Gabbitt live | 2D characters into 3D

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hello and welcome to commit media I'm grant Abbott and today we're going to be going live as we are let me know if the sound is okay had a bit of an echo yesterday at the beginning but I think it's salt and I think we're all there and let me know if cameras are working and all that sort of thing so say hello I worked out there's a natural 10-second delay before I can read or before you see what I'm saying so I'll wait a few seconds and hopefully the people who current current concurrent viewers will say hello anyway today we are as you can see I've got this let's just see if we got the right screen okay every time I try and do something a bit bit new as you can see with the cameras and things but this time I've got two displays going so I'm hoping I can just flip between them here can I do that yay look at that that's editing mastery hello to people I already know Diana hi Kay away and I'm pronouncing that right film Academy or new I think blender tutorials are art I think new as well luna lotus hello again na or tiger tiger and camera sound working well thank you the upper cover 1986 but bluetooth I think we've had you one here before do apologize if I've forgotten that you've been on here there's quite a few people it's quite nice but cha gram Michael hello CG monster tutorials yes I've seen you many times before it's nice to see you here too it's great fun it we're getting a bit of a community going which is which is really cool alrighty man it here at the beginning good to see you I think it's weird it looks like you have to type at grant Abbott annoyingly it would be easy if it was at grant wouldn't it but it's not coming I need it highlighted orange if as a question which helps me thank you Michael Darlington for the thanks hello given [Music] and Nate hello grants dream party indeed LMP gee I feel like I've seen that name before again anyway so what we are doing today it won't be making characters unfortunately I know lots of people will want to see that that will be coming soon but really simple stuff today so it's again following along from yesterday's work so we had our character it's cool guy here the pickaxe man and he's just got to be put onto a card in blender like this so I've done it with this character but every single character has to be put on to a card like this and I'm gonna make a little plastic holder at the bottom so the idea is Dino hatches the game is going to be that this is going to be for a video for the game promoting the game is what I'm trying to say yeah so this will be a card on a little plastic object on the board and there'll be the camera will be able to move around it whilst they're doing an audio commentary about how cool it is and all that sort of stuff you know I've got it I shouldn't wave my arms around too much obvious okay actually but this isn't really coming through it's coming through on this camera isn't it but it's not coming through on this camera waving my arms around I do a lot of waving and my colleagues take the mickey out of me my teaching colleagues but I think it's a good thing I like to explain with my hands like this nice to see you all read 9:00 and start I can't pronounce that name because it's in sort of Chinese characters but hello to you Dane's novi gah nice to see you ham fast gaming there's some new names here which is nice I'm trying to do it slightly different times just to mix it up a bit and just when I'm free as well so sorry if you've missed previous ones hopefully you can sort of make these ones it's sort of similar times a day isn't it about two o'clock sort of ish to 4 o'clock 6 o'clock 8 o'clock who knows it looks so much better than the last time I thought I have done a tiny few bits like the pickaxe I thought oh it needs a bit of highlighting and I've done a slight blue outline in here I just wanted to test it and see what that would work also giving it a blue background as well I thought that would help so thank you that it's looking good Diana some a B I'm not going to scope this character but i will be doing some sculpting fairly soon looking forward to it actually haven't been sculpting for a little while not since the last stream actually so that me nice hello from Turkey Keenan and let's do it hi from Nepal hello and Tom kayak I've recognised that name as well what screamed what cheap screen tablet when I recommend the XP pen twelve the gamin displayed a DP display display is quite good as well they seem to work quite well I mean that it's not as good as a welcome I've got a Wacom here their Wacom one which I've got a link to in the description here actually it's an affiliated link so if you click on that you'll be helping me but that's only four hundred dollars which i think is pretty good and you get the whole Wacom experience but it's a no-frills tablet which to be fair that's how I use mine it's just a graphics tablet that's it anyway let's start showing so we want to bring some characters in so let's see the characters first let's get the characters up where are they got them on the screen over here you can probably tell on my webcam something it ain't change there so let's bring in the grappling hook man grappling for can't remember which ones which let's bring him down here into Photoshop see what he looks like and there we go I should really I don't need to crop that actually I'm not gonna crop it because you don't need to and I'll explain a bit more about that hello Jimmy Bojangles Vision TV series it's interesting names coming up let me know where you from as well so mg gaming sim 7 from Romania right now and it's 435 in Romania and I hear that from Romania that's got really good internet because I keep thinking most of my stuff is done online now do I need to live in such an expensive country as Britain that tell me what is it like to live in Romania the Cintiq 16 is only six hundred dollars that seems pretty good actually doesn't it alrighty man that's that would be a good anything work on with the display tablet is going to be the best right so let's I'm gonna I better save this unlife do you know how completely forgotten haven't saved this and which screen away on I am on the screen yep so I forgot which screen I was on then United States New Zealand New Zealand wow that's early CG monster well too hot I can't sleep it's cold here today in the UK yeah right I'm forgetting what I'm doing so I'm saving my work in organize your folders grant where are they of course I haven't saved it to this that's what I don't quite like about blender is the way that these sort of volumes I don't really work for me but we'll get there with me blender stuff Dino hatches blender I'm not quite there with my mic setup yet in terms of which position I'm having it in but I'm really pleased with mine you might get very happy with it okay this was big x-men okay so there's big ax men saved let's start with a new file can we all see the screen yes there we go there's the default cube let's kill him Wow that's always a in joke isn't it they kill the default cube joke it's an old one but a good one honestly hellowho caffeine injected nice to see you again poisoned dagger st. Petersburg too cold I bet it's cold there actually Core blender for motion graphics yep I'll be going into some stuff with motion graphics eventually I think ducky was was it ducky ducky 3d was thinking about doing a whole sort of month of motion graphics so sort of challenge I think that's a great idea I hope I haven't spoken out of turn there and he wasn't sort of hiding the fact that he was going to do that and wants to surprise people but I think that's a cool idea so let's just advertise it now okay so I've added a plane shift data airship but my keyboard shortcuts on jindo from J and M by the way if you want the keyboard shortcuts so J and M has a really good website website YouTube channel and well worth or subscribe if you haven't already hope you probably have Corey s nice to see you again would you do a tutorial on grease pencil too toons with rigging eventually I will but sorry given isn't it given but I'm not good enough for grease pencil yet so got to get good and live from Sweden spa sparks I suppose mmm put down the Deepak you know it's this it's just seem sad doesn't it the more I delete it the more I feel pain thank you as she is it yes James way good evening yep really enjoyed level seven at the beginner service yes so were there level seven today was out today and it will keep going I'm learning a lot as well I keep looking things up and thinking what else do I need to know about hard surface modeling before I pass it on to people so it's quite a cool thing to to work when is the next one coming probably in a couple of days probably Thursday okay so we've got our yeah what do you call this plane here okay what I want to do is grab this let's find the folder grab my grandpa grappling man it's a Photoshop file at the moment but I think if that doesn't matter it's quite a big Photoshop fine let's drag and pull it in yeah it doesn't matter so a blender can take in Photoshop files and that comes in as an empty so it's the click and drag of pictures as long as they're a compatible format and they're not some sort of weird strange format and like roar and from the camera or something like that then you should be fine and you can see up here it comes in as an empty let's just see I'm not covering things up I've probably covering stuff up with my webcam anti let's come across here I mean the webcams not doing much is it so I'll I'll make it very small then here just so you can see me oh word we've got lots of Chet next one coming hmmm fast gaming thanks to you I'm in love with linked duplicates now I have lots now I have a lot of rework to do yeah linked duplicates that's the way to go isn't it there's there's more to be done with that actually you've got instance in group instancing as well which I need to look into more and don't know enough about it okay so this plane has come in at a weird angle what am I going to do Oh a no alt are sorry okay I will remove all the rotations so the rotation the items rotation where I hear alt are so old is always this sort of undo command or something so if you parented with P you can actually as control P parent isn't it alt P will unparent an object handy stuff you're learning today isn't it yeah who can't wait for level 8 yes level 8 coming soon don't you worry it yeah they are really useful at and they're been quite fun to do so there's there's loads more coming loads more honestly for phonics giving I'm not sure what that means 103 peals already yeah that's good isn't it I'm not I try not to look at the viewers too much because I think I could get obsessed with it and start worrying if they drop off in fact yesterday they dropped off from about 180 240 suddenly I thought oh what about doing wrong and it's just silly to think like that there's just times a day isn't it everybody everybody loves me then you will love me so I'm hoping but it's not something I said but but that's what you start worrying about you start panicking thing it all was it something I said 40 people just got up and left the room so there's the great thing about YouTube it's instant feedback so you know when you're doing something wrong in a way anyway so all I need to do is oh gee as well oh gee well can you guess what oak tree will do it will move any grab so the location is now on 0-0 so you can see can you see this flicker that's quite important to pray he's got to have it change you are wonderful hey I'll go everybody saying that thank you very much can you see the flicker now that's because an object is right on top of another one and someone's asking them the other day and why do I get flicker when I export my model and things that's that's what's happening you've got an object right on top of another one so let's grab that plane gee it said and just hold down shift and move it up up slightly about there and all I'm doing is I'm doing a wrap around and then I'm going to paste this image onto this one I should have had my other video my original file which I'm showing so people know what I'm up to mmm yeah well their mind so all I'm doing is a pasting this 2d image onto this object because it's not good enough how it is at the moment hopefully this makes sense just having a look at what people think Bob Ross yeah I getting more Bob Rossy all the time I think I think that's my natural default is to go Bob Rossi and oh I haven't got the catchphrase as they say probably my catchphrases are a bit blobby I think I always find myself saying that anyway top view and wireframe words ed and you get this pie menu they called on their wireframe and there it is into edit mode with tab you've got the options up here I'm assuming everybody knows this but I I always repeat it just in case there's something that someone hasn't seen and think oh so that's how you do that command because often when I was learning and I got everything I know is from YouTube and a few sort of online course videos and stuff on that yeah so what to say oh yeah so but sometimes you just don't know that like I don't know G is to grab until you've heard someone say it so I try and repeat myself all the time here Bobby and wibbly-wobbly really roughly as well yep indeed blob Ross is it sa ish yeah sure I'm gonna say no okay and this is really simple I'm just doing some loop cuts here in fact let's just do a couple of cuts and then just get the rough shape so G to grab I'm in front of you at the moment now I'm top of you time and I'm just grabbing them into position to go around my object like this okay so it's just gonna be a flat card then I'm going to paste this on it's gonna stand up on a little prop because it's a board game so it's a little character in a board game it's gonna go on a hey in fact I don't know what those plastic things are because I was looking for a reference image just to make sure I get it right always like look for reference even though you think you know exactly what something looks like always look for reference and what are those things that hold up did anybody play talisman I love the game talisman and you had these character cards that sort of can you see me there yep but they slot into a piece of plastic so they stand upright on the board and you can move them around what are the what's the piece of plastic cord that holds it up who knows it's a spotter or man you're still here indeed um I haven't been streaming all this time this is a new stream from yesterday so don't panic um I'm okay please visit my channel and subscribe you've got to be careful doing that back drawings because it comes across a bit spammy and desperate not saying that you are I didn't don't mean to be rude but it's just sometimes comes across like that so watch out but it's so so can you give me comments on my channel is a better one it sort of invites people rather than saying like and subscribe it so it seems a bit desperate so watch out for that so when you want people to visit your channel say how can you tell me give me some feedback on my channel that would be a better one and people a bit more responsive than yeah in my opinion talisman is great isn't Hausman the best did you earth add your last stream because the character looks different to that on in the last stream are the one in the last stream oh this is a different character yes and I've already done with the first character I suppose I need to get lit up actually hold on a second hold on one second I know what did I do with that I dunno let's just maximize this screen there is that's not it that's not it dinah hype there we go pickaxe man this is the great thing about blender you can have a couple of windows open look at that how cool is that and look here's my original blender genius don't you love as well how blender loads up in seconds like a load Photoshop and I'm thinking oh all right where are we blender bang it's there alright anyway am i trapped in an alternate time frozen universe where he's just forever streaming it's it's turning out to be like that at earlier good stuff pack drawings I hope that wasn't offensive about the your channel I didn't mean to be I'll if you contact me on the discord server I'll take a look at your channel and let you know what I think nice to get any getting love from all sorts places from Pakistan try loading a project in Unreal Engine 4 don't know much about Unreal Engine but I'll look into it instant loading is the best isn't it hammer it no pound just cannot pronounce anybody's name I'm using a green-screen yeah I've got a cool up green screen in the background isn't it cool I'm quite proud of myself so here I am down here and my mouse that's the green space green space it's just brilliant I'll show you because you might be interested in streaming and stuff if I get to the cam link here well I shall show you my little screen yeah it's infinity screen and you can see what that looks like I know people want to get on but I like chatting to me that's why I'm streaming I'm chatting to people and telling people what's going on so bear with me and I learned this the other day so on the camera you can right click and you've got filters this is OBS software by the way filters and there's the chroma key so that's what my that's what my background looks like at the moment it looks all weird because there's a slight lag so it's all and this is gray because there's nothing behind it so it's a letting me know there's nothing I could do with a bit of color actually I look a bit white don't know I'm quite white obviously but I would say that I'm a touch more touch more yellowy than that jaundice I don't know I'm talking right now anyway that's so you there we go I managed to get a green screen in the background and it's just it's hanging up on something and I see it looks dreadful but it's working for the stream I'm having loads of funder in the streaming stuff it is great thank you very much but Bluetooth oh no I missed everything you haven't missed everything I'm still going your disco term it's in the description in the description he's not using a green screen Hey oh yeah I'm trapped in the cyber universe forever streaming yes of course anyway so here I am I've done a simple character here is that you know I'm wondering actually whether this is an easier way of doing this no I don't think so and I'm just gonna cut it up a bit with some loot cuts so control our flute cuts move it around a bit yeah I like this and like this and like this and like this oh yes love it just smoothing it out so it's sort of a bit blobby you've done it scare old now that's this is a useful one why doesn't blender have have an align mode well it does wait for it scale y 0 and it's aligned so scaled in the y axis going up this way because I'm looking for top view and it's aligned so that does have alignment tools as such anyway let's smooth these back into position actually that probably need to come out a little bit and G then X I could have just edged slide what's the shortcut for edge slide people try and remind yourself GG evac an edge slide OBS screen screen out of the box it's amazing piece of software and there's another free piece of software I'm mr. cheapskate they should call me because because I'm trying to use all free programs I suppose I am using Photoshop but I have to use Photoshop easily at work but otherwise I'd be using critter and for editing video editing I would be using DaVinci Resolve always forget the note have it said please give me feedback up my channel maybe go pack drawing so have a look at pack drawings channel and see how he's getting on GG well done monster tutorials ham fast gaming well done wouldn't it be better if you did the loot cuts later well yeah probably well actually and I'm sort of thinking about it now you're probably right it's not too many loot cuts it's not too much of a bother ok so we've got this shape as you can see here I said to go to solid mode and we just need to project this onto our shape so and that's probably why I would have been better to do the loop cast later they're dreadful weren't dreadful we need to pick your game up tonight so it's a it's not blobby enough here I need a bit more smoothness see what happens when we add a subdivision surface modifier subsurf modifier so often after this manner of course under modifiers and subdivision surface modifier sometimes called subsurf for short so let's up the viewport count and go to solid mode and see what we're looking like that's nice and blobby isn't it I could actually get to add a supporting loop down here so it's got a bit of structure at the bottom where it's gonna be slotted into the card slot and that's what I've been talking about a lot in my exercises if you haven't noticed already supporting loops very handy okay so there we go we've got that and I need to extrude these out or is there a quicker way so if I go into face mode now and select all and proceed to extrude I can make it solid okay like that bits a bit fatter the moment but is there a better way tell me is there a better way no what's going on you look really look like my IRL friend hello Jay still paxton another one for next on Jay still can you make your hand cam bigger what my my webcam or this one when you say bigger so you do want to be able to see what I'm doing down here there's not much going on with that one really what some other people think dude do I need to make this bigger I'm worried that I'm going to forget that it's there and then move my mouse over there I suppose I could move it up here but then we'll move that and if I go any bigger will lose the screencast keys I can I tell you what tell you what I can do here okay this jnm your genius in the middle how cool is he anyway so so do people want this handy this webcam a bit bigger what do you reckon yes yet just try not to spam too much because that could annoy people so I I do notice things when they highlighted in orange so at grant habit it highlights at orange and then that my eyes are drawn to it a bit more because I know it's a question so that's a good idea could have just sharpened it but bleep the shop in it oh yeah yeah that's a good point yeah so there's the sharpen option as well wait I I'm a bit nervous of using those because they end up getting glitches occasionally when you when you least expect it and then you have to sort of figure out why I got a glitch so I actually I tend to do most things with supporting loops excuse my coughing I'm still a tiny bit ill but I'm pretty much there now oh it wasn't good being ill not much fun yeah hello from Bangladesh zoom in a bit maybe with the with the camera yeah that cameras like I don't know how old it's pretty pretty bad I suppose of what I can do I think oh this here we go yeah you're gonna see some OBS magic so in OBS I think you can alt click and then do this and then I can without I'll hold held I can make it bigger so there is that does that help I mean you can see my hands it's like I'm playing the piano how's that sound oh thank you very much spike you don't Oh for watching adverts that's the easiest way to support me I would say if you can't afford things and just watch the adverts if you don't mind I know the advert ating to be honest and they no one likes an advert but it's that okay how many this big if people want to see that yeah let me know you can crop it and then make it bigger yes that's exactly what I did isn't it you saw your 10 seconds behind so sorry about that hacker man love it little wolf not to see here that they haven't seen you yet on the stream so nice see you as well I was gonna close OBS then and that would have been a bit disastrous wouldn't it is it grease pencil live too tall it's not grease pencil so what we're doing just in case you've just joined us we're making this so very simple they're gonna be cards and there's gonna be a plastic holder at the bottom so I should do that every now and again should and I remind people of what we're doing so this is where we're going so this is the thing we made last time and this one is a different character hopefully you see that's oh my screen just went a bit weird then when it's okay it's just about to say how brilliant blender is but this is great isn't it the blender is not I'm able to run two versions of blender and I shot up I've got premier open still as well I'm just gonna close that down that was my tutorial one this morning I don't wanna crash everything so I'm closing this down there we go you see me working in Premiere they're fascinating stuff for you very exciting okay so yeah it's all still happening thank you Casey sauce or KS OS an animation too tall I've got an animation the playlist so you can have a look at that me like hey yes sir nice is here yet registered with brave contributors then we can tip in bat tokens what a ba t tokens what are PA t tokens yeah don't know this is quite interesting so is that I suppose that um that might be an issue isn't it that youtuber probably taking some sort of Commission of these things but you can I think you can just donate on youtube by pressing buttons and things I don't know how easy that is but this that's not the point of the channel after the last session I it was a crazy day yesterday wasn't it for thank you to both those I can't remem the names now but well all those people who donated small and large and there was a large donation in there which was absolutely crazy can you continue to explain the purpose of using two versions the only reason I'm using two versions is so you can see that this is the end result that's the only reason I'm used to do versions so this is what I'm doing here so all we're doing today is making this sort of it's a cardboard cutout type thing and then it's gonna stick on a stand okay another brave user brave this is the so I'll look into that anyway so what's a cool again so brave contributors I'll look into him that is a good point but bluetooth I just learned about moderators so how do I make someone a moderator look you're gonna I'm gonna right-click oh there we go add moderator you are now a moderator but bluetooth good suggestion and Oh cryptocurrency that's oh sorry yes it mean sure I'd like to get into crypto really because it just sounds so interesting I do I sort of follow the markets and things just out of interest really and I don't suppose I do have a tiny bit of money in shares and stuff but I don't really do much with it but hey well done you have pretty look at you look at you go anywhere was like yeah so a Bitcoin I would like to get into that so that is that what that is interesting anyway why don't you make videos instead of streaming people watch your videos modern streams just because I like chatting but I am making video so I made a video today yeah is that noxious prime so you can look at my video today instead of watching me stream because that might be boring for you so and that was a beginner exercises level what do we do today 7 how do you become a moderator I have to just choose you so but blue tooth said you need some moderators they became a moderator with great power comes a great responsibility as I say to my moderators when they do do stuff on discord anyway so we want to paste our oh yes so I was talking about thickness so we can extrude this out like this but there is a slightly better way it depends on your understanding but there is the solidify modifier and let's oh so this is being added after the subdivision surface modifier so let's push the thickness up to around there I'm going to go into object mode and right-click shade smooth so we got shade smooths on the edges looks a little bit weird at the moment but that should be right maybe it's a bit too weird actually maybe I need to add a bevel should I do that I suppose I will and modifier bevel and then see the sub subdivision surface modifier was first the solidify a second and then the bevel and you can see the bevel is therefore added right at the end to this edge and it looks like a piece paper if I up the not that with the segments as well that's our notion Bevell and that's working nicely right click shade smooth oh it was already saved to me it looks like there's a bit of a bevel on these edges as well I probably need to change the angle of the bevel so angle and are now you see it is let's just get rid of those can you see there's a tiny bit of overlap where's my it has got clamp overlap on Roo look at that yeah there we go it's not a big deal anyway yeah but that's working it's give me a recap I have questions I'll do another recap in just a moment but I'll sort continue for now I like being chatty as well as good fun isn't it do you have a plan for making a short animated film in the future maybe one day if the cool revolution I recognize the name there as well I'm hoping to make a short film or a game even with some other people perhaps anyway yeah where was I so just checking that but bluetooth is being responsible with their power yeah but yeah put it before the subsurf oh yeah now that's that's what I was talking about isn't it so any effect can you see these things don't you probably can't see them now you see that's the problem with this I'm gonna hide the webcam for the moment Oh a comment so subdivision surface modifier first so I'll minimize the solidify modifier second and bevel third now watch what happens when I reposition the order so now the bevel is happening before the solidify so it's trying to bevel some edges that aren't really there and then add a solidify so that's never going to work so what about the subsurf if we do that last that looks quite interesting that's in fact that I've got like an Wheatly wrong there's our self but that last or that looks really odd now doesn't it so we got a bevel before the subsurf so it really makes a difference where you have your modifiers stacked because you've got to think about the subsurface surface happening first then this is happening so that is very important anyway back to where they were and that looks delicious doesn't it look at that okay so what I have to do now is unwrap this so in top view there's a couple of ways to do let's go to the UV editing mode workspace I'm just checking that everything I'll bring my webcam back hello I'm having quite a lot of fun doing just this this is great I feel like I'm in some sort of control room and it's all happening anyway what are people saying on the stream will it be possible and still good looking to draw with low dpi mouse instead of a tablet at the beginning I don't I don't know the DPI of a mouse really makes a lot of difference because they're all pretty much the same these days only unless it's a really old mouse or something I'm just thinking it's really tough drawing with the mouse but when you're starting out you kind of have to but as soon as you can get a graphics tablet it makes a huge difference it doesn't have to be a display tablet like this one here but a good graphic eye even a cheap graphics tablet will make a huge difference over a mouse just make sure it's got press pressure sensitivity just just going to quickly check my internet connection I've had internet problems today it went down earlier today so hopefully we're still good just having look your hand cam has got yep I took it away because we can see the modifier stack but we're back again so don't you worry what's going on here anyway so right so that there it is at the moment this is how its unwrapped at the moment because it's kind of sort of default because it was a plane to start with not moved it all around it sort of kept that default so we need to unwrap it so let's unwrap it just normally first unwrap and there we go it's not too bad it's a pretty decent unwrap and one thing you've got to remember if you get an error message down here let's press n on our keyboard watch out for back into object mode the scale the scale is all important when you're unwrapping otherwise it will take that into account you might want that but generally speaking reset the scale with control a or a reset scale apply the scale as you say and scale but I don't need to because I did all my editing in edit mode okay just let me look what people say yeah tablets are always better than mice for sculpting and drawing yeah let's let's see little wolf with the today goes as well oh hello we so I'm being really kind Red Dragons very kind very kind of you thank you very much $10 fantastic and I don't do this for the income but I really do appreciate it thank you ever so much and it's a bit of a shame issue because sometimes I think afterwards I want to contact these people directly and say thanks directly so this is as much as you get as me saying thanks because it's really difficult to get hold of anybody so I might click so I looked at the live stream from yesterday to try and get hold people and say well thank you very much but it was actually quite tricky to see if he's had to go through a whole video and also watch me twice than they and it's bad enough you haven't to watch me but me what you mean that's even worse yeah and so it was difficult to see people and then you have to click on the YouTube channel and then you and then the only way to contact them was to comment on one of their videos so it's a bit frustrating but mate Red Dragons and moderator do you want to be a moderator Red Dragons yeah maybe that's how I should did reward people who are contributing maybe they don't want to be a moderator who wants to be a moderator only a bleep but blue tooth anyway so where was I so unwrapping yes let's turn this into look dev mode so that's look they've made up the top there and always they ought to have this in UV editing anyway but I think they need another screen here and with the shader editor because you're often adding and playing with textures in here so let's add a new material to our up stand thing whatever what do you call them these little up stands yeah did anybody else play talisman by the way I'm thinking talisman for the card holder the characters does anyone know what their plastic bit is called at the bottom because we're modeling that later anyway it was indeed red dragon a good day yesterday but thank you very much today's is a good day as well thank you how often do you stream it's pretty random at the moment I just happened to be doing work so I'm sort of communicating and talking to people chanting but it does make my work a lot slower but sort of having fun whilst working you see so it's pretty random I'll that someone's been it someone has asked me or given me a contract of doing a character soon and I think people are gonna be more interested in that certainly so I'll I'll stream that one in the future okay so yeah we need to unwrap this person so let's go back to edit mode and you can see the unwrap there let's bring that image in again so it's already in effect isn't it so it's grappling for PSD it's a PSD gonna be comfortable and it's in the wrong place so let's select all and scale it in and it's the wrong sort of scale because this image is not square it's not coming in and projecting particularly well there is a way to solve that as far as I know just just the stand it's just a plastic stand for characters I think that's all it is CG monster you're quite right so if I get to talk for you and when I unwrap this time and go project from view it didn't do what I was expecting well that was a bit of fail I'm sure it did this last time it's fine I shall project from view did I just do project from view yeah and I thought it kept a suspect ratio then obviously not oh what an epic fail live on stream you see that being a unless why shouldn't do live stream so I should just do two tours and say what you cannot do is go you unwrap and project from view let's just see what project review view bounds means oh I see it hits the boundaries no that's interesting okay I must have just done it man you lost I'm so scaling the X oh we need to actually see our image so I need to get the image in here so shift a to add or connect this quick way it's just to find my character there is a scrappy man Gregor man for I think was done before anyway and drag-and-drop bring him in that's a nice quick way of doing it why I say it's quick wasn't that quick was it so I'm just doing this by eye now I wasn't what her plan is about that's fine I'm sure it was better when I did this earlier when I was practicing much better I look at it are you looking at it from the right side it doesn't matter these it will project right through so let's in fact we can get rid of the background now I suppose what I can do I think well well let's go to x-ray mode not available in the current mode can I see I can sort of see the background there and that sort of helps slightly doesn't it and I think I've got the aspect ratio right anyway so that's one don't worry about the projection view thing it is actually really useful obviously this is a flat object so if you want to unwrap a part of your object you can project from view it indeed it is from the top view yes and just have a look at what people are saying anyway so yeah so there we go we've got this this character will delete the background now well I suppose I can hide the empty and that's what happens when you drag images in you get an empty like this so this is what we're going for we got him upright like that so obviously rotate in the X 90 degrees and you'll see that it's a mirror image so it looks a bit weird but it has to be mirror image doesn't it because it has to keep the shape it can't sort of go the other way round if that makes any sense to you I feel like I'm gonna scale this in a bit so he's gonna come out a bit more there we go I think that's a bit better isn't it so this is UV mapping if you're not aware of UV mapping what it does hopefully that's sort of making a bit of sense you can see I've unwrapped these and notice I don't have to unwrap any more than this flat edge here because of my modifiers I've got that solidify modifier so I don't have to unwrap the back as well and the edges and everything it's all just working nicely fantastic that is that I think that's supposedly a bit of an advantage of blender is how well it does its modifiers in a stack I've heard anyway I can't remember where I heard it like grab set one's a little bit above the floor let's get the front of you and grab him up there and bring him into the middle of it which is great what was your first 3d model sculpt I cannot remember at all I mean it's quite a good question but it was a long time ago I must been doing this for must be getting on for 20 years now yes she has mourned oh man yeah it's more than 20 years not that I was I've been working solidly for 20 years that you'd expect me to be a lot better than I am really but it's oh yeah but I can't remember 20 years ago when I first got into 3d in fact they were probably sort of just something really but straightforward and simple when I one of my first projects was a 3d orange that was good fun and that was in my er actually not in blender blender was really tough 20 years ago anyway let's make our plastic holder holder I'm watching Game of Thrones again I say again because I didn't get all the way through last time so this time I'm getting all the way through hopefully so just going to do a cylinder and it just got to well I'm done are these spoilers on here in case someone hasn't seen him wants to see it but it's just got to the important bit with holdall as you yeah I shouldn't really do impressions on here should I that's a stupid idea let's err just scale this up see this work could do with the reference how big are these little disks and things who knows who knows they anyway don't bother with season 8 lots of people he's saying that I'm really depressed about that because I'm really quite enjoying it and I've got one more of season six to go and Everly saying stop watching after season 7 well I suppose on season 7 or my watch I'll probably end up watching season 8 but be disappointed like everybody else just tell me look at what people are saying you can get my for free and your opinion blender or Miya Miya is what industry is using that's the issue with blender to be honest so you've got to understand if you are learning blender you're not learning the industry software it is easily as good in my opinion but people will debate me on that one I don't think it's quite as good when it comes to animation but the thing about blender is that the development of blender is incredible and if you look at the development of Maya people have been complaining about it recently because it hasn't been developing how they would like and yeah blender asked it's just so much going on the scope tools you have got that sculpting admire you have got it obviously in ZBrush or ZBrush as I like to say hello and Christopher Christoph was a man just dropping in to say I love your tutorials thank you Christoph man and Christoph where's a man where I'm home at hey we got lots people watching today 100 and 100 and 70 I try not to focus too much on that though is that can gets a bit too you know I can get a bit obsessed with it okay so got this funny disc here here's this working it's just about work isn't it now the interesting thing is going to be this cap what I'm going to have to do is let's I'll hide my yeah I'll hide my thing majiggy plain I suppose I don't need to disable them we certainly two objects and let's go back into edit mode here and into top view I'm going to have to join up these verts here I would say in fact I suppose we might as well do a mirror modifier so my favorite tool favorite add-on Auto mirror using it pretty much every time I go into blender these days it needs to be the Y and doesn't matter if it's positive or negative but I go to the negative because I like to work on the front and that's Auto mirror you go to edit preferences add ons type in Auto and there it is tick that I don't know it should I feel like it should be on by default because it's so handy but if you don't know much about mirroring then don't use it yet use it in the future when you understand what it's doing I could do a boolean actually yeah I don't you know I'm not a big fan of billions because I find they they distort your mesh too much and then if you want to bevel things you need good topology that's why I haven't been doing any boolean type things in the blend of course stuff that I've been doing I'm gonna join these two up as well so J to join by the way you can't press F if I press F yes it does it creates a face and that's not what we want so f remember for face in this case we're not trying to create a face we're trying to cut through a face so J to join is the shortcut for that I'm gonna go to all the way down to here and then these ones I'm going to subdivide the top edge so I want one two three four I suppose I could there are in the x-axis as well oh here we go also mirror now you don't need two mirrors so you can cross this one out and then just do both the mirrors on there you know why's my watch going crazy eh what's going on that's fine it's just some news what are people saying what abusing you have Bluetooth you can never leave now because you're a moderator you're stuck there and tell me tell me a bit about yourself but Bluetooth there um how old are you and wave from because you're a moderator now you very important where are we subdivide so it's had one subdivision but I can come down here how many do I need one two three because that's gonna be a quad there so I need two three that's those craters none oh let's go to vertex mode I'm not sure I did that right actually I'm sort of thinking is that right the amount doing so I can press J and that's the cool thing about J is well it'll cut three things like this or like butter isn't it cut through it like butter I know so now I've got a good base I've got x-ray mode on this sort of confuse me and now I can if I want to select these faces here face mode select these faces here always inset first that's why was talking about today in my thing me jiggy what do you call it tutorials and I don't want the boundary on so I want to be able to cross here now I can extrude and then we got this sort of think me dig sticking up there I'm probably gonna scale that in fact to grab them in the X am i yep and the X bring those in and I probably want a bit of a curve so ctrl R and then grab that in the Y but not the Y the X I'm just gonna go to front view so I can see what's going on a bit more oh yes of course that's gonna be in a bit that's fine okay so there we go got the basic shape of my little card holder now we need to bring that back the card don't mean so alt H is unhide because remember earlier oh thank you very much is it hey-zeus it's that wood how you pronounce it Morris hello from Beijing interesting I work in educational videos and have introduced blender into my workflow your tutorials have been indispensable thank you very much and thank you very much for the donation that's great to hear and lovely picture of you there it looks like you're saying hi like it thank you very much hey Zeus I think that's I'm assuming that's how you pronounce it because usually it's sort of Portuguese name is that right internment and J's are pronounced with an H sort of thing but thank you very much this really cool SGD I don't know what an SGD is do let me know it's really cool anyway where we going so oh yes I've got to bring back my um my plane my man so what do i do what do i press in order to unhide something H was the key to hide so what do i press the unhide I would think and remember it's the same thing for something like clear the rotation or clear the parent or clear the grab what do you reckon so alt H alt H to unhide and it brings back my finger as well don't need that there we go there he is so I'm gonna have to adapt my card holder slightly and move it into position its alt H indeed but bluetooth well done grant becoming Dora the Explorer and what just having a look so I am I am I in people's headphones while at work that's an interesting one as well an unpaired oh yeah - I said I could have that's a good point I should have just isolated the stand instead number four - on the numpad that would probably be a better idea why did I unhide everything good point he said that he said it I've lost now oh yeah core yes well done core yes now where did you say you were from a Singapore dollar is that what is cool who'd have voted is someone down voted me how dare they I always get some just like it always happens maybe people just don't like the face I mean your headphones at work alrighty man nice to hear that I'm here that I'm here that I am hearing you hear that you're hearing me who knows how long is the stream not long just joined I stopped being on long everyone ever been ill for look I don't know where this it should say something oh yeah on here should say live for an hour it's been on for now I won't go on for much longer because almost finished but you can see I'm making these little stands for these characters so these are look like playing card things and here's these little stands and all I need to do now I probably may need to make this a bit bigger so I will scale it up just slightly tell me what you think bigger or smaller effect I'm going to give it a different material because we can't see it that well I was find if you need to be able to see your objects a bit better and you and you want to be in something like evey just a mid gray in the Kalos lot there's a good plan we don't really need to be a new be editing anymore either Zoe so let's go back to layout how are we looking all good over there just check-in that we can still see me and there's the character so there we go so you can hopefully see what I'm doing from here is the RX 588 gigabyte good for blender for rendering from dark night anybody else using that let him know I don't know you see so because I don't use it 8 gigabytes sounds like it's going to be alright you know where are we so we probably need to do a bit to our little stand thing here let's just go to side view here I'm gonna move the thing me the card itself into the middle grabbing the Y and then I think these can probably be a bit thicker so I'm in edit mode I'm gonna go control 3 to get to the other side and let's just actually it's not actually that easy to grab is it so what's the best way 1 2 what mode of these vertex mode is that there we go and just grab them like that make sure I've got them all and then G then Y move them in now that will distort my sphere at the top Sliney but I don't think that matters too much I can just GG and edge slide that back well I can't really can I know it's just gonna be fine it probably needs to come out say can you see it just this thoughts are slightly that's what you have to be a bit careful of when your hard surface modeling so G then X and I can bring that back out and then you see a tiny weeny bit Winer there we go so that's fine doing the job now shall I add a subdivision surface modifier to this to make it look better yes I will but there's going to be issues on there there's the subsurf and when we got big issues at the bottom that's because subsurface modifiers don't like m'gann's and that's how ginormous him gone there whoa easy there so let's insert that so that's our first one out the way I'll just insert it there for now so we can see what's going on and it's not looking actually that bad weirdly shade smooth weirdly not too bad it helps that I've got a supporting loop in here remember supporting loops from today's video hopefully you've been following wrong with the exercises any role of people saying thank you I don't compromise your name but all my proof pro 4's progress sorry G instead of it it's because he that's great to hear it's great to hear so many people doing well and I'm doing well out of it as well because I get advertising revenue through the channel so it's it's fun for me as much as being able to support people so it really is a win-win for all of us so thanks to all those who are watching adverts and things it's really helpful thanks for those who are donating with it's just brilliant so I'm having a great time doing this is making my work a little bit slower yes the only thing so I do need to get this Dino hatches thing ready very quickly but anyway back to this subdivision surface modifier so I mean what we can do let's just try adding a bevel now and see where that whether it helps now we need the bevel before the subsurf Toni so the bevel it bevels the edges and then subserve surp subdivide them okay so let's put that above so I'll just minimise these you probably can't see these now from the webcam can you but let's just I'll turn off my webcam for a moment Bing and so what was happening to the shape when I moved the bevel above the subsurf there we go there's a bit better but you can see that it's beveling these edges as well so the bevel at the moment if I maximize that it's all about the community it's great fun isn't it yeah keep looking about on the odd occasion so where are we so we've got limit method none so every single face in here is being beveled yeah so you can just see it there being beveled so we need to change it and there's several ways you can do this angle will change it to the angle of the faces it's interesting it's going in increasing in there so angles probably the best one and that's looking pretty good and we can change the angle and that's sort of like the angle so you can see that is when I bring it above that's about thirty degrees that angle yep so about thirty degrees and you can see it turns off so that's a good one to use angle if you use weight or vertex group vertex groups where you can assign vertices and weights you can actually assign areas that you want to be you can sign edges sorry but you can carefully inject it again that's there is a very kind of you once again that's the second time you donated it's really good of you yeah so where was I always get it because it comes big blue things for me and it's probably that's where anybody else isn't it sort of like what's going on anyway thank you very much it once again it's so cool what are you trying to do noscope I'm making this little character like talisman fingers so they sort of stand out like this there we go like that I'm assuming they want them curved like that look that I sent them I sort of a proof of this and they they okayed it something that's a cool so we've got a problem here that they're digging in in this area here so there is a clamp overlap and let's have a look at the bevel with that will make it a bit of a difference and the clamp overlaps should stop that overlap happening which is interesting that it's not in this case and can you see that's the sort of problem you like me to have with bevels if you don't know what the bevel is doing yeah so what is the problem the problem is that these creases are too close to each other so I would have to somehow make this crease the bevel wait I suppose that's I would have to change this to the weight I suppose I'll do that so you can see what's going on I select these edges along here and there's a bevel weight option under item so I can change the edge data mean bevel weight change this to weight and then it's just going to bevel that edge across there which you can hardly see to be honest let's up these segments yeah there we go now you can start seeing it a bit more three segments now I'm really going for it but I do want to bevel this one in here so I selected that lets up the mean bevel wait no that's vertex data sorry this one edge data oh there we go so suddenly jumps and this is sort of problem it's getting the control right getting it all working and I'm not happy with how that looks and I find it very awkward working with that mean bevel wait and I actually so I'm gonna undo all this and I'm going to turn off the bevel because I don't like it that much and this is personal preference I like to have that control yeah so lots of people would use this but I like to know perfectly what's going on basically so I like to come in here and control our and just add a supporting loop in there if I want this to be more of a bevel control are dragged it up and there's my supporting loop and now we can see that bevel working I can up the subsurf a bit only to actually undo that bevel there we go and put it the viewport up so we see what we're finally going to see and the same for the bottom here I can just manually bevel this would control B and then up the verts and now the bevel there worked weirdly did I remember no I didn't look at my scale it's non-uniform so it worked a little bit weirdly doesn't matter too much in this case but let's control a and set the scale control are just a slight helping down there and now we've got this beautiful plasticy cool thing there now do I want a bit of a bevel going along here now this is where it starts getting tricky let's go across here and I'm going to do it anyway because I think it's an interesting learning experience of people so I've selected those that's quite useful by the way control and box select - deselect things not everybody knows these things and I'm going to bevel this and there we go I'll just do one bevel there all right you do I want to do one bit more maybe I'd want to do two actually yep so I will I'll up at once - there the reason I opted at once if we come in here we've got a triangle and I'm just going to turn on the where we turn off the subsurf for now so we can see it there's a triangle in there and you can you see it's actually causing problems when I add this subsurf because it doesn't know what to do with triangles very well so I can just come in here and delete that edge hopefully that's gonna work it doesn't always work that because yeah because it's a funny shape and that's gonna be a tricky one to solve that is so it's gonna get harder now what I'm going to need to do because these and this is quite tough to explain the best description I've heard is if someone is walking along here they're upright and then they go around the corner and they're upright but these edges perpendicular is following the normals so actually I need this so if I do a knife cut out here here too and then come into here let's say presenter not sure that's going to work well at the moment but I'm experimenting a bit because I'm probably going over the top with what I need to do here so now they're perpendicular to this one I can then go in and delete these edges delete that one and that one there right now we're getting somewhere and then just in fact well select those two and J to join all couldn't connect vertices that's interesting what's going on there okay let's cut them in not sure why that's happening mmm maybe there's some double is it okay if you get that problem that's alright because you just select that face in there oh it's not even select let me select the face oh there is no face I deleted it that's why you can't join them okay that's fine because again we can go to edge mode and press F to fill those in there we go now can you see how that fixed it I mean it's not the perfect fix and can we see any pinching do you know it's not a pretty good job to fit because I'm a genius it's not actually that perfect but it's it's working out nice T there's still triangles as well there but it has to have that structure really I need to add another loop in here connect it in and then connect it down here but that's a complicated way of looking at hard surface modeling but can you see how I was able to solve that but with the bevel modifier with the subdivision surface modifier with the weighting it would have been quite hard to solve this I suppose this possibly from my point of view and other people seem to do that really well with modifier stacks all over the place this over and set up delete always up what I did did I press delete instead of dissolve what an idiot what an idiot I am Thank You red dragons for saying it looks great I just spent an hour doing that bevel edge tweaking on the on the Legos yeah and that's that's we start to learn the real intricacies of hard surface modeling and it's it's not as easy as it first might seem and that she'd to be fair this is not very tidy I'm going to tidy up properly so what we should do is have Aleut cut in here and ideally we're sort of even it out and have loot cuts like this so it's a bit more even they said don't seem to be doing anything but it does make a difference to your topology yeah that's hard to explain as well there's one of those sort of rules that you need to sort of understand so I'm going to delete this edge hit no delete dissolve edge dissolve the edge here maybe I dissolve edge and with a knife to all I can come in and do it a bit more like this well is this the best way I'm not sure it is actually no that's not the best way I'm having to think about this that's a poor way to do it actually I'll do that this one we can dissolve it is and we're going to go from there I will do this one this is a knife flat surface so that should be fine then that should work well this one's a bit more tricky so we probably would have to GG and then we would have to do a lute cut up here and then join these together Jake to join and then you would you should really even this out can you see how my shape there's got a slight bit of distortion there but that is better topology now so I need to grab this edge loop can you see it's going it's nice because edge to loop should sort of flow around your object like this we can press circle select and get rid of these I need to align that one really but so let's get to top view and just tighten it up a bit so G and then hold down shift just to sort out my curve just a little bit we have to do it by hand a bit there better topology wouldn't you agree do you remember sugar paper that you could buy with pictures on which you could eat the main model looks kind of like that one yes I do know I do remember and it does look a bit like that eye with the other ones I've painted a bit of a background if I haven't with this one but anyway there's our base I'm gonna give it a bit of texturing bit of shading because I'm kind of enjoying chatting away anyway so what are people saying try the EDD try the edge method in the bed maude it's below the limit method I would have that would they have helped her probably should have looked at that thanks sorry I missed it I missed your comments this is what I sculpt everything it it's good to know both though because you cut it's very hard to just get by being a sculptor you need to know how to read to apologize and reach apologizing keeping those fine lines and stuff knowing this sort of stuff really helps it's taken me a long time to try and get this far and I'm not even that good at it with the understand topology you saw me feeling about there trying to figure out which was the best way to do it those simple Legos have sent me down many blender rabbit holes indeed just the Lego shaped like that it's funny isn't it how it can kind of kill you a bit I'll bring my webcam back just in case people want to see that everything gets triangulated in the game engine anyway yes but whilst we're modeling we need to model in quads and the reason being that the subdivision surface modifier likes the a quad based model and also you can't loot cut so let's say I wanted to for some reason I wanted to grab this and scale it up a bit to have this sort of weird shape like this which isn't going to work because you'd need to actually scale by its normal zoltes yes is that right yes so old s will work in this case so it's getting biased normals so you have a bit more of a interesting looking thing II don't know might like that oh I meant to undo that not destroy what's it saying oh yeah but with a triangular you can't you can't select the edge seems you triangulate you can't select the edge so we try and modeling quads and then it gets converted to triangles which I know is what you were saying I'm just sort of wrapping this up for other people yeah looking forward to the new cloth brush cause Ren can we make our own short animated film individually you certainly can pack I'm not sure that's the right question you're asking there yeah thanks de roba it's good to hear that I'm an inspiration to you that's lovely too just seeing what people are saying good to see you dr. fine mind thanks for joining us yes so saying he's got a run anyway it's a where were we I thought you know there is actually a triangle there that wasn't there I forgot that so what we'd have to do is do that and you can sort out triangles Gigi it's good to have sort of quad like this so you can see my edge flow now is going around this way interesting them and you have to sort of consider edge flow when you yeah I think we've had enough of hard surface modeling them what screen tablet is that you're using this is a Wacom mobile studio so it's the 16 inch version so that's the sort of size you looking at if you can see my hands my hands are fairly I'm 6 foot 2 so it's sort of fairly large hands maybe you needed another reference as my mouse as a reference that makes sense no no no where was I oh yeah Wacom mobile CD pro but this can be used both as a screen as a screen so you can see me pointing here at plugged into my computer or it can be used as a separate computer as well so it's it's pretty expensive though that's see anything about this what's my favorite food actually it's quite a good question actually yeah I'll come back to on that one anyway let's quickly shave this for our last bit of having fun today I think it want to be black so we can make it black don't always don't go right black because you've got nowhere to remove although we're do that looks quite good but I always like to go a little bit off black is nothing well they're getting closer and closer to the black all the time aren't they with their funny materials and stuff but it it doesn't yeah anyway never go all the way to black it's a good idea not to go now thank you very much spiky dento for watching him now so for you guys when it's streaming you just get ads pop up in the middle that's quite weird I suppose it's nice for me but it's not I don't think that's the greatest thing from YouTube really is it to interrupt the stream like that but I appreciate people watching it that's cool yeah that's right I was commenting to someone asking about oh no yeah thank you very much if then kept Bobby e no thanks we're content it's cool now these things have a bit of a bump on so we could probably do a bit of a bump should I do that yeah we'll do that with a procedural texturing I'm not gonna unwrap it I'm just going to procedural texture so unwrapping if you're using sort of image textures that's what I'm trying to say otherwise you use procedural textures so we want a shader that we don't we want a vector bump where are you bump there you are plug that normals into normal so that blue into the blue you can see there maybe I need to sort of bring this up that would make more sense when it can you will see that all right yes you can I think that's okay are you refresh the page now I see and then it adds an advert oh that's really good of you like that I think there's a great way to support me I really appreciate that first watch the Reds people I'll take a break for a minute you watch some ads anyway right so adding a texture this time so shift a to add texture where are you texture hang onto the screen class keys not appear then that's interesting so do I have to add them again in here now I can't they can die oh they're adding up there sorry I'm being an idiot yeah being a new shift day to add texture and then what's gonna be the best bump probably a noise probably let's add that in and see what it looks like not to the strength to the height you mid it whoa that looks brilliant there we go sorted way let's bring strength down 2.1 ok so we've got a sort of bumpiness but we need to bring the scale up oh that's interesting it's adding it in an interesting way now it's working it is working it's the what Evie doesn't do so well with the bump nodes so I'm bringing the strength down well did I press that wrong point zero five there you so it's getting there it's probably needs to be even finer so scale up a bit more yeah we're sort of getting I mean it's very rough I might go to 500 I'm gonna really go for it so it's got that really fine sort of plasticky Sheen and put the strength up to the point one again I think that's possibly a tiny bit closer isn't it see what I did there Oh point zero seven five I think that's gonna be perfect bang on look at that love it it seems almost sandy I think that's because of the pattern yeah that's the noise texture yeah how long you using blender about 20 years I was saying that early but it's be very on and off retopo flow for CG cookie crude that does look quite good and they've done it I think they've updated it recently as well I'm they it so it doesn't show an atom every time you refresh no but thanks Mikey vent oh that's really cool I appreciate them please visit Pakistan it's very beautiful peaceful and a nice country that would be really cool actually I would like to go to Pakistan one day yeah that'd be really interesting I don't travel a lot actually I am so happy in my life as that sounds a bit odd saying that but I am I'm really happy just doing things like this and I get out a lot too lots of exercise and all this sort of stuff it's so I don't have the real desire to go and explore I have a bit of an exploration desire but I don't like being a tourist I don't like going places and visiting things I like going places and meeting people and meeting people really on a level not not sort of being a tourist in country you know no meanness yeah I feel like I'm not supposed to be there when I'm a tourist and out of place I want to exist in that lifestyle I don't know whether I'm making sense every I'm know this is kind of working now isn't it it's sort of working here we go he's looking pretty fun anyway so do we want anything else on this let's have a look at the shininess it looks a bit too specular in fact someone said that to me a while ago they said the specular in blender z' the SDF is a bit high and I I'm the more I do stuff in blender the more I intending to agree with them let's just check the shininess maybe a touch sign er there it's probably a bit sharp at the top there now so this edge the top here GG to edge slide and can you see how easy that was for me because I had the good the good topology only the best topology and that's looking like a bass now I'm quite happy with that I turned out better than I thought it was I don't know why I didn't have high hopes for myself it should have very high expectations of myself but that's I mean it's probably a little bit too bumpy a little bit don't drop your T's grant little bit I have a habit of doing that habit I see then again where are we strength point zero six I'm getting a bit too precise now is pointless isn't it anyway what are we thinking is this looking good is it looking shabby what do you reckon no a good look around I do actually the good idea as well as to try it under different one of the called HD Haas HDR eyes high dynamic range images yet so you can work on these and test it in different looks but this is I think that is the best one because it's great and these offer a bit of light that one's a nice blue me one though isn't it more like that but yeah so test it in these different conditions and that's what it's looking like I feel like it's a bit too shiny so let's go do the shading and do this I'll bring this tab down a bit now you come here that's one of the downfalls of blender is this how precise do you need to be for that it's hardware that was okay so roughness probably up a little bit there we go oh oh there we go properly yeah let's just see what people are saying it's everybody invited to Pakistan are they saying okay that's interesting David Brennan in wings 3d I'm tidying up but topology I should have a look at that and just see if I'm doing the right thing the Veroni is the go to bump for myself yeah I'm sorry that's not for Oni is for annoy isn't it very annoying always safer Oni why do I do that just make yourself sound stupid please visit Mexico yep where are we I want to know if I can get back Stan the rest so it's just me and you red red dragons we're going to Pakistan and some procedural dust I think we're going a bit too far for what we need but yeah into the roughness can't help myself kind of shifty let's go into the roughness and see what that's going to look like that when we all know I was going to say that went a bit weird but it should offer a bit let's mute at the scene mute you can see a bit actually that is helping so it's not obviously dust but it is sort of working as a procedural roughness in making that Sheen come off a bit and if you want to change that the levels of it then you go converter color ramp slop that in there and when it updates itself it's been a bit laggy yes you were that's really shiny and that's really matte now or rough I should say seeking sort of bring some of these in if you want the gloss and so forth and you can play with it a bit I think the scale is a bit too big for this so I'm gonna go hundred that's a bit too small 150 I mean it noise might not be the best one for this but it's sort of working isn't it I'm just gonna mute actually now can't meet that now can I just unhook and hook up again it's sort of working I'm not sure it's too shiny I think if it's too shiny mm-hmm what I can do I can change the black to a grey and they'll make it less shiny and then I can bring the gray in if I need to but yeah so you can use the roughness like that as well it might be a bit too noisy still I seem to use two scaled so that's what it looks like without the scale doing that sort of roughness thing so that was a 20 now 200 I think that's about right isn't it it looks it kind of works doesn't it can you make an update for the low poly tank to tone and blend c18 yeah maybe I will it's good idea so I'm pretty much finished up to then just gonna sort of chat to a few people for the last few minutes and say thank you so thank you to everybody thank you to those that read Red Dragons and got me with who else was it who's why is it not keep up who's givin me some cash thank you very much thank you for the Bluetooth for being the moderator good job I didn't have to do much that's nice yeah we're always so answering a few questions I've on anything you like so add some producer I was up to you as if I were to upgrade my PC what would I go for an AMD risin is looking the best at the moment for price and performance and probably one of the they sort of got a thread Ripper range of or what they're called now but those ones and the RT X cards are doing really well because of the ray tracing and Eevee speeds things up phenomenally apparently I've heard so that sounds pretty good at RT X 3000 series coming out relatively soon so I might wait for that hey for those static messages my quad romesha or zremesher give me perfectly great top oh yes yeah yeah so the remesh is quite good for that isn't it and the remaster in there the sculpting tools is pretty awesome now as well but yeah nothing beats good topology flow and flow is where it's hitting the edges so around here you'd have a line of topology so that you could crease if you have creases here like me when I smile smile lines and and dreadful teeth that I always show my teeth my smile but I'm 40 and I'll dreadful they just got a big gap in them in everybody comments and not everybody some people comment well I'm I criticize a good teeth Ashley good yeah but their smile lines and so I would need to apology going along there that's why when you see face topology it follows the flow so just re meshing something will give it square topology there we go square blocks everywhere so it's not quite good enough but for real good topology well just lost the stream all over them good just so thank you I mean I'm the class clown anti CD monster indeed yep so fist cannon there'll be several more of these coming up I'm really enjoying on the livestream server we loads more dual thread rippers and four 420 ATT eyes yep that's probably the right approach how long did it take for you to get a hundred thousand subscribers that you know I've just cannot remember now you can probably follow the history of my channel in there's those YouTube social blade social blade I think is called and you can follow the things there RTX 260 works super good yeah it's all quite well super because I said super on it apparently is a really good card and the caffeine injected ricin is good CPU thread Ripper is fancier version yes yeah it's yes right yeah so based on the Rison isn't it I think am I right in saying but there's this sort of rising 3 Series are we now on I can't remember but yeah and I'm thinking because it used to be the thread Ripper 2700 was the cool one and 2,750 was there something on there very expensive but they're they're like they're what you want basically yeah yeah sorry about my silly impressions and laughing and teeth and stuff let's forget I did that one thing I've been trying to figure out this from ethical revolution the programming for is something called peg solitaire or marble solitaire I'm not sure I can help much with programming I don't know much about it that's where I really fall short I will review your I'll have a look at your beauty channel then a problem is if I this is pack drawings again I admire enthusiasm the main thing to grow your channel is good content that I firmly believe in that good consistent content so you're coming out with a new video regularly make sure it's good quality content and learn from what people are saying in the comments and improve all the time don't let that put you off though in terms of oh I mustn't put something out because it's not good content yes be careful not to put out just rubbish so I don't know if you're walking the dog one day and you want to show off walking the dog and then the next day you're doing blender consider that's what I mean by consistency but just a few tutorials about blender if that's what you're doing or whatever it is you're doing but regularly and build and learn you'll get things wrong some videos won't be great and but will well the you'll build on it and it happens slowly I can't I think it took a while before I got a thousand subscribers and I thought it was wow this is amazing or a thousand I think it's up to 140 now a hundred and forty thousand now which is just crazy never thought that would happen yeah okay so where are we thought about doing vlogs out and about doing DIY I have a vlog and I there is a playlist I haven't done many vlogs for a little while but I have a playlist of my vlogs so you can have a look at those but I want to get back into that a bit because I quite enjoy I do a lot of research about psychology and being happy in life and what makes people happy and I'm really I'm fascinated by that so maybe live streaming about those things as well be fun what tablet my using the Wacom mobile studio pro 16 you know wait so does everybody have a cool YouTube channel right so still an own of a number for a creator as you thank you very much for dragons I appreciate that it feels quite high but I and I suppose we'd be I'm I'm really enjoying that growing the channel thing it feels like I'm running is my little baby so hence doing live streams and interacting with the audience it's great fun seeing that grow I suppose it's it means people are enjoying what I'm doing and so in some ways I feel like they're enjoying me and we all want to be loved I mean that's it and once we needed so so that's why I'm getting a buzz out of it I think why does grant Abbott look like a human transforming into a werewolf that will be my hairiness and my teeth properly yes I am gonna do a 3d character that will be coming up possibly next week if I can get onto a bit behind and I keep doing live streams would you like me more behind in my work but they're really good good fun as well anyway I'm gonna call it a day there thank you very much everybody for joining me it was really good fun thank you breezy Lynn that you've learned a lot thanks a lot wolf as always as I add Hassan how to use those connectors you mean these node connectors I have no to school so look up no to school on my channel it's a playlist I think yeah just look at the playlist sections and there's loads of stuff on there to do look at that and there's some cool stuff honestly you won't be just wanted you know yet see a caffeine injected is it am i pronouncing that right Viking that's the first time I seen your name thank you very much CD monster tutorials thank you very much no I I'm happy for people to talk about my appearance is actually kind of fun isn't it if you can't laugh at yourself then you're taking yourself too seriously so you can take the mick out of me as much you like it's a thang don't like to get too far we'll see how much I can take anyway thank you everybody it's so ish with one e on the end yep okay that does make sense I just made more sense to me in my head ashay I've been I want thanks very much spicy tell noxious Prime thank you and a strobe at 81 great streamers always so I think we'll leave it on that thank you very much everybody and I will see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 7,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, low poly, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, 3d modeling, simple, create, model, beginner, starting out, grant abbitt, grant abbit, blender beginner, blender (software), blender low poly, subdivision surface modifier, sunsurf modifier, loop tools, bevel, modelling techniques, blender 2.8 modeling tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 modeling, 2dart, characters
Id: o6jhKFxT8Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 59sec (5279 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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