Hidden History: Ancestral Magic, Voodoo, & Reparations with 19 Keys & Tariq Nasheed

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when we decide to say hey enough is enough enough will be enough yes sir a lot of times we don't want the responsibility of running things on our own because we think a lot of us think we kind of got it made we can just kind of lab Joe Dance Let white people take care of the the heavy lifted they think we got a little good a good deal going on right now but we also understand if we get the white supremacists out of here who's going to run the water work system see now we can't be clubbing and lollygagging we got to get up at six in the morning so we won't manage this right right see we want we think those are cool little managers they do that we can do our little lollygagging and jerking around we got to get down to Serious Business because look the white supremacists are going to die off unfortunately because they're numbers that went to Lincoln unfortunately yeah I see I give I give like raw racism yeah 20 30 years yeah it's not going to be I tell black people this they're not going to be running stuff too much longer just by Nature yeah okay nature is gonna you know handle that unfortunately unfortunately however you want to look at it we're going to have to start running stuff and getting into the habit of who's going to run them satellites up in the garage who's going to run the power grids who's going to do the non-fretty one you see you said we right at this point we dependent yeah [Music] [Music] foreign keys and we're here for another high level conversation today I am joined with a very powerful necessary pillar of our community of our culture of the entire diaspora this brother is very necessary I've had conversations with people across the world and one thing that they've told me that I've always found interesting is a lot of Africans say that black people in America taught us how to be African they taught us more about African history than we ever learned from our parents or from the continent and often that's because we are in the search for ourselves and in that search we find everybody's history because the bloodline of Black America is through all the Bloodlines of the world because we're mixed in we've been moved around there's so many things that have happened so we are a new people if you will now in that being the new people we often don't feel grounded especially being in America we feel displaced we feel a lack of connection the power that the brother Tariq Nasheed has with with his career over time with delivering Us hidden colors is he brought to light a lot of the narrative that we never knew a lot of the heroes the unsung heroes the stories that was never shared because we were stuck in a indoctrination system that they call education so that unlearning process whether you're conscious whether you're unconscious whether you're of the initiator you're just getting initiated a lot of people can go through that whole caliber of catalog that he has from one through five and they can learn a complete new story about the real time and what happened here the myth of white civilization being at the root of civilization is the biggest lie that has ever been told and with the Gathering of the scientists and the scholar that brother Tariq Nasheed has done has given Black America a gift the gift of Education the gift of knowledge of self and a gift of History not only that he is an advocate on the front line of reparations run me my check y'all know y'all owe me some money you know what I'm talking about and until we get that money we're gonna continue to press on the next with the oppressors and those who privilege you understand me off of our hard work sweating Equity because we are from this country because this is our country because we built it therefore we actually own it now it's time for us to claim it so I appreciate this brother being here before he was even a scholar he was a Mac you know what I'm talking about so he definitely knows how to communicate in a way to where the world can understand exactly the necessity of foundational black Americans brother I appreciate you being here my brother man it's my pleasure to be here yes sir thank you for inviting me absolutely yes indeed man I want to get back right right into it man um history is often told by The Victors the victors depending on you know their moral situation they could be the oppressors right in America we know the story of our oppressors we don't know the story of those who fought against that oppression we don't know what their lives were like we don't really understand what it's like to have even pride in being a black American unless it's looked at as more of like a republican thing lifestyle right but when it comes to the reality of the Black American Gods if you will I was listening to a publication and they were saying that it was on black magic he was talking with his sister I think her name is sister Isis or something in that nature and it's talking about you got the Egyptian gods which is nice to understand that but then you also have the black guys that are the Black American Gods if you will where you know Egypt was not just in or or Kemet I would say and Kim and I'm talking about more so that mindset of things that we built was not just in you know uh Northern Africa or in Egypt but we built here they're pyramids here there's pyramids and there's you know mummies that have been found in America 12 000 year old mummies and pyramids that's been found here in America so why don't you think that we know of course I know this answer but I want to hear yours why don't you think that we know how special we are in America they have to create a narrative that we are guests in our own country The Narrative that we were just brought over here to a new country by white people um our history was stripped from us and we were slaves and white people felt the kindness of their heart to free us and we had the civil rights movement and then a black president that's the narrative that they want to give us because that disempowers us that makes us feel like we can't do anything unless we get the approval of a white person that's the common thing if you go to the African-American history museum in Washington DC that is really the whole theme of it when you walk through history you see slavery civil rights and they got a big picture of Obama at the very end that's not all about history we are the culture of America the good thing about us is that we can claim African history because genetically we are African people we can claim kimid we can claim all of the great rulers that that occurred in Africa we can claim the Moors that's a part of our bloodline as well what makes us unique is the history here in the Americas because the United States was built by foundational black Americans there was no United States until we built it we have a very special claim here because every part of the culture here we either created it or we influenced it that's a fact and many of our accomplishments are erased or given to other people when we say the term African-American which is a term that was popularized in 1988 by Jesse Jackson Jesse Jackson in the boulay and the Congressional Black Caucus had a press conference at a hotel in Chicago at the behest of the white Democratic party and they said black Americans now want to be labeled African-Americans because we want to be grounded in in a motherland and they started to promote the term African-American they did this not to give us a cultural relevance because we already had a cultural relevance here this is our culture what they wanted to do was make us comparable to immigrants so an African-American is no different from a Hispanic American which is no different from an Arab American which is no different from a chinese-american so the narrative becomes all of you minority groups contributed to the greatness of America right so when we give something to black people let's give it to all minorities because you're all equal that was a trick bag and they do that right now whenever we start talking about reparations which we deserve well all people suffer all people experience racism right so we have to stop that narrative and this is why the foundation of black American movement is taking hold so strongly right now because we're claiming our specific lineage no disrespect to anybody else right but we have a unique lineage as people who descended from the slaves who built this country who were the foundation of this country right no other group other groups left their Homeland to come here to benefit off of what foundational black Americans build that's a fact these are just facts no disrespect to nobody no now what about these so what about The Narrative of us also being Native Americans right specifically in the case of basically saying that most of them melanated people in America when I say melanated I'm just being politically correct right right just to include you know the way uh various groups of black people categorize ourselves right so let's say the melanated people here right the brown people right dark brown people copper color we're here already when a white man gets here Christopher Columbus never stepped the foot on America right so we know that he he never discovered anything but when he got lost right um and his peoples got lost over here right they seen that we was already here we was thriving we had our tribal and nomadic ways of living right and there was already African um explorers who came over here already doing trade and things of that nature right and so within that there was already populations of people that were here right now we know that the Native Americans of course were slaughtered right because the white man wanted to take claim of America but when you do Trace rule genealogy and people go look at their family history and they do one of those tests they're going to be like wait a minute my family was here which also gives me rights under these treaties in America right and so one of the most I think um uh um uh highest forms of argument that I hear is that black people can get reparations because specifically of the word black that is not a nationality so what then do you say to that particular argument because I'm 100 000 for reparations I just want to know do we have to do we have to change the language in order for the law to be written no we don't have to change the language this whole thing where you have to have a flag that's recognized by the U.N and all of that stuff well you have a rainbow flag that's not represented by the U.N and LGBT white people get all types of money and benefits some of the Native American tribes they these were tribes that were named by the Spanish when the Spanish came along and saw a bunch of different tribes living among the Creek area they said well you guys are Creek Indians yeah when they saw some Native Americans and black Aboriginal people living together they said those look like runaways and the word for runaway at the time was Cimarron so they called them cimarans which turned into seminal yeah so these names come from these different places and the names vary but these people are compensated we can get compensation without having to do all of this crazy paperwork because they owe us we're supposed to get where we're supposed to get and going back to the whole narrative about us um having some black Aboriginal people here that's that's absolutely correct uh when all of the European explorers came here Columbus's brother Bizarro Balboa every single one of them said that they saw black skin people here who look like the same people who were in Africa almost every single one of them we get the notion that a Native American is the [ __ ] looking person which is just one variation of the Aboriginal people here they would use the [ __ ] natives many times to be pitted against the black skin aboriginals were the ones who were helping to capture some of the black skin Native Americans and aboriginals and then at one point they started to redefine some of the natives who were black skinned and called them negro which is very well documented then going into the 1900s they had something called the dolls Rose where they had a census where they were going to take track of all of the Native Americans and the Aboriginal people the black people they just labeled them Friedman or negro and white people who wanted to get some of the benefits of being a Native American paid money under the table they paid five dollars to get listed on the census form and that's where the terms most the people of the people claiming Native American that you see are white people who ain't got now drop a damn Native American blood in them this is a fact this is a Super Fest I think uh what's the what's the tribe I don't want to get it wrong the tribe they out there in the South Hamptons they're the only black like fully black tribes yeah the center cognation so they invited me up there I went to go speak to some of them and now they're the only tribe that has never left they land so they never lost it so their land is not in the Treaty of the United States government it's in their own treaty so they have true sovereignty right um and so it it it perplexes me that when you go upstairs this is right next to the Hamptons right and then they hate them rich people hate them over there because they got real true Sovereign claim to the land but they're as dark as you and darker than me some are lighter right but most of them are dark-skinned black people I think flavor flavors is yeah exactly from that tribe yeah so it's like but but we get this notion in our head that they look like you know uh Mexicans right modern day Mexicans as they do today so that that's cute that's in our head of history is just wrong because when we think about our story in time what was happening during that time we think about the modern Hollywood actors right that are played as Native Americans right we don't think of Old Dirty Bastard you know what I'm saying we don't think of Flavor Flav right we don't think of somebody that looks like you and I so we don't even think to dig and look into that right and what's interesting a lot of black artists back in the day they would acknowledge their native ancestors Chuck Berry has native ancestors yeah James Brown take a good look at James Brown yeah you you did pick a real good look yeah you can see it yeah Johnny Mathis yeah that's another one so many of them would look like he probably did too yeah yeah the Jackson family does yeah Jimi Hendrix yeah he was part native American look at how he dressed he would dress like a Native American when you look back at that house right with the fringes and stuff yes indeed so we knew we've always known that yeah we've always had that that camaraderie with that ancestry and in the Jim Crow era is a man named Walter plecker who was a part of the Vital Statistics office in Virginia they started doing paper genocide they would look at black people look at their birth records and anybody who looked like they could have any black ancestry they would reclassify them as negro whatever tribe they were from like not his nose is too big negro lips too big negro and they would do this all up into the 1960s the loving versus the state of Virginia case where they did that movie about the black woman marrying this white man she's really a Native American a lot of folks don't know that I want y'all to look that case up that's really a Native American she's an Aboriginal person but she was reclassified is a negro so that paper genocide is a real thing absolutely and that's why we we really our history is so entangled yeah you understand me and it's kind of you got to go in there and release the nuts like when I study John horse yeah and I'm looking at how number one his story is incredible yes it is the man fought multiple War fronts right he fought against America he fought for America right he fought on the side of the seminar Indians he was given his freedom in Florida then it was took him back right and then he ended up going missing in somewhere in Mexico but when I think about the significance of that it's like of course we don't they they you won't teach this in American history school right they talk about critical race Theory and things of that nature but that doesn't even go deeper enough to expose because what American history has to be exposed not just talk that's this is the reality of it has to be an expose on wait a minute this black man was directly and then you know when you go into that history you see that the Indians had or the Native Americans had their own form with slavery as well wasn't Shadow slavery but they own blacks as well so when you expose that you're going to see lineage though you're going to see children you're going to see marriages right and then you're going to say wait a minute this is my family right here my family is traced back here your government made a deal for this land that my family lineage would own this so of course we don't need you to know your story we're not going to teach this in school we don't want you to start having claim to rights to land we spent this whole last 100 years trying to steal all your land from your people exactly going and going into John horse that was a phenomenal brother that was one of the greatest military leaders in American history yes never talked about this was the brother who was down there in Florida fighting in the seminal war and they've always made the seminal War seem like it was a Native American against the government even they at the time said this is a Negro War we can lie later which is what they're doing now but they said when they were fighting we got to stop playing these are Negroes and they're beating the breaks off of us because they don't want to be on the plantation and they're fighting to the death it was black people down in Florida burning down plantations they halted the slave business down in Florida they were freeing people slaughtering the white generals and the white U.S army military personnel many of those counties down there are named after the white people who were slaughtered Dade was slaughtered by some of the Black Seminoles Dade County is named after him the Seminoles went in there the brothers which I called The Maroons because that's what they were they were living in the swamps yeah they hopped out on date and slaughtered like a hundred of his guys yeah um they made a treaty with the United States saying that they could get their freedom if they chose to move out of Florida so they fought and won their freedom they never frame it like that they got their freedom and they were told they got to move to Indian Territory in Oklahoma that's why a lot of the Black Seminoles ended up in Oklahoma some of the the [ __ ] natives were trying to enslave them so they said well let's let's go down to Mexico we got to deal with them down there they'll let us come down here and chill because we were working with the Spanish in Florida we're still cool with some of the Spanish folks so they went down to Mexico the Black Seminoles they were supposed to protect the border which is what they did they projected the border from the Comanche Indians and they were going back and forth after slavery they would come back they would work with the U.S army they became the Buffalo Soldiers they came all the way out here in the west it was those black Buffalo soldiers who were really similar Maroons who were the first Park Rangers all of the national parks that we see and in the west yeah they were the ones helping to clear the brush and build the structures in these parts and to make to maintain them and make sure that they weren't being vandalized it was black Park Rangers doing this we were the first people who were working in the mail service in the United States the Pony Express you couldn't have white people riding horses in hostile areas with these Native Americans they would have gotten killed and scalloped yeah they had to get black folks to do it it was black folks riding those horses I mean even this is our history with horses and being the first you know cowboys and Lone Ranger and things of that nature our history is Souls like they they took you know it's brilliant when you think of how they still other than they remake history and you brought up the Lone Ranger that ties in too long range is based on bass Reeves the foundation of black American who was enslaved he was in Texas he beat up his slave owner got his freedom went to live with the Black Seminoles in Oklahoma eventually became a law man very well respected he had a Native American sidekick a red Native American sidekick when Hollywood got that story they turned the Lone Ranger into a white man still kept Tonto the red Native American yeah yeah but because his story was so bad man when you they they basically like man no we can't when we tell this story we got to say he was white Mass but we'll just yeah that black mass was representing his black skin with the symbolic things yeah symbolic but that's that's amazing how you know now they they complaining about Ariel being black and I don't care about that because she's not gonna be dating a black man so that don't have no value yeah the mermaid and when we go into mermaids mermaids have been mips in Africa for years there's been myths all over Africa about mermaids and and people living in the city yeah and even under the brothers on some of the coasts that can dive underwater and they can hold their breath for extremely long time periods and they can literally go swimming and you know it would make sense if there was any myths of mermaids that they would be melanated people of course you understand me I think we get it confused because you look at uh what's that fast swimmer that the baby smoking a weed Michael Michael Phelps so now the Olympics make the face of you know uh um you know great swimmers is white but black people have always been great divers and swimmers that's where we we always played in that water and I think the myth being spread around that black people can't swim is what takes our mind out of that right but the reality of it is in every story and every myth whether you're going to Greek whether you're going to Roman whether whatever store you come up with the antithesis of that is made around a black body the black being right a black character and so they started mythalizing all the incredible things that they seen us do and they couldn't help us to tell the story because this was like TV back in the day man I seen this black man pick up a 3 000 ton Boulder now you got stories of Hercules right but you can't tell this story like it's a black man everybody in the lands know this story right this is a white man that was this physique right so you got the Olympics today but we know that in every sport we dominate that Olympic stuff is for them to try to prove themselves against us because we have always been incredible at every single thing that we've done yeah and them having to whitewash everything um off camera we're talking about Hannibal Barker yes when you look at um history series they always try to whiten him up there could not be a white Hannibal because Hannibal had African elephants to this day after can elephants really can't be tamed and if somebody tames them it has to be a black person yeah so there was not a European riding those African elephants into those mountains logically impossible first of all they would help if you could tell because Hannibal Barker would be celebrated more if he was really white right right that's the reason that you don't hear about them oftentimes now you hear about it from black historians you understand me because we know that we're telling our story right but otherwise they would praise him the same way in the praise Napoleon the same ready to play Julius Caesar and all of these other different people but he's not thrown in that Round Table of names exactly right but they so they like no we're not gonna tell the story because then people go dive deep into it too much and then they're going to start seeing the more ancient coins with his images exactly with the elephants on the back and then they always got some stupid reason on why you know every everywhere they go we're painted black we have black features and then they always come up with a reason why this had to be black or why the features were shown this way right right when um but when you look at Hannibal Barca I think his story is a representation of our genius specifically from um us being military genius yes indeed because we always painted as a very peaceful easily conquered people but the reality of it is we are to follow military strategy right and through Hannibal Barker you see a representation of that him taking a hundred thousand men and losing 80 percent of that and still conquering a one million man army right and being the only person to conquer Rome so that is a powerful story that if you start a child off with that story of their history they're like oh that's where I come from okay I can handle anything no but if you take and you start their story you were weak bonded and in Chains right then it's like damn I feel bad for myself right right so like where your story starts matters because that's where you begin your Narrative of who you are and what you are capable of doing so I can understand know why they're like all right we gotta white watch this we gotta whitewash that we got to change the features here everything has to be changed because it's going to be very hard for you to dominate the people who have the largest population on the planet Earth you have to separate them number one you have to have all of them speak a different language they have to have all different details and accounts of what history is they can never see themselves as one because we would never be able to conquer them as one because we are the minorities absolutely so a wife being the minorities and blacks being a majority on this planet Earth they can only psychologically beat us right because that's the only thing and this this happens through all our societies right you see the majority is always conquered by the minority that's the reality everywhere on the planet Earth and so you wonder what subdues these people from just rising up right it's a spiritual and psychological warfare that's played upon those people and we don't understand how much they study us going back to Hannibal and the elephants remember the elephants that was the Proto type for military tanks with the trunk and the the big body yeah the Tusk yeah that's the military yeah they've always studied us and even some of the maroon uprises they studied that in military school now yeah um and they put it in movies for example the black Maroons down in Florida and on the East Coast because black people were living in swamps doing sneak attacks against the white supremacists one thing that the Maroons would do they would wear red bandanas and they would have something called the the bloody flag it would raise a red flag always look out for the the bandanas because that was something that the Moors were wearing too Moors back in Europe would have those red bandanas that represented fire and War when you look at movies like Rambo where Rambo is this character fighting as if he's a maroon he's fighting in the swamp all the time he's always wearing a red bandana yeah you did they get all of these symbolisms from us they know what they're doing and they give little winks and nods to each other they study everything we do and then formulate that into their culture as if they came up with it see that's powerful we talk about the swamps and I was listening to interview with you and y'all talking about you know um Voodoo yeah right and how you know we utilize the swamps because we were masters of it right and we knew that they weren't masters of it and we can beat them in that particular terrain but specifically when it comes to Voodoo Voodoo is seen as you know um uh as what's the word I'm looking for you know uh a bad thing right right and of course you know the dark arts and everything to Black and dark is considered to be bad right and then of course white magic is considered to be good but the reality of it is is we've been masters of the elements right and um the spirit our entire existence so you you don't get the Haitians winning you don't get in any animal rooms winning without them being able to utilize right the elements that's all it is yes and all that it's you connecting with nature and the spirit realm that's all because it's all the same right but us understanding that in a real way not white jesus right you think yeah understanding that we are the essence we are all of this stuff we as melanated people are we're nature we are the spirit realm all of it is connected and we can get our strength from that and that's what they did in in Haiti and that's give a hell out of white people and it scares them now that's why they made Voodoo some something negative yeah what we started doing we started getting those swamps with those alligators where white people couldn't go into even here in in the Americas we would live around those wild animals because we were on the same page with them we weren't afraid of them we had a spiritual connection with them even in Africa today you don't see a lot of African people getting attacked by The Animals because they have a relationship spiritually with the atmos yeah um when we and our brothers and sisters were fighting these white supremacists using their Voodoo system that scared the white supremacists so much they started making movies in the 1930s about zombies and yeah black Haitians yeah the early voodoo movies had Haitians in them portraying Haitians the word zombie which the zombie genre is real big today that comes from a Haitian man named Jean zombie who was killing white people yeah in Haiti During the Revolution After the Revolution was over and they were getting the French out it was this light-skinned slave former slave named John zombie who was slaughtering the French so his name became synonymous with Tara that's where the word zombie comes from so they've always been afraid of that they taught us to be afraid of yeah who do too they taught us that it's Witchcraft and it's evil and then we start listening to the white supremacists and start forgetting our history and our Essence because they've scared us out because it disconnects us if you want to if you want to spiritually and psychologically control people and they have this connection to the element that empowers them you have to break that connection first because that's going to give them confidence right now they're in harmony with mentalism right now they know how to use the power of the mind they know how to use everything around them that becomes a solution for whatever problem that they have and then we go into Alchemy right so talking to my brother idra Sandu was talking about the the difference between like you got manifestos and then you have Alchemists Alchemists use what they have the manifesto is trying is using mentalism to attract things into their reality to bring them forth now of course the combination of those are very powerful but as a people we have the ability to transform any substance into the tool that we very needed to free ourselves right so when you got a people who believe in systems where we call Magic right which is really science and Alchemy right and knowing the ability of how to apply that and create weapons and and use our own spiritual force and will then that's impossible to conquer those people and you see that through Haiti and then you see that through um phones and I want to talk to you about that because I know you have a project coming up now I went out to Jamaica and I went up there right to the maroon land and yeah I went to the grave site of Nanny um and then you know I'm deep on Supreme mathematics and numerology and she fought a 19-year war so she she wanted them 19 Keys you know what I'm saying and but the significance of her is very powerful in her story because you know there was this one particular story where the the it was the British right yeah the British were scared of her because they believed she could uh stop bullets right with her ass or her for for the channel her glutes right so but the story they say was that she calculated the distance of how the bullet how far the bullets could fly right and so she marked in there in the dirt so when they get close you stand there turn around right and show her glutes and then when they would shoot it would stop right there before it hit her butt wow so they were they were afraid like wait a minute cause there's no magic right you know what I'm saying and she neutered to rain so well that it was going to be impossible for them to defeat her but the the beauty of when her story ends after she she wins and she refuses to take any treaties from the queen and she goes back and become a gardener and she lives a soft life yeah and to me that's the story of like um you know doing a 180 right a woman masculizing herself into the logical Warfare to help her people get free and then going back into the harmony of her feminine energy right and going back into softness and so we have to learn number one there's no great Revolution without black women right there's no nothing but what is the end result our women have to be able to get back into their softness yes not to stay in a state of masculinity because they had to masculize themselves for Warfare right right and that's what we're dealing with so when people go through economic Warfare there and there in poverty that is a state in a condition that the people must fight out of right so if the black man is not standing there with the financial education with the you know ability to liberate themselves into wealth then the woman now of course we know how the tools put her in that position but she's going to masculize herself to get out of that because state of poverty is not a state for human beings to live a quality of life absolutely but we have to have a plan to say okay now our plan is to bring our women back into softness and we have to understand that Warfare is based on Deception what you just explained the white supremacists know that too they understand the importance of women to go back into their femininity and men to be into their masculine bag this is why they are always promoting sexual confusion to black people that's a fact we can't get anything financed from the dominant Society unless we say we have some questions about our sexuality then the money and the checks start rolling they got black men out here and Dr welsing said this was going to happen she said this years ago black men are going to stop sagging because sagging is really a form of femininity because it's it masks itself as masculine Gangsta stuff but really it comes out of prison right guys showing their asses to other men she said eventually they're going to come out the sagging pants and start putting on dresses and that's what we see now and that's promoted all across the board towards us when you look at hip-hop reward shows now you got more dudes with dresses than women that's a fact that's propaganda so now you have black men being told to be more feminine so naturally that's going to make the women more masculine because who's going to protect me they're not this [ __ ] in a dress right so we're being deliberately Buck broken as a group that's why I did a movie called Buck breaking yeah the buck breaking didn't just stop on the plantation what does the word bug breaking mean bug breaking comes from when slave owners would get a black male then they would call us bucks like an animal on plantations and and if there was a strong powerful black man who they need to demasculize they would sexually assault them on plantations we have to break this block yeah just like in prison the whole thing where we're going to take somebody's manhood that comes from the white supremacy that they have brought into the prison systems right that's a form of of spiritually you know um conquering a person it's a hundred percent spiritual conquering that's all it's about if you can conquer somebody spiritually you got them mentally and physically yes you see that's what you get with Dharma and the whole because because it's two points you know one of them is a power where if you see somebody who has a power that you don't have they believe that they can take that power you understand me by literally eating this person right so they would eat the flesh right there's their stories of you know European Warriors eating the Flesh of Africans because here are these big body strong Africans and they want that spiritual Essence to come into them and then so that goes into many ways to where there's a psychological aspect that happens Dr Wesley's talked about it when he said that showing us getting murdered on film a lot and us watching that effeminates us right and it spiritually robs us because we constantly send ourselves lose we're constantly seeing ourselves you know oppressed and it drains our testosterone even before television when they would Lynch black people they would put it on postcards and send the postcards of the lynchings all around the country so that's absolutely true yeah that propaganda that's that's the number one way to rule a people is through propaganda not physical anything because they understand that they can psychologically embed images self-identity of who you think you are and if I can get you to think that you are a victim not a warrior you are a victim so now when you go out there in your mind is the narrative and the behavior of a victim not a warrior right if I show you as Superman if I show you as black panther now you're going to come out there with this new self-image and the way that you respond is going to be representative of your self-image so no it has to be psychologically damaging you have to see a foot on your neck so now you thinking damn in this situation I'm going to be just like that image I've seen so instead we have to have a counter propaganda machine and Counter Intelligence that says that no we're going to teach you who you are from a confidence standpoint from a warrior standpoint from a king standpoint from a military strategy standpoint from a god standpoint yeah none of these things that are damaging to you correct every generation there is this tool is to change the lives of those at the bottom class and at the top these tools are things like the internet or the printing press or the light bulb it represents Innovations Paradigm shifts but generations to come those who have the education are able to take full advantage of the Innovation by setting themselves up as the industry leaders the most qualified and skilled so they can teach the world what's to come because they are the ones that build it it's starting to feel like even though you have access to all this information most people still don't know how they don't know how to do it it's like the world is getting tested but you need a cheat code in order to make sure that you pass it people feel like the algorithm is against us well what if I told you that we built the algorithm that was for you in the Block World Order it's about technology it's about community and it's about education and giving you the opportunity to Free Yourself to make sure that you're not waiting on the Next Generation and the next to them and the next technology and the next update to be free you come on this journey in this ride with us we'll make sure that you grow with us you build with us in a manner to where you won't be left behind that's Perfection and then there's great protection is the state you reach but it can never be consistent because the moment that you move is no longer in that same perfect statement your goal is to reach greatness but I want greatness to be normal rate I don't want it to be something that only this one percent have access to there's no one percent that runs parallel to it or those who understand how to innately tap into their gifts see I look at the way that the world has been created and the way the world is consistently been ran when you have monarchies they can just tell you that they bloodline are more real than everybody else x-ray ruins they create seals they put it on paper and the rest of the world starts to follow that forever now that's power it's not perfect but it's great but it's great now we got new systems blockchain these systems sit there to challenge the existing system with new sales new families new records new history can be created but what does that matter if you're not educated and you consistently distracted they said because of social media there's new technology it has actually made people more distracted and less focused so therefore they say the average person can only focus somewhere around seven to ten seconds now for me I think that's terrible the reason I think it's terrible because we have access to more information than any other people at any other point of time yet we don't know what's right what's wrong what's good what's bad what's value and what's booked so it's not about just having information it's about the curation of information who's bringing it to you who can Cipher it what type of community and environment that you are in because growth comes from the three E's education exposure and experience see if you can curate your education then you've been making sure that you're not just getting new knowledge you're getting valuable knowledge that's actually applicable to your freedom and your power you understand me now the exposure is your environment because everything that you observe you see you feel you hear you become your embodies you vibrate at that rate so you're not surrounded by wealth how can you ever vibrate magnify magnetize and Attract it to your reality I was talking to my brother Idris and do the other day and we're talking about the difference between manifesters and Alchemists see some people they can drop a thought draw it into their universe and build wealth and attract the right things to them and other people they work with what they have to be able to produce it regardless of where they are see some people you have to understand whether you're a generator or you're a Manifesto an understanding young human design and your blueprint therefore it gives you the right mindset so when I say 80 mindset 20 skill set I mean that but see if you know how the right Minds that you can develop the right skill set most of you I took courses in education and financial literacy but when you look in your environment you don't feel no Financial liberation we want to liberate You by helping you change the way that you think and giving you access to new education technology and tools that can help you enhance and give you an edge in the marketplace you go try to try to test today in school or you can get out of high school and they tell you to take this test you won't feel so confident whether social studies mathematics geography no matter what it is but if they tell you we'll give you the cheat codes everybody feel like they go past it and see back in the day teaching each other and giving each other the answers they said was cheating they said it was wrong but I'm here to tell you it's no longer wrong I want to teach you how to cheat the reason I want to teach you how to cheat because we want to give you the codes we want to give you the answers because they've been hidden from you for so long that you deserve them you deserve to have your mind right your spirit right your finances right you understand me you deserve a better life but that can only come with better decisions better Investments better opportunities in a block world order this is what we stand for the right Community the right education the right technology through this test of Life we'll give you the cheat codes to make sure that you pass tapping you know I believe that you know and I spoke about this with the brother Shaka bars that I think black men Egos and I I say this carefully and they got context in other videos so I have to really break it down but when I when you go to Egypt and you see the pyramids building our images right huge statues right you go to a menace the first pharaoh and he built his you know his pyramids and the brothers just the mindset of them brothers had to have was saying that yo give me 50 foot statue right here right this gonna be you know the interest to the Gateway right here but everything in their ego was also a part adding something to the collective I think our egos are too small because it has nothing to do with building and seeing the world in our reflection right right so our egos is about more so um taking over each other and and being better than the next man or woman has nothing to do with yo I want a building that has my name on it just to represent that I own this world I want this world designed in my image right we don't have our egos in that direction they're not connected to Vision that's a good point that you think the egos are not big enough because see we have a lot of captivity Minds meaning when you're in captivity when you're in jail the main objective is to get something off the next inmate to in to overpower him and get whatever he has in many cases we don't think what let's get up out of this prison and build something besides this this incarceration yeah build something outside of the spirit so we do need a bigger yeah and I think that's also because when you look at uh the Hermetic um prophecies or what was it called the medic philosophies and they were spreading that information on basically of why black people you understand me were not involved people and that all of anything that we've done in Africa was from this a medic presence you understand me that worked alongside or Europeans was there to influence anything great that we did and that they had to shrink the image and the humanity of black people consistently so that they could validate slavery right so the more that they validated slavery in a larger it became the more political it became as well so they came up with all these systems about validation then you got the Aryan race theories and all of those things that started to come out and what we live in is we're in in that played a part of how Africans started to see themselves because that started to spread as people started to believe those theories well long after they were proven to be a hundred percent false so but now we don't see ourselves big enough right we don't see the humanity in ourselves enough right the humanity and the black man that's from the hood right or the humanity and the black woman right so now we have to get to this place first we have to humanize ourselves again right and then we have to exalt ourselves and we have to understand the code words that's been used to hide our history yeah as you pointed out we don't see ourselves in the historic record because they tell us it was something to do with Europeans when we look at ancient cometic history when we look at movies now they make all of the actors white and they've been doing that really since Elizabeth Elizabeth Taylor and all of those people making the Egyptians white and we know what they really look like they look like black people now even black people who were going into Europe to help civilize European Society the Moors they use words like Arab when you hear the word Arab you assume that they're talking about a pale skin person from the Middle East yeah um as we know the Moors who civilized Europe these were jet black people the first Army came from the area that we now know was Senegal black people save Europeans from themselves they almost died out a couple of times in different plagues the first plague was the Justinian play which wiped out about 80 of the European population they literally almost died out it was the Moors who went in there bringing alcohol and elixirs to save them the the Justinian plague stopped in the year 725 the Moors were there in 7-Eleven so a decade after the Moors arrived all of the plagues went away look at some of the medicines that were used in Europe and used now look at the words the root word Al alcohol Alchemy you mentioned Alchemy these are Islamic words that the Moors were bringing in when we talk about alchemy the white supremacists they saw black people creating scientific entities that was magic to them they didn't know what that was Alchemy was a mystery to them that's why when they started coming over here trying to translate those mortgage documents they were trying to turn rocks into gold and they didn't know what to do they didn't know how to process this stuff so our history is real deep yeah yeah I mean [ __ ] just in a gold aspect you know that was something that there's so many different stories and where you go into chemist science and they show how they utilize gold right and they believed it has to be an elixir of immortality so they would ingest the gold in a powder form right and they had this alchemical process where they basically use electricity to do so and they believe the goal to be this magic molecule because during that process they would see the goat spark and they would say would disappear for a split of a second and then re-emerge and they would ingest this part in and give them energy and electricity city right and they believed that it was going to make them Immortal and it was used as an election of beauty as well because it helps with the micro tears of the skin because gold is a superconductor of electricity we see this when I went to South Africa and I went to Adam's Calendar you know it's one of the the oldest megalithic sites in the world said to be somewhere between 80 to 200 000 years old now this calendar was supposed to chart the stars and these Mounds where these huge Stones were built it's all throughout South Africa right well particularly in that area now most South Africans don't even know about this right but we went up there and it was in a track of fog and I felt like a lion was gonna pop out at me I ain't gonna lie I got these short African Brothers Living they not they don't get ate up quick but anyway I went there man and um you do feel the energy so they literally measure you understand me the energy in that area and it's higher there so you know we we uh grounded there but they was also saying is that you know this particular areas they believed that it was used for you know uh mining gold right but you got to ask why would these people be mining gold that far back in time they weren't wearing in his jury at that point right they were using it as you know for tools right they were using it for ingestion they were using it in all of these different processes energy sources right because you know we are the fathers of medicine we are the fathers of chemistry we are the fathers of all these Sciences so the African Curiosity has always been there way before you get these new you know so-called fathers of of medicine right right you got your Mo tips you have your dogon people you have us you know with geometry and Mathematics at points in time where you would have to ask why did they need it because in his story right it doesn't fit because you telling these people that they're primitive right they have no social hierarchy and they're not worth anything but and the reality of it is is they spoke a language of geometry just as communication yeah you understand me the sophisticated language systems whether it's clicking or whether you're utilizing the tongues in Africa has a higher vibration than what we speak in English right and so when you think about that that even helps the formulation of our brains vibrate higher just by speaking a certain tonality better right and so we naturally were much further in progressed people even when you go into 1910s 20s coming out of Africa we were more literate than anybody our thirst for Education was higher than any people white people were never banned from reading but they literacy rates were terrible so the propaganda that was spread throughout the newspapers was because they couldn't read them so they put images in there they had to portray us as less than because that's how they communicated to the illiterate class of white folks that these [ __ ] Ain't worth nothing right and they had to consistently justify that and they started elementary schools because the black people the freedmen school those were the first public schools and they saw how well they were doing so they had to make those for white people yeah yeah and and that goes towards um the patent offices right because when we talk about foundational black Americans our inventiveness is our most powerful thing right now during that time of course they wouldn't allow any African or slave to patent anything right so there was a particular story of this brother he created this it wasn't a particular cotton gin but it was like a cotton scraper yeah right and the white owner he wanted to go patent it but he told now of course he can't he he couldn't claim that he made it because he was dope so he said that yo my slave made this and they said well anything made by a slave can't be patented so he starts selling it without a patent but what he did was killed he said that he was told it that it was this was African who made this because what he said was that this is proof that slavery is not damaging the mind of the slave because some of the philosophical immoral debate during that time was that it was damaging the mind of these Africans by keeping them in slavery but he used our own invention as a form of validating justification and we have even though we couldn't get a patent while we were enslaved we still black people have over 50 000 patents we created almost everything in the house the modern refrigerator the modern toilet the modern door knobs was created by Foundation of black American the light bulb when they try to say that a black person helped a white person that means the black person did it that's a fact um the light bulb um Lewis Latimer was the one who really came up with it he was working for Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was Infamous for stealing people that's a fact that you work for me anything you feel I own it yeah the a light bulb they say well Lewis Latimer created the filament he that's the light bulb that's what did that's the light the light bulb other than the filament it's a piece of damn glass yeah everything else is just designed right it's a piece of glass so he created the light bulbs yeah but they have to give credit to Thomas Edison and the reason why um the rumor that that Lewis Latimer was able to create the light bulb remember we were an agrarian people we work with the Earth whatever we had to do with the ground we had to come up with ways to make it more in convenient for us black people would use cotton seeds and light it up to warm their hands cotton seeds are very flatful if you look at videos on YouTube You'll see people lighting cotton seeds the cotton will burn and the grass won't get touched so Lewis Latimer must have understood and watched these seeds burn for a long time and he said wait what if I put this in a glass and see how this works bam that's how we started coming up with stuff think about how because how genius were because we were engineers yes engineer is the one of the studies that we go into the least now but during our history in this country as slaves right our engineering Feats and coming out of slavery is very high our invincingness was very high today we're not a building and producing people right but when you look at our history we are yes right the father of bioengineering is um George Washington Carver yes sir he is the father of it I want people to Google that you're the father of bioengineering nobody was using stuff from the earth and transforming that into um non-edible products this effect that brother was doing that first see they tried to minimize George Washington Carver he just made some peanut butter yeah no no no that brother created a whole bunch of stuff that was used by the Army by different corporations and it's minimized super minimize I mean because when it's the same thing with Hannibal Barker when you highlight certain aspects of history and you maximize it you have to put his intelligence and his genius on par with how they say Einstein is yes indeed right or or any other their so-called great Geniuses now when you start giving these inventors and these Engineers they're just do now you look at it and say wait a minute we actually have way more Geniuses than you are we actually have more inventors and more great engineers and have contributed way more this is minuscule this is the reason you want to highlight this as a celebrity you know a scientist or whatever because if you highlight everybody on the equal playing field your contribution is minimum you understand me at most and the crazy thing about what Dr Carver you know him being the master of nuts is they cut off his nuts yes he did you understand me and just the idea of castration being a normal practice back then right castrating a man so that he can get an education castrating the man so that he wouldn't touch one of your white women right like these are not things that we process when we think about America right so when we talk reparations we're not just talking about slavery because after slavery those are things that need to be fixed as well the land that was stolen from the amount of black people in the South right the amount of laws that were created to stop us from Building Wealth right the amount of systematic things that are on the books by the FBA bi to uh overthrow you know organizations that was for the liberation of black people in America these are things that are old reparations for as well this this don't just end at you took off the change in 1865. right this this is something that continues on to today to where we look at police you know terrorism and brutality throughout this country and say every year of the history of you know these these slave catchers now known as police officers there was some brutal act unjustly committed against black people in America yes and there has to be reparations but they know that it's an expense that they don't want to put on them books also they have a problem with reparations too because when they start giving reparations which we're going to make them at some point yeah they're going to find out the real number of black people in America I I think we're way more than just 12 13 we're highly under counted over here yeah it feels like it yeah and and then of course you know out what they do is they they always move the goal post so now what qualifies is black changes right that's right now there's a movement of mixed yeah right and all of these different things because they don't want people to be locking in on that consensus because now that clock that's already running out because they don't have enough bursts it's going quicker and quicker and quicker right so the new consensus of Arabs being white and all these people being able to qualify yes now Hollywood is pushed behind the mechanism Hollywood has an 100 agenda there's there's no if you believe that Hollywood and the military-industrial complex and the CIA and the government don't have a relationship then you lost right that's this is a a history right of production and propaganda specifically used as a tool when anything that can be used for power will be used for power so when the TV come about the radio come about the power structure says okay well how can we use this because massive amounts of people are being programmed by this they will never allow a tool that has that much control to just be in the hands of the people it has to be centralized forms of power that's why the internet was created the internet was created and a lot of folks don't know this really in the 1960s to keep tabs on black militant groups um knew from the bay well you came up in the bay the Bay Area is a very interesting place yeah because from Oakland yeah the town there's a reason why you have so many Hustlers Riders and intellectuals yes sir in that area see that's the most important thing you got some dudes that'll take your head off but that he's also a very smart dude that's a fact they've always had smart Hustlers who are thorough independent and that Spirit came about in the Bay area in particular because you had a lot of the Car Quarters in the um Bay Area the train Porters there was a big station of train quarters in Oakland in the Bay Area the trains would go all over the country and the Bay Area was a major stop from the south from the north from all over the place so black people were working as car Porters so black people would go all over the country and just get game and get information and get dances and cultural things and get stock tips get weapons information and bring that to the bay and they would share that information so that's why in the bay a lot of dances came out of the bay a lot of folks don't know that a lot of the Boogaloo dancing there's a lot of hip-hop dances you talk out of the history now man this is real talk that's why so much stuff came out of the bay so many radicals came out of the bay so many intellectuals came in the debate because of those car Porters bringing all of that information there yeah and them lineages of families is actually very strong like you get certain areas and and I just came from Detroit and you know Detroit they like Bay Area twins man they like Oakland twins but when I look at that you know Detroit that's where the Nation of Islam was started right in that black bottom right he went to the poorest of the poorest and gave him Consciousness and it changed the dynamic of that whole city then you go look at Oakland right you got of course not only the Black Panthers you had you're a black Muslim Bakery and a multitude of other different groups that came out of that right and then when you go look at you know all of the Cities right now that has the highest rates of crime and it now has the highest levels of poverty these were one Central Renaissance hubs of Consciousness right for Black Liberation and empowerment and community and all of those areas were specifically targeted because of what was being brought out right so now you see them as some of the worst places but you have to understand that that was done to destroy those families that was done to destroy that lineage they could handle having this this generation of families who have this strong intellectual prowess in this warriorship and they challenge no power the the families ruled the world right and imagine if left untouched you have generations of young black panthers children you understand me that you know are allowed to thrive and gain resources and wealth and influence what does that look like today right right it's the same thing if you got that same Central Hub in Detroit what does that look like today so you have to cut off right that before because they have foresight they always thinking of the future they always want to ruin enough I mean not to ruin but to own time yeah right so they say no we can never allow an age where we have a lineage of charismatic intellectual masculine right black man that have resources and that are able to you know sway the people in their way because that would be something impossible to stop exactly and that's why that was the real reason they went after the Black Panthers up there because the gun thing they they didn't trip on the gun thing what they were tripping on was that free damn breakfast program oh yeah that was the real threat because now if you can feed a people you can lead to people if that's the foundation of nation building that's when they started getting targeted and they had to really wipe those brothers and sisters out and they were feeding the community they wipe out the Black Panthers and then the U.S government adopts the free breakfast program that's when they said there was no free breakfast program in this country black campus yeah at all in fact there's so many other things that we've created paramedics in this country EMTs the first EMTs were black people in Philadelphia in Pittsburgh there were no EMTs when you got shot or somebody ran you over the morgue would come pick you up or the police would come throw you in a Paddy Wagon and take you to a hospital you didn't have EMTs working on people on the way to the hospital there was a a group called the Freedom House ambulance company that were all black people they were trained by some some white doctors who were trying to experiment with this thing they were the ones doing the trial and era of EMT work in this community and that's been buried so we pioneered so many things in this country yeah it's really a list that is infinite because no matter no matter you know you go talk computer chips you go talk the street lights you go talk all of these things and you go find our blueprint there always and and now we're what we produce now we're at this Forefront and and to our credit because when we say we don't have nothing now it's not that we didn't do anything because that it was stolen from us right so I don't this this whole thing that black people are lazy we don't produce none it's actually not true at all it's the most counter narrative ever white people have the privilege of wealth from doing nothing besides creating unfair legislation and laws that stopped us from doing it so that they can build middle classes for themselves right and upper class and things of that nature but there's no gift or Talent OR education and they're not just better financially literate or have some great work ethic no it's because it was literally built off the backs of our people and what they like to do too they like to get other non-white groups and when they come and build whatever they build they say well look at this group yeah they just came here from Asia somewhere they just came here from the Caribbean or whatever and they built something and you guys didn't want nothing here the Arabs came over here they were from a war-torn country and look they got a store what they don't tell you is that these other groups are not targeted that's a fact like us we've always been targeted when we get a stronghold on something and we get financial success it's almost inevitable that we get targeted yeah um when we have businesses like our brother Nipsey Nipsey has a successful store all of a sudden a random hater shows up in getzman broad daylight you dig yeah who just happened to be an informant yeah going all the way back to the Black Wall Streets these black people are millionaires building these phenomenal businesses all of a sudden they're dropping bombs on them yeah yeah yeah I mean nobody gets targeted like we do and that happened to 60 plus towns after that our story is not told our story is one where we're constantly growing we're constantly building we're constantly developing we're constantly working and then we're constantly opposed yeah it's not oh this generation ain't got nothing it's no this generation's family built everything and everything was stolen from them and now this generation didn't inherit none of the Brilliance and none of the great things that we should have because we should see a billionaire family right from all of our inventors so if you take a list of the thousand things that we invented that are coming in society today you should see a lineage of wealth Direct directly connected to that right but there is no patent wealth because we did we weren't able to trademark and license and copyright in patent right there's no uh extreme land wealth we had land but also they stole so much land was stolen from the government because we didn't know how to set up right our wheels and our trust and things of that nature and to build on that when you look at a lot of black celebrities who got a lot of money notice how it's not really passed down to another generation look at some of the big Superstars Michael Jackson who's this stuff passed down to it's like some white kids kind of fighting over it now that's a fact look at prince prince stuff is in Probate right now they're still fighting over his stuff nobody knows who's going to get that look at some of these athletes out here who are they really passing their stuff down to and we really just started getting large amounts of money especially in sports and entertainment really in the last 40 years you understand I think LeBron is the only candidate to pass down LeBron and Jay-Z right to pass down a massive amount a lump sum of wealth to a generation that will inherited that are two black parent households right you understand me which is very rare right very rare because if you look at the rest there's there's none right right Whitney Houston we saw what happened with her she had one daughter daughter died you see where's that money now yeah you see we see this all across the board Oprah no kids where's that money gonna go yeah because you can get as much as you are not a threat you can be a trillionaire if you don't have anybody to pass it down too right this is a lifetime of wealth it's not generational right generational wealth is where you start to see the duponts right you start to see you know the the Waltons right you see the J the JP Morgan family that's generational wealth that is passed down inheriting industries that we utilize today every single day that we don't think about and that's the threats yes when you get a fresh new generation that's going to start off with all of that that's threatening because see with an Oprah you can control Oprah you see you can control an Entertainer you can threaten him with his career but you give 100 million dollars to some new kid the hell I want to do they could be radical they could be real radical yeah you dig So speaking of how come a lot of people you know I've seen skits on HBO I see sometimes you know uh political pundits they poke at you they always throw your name in a pot and they synonymize it with a hotep but hotep of course is not a bad thing but they use it as a project right they they weaponize hotel but what is it about Tariq Nasheed you know um that the mainstream right black Americans don't like and because I believe they see Tariq Nasheed you know as a leader right I always say I'm not right and you have influence but everybody a lot of people have influence right but Tyrese Nasheed influence is directly connected to the root of Consciousness in Black America because you educated so many people right so your opinion matters where you sway people right right that the reason they have a problem with me in particular especially around political season like now but even outside of political season there's always Jabs being thrown in me the whole narrative is to kind of discredit me don't listen to me don't listen to me listen to me the reason why is because I'm one of the few people who can talk to an intellectual audience I've done lectures at Yale before you know I I can talk to an intellectual crowd but I can also get down in the streets and talk to the G's yes sir and most people can't do that that's a fact that's the thing and that's a problem to this people like Malcolm X could do that you know there's a few people who can do that but that's really rare if they don't like that they look at you as a threat when you can talk to the intellectual crowd and they're listening to you yeah you can talk to not just the Grassroots but the street dudes are listening to you because they look at the street cats as soldiers yeah you see they look at them like somebody gives them a cue they can be galvanized they can do whatever yeah so they've always looked at that as somewhat of a threat and and I couldn't understand that uh especially with the way the narratives and the agendas are lined up today yeah yeah there are they're no longer pushing strong black men in positions of political power right right now the new tool is let's find a black woman to push-up in political power right um and it seems great it always seems great it's always seems you know like okay behind this is women empowerment right but what is the reality of their political Consciousness right and are they for our people because it's one thing to stand in front of the people to throw about significant dates in black history to gaslighters to connect with us it's another thing to get in that office and do some [ __ ] that's radical absolutely and you notice when they get these black women yeah to be in these political positions they always make sure that that black woman has a white mate even if she's LGBT Lori Lightfoot out of the Chicago area white white Kamala Harris White's daddy the Supreme Court lady katanji brown white zaddy you see that's not by accident yeah you understand who you lay up with especially as a woman yeah you're laying up with a man you're going to take on that man's ideology that's a fact that's just human nature yeah so they understand that these are proxies for the white supremacist male when they get these women who's laying up with these people in the dominant Society so what are they really going to do for black people nothing you said a lot right there brother I ain't had to say it yeah no but but that's a very key and what I want people when they listen number one I want you to try to get out your feelings for a second and I want you to think critical about reality and what we're saying and why we're saying it right and ask yourself what is the vision you want for Black America one of the things that we don't have that we need more of is a vision right because a vision aligns us and we can easily say okay you're with this and you're against us why do you think we have not had to do this I think that every time we had a vision it's been opposed by the US government specifically the FBI right right right right they made it their job that any black man or woman that created a some sort of constitution some sort of vision was killed was defamed right was put into some situation where that Vision in the minds of the people was destroyed because they understand how powerful it is that if you give a focused black man a vision you understand me you give his help mate a black woman that same vision it is almost impossible to stop those people from bringing that into a reality we have such a powerful Consciousness right the the heart you know vibrates More Voltage of electricity more magnifying power than the brain right but when you get a vision it's something that you feel you're connected to it emotionally right so right now our vision is being steered through programming on social media on TV through movies through music it's writing the narratives of our image because they know how to weaponize our vision for them yes if I can train you up and the Academia of my history if I can train you up like the same I was watching hitting um uh figures yesterday if I train if I take your most brilliant black women that you have and I weaponize them for our propaganda and our fight against Russia which matters not to the you know liberation of your people but now I give them trophy now I'll give them position now they no longer see themselves as black they see themselves in a higher class they see themselves as Rich right they see themselves as everything else then black last so what they understand is not only how to destroy a vision but how to use the people who have a powerful ability to bring Vision into reality right because now they may have started something but you're going to help us finish it right you understand me most of when you see those you know memes out there some little black kid took the Mensa test and he's smarter than Einstein what is he going to do with that intelligence right he's going to a white Academia so they they understand the power of our Collective Brain Trust and the power of our ability to manifest things into existence at a high level so they they make sure that number one the mind of the brown man or woman stays distracted you you have to know what's going on in the celebrity world you have to know all of these things that are not an asset to you a hundred percent of all most of information you have is a liability to you because the energy that you're using to look over here you're distracted for what you could be building over here and when you just made a good point when you get a little black kid who happens to show genius Tendencies White Society will get that kid and separate them yeah you separate them from the herd yes so we don't let you use that genius for your own people exactly but we are a very magical people man the magic that we have is powerful we can literally just thread things into existence our creativity our Consciousness our dance our expression right our our spiritual Innovation allows us to you know be Alchemists we still utilize that power of voodoo we still call things into existence but sometimes we don't know you know how we did it yeah right some of us are acting well we're just talented and we're just naturally gifted at production at manifestation at Alchemy at all of these things but there's no standard to be like yo this is what you're tapping in because now you become a master on Earth you understand me now you at this highest level ain't nobody can do nothing with you and there's a few of us that tap into that thread and once you know that your power they start calling you ignorant they start calling you cocky they call you a narcissist they call you everything but they never call you unsuccessful because what you're doing is working when we look at Kanye West and we look at the propaganda that he puts out he learned to tap in today's systems yeah he learned the power of propaganda the power design he learned the golden ratio he understand the mathematics of how to create things certain proportions and how to produce success from your ideas that you have because they tapped into our systems when we were building pyramids when we were building structures and temples and when we were creating machines and they said well Deb all we got to do we ain't got to create nothing we just need to learn they systems right and then go build our own world and you just reminded me of something them tapping into our systems when I was in Haiti and even when I go to New Orleans if you know mostly white people study Voodoo why people will learn Voodoo before we do that's the fact they'll scare us you go to some of those Voodoo priests there's white people in there trying to get the game oh when I went to South Africa I went to a bookstore out there and it was a white woman in the back she's doing like readings and like all of this stuff and I'm looking at the books and it's like oh Aleister Crowley books on the wall you understand me and this is enough this is in South Africa right all black people and most people don't know who Aleister Crowley is and they can look him up yeah you're right because then you start to understand you know and he was a fraud right but most people utilize and think of him as higher than he worthy what is but that system is something that they take Serious yeah right that ability that luciferian system that ability to turn the people backwards right because this is what they did with us they put a spell on our our entire culture everything that is good that is bad we think is good everything is good we think bad right our whole vision is backwards so it sends us backwards so we we prop people up for killing in our culture yeah right if if you killing our culture you become a hero if you save somebody in our culture you're not seen as a hero right like you Captain save them yeah you know what I'm saying like so saviorism is not actually celebrated in our culture martyrism is yeah right if you die for us then we can give you credit maybe you meant what you said but if you are a leader that lives a long time no you must be a sellout you must be a fraud because you believe that this God is actually more powerful right than the god of good so why would and most people don't even understand that this is the mindset so we eat bad foods and we think that this is our best way of celebrating life right you only get one life so why not treat yourself terrible this is is all backwards thinking right so speaking of this backwards thinking and and Alistair Crowley you reminded me a lot of people talked about the rumors of him being connected with the music industry and Alex the Crowley would and and some other higher ranking people in the music industry would put hit messages and records and you play the records backwards and you would hear these messages yes it would have been Beatles records right and they said that that's what uh Charles Manson was listening to when he did the helter skill to hold so all of that stuff ties in yeah because that's that all goes to Alan Turing right him creating those algorithm machines that you know um helped them win the war against the Germans right because they was able to decode the messages that the Germans were sending so Alan Turing was their genius but he was also a homosexual so they never celebrated him right but he is essentially said to be you know the turing machine and how to use it is the father of like algorithm and the philosophy and the thesis of AI artificial intelligence so they went on to use you know some of that same thesis when they started creating MK Ultra and things of that nature which is the CIA mind control projects and so Mo you know when you got these projects that's being laid out you know some will carry it out in San Francisco and Oakland and different places has had a lot of experimental things happen up there yes and they was dropping them people off so when you see when you see the modern product of a city you have to say what was the history of things that created the culmination right you don't see it in Iowa or Ohio but in certain cities there were certain experimentation that were being ran and a lot of these patients and people were just being dropped off over there as well after the radical 1960s we we don't know how thorough some of these militant groups were you had black militant groups like The Black Liberation Army doing a lot of work up here in the bay down here all over the country the dominant Society had to figure out we got to do something about these aggressive black men yeah so in the early 70s the streets started to get flooded with psychotropic drugs all of this acid and LSD and Sherm and all that stuff that's when that became real big mid to late 70s crack cocaine came out of the bank to the 2D Reese 2D Reese was a drug dealer out here he got the formula from from crack it started down here that's how it got popping because they were experimenting with making it up there it's real heavy stuff so they were deliberately putting this stuff in the streets at a very specific time for a very specific purpose at the height of Consciousness specifically political Consciousness as well yeah if you see a people being militarized they become political they become nationalized now they're a threat now they're a problem because now you can see the future I see where these people are headed and I don't like it because they're getting more organized yeah so how do you fractionalize a people you put them on drugs that detaches them from reality right now they have no linear thinking right now they can't make decisions so they're never going to tap into that mind to God again so you know the the when uh you have a faction of the government who does uh um programs to to literally see if they can create psychics and mind control and create these assassins with key words and their are utilizing um you know frequencies and all of these different things like they was trying to see if they can make a person attracted to the same sex during those times yeah these are this is not opinionated based things it's stuff you can go study that is historical record and during that time it was printed in the newspaper right so this was stuff that you could imagine if that's printed in the newspaper today that CIA says that they run into my control program right it probably would get dismissed because we so used to things now but during that time people were in uproar about certain things that was the difference is people actually were an uproar about things that the government did now we accept everything exactly and now they've normalized it so much and they'll just put it in the music industry now they'll just have people instead of giving you a mind controller using some kind of propaganda they'll get people to wrap the [ __ ] down yeah so if you look at music now they promote heavy drug use now and smoke weed smoke weed do Molly's do Molly's Duo and when we have people high and whacked out of their mind they're not going to fight bite Supremacy oh no say fine demons that don't even exist exactly exactly crack heroin PCP right um ketamine ADHD where people utilize uh Adderall man there's all kind of drugs out there that people utilize liquor you know weed people are addicted to so many different things right and the average person that wants to quit they can't they don't have control over their own will right which means they don't have control over their own way and their own destiny and they enslave to the things that they take now how do you gain control over self of course there's a mental function but there's also a biological function as well see oftentimes when we addicted to something We crave it there's a excitement and that excitement is if you will an electrical Spike right in our brains we automatically think that if I get that I'll be rewarded with the pleasures so your brain is operated based on what it feels not what it thinks you understand me the moment you think of that drug it is inducing a small chemical in the brain to make you feel that same pleasure that you will if your will continues to go towards manufacturing and producing and manifesting a drug into your reality putting you in this cycle want and will desire and action consistently how do you disrupt that well if I want something but I have a stronger will than the things that I desire and I can disrupt that and biologically I also have the capabilities within because my body doesn't crave something because it no longer needs it meaning that it's already at an electrical Spike of activity right you already hide off energy so therefore you say nah I don't need the drink nah I don't need the coffee my willpower is stronger see in the 19th century in the UK they utilize gold as a way to curb addiction right now this was a necessary process and they still utilize gold today and Cancer Treatments and tumor treatments and all sorts of different ways that they would lies ago the ancient people knew the recipe they knew how to utilize the elements of the world to take control and power over self imagine if you had the greatest electrified operating system in the world and you can begin to control your own will we've had great testimonials from people who are addicted to weed people addicted to liquor people who addicted to coffee and they've all been able to start to begin to take control of their own will and curb these addictions and they believe that the assistance of the gold allowed them to be able to tap into that higher mode instead of being controlled by the lower selves now they're so electrified it's their higher mind that is a hybrid Drive make sure y'all tap in get on the gold stop being controlled by your addictions and your afflictions instead make gold a part of your new ritual tap in [Music] exactly so I I want to jump a little bit back into um history with like Mansa Musa right monster moose everybody knows him being you know um a Muslim wealthy you know black king um who conquered Empires and he had wealth that you know was so vast when he brought it in you know he killed those systems of currency because it was so much uh wealth and gold that he brought with him but also there's there's Legends to say that you know he crossed over into you know modern Mexico and what was known as Montezuma right right have you heard those stories um when they send abu bakari when they came over here with all of those ships they said that they landed over there in the Mexico area and when you look at the Mexico area you look at some of the murals the bone impact murals you got jet black people with dreadlocks um you got the old Mech statues that's been there for thousands of years from what I understand yeah clearly black people yeah like these statues don't exist yeah yeah I mean when I went to when I went to Egypt and you can clearly see the black faces on the walls there's no argument there right right only you have to be a crazy person and then to go look at the evidence and then conclude that these were white people exactly but going to Mansa Musa Mansa Musa was a gift in the curse Manson mostly had a lot of money was the richest man in recorded history had all that gold um they took a trip over to mecca for the they did their pilgrimage he had so much gold that he was giving out it depressed the economy of Egypt that was a good thing he was known as a very generous person the bad thing was he was flossing too hard and when you floss too hard that makes you lunch all these Europeans started to see all of that wealth that he had in Africa became a lunch box they said we got to get our weight up and get over there and get all that yeah right after he did that Africa became a Target so right in the 1400s they had their eyes on Africa Henry the Navigator we got to go get that we and starving and these [ __ ] running around here with all this gold yeah we getting that so they started to Tool up and that's when they started exploiting Africa so that was a gift and occurred sometimes you can be generous but don't floss he was flossing a little bit yeah that's been our problem see I like to look at our history and see what we went right right where did we go wrong flossing we got to hold back the floss here white people know not to floss white people they'll be sitting up here in a dirty t-shirt and some dirty shoes and that will be a billionaire you don't even know it that's a fact so they learn they know we ain't trying to show you everything we got yeah the minute we get some we got to go buy a big watch and a big chain and a big old car don't let everybody know that that's a fact the white boy would do the exact opposite I've been in rooms with billionaires and it looks like a homeless shelter you don't even know who's who or who's doing what but they do not flaws they know better yeah that's a lesson man we could have learned uh what was his name Frank White Lucas Lucas yeah yeah man if somebody ever told him about my samusa man he might have learned the Lesser earlier wearing that fur coat to that fight also you know trying to be in the spotlight yeah going back to the drug dealers Nikki Barnes with Nikki Barnes got on the cover of the New Yorker magazine that was the the beginning of the end for that whole click out yeah he was a drug dealer for those who don't know Nikki Barnes was a harlem drug dealer um everybody knew he was a drug dealer and somebody asked him to be on a magazine cover and he did it to floss and when he did that all them Rico charges everything started coming down on him so so also there's something else you know I remember when you was on your way to the UK yeah and there's a band on you yeah right so it's it's it's two things I want to get into right there because now that you know the queen has met her demise a lot of people have a hard time reconciling the history of the royal family and the things that they did right towards colonism uh colonialism and them as colonizers right and determining what was their history as far as the ugly history of the royal family right and then how they separate the queen as being so-called innocent from that history even though she's been the longest proclaimed reigning right a a royal leader in the world so you know number one how did you get banned from the UK man um you get banned from a whole country the only person I know was the first Mr far and now you yeah we um we were doing Hidden Colors five and we were screening them all over the country and me and my lady were about to hop on a plane and right when we got on the plane American Airlines came with a note they were like um Miss Nice you can't go to the UK I'm like really why why is that where you're banned and if we take you over there the airline is going to be sued what like yeah you can't go to the UK so I had to get on the phone call them like what why am I bad and they would say well your presence is not conducive to the safety of Brit what does that mean that's a real vague yeah so basically they just me influencing people there they thought that was a threat and um we sent brother Kaaba out there to do the screening because you know I could get out there but they told me if I if I have a layover in Britain they're going to detain me wow and I'm not a part of the organization I'm I don't have any felonies anymore and I don't have any criminal cases just a person who talks about white supremacy that's a threat that that has that's that says a lot about because when we talk about Power Systems and structures and the people that surveillance it and watch it and how they determine because you got to imagine these are real people in rooms making decisions yeah and they determine after watching your presentation of Hidden Colors looking at your profile they had to come up to some conclusion that this influence will have great impact on the city specifically black cities right so they made a determination that this is dangerous for us yep and a lot of people don't think that there's real agendas and people in small rooms making these decisions as far as how the mass population should be influenced exactly but you being banned from UK right is direct proof of that yes indeed because you didn't do any violence to anybody you didn't commit any crimes exactly you specifically told the truth right in in the history and delivered that education to our people and they said that that's a threat exactly and knowing the the history of the royal family again going back to them they try to play innocent these are evil people these people have been committing atrocities for the longest and not just on the general public and the non-white people they do it to themselves look at Princess Diana people need really really need to get into what went down with her when she was with Dodie Fayed who's a non-white person it was a Muslim and remember the British family and those Royals in Europe they don't want another situation where they have Moorish Bloodlines popping through that was the problem that that made your fall in the first place the more is running everything so they said we're not going to have another more situation where this woman is going to have a potentially African baby who's going to have claim to any part of the crown so there's a reason why that woman was offed over there in Paris that wasn't an accident that wasn't the paparazzi that woman wasn't they weren't running for their lives from some damn people trying to take a picture you know that don't make sense yeah don't defyed's dad even said that hey they were killed by the military the the British military they've said that now look at Meghan Markle now they've somewhat excommunicated them because they have these mulatto children now they don't play about the Bloodlines at all that's an Aryan white family right there all day they're German you know their families yeah you know and see it's I'm a very logical man yeah if I have a superpower it is logic right so for me I look at a family that calls themselves a royal family which means that they believe that they're Supreme right so this is a white supremacist family by the logic and definition of what they represent a bloodline yes right this is what they consider to have a supreme or a Royal bloodline right these are not people that are interested in mixing with African right blood so when you look at that you can't denote any other conclusion then you look at the history of the family and their cycles of how they colonize and they stole old and they robbed and they killed and they raped and they maimed there's no other conclusion that you can come from besides that the royal family is a representation of white supremacy in its truest form at the highest form they colonize what ninety percent of the damn planets have to well over half the planet was colonized by this one royal family they received all the benefits and they act like there's some type some type of symbolic power no they run the show yeah why do you think why do you think so many Africans love them they was crying and sobbing and did you feel anything man man and that just shows how colonized some of you know the non-white people are for just to sit up there crying over that woman and that woman has raped the resources of their Homeland yes you dig yeah that shows how deep white supremacy is psychologically yeah so where are we at right now in in history and time man we we had an interest in parallel where we have more information more resources more access says more ability to communicate at any other point in time in the history of this planet Earth what do you believe is that thing that stops us right from you know besides reparations and having that particular resource repaired but what is that thing that you believe that stop us from committing to that next level of our progress that's a great question you know what the problem is brother we could get rid of systematic white supremacy if we really really wanted to because let me show you something man the brothers and sisters down in Florida The Maroons when they were small numbers only a few hundred of them beating the U.S army over in Haiti those are unarmed people these were slaves who didn't have no weapons yeah beating three armies when we decide to say hey enough is enough enough will be enough yes sir a lot of times we don't want the responsibility of running things on our own because we think a lot of us think we kind of got it made we can just kind of laugh joke Dance Let white people take care of the the heavy lifting they think we got a little good a good deal going on right now but we also understand if we get the white supremacists out of here who's going to run the Water Works system see now we can't be clubbing and lollygagging we got to get up at six in the morning so we won't manage this right right see we want we think those are cool little managers they do that we can do our little lollygagging and jerking around we got to get down to Serious Business because look the white supremacists are going to die off unfortunately because their numbers are dwindling unfortunately yeah I see I give I give like raw racism yeah 20 30 years yeah it's not going to be around I tell black people this they're not going to be running stuff too much longer just by Nature yeah okay nature is gonna you know handle that unfortunately unfortunately however you want to look at it we're going to have to start running stuff and getting into the habit of who's going to run them satellites up in this right who's going to run the power grids who's going to do the non-fretty one you see you said we right at this point we depended yeah like and and then of course we talking about races I can't say of everybody who's who's handling whatever engineering responsibilities or racist but you know I can say that you know the idea of separation and breaking off completely means that you have to restart yes I do and then you have to have the knowledge in the community of people that's restarting otherwise you can only only Bill to you know the intellectual and the educational level and the ability of those people right so but you know and that's why it's dangerous that when we go get educations and we go to hbcus and I've seen a recent article they said that now there's a higher percentage of white students that's coming into these hbcus right um that's taking over so the one thing that we talked about when we took college is that it is a great experience so I tell people your college is scamming you ain't getting it's not worth it now but they say what about the experience well now the experience is becoming gentrified so you won't even be able to get that experience of white people looking for it as well but when when they come they integrate and they gentrify the experience and it Waters down so now you want to be able to get that HBCU experience in the next 10 20 years right right so now you really have to see college for what it is and it's a way of creating a certain class of workers you dig but at the same time it's a scam for them to be able to get money money yeah and we can tell that because of the amount of debt right versus the people that actually got educated and that have a skill set that they applied and that was as valuable as that did see when when we first started having the hbcus you know they were a e and uh like Agriculture and Engineering so there was already jobs ready so we were going to go and get a very specific job now we don't have that we have communications we have all of these useless um yeah degrees now and you get out and where you're going to apply this stuff now and I'm not trying to knock anybody from going to college but we have to focus more on trades and be very specific about what we're going to go to college for what are we going to do specifically not just go to get in debt because that's what's happening now getting out of college and you're driving for Postmates in debt unless you get out of college that's not it right there we got to be more focused about what we need to do yeah I mean we we we're going through you know um uh economic restart over the whole world new systems are being laid out by the time this thing finishes and we go through whatever this cycle is that we're going through the same players that was at the top won't be there a lot of them are going to be ate up by those who have the ability to buy those companies expand right and then there's going to be new businesses that's going to be built out because you have the millennial and the Gen Z their needs and their wants are different you look at the Asian population they're saying that less people are spending where there was the the the the Asian Spenders right were making up for increasing the the economic size over there in China but now they got what they call these super Savers right so now they believe in figuring out ways to be as Frugal as possible yeah right they don't want to spend a dollar because we've been through these economic cycles that aren't fun to go through the recessions and the covet so now people are scared to spend a dollar yeah right so everybody has to go through this transition where you have to Pivot you have to change your business models based on the new psychology of society right so when I look at education you can't have the same education in the world has changed 10 times right but the same education is there right so now it's more important than the kid know how to monetize YouTube than it is for them to get African-American studies economically right right so how do you you know uh justify education in the increase tuition where the education is the same and the world changes which decreases the value of that education this is why we have to learn how to evolve with the culture it's very important to understand the culture and how to evolve in the culture um just like like when I do the movies when I started doing Movies 10 years ago DVDs were the lick so now DVDs are going out now so now I have to learn how to get streaming sites working on the streaming site now so you've got to evolve this you've got to the Gap man production right now like when we do high level conversation the key about it is you know everything when you I don't just try to throw the same template over every video every video needs something different yeah right we may have long streams of conversation so we need more b-roll because a person may not just want to look at somebody talk for 10 minutes straight but if there's b-roll it resets attention so but when in our culture things about design and production are more important than ever because the way we're communicating now in a way that we're monetizing our intellectual property has changed everybody has to have a media arm in their business yeah right now you get to be a political pundit that doesn't have to run for office right right but you have the same influence and sway over somebody that is a governor or somebody that is an ottoman or you know even we seen Donald Trump become president through social media so now the way you strategize and the way you attack your own you know business model has to change right I teach blockchain specifically because I feel like number one the ideas of cryptocurrency wasn't about buying low selling high it was more so about this allows to create a whole new decentralized system right if there was ever and I can't tell you who made it I can't tell you there's a nefarious agenda behind it but if there was ever a technology that we was waiting on it's the blockchain [Music] and at the top these tools are things like the internet or the printing press or the light bulb it represents Innovation Paradigm shifts but generations to come those who have the education are able to take full advantage of the Innovation by setting themselves up as the industry leaders the most qualified and skilled so they can teach the world what's to come because they are the ones that build it it's starting to feel like even though we have access to all this information most people still don't know how they don't know how to do it it's like the world is getting tested but you need a cheat code in order to make sure that you pass it people feel like the algorithm is against us well what if I told you that we built the algorithm that was for you in the Block World Order it's about technology it's about community and it's about education and giving you the opportunity to Free Yourself to make sure that you're not waiting on the Next Generation and the next to them and the next technology and the next update to be free you come on this journey in this ride with us we'll make sure that you grow with us you build with us in a manner to where you won't be left behind there's Perfection then there's great protection is the state you reach but it can never be consistent because the moment that you move is no longer in that same perfect statement your goal is to reach greatness but I want greatness to be normal great I don't want it to be something that only this one percent have access to there's new one percent that runs parallel to it or those who understand how to innately tap into their gifts see I look at the way that the world has been created and the way the world is consistently been ran when you have monarchies they can just tell you that they bloodline is more real than everybody else x-ray ruins they create seals they put it on paper and the rest of the world starts to follow that forever now that's power it's not perfect but it's great but it's great now we got new systems blockchain these systems sit there to challenge the existing system with new sales new families new records new history can be created but what does that matter if you're not educated and you consistently distracted they said because of social media there's new technology it has actually made people more distracted and less focused so therefore they say the average person can only focus somewhere around seven to ten seconds now for me I think that's terrible the reason I think it's terrible because we have access to more information than any other people at any other point of time yet we don't know what's right what's wrong what's good what's bad what's value what's booked so it's not about just having information it's about the curation of information who's bringing it to you who can Cipher it what type of community and environment that you are in because growth comes from the three E's education exposure and experience see if you can curate your education then you can make sure that you're not just getting new knowledge you're getting valuable knowledge that's actually applicable to your freedom and your power you understand me now the exposure is your environment because everything that you observe you see you feel you hear you become your embodied you vibrate at that rate so you're not surrounded by wealth how can you ever vibrate magnify magnetized and Attract it to your reality I was talking to my brother Idris and do the other day we're talking about the difference between manifesters and Alchemists see some people they can drop a thought draw it into their universe and build wealth and attract the right things to them and other people they work with what they have to be able to produce it regardless of where they are see some people you have to understand whether you're a generator or you're a Manifesto an understanding your human design and your blueprint therefore it gives you the right mindset so when I say 80 mindset 20 skill set I mean that let's see if you know how to write my is that you can develop the right skill set most of you I took courses in education and financial literacy but when you look in your environment you don't feel no Financial liberation we want to liberate You by helping you change the way that you think and giving you access to new education technology and tools that can help you enhance and give you an edge in the marketplace you go try to try to test today in school or you can get out of high school and they tell you to take this test you won't feel so confident whether social studies mathematics geography no matter what it is but if they tell you we'll give you the cheat codes everybody feel like they go past it and see back in the day teaching each other and giving each other the answers they said was cheating they said it was wrong but I'm here to tell you it's no longer wrong I want to teach you how to cheat the reason I want to teach you how to cheat because we want to give you the codes we want to give you the answers because they've been hidden from you for so long that you deserve them you deserve to have your mind right your spirit right your finances right you understand me you deserve a better life but that can only come with better decisions better Investments and better opportunities in a block world order this is what we stand for the right Community the right education the right technology through this test of Life we'll give you the cheat codes to make sure that you pass tap in the first was the internet right right because you know it democratized access to media and commerce and things of that nature right and influence and now it's the blockchain where democratizes access to financial systems right ownership copyright trademark patent systems so now I talked my brother Idris Sand Dune we talk about this is the place where we can actually write our history and our narrative and it can't be destroyed because of the very nature of this technology so being able to understand and recognize well you grabbing historian like yourself and a filmmaker like yourself and I talked about like creating you know a metaverse museums or depicting history in the way that we tell it right and showing what that looks like right part of not having a vision is your imagination never being fed right our imagination is fed from White writers right we get black producers and actors but we don't write the scripts right the scripts is where all the spelling and the magic is this is where people take scripts in movies as true history they not most people are are given the benefit that woman King is a true story and that this is accurate depiction white woman wrote that script yes and the slavers are held as Heroes right so most people like yo we got to see that we gotta show our young girls what are you showing them you're showing them a depiction of once oppressors that sold out black people in America and holding them up as a way for a young girl to get inspired and gain some confidence because she see a black woman on the screen so it's a trick bag it really is you understand me and they play us like that but our responsibility to say okay we get it Tyree not sure we get in 19 keys but will we go build right right and this is why I love what you've done because you've built the Legacy right and you've built media in film that Fosters and feeds the imagination and the vision of our people to where it's be like yo I can still see myself and I created a whole media apparatus to counter those narratives when I first started doing the hidden color series The reason I did it was because you had movies at the time that were horrible to us spiritually remember around 2008 2009 around that whole period you had movies like The Help which was horrible for our psyche to see black women moving around yeah under these white people you have movies like The Blind Side you had movies like The Butler all of these movies man had us in these real weird subservient positions 12 Years a Slave where there had to be a white hero saving us so psychologically that was draining us so I had to create something was I was waiting on somebody to create some but nobody would do it we kept saying we need an alternative so I said okay let me do something let me get all the people that I like the people that I've read and studied and let me try something new there was nothing done like Hidden Colors before a movie talking about straight up and down hidden black history while we're attacking white supremacy that was the thing yeah because that's the kicker because most people get funding from the dominant Society so you're not going to say too much about the dominant success effect at the same time we were getting the stuff together for the Hidden Colors film Kickstarter was something that was brand new it was a crowdfunding yes see us adapting to technology right that was new crowdfunding was very new and I jumped on that early so I said to my my Twitter followers and people I said they got something called Kickstarter well we can fund projects that we like if you guys can put 20 000 on here I'll do the rest we got 20 000 in a month then we did the movie it took off the whole series became history so we did something that was based on a need yeah yeah how much how much you think that if a person today want to create their own documentary what would you how much you say in a budget should they have I would say to do a real thorough one just starting off um at least 50 to 100 000 okay to make it thorough to make it real comparative to what's on the screen now um I've upped the budgets on some of my other films like one of my most expensive films this was 1804. yeah um because we had a lot of extras in it we had a lot of people we were doing Army and War scenes yeah and we were using genuine costumes and we were flying all over the world to film we filmed in um Europe that's when I can go to Europe at the time well the UK we filmed a lot in Haiti we filmed out here so we did a lot of reenactment scenes and I tried to make my films comparative to what's in Hollywood yeah I think that's important like I really want to get into more creating docu-series yeah you understand me picking these particular topics and Diving deep into them and telling these stories in ways that we just never seen before yes we do right and the way you tell the story and the Aesthetics of it is important when I see the conscious Community or even our historians oftentimes it was never in it's never any great production right right right so the knowledge is high but the Aesthetics is low right and that's important because you go watch something ignorant where the production is high but the content is ignorant but I can sit there and enjoy this easier because it's smoother it's a flow and the stuff you see on screen no matter how ignorant it is it's more influential that's because it's a clearer picture in the mind yeah it's brighter it's bigger so that hits you differently that's a fact so it's more of a reality thing so like propaganda is key it almost depending on this point yeah one of the things that I always talk about right is like um greatness propaganda campaign the campaign is essentially let's say you know we take the blackest cities in America and across the Billboards you see you know the black dollars now circulating 20 in the black community black families on the rise right um it says that you know black men um are going to become I don't know business owners at a higher rate than they will go to jail right so what happens is you start to put out all of these positive statistics that are counted to The Narrative of what's that exists today so you start to build up this Vision in the head of the people and one thing I know about vision is that once a person sees something there's a feeling attached to it the feeling communicates your drive your will so if you see a hamburger I'm hungry I gotta go eat right right because now I just experience eating it in my head man that's gonna taste good can't wait to taste it I gotta go experience this feeling so we experience everything twice the vision allows us to experience a new reality for us so if there's a campaign that when you you walk outside and you're seeing positive programming right now you are being programmed to create that reality because you feel good about it oh we ain't healthier wait you said diabetes down by 50 that's what's up you're not about to then go eat right counter to the narrative that you see existing you want to contribute not to it they said a black dollar is circulating 20 I mean uh uh 20 days I thought we was like six hours or something like that at first man I'm about to go spam black sugar I want to be a part of that change all right so instead and this is why I'm heavy on rappers because they always talk about what we create what we see sometimes you have to create what you want to see right right it's one thing to be reflective it's another thing to be aspirational like the early rap records yeah they didn't have no money Sugar Hill Gang I got a stereo mansion cars they would talk about all this stuff and then that manifests itself yeah the music later yeah so yeah yeah that's the key and so you know um you also have the black Museum yeah right yeah and this is so important because when we talk about even a royal family and all the things that they've stole we talk about all these things we we creating the museums also I believe gives us a place to where when we Lobby and tell these people give us our [ __ ] back we have a place to put it yes indeed you understand me yes uh yeah I think it was blue pill that said conservatorship right so being able to have conservatorship over our history our artifacts our assets we want them out of your museums and we want them in our museums right and therefore when we come and we can tell our story if they belong to us put them where a place where we say we own and I think that that's a beautiful future that I see because I can't go you know one Museum that's cool right and and but we need thousands of them we do we have so much history that we couldn't fill up our history in no Museum we need Millions we need so many to fill up until a real true story of who we are right last time I was up in debate brother I saw about 10 Asian museums yeah in the bay yeah they got a lot Asian art Asian history Asian dance Asian fashion they have so many places that hold who they are they can see themselves reflected if they want to learn about themselves they can walk down the street we want to learn about ourselves where do we go we have to wait to maybe they having a special and they haven't Dr Martin Luther King special and they're showing his civil rights history right there should be permanent residency everywhere and out here man what's unfortunate our tourist attractions if you want to go to the black neighborhood to a tourist attraction you know what the biggest tourist attraction is in L.A nipsy hustle's death site where our brother got shot and killed that's our backwards culture you see that's a tourist attraction in the neighborhood that's one of the reasons why I wanted a museum we have to have something more constructive and you know God rest my brother but we have to have something constructive for people who are going to come down to visit the neighborhood let me ask you one last question this is a different yeah because you know your early days you were mad yeah you you have the ability to communicate today yeah men don't have that ability to communicate anymore there are these things called in sales you heard of that term yeah involuntary celibate yeah yeah yeah yeah something like that with involuntary version versions or something like that or something so from what I hear now you know but because of their status as in sales and of course you got manosphere and red pill and what I see the the the the the theme along it is y'all don't know how to communicate with women you know I'm saying you don't know how to project your value and your confidence now I come from Oakland yeah when I say that you understand that you know what I'm saying because yeah yeah Oakland is the home of great communication yes indeed right but you know a lot of people don't have that ability today and it's a lost art to young men so what would be your advice to the the Millennials and the Gen Z when it comes to you know being a man and being able to communicate to women confidently the reason why they can't communicate brother Keys is because the internet has enabled a lot of non-verbal communication see I came up in the game was no internet yeah in the 90s yeah you had to go out physically meet the ladies yeah chop it up with them they had to fill your Vibes effect feel your energy right now LOL you can type your emotions now shaking my head yeah I feel good yeah good so there's no emotion and there's no gaming it's no real connection yeah ninety percent of communication is non-verbal uh-huh so online everything is verbal you just saying stuff but it's not being conveyed the right way yeah that's not a substitute for game game is the vibe that you give to each other you and the woman whoever you're chopping up game two it's the vibe and that's what the the whole thing is about the connection and that's how you learn what to say what not to say how to act around a person and not act around a person by being physically there yeah now the game is very transactional relationships are extremely transactional girls now you meet them online like here's my only fans yeah so you're not even getting to see or be around her sexually in a physical world you got to look at it online you got to buy something you got to buy something entry right yeah women have turned themselves into products yeah and mentoring themselves into simps exactly that energy ain't there yeah and got you got to get off that internet okay you can't be on the internet all day yeah got to get offline and really get out here and meet people physically and interact with people physically that's why it's important to go to things like the Revolt Summit and other events where people are networking with each other in person I agree with that I agree with that 100 I think that the the very qualities that can turn a young male to those rights of Passage right like for me my older brother I had him he had like brother was masterful when it come to gang you understand me so but when I was young early he had forced me to go out there and talk to women you know I'm saying he's like look man you go talk to him and beat your ass yeah so I'm like [ __ ] I I'd rather her say no to fight you right but I learned my confidence from that because what I realized you know of course she gonna say yes so I realized all my fears was false you understand me you know now me a brother like me go have a 98.9 track record of success so somebody else may have to go through quantity because the quality might not be there but you can't give up but if you increase the quality then your percentage rate changes right and if you if you don't have no confidence because you're not used to talking to people physically yeah what happens is when these dudes do get offline their energy is hostile yeah so it's like hey what's your name well I got a boyfriend what [ __ ] you then yeah then it gets real crazy or emotional intelligence yeah then it gets violent yeah that's a fact when these dudes don't have no connection look at the the Dharma thing yeah this dude was anti-social he didn't know how to socialize so then it became about control he had to control everybody he interacted with and then that control LED into murder and you had to then it turned into something else but a lot of people if you don't know how to interact with people you want to feel comfortable so you want to control the interaction because you're so insecure any form of rejection will devastate you emotionally yeah so cats got to get out there and do the trial and error there's a rite of passage sometimes you're going to shoot your shot and hit sometimes you're going to get dissed it happens to the best but you can't have that fear just like with boxing somebody's gonna hit you in the face right and they say once you get hit in the face you good yeah if you can feel that pain you know what's coming next yeah so so and I say that because it ties into the bigger thing when you talk about bug breaking yeah you know not having confidence is key right um not believing in yourself right you know I'm saying not not having that Faith where anything I think can be manufactured into reality I meet young men nowadays they have all of their problems are all mental yeah all of them and but then we start to create because mental health is everywhere and it's very real it's a lot of mental deficiencies things of that nature but anything that happens in the mind can be solved by the Mind absolutely right if it's a physical injury then that's a different reality right right but when we talk about most of the issues that young men have it's mostly just a lack of confidence and belief within self so I really want that to be striked into the hearts but there's no programming that is programmed to the confidence of the young male to become a man anymore because the entire system is anti-man I believe they are working to make inequalities and traits of masculinity extinct I've seen an article where they saying that men should not stand up peeing anymore you understand me and they try to come up with reasons and all of these things to say now men should sit down and peek all of those things that are historically masculine that represent manhood all of those projects objections that we used to see on screen those are disappearing yeah they're being replaced by women they're being replaced by you know smaller figures of men right so you're not getting that broadly masculine right man you're not getting the intelligent salt Problem Solver and confident charismatic like a James Bond right you know I'm saying you're not getting a smooth soul for brother like James Brown you did because see we're we're told as men men told now are told you have to follow somebody you need an authoritative yeah like the state or the government or somebody in an authoritative position to tell you what to do because the confidence man boils down to one thing trusting yourself that's all confidence is trusting yourself I know when I go out here I'm going to be thorough that's all confidence is a lot of people are so used to somebody telling them what to do they're not used to telling themselves what to do because I haven't done it I'm not a good leader I don't know what I want I need somebody to tell me what I want we got to get off that self-determination self-determination once you learn how to trust yourself and you start doing things and accomplishing things on your own without somebody telling you that's the level of confidence that nobody can teach you yes yes I like that you know um first of all this conversation has been very enlightening and we have a lot of things that we have to take that is ours right because speaking on that self-determination I believe that that goes towards the conversational reparations because I want to end it on that you know America this Corporation they owe us yes they do the only question is how much that's really it I always say that you know Japan is a great debt holder of America so is China and a few other countries and you know debt is the first form of slavery you understand me when you owe someone um they own you and that's why I always say that black Americans are the greatest Masters because America owes us you understand me they are beholding to that whether they want to acknowledge it or not and the conversation won't disappear and we're seeing progress being made and I want our generation who may not be involved in this conversation may not know the history right may not know all of the things on why you were in this situation today it's not to create a mentality to where you're looking for excuses and reasons of why you're in this you're talking about your people as a whole and this is why we we fragment ourselves in individualism and we never look at the whole thing well I'm doing good some people say well you know this situation is my own fault and that's definitely the attitude you should take yeah but when it comes to you know respecting your ancestors and honoring your ancestors you have to get what's owed to them you understand me which is old to us because we know through epigenetics that information has carried Seven Generations so they're not seven generations we're not seven generations removed from slavery we're not seven generations removed from Black Codes and Jim Crow and redlining and pipelines to prison we're not seven generations removed from that so that is still our bloodline and that means that that same epigenetic code is the slave master's children you all are are privileging right from our suffering so therefore the only way that we could be one big happy family is if we have Equity we have ownership right we don't just have rights to things but we are seen as owners of these things you can't give me a right to nothing I'm a human being I have human rights that's why they killed Malcolm X because he talked human rights not just civil rights right and so as human rights that supersedes civil code yeah right the human code is that these are inalienable natural rights for a human being born yeah and those are things that we haven't even had the benefit of receiving right so one last thing it's just about FBA yeah and Africans some people believe that you know it creates a separation between the two that's some of the content that you put out as you know you speak about the histories of blacks that it creates a wedge between blacks and Africans and you know um others across the diaspora so is that the intention right and do you recognize that and how do you look toward the future of the relations between foundational black Americans Africans and the rest of the diaspora to determine or to designate our lineage as Foundation of black Americans it's just a lineage designation it's just like saying an African-American African-American is just too vague because you have people who immigrate over here who are African-American but that doesn't describe us because we didn't immigrate anywhere we're the only non-immigrant group you even have white people like Elon Musk who says he's African-American he was born in Africa now he's American so technically he's not lying he's an African-American so we are determining our own lineage name Foundation of black Americans logically that makes more sense so other groups shouldn't feel bad about that that's just our lineage that's all it is what happens is a lot of people are used to us fighting for them and whenever we accomplish something that gets thrown into the pot of African-American and people can benefit off of it when it's convenient but when it's something negative they can distance themselves from us or when they do something constructive they can distance themselves from us for example when you have artists and entertainers who win Awards and you have somebody who's an immigrant who wins a pH or who earns a PhD all of a sudden they're nigerian-american you dig so now they've made a distinction themselves um Shirley Ralph I love Shirley Ralph she just won an Emmy for the first time that woman has been African-American and black her whole career the minute she won an Emmy jamaican-american actress yeah Shirley Ralph won an indie yeah so people go out of their way to distance themselves from us okay so that win could go to their lineage yeah but if a Jamaican was over here selling drugs he's just black um so if a Nigerian pulls a scam he's just black right see we have to absorb all the negative but then they differentiate themselves with all the positives so we're saying is foundation of black Americans let's tally up our accomplishments let's point out our lineage so that we don't absorb everybody else's trash right so they're like hey wait a minute yeah that's not cool that's not cool yes it is cool we are very unique people and there's nothing wrong with that even though we still do have African genetics you know culturally we are a different group it's foundational black Americans just like Jamaicans Dominicans they have African genetics but they have their specific culture right Haitians have African genetics but they have their specific culture so when we say black people created hip-hop we talk about foundations black Americans yes indeed because people are running around trying to tell this lie that um it was started in the Caribbean it wasn't then they tried to say that the Puerto Ricans started it not true I saw something today they said that Asians had a part of his father to counter The Narrative that you know we've been doing the uh we've been rapping yeah right on beat we've been dancing break dancing since the 30s in the 20s and that very specific rhythm of hip-hop you know and that that particular thing that is known as hip-hop today that is spread around the world right is one of those things that is owned right by foundational black Americans and specifically in that context of understanding how it became successful right and where did the contributions come from because even when there's video showing that some of the famous Caribbean DJs were saying that no we yes we we got this big speaker box stuff from Americans when we was DJing over there right so we have records of this yes right and people may try to contact visualizes to say well this wasn't hip-hop this is the influence of hip-hop where it started right right so you know no other people suffer from hip-hop but us when we get killed they don't share in that right other people the labels the record labels that were recalled and targeted by the feds including Sugar Hill ruthless Rock Roll rap a lot right we got the the negativity of that right fighting for the rights of everybody else you see in part as far as they don't get no problems but they want ownership exactly if you want to share something you understand me share in the the the the the problems they're saying that well we feel like we're a part of this so we want to help y'all right people only want to take credit for things when there's something good but not when they got a fight in that same War exactly all of a sudden we're no longer a part of minorities that's a black person issue you understand me but when it's something that they want to throw themselves in because they said the word minority wait a minute I'm a minority too so I like the idea because also it it it places Us in this category where I think black people can be proud right of being Americans and that statement right there I never thought I would say before until later years that my education has progressed and mature to where I see America as mine it is I don't see it as a white man's land I see it as a native land of our people I see it as a land that we've built and we've suffered we've bled and we've given ourselves to we were the first product of this country so if there was any place that belonged to us right by Birthright by Blood right it is America yes indeed and everybody around the world has to respect that so when you see a black American and they travel around the world please don't be disrespectful and ask them outside of America where they from because being from America for a person that is born here and they have generations of family here that go back hundreds and some go back thousands that is enough yes indeed and there was no United States of America until we built it that's a fact gotta let people know that yes he built this thing literally from scratch and we cultivated all of the culture of it yes on top to bottom you know I applaud you in your mission right to educate us to give us houses of our history and to give us media for our education as well because I feel like brothers ladies you know there's a list of books I can give you you know especially foreign things of that nature that you can read and right alongside of that I'm Gonna Give You Hidden Colors yes indeed and also y'all can get my book um foundational black American race baiter I talk about a lot of this stuff in the book and it talks a little bit about my life coming up so yes it can get that too well brother I appreciate this enlightening conversation make sure y'all tap in and I hope that you learned a little bit about our hidden history because there's always more to learn it's been high level conversations tap in 19 80s [Music] my experience being on High level conversation with my brother Keys man is phenomenal um this Bay Area player and I came up with a lot of Bay Area Brothers Band a lot of the Bay Area dudes laced me with games so this felt like just being at home really chopping up with one of those old school cats and this is the young brother but he has an old school spirit you can tell this brother's been laced by some veterans and it's good to have conversations like that with young Brothers Who's on his intellectual level I want to see more young Brothers like brother keys because when you have Elders giving out this kind of knowledge and information they hope that is falling on proper ears they it's they hope that the proper people are getting the information and they're going to translate the information and spread the information in a correct way not just using it to debate in circles and and talk mindlessly we need people like this brother applying the information properly so I hope other people can see this interview and not only be influenced by what I'm saying but just be influenced by what brother Keys is talking about too Tyree Nasheed is a piece of History right he is a contributor to you know um the identity of black people all across the world right I think he is a part of the person that creates the corrections for all of the you know errors that were given to us and told to us as history so I wanted to make sure that we have him because I've been inspired by Hidden Colors right one through five every particular one right I've always wanted to be on hidden colors and so now I get to have him on my platform and we get to talk about the hidden history that has not only been hidden from us but that's been stole from us and he has a lot of beautiful projects coming out like his Museum and he has another project coming out about the maroons and I think that each one of these pieces are necessary because some people see Tariq Nasheed as creating division but I think through this education he's actually created more Unity right because he's giving people that history and it's creating a link between all of us I think that this fight of his which is our fight for reparations is key because we need to keep that on the Forefront there can't be no political movements there can be no voting for someone without them addressing the issues that are in our communities and that's this economic issues that we face with so I respect the brother for keeping his foot on people next for making sure that what he called a butter biscuits you understand me ain't out here running and controlling [ __ ] without getting checked media is very important in the interview today you've heard brother Keys talk about propaganda propaganda is not a bad thing propaganda is used every single day when you go out the house everything you see especially as far as advertising it's all propaganda you go to the grocery store you look at the way groceries are set up in the color schemes that's propaganda when you see more food that's supposed to be nature type of food they always have the boxes in green that's to give you the the illusion that it's natural see they mine tricks are being played on you all the time but we can give information to each other and propaganda to each other in a positive manner and media is very important the the way you guys have everything set up man the professional cameras the professional lighting that's very important because it shows that you got heart and integrity in your work and if you put heart and integrity in your work the audience can feel that they can appreciate that they appreciate when somebody presents something to them on a on a beautiful platter and I think this is a beautiful platter and I think everybody's going to continue to appreciate it and learn from it you know if I'm looking at reparations I wanted it done in incremental stages I think that for a certain percentage of people who have financial literacy they have a business plan they know what they would do with the money I think it would be great but for people that are financially illiterate and uneducated it will end up back into the hands of the very people who have money now because we are a spending people so I think those people need business plans they need to have you know away towards spending that money creating a product creating something that is essential right and I think that the money should come with education and it should come in quarters rather than getting one lump sum if you give any man you know whether you're foundational black American and your ancestor has a lineage in slavery but what if you got a drug problem right whether this person is is terrible whatever it may be they're only going to fund their habits that they already have money is not going to make anybody better it's only on their hands and give them more resources to fund the person that they already are so I think that the rollout plan is as important as to how much because we need land we need assets if you you you give a person let's say it's a land credit right that is a part of reparation so let's say that each person gets a million dollars and the part of 10 of that has to be a land credit so you have to spend a hundred thousand dollars on buying land or buying real estate or starting a business and then you can't sell that land until let's say the next 10 years so it ensures that you have Equity you have an asset so I think that the rollout of reparation should come from the thought leadership that are already thinking about the economic issues and people that are specifically conscious right of these issues on an everyday basis otherwise you're going to empower a lot of people you know for self-destruction peace family 19 Keys tapping in we're rolling out something new for all our high level Learners that's been tapping in first of all we appreciate y'all watching all the videos getting us millions of views but now it's time to make sure that you're actually learning and you're educated on these things so if you see right above me there's a barcode if you click that barcode it's going to be 19 questions if you get these questions right there's going to be special prizes and privileges and things attached to your education we call this model learning and earning at the same time right if you know and you're in the bwo we're constantly learning we're constantly going over different things we have these different communities so what if you can have these type of conversations with our community and different people that's watching not just in a chat but in actual app so make sure you join bwo make sure you take the test and I appreciate you being a high level learner tap in [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 1,685,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: -6Lcx7Th5W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 55sec (8695 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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