Baking Multiple Textures onto One Map | No Plugins

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hello in this video I'm going to show you how you can make lots of materials from different objects onto one map this is a continuation of making the medieval house and lots of people have asked how can I get all the information into one map and I'm assuming it's for use in game engines and things like that you can of course use several maps in game engine so you could for each of these materials that you can see in here roof beam and so on you could just add those all in your game engine but it does slow down performance very slightly so it's good to have them all onto one map now the way I'm doing it is the simplest way I know and the only way I can seem to do it without getting glitches there are plugins for this sort of thing but I haven't found them to be very useful but that's from my own experience and understanding of those plugins so what I'm going to do is join this object together and then bake the materials to a joined object this isn't particularly easy there's lots of steps to it but I'll try and be as precise as possible so that it is accessible for beginners but if you are struggling then don't panic just use the different maps in your game engine and then when you get more used to blender you'll be able to bake them out using this process okay so my house is in separate parts at the moment so I need to select everything but be careful because if I press a to select all I'm actually getting the camera as well and therefore I won't be able to join my object together so I'm going to click on the camera and move its layer so I'm gonna press M for layer or move to layer and I'm just gonna chuck it on layer two for now so I've only got this house on the layer now I can press a and I'm going to duplicate it first so I've got a backup and then I'm going to join it together so shift D to duplicate and right-click to set and ctrl J to join now something's gone wrong because it's not joining together so I probably still have the camera selected in the other layer as you can see there so I need to make sure that's D selected by pressing a and then let's go back to my house what I'm going to do because I've got two houses sitting on top of each other it's just undo those steps there we go I think I've only got one house now so let's go to layer two and make sure that's D selected the Apple it's not selected now now I can go on to layer one select all shift D to duplicate right-click to set the duplication and ctrl J now I know it's work because it's all change color I'm going to find the object in the outliner and call it house also if you press full stop in the outliner it will take you to the object that's selected that's full stuff on your numpad okay so I've got my object here ready but it has lots of different materials on the one object so like I say you can take this into your game engine and then just assign these materials but what we're going to do is we're going to make one map for the whole thing so first of all if I go into the object data panel you can see it's got a UV map so if I go into edit mode and select all they're all on top of each other pointing at different textures I'm going to create a new one and call this joined and then with that selected I'm going to press u in the viewport smart UV project you might want to increase your Island margin to about 2.03 and press ok now this is interesting because it's pushed it off to one side that must mean that I didn't set the scale for one of my objects so I'll just quickly go back into object mode control a set both the rotation on the scale to be sure back into edit mode you to unwrap SmartTV project and press ok interestingly that hasn't worked either so that's some sort of strange glitch so I'm going to select all and press ctrl P to pack Islands and it's pack them fine no idea what's happening there but ctrl P will pack your islands and squish them into the texture space I thought I'd leave that in anyway just in case you get that problem ok so I have to texture maps now the one I've got currently active joined means that they're all spread all over the place on different textures so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new texture for us to bake onto so I'm going to call this house color baked too because I think I did this earlier and called it same name I'm going to increase the resolution to 2048 by 2048 so got a lot detail and I've turned off the Alpha because there's no need for that it will just increase the texture file size so I press okay and there's my new texture in the background they're ready to bake so what I need to do is go back to my textures and then bring my texture into the node editor so that it knows what texture to bake - so I'll duplicate this one with shift D zoom in to it and select my house color bake - so we've now got that texture into the node editor but we've only got it into the window material what we actually need to do is copy this across through the door plaster roof and beam as well and we can do ctrl C to do that and ctrl V to paste right there's another step so I'll undo that and interesting it doesn't want to do so I'll just delete that go back to window where my original one is and what I need to do is I need to tell this texture that that's using a certain UV map and this one that it's using a different UV map remember our two UV maps here UV map which is our first one and then the joined one so I'll press shift a to add and it's an input and then a UV map there's the UV map I'll need two of these so I'll duplicate that and that will need to go to my image texture so the one for my image texture is the joined and I plug that in and the one for my original is the original one which is just UV map in this case okay so I'm going to select these three now ctrl C and go across to each of my other textures so the door for example ctrl V to paste just G to grab move over here and then I can hook this one up and then to my plaster G to grab move it to the side and you can see the plasters interesting because it's already got a text your coordinate which is going from the UV map now we can actually delete that and plug in the UV map here from our original UV map over to our roof control V hook it up and then lastly the beam control V Cheeta grabbed and hook it up now notice our house is back to normal that's because it's using this UV map the original one but our new texture that were baking to has the new UV map which is this one up here so hopefully you're going well with each of these textures selected in each of your maps list just go through making sure that's selected for each of my materials now I will be able to go to the baking panel under the render panel and change it to diffuse color this is just the color material we're getting and I don't need the direct and indirect light all I need to do now all going well is press bake and you can see the bake going on up here if he gets any error messages they'll be up here as well and that can give you an indication of what's going wrong okay so there it is make sure you save your texture so image save image as save as image sorry I'll speak to that a couple of times and let's just quickly take a look make sure that's works shift spacebar to go to full screen mode a press tab to come out of edit mode but there you can see it's baked all our textures onto one map now I'm sure there's some blender geniuses up there who are saying that is a really long-winded way of doing it but it's one way that I've found that definitely works there are other methods and they seem very glitchy but that is my experience there's a plugin called texture Atlas that does a very similar thing but I've never got it to work for some reason lastly if you click on your material panel you can delete all these and create a new one and just plug that image texture in I would recommend saving it first and let's delete all these create a new it looks a bit glitchy because I've got two houses on top of each other what I'm going to do is move this one to a new layer so press M to move it to layer 3 and let's go across the layer 3 so there's no texture on it and there's no house in the background which was our backup house and then over my image editor shift a to add texture image texture hook it up and find our texture that's kind of baked tada oh yes it always feels like a small victory when baking works and lastly just make sure that in your object data panel you have got joined selected and on the render if you have the original it will all look a mess and there's the joint one you can always just delete the old one if you want to okay so that's helped to bake all your textures onto one map let me know if this helped you or if you have a better way because it does seem a bit long-winded and lastly thanks for watching
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 171,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, texture, paint, game, material, guide, easy, baking, textures, maps, games
Id: 9airvjDaVh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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