and gen 3 mods you can't cross uh cross contaminate if you want so you can put gen 9 sliders and mix or gen 9 slider with a gen 8 slider but follow those simple rules try and get them adding up to 100 around about 100 I think I've gone about 110 there about 120 maybe 910 keep it within that range of between 75 and 125 when they're added up and you can end up creating a whole bunch of unique models that only you will be using in your own renders and nobody else will be using them thanks for watching that's how simple it is if you've got something out on this video then please give me like and uh subscribe if you haven't already any questions just drop them down below in the comment section and I'll answer them as soon as I possibly can so thanks for watching unique characters I'll catch you next time bye bye now [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Rauko
Views: 13,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz3d unique models, daz3d shaping morphs, daz3d create model, Daz3d, daz 3d, daz studio, daz 3d beginner tutorial, daz3d beginner tutorial, daz 3d tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz user interface, daz tutorial, daz 3d tutorial for beginners, daz 3d add clothing, daz 3d clothing color, daz 3d character creation, daz 3d character, daz 3d character design, daz3d create character, daz 3d create character, daz 3d clothing, daz 3d apply pose, daz 3d posing, daz3d custom characters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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