Make a "Making Waves" Quilt As You Go Table Runner with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the Missouri Star  Quilt Company. And I’ve got a fun project for you   and it is this runner right here. Now I know  before we get started you’re going to ask me about   this quilt behind me. I just thought it would be  lovely to hang but we have a pattern on this. It’s   called Summer in the Park and we’re going to link  to it in the description below. I just thought it   made a beautiful backdrop for this darling runner  that we are going to make today. We called it   Making Waves and it’s just a darling quick runner.  It’s a quilt as you go project and so it goes   very quickly. I was going to call it Make it in  a Morning but you know I thought Making Waves was   cuter and it is just really that fast. So this is  the block we’re looking at. For the second block   we just turned the top and bottom squares so  it’s super easy. So to make this quilt you’re   going to use one packet of five inch squares. And  we have used America the Beautiful by Deb Strain   for Moda Fabrics. You’re also going to a half  a yard of background fabric and a half a yard   for your border. For your backing you’re going to  need 1 ½ yards. Also helpful in making this quilt   is Quilter’s Select Free Fuse, a bloc loc  ruler and our Quilter’s Best Blend batting. So the first thing we’re going to do is we’re  going to take some background squares, cut them   five inches. And we’re going to draw that line.  And I have a line drawn on here but I’m going   to go ahead and do it again so you can make sure  everybody knows that I did it and you can see it.   So here’s our line. We’re going to lay that  on top of our charm right here. And you’re   going to need two charms that are the same to make  this whole block. So the block is made up of one   center square and then these outer squares  are half square triangles so we’re going to   stack these just like this. And we’re going  to sew on both sides. So let’s do that.   And then we’re going to flip this around. Now  you can see my presser foot is against the line   and I’m sewing on both sides. We’re going to  be squaring these to 4 ½. Every block in this   block is squared to 4 ½. So you don’t have  to be too careful about that quarter of an   inch in the center as long as it’s not too, too  big. Alright so now we’re going to trim these.   And I’m just going to press these open like this.   And I’m pressing to the dark side. And then what  we’re going to do is we’re just going to use a   regular ruler, any ruler that has a 45 you can  square it on. And we want to square these to 4 ½.   And so I’m going to take my line right here. And  I have to start on the one so it squares at 4 ½.   So you can see here’s our four right here, here’s  our half line right here. And we want to watch   that it catches on even the far side down here  so we’re going to have to actually square this   both directions. So my center 45 is right on that  seam. And I’m just going to trim off these edges   like this and like this, you know. I use a lot of  different tools for squaring things and people are   always like, can I just use a normal ruler. Yes  you can. So we’re going to do the other side as   well. We’re coming in at 4 ½ right here, watching  and making sure this lines up, this lines up,   this line is still on the 4 ½. And basically we’re  just going to kind of shave this edge right here.   So that’s just a little bit off of that one.  And then we’ve got to do the other one as well.   So we’ll go ahead and put it at 4 ½.   And sometimes it fits just perfect and you  don’t have to trim both sides. Oh this one   looks really close. Usually I’m trimming a  little on this side and a little on that side.   Let’s see what we’ve got here. So again here’s  our four to 4 ½. We’re lining, making sure our   block is lined up with those lines. Making sure  that this stays on that seam. So we’ve got to turn   that just a little bit. And then I don’t think  I have anything, oop just a tiny bit on there. Alright so half of our blocks are going to be this  way. And the other half are going to be this way.   So it’s going to make that chevron  look. So we’re going to go like this   and we’re going to go like this. And then  this center block right here we also have   to cut down to 4 ½. So I’m going to take  my ruler here, line it up on the edges.   And we only have to cut on two sides for  this one. So we’re cutting here and here.   And then we’re going to stick that right  in the middle. And that makes your wave.   And so you have one block going on way, one  block going the other so you’ll make a, you know,   however long you want your runner to be. So let’s  go ahead and sew this block together right here.   So we’ve got to make sure that we keep  these going in the right directions.   If we don’t then we just have to make another  one so that we have enough going each way.   So I’m pretty sure this one is still right  and then this one is going to go this way.   So a key to remembering which way they go is they  should go the same direction. This center seam   should be pointing the same way. If this one is  pointing this way it’s not right so just remember   they both go the same way. When you do the other  block they’re both going to go the other way.   Alright so let’s sew this down. And  then we’re going to press these.   And then you’re just going to make a pile  of these. You’ll have some going one way,   some going the other. Now if you make,  if you have ten in your table runner,   this charm pack will make two table runners which  I always love that one five inch pack can make   two table runners. Or if you have a really long  table like I do, it will make one long runner. So once you get all your little pieces done you’re  ready to really get into the quilting of it.   So what we’re going to do, I’m going to show you,  I have this all ready for you here. And I’m going   to open this up. And this is our backing and our  batting. Now we used, we have this right here,   quilter’s best blend. This is a crib batting.  There are rarely like perfect sized batting for   what you need and so you’ll end up cutting  this one. And when you put the blocks down,   this is for any quilt as you go product. You want  to make sure that you have enough for your border   and enough so that in case if you wiggle,  you know, you won’t get too lost on it.   But this one is crib size so you’re going to cut  19 inches off of the crib size and one of these   will make three runners. So that’s kind of good  to know. You could also use the bed runner size,   you know, if you had the really long one.  We have several different types of batting. So I’ve got this backing here and I’ve got my  whole runner laid out and these are all just   pieces. Now one of the things I want you to notice  is that I took my sharpie and I took my ruler   and I drew a straight line here. When I do  quilt as you go I tend to kind of slide down,   you know, and my things don’t stay straight.  So by drawing a line on here I have a great   way to keep my project lined up. So this is 12  ½ inches and I’ve drawn the line on both sides.   You can see right here so that I make sure that  my pieces stay within the guide. Now another thing   that you’ll need to do or that will be helpful  to you, on a runner it isn’t so crucial because,   you know, batting generally sticks pretty  good to the backing. But you want to make   sure your backing is a little bigger. And then  you can adhese this batting to your backing,   several ways. They have basting spray. You can pin  it. I like this quilter’s select free fuse. And   basically, let me show you how that works because  it’s super easy. You’re just basically going to   peel your batting back and you’re just going  to sprinkle some of this on here like this.   And then you’re going to lay this down  here and you’re just going to press it   and let the heat fuse that. I really like  it. There’s no fumes. There’s no, you know,   nothing happens. You know, I mean it’s just a  great product and easy. And once it gets on there,   see then it’s kind of like fused on there and it’s  not going to slide around on you which you don’t   want it to slide around. So then what I did here  was I made a four inch line here because I know   I’m going to want to put a border on this one.  Now this one I showed you right here. This has   no border. But I have another one here that I made  long for my table runner and it’s got a border.   Look how long this is. It’s crazy long but I have  a crazy long table. I had a lot of children to   feed and so I love these really long runners. So  this is the whole charm pack in this one. And then   the other one is just a half a charm pack. So you  can make two or one long one, whatever you want. Anyway so once you get your batting fused  to your backing then you lay your pieces   on how you want them. And the first thing we’re  going to do is we’re going to line up this one   with this line that I’ve drawn right here. And  I’m going to sew right here. Now because this is,   I want to keep all this together, I’m just  going to roll this part right here like this.   And this is going to go under the throat of  my sewing machine. So when I come over here,   I’m going to lift up my presser foot  and I’m going to slide this under.   Move all the things out of the way. And I’m just  going to keep that in a roll like that. And so   then what I can do is I make sure this stays lined  up. I start at the edge. I’m sewing a quarter of   an inch and I’m just going to sew straight down.  Now I want to talk a little bit, a lot of people   do quilt as you go projects with a walking  foot. Please, please use that if you want to.   These sewing machines are equipped with a little  pin that is in the feed dogs and so you can raise   and lower the feed dogs and the strength of that  pin. Some of them have this tensioner up here so   that you can, it’s your presser foot tension. It’s  how hard it holds down on the fabric. And you just   want to make sure, if you have a machine and it’s  just kind of slipping and sliding through then you   may want to check your foot tension and you may  want to use a walking foot or whatever. My machine   is set up for this kind of stuff and so I’m just  going to sew down the side like this. Alright. So the next thing we’re going to do  is we’re going to roll this over a   little bit and we’re going to take this next  piece and we’re going to lift it off of here.   And we are going to fold it over  and lay it on here like this.   And so basically I’m going to sew a quarter of an  inch right down here and I’ve just quilted that   first piece because it’s attached to the backing  and the batting. And we’re just going to go along   here and sew this. You can make sure your little  seams interlock so that your pieces stay lined up   and then that we stay close to our lines.  Alright then we’re going to go here and   we’re going to open this up and you can  press this, finger press it. You know,   whatever is easiest for you and seems to work  best and then we’re going to take our next piece   and fold it over and we’re going to keep going  on this. Now right here you’ll want to nest these   little seams where they connect because that’s  where our V comes together that makes our waves.   We’ve got this one right here.   And we’re just going to keep going. We’re going  to push this one back. And you want to make sure   these stay really nice and flat. I mean it might  be worth it to just get up and iron each one. I’m   just really making sure they’re nice and flat. And  I’m just going to go ahead and keep sewing these   one. I make sure that I stay lined up on this top  line up here. Oop, see look I’m already kind of,   you know, sliding a little bit. I tend to do that  when I sew so I do know what I have to watch out   for as you probably do when you sew as well. And  I’m just going to go under here and sew this down.   Now we are just going to keep  going along and sewing this down   all the way along and as soon as I’m  finished I’ll just meet you right back here. We’re here at the last one and I want to show  you one more time how I nest these seams. So here   we go. I’m going to put these and on, now see  these two seams right here will nest and these   up here will also nest. And so I’m going to keep  this right up here. I can feel with my fingers   that there’s no fabric in between. And then this  one I’m going to just make that fit right there.   And you know, I’ll nest this down and then  I come down here and I get this one nested   before I sew and so then it’s nested. And then  we’re down here and we sew right to the bottom.   Alright so now you can see what we’ve got  here. This is our whole big quilt. And   you can see it shrinks up when you sew. But  this is two, four, six, eight, ten of these   and so that’s half the charm pack. And  then we’re ready to add our border. Now when you add your borders, the cool  thing about this is let me show you right   here. So see how this, you can see that  it’s all sewn. You can see the stitch   lines. It’s all quilted through on the back.  And we don’t have to worry that, you know,   we don’t have to send this off to the quilter.  This is going to be great for a table. So you   could actually trim this out right along here,  right along the edge and just put a binding on it.   Or you can add a border. Now if you want to  add a border, you’re going to do it exactly   the same way. We’re just going to take our little  border piece right here and we’re going to add one   piece here at the end. And you’re just going to  lay it on here and sew it down a quarter of an   inch and flip it back. So let’s go add one of  these on the end so you can see how I do that. First thing I’m going to cut off this   little selvedge right here. And I am going to  roll this back up and stick it back under there   just like this. And then I like to sew from this  way so I’m going to make sure that this is lined   up right along the edge. I did sew a quarter of  an inch on this. So I’m probably going to come in,   I want to call it a fat quarter of an inch so  that I cover up my first stitch line. And I’m   just going to lay this on here and sew this across  there. You can cut your pieces if you want. I tend   to just cut them after I’m done. Alright so  then we can just clip this off right here.   And then this part, you see we have that very  first little border on there. So it’s going to   be the same. For the sides I’ll do the ends first  and then the sides so let’s go ahead and put all   our borders on. And I’m going to come down here  to this end down here. And I’ve got this piece   and because I know that this is all extra,  I’m just going to go ahead and trim this off.   So let me move some of these things  out of the way. I’ll grab my ruler.   I’m remembering that I need about four inches  for my border. And so I’m just going to go ahead   and trim this off right here because that will  just save me some wiggle room and some bulk.   And we’re going to put our border on this way  like this, slide this under here. Lay it on there   and again I just love these projects  where you quilt it and it’s done.   Alright, let’s trim that. Now what I’m going to do next is I’m going to  look at how long this side is if I need to sew   these pieces together or if I can do it with one  piece. So let’s take a look at that. I’ve got to   come up here, go all the way down here. Oh my  gosh, look at this you guys. It’s just like   perfect almost so let’s go ahead,  we only need one for that. So what   I’m going to do is I’m going to cut off  my selvedge. I don’t want that up here.   And I think I’m going to go ahead and press this  border down just to make sure it’s laying nice and   flat. And now I’m ready to add that border to  the next side right here. And so, see how this   right here, this is cut a little wonky. It’s not  going to matter because I am going to put this on   my line and come straight across on that line.  And I’m just going to sew that down the side.   So I’m going to add this on here like this and   come over, make sure that I’m  covering up the top of my runner.   We’re going to sew right down the side.   There we go. Alright let’s take a look at that.   That’s looking pretty good. Now I’ll  add the other piece to the other side.   Let me go ahead and trim off this selvedge.   Alright I’m going to lay this  one on here just like this.   And we are going to sew right down this edge.   Make sure I stay lined up  with the bottom of my runner.   Making sure those runner  pieces stay nice and flat.   And they really can’t help it because they  are sewn down. I’m going to keep going here.   And just like that our table runner is ready to  go. We’re just going to iron down these borders   and so I’m just going to pull this  across here and catch each side,   ironing across the middle as I go.   There we go. And now we’re going to  trim it up so it’s ready to bind. And you don’t often get to see us trim up a quilt.  So I thought I would show you how I do that.   And so what I’m going to do is I’m  going to lay this on here like this.   And when I trim a quilt I use parts of the quilt  to measure it by. And so what I’m doing is I’m   looking at my border right here. And I’m looking  at this line right here. So when you pull a quilt,   you know, that border can do this a little  bit. But this line is going to stay pretty even   so I’m going to pull it down here to the  bottom. And I’m going to start my cut right here   and I’m just going to follow this all the way  up like this, keep pulling it down. And then,   almost lost my ruler there. And just  keep lining this up with this line.   A little more up here. There we go.   There we are. Alright. Now we’re going to  turn it and do the same thing on the ends.   And you can see, you know, I have a little  bit of my border sticking out out here.   It’s not going to matter because  we are just going to trim that off.   Then we’re going to come down the other side.   Here is this. Remember what line you’ve  had it on. I’ve got it on the 2 ½   which means I started with  a three inch border strip.   And you can see if I can do this right  on here while we’re having a tutorial.   I mean this is a great thing to do even if you  have to do it the night before. I mean you’re   going to be able to get this done because then  you can just put your binding on it and just,   you know, you’ll be ready by the morning. It  won’t take you any time at all to bind this.   Make sure I’m straight here. And  there we go. And how fast is that? How cool is that? It’s so quick and easy and  it’s already all quilted. We don’t have to   send it away to the quilter. It’s one and done  and ready to go. Again I want to show you these   other ones. Here’s the big one. This is what  size you get if you put all your pieces from   the charm pack in one runner. You’re going to get  a really long runner. And if you don’t want to   add a border and you don’t want to go to that  trouble it’s just as cute. I mean you can do   it like this as well. So lot’s of options with  this. Quick and easy idea. Quilt as you go and   we hope you enjoyed this tutorial on Making  Waves from the Missouri Star Quilt Company. We hope you enjoyed watching this video. If  you’re not already part of the Missouri Star   quilt family you can hit the subscribe button  below so you won’t miss a thing. And if you   click that bell it will notify you every time  a new tutorial comes out. See you next Friday.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 123,017
Rating: 4.9496856 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, charm pack quilt patterns, table runner pattern, quilted table runner, quilt as you go patterns, quilt as you go tutorial, patriotic table runner, patriotic quilt patterns
Id: UIj9s7EigAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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