Found in the Garbage

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first stop of the morning sun's coming up goddamn truck I see a little bit of strap I don't want that certainly don't want that I hear a train and it's gonna be a good morning that's for sure that's supers full of detergent stuff yes we got here those Christmas lights attached I'm not grabbing them I do this not awkward so this insulated copper wire at my scrap yard is 30 cents per pound because of the copper content the wire vacuum cleaner is this a power force Bissell those pigeons I hear or is it an owl hmm no I can see it it's a pigeon right on the top I think I saw a little something I was a base plastic or metal Jeff that's what I'm talking about I saw comment the other day and she was like now I know what not to buy are the things that are being thrown away and scrapped those wise words right there how long my shadows you know what guy is on the level when his bubble is in the middle a couple goodies it looks like so machine sooner Sheen's going with me so vertical here and a bit see what else is yeah grab a couple chords and get out of here didn't even need all right mr. plastic is staying here with the microwave feel it strong not doing the glass not selling this on eBay normally I would we're to lift this up but this guy's heavy I learn a trick from scrap vulture a little room not that I remembered all the time you know I don't know a lot of people don't know this but I get texts from various garbage men that says hey Paul got some scrap over here and you guys have seen the tags on stuff it says for scrapper or whatever but the cool thing is that I'm going into neighborhoods that I didn't know existed like I have my little route that I go by but there's like some offshoot little neighborhoods that I'm just not familiar with and so anyway I just got a text it's a take you know come get this bicycle and I'm going through an area and I don't even know that this street actually went through all the way to the next town over I cuz I always went on route 38 which is Lincoln Highway and I'm on like two streets over to the south and I didn't even know that this went through so and I'm not mad you saying oh yeah I don't know my way around I'm just saying it is cool when I learn stuff and I'm experiencing things that I normally wouldn't do in my normal route in the day and I'm just wondering do you have like a normal route that you have in the day yeah driving route or a routine or a schedule or your normal and is it comfortable for you to go outside of that route outside of that normal outside of the the way you always do things because it is a little uncomfortable for me like this road right now that I'm on I have never been on this particular stretch yet cornfields on the right soybeans on the left yeah welcome to Illinois but I didn't know so yeah I am 1.7 miles till I make a left on the road that'll go right into the next town over anyway this probably won't even make it into the video but yeah I do rambling stuff like this a lot image never makes it into the video man this is roughed up well it's actually so rusted it looks cool like it stay spacebar I'm not a big furniture guy but this is just kind of cool why do I like this sturdy I like it I don't know why man you got a repack already vertical now normally I would leave these umbrellas yeah all the time tell us watching Florida scrapper yesterday couple days ago and I did not know about this trick did not know about it until I saw him do it and I'm like yeah I know price someone said in the comments I could've told you that Paul just take the fabric off you be good yeah dude a funk I think this is steel cuz it's heavy you got to remember that steel is like 26 atomic weight 26 and aluminum is 13 literally half I did not know about this thanks Florida scrapper Charles you are awesome yeah couple channels that I watch all the time yeah this Florida scrapper and Mister scrap buddy just I mean just a lot of knowledge it's gonna work what's your an extra into it no that is it beyond cool this might be a luminol this feels much lighter yeah that's one thirteen atomic weight twenty-six atomically yes and what's the atomic weight of hydrogen one helium to helium steel zero before someone calls me out atomic weight of iron is 26 Oh bright light yes man this is a pinch of Matic there's some helium steel someone said steel iam yeah that's a problem others use the wheels one of my mixing up my terms so atomic weight is the total mass of an atom I think it's the protons and neutrons protons and neutrons added together the atomic number is the number of protons I can't remember you know that helium is 2 and hydrogen is 1 and and you know that's that's the atomic numbers I think the atomic mass is a different number and Matt I can't remember little birdies you're broken broke up I don't want to reorganize sure wish this truck would just repack itself whoa dude all right so just okay that works Matt oh you my molecular friend getting recycled fit in here so perfectly I'm not sure if you're needed at first it was a brownie that deserves cute pose what what in the garbage that's my thumbnail what no probably not yeah that's a dollar a couple maybe maybe a couple pounds mmm no it's probably half a pound and you get it why does the copper have to ride in front we don't get to ride in front cuz I like copper better than you just kidding I love you steel you know you're my favorite oh yeah when a man loves steel I think straight over like that you know what I can already tell it's gonna be greasy how can I not get grease all over my silver but I can't switch gloves to the dirtier gloves too late look at that no bueno Wow hmm don't get on my rope Wow maybe just looks more interesting than it has but I saw a book that I've read yeah and I'm not read very many books this Driven Life Rick Warren if you get a chance to read this book I mean even if you read a chapter of it yeah this is huge yeah I mean just just think about just suck that in you know those four words The Purpose Driven Life what's and I don't know I'm that's a real question what is your purpose what is my purpose you know in it so I'm definitely keeping this one I don't have it right now it's probably would be it's the Bibble we'll take it growing in Christ another Bible this is an NIV I'll take the recovery Bible yeah when I had this the Living Translation when I was in my impatient my third impatient recovery program I had a life recovery Bible yeah good good stuff should I read that how you can become the role model and mentor your children need baby yes that's a definite maybe [Music] some electronics come on you can do it come on Oh dad some good electronics oh one of those power wheel things some more electronics good one you can do it good one Oh data good electronics [Music] that's a heater of some sort all right now I'm not gonna say it was easy but I definitely like the mechanical advantages hand winches you a little something sticking out here what part of the mid-frame a minute is this a garage clean out oh I thought that was a screwdriver for a second let's try keep gold I don't know what it is but I want it [Applause] I think there's some other heavy stuff in there does what else is really all it's a man that's what hoping there's a bunch of rotors well it's a full bottle of deck wash totally brand-new to cleans and removes dirt mildew out you know what my deck is nasty thank you very much it's like God said clean up your place ball weird nasty any God says that it's nasty something else yeah [Music] and you too pal too deep into that I saw something shiny [Music] else going on here it's a nice new garbage can that's a nice garbage can it was Britain no chance there's a guitar there well I'm gonna check nope nothing unless it's in here is there a dude actually in that is actually in the sewer now the wheels look higher than the deck mmm that could be a problem [Music] plunk I guess oh it's wired closed or whatever fine then sometimes all right I'm now in Sycamore detail by the green garbage cans yes there we go perfect mm-hmm baby cover scan it is I don't need that part is in your cycle well maybe that wish cycling oh yeah a little bit [Music] a better spot for these probably not [Applause] not bad for a left-handed throw hangers I don't know if you can see it up here I'm getting ready pull into the scrapyard this is a guy that scraps on a adult sized tricycle he is amazing his story is even more amazing but it's his story yeah well I'm thinking 4,600 pounds I see 45:20 okay it's so bad hey what is that my brothers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you wanna say 3900 well so I'm guessing a 600 ish pound load I see ah 3900 even perfect that includes yeah big aluminum and I'm keeping so I got the deck wash and the aluminum yeah umbrella yeah so can't believe that it took me this long to figure out you can take the umbrella part off super easy I was thinking yeah cut it off all the hassle coffee hye-won straight for your coffee thanks for buying a lot of mugs recently a lot how are you Sandra good this is awesome 620 pounds and I got $31 yeah that's what I'm talking about that's not a bad morning at all it's still super early so and thanks again for buying a bunch of coffee mugs I just saw this little spike on t spring of people buying coffee mugs so I have t-shirts and some of that button there long sleeve I'd make any summer stuff sorry just kind of thanks again and God thank you for just the beautiful Sun and the beautiful day God thank you for for restoring relationships thank you for taking care of my mom thank you for restoring her health it just blows me away talk to her the other day God and know there's still issues but you're cleaning up everything in your way god I'm just gonna ask those that a good that are going through similar situations you know with their parents and their kids and you know I'm right in the middle of having a elderly parent and and still have kids at home and got it I know it's a common thing but anyone that's struggling right now with the similar stuff God would you just show them that you're there in the name of Jesus I just looked in the computer 50,000 people press the subscribe button so I want to say thank you for doing that that blows me away thank you for that in the coffee mugs there's a green one I just put brass in it stuff thank you for the PayPal tip jar that you guys you know give to me for making the videos thanks for you know the copy mugs the stuff that you guys send me which is kind of cool I'm not really a things person so it sounds kind of weird but yeah thank you now I'm gonna play a song then I don't really know how to play just be honest but I want to play it so just like with anything else I do the ready fire aim method ready fire then aim so I kind of know how to play but I kind of don't [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 74,149
Rating: 4.8541036 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: Y9Yeac-TjfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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