Make Money Recycling Scrap Metal on Garbage Day

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Oh Oh steeper rubber bands alright so yes I'll take the controller some of the chords good morning welcome to the scrapping pallet man Channel I'm excited about Friday because it's one of the biggest scrap days all of south of DeKalb Cortland and a little piece of Sycamore it's garbage day so yeah we're gonna try to find stuff on the curb or in the dumpster who knows but I do know that our journeys gonna start right now so it's still kind of dark the sun's not up yet but I picked up this bicycle and that grill but it was dark enough to where I put my GoPro in my little head strapped in backwards and so all of my footage of me picking this up the GoPro is actually stared at my forehead instead about looks like metal to me all right let's pick it up yep so the barbecue pit or a fire pit [Music] hello-o eat your hosts crap you guys can't see anything in yeah I definitely like the a little bit brighter here a little bit brighter now I can't see clearly now the dark is gone oh yeah where's my key find stuff when you need oh hey even as keys early another pool ladder is that commutative theme for today does that tell me I need to go on a vacation to a pool resort okay hmm we're gonna pack this in what scoot this guy backwards [Music] all right it's getting ridiculous morning good good all right I think I saw a metal yeah not light either just fine I think I see some metal looks rusty that's tough the middle can some other metals don't worry coming after you next plastic wood no I hear laughs yeah it's a coaxial going to shred baby cord those are some pretty awesome shoes right there that's what I'm talking about definitely there's a lamp of some sort back in here tangled up what is here wait what's in there a falling ball really a little dangerous yeah that'll be a less dangerous [Applause] it's quite the long cord that's of no value its lampshade there's some metal to it I guess that cord alright so digging through this this is an entire junk drawer oh I'm gonna do you all tell me to do just take the whole box sort through it later it's in this bin Jacob kinds of stuff in here Sonique controller little stapler rubber bands alright so yes I'll take the controller some of the cords [Music] value hunka metals yes all right we got there's another little section here I mean I'm not poking through too much any chance this is mental nope just tubes I'll bet those are great shipping tubes for people that do eBay a lot definitely all right so the scrap yard just opened up seven months ago so and that's just right on the corner I'm gonna drop off the scrap and then I'ma head back on out nothing wrong with this little piece of scrap metal sign me up look at that truck that's ridiculous good morning how are you yeah we got some goodies yeah good for you that's why I like having a bunch of stuff in the back of my truck because it Flags people down so I was driven by you guys I can't you on this thank you sir Salvation Army has some pallets what I'm talking about scrap and pallet scrap and pallets don't go together at all yeah I made the light good stuff Tim goes right over here the stuff offloaded and so it's 7/16 now where's your guest do you think it's 4000 pounds I'm gonna guess exactly four point [Music] nope three thousand nine hundred forty three thousand hundred sixty forty sixty okay 3000 oh come on all right it's going back and forth I mentioned budge a little bit choose one or the other alright well we got this morning that's not really copper is it you know what I'm gonna use my magnet and see some of you copper into the Shred pile I'll bet it's not that steel yeah sure does look like copper doesn't it [Music] three thousand seven twenty three thousand seven hundred twenty it's kind of a windy day hopefully my that windscreen works happy Friday are you up to what are you good at spelling for the most part I'm at the grammar police please all right that's my chat always ask me like proofread things before it gets like sent out to like up the printer or whatever because I catch everything good how are you on Facebook are you like the grammar nazi there I don't even bother commenting on stuff like that just so Caitlyn said as I was saying that I was having some low energy and she said try Celsius orange raspberry all right I'm gonna try that right now so the what's in it like just energy stuff vitamin is all natural no preservatives no sugar there's like think there's like ten calories in the old can but can't mean no jitters no crash all right then it's healthy for you I need vitamins my body's screaming give me some nutrients so $10.80 yeah it's time to go do some more garbage but well first I want to go get some of that Celsius stuff I had it all hidden underneath my stuff so yeah $10 an 80 cents and how many pounds was it 240 pounds Wow huh cool day it did weighed me in at 39 60 which is a high and then the 37:20 so 240 pounds got $10.80 yeah that would have been definitely more earlier this summer or in the spring but still the price $90 in that time is still more than it was my first start of scrapping last summer there last spring yeah so that spring it was 80 yeah it was 70 or $80 in it ton all right let's see what this Celsius is all about yeah oh and I'm gonna drop that box of goodies off at my storage unit so I can go run it off to uh the garbage day some racing against the garbage man so I don't have a lot of time to waste oh and also remind me to show you that the base amplifier works yeah let me forget all right Caitlyn Celsius live fit sparkling orange healthy energy accelerates metabolism burns fat zero sugar clinically proven dietary supplement was a mouthful my affiliate link is down in the description no it's alright listen let's try that out I'm not an affiliate for anything I probably should do that a lot of YouTube people are affiliates with a bunch of different stuff you know what that is an empty truck let's go take care of that [Music] [Music] yep our ticket give this empty truck not anymore yeah that Celsius drink was pretty good it kinda reminds me of baby aspirin and that's not a bad thing actually I liked the taste of baby astronaut kid I think I saw an appliance you okay if I recycle your dishwasher thank you have a great day you guys see a big chunk of metal I'm hoping that wind isn't too bad on the recording oh yeah a couple pieces yeah much rather see this go they be recycled then for it to go to the landfill mmm I see bad frogs get him absolutely now this is the kind that looks like it wants to pinch me and pinch me well I need to be careful you guys been pinched by a bed frame that was a laptop for a second so it wants to be recycled so it presented itself to me yes can't get it with one finger hey I know that guy in that little truck I saw him he was the window washer dude yeah yeah we're talking about the his sides on his truck cuz it's the same truck as mine those might be the cutest mailboxes ever I think I saw a metal chair oh yeah it's definitely going with me that's not what do you think I think the court is still on this yeah it is hello-oh eater Oh scrap I'll get you a cup of coffee I see a bicycle I'm wondering because of kids playing so much Xbox and Playstation and stuff like that is who a certain train is that why all these micelles are getting thrown away cuz they just aren't riding them anymore makes me wonder I mean with with my kid I bet I've had a throw matter that was a couple of times not literally but I've had to say hey go ride your bike go out into the neighborhood like there's no other kids around like let's go exploring you know but I try not to project my childhood and how you know being a kid running around it's gonna start raining on a train in there you know being a kid running around what's going on over here hmm yeah it looks like some straight-up scrap all right get in my truck this is not light all right how am I gonna do this without breaking my back window Wow already awkward hmm oh I'm not comfortable with that at all all right I'm have to redo this a little bit use this man all right it's starting rain and I need to get something to protect this one too it's it's getting more critical that's for sure okay we're good Wow it has darkened up all right scrap or you had I saw a snowblower dan I did saw a snowblower that might be capable I don't know but for now get in my truck [Music] and just a little bit of metal right here on the crib is that nothing a dome tent we'll take this alright check this out this is from my pastor he says hood of a car on the street are in the trash in Sycamore High Street between main and sama dock all right so I'm about 10 minutes away from there yeah so let's finish this little piece in this go to that hood of the car playing in the dirt all right let's go get that card or that is cool I have an army of friends out there sending me texts about scrap that is beyond cool continue I'm sawing off the road for three miles thanks friends you I think I see a hood [Music] let's go get it what am I supposed to do with this definitely hood hmm I think it's best if it goes on the side yeah let's try this again I think that's all right brain we can do about this it's the best idea that I got stay I see some metal yeah I do all right I'll try to be quick [Music] this is a main road to surprise there's no uh scrappers grabbing this think I can fish this into another spot [Applause] alright this actually helps out the whole card or thing alright that storm blew past pretty quick I'll see what's in this neighborhood Wow yeah crane movements made frames there's definitely some work going on around here definitely some work going on around here scrapp that's what I'm talking about it's windy out here extra windy now the starting of this video we were in south part of DeKalb and then we went to Courtland which was the middle and now we're in a little section of Sycamore that still has waste management yeah so that's the three areas now on Friday so Fridays are by far the best scrap days Oh for this you kidding me alright scrapyard is 10 minutes away go m to the truck alright so 217 it's the name of the street Rogers alright 217 Rogers I am definitely gonna guess more than i'ma say 4,100 yeah that's my guess 4,100 Wow look at that 4,000 104 thousand eighty one thousand one hundred ah yes yes I'm talking about hey he's got the magnet out all right let's get check out the magnet that was the bicycle you know that magnet pulls you know anything like nails and screws and nuts and bolts and whatever handles it it's my buddy hey soos let's check it out take up all them nuts and bolts and screws yeah that's what I'm talking about and they use that magnet and they sweep this it definitely helps us out of course aluminum you know and stuff doesn't get picked up by that Oh [Music] [Music] okay so you paid in what's that address 25 thirty Winchester all right 400 pounds of shred was $18 yeah thanks God thanks for the gifts all good things come from you now I'm gonna run back over to 217 Rogers yeah hopefully it's still there I think it will be find it so if you're not following me on instagram definitely do that because I post all of my I post all of my maps has basic the map that I that I'm driving around using that my ride which is from Under Armour that app I put all of those maps onto the Instagram for that day's journeys so yeah it's still there it's getting loaded up pick up something got the cord all right truck do your magic wow this guy's not light a bit higher it is a dryer washer it was heavy am I gonna grip it all right guess that didn't work let's try this again second time was a lot easier let's stand it back up guess I'm gonna get in there to stand it back up definitely too heavy for video from outside the truck I'm sure if I can do it from in here yeah I'll take it for sure is windy day curious how this audio is gonna work out [Applause] I see I see an appliance staring at me yes please two appliances alright it's about time to go hit the scrap yard again that's right all right she's there that's good there's work all over the place yeah so you guys see the prints latest video he was a think in the description it says he has 99 problems but a boss ain't one I love it you know being 50 years old and finally not having a boss that's that's a big deal yeah also I was gonna mention who likes micro scrapping but the best micro scrapper is scrapper Dave yeah I'm gonna link his channel down the description scrapper dave has an amazing channel super good at making the videos he's super detailed he knows so much about electronics it's it's crazy so let's hit our third scrap run for the morning here at old cap iron and metal I'm gonna guess over 4100 what's your guess hmm I'm gonna guess 4160 4140 in 20 but no not 20 go up I've got a question what do you prefer as a viewer that I leave the camera on the top of the truck as I get rid of the strap or when I have it you can see from my point of view you know when I have the GoPro in here and I'm walking around and you know like I do what I'm trash picking I'm not sure which is more favorable to you guys because these videos are are you what's for me to it it's fun to me but let me know yeah I want to put it the strap actually inside of it because it in case this actually kind of launched up and then out of the truck this riff that's all copper whoa bro that could be copper that would be wild wouldn't I was watching the one of the scrapping channels and he was talking about how to get rid of garbage and one of his ideas was to sneak it off the truck at the scrap yard that's I know my viewers wouldn't ever do that so but I just thought it case one of his viewers is watching only take stuff to the scrapyard that's gonna be valuable to them because we're actually selling a product product to steal yeah it's shred steel and I heard the argument that whole as long as you're full load is 70% or more steel you're good yeah that doesn't it doesn't pass the litmus test here doesn't pass muster because let's say if I have all steel am I really gonna put 30 percent wood here plastic just cuz a it matches what you're saying no I forgot I was gonna play a little bass through that new bass amp of mine yeah I think the there's a there's a buzz when I play it louder I think it might be a blown speaker so if it isn't no speaker I just unplug everything plug it back might be a connector issue what kind of we do have 37 40 mm hmm sounds familiar cool so four hundred and sixty pounds of shred was twenty dollars and seventy cents yeah I'm excited about all right so let's go back to my house and play out of that amplifier so god thanks again for a blessing thanks for fun thanks for tastebuds cuz I'm ready for some lunch you're amazing God thank you for being real amen well the amplifier didn't work up until a few minutes ago so that's all I get now so it did work until I cranked it up and had that buzz going but you can still hear the bass play yeah [Music] yeah so it doesn't even matter what the mean plugged in or not but then I was thinking that it was just the the speaker being blonde but if I do the headphones out it's the same sound so that that's bypassing the speaker so the speaker's not blown it has something to do with the head itself the electronics yeah and I had I was totally gonna play like this little thing so I'm gonna play it anyway but I have to use my my real bass actually I was gonna do a Pink Panther thing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 87,504
Rating: 4.8940277 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: iVSc2IAeddA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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