International Oreo Taste Test

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- How does milk's favorite cookie taste around the world? - Let's talk about that. (bright uplifting music) (liquid bubbling) (UFO whirring) (flame igniting) (bright uplifting music ending) "Good Mythical" summer! - You know, Oreos, they call themselves "milk's favorite cookie," but I don't really like 'em speakin' for milk like that. - Well I mean, maybe milk's in on it. Is it like an endorsement deal, you know, like "Big Milk" actually owns a piece of Oreo? And if so, which piece is it, is it the cream, the cookie, or the other cookie? - Well Rhett, these are all good questions, none of which we're gonna answer today. But, what we are gonna find out is what Oreos are like all around the globe. It's time for- ♪ "Where in the World ♪ ♪ Do These International Oreos Come From?" ♪ (playful rhythmic vocals) - [Stevie] Good morning, boys. - Good morning! - Hello! - [Stevie] We've got a selection of international Oreos for you to try, and subsequently throw a dart at the country you think they come from. These are Oreo flavors exclusively sold in one of the countries on our map. And speaking of our map, after you throw your dart, milk's second favorite cartographer, Mythical Chef Josh, will measure how far you are from the correct answer. - Where's Jake? No offense. - Can you guess who is milk's first favorite cartographer? (laughing) - [Mythical Chef Josh] None taken. - Chase! - Chase! - [Stevie] Chase is a little under the weather today, but that's okay- - You know what? It happens, it happens. - [Stevie] 'Cause Josh is here. Josh, you're just as good as Chase, and we love you just as much. - You don't have to lie to me, but that's okay. - Are you gonna say somethin' like, "I'm cream filling in for him?" - I'm... I'm... I creamed.... I don't know what to say, I'm sorry. - Oh. - I messed up. (laughing) I'm new to this and I'm very nervous. - [Rhett] You messed up real early in that sentence. - Yeah. - Josh, thank you for filling in, and I'm sure you'll do great. You look great. - [Rhett] Mm-hmm. - [Stevie] (laughing) Whoever wins today gets a very special congrats. And Rhett, last time we played, not to rub it in, you lost. - Yeah. - [Stevie] So, you get the special "Parent Trap" advantage dart to use in the round of your choice. And Link, that means you go first. - Whew! Okay. So we already have the first Oreo out here. (sniffing) It's pink. I would call that purple. - It's light purple. - I mean, we have like summer lighting, so I don't know what happens. - I'm just tryna figure out what it is. - It's fruity. Is it like a blueberry? And then, is the cookie exactly the same? (crunching) - Is it like a blueberry? - The cookie's exactly the same. And the cream is... - Light purple. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) Not pink. - You're right. Well, you got... You can move over there with your bucket. (laughing) - (laughing) Yeah, I got a bucket. - [Link] Hey, here's an interesting thing about our map now. We got this French, UK, Germany, Finland cluster. - The Euro cluster? - Mm-hmm. And then we've got a China, Japan, South Korea cluster. - Hmm, the Asian cluster. - I wonder if this is like some sort of British berry. - Give me one British berry. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) Name one. - Uh. A spot of boysenberry. - Oh God. (laughing) - Boysenberry. - You didn't have to do the accent. - Boysenberry. - In fact, if I coulda gone back in time, I would've requested, "Please, don't do it in an accent." - And since there's four there in that cluster- - [Rhett] Oh, you're gonna play for the cluster, huh? - I actually think this is Japan because it's sweet, it's fruity. It's out there, and they like to go out there! So, I'm going out there too. (dark thudding) Oh, that is close! - Wow, that was- - Right in there in that cluster! - That was kinda fun to watch right here on this line right here. - Yeah, (laughing) look at that buddy. - You know, (sighing) I try not to, but I couldn't help but see many of you felt that I wasn't into the last... You know, the last "International." - You weren't even lookin'! - You told me I did the whole like double take in throwin' it. You felt like I didn't care. Somebody literally said somethin' about, you know, "I can't believe that somebody who hit 77 3-pointers in one season of basketball would take this game so not seriously." - Oh, man. - And now that I've got a fellow athlete- - That's how you get him. - A fellow athlete on set with me here, which is unusual for that to happen. Look, he's dribbling his fake ba... Oh look, he just shot it. - But that's the shot put. - What? - What you just did. - He dribbles a shot put. - Yeah, (laughing) correct. - Correct. You're right about the fact that like, putting fruit into an Oreo- - Out there! - It's out there. I think it's a strawberry. Okay, alright. Okay, I'm not doin' the double take. I'm not gettin' close though, I'm still stayin' back in my spot. - You're going for the Euro cluster. (Rhett exhaling concentratingly) (dart thudding) Ooh, nice. - [Stevie] You just had strawberry flavored Oreos, but not just any strawberry- - And what color is it, Stevie? - Uh, pink. - [Stevie] The black and pink coloring of the Oreo comes from a special collaboration with a musical group- - That's not German. - [Stevie] Blackpink, an incredibly popular K-pop group. Which makes sense because these Oreos come from South Korea. - [Link] You know what? - [Rhett] I feel good and bad at the same time. - I got cream on my face, but I'll take the lead with this one. - So do I get a point for knowing what pink is, and also knowing what strawberries taste like? - It definitely looks pink now that you showed me it's pink. - Oh yeah, (laughing) okay. - Rhett, you had 29. - [Rhett] Ooh. - Link, you had three. - [Rhett] Ooh. - And the boysenberry was invented in California. - Was it now? - Yeah. - I believe by Knott's Berry Farm, can someone fact check me? I don't know where my phone went. - Chase isn't here today. (playful rhythmic vocals) - Look at the size of this Oreo. - Good gracious- - That's not an Oreo. - How could this even be classified as an Oreo? (Rhett sniffing thoughtfully) And it's got a middle cookie. - I'm gonna find out by eating it. - This is like a MoonPie kinda? - What is happening in that, Link? - Well, I will say that that looks like it's white. Please, tell me I'm right this time. (laughing) I'm gettin' a little concerned. - I think it might be light white. I don't think there's curve balls in this. - [Link] Mm-mmm. - [Stevie] Is it Oreo texture, or is it softer? - Yeah. - [Stevie] It is? Okay, so it has the crunch? - It's a little softer. - I would say it's softer. - [Stevie] That looks good. - It doesn't have the crunch. - [Stevie] Yeah. Tell me more. - It doesn't have the crunch. I mean, I know that wa... "Tell me the same thing again." (laughing) ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - Do you want some of mine? - [Stevie] (laughing) No, I'm good, thanks. - Okay. - [Link] Would they go to the same East Asian cluster? - Oh, I've just seen Guatemala for the first time. (Rhett laughing gently) Wow. - There it is. - Look at that, I just seen it. - And when I see it, I want to say Gualtemala. - Say it, see how it feels. - Gualtemala. - Yeah, that's wrong. - It would just be so wild if they went back to that same cluster. If this was... It's not Japan, but this could be China. China's got a lotta people. Do people wanna share one Oreo? I don't know. - One Oreo per family policy. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - So I am going... (laughing) I'm going for China. - (laughing) I think they've done away with that action. - I'm goin' for China, but I'm gonna hedge my bets and do a little bit of this number. (Link imitating air whooshing) (dart thudding) Oh. - Meaning you're gonna aim for the cluster. I mean, I wish you hadda gone with what you said you were gonna do. Because I mean, to me, this feels like if you were to take a German chocolate cake and make it into an Oreo. - Mmm. - Now, German chocolate cake, I don't think is from Germany. - Is it okay if my thigh touches yours? - Josh probably knows that. It's an American invention. - You're correct, yeah. - Yeah. See? - There are types of chocolate cake in Germany, but no coconut is- - But hold on, hold on, don't give him any information. - Well no, I thought we were just talking- - Hey, hey, we're just two prime athletes having a conversation. - I played basketball too, I didn't just shot put, I played basketball. - I've already gone, and he hasn't. - Hey Link, you wouldn't understand, this is locker room talk, okay? (Josh laughing amusingly) Okay? - It's called cheating. - Germans didn't invent German chocolate cake- - [Mythical Chef Josh] Bro, everyone knows that, bro. - It's American 'cause of coconut. - Coconut, come on now. - Locker room talk, you know what I'm talking about. - See, the problem is you know too much to be in this position, and to like him better than me. - I didn't ask to be born! - Man, why did you have to get so close to Germany? Oh, man. (dart thudding) Oh! (laughing) - Is it Germany? - [Stevie] You just had Oreos alfajores- - Oh no. (laughing) Oh no, it don't sound like Germany to me. - Gualtemala. - [Stevie] (laughing) Alfajores are a very popular dessert in this Oreo's country of origin. And the shape of this Oreo treat was modeled after them. It's a dessert typically made with flour, honey, and nuts. And it comes from Argentina. - [Link] Argentina. - Wow, you're actually closer, maybe significantly. Look at this. Isn't that pretty? - Link, you had 40. Rhett, 43. - Dang. - Boysenberries are a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. - And that was a pun somehow I think. - I don't think so, I think it was a fact. (playful rhythmic vocals) - Oh, purple ones. - Yeah, light purple. - (laughing) I know it's pink. I'm gonna do a little little dip here. - Whoa! - I don't know if this will help me or not. - Hold on, before you eat... Well, no. I have a guess as to what this is by smell. (sniffing) - Ugh! Is the milk bad? - No. I think it might be like some sort of alcohol flavor. It smells exactly like the wine I made for us in high school. - Yes, it does. (laughing) - Like, literally the same. - Nauseating. - Like it's been sittin' on top of my- - A/C unit in the closet. - A/C unit in the closet for weeks. - Okay, so these are rose. - Now that I eat it, it tastes different. - I gotta go with France because of, you know, because of wine. - They do make wine there. - And they love it there. - They love it. - They feed it to children. - [Rhett] It's good for the gut. - [Link] Kindergarten gut. - [Rhett] Can you say that in French? - Je t'aime la gut. (Rhett laughing gently) Rose je mange. - Did you say, "My name is the gut?" - Je m'appelle (indistinct). (Rhett laughing gentle) (Link attempting to speak French) (dart thudding) - [Rhett] Ooh. - You're startin' to get scared at this point. - Well, I'm in such a big hole at this point. Game theory, game theory, access game theory brain. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) Wow. Okay so, if I play it safe, which is to go for the Euro cluster, not only because there's four countries there but because we haven't gone to the Euro cluster yet. I actually think it might be in the Asian cluster, but there's only two countries left over there. But if I'm right- - [Link] It could be floral. - I pull myself out of the whole... That's what I'm sayin', it tastes more floral the more I tasted it. So like a certain blossom, and a celebration of a certain type of blossom that happens in Japan. What blossoms are those? Josh probably knows, the cherry blossoms. See, he knows, he just nodded. Okay, I think it's Japan. (dart thudding) - [Link] Oh, I love it. - And I didn't hedge any bets. - Really educated guesses here. - Hedged no bets! - Only one can be right. - [Stevie] You just had peach blossom / rice wine flavored Oreos. Peach blossoms are native to this Oreo's country of origin, and rice wine is a popular fermented alcoholic beverage popular throughout Asia, including in China. - Oh! - So, I wasn't quite as close as I needed to be. - Alright, Link, you had 37. Rhett, you had 14. - I'm still winning somehow. Take these- - By six centimeters. - Light purple Oreos home with you and show your kids. - Look at that. (playful rhythmic vocals) You may have noticed this cool shirt. It's kinda retro, it's got a strip or two. - It also has a hook on the back. - Yeah, it does. - A little loop. (clicking tongue) - 'Cause that's retro, 70's vintage style. You can get this at And when you go totally retro, you can get the socks too. Check these things out. - And listen, we didn't just stop with that color weight colorway. We've got three colorways of these Mythical socks. - I'm lovin' it. - Now, I don't know if you can tell Link, but there is a light purple stripe in the middle of this. It's kinda hard to see on camera, but just so you know. - Yeah, it looks kinda pink to me. - Go to the website,, and you can see it in all it's detail, and you can also buy it there. - So, these are in collaboration with American Trench, which was the retro stripes that I was already wearing. So, (clicking teeth) I'm pretty happy about this collab. Bring in some... Ooh, chocolate covered- - We got some covered cooks. "Cooks" is what I call cookies for short. A lotta people get confused, especially people like Josh. - It's normal in there. That is a tasty milk chocolate covering. - What sport you thinkin' about right now? - Huh? Cricket. - Yeah, you see how fast that was? - I kinda wish you would've taken the lead- - Oh, it's strategic. - So that I would have a little bit of vantage to like catch up. I think we're back in Europe. The chocolatiers there are just tip top. - Yup, I've heard that. Josh, is that true? - Yeah, it's true. - It's true. - They have a guy named Amaury Guichon, incredible. - Yeah, Guichon is one of my favorites. - Mm-hmm. - And Ghirardelli, you know? - He's one of favorite Seans. - Top five. - So I'm really feeling this is a German chocolate 'cause Germany hasn't been taken, you just talked about it a lot. - I can talk about it some more. - Don't. (dart thudding) Oh yeah, my aim's really good today. - It's really nice, it's really nice. - I really wanna win two in a row. - It's gotta be the European cluster, we haven't gone there yet. Um... - It really could be anything. There's nothin' here, it's just- - Well, here's the thing that is causing me to doubt it. Unless these melted during shipping... Because no German that I know would let this go out the factory door. - [Stevie] There might've been a little meltage. - So now that I know that, I can imagine what they looked like when they were in pristine condition. Boy, let me see, I wonder if I can pick up where they've put it on the screen, and look and see what's written there. (Link laughing gently) (Rhett groaning softly) ("Mythical" Crew laughing gently) I've always thought about doing that. - I'm gonna let you know, you're so funny today. - Oh, thank you. - I'm just not laughin' at you because we're in competition. - Oh. - [Link] That's the only reason I'm not laughing. - Oh, oh, okay. Okay. - If this weren't a competition- - What sport are you thinkin' of, Josh? - Volleyball. - See? He's always thinking of a sport, you can see it on his face. (groaning) France. (dart thudding) Whoo! - That cluster beckons. - I think I may have pierced Germany, if it is the correct answer, I don't know. - [Stevie] You just had Cadbury coated Oreos. Cadbury, of course, is the famous British chocolate brand, and these Oreos hail from the United Kingdom. - Kingdom! - So, you're a little closer. That's why these taste so good because it's that Cadbury chocolate, dude. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - These are great. - You see how pretty they were when they came out of that British factory? - They're so great. Best ones. - Blessed by the King himself. - Rhett, you had two. Link, you had six. - Ooh, wow, wow. (laughing) - I'm still hangin' on- - I'm only down by two now. - And I don't like that. I wish I would've... - Yeah. That's right 'cause I get to use my cheat in the last round, but you don't get to take any credit for it, or whatever I was trying to say. (playful rhythmic vocals) - It's a blonde Oreo- - With a blue cream. Whoa! - Blue and purple. The new purple. It almost looks greasy. - Hold on, is it a gender reveal cookie? ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - (laughing) It could be. - It's gonna go big on TikTok. - The colors are legitimately different flavors, but close to each other. What y'all talkin' about? ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - [Stevie] I thought that Rhett said "ginger reveal," like someone with red hair was going to come out. But now, I understand. - Hold on, ginger reveal is a great idea. - [Stevie] Yeah, that could be the next TikTok thing for sure. - Equally as controversial though. I'm afraid that this is a- - They don't stand a chance. - This could be a cotton candy cookie. - You're afraid? - Yeah 'cause I don't want him to come out. Two centimeters, y'all. Am I going for South America or Africa? Africa. This is an African Oreo. - Alright. Okay. - And plus, that's in the middle of the board, so I do like that. - Yup. (Link breathing deeply) (dart thudding) A little lower than I wanted, but- - Did you go for that because you thought that one of those two countries was still in play in a mystery round? - No, I'm... I'm not going for South Africa, no, I'm goin' for Africa the continent. - But you just said... Yeah, you were... I didn't know if you didn't know that it could be any country. - I did, and I do. - Oh alright, good. Good, good, good, good. - Do you think it's cotton candy? - It definitely is cotton candy. And where does that send you? - (sighing) Well it sends me to my cheat dart- - [Link] Which is... What is that? - I do not understand. - [Stevie] So of course, you know why this is a reference to the movie "Parent Trap," if you would like to explain. - Right. Because Lindsay Lohan- - [Stevie] Yeah. - Loves to do this with her Oreos. - [Stevie] Yup. - [Rhett] Everybody knows that. - [Stevie] Yeah, (laughing) I mean, kind of. - And she plays her own twin. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Her and her... - Then, why is there three of 'em? - She... Well because she goes to the mirror and she sticks these on the mirror, and then she- - [Link] Then, there'd be four of 'em. - And then she sticks it on the mirror, and then she kisses her own twin and takes the Oreo. It's very weird, and it's not... (whining) I mean, but I do watch. - [Stevie] Yes. And so, your advantage is that you get to throw each of these individually. But then, you do have to go up to the map and make out with at least one of them. - Okay, but all three of them count? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Oh, wow. - What? ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - Hey, thank you for the first time in the history of me having an advantage- - This is super advantage! - Giving me an advantage. - Three tosses? - That's... Ooh! It feels so good. Are you thinking I should throw 'em all three at the same time to make it fair? - [Stevie] Sure. By the way, (laughing) I don't design the advantages personally. I know... I know everyone in the comments section thinks that I do. - I've only got a two-centimeter deficit. - You have to throw 'em at at once. You have to. - ["Mythical" Crew Member] Oh. - Lindsay, if you're watching, hi. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) I don't even care what I'm guessin' for. - Luck be a lady, hopefully not Lindsay Lohan. - Basically, the strategy I should employ is to try to basically hit your dart, and that way I get whatever you got and then anything around it as well. These are really sticky. Thanks, Lindsay. (laughing) (Rhett growling concentratingly) (Oreos thudding) Yes. - Good gosh. And my dart is now gone. - But, I think we know where it was. I can see the hole. - Can we put it back? Where? - [Stevie] And Link, you're already up there, if you wanna go ahead and make out with any of the peanut butter, you can- - And any of it that I make out with, it can no longer be measured from? - [Stevie] (laughing) No. - 'Cause I'm gonna slurp it all up. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - Just so you know, I've got peanut butter here, here, and here, so. And here and here. - I don't think we're allowed over here. - And here and here. - Let's sit down. - [Stevie] Okay, I'm feeling like I could use a little bit of help with this reveal. (Rhett laughing gently) - See? You hid better than normal. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) - Happy Cotton Candy Day, daddies. - Hey, Randy. - It looks like you were eating Cotton Candy Oreos, from right here in the good old US of A. - Whoo! Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo! Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo, whoo-whoo! - I made them with myself, a little bit of extra love. Betcha can't guess where the love comes from. (Rhett laughing amusingly) - Was is it the blue or the light purple? - I'll never tell. It's my secret that I'll take to my grave. You wanna hear a sweet nothing before I go? - Yes, yes. - (panting) If you're wondering why I'm glowing, it's because I'm pregnant, and it's yours. - Oh. ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) I guess I can still make cotton candy babies. - I'm writing a poem to read at your funeral. I just can't think of a rhyme for "turd goblin." ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) Alright, bye daddies. (Rhett laughing amusingly) Oh, hi Josh. See ya later at kissing practice. - I'll be there. It makes perfect. - (sighing) It appears that you've taken it. - Sorry, I got distracted. Link, you had 31. Rhett, you had two. - Whoo! - The advantage has saved you, man. - (sighing) Thank you for that, thank you. - United States. - [Stevie] So, here's your congrats prize. I will say, and I mean not to throw Chase under the bus 'cause he's not feeling well. But, something happened in shipping. Uh, here's your congrats. - "Acorns"? - [Stevie] We did the best with the letters that came through. - Or is it "snorca"? - It's acorns. - "Carons." Oh, you can have one. Do you want the one that's got your last name on it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you. - I'll take "R." - Thanks for subscribin' and clickin' that bell. - You know what time it is! - It's Becky, from New Jersey. I'm doing an Oreo taste test at work, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Becky just became the most popular person at work, (laughing) am I right? - (laughing) Yes, unless it's like an anti-Oreo job. - Oh, yeah. Click the top link to watch us identify which animals we are in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. New merch alert. Shop the Mythical Retro Stripe Tee and Sock collection, at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,852,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: Ii_1uqu205o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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