Minimal Logo Reveal in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - No Third Party Plugin

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[Music] hey guys what's up I am Nikhil from doormouse's calm and welcome to this granular through facts tutorial in this video I'm gonna show you guys how to create a really nice simple and you know stylish looking logo reveal in after-effects using shape layers now you don't need to hire anyone for creating your own you know YouTube intro you can create it yourself using some really simple steps so without wasting any more time let's get straight into After Effects and get started alright so let's begin with the tutorial now before we begin let me give you guys a quick disclaimer that this may be a bit long tutorial so this make sure you have good amount of time anyways so let's start by creating a new composition and twenty by ten eighty 30fps 10 seconds looks good let's rename the comp to Maine and hit OK alright so let's start by creating a shape layer so let's double click to create an eclipse and I'm gonna set the fill to none hit OK and increase the stroke width to around let's go to something like 250 or 250 is a bit too much maybe 220 alright go into your lips and lip spot and hold alt and click on this link icon so it's gonna make a perfect circle and set this to true to train just as the size of the stroke and then let's go ahead and add our cream pot also I'm gonna pretty quickly change the color to a white color alright so now we have the creme pots let's animate the end property so I'm going to set this to 0 create a keyframe go to one second and set this to 100 and let's select keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor if your graph editor doesn't look like this make sure to right-click and make sure you're walking in that it's speed graph and now what I'm gonna do is let's select this handle and drag it to the left just like so so now we have this really nice animation pretty simple now let's go ahead and hit ctrl D to duplicate layer and what I want to do is bring this below and let's display this a bit hit you two times on the keyboard and increase the size just like so just right over there so now we have this really nice displacement so let's displace it or move forward a layer by five frames that is what I'm going for let's hit control D and displace this again by five frames hit you two times and increase the size just like we did before hit control D fine frames forward in time and let's hit u 2 times again and scale this up oh let's go up it forward scale this down a bit right over here and I think we'll need one more hit control D displays this by 5 frames hit u 2 times and increase the size just like so so there's a bit remaining at the edges so I can increase the stroke just like that and there we have this really nice looking animation which is going to be our transition all right so let's select all the layers and hit ctrl shift C let's call this BG finder Scotty that is the background transition and hit OK and there we have it let's color this up by adding a fill to it and I'll make it a yellow color something like that you can of course use any color that you want and then what I'm going to do is first of all make it a bit lighter just touch yep hit ctrl D to duplicate it for a layer so hit control D rotate it by 180 degrees and then let's change the color to a purple color because I'm going with a combination of yellow and purple so I think it's gonna be a bit hard to find the purple that I was something like that it okay and I'm gonna drag the purple layer below so now we have something like this which I think looks pretty interesting and also what I'm gonna do is a door when it'll blinds to this I'm gonna type in blinds and let's increase this let's say this to 45 degrees and everything else looks good to me keep it really minimal so let's see yep that is looking very nice not just to you know add some variation into the both the transitions so there we have it now let's go ahead and start animating the main scene so the first thing that I'm gonna animate is the first circle that's pops up so let's select the ellipse tool we don't need any stroke so I'm gonna set this to 0 we need to fill and for now I'm just gonna go with a grey color just for temporary you know look and also not draw a circle holding Shift + ctrl at the same time just like that from the center you can always enter this up using the line tool and then I'm gonna go into a lips one ellipse part one and set the size to something around 250 or maybe let's go 300 yep that looks better and let's rename this to logo shape and I'm gonna animate the scaling property of this circle so what we can do is let's go maybe right over here at 20 frames and hit s to bring down the scale properties create a keyframe go forward in time to maybe some around there let's go some around there and let's create a keyframe go back to the previous key keyframe that we created and set this to zero so now we have this really simple animation let's select keyframes and hit f9 go into the graph editor and this time I'm gonna right click and go into edit value' graph cause we did create kind of an overshoot effect for this so drag this handle just like that and drag this handle just like so hold ctrl and click right over here to create point and drag that point up just like so and maybe I'll trick it a bit just to make it a bit more in a smoother and now we should have this really nice overshooting effect as you can see oh shoot animation actually pretty nicely well crack this a bit closer pretty cool so you can tweak it according to your requirements and yep I think this is looking very nice I think it's a bit too slow so what we can do is select all the keyframes and hold alt at the same time and drag this just a touch now we have this really nice animation as you can see a thing that will shoot it is pretty nice you can always turn on the motion blur to make it look even more better see but in this case I'm not going to use any motion blur for this animation I think it's looking pretty nice but I'm somewhat not happy with the overshoot I think it's a bit too much I'm gonna recreate it I'm gonna delete the keyframe select keyframes here f9 graph editor and let's tweak it a bit more now I can skip this part of recreating it again but you know you need to know that there can be mistakes sometime so you need to fix it you know you just can't leave it so just click it a little bit let's see it's a bit too much still bring this down a bit yep I think this is looking much better yep happy with that now let's go ahead and change the color of this circle to the purple color that we have here okay okay so this is looking very nice and now let's go ahead and create the small accents that we have for the shape so what I'm going to do is select the ellipse tool and just create a circle by holding alt and ctrl and shift alright and I'm going to just drag it to the center let's set the fill to none because we don't need any fill and for the accidental key but white for now hit OK let's increase the stroke size a bit and hit you to time so we can reveal the property of the size maybe bring this really small something like 10 or something like that and for the stroke I'm gonna go with maybe 25 all right let's go right over here somewhere and create keyframe on the size go forward in time maybe two seconds so let's go to three seconds actually and set this to let's set the stroke size to I guess five or something or actually I'm gonna set this to zero go right over and set this to 70 or something like that no I think I did it wrong maybe I'll just set this to five and let's go right over here and set this to 100 so you have a very nice pick stroke as it animates and for the stroke size or width you can say I'm now set this to fifty create a keyframe go to three seconds and set this to zero now we have this kind of a fading look you see pretty cool and lastly I'm gonna create a keyframe on the position so we're keyframe hit you so you can see all the keyframes go to three second and drag it holding shift just like so so now we have this really simple animation of kind of pop up bubbles effect let's select all the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor let's switch to speed graph select the keyframes and drag the handle to the left just like so now we have really nice kind of pop-up bubble effect as you can see now we need to match the timing as it is not you know walking according to time so hold alt and closed brackets close square bracket to crop the layer and maybe I'll just make it a bit closer something like dharna lets you know position it with the timing that we need so let's bring this to rename is to burst bring this below our logo shape and let's see where our logo heads up there let's drag this right over here now we yep now it's matching up with the time as you can see very very nice and then what I can do is select the burst layer and hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it let's call this boss and hit ctrl D to duplicate it hit R to rotate it just in any random direction and hit scale so I'll scale this down by maybe 60 or something and now we have something like this a bit of a randomness as you can see fit control D again and rotate this again to a random direction that you want some keep it somewhere on there and I'll set this to something like 75 or something so as you can see we have this really nice look then let's duplicate it again hit control D rotate it and I'm gonna make it some on the left yes maybe make it 40 we have this really nice look as you can see maybe for the 40 I'm gonna drag it a little bit just like so it controlled D hit are rotated also position it in the center and let's scale this up something like that control D rotate this and scale this down a bit again just like so so now you have this really nice pop-up look this one maybe I'll just drag it a bit something like so and for this one also I'm gonna drag this one a bit so I can see we have this really nice look now what we to do is go right over here add one second select all the boss layers and hold alt and close square bracket at you so we have this really nice animation pretty cool I'm gonna do the same thing with some strokes so let's pre-con the post layer so hit control shift C and call this circles hit OK and there we have it let's select the pen tool we don't need any fill so I said this to none and for the stroke I'm gonna set this to maybe 10 and turn on title action safe and from the center holding shift I'm going to create a shape just like that and let's select the layer hit you 2 times actually we need to go into the pot so let's set the stroke line cap from but cap will rounded caps and let's add a trim part to this so let's go right over here and add some frame pots and let's animate the end and the start property so I'm gonna set this to 0 create a keyframe create a key keyframe on start let's go a few frames forward set this 200 and set this 200 then select just the top keyframes that is the start property keyframes and displays this a bit so now we should have something like that which is looking freely at the moment so let's select this head f9 go into the graph editor and let's select the points and drag the handle to the left now we have this really nice pop up kind of a lion animation that we were going for but I think it's a bit too big so let's select the keyframes and bring them closer pretty nice-looking very nice and now what we can do is let's rename still line hit ctrl shift C let's call this lines hit okay let's bring this below the logo shape and rotate this again to the position that we want and I think the line is a bit too much bigger selected EU and let's say the pen tool actually and drag the point a bit closer just like that it's now it's a bit small so let's align this which with the main animation of the circle let's drag this until it animates out okay there we go there we have it so let's hit control D again rotate it just like we did with the circles you know so again scale this according to your preference and there we have it you can see we nice looking stroke animation set control D rotate it in a different direction control D rotate it in different direction scale this a bit to buy you something just to add a little bit of randomness and there we have it looking very very nice so let's select all the lines hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it crawl this lines just to keep the calm more you know clean and now let's go into the logo shape and go into layer layer styles and add an inner shadow let's go into inner shadow and let's set the distance to zero and increase the size a bit so very very very minimal maybe something like that and said the opacity to 40 or something like that so we are suing nice careful in our shadow look to our circle then let's add our logo so I'm gonna just use something like an alphabet for our logo that is s so something like that and let's go ahead and animate this so let's go right over here select the s that is our logo hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe and let's go back in time right over here bring this below and now you have this really lame looking s animation so to make it look more interesting we will be using an expression which I got from motion scripts comm - which I'll provide the link down in the description below so I'm gonna copy paste the script so it controls see and hold alt and click on the stopwatch of the position and hit control V to paste the position at the point to paste the expression and now we should have something like this pretty interesting and I'm gonna tweak the values of bits I'm gonna set the frequency to around 1 and the delay I'm gonna set is to 6 now we have something like that I'm gonna make it a bit faster so let's close this up actually hit you so we can see the keyframes bring this a bit closer and let's leave the logo shape to ctrl D to duplicate it and this is gonna be the mat for the logo let's bring this on the top go right over here and set the S track mat to automat so now we have something like that maybe I'll bring this bit closer we should have something it's you know time it up with our complete animation yes now it's looking much better so it feels like the SS hits the circle edge in the accents pop out from the sides and I think it's a pretty cool look yep that is looking very very nice now to make it look more interesting what I'm gonna do is add some shadows to our logo so let's select the logo shape and hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's bring this below and call this shadow and the first thing that I'm going to do is add a CC radial blur and let's set this to straight zoom and increase the amount around 70 but as you can see the circle is the size of you know just a 300 pixels so it's gonna work just like that cause it is a vector shape layer so now what will you do is add a CC composite bring this below and there we have it let's select the CC radial blur and select the center and let's place it somewhere around there so now we have it I'm gonna maybe make it a bit more just like so let's add a levels to this set this to alpha and bring this just like so let's add a fill so it's the black and we're trying to create a really nice and subtle shadow for this there we go there we have it maybe I'll just you know drag it a bit more so let's say like the CC radial blur drag it a bit longer just like that okay that is looking very nice so finally I'm going to add a linear wipe to this we said this to 40% and rotate it rotate it in the position that we want so something like that and increase the feather to around 600 and there we have a really nice simple-looking shadow animation shadow not shadow animation so as you can see pretty cool look just preview this pretty quick let's see yep as you can see this is looking very very nice now finally the last thing that we need to do is color up the accents to do that what I can do is just go into the lines first of all let's add a fill and let's change the same select the same color not change the same color select it go right over here ctrl C and we will select this point control V let's go into the circles control V and randomly I'm gonna add it to few circles just to give it you know a bit more randomness as you can see and there we have it I think we are done with the complete animation as you can see so as you saw it's really simple and easy to create you know instead of hiring someone you can create your own little short youtube intro if you want to and yep it's a pretty cool technique and I hope this was helpful to you guys so that is a wrap for today guys I hope this video was helpful and if it was make sure to subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in my next video till then take care thank you so much watching guys and don't forget to stay wrong [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 92,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minimal Logo Reveal in After Effects, After Effects Tutorial, smooth logo reveal in after effects, logo animation in after effects, how to create logo reveal, popup logo reveal, dope motions, after effects tuts, ae tuts, best logo reveal, line animation after effects, circle animation, strokes after effects
Id: GSt4KvG94VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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