Investing Blueprint with Wall Street Trapper & Ian Dunlap

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my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop [Applause] i like it shout out to all the armies [Laughter] yo let's get started man we got a lot to get over get through um obviously man this is incredible whoever thought the eyl would take it this far right this is incredible shout out to everybody that's in the building right now clap it up for yourselves don't clap it up for yourself for yourself look this is going to be an interesting conversation it's going to be full of a lot of information so if you got your pen your pad your ipad whatever you're doing i would take it out now and get ready my brothers we had a great conversation earlier and i'm like look let's give them something we've never given them before let's open the game up everybody came here from their respective homes to get information and so that's what we're gonna provide today y'all go with that absolutely let's do it yeah man so obviously two two three years ago i'm not sure that this could have happened right and so this is pretty incredible that financial literacy has packed south by southwest i want to know your thoughts on on the trajectory of financial literacy since you guys have been seeing this over the past two to three four years and where we're headed with this so before we start i want to say something i need everybody to say wall street looks like us now wall street looks like us now like i need you to see it and believe it wall street looks like us now okay y'all believe it that's the loudest i've heard y'all since i've been here um so for me you know financial literacy is just understanding how to play the game the way that america plays the game if you allow them if you give them permission to feed you then you give them permission to starve you you know what i'm saying and i don't know about y'all but i don't give nobody that permission so the goal for me and when i look at financial literacy is how do i one play the game like america player which is the stock market right two how do you buy land and then three how do you use credit if you use those three things you have now created a triangle offense right and so we got to get rid of the toxic relationships we have with money right we got toxic relationships with money one thing i've learned on my journey with that um it's a stat that the average person spends the dollar in 25 cents for every dollar they make so you think about every time you make four dollars you already spent five right that's a recipe for staying in poverty right so for me financial literacy is the gateway to where we gotta go at right i don't know about y'all but it ain't fun being broke like i was homeless it wasn't nothing fun about that but somebody tell me act like i'm broke i'll be like hell no i want to act like that i live that i'm not cool you know i'm saying so for me it's always like using financial literacy as the key that unlocks the doors and the potential for all of us man flapping for my guy um and for me i just want to make sure that we're getting the right information because all of a sudden there's a lot of people that want to talk about it that are not that don't have the best intention for you guys please remember this anyone that is trying to help you financially make them make you money first before you do anything that's why we do market mondays you see them on ig live every day shows ellen clapping my friend right if a person truly and ladies you know there's more than anything right if a person really wants to help you they'll help you without receiving anything on a end at all a lot of times when people are coming to help but they need something on the back end that's because they want to finesse you out of something my job is to give you the most and if i decide to run for president which i want or something y'all but man he's pretty damn cool he ran a little bit with the pineapple juice but other than that he's straight so i'm here to make you money and the financial literacy space is going to grow because i think we're tired of being um shout out for all your leaders for leading the financial literacy stage big fat man that's that powerful words i appreciate those uh so here's the thing right obviously 2022 has come stock market which is something that we've invested in show of hands who's invested in the stock market right now yeah we we we we've had a dollar amazing yeah shout out to everybody that's in it right so we've seen the s p crumbled uh double digit percent losses we've seen the dow double digit percent losses we've seen the nasdaq when we always talk about tech actually becoming a bear territory so they're over 20 losses and so a lot of us including myself were thinking to ourselves like is this the time to invest how do we invest where should we be investing and trap one of the things you told me early on i think the first time we met was like look you always make more money in the drought that's a fact man so what should we be looking at if we're investing now or if we're like on the teeter of the fence like you know what i want to get into markets because they told me on market mondays hey when it's red we shouldn't be scared right we should be bullish when that happens but when we see these down trends just continuously right we've seen five to six weeks of downturn what do we do when we see these type of things happening so that is true you make more money in a drought right so it's when everything is scarce so for me i'm looking at one legal dope dealers i'm just keeping it honey i stick to who i am yeah i ain't changing so people like eli lilly who the biggest insulin dealer in the world right they up 34 in a year like that's that's unprecedented right now without being a tech company right so i love like producers of pharmaceuticals right but only something that you can understand that's first and foremost another thing i love is industrial so when you look at somebody like waste management right that's a company that no matter what's going on in the economy we won't get rid of trash right america is the number one country of disposable stuff right so we waste more than anybody right because everything is in abundance so a company like waste management like i love that right but then also i'm a forward thinker right so i'm looking at how do we use money and how is that industry change so if everybody know trap you know i love fintech right even though it's taking a beating right now we still can look at it and say okay check this out my brother he loves square like that's his thing i love paypal right so what happens is there's also ally financial right it's another fentanyl company yeah i'm saying it's another fintech company so fintech is a a great industry to be in because you never look at a company that you invest in for what they're doing right now because what they're doing right now that price has been baked in two years ago right like take heed to that like however a company is performing right now the price that it is now has been baked in from two years ago so now you want to look at what do i see going on right now what do i see them doing in the next two three years you ain't gotta go ten years what do you see in the next two three years what do you see happening on the flip side of this can everybody agree that the way we use money is different now right like one of the things ian says that square is the new jp morgan right but the way that they are setting themselves up is where you don't even have to go into bank no more right so look at the way that is going when you got companies like lindentree you got companies like affirm buy now pay later you know what i'm saying like paypal just partner with amazon right so seamless payment options are the future so what if it's getting beat up right now that's okay right because what happens is in noah's time when you look back two years from now like damn that is up three thousand percent you like damn i should the worst thing that you wanna be as investors say i should have invested damn i should have not too late next you know what i'm saying so that's that's what i look that's those are my big three right now yeah and so in terms of we always talk about this do your homework do your own research and a lot of people like what's the homework what should we be doing how do we find a company that we want to invest in and so a lot of times it really comes to a personal situation like it just depends on what your interests are and so i'm interested to hear from both of y'all when you're evaluating a company that you're going to invest in and you're looking at it what's your process like take us through the process of saying all right i'm looking at the fundamentals or i'm looking at the technicals of this company how do i find it right because most people if you ask them do they know amazon do they know apple do they do they know uh tesla they know these companies but a lot of times you guys come up with companies i'm like damn i even hear that one so what's the process of y'all finding economies that y'all eventually will invest in because ian do a lot of technical so i'll let him go in first yeah well i want you guys to write this down number one you must invest in the top three sectors and only look at the top five companies i know you want to find the greatest version of tesla in 2024 that's in china you're going to lose all of your money doing it right i know some of you have even heard me say no doge no shiba man in he he doesn't know and then it falls apart in the site brother i need to talk to you after i'm down 29 000 told you right you only anybody in here sports fans would you rather have a top five draft pick or the 85th best person so why when it comes to investing you want to get someone from a juco over lebron no slightly nobody play juco don't don't come for me right then founder management team and this is most important what can this company do that no one else on earth can do so if i told you there is a technology company in california right now that gets 30 of all the money that comes in from every business on earth that's important what you want to invest in at that one business alone is apple's app store but you don't want to invest in it because of what number one advertising business of all time is what google we don't have to go outside of those 15 prominent companies and from there we're good and then also what is that net profit margin that's key to me as well those are my three things so i think for me because i like the going to rabbit hole right that's i'll sit there and do it all day every day again this saved me so my my love flood is different you know what i'm saying like this truly like took me out the streets for real so i go at it with that so the first thing i look at the last thing i look at is the stock price like understand that because if you're looking at this it's important yeah if you're looking at the stock price then you automatically gonna base your decision on with the stock price oh that's too high right that's gonna be the first oh that's two you're gonna make a decision before doing the homework so make sure you look at the stock price last so one of the first things i want to look at is it does this company have superior products and services like that's important like does it have superior products and like can it stand up against its peers right like superior i need to know that so i love um waste management right so why do i love it well they just purchased 400 acres of landfill right they just they got more land now than any of their competitors which means they're going to always be in business and then the profit margins on the business is really good so that's that's important to me i told you about eli lilly why they pre they're the number one producer of insulin in the world right and america you know makes a living of people not taking care of themselves let's just be first of all you got to understand the business of america let's get that let's get that understood like america is a business right and we betting on the business of america right so superior products and services the next thing i want to look at is does the company have price and power so what do i mean by price and power meaning a great company can increase prices three percent a year inflation is high so now the great business that normally do three percent now they doing seven and ten percent and guess what we're still doing buying it right everybody love dior everybody love name brands guess what lvmh did increase the price about 12 this year guess what we still did took pictures in that you feel me lined up at the store you feel me you feel me you're going linux and the lines is far you go down the line is far so great companies have pricing power they can increase the prices by three three to four percent normally but in times like this they're doing seven to twelve percent right so another thing would be like does the company have great return on investments so even though you understand the core product of the business you also got to ask yourself this question just like you an investor great businesses invest if you look at apple's balance sheet their poor product is great go look at the investments that they make it's the reason why they have 192 billion dollars sitting on the side right you like amazon's the reason why they got 35 billion dollars sitting on the side so i like companies that can also make money outside of their core product because now i know they're not one-dimensional so that's kind of important for me and having the last one is my bad uh just lifetime customers i love a business that no matter what you ain't going nowhere right that means you got some good dope yeah you know it's interesting because one of the things bro don't cut me off without no i got because you said i won't you said your last thing it is finance this friendly over here there's like this yeah now y'all don't want that trap lola check this out check this out cause you said your last thing but one of the most important things you taught me and it's cool and no shame in that right we teach each other we learn from each other you said the moat was your thing and you said the competitive advantage i want you to tell the people about the importance of having a moat in your industry so that's that's that's one of the things like a moat is so you know it's easy to say like you look at a castle you know you look at how easy it how easy is it for a company to get into that castle right so think about uh joshua just think this thing bible right joshua had to walk around he had to get a sign from god like yo how do i penetrate that wall to get into this land like there's nothing we can do to get into that land it's because they had a big old mode right you needed god to break that thing down you found saying so you think about a company the same way like what does this company have that is so superior that it take it would kill its competitor to even try to get there right so if you think about apple right like there's they have multiple moats so one thing apple keep increasing the prices but guess what we keep doing keep buying it i came home in 2007 i bought an iphone in 2008. is 2022 i've bought every iphone who else did the same hey earnest did you know that the black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of black excellence i know i'm ready and that's why we've partnered with greenwood the in demand black owned digital banking platform greenwood's namesake was founded in 1906 built from the brilliance of black dreamers looking to create a self-sufficient community in the greenwood district of tulsa oklahoma aka black wall street today greenwood is a digital banking platform with the mission to strengthen the black dollar using the same community reinforcement strategies of the original greenwood district and it's powered by a best-in-class mobile app that allows you to bank from anywhere so earners if you're ready to build a new legacy of black economic achievement go to eyl and sign up to be a part of the new greenwood community that's uil don't wait don't hesitate head over there now all right cool right you know what i'm saying so you think about that you think about a company like youtube right youtube has a great mode why because every time you google something what do you i'm going to google it i don't even care you're on safari and look it up you're going to say i'm a googler you're on safari bro you're going to search that you're not even on google you feel sad so that is because they have the largest search engine they pay apple nine billion dollars a year to be the number one search engine on apple apple search engine in safari but google pays them nine billion dollars a year to be the number one search engine so that is a moat in itself right so anytime a company has a superior product that their competitors cannot knock down that's why i won't be at you know why because that means they're going to be in business for a long time the biggest mode that i think a company has is debt a company that don't got no debt is a company that can't go out of business you know what i'm saying so that's one of the things tell them one more time they didn't like it one more time a company that don't have no debt can't go out of business and one thing and for the time that we end in crisis you have to think if china becomes the number one superpower on earth which is on the way what companies will be able to survive that provide value to that ecosystem to stay alive and still give you money can we talk about that leo's not gonna do that sure can we talk about that because i mean i'm glad you brought the word crisis up because obviously we've seen the crisis that's happening in ukraine and russia and we'll talk about in a sec but yesterday um everybody was sitting around their tv waiting for two o'clock to happen right we were waiting we waiting for jerome powell to talk and we're like the anticipation kept building right and so yesterday uh the federal reserve announced that they're gonna have interest hikes uh interest rate hikes uh potentially seven throughout the year and so for the average listener they're probably like what does that even mean so could y'all break that down what what what does it mean what will be the impact on the average person or the average investor when we hear that type of news because after the announcement we saw that the stock market actually had a nice little bounce could have been a dead cat bounce which we spoke about the other day but what does that mean for the average person hey y'all getting information right now y'all like this yeah i know i like this here come on let's go uh so um we was actually on the plane me and me bam and mike we was on a plane and we looked at it like we see and i'm like i was pissed off on a plane because i was like so i get mad at america all the time all the time so i'm like man why are they tripping they already knew the man was going to hike race why is we why is we going through this you know i'm saying like this thing should be running because it's already priced in so for a second let's just talk about rate hikes right everybody knows what inflation is right so you understand that the more that america prints money the more your money loses value everybody understand that right right so if you go to write that down every day just take a look at that that's gonna be your motivation to keep making money i promise you if you go to you will see that america's debt right now is 30 trillion dollars and counting i look at it every day so at 30 trillion 356 billion 275 million and like 137 thousand right and keep ticking right i look at it multiple times a day to make sure i ain't tripping that's my motivation because i know that as long as they printing money i gotta print money because if i ain't printing money i'm getting poorer i don't know about y'all again it goes back to i don't ever wanna be pulled right so perhaps with inflation is 47 of the money that's in circulation right now has been printed in the last two years think about that so something that cost you a hundred dollars in 2019 now cost you 107 i want you to sit on that for a second something that cost you a hundred dollars in 2019 now cost you 107 dollars in 16 sit on that how many people right now just realistic you gotta raise your hand what you get paid from 2019 to now has increased you know how to raise your hand let that sit in your spirit right quick damn my job playing on me or what i'm doing if you ain't making more money from 2019 you're putting yourself in a burst situation why could they keep printing money right so a seven dollar increase in two years is a lot of money y'all feel me so what rate hikes do is they help balance the inflation as they increase rates what now happens is there's a thing called the fed fund rate the fed fund rate is the rate at which two banks lend money to each other overnight right and so now what happens is the bank now gives us a rate based on our adult report card credit score shout out to my brother 500 right credit score so now because the interest rate went up the bank now is going to charge you more money than loan money and so now businesses and people like wait hold up this cost me a little more money you know what i really don't need that loan right now so because you stop spinning that now helps inflation so now over the next 12 months you'll get five of those so say right so we need them to slow down with printing money so he can balance out the economy y'all hurt y'all that was a dope play by play this is good you're right clap up in the evening but my brother shot that what's up brother that dude too goddamn cool for me yeah absolutely and i'm i'm gonna add to it so i'm gonna get the second part of the question because you talked about inflation right and obviously if we don't know obviously the cost of the goods that we want obviously will go up in pricing and so when we see inflation at record highs people started thinking that all r word and we only like that r word when we listen to young jeezy so are we headed in the direction of a resection of recession and what are the signs that we need to look at before we get there to say all right let's prepare ourselves in the event i want you guys to stand up oh no for real stand up in your spirit when you walk around any city does it feel like the economy is doing better and people are spending more or less so are we headed to a recession or no say it louder you can sit down yes we're close to recession but here's the thing what people don't normally tell you is incredible fortunes are made during the recession the bad part is suicide rates go up domestic violence goes up child abuse goes up suicide rates go up crime period crime absolutely so if you're not helping the people and feed the wolves you maybe pray but if we hit a recession the man in here your woman mom grandma doesn't give a that it's a recession you have to pay bills right no one loves men unconditionally right unless you provide and i know some of you go like no that's not true fellows make a few calls man hold up right so when this recession comes you have to be prepared also i'm gonna be honest with this market falling apart if you're able to short-term invest in a futures market you should be making more money now than ever so es please write this down s p 500 future 40 ticks if you do 25 contracts of that that's 12 500. zba ub are the bond market so when when the market took up to the offside yesterday the bond market fell 25 contracts apiece 40 ticks 31 250 per some people in here they won't save some snipers that made 50 and 60 000 yesterday how do you hold on to the market when the market's falling apart you have to be able to invest in every market investing in one thing is the biggest mistake you can make long term first then swing then short-term investing then hit my brother get into land right you have to have so many assets what i call a wealth fortress going for you that no matter what happens in the marketplace you're never going to go broke and your portfolio is never down is it tough yes but when i got started in a recession i said to my baby's over there xander can you stand up hey i love you dang why you being mad at me bro i've been letting you watch shows all day what are we doing right but when that lady took that money from me the 80 000 that she owed i know y'all heard me tell the story i said i'll never let no person on earth take from him kill me first you have to provide at all costs so when a recession happens i'm like damn now i get to build a big base and get tens of thousands of shares opposed to buying too high and only being able to get a hundred but that has to be your drive to get wealthy when the recession happens let me add something to that troy so another thing too is i love this here so there's this thing called the inverted yield curve yes right and so a simple way to look at that is saying when short-term bonds so let me let me back up a little bit so normally when things get real in the market investors run to long-term bonds it's a safe haven when short-term bonds are now more profitable than long-term bonds it tells you that the recession is knocking on the door if you can remember that you're good you're good whenever short-term bonds are more attractive than long-term bonds when it crosses over you are now at the front door like you don't even got to guess about it anymore is that your dough looking at you in the face and then what happens is if you don't know how to trade options if you don't know how to be a sniper yet you can look at what i call um what is called inverse etfs right so one what happens is they are leveraged so if the stock goes down one dollar you make two dollars the stock goes down two dollars you make four dollars stock go down four dollars you can make eight dollars depending on which one you have if you just want to bet on the s p 500 you can get spx right it's a triple leveraged etf so the stock if the s p 100 is the s p without one dollar you'll make three dollars but those are short term you don't hold them for months i only hold it for five tons you gotta do that you gotta say that part right only hold five seven days it's really nice flip this up it's only hold it five seven yeah you gotta say that part because when when people who are not experiencing the space right and they look at that inverted piece and they're like all right well the s p has been down for three weeks this is my time i'm gonna make this call for another three weeks out and it's like oh it flips that quick you lose all your money you lose it yeah the importance of having what you said five to seven days yeah five to seven days is always a short term holding if you want to hold the nasdaq because the nasdaq typically gets hit harder because every time there's some type of disruption in the economy tech is always going to be hit so you can get sqq right and so when you feeling bullish about the nasdaq you can go with tqq we ain't worrying about in 15 minutes man don't do my gut like that or u v x y that's one that i always tell everybody in red panda u v x y is a vix so when volatility is going crazy can i be honest with y'all there's no such thing as a bad market that is a fact only bad entries into it trap always jumping so if our market is falling volatility is going up you can invest in volatility or gold may go up or wheat there's always something that's going to go up to the upside i don't mean to jump no no stay right there stay right there because that's very important put that i'm like all right bet a lot of times when when people see inflation and they hear inflation right they start looking for safe havens right you said like the bond market is one of those things commodities over the past three weeks something that everybody's been talking about so i'm glad that he said we right because most times people think commodities we hear gold we know that right we hear uh silver we saw that all-time records over the past two weeks we hear oil right oil got to 130 shout out to jess for calling making that call right and now it's pulled back a little bit but i said yo this is interesting right because i wonder if people here right here in austin texas and the midwest wonder about the other commodities that are on that list wheat right dairy right uh corn right so all these other things so talk about the importance of pig fat diversifying your portfolio in commodities and how do you even invest in them because most people like they'll ask well how do i invest in wheat where do i go to do that that's kind of let ian kill that because that is that is the basis of futures right there but i will say like i've made a lot of money my trappers have made a lot of money three weeks ago i was like yo let's get some options on xle and then let's get some tell them what sle is the energy etf okay please write that down spider-funded yup the energy etf so we made a lot of money on that because and i'm like yo oil about to go over a hundred dollars and shop to 110 i was like yo let's make some bread and then we went short term with gush which was a triple leveraged etf well we held it for a week at a time and i think we ran up like i ran up like ten thousand dollars in like five days i backed off now it cost me a lot but i mean price is what you pay value is what you get so we understood that so i just played the oil sector because war means chaos and when you see war the first thing i always think of is there's going to be a high supply a high demand low supply and oil nobody wants to be shipping oil while people running bombs across each other here so oil is always going to hit when there's a wall on a commodity side everyone has an opinion when it comes to the foods we eat this food's good for you this one's bad for you this diet works best but who actually has the right answer you don't need rules to lose weight you just need proper information to build smarter more sustainable habits noom is here to change the way we view food by not only looking at what we eat but also how we eat instead of making you feel guilt noom empowers you to keep going not everyone wants to be on a strict diet do five days a week at the gym or have daily smoothies and crushable teas gnum uses a psychology-based approach to find healthier balances that's more suitable for your life and as a result more sustainable look numera's already influenced the way i shop for food which has not only saved me money it's also given me a clearer understanding of the foods i'm consuming which has made me sharper and more energetic you have to try it out look there are no food restrictions in the program which makes the process more flexible for your lifestyle everybody's journey is different no one believes in progress not perfection 75 percent of newm users finish the program and more than 60 percent of users engaged with the program keep the weight off for a year or even more with noom all you need is a daily 10-minute check-in no grueling early mornings or huge chunks out of your day are you ready to start building better habits for healthier long-term results sign up for a noom trial at leisure that's n o o leisure don't wait don't hesitate head over there now so you can look at oats do you know you can trade coffee yup yup gold oil cattle belly man pork almost everything that we may eat or consume that's why big fats though that's why you trade it big packs we traded only right just an investment moral investing yeah i'm gonna be very honest in a recession or any down market i'm happiest oh my god like have you ever seen an opportunity so big and most people are passing it by when the market is dropping notice that all the billionaires and millionaires go quiet that's a fact because they're actively investing just told you all the oil move y'all saw her hair laid louboutin's on there's going here it went there did you follow right you have to follow because most people that are rich cannot be super real with y'all any investment or money making secret is meant to be kept inside of a family and not shared ooh that's fast they're not supposed to go on cnbc and share anything with you not one thing so take all of this information and pair it together and when the market falls apart look at lumber look at crude look at gold look at oil look at natural gas look at the vx which is the volatility futures so if the market is falling apart and they're like oh my god putin is going to take over vix will probably shoot to 300. great let me ride that up because once again at all costs i got to take care of his cute ass the reason why some of you have not been dedicated to this because you don't have a why big enough or you don't feel that you're worried to be rich i see it as some of your energy you deserve this damn they're all they're all smarter than me here's what does not happen clap it up i'll go to the house you're right here it is i'm being real we'll go party i'll miss being the intern for troy but when we get in at five i'm still in the market three four hours treat this like it's the most important thing that you're ever going to come across because guess what most of us sitting in here we were not exposed to this intentionally right so when you pair all those commodities together and you're able to trade especially my snipers in here you should never be in a recession under no circumstances and it's one of the best feelings on earth to never have to worry about your portfolio being down let me say this before we go try before we get to the next thing i want you to understand this and it's real talk right like the stock market is a machine that teaches us how to print money but also if you don't this is real talk so my dog i like how you talk about one thing you'll understand is like you're dead longer than you're alive let's let's put that in our head right quick right so when people say wealthy people are greedy no they just making sure they got money for the next few generations right you call me greedy all you want but as long as that machine printing money i gotta collect money to make sure every generation is good i want you to understand this if you don't get into financial literacy you don't learn how to use this market you are 100 giving birth to the next generation of slaves i want you to sit on that let me tie in now with automation there you guys have understood the change from 2000 to now on how to even apply for a job there's a bunch of loopholes you have to jump through to even get to the interview process by 2030 they want to automate damn near every job on earth so while and i'll say this too on the nft space and all that do you guys realize for the last two years they got black people to invest in monkeys and dogs while making fun of us and taking our money from us but doge was going to the moon you have to okay now go when y'all get done go look at board ape yacht club and go see the imagery of how it's connected to nazism is damn near the same imagery but they know we won't study long enough to say and now look how many billions of dollars they've made off of us and our culture and then the music industry gonna come in with more nfts and continue to rob us all we need is us and if we study this and know just like the back of our hand and have the same debates about lebron versus jordan we're not going to do that here tonight right but we have to know this market the same way that we know sports if we want to be free that's bad it's opponent that's the point yeah shout out shout out to shout out to eyl alum chris senegal walked in the building what up chris chris is super legend hey h town owned by the block for real so we talked about crisis right and obviously we we'd be remiss to ignore what's happening in ukraine and russia the conflict that has happened in there and then the headlines you know we can't hide from it right but one of the underlying themes that people i think are kind of missing is the cyber security component of it right because when you talk about seizing accounts and closing accounts right then people start to get resilient and figure out a way to how they're going to get money right it might be through crypto but it might be some other ways so can we talk about the importance especially in times of crisis of having cyber security i know the ceo of crowdstrike was on cnbc the other morning and he was just saying like the level of fraud that he's seeing right now is at an all-time high it's like a 42 increase in incidence so talk about the importance of cyber security so y'all know i've been like we talked about cry strike at i think 57 dollars when i went on uil one time right and i was like yo this is going to be a leading industry right here right so the greatest way to make money in a market is see what's going on in the future right war the way war is changing so the u.s now spends one they say right now they're they're spending 1.5 trillion dollars on cyber security they're having an estimated insurance cost of four trillion dollars a year that's in the last three years right people getting smarter than learning how to hack russia iran iran leads the world in technology in order to be a superpower you got to be great at technology america is number four on the list i mean they got three other countries that's a in front of america right so if people learn how to hack for me again i'm cool with learning the business of america i don't got to be the smartest the hardest thing to do is build a billion dollar business that was the easiest thing to do is invest in one i ain't that small i sold dope my whole life i'm just saying but i know how to break down a business so crowdstrike fortnite z scaler these are businesses that i love these are business that i love you don't like to get them one on one get hacked right that's an etf for cyber security hack it'll take you a long way cyber security is an industry that will only keep on those businesses will keep on multiplying why because as we get further and further and further into technology more businesses will need technology more business will need ships and for every industry there has there's a bunch of criminals waiting to bring it in i'm just saying so cyber security is definitely at the top of the for this new frontier he knocked it out the park nothing else to say so i'll go i'll go to this with you ian again the conflict in russia and uh ukraine obviously headlines everywhere we know about the oil the exports that russia has in the european countries but how directly does the conflict there affect us here because a lot of times people are looking like well the market was up today the market was up yesterday it was up today again right how much impact does that conflict have on us here a ton does anyone know the real reason we put all those sanctions on the ukraine there's a game inside of the game it's the stuff that you get told on headlines yeah russia yeah russia and ukraine does anybody know the real reason you said again you said that's one of the reasons main reason whose son has a business in ukraine so if you choose to go to war with my child and i'm invested in that business you go to war with me we saw with bush they let that slide then baby bush came in i and if anyone does anything the same way saying my father hey i'll put every dollar i can go ahead go get em it's deeper than what we're seeing on the surface level what the war did and this crisis exposes how leveraged america is how much debt we have and post coven and post printing we're not as strong as we used to be i keep saying it like america's like steven seagal was real tough in like the 70s and 80s that's fact flabby and sick right now and damn glorious like yo retire fam we need somebody else yeah he fought somebody when he was paralyzed coming out looking like the keeper look how you look right so now i've been telling you about this russian trying to tie forever this is the proxy for china to take pole position that's facts so that's why it's important for you to get all your money together and everyone's going to say it's a conspiracy theory i was talking about this 10 months ago i posted it last night i got told about the russian crisis in 2015. some tech people here south by southwest i remember when garyvee was running around why are you leaving the deal yeah don't leave what are you doing oh okay i'm about to figure out water up here i know i ain't boring god damn um but you also in every investment you have to say if the world falls apart will this investment hold up and here's the true test if my life and all of my family's life was on the line what i invested is that kills a lot of investments overall but the crisis is going to affect us dearly because it exposes the underlying issues that we've had for the last 10 years what one of the investments and um that won't go anywhere is land and traffic won't come to you because you did something a few a few months ago with uh our brother him 500 shout out to m500 clap it off him one time for him 500 yeah i actually bought land and he called it asset allen so i never talked heard you talk in depth about the move and the thinking behind it and all the benefits associated with asset allen so why did you make the move and what are the benefits so we unders we under understand first of all you got to be around people that when you bring great investments to them they just believe in the vision like that's i was like bro i'm about to buy a farm you wanna buy he was like hell yeah how much he made me how much he caught him she called me though huh he was the first one and we went on together we went on tour together so we were just like they well played that's a good business partnership leads to profitability we just went on we went on a tour together so he was already on the front of my brain and when i said he was like bet i was like it cost this much he was like i don't care if you got the vision for it i believe in you let's do it so for me i just understood that there's a reason why bill gates is the number one landowner in america the man owned 296 000 acres of land in 19 different states there's a reason behind that because that's the one thing that they cannot produce more of so for me when we look at the triangle offerings that we talked about earlier you got to have land right so we can go in and buy all kinds of stuff together right why can't we go in and buy some land one because land owners get the biggest tax breaks in america right i helped rick ross get a bull that was a partnership so i get cool with the bull people because guess what once i put a bullet once we put a couple bulls on i told to play to him i said bro we're gonna help ross get this bull and then we gonna go to them and get two bulls and seven cows you know why because now everything on the land becomes free and then if you look at the cattle futures market you'll know the best price in which to buy the data that's the fact that you go to ross in fact so it was like understanding how not to you know there's a difference between um tax avoidance right that's cool so you just find ways well i don't wealth preservation is the one thing nobody talks about there's there's three levels to wealth right there's wealth creation there's wealth accumulation and then there's wealth preservation the last part of the part we always miss that's the most important is the most important so how do i put myself in situations so one we get the land that's that's a asset that's going to keep going all right cool we all right that's the remix he add living it's okay and then the next thing was how do we now produce uh agriculture so real estate is one thing and then agriculture is another thing the first cousins in the land area right so how do we now get that right so now we produce livestock and vegetation from the land we give some of the vegetation away it's another write-off and then we produce cattle on the land i don't want to butcher the cow i'm a cell and produce cow right and chickens and lambs and so he like brought you out your mind i'm like it's another trap house for me it's okay more commodities well it's both commodities i can help ian in the futures market telling him what i'm paying for my cars and so now we now can write off all of that and now that affects other parts of my life and business where i'm writing off so much taxes on this where other parts of my life become free i want everybody to understand this if you're in a phase while you're still looking for an income tax refund you ain't switched over to how to build wealth yet because wealthy people don't get income taxes you know phil i know y'all ain't kept like i'm gonna look for that i gotta be up with that but that's the real money yeah admit yo that that's what i made clap it up for that play right there shout out to you that's an amazing play i'd be remiss when they tell me i got to wrap it up but i'd be remiss if i didn't ask you to personally if there's some stocks or some etfs or some ns's that they should have on their their watch list right now uh if you mean you go first uh so one of the ones i'm looking for is called uh sharp sharps uh commerce so they are the leading industry in disposing medical supplies for hospitals and industries like that so they're gonna lead in uh waste hazardous and all those stuff that hospitals throw away they're the leader in that so i know it's smed that's what i'm looking at and cyber security is fortnite ftnt perfect and what you got you already know my answer two texts vti apple microsoft now i'm going to be for real for those of you in healthcare you're sleeping on striker please don't stryker has a medical mafia in a hospital space so if we go to war people still have to strike her go into hospitals and occupy those beds one of the best businesses that i've seen stock prices amazing and they almost have no competition ask anyone that you know that's a doctor or nurse who is the top editor competitive striker they're going back they don't like thermal fissure too that's yeah yeah that's his pain like thermal fission they tell him so we gotta wrap up we gotta wrap up so first of all i want to thank both of you gentlemen first time this has ever happened cop it up for wall street trapping ian dunlap thank you i want to shout out our ilive family our united masters family obviously the uil family that's here for making this happen this has been incredible y'all clap it up for yourselves my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop [Applause]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 360,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: Z_fGY9IqZkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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