Distorted Glitch Text Animation in After Effects | After Effects Tutorial

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hey guys what's up i am nikhil from dope motions and welcome to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video we will create a digital distorted text animation inside of after effects without using a single plugin but before we start today's video i just want to take a minute and talk about our today's sponsor capture so basically this is the first blockchain camera and it only requires one click to mint nfts it's also completely integrated with their own cryptocurrency it can become a next social media where you are uploading all your photos and immediately they are recognized on your blockchain so that means now you can go ahead and sell or trade them whatever that you want to do you have the complete content ownership and it's super easy to use you can download the capture app from the google play or app store so here i have a photo that i want to upload and as you can see it's currently registering the capture on the blockchain as you can see people here are actually selling their photo that they have captured as nfts which is insane i think now you can also list our photo on one of the most popular marketplace for nfts that is opencv all you have to do is open the image click on this icon click network actions select list to open c add a caption feed a fee and there you go i think this is the future of anything that is related to nfts for more info make sure to download the capture app link is in the description below now without any further ado let's start today's video [Music] [Applause] all right guys so here we are in after effects let's start with creating a new composition let's keep it 1920 by 1080 that is full hd and 30 fps 10 seconds long let's call this render then let's create another new comp this is going to be our text composition so i'm going to call this text underscore 0 1 and then unlink or unlock the aspect ratio of the composition and change the height to i think 100 should be good hit ok then select the text now because we will be adding three different text we need to create three compositions so i'm gonna type in my first text that is going to be epic all right i'm gonna align this into the center let's bring down the size a little bit around 85 pixels should be good and for the phone i'm using the doses font i'll mention the link in the description to download the same exact font so let's go ahead and animate the text so i'm going to go right here let's make some room right over here also before we start animating anything one thing i would like to recommend is make sure you download the keyframe wingman script this is a free after effects script you will find the link to download it in the description it comes along with the animation composer so after you install the animation composer go into windows and there you will find the keyframe wingman by the way this is not sponsored by them but you know this is a super useful script and we will be using this in order to save some time in the animation process so let's go into the text go into animate and the first effect or the first property that i want to add is the position and let's animate the position i'm going to place this down like so go into the range selector let's set the start property all the way up to 100 percent and create a keyframe on start in the end and then i'm going to zoom in my timeline a bit like so let's go to 10 frames and move the end property keyframe right here then i'll go to one second and set the start property to zero go to one second and ten frame and set this one that is the end property to zero then select the keyframes and then using the keyframe wingman i'm gonna tweak this basically this tweaks the graph editor so i if i just click on this if i go into my graph you can see we can simply select the keyframe and adjust the graph editor using this uh one script so you can do this manually if you want but again in order to save some time i'm going to do this with the keyframe wingman let's set this to 90 and then i'll go into the advanced property and change the shape to ramp down and now if i preview this we have this really cool animation i want to add some randomness to this so i'm going to turn on randomize order and there we go looking pretty good then i'm going to add a tracking animation so let's go into animate again and add a tracking property so let's animate this let's go to one second and let's increase this to around maybe 25 or 30 should be good create a keyframe go to one second and 10 frames and set this to zero then i can select the keyframes and click on this button to add the same curve and there we have our first animation looking pretty nice now let's duplicate the composition so hit ctrl d now we have text two and this is going to be a second text let's call this distorted all right we don't need the animator 2 as of now so i'm going to delete that we only need the animator 1 for now and i'm going to go around somewhere around here go into animator one set the position to zero create a keyframe go one frame forward so press page down to jump one frame forward in time and let's set this to maybe somewhere around here so now we have something like this all right now i know it doesn't make sense at the moment but we will stack up number of different animators on top of another to make it look a bit more glitchy distorted and complex so here we have our animator one let's go into animate and add another tracking property so now we have animated and animate the tracking amount so i'll go to around let's go somewhere around two seconds and i set this to 30 create a keyframe go one frame forward in time and set this to 100 then go to 2 second and 10 frames and set this to 0 select the keyframes and apply the same exact curve so now we have something like this looks kind of distorted looks good now let's add another animator so i'm going to go into animate and add opacity and then go into add property and combine this with a character offset so let's go at the very start go into the range selector bring down the opacity to 0 and i'm going to create a keyframe on the start property go to around let's go to around 10 frames set this to 75 and then go one frame forward set this to 15 then go to around one second and 10 frames and set this all the way up to 100 and then go into the advanced property and turn on randomize order so now we have something like this which looks pretty damn cool i think i think i need to move the keyframes of of the opacity a bit forward in time so let's place this at around 15 frames and let's preview the animation yep now we have this kind of a distorted glitchy look which i'm looking for and that is looking good and then finally i'm gonna add a character offset animation so let's go to around 1 second and 10 frames create a keyframe on the character offset go two frames forward in time and set this to 10. and then go right over here and set this to zero so now we have something like this so here we have a complete text animation kind of distorted and glitchy and you can stack up as many animators as you want then select the text one hit ctrl d to duplicate it so we have text three and i'm going to call this one transformation and going to keep the same animation as our first text i think it looks pretty damn cool all right then let's create another new comp called this map and i'm going to create a black and white displacement map make sure to set the height to 1080 again and this is this map is going to help us to drive the glitch animation so on this composition i'm going to press ctrl y to create a new solid you can call this map if you want and then go into effects and presets search for fractal noise double click to apply that set the noise type to block and i'm going to bring down the brightness i think to minus 90 and then go into overflow and set this to i think the soft clamp should be no i think we should go with wrap back wrap back yeah then going to transform unlink uh the uniform scaling set the complexity down to one let's increase the width like so somewhere around there should be good and then adjust the scaling i think this much should be fine i think let's go with something like 50 or 45 should be good yeah this looks good then let's animate the evolution so i'm going to hold alt and click on the evolution stopwatch and use a simple expression called time times 360. then go back into the transform and animate the turbulence offset offset turbulence i mean so i'm going to select the fractal noise bring this right here create a keyframe go all the way up to 10 seconds and let's bring this down like so so we have this really nice animation i think maybe a bit more yeah that is looking good so our map is ready now let's go into our main render comp and drag and drop in all the three titles that we have here and i'm gonna move the first one right over here the third one below and then select the first and third hit s and scale them down to around 40 so that is looking pretty nice let's adjust the position a bit like that then let's create a new shape layer like so and place this below the first text and add a fill on the first text so i'm gonna go right here search for fill and make this black and we can actually align them properly just like so now let's go to one second and drag the third text to one second so we have the third text animating later on and let's also place the first text around 20 frames in time forward in time so like so so here we have our first text and then the second looks pretty nice now it's time to add those cool and fun glitches so to do that i'm going to start by right clicking and creating a new adjustment layer you can call it whatever that you want i'm going to call this glitch and also add the map composition inside this render comp and we can hide this we don't need to see it then select the glitch adjustment layer go into effects and presets and search for a displacement map double click to apply that go to around 10 seconds hold alt and right square bracket to crop the layer and then in the displacement map i'm going to make some room right here set this to map so we have this really nice displacement as you can see let's increase this to around 15 or something and this one all the way up like so somewhere around there so you can see we have this really nice displacement so let's set this to around 500 i think create a keyframe go to 10 frames and set this to 100 so now we have this kind of displacement as you can see looks pretty dope let's duplicate this composite this layer sorry hit ctrl d i'm going to move this forward in time and get rid of the displacement map let's add a transform effect on this so let's go into effects and presets and search for transform double click to apply that go right here and create a keyframe on the scale property go right over here and scale this to around 200 should be good then go right over here hit u and just copy this keyframe ctrl c ctrl v then select the keyframes and click on this icon to add the similar animation of our previous keyframes and then i'm gonna turn off the use compositions shutter and set the shutter angle to 360 to add a manual shutter so we have this kind of really cool look i can maybe move this one a bit more forward in time so you can see we get this pretty nice animation maybe a bit more i think we should start from here looks pretty damn cool we can even increase this much more like around 300 yeah this looks much better i think also i want my shape to be visible when the the text starts appearing inside the shape right here you know so what we can do is actually move this one a few frames forward in time so now we have something like this looks pretty nice yeah that makes much more sense let's duplicate this again hit ctrl d and get rid of the transform effect let's go let's drag this a few frames forward and then add an effect called music and let's set the vertical blocks to 120 should be good so we get this really cool look so as soon as it hits back i want this to transform into a mosaic effect you can see just for a few frames but it looks pretty damn cool then let's duplicate this again hit ctrl d place this a few frames forward in time and this time i'm going to turn on sharp colors to get a different look we can play around with the way it looks only something like this so you can see we get this really nice distortion just make sure to play around with the values to get a really interesting look then let's um duplicate this again hit ctrl d go forward in time and let's delete the mosaic effect i'm going to add the transform effect again and let's animate the position of this so let's go right here and move the position down let's actually create a keyframe on the position first let's go a few frames forward let's move this down a few frames forward move this up and then few frames forward again and set this back to where it was so hit u copy paste this keyframe select it and apply the same curve again so now we have something like this and let's add a shutter angle so we have this really nice motion blur kind of an effect looks pretty good and on top of that i'm gonna again use the mosaic effect somewhere around there but for a shorter span so you can see we get this really nice look and then finally at the end i'm gonna copy the transform and the glitch again and finally at the end at around three second i'm going to copy these two effects that is the first displacement and the transform hit control d to duplicate it put this at the top and place this somewhere around there and combine them on top of another so this will help this will help us to get a really cool distortion at the end all right so now let's preview the complete animation and as you can see it looks quite distorted looks pretty damn cool i think i think the zoom is a bit too much for this so let's select this hit u and go right here set this to around 200 so that will be fine yeah or maybe a bit like 250. let's select the displacement map hit u and what i'm going to do move this keyframe right here and at the start i'm going to set this to 0 so now it's going to start from 0 displacement is going to go all the way up and then back to 100 so boom there we go looks much better so finally our animation is ready now let's add some rgb flavor to this so i'm going to select everything hit ctrl shift c to pre-compose it call this animation and then go into fiction preset and search for shift channels double click to apply that set the red and green to full off you only need the blue set this to add hit ctrl d to duplicate it then set the green on sorry green and turn off the blue hit ctrl d again and turn on the red and turn off the green and blue and then i'm going to move this by one frame forward in time and that is going to give us this really nice rgb effect as you can see looks pretty damn cool boom there we have a really cool and distorted text animation as you can see now if you want you can use deep glow to add some nice glows on this or you can use the default glow that we get in after effects but i would recommend using deep glow it helps us to achieve much more better glows so let's add a glow increase the radius bring that down so now you can see we get a really nice glow here also switch to 16 bits and then bring that one down and boom there we have a pretty nice distorted text animation inside of after effects so this technique is quite flexible you can apply or stack up number of different effects on top of another to achieve a really cool distortion so all in all that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and press the bell icon to get notified you can also follow me on instagram dope dot emotions and if you're feeling generous please do support us on patreon as well with that said i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out [Music] you
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 62,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, create distorted text animation after effects, glitch text animation in after effects, glitch effects after effects, text displacement after effects, after effects text animation, glitch title animation after effects, glitch text effects after effects, after effects glitch text animations, after effects glitch effects after effects, easy after effects tutorials, after effects glitch effects, adobe after effects, adobe after effects tutorial
Id: OIYhrgBn00A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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