Saint Patrick's Day Dumpster Action - The Luck of the Irish

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and a viewer mr. G from New York sent me some heavy-duty goat skin fully Kevlar lined and s I cut level 3 performance gloves 2 pair plus some additional SuperDuper what are these called these are hot rod gloves mechanic style yeah thanks you're awesome yeah that's were these right now was less where the mechanic stop and let's go see what kind of scrap dreams they were yelling yeah oh are you kidding me so no and check this out so I wouldn't the whole reason I was telling about the gloves is because I went there and I found a bunch of scrap on the way back for me oh this is crazy so yeah so one stop and I got a a sink and a this is a this is a jacked-up snow blower and a washer and some other sheet metal down there what is this this is nuts alright so this is the galvanized stuff this stuff is more about doing the TV all right you know what I think I might have to do because the scrap yards aren't open right now it's it's in the evening I normally don't do evening but now that the Sun is setting much later I will grab this scrap now I have enough room scrap is just crazy right now it's it's crazy all right okay so rearrange a little bit yeah this is it's good scrap right here this stuff is I think $140 per net done here is there one or two more one more hey we got all four of those in get these back in no rock on and we got some goodies [Applause] is that connected to oh definitely some scrappage I can get out all right how would mr. scrap 'ti fit all this on here hmm he'd be utilizing some some under space here all right gotta get my my dumpster stick oh I haven't looked around yet sir more a painting so that's wood of some sort go-go gadget all right dumpster stick no go on no we're gonna go this way [Music] yes excellent now this is one of those public dumpsters our our town has these others like five or six of them dumpster there you can use it takes the illegality away from getting rid of your refuse anywhere your stuff [Music] bring that illegal dumping straight down to next to nothing all right that's looking good so this our other another public dumpster area and looks like got some bed frames Oh take them let's look around first oh yes GetGo plastic has a bolt on but interesting all right bed frames coming with me pinch o matic 9000 it goes out doesn't it yeah alright are you guys going that'll work and this is a third bin area so yeah it looks like they clean this stuff up that was here a haul we got some remaining snow you got a go buddy okay I think we're yeah you look metal no your plastic what's that yeah may I have it something way far away cool yeah I don't want you guys running it over yeah it's some flashing somewhere but with those wins I mean it could've came from anywhere it supposed to be in light in aluminum you would soar cool yeah you do I know a bunch of videos back some of you folks are saying hey take that sign which yeah I think it is junk what's up with you mister yeah it's definitely ruined but I don't know quite sure what they do with these things I'll put it more out in the open you know and maybe someone want that they want that in their garage you know I see a little bit of metal [Music] it's looking a little ridiculous hairball smart galvanometers whatever this is all right so what's the next morning yeah little little chilly out here it's all good all right so I'm gonna hit the scrap yard and hope I get a split load for this I might have to weigh the vehicle twice I'm not sure how it'll work because I have galvanized clips and I have just regular scrap in the truck scrap is already back talking to me all right see you at the scrap yard Jesse so you're an eighth grader and you're as big as your sister now you're bigger than your sister yeah all right what's up handsome little chap all right I'm gonna start this vehicle defrost go on all right so I just talked to them and I'm gonna weigh the vehicle twice so we'll do the shred first and then I'll leave just the galvanized on the truck and we'll do a weight of galvanized in the weight of the truck are 40 to 20 nice that's very nice opening up the gate for me good stuff Tran new gloves take a little bit of time breaking them in all right trains gone I don't know it's gonna slip I not even sit up there that work for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all I have left is the galvanized stuff and we'll go get that weight and then we'll go dump it over to that galvanized area right there so my in-between weight is 38 80 Oh galvanized well to me it looks all galvanized not only sure it's frozen mud trenches are not easy to drive through let's get a wait you'll see so I see 3760 yeah so 120 pounds of galvanized sounds good to me Sun's up hello hello what was your name again Suzi all right Susie and sandy whenever their weight on the scale it's just how quickly you became the teacher No thank you thank you see you later all right so I had 360 pounds of regular shred for $18.90 and then 120 pounds of that galvanized a mix galvanized clips yeah at $155 Internet ton and got nine dollars and thirty cents just for that so just hit that one dumpster it was over ten bucks that is awesome you know even though the the the galvanized clips is one hundred fifty five minute ton I was watching Shane man TV his his last one to the scrapyard and he gets a hundred and forty five dollars in that ton just for regular old shredder scrap just scrap steel appliance stuff like a 145 bucks and that's some good price right there so all right now let's go trash pickin all right so Wednesday is the equinox and so that's when generally speaking that day and nights the same all over the planet I know that some places you might have a I have a mountain in the West and a plane to the east so you know your sunset might change by a couple of minutes but here's what I would like for everyone to do if you would please if for my own personal experiment is Google when your Sun rises today and when your sunset is today and put that in the comments and here's why I want to see cuz we're a couple of weird eight minutes off will be in exactly 12 hours daylight 12 hours nighttime so if you would pretty sure everyone has internet because they're watching this take a look at your sunrise and your sons that just Google actually should do that right now well I meant the red light when is sunrise all rise at 7:02 a.m. when is sunset so it's two minutes off yeah so let me know what in the comments section what your summarized your sunset is no matter where you are in the world that is so cool I just got a text from my friend he's he has a YouTube channel called dude real estate and he says he has some scrap metal for me for us yes good I saw metal oh that cute seriously it was just cute huh wait are you kidding me strippable the copper wire that's what I'm talking about ah yes that's five bucks right there of course you gotta strip it and everything yeah I was reading some comments in some other channels and they're like look I know that these scrappers are planting stuff I promise you we're not it's literally this much stuff getting thrown away I almost want these bags bag full copper [Music] watch for cars nobody it is I just watched it too that'd be cool if this was brass I shouldn't I lost my little magnet my little antenna magnet I'm bummed about that this metal as well it has fine what's galvanized what smell it hey that looks like scrap let's go get it oh yeah what is up Nate you got some scraps you get get rid of your signs huh seeing you man yeah thank you for yeah yeah dude never get taken in the basement all right let's go do it do the basement first I'm gonna leave that open for right now if you don't mind is it empty and unplugged all right denies what's the man cave like yeah I mean I don't I don't think it works as it should okay all right well if it doesn't work like it said I'm not gonna try to sell to someone that thinks yeah well I trust you if you yeah all right cool I can grab it cool man so how does your channel coming along maybe it's heavier than looks your wheels on it all right oh man got it okay that's where she's going so you've got a YouTube channel right [Music] talk about our stuff like tips and tricks for an estate investing too so you know some of its kind of like an HGTV type thing like going through the house flips you see before and afters and some of its more tips and tricks for how to find deals and stuff okay so your videos they're top-notch I mean you got a good cameras good lighting good sound got music by know and yeah your videos are jamming dude yeah all right thank you the scrapper thank you I see some metal you are getting recycled my friend that's right looks like you got ran over normally be straight up and now I see so many Amazon Prime boxes it's like that's them it's the number one box I see now there's another right there everywhere in the trash whoa way nice got burned in there they get cleaned up shake link them together wake up neighborhood clang clang get off everybody clang so I guess it's 3900 even and 4000 thank you turning out to be a beautiful day again man when that Sun went away for a while and it was it dropped weight big-time pastor I'm gonna go up here yep drive slow man they've been busy they've been real busy grab my new gloves something about a junkyard it's just awesome it's an old huffy bike a lot of rust they got a tell about this refrigerator these things are aluminum yep that's good so I'm gonna keep those those pots cast-iron pans didn't land it upright golf club is that [Music] hey I felt a drop on my foot is it a driver bit it's not budging a bit it's jammed in there [Music] so these things are staying here let me keep that - it's for a dog leash nothing is so awkward yeah so cast-iron keeping the wire and the aluminum I'm letting know about that excess freon in it so those four thousand pounds going in I think that's probably a hundred pounds maybe 120 salt increments of twenty thirty seven eighty huh so two hundred twenty pounds Wow cool crazy busy good stuff though let's get some coffee ten dollars and forty-five cents worth a hundred bucks right so today's prices Zimmerman's scrapyard is four cents per pound for appliance shredder scrap this piano is four point eight cents per pound and my my go-to scrapyard which is the cowboy ornamental is 5.25 cents per pound for Shriners crap so but this is about a third of the way to where I need to go for my move class so speaking of I better get moving I don't have too much time at all so this is the Chrysler plant in Belvedere Illinois all of these cars these rail cars move actual brand new cars and there's a field of brand new cars far as you I can see here they're brand new cars are built right here Belvedere Illinois it's assembly plant scrapping in a different town for rent alright they're moving out it looks like a hunk of Steel to me hot dog most ran that over that's a hog a steal wouldn't mind a whole bunch of these although I'm not invading on anybody's space looks like a little encampment here with some key keys I locate a kitty kitty oh she's gone oh yeah they're all cat houses kitty kitty kitty kitty Wow Wow Wow these geese were statues at first I thought I saw something metal back here can't tell it's plastic all those are PET plastic pallets nevermind thought I had my camera on earlier but I didn't grab some of these flashing it's ripped up flashing I think it's all alone Oh Steel totally thought is a little oh man some fools aluminum fooled me so you guys see some stuff in the dumpster area oh I see refrigerator any other goodies mm-hmm you're coming with me pally Wow what's that oh it's wood okay all right frigerator come with the wheels good to me heaven-sent I like that thank you thanks God okay you need to get in here get in my truck get in my truck turn the truck off okay how we gonna do this straight on its back everything go inside of that well stuff they can fit yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to the scrapyard let's see how much we weigh 3920 okay more scrap that came since I left it's my refrigerator right there all right well park in the same spot yep let's get rid of this scrap [Music] [Music] 39:20 going in I guess 200 pounds so 37 20 nope 37 60 so that refrigerator was much lighter than I thought all right all right check this out you're not gonna believe this prices just went up here it is five point eight cents per pound so almost six six six cents per pound it was four point eight cents per pound so it went up an entire cent and so now this place which takes refrigerators and anything with freon and they'll take it for free cuz they'll just take the freon out so now bno has the highest prices for shred and that type of stuff yeah super good I'm excited thank you lord thanks again just want to give you the glory god and I and I don't I don't mean that in some some small way it is amazing that we're able to talk to you that we're able to have a relationship with you god I don't want to minimize that one bit God that you actually shed heaven and you came down and you know what it's like going through the struggle of being a person you know thank you Lord for doing that and you do that for us because you wanted a relationship with us and I see it all the time Lord were praying for all of us just a look at you more to recognize you more to listen to quiet our souls or help me and listen amen yeah so I was 180 pounds so ten dollars and 35 cents maybe I did mention that I remember yeah I was just stuck on the the price increase from you know four point eight cents per pound five point eight cents per pound yeah that is super good it's gonna I was having a conversation with the owner in there and he says scrap is scrap metal is just coming in in droves [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 79,595
Rating: 4.9093533 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash, st patricks day
Id: 7H3W2FSsSsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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