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W:All right, JP if your gonna pop into the register you got to do it now times ticking M: *weird yawning noises* W: Campfire guitar guy? W:Is that you, campfire guitar guy? B:Yeah M: Campfire guitar guy? W: I missed you. W: Yeah, the guy at the campfire with the guitar. He's everyone's favourite person. M: Wow. B: That's me. M: Wow. B: I was bored waiting for JP. B: What do you want me to do? W: For the love of God, whatever you do, if you get a card with a purple dragon on it, do not ever play it ever. M: Why? W: Just don't. M: What if we have to? W: It's like the red button, don't push it. M: I push red buttons all the time. B: Everyone always pushes the red button, like that's a guaranteed certainty. W: Do not mess with the dragon. B: Mark, if you have a dragon, I recommend you play it. M: I don't have a dragon now, I want to have a dragon now. W: JP, this isn't because I don't trust you, not because you're not my friend. M: I don't think JP can hear you. W: He knows. He hears. M: I don't think he does. W: Look how close he is to his picture there. He knows everything. M: Right, right, really peering in on us. B: Thanks, but what does a purple dragon look like? Is it a dragon that's purple on a card? W: Yeah, whatever you do, avoid that, especially right now because I'm down to two cards. B: Okay, cool. Cool. Yeah. Yeah M: PURPLE DRAGOOOOOOON. B: I definitely will NOT play the purple dragon M: (unintelligible yelling about purple dragons) W: Good, I'm glad that we're on the same page there. M: PLAY IT. B: Nooooo. B: That's not- I don't actually have one. W: Yellow's good, stick with yellow. B: Mmm, no, all right. That was a bluff. I wanted blue. B: I mean, it doesn't really matter. W: That's okay. B: Because you're not gonna survive the dragon. W: You don't have it. B: Right, I don't have it. Right right, right M: No dragon, no dragon. Maybe I'm trying to help Bob get a dragon. M: Get a dragon! Get a dragon! B: Now he's gonna win! M: You don't know that. M: You don't know that. W: Thanks for the- I can't play it!? B: Well, okay. W: It's alright. It's alright. Heart of the cards. W: Says (unintelligible) M: Heart of the cards says not! W: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. M: NOT. NOT. W: Alright. That sucks. B: I know you don't have blue so draw some cards or whatever. M: You don't KNOW I don't have blue... M: Or do I? M: I do. B: Hey, JP. If you can do something to Mark right now, M: Why? B: It would be a good- Oh, boy. W: Alright, I feel like that really stopped Mark. B: Good job everybody, good job everybody. M: Watch this, bitch. B: I'm just going to go ahead and play that. M: Okay, well you guys are just being a big old sack o' poopy. M: Feel like you guys need to get all of the poopy out of your sacks. M: Maybe you should stop being so full of poop. B: Uh, I'm gonna play this, just because I'm curious. W: Alright. B: Alright, he has yellow and green. M: You don't know that... W: And how many cards does Bob have? W: We don't know... M: You don't know what I have. M: See, now it's all up in the air. M: You have no idea what I have now! M: Ooh, it's just a mystery, my hand! *bob giggles* W: Bob has 3 cards. B: No one knows that. M: No one knows that. W: Oh good, green, that's a good colour. W: Except for... It fucking isn't. W: Everyone hates green! It's the least respected of the colours. B: That seems a little harsh. M: Why? W: Everyone loves blue, #1. W: Red's pretty popular. B: Green's a good colour, most of the Earth is covered in- W: More people like green than yellow, probably. B: Actually, most of the Earth's covered in blue I guess, but whatever. B: Green is pretty good, green is the 2nd best colour after blue. W: I don't think that's true. M: I don't think that's true either. B: I'm fairly certain that's true. M: I don't- W: Everyone hates green, everyone hates yellow and everyone hates shit-brown colours. W: Like the poopy brown. B: I don't think you could possibly claim that. W: Listen, EVERYONE- B: Wade are you saying that, in the same way that the commentator said that... B: Oh thanks bro. M: You're welcome. B: That 82% of people believed what he wanted them to believe. B: Because he felt like that was true? B: But he didn't check or check any numbers or anything. M: Who are we talking about here? *talking over eachother* W: I'm just speaking for the sake of speaking. B: Ooh, look at that, fancy! W: What a SsWwAaAAA B: Fancy, fancy, fancy! W: Right, you need to not fuck Mark, so that Mark can fuck Bob. M: I will fuck whoever I want to. W: Good fucking, good fucking. B: I will fuck whoever I myself. M: We're being too crass here! W: Alright, I'll get fucked. M: We're all demonestised, we gotta rally together and not- BuHdUhhhH M: Why'd I do that? M: WHY DID I DO THAT? M: Why did I do that? *bob laughs* M: Why did I do that? M: OH FUCK OH GOD WHY DID I- I'M MAKING IT WORSE! M: I'm making it worse! W: Bob, remember the time when you challenged? M: It's- It's fine. B: Why did you do any of that? M: I DON'T KNOW! I was just like- it was there! M: It was there, and I pressed it! M: I don't know! B: Why don't you play some of those sweet cards you got there, bud? M: Alright, I will! B: OH, NO YOU CAN'T! *mark is annoyed* (jingly sound effect) B: That's right. M: See, what I actually realized; the first one I jumped in on, I would have been fine. M: It was when I jumped in on the second one, I was- B: Once you made it your own colour! M: Yes. I was fine on the first- and then I made it worse. M: I'm just the biggest idiot in the world. M: I have no idea what I'm doing, at all, at any point. W: I can't believe I jumped in! I can't believe I jumped in again! B: My turn, I guess. M: MY TURN NOW. (talking over eachother) M: No one's jumping, no one's going high. B&W: Everyone's high! W: Everyone's just jumping. B: Oh, buddy, that's just unnecessary. W: I'm sorry, my hand is very evil. M: Who's turn is it? Mine? I'm not looking at the screen. W: What are ya fucking doin'? M: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. W: Get your hand out of your pants, and your other hand out of your ass! M: Uh uh. W: Your ass is not in your pants. M: I am the funniest man on the face on the Earth. B: Hahahaha that's fucked up. W: Mark, punish JP for not knowing how to play the game. M: I don't wanna. M: Hang on. M: Who's turn is it? B: You don't have to play Mark, don't worry about it. W: Aw, fuck you! Now I have to draw again. M: Have I not played this entire time because you assholes won't let me play? M: You SUCK. You SUCC. All of you S U C C. W: It's your turn! Play already! M: *mocking Wade* It's your turn! Play already! M: Whatever *mumbling* W: Why you punishing JP? M: Whatever. M: Because we were yelling at the bot now and now we have to yell at JP! M: Because JP might as well be a bot! W: He IS a bot! M: He IS a bot! B: Wow. Wow. W: Hey I'll jump in! Sorry JP. B: Hey I'll jump in! M: Hey I'll jump in! W: Shit. M: Uh oh. W: GOD DAMMIT JP. WE HAD ONE RULE! M: Was that the dragon? B: That was the dragon, yeah. M: Ooohhhhhh. M: What's wrong with that dragon? That dragon's nice. B: Yeah that seemed fine. W: The way this works; one person gets added 2 cards, W: Everyone else has 30. W: And then it fuckin' reshuffles all the cards. M: What's so wrong about thaaat? W: EVERYONE'S got 30. W: Another one's got 40, another one's got 50! M: Nooooo! W: Everyone's fucking dead inside. M: No one has 30 or 50! W: Yeah! M: No one does! B: Ooooh, thanks bud! B: You can do that again if you want. M: Don't Y E E T ! B: Y E E T M: STOP! W: Y E E T B: I don't think y e e t ing is the thing you should be doing, Wade. *bob sighs* M: HI-YA! M: I really did it there, guys, I did it there. W: Nice job. M: Thank you. B: Okay... M: Thank you, thank you. W: I got a 5 for ya but I'm gonna play 4 bitch. M: Oh, thank you. W: Because I wanna stick with the colour scheme. M: Alright, I'm gonna do this. Hehe. W: I got a 2 for ya. B: GOTEEEM. M: GOTEEM. M: Take that, BOT! M: Take that, you ROBOT! W: Don't let the bot win, whatever we do guys, don't let the bot win. B: I don't even know what colour he has. B: Yes, JP, you know what to do. M: That's the thing to do. B: Get him, daddy. M: Alright, cool, watcha got, watcha got, watcha got? B: Alright, Wade, what colour do you want? W: Greeeen? B: Alright. W: Fuck, I should have told the truth! M: I don't want green! M: That's not what I want! M: WHAT HAPPENED TO US? M: BOB. WHAT HAPPENED TO US? B: You don't want me to be happy, that's what happened to us! M: For that one moment, now I want you nothing but happiness! B: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! W: I lied about green because I didn't think you were going to listen, so... W: Fuck me I guess. B: Well, that doesn't seem fair. *mark mumbling* B: I gave you exactly what you wanted. W: Fine. Fine. Fuck. Jesus, Merry Christmas. W: God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. B: Ooh, cool hand, yeah, yeah, B: Oh, good one, yeah, yeah, yeah. B: Alright, I've got all the good stuff. M: Well, alright, Bob, this is my only of this colour. B: Alright, well. M: It's all I can do. B: You'll understand why I did that in a minute. B: Ohhh. W: Me me me me me! B: Oh boy. *talking over eachother* W: Help me, your friend waiting for you! B: Sweet boy... You sweet boy. W: Oh fuck. B: Mark has 2 yellows by the way. M: Hey whoa, what the the heck? Whoa what what? M: You... B: So, we might need to change that colour real quick. M: You're gonna, you're gonna do me like that? You're gonna do me like that? B: I can't do anything about it, but if anyone has a wild... W: *various sounds of disappointment* M: Pave the way for me to just win M: In the most anti-climactic way. M: Just pave the way, let me win. M: GOD. DAMMIT. M: OF COURSE! B: Anything but yellow, JP! M: I'm gonna fucking get fucked, and fuck you! M: HAAAAAAAAAAAA W: It's green, it's still green! M: Well FUCK YOU, robot! M: FUCK YOU, ROBOT. M: That's what YOU get. That's what YOUUU get. That's what YOUUU get. W: I deserve better than this. B: I hope you guys have some attacking red cards you can shove onto Mark. B: That's what I'm gambling on. M: Why me? Why do you have two? M: What are you saying to me? M: No, you're trying to rally the troops against me! B: I'm the nice guy here! M: I NEVER want you to have happiness! M: NEVER! B: Aw, well. Now no one's happy. M: I'm not happy! M: Wade's not happy. M: Robots can't be happy! W: I'm very upset. B: Wade has only reds left, by the way. M: Mr. Tattletail here, coming in with the- W: Yeah, don't tell anyone, it's secret. W: Nice work, JP, good play. M: Listen, listen. I have no choice here, Bob, if this comes and Wade wins, I'll be happy. M: I'm gonna be happy. B: Well, that kinda worked out. W: (song-like) I've got a thorny dildo in my ass! W: Dildo in my ass... *mark laughs* W: Fucking shit, fuck, fuck, fuck! W: Oh, god, there we go again. W: I feel like one of these hands is not like the other. B: Oh, that's not what you wanna see. *mark laughs* M: You're like a commentator now? M: Aw, we hate to see that. B: I'm sad for you, Mark. B: Wow. *mark laughs* B: That's really not what you want to see if you're Wade. *mark laughs* B: That's not the stuff. W: Oh, god. Thorny dildo in my ass... B: O-kay. W: I got saved by the dildo- (gibberish). W: No, JP's a nice guy, don't do that! M: No way in hell! M: No way in fresh hell. M: There's no way. M: There's no way in 2 tits of a rat's ass, I'm taking what's mine. M: I'm taking what's mine! M: What do I have Bob? WHAT DO I HAVE? B: He has 2 yellows, Wade. W: Alright, well I got... Not jumped over by someone, so there's two. W: Who said two tits of a rats ass? Did I say that? B: You said that, you fuckin' psychopath! W: I did? *evil mark laugh* B: You JUST said that! B: It literally just came out of your mouth! W: Did I say that? B: It vibrated out of your vocal chords. B: That smells like chicken sandwiches and is still floating out of your face. *deeper voice* M: There's no way in two tits of a rat's ass. W: Mark did! (unintelligible) said Mark said it! M: I did it? M: No, I didn't that was all you, Wade. W: My whole chat's like "Mark said that!". M: 100%, don't try to put the blame on me. *slowed down* RAT'S ASS. B: JP's really trying to let Wade win. W: He owes me one... For um... Stuff. M: I wanna see ALL your amazing cards! M: Wow! B: He's got all of them in there! B: Why are they out of order? How did he even do that? W: I don't know why it showed them out of order. B: Mark, you do 'em. W: Well, c'mon man, why can't I play? M: I'm gonna pass it to you, Bob! M: I'm gonna do youuuu. M: I'M DOING YOUUU. B: I appreciate that you... Wasted a card I guess. M: No, no. I was spending currency. B: You definitely want my hand, Wade. It's so good. W: I think I want JP's hand. M: That's what I was thinking. (talking over each other) B: Okay, cool. JP, this is a real stinker, huh? *mark laughs* B: You really got nothing going on over here. M: Shit. Alright, here we go. *bob* laughs* B: Cards appearing in the fart cloud that is Mark. *mark and wade laugh* B: Uh, well, I got that one I guess. W: Oh shit. B: Eat that thorny dildo. W: Oh, I'm eating it. (gag noises) ((captioner's note: ew)) B: Oh Wade! You have some yellow stuff to play. W: Lemme show you what I got. Peace! B: Neaterino. M: How about some of this? B: Aw bro. M: Bro. M: Awww, brah! (various bros) (gibberish and laughing) (talking over each other) W: You jumping in stopped us from being able to hit JP with that sweet lose. M: Why is that- That's not fair. B: Thanks bro. Thanks bro. Wade: JP's a green, I don't know what colour you- fuck. W: It was a 5? B: A 5? B: Shit. M: Bob, you did that! M: Because Wade and I were trying to hit him with the dab! M: And YOU stopped us! B: I'm not here for anyone else but myself. That's the mentality I was told to have. M: And you still lost. M: We're gonna let bygones be bygones, Bob. M: Bob, we're gonna be bygones. Bygones! M: Bygones! B: I don't want a bygone. W: Not, me, not me, not me! M: Peace offering, peace offering, peace offering, peace offering. W: What a hand you have! B: This is a terrible hand. M: It's a peace offering Bob, you can't reject it. (talking over each other) B: I definitely can! M: NO! M: I gave you a peace offering. B: And I am confused because it's not a good offering. M: It was one less card than what I had. W: Oh my god, this is a hand. Here, boom! B: Gottem. B: Oh, sick play! W: Oh, dude you should see what I can do with this... B: Oh, god dammit, yes! W: Ready for this? Boom. I'm gonna change the colour now. M: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh! W: What a sweet- Alright, that's all I got for ya. W: Someone could've done something there. M: Wow. B: Two could've done something there. W: Yeah, there was like a jump-in. B: Not me! W: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob. W: Jp! My man! B: I feel like there's some collusion going on somewhere. W: Now my secret has to come out! Okay, bLUuuUEeeRGh M: What the fuck? W: That was my secret I had another one. B: Cool. W: Alright, can we just leave the colour alone for a fucking minute? JP. JP. JP. M: I like you JP, I like you! Wait, no, I don't like you. M: Wait, I thought that was just a normal wild. W: He said he can't pick the colour! *wade laughing* W: He tried to change the colour and he can't! B: Why is he playing with a controller? W: He said his keyboard, like, defaulted to it. B: Oh, yeah! W: NOOO! W: *demon like yelling* M: That's a good one, that's a good one. B: That's a nice one, yeah, alright. W: Oh, fuckity, fuck. B: I'm glad I had all of those cards for that so everyone could get some good stuff. M: Yeah, okay. (talking over each other) M: I- I- You should see my hand! B: I could see your hand if I chose to. M: Go for it if you want to, I guess. M: If it's really what you desire. B: I don't think you have as much cause to be as upset as JP. M: HEART OF MY CAAAARDS! B: HEART OF THE CAAAARDS! W: Heart of the- *mark laughing* B: Alright, so now Wade can be upset. W: I'm fine... M: Yeah Wade, be mad. Be mad. Be mad. W: No... M: Be mad! B: Yeah, don't calm down, Wade. Rile up, rile up, Wade. M: Rile up, rile up, Wade. M: Rile up, Wade. W: My feathers are so fucking riled they're up my ears and in my nose. W: I'm just fuckin' 'em right now with my teeth! M: What? B: Good, good buddy. That's good. M: True, that's what we wanted, you're right. B: Please continue fucking more things with your teeth. M: Yeah. M: There's a dizzying action going on in this game. M: Alright. B: Gooooteeeeem. W: The sweet aroma of a nice blue five. W: Which fucked me royally, so now I'll draw. M: Wade, I'm gonna challenge you to not curse. W: Okay. M: For at least... M: One round. W: Okay, done. Listen, 2012 and 2015 Wade didn't curse. I can do it. M: Yeah, what happened to you, Wade? W: Life. W: Life found a way. W: Jeff Goldblum was correct. Life finds a way. M: Well, see, that's the thing I DON'T like! W: Oh that's some poopy diapers right there! B: That's a not fun time, I tell you what. M: Ugh... W: Oh sweet Miss America! I can't believe you skipped my turn. B: Well... Well I just- Sometimes just you gotta do what you gotta do. W: That's good, I just wanted to play this lovely 8. Here you go, have a frog. W: Hey, JP. It's all I wanted to do was to give you a nice little 8, but you had to jump me. W: Well, here you go, I jumped Bob because I'm also a massive jerkface. M: Okay, alright. M: Okay, alright, okay. M: Alright. W: I'm trying, I'm trying here. I'm trying here, guys. M: Okay. W: Uhhh, I like this one better. W: Nice! W: Nice, sweet, sexy six. M: Okay. M: I love this, I love this, this is awesome. W: A nice colour change! M: It's nice. B: Lets just take a look, I guess, and see what's going on here. W: No, no, no, no, no, listen, listen! W: Friendly... foes of mine in this particular game... M: You were holdin' back on us this WHOLE time! B: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. W: He sure was, and it's okay! M: Wadey baby, I don't wanna do that. M: I resisted the urge to jump in, because it would have made Wade win. M: I wanted everyone to know I am a fucking hero. M: I am a king hero. W: No, no, no, no, you! *arguing and talking over each other* M: I'm a hero. I'm a hero. B: Wade can't fix this! M: I am a hero. B: And all I have is reds, this is not so good. M: I'm a hero, I'm a hero. W: Draw! We can all draw! W: I'll just draw. Okay, or we could all not draw. M: I'm a hero. W: Heart of the cards. M: I'm a hero. W: I had a colour change, I could have changed it! M: Oh, what the hell Wade? W: Uh, JP, we all know you had... *mark laughs* M: Oh, it still gave me the cards! W: Well, nice plays there, you not good people! B: That seemed like it was entirely your fault, Wade. M: That was all you, Wade. W: That could have possibly been my entire fault. W: But before that, I should have won, but Mark stole it from ME! M: WHAT DID I DO? W: He wasn't my bestest buddy like I thought he was! M: I DID NOTHING TO YOUUU! W: You played the 0, which took away my happiness! M: I don't want you to be happy! M: I don't WANT you! B: Yeah, he has made that pretty clear. W: Well, you succeeded in what you wanted! M: I did. W: Are you happy now? M: NO! W: You're dead inside like my first hamster which I dropped a shoebox on the day I brought it home. M: Just inside? W: All over. *laughing* W: Do you guys not know that story? M: No! M: I don't know that story. W: My uncle bought me a hamster and it came in this little glass jar. W: From a weird, creepy store on the way back from a trip to West Virginia. B: Wowww. W: The day I brought it home, I went to pick it up to pet it, W: And it bit my finger, so I flung it and it hit a shoebox. W: That had my shoes in it. W: And then it hit the shoebox, fell on the ground and then the shoebox fell on it and smashed it and killed it.. B: Yikes. W: And then I buried it in that shoebox. B: Well. What have you got there, Mark? M: Take a look, take a look! B: That's pretty messed up, Wade. M: Yeah, that's pretty messed up. W: I was like, 6 years old or something. I was pretty young- Nahhh, W: Yeaaah, I was probably 5. W: Or 5 actually. M: All of those numbers are still very young, Wade, you could say any of those. M: It's still very young. W: 6 is old enough to like, buy cigarettes and stuff. W: Or you're still, like, in the womb. W: 5, you're a kid, 4, you're in the womb, 6, you're an adult. M: Sure, okay. W: It's a harsh world we live in. B: I feel that, yeah. M: Alright guys, now everyone be intelligent here. B: He has... A yellow. Alright? M: See... Now... B: He has a yellow. M: Understand here- okay, whatever. W: Yes, poor hamster, but it wasn't my fault, I was a baby! W: That responsibility should have never been put on me. B: Well... I mean... M: You were not a baby! M: You said you were 5 or 6! W: No, I was 4, 5, or 6, I could have been in the womb! M: 4 is not a baby! M: How long were you in that womb? W: Are you kidding me? 4, you might as well still be in the womb. M: NO! W: 4, you're drinking milk from a tit and sleeping in a crib! M: WHAT? B: Noooooo. W: 5, you're drinking soda pop and 6, you're drinking beer.. W: That's the way life works. M: Your childhood, man. B: Hey, Mark do you wanna have some fun? M: Yeah, man, yeah! B: Let's party it up, my man. M: Oh, this isn't the fun I ordered! B: Uh oh, this is the wrong kind of fun. B: This is too fun. B: This is too much fun! W: Fuck! (various oh no's) B: Everyone's having fun, no, it's too much! M: Not my fun! W: Everyone's having fun! M: I- Uh.... FUN! M: There's my hand back! (all laughing) B: Nailed it! B: I told you it would be fun, Mark! M: That was fun. (wade being drowned out by bob and mark) M: That was fun, guys. B: I had your best interest in mine. M: Yeah, it was real fun. M: You having fun in that cloud? You having fun in that fart cloud? B: THAT'S fun. B: Oooh, that's the wrong way for me! W: At 4 years old, you're practically still a sperm and an egg. W: At 4 years old, you're not even alive. W: Lemme say, it's controver- M: A-haaaaaaa! B: Gotem. M: Gotem. B: Wade, we're playing a serious game here. W: I'm seriously serious about it! B: I don't have time for your bullshit about sperms and stuff. W: Anyone under the age of 40 is still a toddler. M: 40? W: Yes. W: 6, you're an adult. W: 29, you're a toddler. M: 29? B: Ha. Keep going, Mark, keep going. B: Ah, I don't have one of those. B: I wonder which one he's going to pick. W: I don't know how many cards Bob has. Mystery's killing me. M: It's probably not what you think it is. B: It was the same number you had. B: You didn't have any fuckin' yellows though, you suck. W: I got it put in me bum bum. M: What? What's put in your bum bum? W: It! M: What are you... M: Wade, you can curse again, because you not cursing makes less sense than you cursing. B: Alrighty- doo. W: No, Mark, I made you a promise and I'm gonna honour it. M: Okay. W: You're gonna regret it the rest of your days! M: *laughing* Apparently I am! M: I want the old Wade back! That's what I miss! W: Old, old... Oh, because I'm young now, I get it. B: Uhhhh, I'm gonna do that. M: How'd you do... What the fuck? (unintelligible) B: Enjoy that, Mark! That's really gonna work out for ya! M: Listen, listen, listen, take some of THIS, Bob! M: Payback's a bitch! W: Oh, yeah, well take it again Bob! M: Ooooh, Bob, you're really sandwiched in there! B Well, I have one of those, so I'm good. M: Oh, well, come ooon! W: Mark, I trusted you when I wasted my sweet reversal! M: Heart of my cards... W: Yeah that's right. M: HEART OF MY CARD... B: No, wait a minute, wait a minute. Let's talk about this- ohhhhh... *mark laughs* B: Aw, balls. *wade laughs* M: Alright, UH OH! *laughing* W: It only gets better! M: It's fine. W: I told you, we had a game that lasted an hour and a half the other day! M: That's impossible, Wade. W: (gibberish) JP's here! JP, tell 'em. M: No, it's impossible, Wade. W: If JP was talking, you would listen to him. M: It's impossible, Wade. W: Oh, sweet 1's everybody! M: Thanks, man. B: It's a one party, motherfuckers! M: We live and die... (u n i n t e l l i g i b l e) W: Dog tits, I don't have a green. B: Dog tits? W: Dog tits, I don't have a green. B: Oh, dear me. B: Well, I could play that. M: Alright, listen, man. I feel like there's some hostility here. B: I had no choice. Also, you made me draw 6 cards like, 2 hands ago. M: No, I didn't make you. Everyone was apart of that. M: Why do you think it was me? B: It was the heart of the cards, and you initiated it. (talking over each other) W: -Everything you just did to me. So, I'm going to challenge you and I'm gonna wi- B: Ohhh, that's not so good. M: See, Wade, are you gonna blame you getting 6 cards on me as well? W: No, no, no. If anything, it was Bob's fault I drew that. M: EXACTLY! M: That's what I was saying! B: YOU did this to me, Mark. W: Here, Mark. You deserve it. M: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. B: You know what you did to me. M: I know- B: And you did it to me! M: You're wrong right there from the start. B: In the past tense, you have done it! M: Everyone knows I don't know what I'm doing! M: So there you go! W: Oh why reveal me? B: Just because you don't know what you did doesn't mean you didn't do it. B: You did it out loud. M: I was intending- (B: Bigly) I was intending to do it to JP. I didn't think JP had hard cards. B: Oh, yeah, right, uh huh. B: You know what? M: what? W: (unintelligible) M: (Softly) Alright blue, that works. (wade still saying something in background) M: Oh let's do...this. B: Got em. B: Wait, Wade if you have any dangerous cards I can help you direct em at J- nevermind. M: Alright. B: Oh, I can still help you direct them at JP, apparently. M: Jump in on yourself, JP! W: I could do this. B: Uhhh, well I don't wanna hurt Mark, I wanna hurt JP. M: Oh, you don't wanna hurt me? W: I thought you wanted to hurt both. B: Oh, ok, I wanna hurt Mark. M: Oh no you don't! Watch THIS! B: Oh, shit. M: Heart of my cards... B: It's almost like I knew that was in there! M: Oh, wow. (wade sobbing in the background) M: Teamwork. B: Ohhh. W: Sorry! M: I don't think you are sorry, I don't think you are. W: Sorry... B: He's got 2 blues, boys. W: Ya know, you don't have to talk. B: He's got 2 blues, boys. W: Sometimes the silent treatment is the best treatment. (talking over each other) M: I'm giving you an opportunity to fuck up. B: I don't have anything to really hurt him, but I can let him just sit there for a minute. M: That works, that works, that works. M: Okay, well that doesn't help anybody. B: Well, that helps, actually. That helps. W: Back to blue! Back to blue! Back to blue! B: No, no, that does help. That makes it real easy. W: *gagging noises* Oh god, there's (unintelligible)! B: That really panned out. Woah, hey, do you have any more greens? W: (quietly) I got this one... B: Oh, you DO have some more greens, look at that! M: Okay, listen, listen, what good is that? M: What good is that, ROBO? B: Alright, Wade, since you don't like that hand very much, I'll take it off your hands. W: You should have taken Mark's. B: Oh, look at that. W: I'll take it back. B: No, that's fine. I'll take Mark's and you can have that. B: That was a weird one. B: Here, Wade, I'll help you. More cards = Good, right? M: That was good, that was good. M: See, I held off on using that on you, Bob, because we're a team now. (wade yelling) B: I do appreciate that. Well, red's not a good one. M: Listen, well, I can only do so much, Bob. W: How can Bob possibly screw me this time? Let's find out! B: I feel targeted. M: Bob, I'm literally trying- We had a peace offering at the beginning of this! M: You remember 2 years ago when we started this game? M: We had a peace offering! (laughing) B: It's only been on for a little while! W: I told you, Rayman deck never ends! *bob laughing* W: That was a good play, you should go again. B: I don't want to, and stop it. W: I said go again! B: You know what? You lose your hand. (unintelligble) B: I do want your hand! W: Yeah, you do! W: Good luck. M: I feel like Mr. Hand in the shadows is the one you don't want. B: That's a good hand! Look how good this hand is, chat! M: Let me see! I want a good look at that! B: It's a good hand, Mark. M: It's a GOOD hand. M: Oooh. Mmm. It's good, take it, JP. B: JP, it's a bad hand! B: Oooooh, boy. (laughing) W: Oh, yeah? Well... B: Okay. W: 5 get about it! B: 9 I won't! (mark laughs) M: Oh, no! (bob laughs) W: Oh, GOD, WHAT IS THIS? B: JESUS CHRIST. W: (quietly) JP, change the colour please. B: No, don't change the colour, JP. It's a good colour. W: Change the colour. B: Keep the colour. You keep that goddamn colour in there. M: It's a good colour. (various "change the colour" and "don't change the colour"'s) M: Don't change that colour! W: Shiiiiooooowt! B: Shiooowt? (various shiiioowt's) W: I said what I said, I meant what I meant. W: An elephant's memory... M: Ohhh, I don't want this. B: My hand's actually not bad there, bud. M: That's not bad, that's not bad, that's not bad. B: That's a legit little hand you got there. M: That's a tight hand. W: Alright, I'll find out about that. (talking over each other) M: Tight. B: That's not good. M: Well, this tight hand is not gonna do me any good. This hand is loose. M: This hand's getting flappy. W: The hand's getting a lot of experience. B: It's sort of a situationally tight hand. M: Alright, it's okay. B: *breath in* I CLICKED YOU! W: Y'know, you can go to hell, Bob. It's fine. *mark laughs* W: I'll just take my turn real quick. B: I'll play the 8, it's fine. W: You should have played the 4, whatever the shit it was. W: Oops, I cursed again. Sorry, Mark. M: Oooooh, well. You gotta get the punishment. W: Oh, I'm ready. M: -That we both agreed on. M: And lined up. You know what it is. M: We all know what it is. I know what it is. They know what it is. He, she, me, we all know what it is. W: Yeeeeah? M: Yeah. M: That's not what it s. B: That was a pretty uncool thing, Wade. M: Wade, that was really uncool B: I think you know that. I'm not judging you. W: My punishment was that I had to punish everyone else. M: I WANT my hand. W: No, no, no, no, JP has it! M: I don't know. Wade. B: Wade's is probably good. M: This is like... B: He was making sex sounds so... W: Yeeeah. That's how I sound in bed. B: Oh, good. W: YeEEaAaAAahHh. *mark laughs* B: That's the stuff! M: (mocking wade) yEeAAHh M: Do you like that? (both mocking wade) W: Is it good for youuuu? *mark laughs* B: Boy, oh, boy, is it- W: (interrupting) Sorry if I cry during. *mark laughs* B: Uh oh, now it's getting real. B: Don't talk about that, Wade. B:Hey, go again! W: Nooo. B: Mark, I want you to be happy, okay? M: Wade, don't do it. Wade, don't. Wade, don't. M: Okay, you didn't. That's good. B: Okay, well. W: Green? That's not what I want. M: Green's okay. W: No. B: Green's fine. B: I dislike you immensely. B: Alright, I have literally no choice. M: Alright. It's fair, that's fair. W: You want Mark to win? M: Fair play. *mark laughs* B: Yeah, I wanted Mark to win! W: You're sick! M: Wait what the- Fuck you Wade! M: I have been on your side this whole time! W: I'm on your side, but if you win, you have to go bye-bye! B: Mark, I'm sorry. I was on your side, buddy. M: I- *sigh of dissaproval* B: I was on your side, man. I really tried, I really did. *jazzy game music and sfx* M: I hate life. *bob laughs* M: I'm done. I'm leaving. (jazzy outro music builds up) M: I'm outta here. *jazzy outro music plays* Hiya! I'm the main captioner for this video. I really hope you enjoyed my stupid subtitles. Thanks for being patient with me doing these over the past couple days. These fuckin' captions take forever. Have a great day, stay strong and always remember, Lele Pons isn't funny. subscribe to pewdiepie
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 9,905,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno funny moments, uno markiplier, uno game, funny moments, gameplay, multiplayer, collab, lordminion777, muyskerm, markiplier, funniest, laughing, hilarious, gaming
Id: uvbXtnW04Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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