Make Advanced Glitch Text Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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this video is sponsored by pixlr [Music] hey guys what's up i am nikhil from and welcome to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video i'm going to show you how to create this cool and dynamic looking glitch text animation inside of after effects using some very cool and creative techniques so without wasting any time let's straight away jump into after effects and get started [Music] [Applause] all right guys so here we are in after effects so before i start this tutorial i want you guys to download two things first is the js placement application using which you can generate these kind of black and white maps which is super awesome and this application is absolutely free link to this application is in the description below so you can download it if you want to or you can simply download the free project file of this tutorial where you will get this map that i just showed so using this app is really easy i'm gonna quickly give you guys an overview go right here and there we have four five different options to select from so i personally like to go with the js placement classic and all i have to do is hit r hotkey and it's gonna you know generate a really random glitch map and there are a number of different things that you can do here i'm not gonna go too deep into this but the main controllers according to me are the iteration and the background brightness so i always like to keep it all the way up to 2000 and it's going to generate some very nice map you can also jump into the js placement too and the crap pack and using this you can generate some very high detail maps so as you can see right over here all you have to do is play around with the values and you know have fun with this and generate a very very cool texture but if you don't want to do that you can anytime just download the free project file and you you have this map that i'm going to use for this tutorial and number two is the free plugin called the display sub which is a free plugin for after effects made by plugin and everything link to which is in the description below so with that out of the way let's now start with the tutorial so i'm going to start with creating a new composition called this render as a main renicom let's set this to 1920 by 1080 that is full hd and 30 fps 10 seconds long hit ok then i'm going to create a new composition called this text you can also use a logo if you want to i'm just going to use a simple text select the text tool and type in glitch let's increase the size and make it full caps and for the font i'm gonna use a euro style but this time i'm gonna use a euro style lt bowl which is a very thick font i set the spacing to zero all right now let's duplicate this so hit ctrl d so now we have text too and for this one i'm going to use a thinner font so euro style and let's go with something like this one maybe i'll increase the spacing a little bit and increase the size to around 260. so that is looking good make sure to align this into the center properly then i'm going to create a new composition called this texture hit okay and drag and drop in the map that i have right over here hit s and bring down the scale just like so then i'm gonna pre-comb this hit ctrl shift c we can call it whatever that we want make sure to click on move all attributes and i'm going to call this map hit ok and then on this composition i will be using a very cool effect called vegas so double click to apply that and let's change the blending mode of this to transparent so we get this really cool map as you can see let's set this to full and i'm going to change this to a nice white color let's bring down these segments to five and yeah everything else looks good we can animate the rotation like that so i'm going to use a very simple expression for this hold alt and click on the stopwatch of the rotation and type in time into let's go with 25 so it's going to keep on rotating i'm going to turn on the random face so if i preview this now you can see we have this random animations going on and you can also change the random ic just to get a different look so i think this looks pretty good i'm going to jump into the map maybe and we can change the position of this map and also what i'm going to do is add a level to this so let's go into effects and preset and search for levels effect apply that and let's bring them closer just to increase the contrast in the map so that we get a very nice look here in the vegas all right let's duplicate this hit ctrl d and then let's delete the vegas effect from this one all right let's duplicate this one hit ctrl d and i will be adding a cc star burst on this one we can solo this up so we can see what's going on here first of all let's set the scatter amount to zero set the speed to zero and i'm going to increase the grid spacing to five we can bring down the size a bit we can increase the size if i want to and you know if i increase this we get this really nice and dotted look which looks pretty cool but i like to keep this as at zero and set these size to around 70 should be fine and now we have a really nice animated texture looks pretty nice and this is gonna serve as our glitch map so now let's go back into our render composition let's drop the text layer and then below that i'm going to drop the texture that we have just created hit f4 and let's change the track mode of this to alpha matte so we have this really cool look let's set this to full so we can see what's going on here and just to add another level of detail what i'm going to do is select both of these layers hit ctrl d to duplicate it select the texture go into effects and preset and search for fine edges double click to apply that invert that and change the blending mode of this to screen so now we have another level of a detail and animation going on right over here which is looking super cool i think one more thing i would like to do here is to animate the text so let's go right here in the animate property and add an opacity and also i'm going to add our tracking all right so let's animate the tracking first i'm going to go to one second and 15 frames so let's go to one second and 10 frames probably you know create a keyframe on the tracking go back and set this to somewhere around like that then set the opacity to zero go into the range selector and create a keyframe on the offset go at one second and 10 frames and set this to 100 then go into the advanced property and just turn on the randomize order so now we have something like this which looks pretty cool and simple but now when we add displacer pro on this it's gonna look epic trust me when i say this now before i proceed further with this tutorial i just want to take a minute and talk about our today's sponsor pixel rx pixel rx is an online photo editor which is super easy to use because of its minimal layout you can edit your photos apply cool filters add text and even do color correction in just a few clicks pixel rx also offers many free templates that you can directly select and start editing it also offers amazing features like animating your designs with built-in animation presets focus studio inside of pixel rx allows you to add focal point to your images and create beautiful bokeh effects create dramatic effects with dispersion studio and easily create glitch effects with grid studio in pixel rx so i will definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check out pixlr x by clicking on the first link in the description below so first of all let's create a new adjustment layer here call this displace go into effects and presets and search for this placer pro this is a very cool plugin and you should definitely try this out and it's absolutely free so let's change the map layer from none to texture and now there are a number of different properties that we can play around with the most interesting one is the transform so we can create some really dynamic looking you know glitches and stuff and it's gonna look super awesome once we start playing around with this property so let's uh set everything back to zero set the scale to 100 make sure to set the anchor x and anchor y to 50 percent and now if i animate the scale you can see let's go right here we get a really cool glitch look which is pretty interesting right we can create some really abstract stuff using this so let's go ahead and create something it's really really overwhelming to use this effect anyway so let's start from zero first let's animate the scale property so i'm gonna place my time indicator at this start at zero frames and create a keyframe on the scale so let's go ahead and create a keyframe so as you can see it's a normal keyframe now i want to turn this keyframe into a hold keyframe so to do that i'm going to hold alt and control at the same time and click on this keyframe so it's going to switch to whole keyframe then let's change the value of scale to 120 let's zoom into our timeline a bit i'll go to 15 frames probably and set this back to 100 then jump a few frames maybe three frames so one two three by hiding page down and set this to 85 jump again three frames forward one two three set this to one one zero again jump three frames forward one two three set this back to hundred then let's go to one second and set this to somewhere around 80. all right so right now it looks um pretty abstract i know but we're gonna make it look a bit more cooler so now once the scale animation is done let's focus on the translate x and translate y so i'll go to around somewhere around 18 frames or so let's create a keyframe on the translate x and y again hold ctrl and alt to you know first of all let's hit use to see the keyframes select the keyframes hold alt and control and switch them to whole keyframe then i want to jump a few frames forward like so and make sure to change the value of these two to five person just so that we can get a little bit of displacement here okay jump a few frames forward maybe three frames or so set them back to zero and then go right here and change the translate x to around 65 percent also at the same time make sure to change the edge behavior from none to repeat so we have a repeating pattern and now you can see we have a much more dynamic glitch look but we are going to take this a step further let's go at around one second and ten frames and let's set them set them back to five percent just like so and then go to two frames or two seconds and five frames set them back to zero so we have a very random glitch at the moment but we are building up the complete glitch scene here now let's animate the rotation of the glitch which is the coolest part i think of this animation so let's place the time indicator to somewhere around there with this keyframes and create a keyframe on the rotation i'm going to select the layer hit u so these keyframes are going to be the are normal a normal linear keyframes and also i'm going to create a keyframe on these scales so now now it has created a whole keyframe so again switch back to normal i'm going to hold ctrl and alt and click on this so now we have normal keyframes so let's go right here somewhere around there and increase the rotation so let's rotate this like that so let's set this to around maybe 150 should be good and then go right here and set this back to zero and then go right over here let's scale this up a little bit so something like this and right here i'm going to set this back to 100 so right over here let's set this to 110 so now we have this kind of rotation which looks pretty cool now select this keyframes you can hit f9 or go into keyframe assistant easy ease them go into the graph and make sure your snap is turned on select this keyframe hold shift and drag this handle to the left and this one to the left as well select these keyframes and drag the handle to the right and this one to the right as well so now we have a very interesting motion so now if i preview this you can see we have this really cool look which i really like and right over here i'm going to select everything hold alt and right square bracket to crop them up and right here i'm gonna add the text to and let's actually animate the text too so i'm gonna rotate this a little bit maybe around seven degrees or so create a keyframe go to three second and set this back to zero select the keyframes go into keyframe assistant easy ease them go into the graph and yeah make sure you're working in the edit speed graph and not in the reference or value graph let's pull them like that and now we have something like so so you know we have this kind of a snap here maybe i can go right here and then crop them up and boom so now we have something that finishes up properly yeah so that is the kind of look that is the kind of look i'm going for so this is the base of an animation now let's select the displacement or adjustment layer that we have here and let's color our glitch so to do that i'm going to use triton so double click to apply this let's go back so we can see our glitch so for the highlight i'm going to go with a nice teal color for the mid tones i'll go with a dark purple color and uh for the shadows i'll go with a kind of a hot pink color so this colors look really cool on a glitch i think you know looks pretty good and for this just to make it look a bit more interesting i can do the same thing here just to add a dual color tone here again select the teal one for this and for this i'll select the hot pink one so we have a very nice and cool look pretty cool so there we have our amazing dynamic looking glitch now the next part of this tutorial is where we use another plug-in which is a paid plug-in it's called deep globe but if you don't want to use deep glow you can of course continue with our default glow all you have to do is select the displacement layer go into effects and preset search for glue and add our normal glue that we get with after effects if i go right here i can play around with this so i can you know set this somewhere around there increase the radius and increase the intensity and get a really nice look you know looks pretty cool but i'm gonna use deep glow if you want you can use the default glue as well so i'm gonna go and search for deep glow again this plug-in is a paid plug-in from plug-in and everything but i would definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check it out it is a super amazing plug-in and it helps us to create some very nice glows i can even go into chromatic aberration and add some very nice chromatic aberration if i want to something like 15 or so should be good then i'm going to make sure to switch to 16 so hold alt and click on the small button so it's going to help us to switch to 16 bits let's actually bring down the glow intensity to 0.5 and what i want to do is animate this so let's go right over here let's hit u so we can see the keyframes go right here create a keyframe on the exposure go right here at the end and set this to one so now we have something like this and let's add the deep glow on this one as well so hit ctrl c ctrl v to paste it remove the keyframe from the exposure and yeah set this to okay go right here set this to one create a keyframe go back to three seconds and set this to 0.2 or 0.3 or something like that that looks good hit you select the keyframes keyframe assistant easy ease graph and let's pull this like so so let's preview this and it should hit properly i think boom yeah that is looking very nice and snappy maybe i will tweak the glow a little bit probably bring down the glow radius or something like that you know there are a lot of different properties to play around with like we can adjust the threshold and stuff we can also adjust the quality in the style we have gamma correction and a lot of different properties but i think we are good for you good for now so now let's preview our complete animation so yeah i think it is looking pretty cool now again this is a very abstract glitch effect you can do number of different things like you can anytime add more uh you know dynamic look to this for example you can play around with the displacement i can even increase this to get a really you know different look so if i again go right here i will have a different glitch displacement i can go right here maybe i can increase this and you know all together i can make this very random as you can see and make it as complex as i want so i would definitely say that you should go ahead and play around with this effect and the final result is quite amazing you can use it as a logo animation as well and use it a number of different projects i think so that is all for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and press that bell icon so you always get notified and you can also follow me on instagram at dope.motions the link is in the description below and if you're feeling generous make sure to support us on patreon but just contributing one dollar and if you guys are interested in learning about logo animation intros or title animations i have a complete playlist for you which you should definitely check it out all the links are in the description below with that said i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 110,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects, glitch text after effects, glitch text effect, how to make glitch effects, after effects text animation, after effects glitch effect, glitch text animation after effects, after effects glitch tutorial, after effects glitch, after effects glitch logo intro, after effects glitch intro tutorial, dope motions tutorials
Id: _vgssxKrUms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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