Detectives Share Their CREEPIEST Cases (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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detectives of Reddit what are some of the creepiest cases you have worked on all right detective now but this happened when I was on patrol several years ago got a call to check the welfare of a guy whose neighbor hadn't seen him in a couple years why it took so long to report but it was at in a rural area anyway we roll up and the windows are black with mold and flies car is parked in the garage no signs of forced entry breach the door and find said guy wrapped up in a phone cord beside a toppled chair in his dining room he was mummified / melting into the carpet barely recognizable as a human aside from his shape and clothes the smell of him mingled with the inches of stagnant water in his basement from burst pipes and all the dead flies and mold it'll never forget it we also found two bags of groceries neatly packed on the floor in his kitchen no witnesses estranged from his family clearly had a cat but we never found its remains medical record indicated he had a heart condition my theory as he was having a heart attack and tried to count in one honor but never got to make the call perhaps the creepiest part his mailbox was overflowing with past due bills and canceled utility notices the last one was a couple months old and it still to someone that long to call detective here attached to a coastal town with a fishing wharf started work one day when we get a call from the water police who have responded to her abandoned boat floating off the coast they have towed it into the bay where they requested our assistant and they would advise us further on arrival we head down thinking someone had stolen the boat or something else routine when we get there we are told that no one went further than the entrance before it was sealed off as a crime scene we have a quick look below the deck and see why three people clearly dead with one slumped over the wheel one on the floor and the other in a chair no struggle no injuries and nothing out of place completely silent other than the water on the hull and the fender squeaking against the police launch turned out to be an accident lack of upkeep on the very old engine meant fumes leaked in a the three were poisoned at which point the engine just ran until the diesel was gone my brother not me I usually tell this long and dramatic but here is the quick to the punch version schizophrenic woman reported being watched by ghosts at the abandoned funeral home turned out when investigating someone or something dum-dum-dum was actually watching the people in her building and keeping crude logbooks of their coming and goings and left some of them in the place my brother's theory was that they were discovered slash almost discovered and fled anyways no idea what kind of crime was being planned but that whole thing sounded creepiest frig to me forensic account here I had a client whose employee had used the company account for payments to a graphic designer except instead of marketing materials he had commissioned dollar sign 15k worth of lolly and sonic pronoun ex insurance investigator here the most unsettling arson case I worked was at the Masonic Temple in the historic black business district in downtown Birmingham a er this beautiful 8 story Renaissance Revival style building was constructed in the 1920s and included a massive marble lobby and a grand and I mean Grand Ballroom it also housed numerous black owned businesses like tailors dress makers attorneys doctors dentists Bernard et Cie etc after integration and white flight the business is closed or moved resulting in the building becoming vacant with the exception of the still functioning Masons even though the building was heavily secured and guarded by a single security officer it was still breached by squatter / crackheads who managed to cause a fire on the third floor that's where I came in my job was to determine the source cause and extent of the fire damage that meant exploring the entire building which had no electricity because the fire department cut it until it was deemed safe to resume electrical services the grand ballroom took up the entire second floor and luckily had no damage so I just admired the exquisite millwork and a tall third-floor house mostly professional offices some even contained their original mid-century Furniture in pristine condition the fourth floor however became darker literally Dhaka I used a flashlight to advance down the gloomy hallways and inspect every room I found the NARC office that was literally frozen in time file cabinets and all as I was moving down the second hallway my eyes fixated on a large looming structure in the far corner I slowly made my way closer nervous about what I would find finally I was close enough to discover a freaking coffin an old Dracula style coffin standing up at the end of the hall I didn't dare touch it as I ascended the building alone each floor proved darker and gloomier than the one before even though each floor had the same amount of windows and the further up I moved the more freakin coffins I found in the middle of offices in closets blocking doors from the inside it made no sense until I got to the top floor there I found only two businesses a coffin company and the Order of the Eastern Star I had an overwhelming feeling that I absolutely should not be there especially not snooping around the Elias Lodge I snapped a few pics then bolted down the hall and hit the stairwell to the lobby the only area I hadn't inspected was a basement and I wasn't sure my nerves were up to it I discovered a full fallout shelter down there hundreds of drums of community shelter supplies water food medical supplies radiation detectors everything the whole building was a massive time caps you and I felt like I went back in time just being there that was definitely my most interesting in spooky investigation this happened when I was a new a cop on Patrol long before I became a detective I was working Midnight's in a neighborhood with a high violent crime rate and we got sent to a dispute at a bar this wasn't just any bar we always referred to it as a Star Wars Cantina because it was always a shoot show we stopped a grape in progress in the dirt alley behind the same bar not long after this I was working with a female that night we make our way through the bar systematically booting people out and get to the bathrooms I opened the door to the men's room and it's empty single stall bathrooms my female partner goes to open the women's bathroom door but it's locked she knocks on the door and a female says it'll be out in a minute we advised her that the bar is closing bars closed at 4:00 a.m. in New York after a couple of minutes we begin to grow impatient female partner knocks on the door again and the female agrees to open the door when she comes out we asked her what took so long she's not providing any substance in her answers she's wearing tight yoga pants and we notice that she has a large bulge in the back of her pants slash crotch we believed she was either doing drugs in the bathroom and shoved the rest in her pants or that it was a weapon when we questioned her about it she's very evasive and won't answer us female partner begins to search her as she pulls back the females pants and shines her flashlight down to look my partner says [ __ ] she sees a baby arm sticking out from the females vagina and up through her ass cheeks this chick had been drinking and smoking crack all day she had a stillborn and continued to stay at the bar and drink / smoke crack when the ambulance arrived they went back into the bathroom with the female and pulled the rest of the baby out of the female and into the toilet bowl the baby was completely formed except it never formed a head it was just sunk in and around the neck I've seen some crazy shoot in my career like brutal homicides etc but that one always stands out the most I have a couple that I was tangentially involved with first one that comes to mind was this kid smart kid Chinese student coming to America for school on an engineering scholarship I believe was dating a girl during undergrad but they broke up so he could go to grad school at an Ivy League she started talking to someone else awhile after they broke up and he caught wind of it he bought an airsoft gun and some knives online next day heirship them to his apartment drove back to where his ex lives and staked out her house taking meticulous notes about the comings and goings when his ex was home when her rumored was home he went and knocked on the door when just the room at was home brandished the airsoft gun like it was a BB gun and negotiated his way in he bound and gagged two roommates and waited for his ex to get back when she finally got back he forced her at gunpoint to sit in a chair where he tied her up and taped over her mouth he stabbed her in the neck once and then just stared at her expecting that to kill her instantly like a movie or video game when it didn't he stabbed her I don't know how many more times but a lot more to me the creepy part is a level of planning that he did I can understand a crime of passion but this was so dispassionate to have enough time to order your murder weapons online and have them delivered then drive hours to the destination of your murder and plan it out and at no point get the feeling that he sholdn't follow through with this axe to me that's the sign of a true sociopath not a detective but a forensic computer examiner former local sheriff's department I work closely with detectives and do lots of investigative work so I feel like and accurately contribute to the conversation despite what the title suggests a lot of my work is actually based on cell phone dumps I once got a request from a detective to dump a guy's phone because he was attempting to sell our county jail jumpsuits don't ask me why I won't know why anyone would want to buy one or how he even got ahold of one so I did what him supposed to and dumped his phone stator into a report for the detective to go through problem was there was way more on the firm that what we had bargained for turns out the guy was really into underaged girls to the point that he had thousands of images of CP on the device so I called the detective up and informed him that he was going to need another warrant to cover the CP for the device so he did and began creating a CP case against the guy several days later it was time for the guy's prelim hearing for the county jumpsuit sales he left the courthouse after the hearing and was immediately Rhea Rhea stood for the CP violations he had a backpack on him with three more phones in it I was given said phones to dump for the new CP case same amount of CP on all three devices as on the first one this wasn't necessarily a super creepy bone-chilling case but it sure as hell makes you realize how much of that stuff is actually out there and it's hidden in plain sight a lot of the time I used to work with a retired LAPD beat cop of 30 years in his retirement fund mone gig working on an ambulance he told me the story that sent chills down my spine peoples over this sedan for expired tags and either the driver or passenger has any paperwork driving illegally anthea both acting shady as Frick so he calls for backup detains them and searches the car he finds two dead young teenage girls in the trunk they're naked bound and gagged and had been mutilated and there was tons of devices obviously meant for torture he calls in the homicide detectives and the cavalry comes the two guys are hauled away to jail and his day wraps up after all the normal procedures and paperwork has been filed and he says that was the last he ever heard of that case nothing no subpoena no testimony to a grand jury no interviews for the homicide detectives no stories in the paper nothing he said it wasn't his normal area and didn't know the other cops and detectives that showed up so that it's possible it just got lost in the enormity of the LA justice system but he always wondered if there wasn't some shady shoot going on okay III is an on joke but it's my husband's story he is a detective someone dumped a body in an alley right by the PD but in a spot that no one frequented so after a few days in mid-summer heat the body melted so bad there couldent ID by looks or tattoos just the clothes and hair and DNA once they figured out who she was long story short it was a serial killer who had dumped her and they found CCTV of him stalking people at the local shopping center right after he dumped the body they watched him spend over four hours walking around leaving to his car and changing clothes slash hat and going back in following women for a bit changing his mind he left empty-handed and ended up getting caught a couple states away the following week creepiest part for me was that I went shopping there the same day made me thankful for all the situational awareness training I got from my dad also a detective made my husband more paranoid but that's a different story I guess since aught forgot a serious tag and literally no one has replied who is actually a detective yet I used to work as an EMT when I first started I went on a prison call once our part had a medical issue and on the way to our patient me and my partner witnessed another inmate eviscerate himself somehow he was beating on his his hospital cell door screaming for painkillers and how now you'll have to take me to the hospital and the nurses nan pulsed were like yeah we called someone but don't sweat it this is like the third time has tried this also we were warned not to try and go in and help him because he would most certainly attack us dude has his intestines hanging out and entire staff seemed to think it was no big deal kinda crazy I soon learned how freaked up Prison hospitals are eventually I too became desensitized edit fixed a typo insurance adjuster here I'm not a detective but I do lots of fraud investigations the ones that are and fraudulent sometimes just turn out to be really freaking weird the winner for me hands down is the man who claimed he was terrorized my mole people I know I know mole people sounds like something I would make up for fake internet points we had a laugh about the adjuster potentially trying to pad their claims count because this man filed 60 claims in about seven months for context the average is like one a year for most policies after talking with this gentleman I no longer had doubts my in-person interview was about two hours I had more than enough in the first five minutes and was trying to leave for most of it but he kept blocking the door or directing me to wrong way to keep the mole people off my scent it was kind of sweet in a twisted way he genuinely thought the mole people would come after me if I didn't follow his rules he directed me to park the old company car about a mile away on a concrete parking flat he had made me cold and walk on the dirt road there then old people constantly changed where it went the claims he filed were all in similar veins the mole people moved his car every night with magnets and damaged the suspension and the noise kept our insured awake feed steal his hubcaps and put them back before they thought he would notice but he noticed and they were covered in scratches from being pulled through the dirt they would use long thin sticks from underground to siphon gas or wiper fluid or oil but never more than a few drops and for every one of these things he would file a claim which would inevitably be well below his deductible we decided there was no fraud but a call to Adult Protective Services was merited my boyfriend was the detective in this case an officer doing a wellness check on an elderly woman spoke with her son he said she was out at the moment but she was doing well he spoke in detail about what she was up to lately and all that the officer noticed a strong smell coming from the yard though I'm sure you see where this is going as I don't think pretending a deceased relative a life to keep receiving their benefits is uncommon the officer turned the case over to a detective my boyfriend who returned with a warrant there were two houses a main house and a small apartment style house in the back yard where the mother once when they entered the Sun seemed calm showed them right to the mother continued to speak as if she was still alive and well in the bed they found the body that had clearly been there for a long time it was like a putrid puddle the stench was unbearable the son adamantly refused that she was dead insisting she had just been up and around the main house yesterday I learned this story about from my boyfriend as an explanation as to why he always uses so much cologne bear fresheners scented fabric softeners etc the smell is apparently something you never forget not a detective but I know a creepy case a friend of mine grew up in a big family house with her immediate family plus an uncle and grandparents sometimes her and her brother would wake up with things written on their faces in permanent texture just random phrases nothing too shocking the kids were about eight or nine years old they both denied doing it and no one looked any further into it anyway eventually the uncle was killed in his bed stabbed to death the police investigate and it turns out there's that you living in their roof I've heard this one many times from the detectives friend as it's the most told story they were undercover in a morgue and gathered enough evidence to search a house the guy's used a lot the search led them to a basement filled with water halfway up the stairs they shown flashlights and didn't see anything at first then saw something glinting in the water they turned to go up the stairs to get a brighter light and along the walls in the doorframe were couches the back of the door too they got there bright lights and went back down and it turns out the bad guys had two crocodiles in there and when someone pissed them off they put them in the basement and locked the door gougers had skin particles in them was by far the craziest / creepiest case I heard and there's quite a few cops in the family I honestly think it's stupid that you should have to add a serious tag to your ask reddit post if you want it taken seriously ask reddit posts should be serious by default if you want a joke thread you should have to add a satire tag I freaking hate seeing a good question only to realize the thread is nothing but left on each Oaks we had a case where a guy killed 5-6 members of his family and when the police came to the scene he was eating one of his family members doors on the front lawn I supposed to get their strength not a detective actually trying to be a firefighter now anyway I had an internship at the Sheriff's Office back where I lived guy came in because a guy was threatening him over text and sending him pictures one was three severed heads might have been faked but the other one I saw was a guy with a bullet hole in his head the bullet wound looked pretty real the dudes head looked like it showed been smaller but getting a bullet to it expanded it like balloon my dad was a detective and told me and my siblings briefly about a case where a killer would take a different part of each body he had collected two legs a torso and one arm his motive was that he wanted someone to play with [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 33,791
Rating: 4.8912387 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: _jVVoNCwC8Y
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Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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