Triple Play: 3 New "Lovely Leaves Quilts with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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hey everybody it's jenny from the missouri  star quilt company and it's triple play day   and i'm here with natalie and misty and we  have an awesome fun tutorial today all based   on the lovely leaves tutorial that block so we've  done some awesome things with it and i'm up first   so today we're going to start and this is actually  misty's project we don't usually let you see those   first but you get a sneak peek at misti's first  but mine ended up being table runners so i made   these two table runners they're beautiful they're  gorgeous the reason i went with table runners is   because the blocks i ended up with you know i had  lots of leaves but when i put them together in the   four four leaves all together i didn't really end  up with enough blocks to make a quilt so i opted   for these great gorgeous runners you know you've  heard me talk i have a long table feed a lot of   children so i love a nice long runner and the  fabric i thought just suited itself beautifully   for um it really does a nice runner so yeah yes  and this actually my doing it first will actually   set up the making of the leaf so that you guys can  follow and show your things along and it'll just   it'll just be like clockwork it'll be great  so to make my fall festival table runners you   will need one layer cake and we've used hope  blooms by kansas troubles quilters for moda   you will need one quarter yard of accent fabric  one half a yard of two different background   fabrics your outer border is a half a yard your  backing is one and a half yards for each runner   you'll also need some heat and bond we have one  package here and you will need a squaring tool all right so what i did with mine is and  you know i love the cardboard on the back   of the layer cake and i'm always making some  sort of a cutting diagram so that i can see   exactly how it's going to work because i  want to be efficient with my use of fabric   and i want to make sure that i get everything  i need out of it so when i went to cut these   i stacked a light and a dark and you can see  right here i have this light one underneath   right there a light and a dark and made two cuts  at a time so that i could do a leaf and four geese   now on these runners you'll see that i have four  leaves together in the middle and then they're   all surrounded with flying geese and they but  i've just set them differently and given them a   different look so we're going to get all those  pieces out of our square our 10 inch square so   the first thing we're going to do is we're going  to make a cut and cut this in half the long way   so now we have a 5 by 10 inch rectangle and  i'm going to cut this piece off right here   and cut it in half again so now we have two  five inch squares so again if you did have   charm packs you could actually make it with that  as well and so natalie i'm going to put these two   together i'm going to have you sew all the way  around the outside because we're going to make   four half square triangles out of this and we  need that for the body of our leaf we also need   four two and a half inch squares actually we only  need three we're going to have one piece left over and so i'm going to cut this square into four   like this now this these two that are still  together these are going to be our flying geese   and so my geese are all solid in the middle  with with the lighter on the outside so now   i'm going to go ahead and cut all of these  in two and a half inch strips like this and i should get four out of this and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to  go ahead and stack all these red ones up and   my white ones are going to be cut in two and a  half inch squares because those are going to be   the corners on our flying geese because we're  using two and a half inch squares we're going to   need to cut our geese down to four and a half so  i'm going to stack these four pieces up right here   and just make one cut so i'm going to lay this  right here and i'm going to make one cut off   the edge right here just a half an inch to take  my five inch rectangle down to four and a half   there's your little bit of waste not bad no not  bad and then these we're going to line up also   like this and i am going to cut these  into two and a half inch squares   so we can put them on the sides all right so  the way we're going to make our flying geese   is we are going to take a long rectangle and  we're going to put our corners on like this and we are going to sew we are just going to sew  straight down this side now you can draw a line   you can iron a line or you can use the diagonal  seam tape which we love and so natalie i'm going   to have you make one of those okay and i'm going  to get started here on the half square triangles   so this is how we're going to make our half square  triangles natalie has sewn all the way around the   outside now what we're going to do is we're going  to cut this diagonally both directions like this   and over here again and then we are going to square these  to two and a half and i'm going to use   the clearly perfect slotted trimmer and i'm  just going to slide it to one side right here   and misty if you'll make sure that  iron is good and hot i'll let you   press these open this is a great way to square  blocks you can use any squaring tool you like   some people like the block lock ruler  some like just a regular square ruler   just remember different these are two and a  half right two and a half and different you   know different tools make sense to different  brains so uh it was it wasn't until i got this   clearly perfect slotted trimmer that i felt like  i could really square a half square triangle all right and one more so now on this right  here natalie has sewn these down   we're going to go ahead and trim  these little sides off right here   and you're going to make all your flying geese  the same way and then you're just going to have   them in a pile and they will be all all  different colors all different you know   backgrounds i'm just going to trim this off right  here want me to press it sure all right all right   this is waste all right so now we're ready to  make our leaf and we just need to take um from   our blocks over here we have these four little  half square triangles and our blocks these that we   cut out of our layer cake are also two and a half  inches so they should all match up just perfectly   and what we're going to do is we're going to take  one of these background blocks is going to be our   stem now the stem on the leaf let me show you a  little leaf let me show you what i'm talking about   right here so this is how our block is going  to look and this is our little stem right here   and there are several ways to do these stems  and i've done all of them and this time i just   did it a little bit different if the leaf turned  out to be a little bit tinier than i thought you   know what do you think misty's big i know mine is  tiny this time you know we kind of swapped blazes   but um to make this little stem what i did was i  got some um heat n bond and i ironed it onto this   little strip of background fabric like this and  i just cut a half an inch now if you if you cut a   half an inch there's no room to turn that under so  we're literally just going to take this like this   and we are going to iron it across diagonally  across our piece of background fabric right here   our square for the corner and so misty i'm just  going to lay this across here corner to corner   like that did you cut it off uh do you want  i did it like a pressing pad or something i'm   afraid it's going to stick you could it doesn't  stick to your it does kind of pressing it does   kind of stick to your ironing pad i have to say i  do have a few little sticky marks but it's better   than your iron so just all right don't look  close your eyes okay close your eyes all right   so then i just pulled it off okay i  just clipped it from there so you're   way braver than me so i would just use a scrap  piece of fabric and put under a little you know   a little square or fat quarter or something  like that that you don't care about yeah some   trimmings from the backing and i just make  it work so uh whatever it works is right   that would protect your ironing pad if you had  just a sheet underneath it that you could totally   would it totally would you're absolutely right uh  so um yeah however you want to do that i love it   anyway on this edge then you can do a little  straight stitch i did a little zigzag you know on   mine you can see right here if if we come in real  close and it's a table runner so it's not going to   take a lot of washing or you know uh that sort of  thing i mean you don't have kids at home anymore   mine take a lot of washing i find that i want my  table runners more often than my quilts i agree   all right well whatever works then  we're just going to disagree today   well there's more than one way  to do it you're right absolutely   all right so let me show you how i lay this out  and um we are going to take and we're going to put   our plain square up here in the  corner and then we're going to put   two of our triangles that face inward like this  and then there's another plane square right here   and then we've got two more over here that  go inward and these go the same direction   and these go the same direction you know i  have to make these little mantras for myself   this guy's going to go here and we are going  to have this one here this little red guy here   and then one over here and so i lay out  these blocks to make sure what i'm doing   you can sew these together in three rows of  three i tended to kind of do like sections   uh when i did it did you guys um have a way  that you did your leaves that was so i did mine   the way that you teach us a lot where you string  piece these two these two these two yes and then   you go back to the top and add this one this one  this one right then you then they're all connected   yeah that's how i pieced it that's how i did mine  also yeah and so that's kind of what i do as well   and so however you guys want to put these together  at the end of the day we're just going to sew   these together so natalie you want to go ahead and  sew these together so sure so let's do these two   oops and then these two mess this down and  these two you've got to make sure i'm putting   these together in the right direction like this  like that okay and then these go along the side   and got got confused little little double  checking as well and this actually this way   of um chain piecing is a very very smart way to  do it and keep all your pieces in place because   literally if you don't cut your threads  everything should be going exactly the right way   yeah we'll just see how good it helps me keep  everything straight i really was pretty good   i appreciated it and i actually i don't think  i've ever done it before just go like that yeah   really before before this project interesting  because i usually just i don't know i don't   know why that's interesting yeah well everybody  does things differently and that's why one of   the reasons i love triple play is that you know  we've got these three different brains that work   completely differently so then these are three  yeah these stay together you just open them up   like this and then we're gonna add these next  one on so you're going to add this guy on here   and this guy on here and this stem in the  corner okay and then you're going to just   sew your three rows together you'll make  sure you can press before if you want to   on these the i just tended to press after they  were finished i found that to be easiest as well   because then you can make the seam go where you  want it and then make it flat at the end and then   i pressed them all the way they needed  to be you know right no twisting   yeah and uh and i do that a lot when i'm sewing  a block together is i'll sew it all and then when   i press it i make the seam go the way it wants to  now if it's tiny pieces and it's difficult for you   to do that i would make my you know i would make  this row go this way the middle row go that way   the bottom rail go that way you know it's really  whatever works best for you all right so now we   have these three rows together yes yeah you can  see how how this all holds together and then we're   just going to lay this row on top of this row  and sew those rows together and then our block   will be finished and that's how you chain piece  a block and keep all your pieces together and   there are a few little leaves on these projects  so i have i have what do i have one two three   four five six seven times four i have 28 leaves  48 47 times four oh no 28 you're right i don't   know why i thought 48. wait a minute that is hard  i could have made a quilt with that that's true actually anything can be a quilt or a runner it's  really whatever you choose this would be a great   if i did three rows of three i think this is just  so perfect for fall on your table beautiful it's   just gorgeous okay we're at that last row  she's just going to put this on top of here   and when she gets those seams she'll make  one seam go this way one seam go that way so   all the bulk there's no bulk in the middle  right and so it lays evenly on either side   you can nest them really easily because they're  not like trying to go one way or the other yet good fire and then you will get to iron this misti  awesome you use i'm going to do a great job you   are good i can feel it coming you're going to do a  great job hopefully that felt like it wasn't quite   i'm sure it'll look great on a galloping horse  i'm sure all right there we go horse blankets   for that reason that's right looks great  on a galloping horse see isn't this nice no we'll show it to you more in a minute all  right looks great to me isn't that beautiful   it's beautiful they're pretty gratifying and  they're pretty um they're pretty uh easy you   know i mean as far as you don't stress too much  over it so if you look at this darling little now   i'll show you for real the seams actually match up  they look great and what we're going to do then is   we're going to put four of these together so i  have two sewn together right here and then we're   going to put these two in the same way with all  the stems facing the middle so they're going to   go like this i think i'll put this this way and so  natalie if you want to attach these two right here   sure and then we'll attach it to this one right  here misty maybe you could iron that for us it's so handy to have these helpers you  know good teamwork we do do a good teamwork now that little bottom one was one i did  very quickly and so the reason she's like   moving it a little bit is because it's probably  lining up points it's okay yeah probably not as   perfect it's good but all those little  imperfections you hide in the seam so you know   it's really doable yeah you just have to like  look at the points that you want to match and then   ease in there right and if you'll press that one  sure and a lot of times if you have something   off a little bit one way or the other it's not a  big deal it's not going to show up that's exactly   right all right so now what we're going to do is  we are going to sew these two together like to   this one and the nice thing about sewing a block  like this that has all these little junctions is   that at each one you're going to re-line it up so  you're it's going to keep your block very square   and so you're just going to start and you'll  just re-line it every little seam you'll sew   till you get to the next seam make sure  those seams are going the right direction and i stop after i get past that and then check  the next one that's what i do i check everything   as i go along so that one the seam is going  this way and one seam is going that way so   and i love having those check points along the  way too i do too it really makes for a nice block double check now one of the reasons that i made my flying  geese and my leaf out of the same block i could   have done all my leaves out of one set and all the  geese out of one set but i love the scrappy look   i love them all mixed up i actually there are  more dark fabrics in this line than there are   light fabrics so i actually brought in a couple  of solid light fabrics you know you could use   shirting or whatever but you can see i brought in  some of this color right here and then i brought   in some of this lighter color right here like on  this one because i just didn't have enough lights   and i just wanted to keep the scrappy and i needed  to make more right it looks great so this is our   leaf block all sewn together it looks darling  and what i did was i decided i was going to put   flying geese all the way around it and so because  they're four and a half they match up exactly   there's no measuring so all my little flying  geese i just sewed three of those together and   put them around the sides and put my two and  a half inch corners in the middle because you   you have a few left over of your light ones  and you have one left over of a red and so   on this quilt right here and i've kind of  whisked past the flying geese but you know   you keep those all in a pile you're gonna make  those whole bunch a whole bunch of them yeah and   then um we i sewed these together in threes you  know one two three like this and then put it on   the outside of my star here and then i had three  here three here three here and so they were all   sewn together in threes and then i just attached  the corners to that last row when i put them on   now this this exactly those three blocks  just sewn together this is exactly what it is   those three blocks every single block is  surrounded by geese which makes a double   row right here so right here you're going to see  that double row so here's our double row of geese   and it really is just what happens when we bring  the blocks together pointing at each other yes   they just point at each other a little bit like an  hourglass yeah and so as i'm making the second one   i changed it up a little bit and i put my  i put my geese on the top and the bottom   of the block so let me move this down so  make sure we can see this in the picture   so my flying geese are on this side and on this  side but then in between i did a whole column   of them i love it where you know i stacked them  all up which of course means since i had this guy   you know going the same direction as these it  makes a square here and it echoes the square   here and down there as well i didn't even  notice that until just now yeah and then also   on the corners of these i didn't use my light i  didn't use my light light um square in the corners   in these corners i put a dark square and so i made  use of some of those you know one extra squares   and it just makes a beautiful quilt and i love the  idea that you know the leaves are falling you know   they're going so you added a little border to this  are going south yes this one i felt i don't know   you know sometimes i think um a runner warrants a  border and sometimes it doesn't and i just thought   this one uh i just wanted to see the frame it  just looks great yeah i love the look of it all   right beautiful wait one more thing before i go  because this fabric is so distinctive and it's so   fall oriented i just wanted to show you we made  a couple of these in brights they're so cute and   so just by changing out the color you're going to  get a whole different look in your pattern and so   you know this could be a really fun bright  look as well you know you could do christmas   leaves you know whatever you wanted to do so  a lot of times we see you know we'll see a   um a quilt made in a fabric and you feel like  that's the only way it can be made and it just   isn't so have fun with that fabric you know choose  something different let's see what you do with it   so this is the bigger runner and it ends up being  21 by 69 so it's a great size nice long long   runner it has a stitch pattern of fall leaves on  it and we put this back and i think for the back   you need about a yard and a half for for each  one and the yard and a half also will include   this little bit of border this one we just bound  no border on this one this one has the same back   and again you can see the pretty fall leaves on  here and it ends up being 16 without the border   by 48 so really whatever size you want honestly  one of the things i love about runners is that   natalie has a square table so sometimes you can  just take a square and border it out a couple   of times or i could put four squares of leaves  in a square rather than drawing them out long   and so you know you can have just have  fun with it and do whatever you want   there's so much room for ideas yeah different  sizes and personalization for whoever it's for   absolutely and now we're on to misti all right  so as we turned things around and i made a giant   block this time so i made this really big leaf  and very cute i think it turned out really cute   it's really quick and it's assembled much like  jenny's only larger but it's based on this uh   nine patch block that you can see here alright  to make my quilt you're going to need two charm   packs and i use lovelily by april rosenthal  for moda you'll also need one and a quarter   yards background fabric which includes your  inner border for your outer border you'll need   one yard and for the backing you need three  and three quarter yards with horizontal seams we're going to start with our five  inch squares and just lay them out into   this is such a happy line it is so it's really  a cute little line so bright i'll just find a   few different ones in here we'll just i might  need one of these on my porch just it would be   a good portable great porch quilt yeah it  really would be a great baby quilt too it   would be a great baby grill or lap quilt for  somebody you know i mean it'd just be so cute   lots of options it's just cheerful it's  one of those things where when you look   at it it just makes you kind of smile trying  to make sure i've got some variety in here you like which one which one do i want   that one yeah yeah that little blue would be good  this one yeah perfect cute all right and so   then we're just going to sew these together  um i used the same method that you taught   where you just fold them across like this and just  sew down down so down yep and then add your next   one and i have a finished one here and so you can  see here's our finished nine patch and you can see   where they fit and so we're going to make  three of these one two three here here and here   in the quilt and then let's talk about how we're  going to make the points of our leaf and our   fun little stem down here so on this i did it a  little bit differently instead of laying it out a   full nine patch and you know cutting it corner to  corner or anything like that i wanted to cut back   on the waist and so i actually just laid out um  i believe it's is it seven six six six of these and so we're just going to lay this is really interesting to  me again this is a brain thing yeah   completely different way of doing it this makes  a giant half square triangle out of a nine pad   exactly but with uh but you actually keep the  same size and it's just so fun to see how you   did this and so we're going to start by sewing  these three i always did my three first and so   then now we can just sew these together so  i'll start here jenny okay hand you that that one too add one to this one there we go  now if you want to press that and then this one as well when i was sewing these together i always  like to start at the bottom i don't know   why this is just the way my brain works and it  was easier for me to come through and nest these   to start with to just make  sure that this seam nested   and so i'll do that first and then we'll  come back and add the single to the top and i'm just going to sew all the way  to the end of this exactly and then we   can just go ahead and open and add this one  since we don't have anything to nest there   just like that and i'm going to  go ahead and grab a longer ruler all right here we go press it yep and how many of these points do you need so you  need four just like your normal leaf block so   you're going to do this assembly four times and  then you do something very similar for the stem   but you just switch it up a bit and so what i did  for this is i just laid this straight on my mat   and i laid my ruler corner to corner but i  made sure i have my quarter inch overhang   so that i'm not going to lose the points that  i've done here oh yeah and so then you do the   same thing on the outer edge just a quarter  inch overhang from your point and then yeah   that'd be great and i think that looks good  and then i'm just going to trim off this excess   there we go and don't throw those away yeah we're  going to need a few of these for our stem so hold   on to those i just put them in a pile and then  i cut 14 and a half inch background squares   you can see i have one here and  then we cut this in half diagonally   and we're just going to pair this up with  our piece here and that will match up   and give us our correct quarter inch  seam very cool surprisingly easy yeah   it's a sort of different technique it is because  the whole point is we're wanting to sew point to   point there that's where we want our seam to be  and if we didn't cut this off we would have all   these wasted pieces that then wouldn't fit in our  block and i didn't want to have that and like i   said you're going to make four of those to make  your points of your leaf you can see how they   set in just like that now for the stem you can  see down here this is done almost exactly the same   but i have it together here and the only  difference is you put a background square   a background five inch square instead of a print  square here and then it's right in the middle   right in the middle then it's assembled the exact  same way you can see we just trimmed it and sewed   it together and so this is the basis of our stem  unit here and before i sewed all of these together   we are going to add this stem and so let me show  you how we did that so remember i said to hold   on to a few of your leftover triangles we're going  to sew five of those together just into end to end   like i've done here and this is what's going to  make our stem you can see the patchiness of it in   the stem itself and this is how we did it because  these triangles have some bias this is just like   making you know bias binding it'll curve and so  i was able to get this nice curve of my stem and   so i just went ahead and pressed it in half like  this and then i'm going to trim it off straight to begin with this is very clever misty  thank you i was excited when it worked out   there we go and then that if you will um press  under just one end about a half an inch or so   just eyeball that actually wait what i can  actually just sew across the top that's   true that's true or do you want to just yeah i  guess i guess it is your call it's your quilt   it doesn't matter either way i top stitched once  i put it down which is why i didn't okay it at   this point but you totally could if you don't want  to mess with it i just ironed it under just like   just a little bit on one side right or you  can press it the way that when you open it up   that might be easier okay to turn it that way  yep all right we'll do it just like this exactly   lots of ways to do things absolutely and then i'm going to re-press just to make  sure that that is nice and yep and will lay   the way you want it okay and so then what i did  is i started with that piece that i turned under   and i think i am going to use all  of this but i eyeballed it first   i when i was making it i sewed more than just the  five so let's go ahead and press under the bottom   end too so it's ready to go but you can eyeball  it and if you want a shorter or a longer stem   i just kind of checked and  then trimmed it off okay fold that down yep exactly there you  go all right so now we're going to take   the raw edge and we're just going to kind of  overlap the top and you can kind of position   this as you go if you want to pin it you can  i totally just eyeballed it and played with   it at the machine but you do want to make sure  that you're over the bottom of your point there   and we're just going to sew a quarter inch down  this side so jenny if you want to do that and   you can curve it however you want yeah so when  you fold this over do you start it over here   so you can fold this middle i actually just  kind of lined it up right with the point okay   and then there we go it worked out fine all  righty i like to put stems on this way this   is one of my favorite ways and i love that you  can get that curve effect because of the bias around here exactly   kind of an interesting concept i didn't i thought  about curving things in that way i feel like   i have some ideas yeah yeah and so then we can  just roll it back and i went ahead and pressed it   if you want to roll that and give it a good good  press matt yeah so it can stay yeah whenever   anything is on the bias it has give yeah if you  had any trouble to you could probably do some   little clips in here just to give yourself  a little you totally could a little bit of   flexibility but but really pressing it down will  make it stay in place and there really is no right   or wrong way to do that think about leaves in  nature you know they come in all different shapes   and curves and um that's part of the beauty of it  you could do it straight if you want you could do   it the other direction exactly and so now we're  just going to top stitch right along the top side   and bottom edge awesome and i just did a straight  stitch on mine i shall do the same awesome it hides the little seam yep so you have  no raw edges that are showing through i'm just thinking of all the curved blocks  that you could do interesting curved piecing   that you could do that's not actually pieced  in if you're using yeah that style on just a   solid background you can just make i know that's  how i do my cathedral windows whatever kind of   arcs that you wanted to make so very cool you  can see how that fits in here just like that   and we assembled it in a giant nine patch just  like jenny's and then i just added a two and a   half inch inner and a six inch outer border and  it finishes up at 55 inches square so it's a great   baby quilt so what cool pattern did you use on  this this is called daisy days it's one of my   favorites especially for the babies on this this  awesome polka dots and that's such a great really   cute yeah so i think it turned out great so it's  super cute awesome so nat you're up next all right   um so this is my quilt it's called scattered  leaves because i did a few leaves up here and   a few leaves down there and let's kind of kind of  shall we pull this up a little bit so they can see   it has such a little bit mirrored you know so  i have a group up here in the top and then a   group down here in the bottom it's beautiful so  what that means is you can follow the directions   or the diagram if you want to or you can mix and  match and put your leaves any which way you want   there's a lot of um a lot of variety and  layout that you can play with as you want   so awesome and it has such a clean kind of  modern look you know the leaves tend to go   toward fall colors and this just brightens it  up and makes this collection is just gorgeous   i didn't want to lose my light or dark prints so  i went with a gray background because i thought   the colors really popped nicely off of that but  it wasn't it wasn't it was a little more subtle   than like white or black now it's perfect  to make my quilt you'll need one layer cake   and i've used ladybird by crystal manning for  moda fabrics you'll need four and a half yards   of background fabric and that includes your inner  border you'll need one and three quarter yards of   outer border and nine yards of backing fabric  with vertical seams or three yards of a 108 so i'm going to start by talking about the  background these blocks finish at 12 and a half   so anywhere you have a negative space block you  need a 12 and a half inch square okay so you'll   cut a bunch of those so so that that's actually  really smart because you don't have to have all   these different measurements right you just put  another and then it just goes together just like   squares so you're going to cut a bunch of 10 inch  squares to make your half square triangles that   are these points because these match up with  your layer cake squares you'll need a bunch of   five inch squares that you're going to  cut on the diagonal to make your stems   okay and then you're going to say here's  even i know yes pieced in you're going to   need four and a half inch squares for these  corners which is the the corner point of the   leaf block okay all right so then once  you have all your all your background   cut if you want to cut ahead that's fine if you  don't you can cut as you go i'm cool with that too   but the layer cake was fun so i planned it out  by um doing the make eight half square triangle   method okay so each of these there's four on a  square and i used um like these four right here   for this block and this block oh okay so what  i need to do when you when you go through your   uh layer cake we'll go ahead and open  this you need to select sets of three so i would go through and i would say like this piece and this piece these are going  to be the body of the leaf and by that i mean   this part right here okay and then this  piece is going to be the leaf points   for both of them yep okay so so you you go through  and you do the whole thing in sets of three you'll   have three blues and three oranges and three pinks  and and whatever whatever variety you want and i   just mixed them up and then set them in lines  so that i could keep them all together um then   then you're going to start with making your half  square triangles so if we know these two are our   bodies and these are our leaves what we're going  to do is we're going to take this one and draw   a line diagonally from corner to corner  so we're just going to draw a line didn't quite get that one over  there but i think you'll survive   she's like she's done a few half squares  yes it does tend to work easier if you go   like middle out that's true yeah so  ah she's having pity on me i'll just   add it a little more there there we go okay  and now you're going to stack these together   with your print to the inside because you want  your right sides to create that half square   triangle and you're going to sew on either side of  the line both directions both sides yep all right so speedy it is it actually is it is it's so satisfying too to get so many at once yeah  this is a great way to make half square triangles there we go all right so now we're going to do  the cutting and the cutting on this is super   simple so if i uh you can do the diagonals first  or the straight across it doesn't really matter   i always do this straight across because the  diagonals have a line so if i get lost i can   just go back to the line right i mean hopefully  you don't get lost both directions horizontally   and vertically and i usually look at these cross  points in the seam because this part is probably   going to get trimmed off when i'm squaring and  i want to make sure that i go through the middle   okay then you just do your diagonals and then i'm going to do this actually i'm going  to go this way so you can do it either way but   if i go on on the top then i just have to hip  over this direction instead of going over my arm   okay so then what we're gonna do is press these  all open and then we'll square them up and while   she's pressing we'll talk about cutting these  guys okay okay so these what we're going to   do is we're going to stack them both together  because they're going to get the exact same cuts   and i'm going to cut four and a half inches   um in a strip because these all need to be four  and a half inch squares because they make up   these middles and four and a half is what we're  going to square our half square triangles too okay   perfect okay so i do a four and a half pull that  aside i've got one more four and a half over here   and this piece goes in the stem nice so  set that aside and then you can stack   these up if you want to or you can just  do them one at a time it's not a big deal so this is a little extra piece that we don't use   and the other thing as we're going along here  you'll notice that we only use three of these   squares and we have a stack of squares left  over so these three go in our leaf and this   one is extra so i'm going to go ahead and  cut it anyways because i have a bonus project   at the end that i made with all of these  leftover pieces awesome okay so if we have our   four and a half's oh one more thing sorry we're  almost ready to start assembling we do need to   square our blocks and we need to make our stems  okay okay i just about got ahead of myself so   close she's gonna get ahead of herself today  and she's running fast okay so to make this stem   we're going to take our five inch squares  and we're going to cut right down the middle   so we end up with these little pieces and then  um and i i pretty much because i'm making two   blocks at a time this entire time i do two  of these and i just do a little finger press   to line it up so it's super easy um and  then i finger press these two as well   you have you have a lot of stuff to work  with so if it gets off you're just gonna   square it it's not a big deal but i did  finger press because i was trying to be   middly and proper measuring all the words yep  so i found it was easiest to you know do one   one side and then flip it over and put the  other side on top of it all right i'll do it   misty probably has your squarespace she  does yeah they're ready um as a quick   as a quick reminder though i didn't press this  until after i was done and then if you um as   you line this up you can also still eyeball that  this point lines up with that point and then you   end up having good square squares so if you lose  that middle that's okay it can be it can be lost a   little bit as long as you watch these points and  then you'll end up with a nice thing to square   awesome okay so we're going to square all of these  to four and a half while mom's making our stems   and the way that i do that is i put my here misty  45 uh 45 degrees you want to do this one too   sure thank you happy happy on the end and i make  sure that it's lined up here with the four and a   half inch line here that this line goes into the  corner and we've got four and a half on this side   and if this cut side isn't um super straight you  can move it in a little bit and then trim both   both sides but this side looks good it's very  straight so i'm going to get it all lined up   and we'll go through and square these so i'll cut i'm going to do them  all because i want to show all   or both blocks it'll just take me a little bit  i had to check my little measure middle thing   over here i never noticed that before the  uh the corners yeah yeah it's pretty cool   there you go thank you that one's a little bit off honestly yeah there are a lot of squaring tools  that are out there and the block block would be   ideal for this style absolutely and if you  didn't iron it you could use the clearly   perfect slotted trimmer for those that's  true but any square with a diagonal will work   it just helps you line it up corner to  corner yep and i just have a couple more yeah i'll keep these for something for  nothing for nothing you take a picture   to show how proud you are of all the schools  and then you throw them away that's right because you don't need them i promise maybe  you can stuff a dog bed without eventually   okay she's like if you wanted to you could  they make good stuffing i do awesome i love seeing all those  squares come together so neat   oh yeah it's kind of the best and you're so  quick at it yeah get a lot of practice you do just spin it around and line it back up  and you get like you know you can just   you know exactly where you're supposed to put  everything yep okay same thing with our stems   we're going to square those to four and a half  and the trick here is to look at the center line   so you just kind of want to eyeball  it and put it right down the middle   and it doesn't matter if you're closer to one  end or the other you have to square both sides   because you're not going to get super close to  that four and a half inch mark so i i eyeball   my stem and it looks typically there's  like a quarter of an inch on each side   uh the thing about the stem is technically it  measures an inch but if yours aren't exactly the   same it doesn't matter because i never match the  stems up in this entire quilt right they're not   intersecting because it's not i don't specifically  measure it because i'm i'm worried more about the   four and a half inch squares than i am about the  stem width right don't stress about that you don't   have to go back and make sure they're all the same  size well mine are going to be wider because my   quarter of an inch is skinnier yeah you know so  you're just squaring your block to four and a half   yeah perfect yep so you just eyeball that make  sure that stem's going down the middle flip it   around stick that into the four and a  half inch and it should still line up so there's just a little bit of  extra waste there but not a ton i'm gonna eyeball that again i love seeing how  everybody does these different it's fascinating   i love it it's pretty simple to get these pieced  in like this i didn't have any trouble with it   i enjoyed this quilt i had to  make it a couple times that's true yeah people always ask me how many of  these do you make and i'm like we at least   make one yeah all right so from our three  squares we now have all the ingredients to make   two squares right two complete blocks right  leaves yeah so you start by laying them out   i usually start with my corners and my stems  because i know those go in the same places   and then you're gonna put all  of your oh i'm right-handed so all of these match up like this i just  love this fabric so much all those florals   are so pretty yeah and then you put your half  square triangles up here that one goes there perfect beautiful it's beautiful   and like that so then you're going to go  ahead and sew these two these two these two   and keep them chained piece and add these  ones so i'll hand those off to you perfect i'll slide these over and we'll fill the  next lay out the other one yeah so that goes are these there of your blocks nope those are  my those are your extra extra that's right   i forgot my leftovers and then we've got oh awesome yeah and i just really like i  liked the variety kind of of showing them   with different things i do think it could  be really fun to completely scrap it up   yeah and just choose however many you need  to make all your half square triangles   and then mix and match your blocks in the  middle it could be really really cute and fun   but for this particular one this is what i did  i think it's going the right way that's right   all of a sudden i picked it up and i'm like  wait i didn't look you've got it all right   we're going to open these up yep yep flip that  up two more seams and you're done exactly and   again this is the big this is the big the big one  you know you can see how it's all hooked together   you know and we didn't have to pin you  don't have to do any of that you just   keep it together when you're sewing it that's  so cool about that is you know your half square   triangles are going in the right direction because  everything was assembled in the in the right order it makes it a little bit less mind work a little  bit less stressful i guess yeah i like it i do too   i agree i love your gray background i enjoyed that  it's just that i didn't lose any pieces right and   when you when you get a a layer cake there  are inevitably going to be some light ones   this way you were able to keep all those yeah she's stabbing her nails at  me did you just see that sorry   she's like hurry up mom hurry up no you're  fine just enjoying watching yourself   all right one press it's fun to  see it come together there we go so pretty yup yeah and it is fun how  this the little petals just seem to go   and that's it that's our first block and they  go just wherever you want them to go yeah   so you've actually got so i have i believe  it's a 6x7 layout because wait one two three   four five six one two three four five six  seven yeah okay so it's six by seven layout   um the quilt let's see i did a two and a half inch  inner border and a six inch outer border and um   and the quilt measure is 87 by 99 oh that's a nice  big awesome size we quilted it with sticky buns   one of our favorites and this is the backing  we used isn't it beautiful so pretty beautiful   print really pretty awesome okay so remember  how we had all those little squares set aside   pieces one little bit of magic that happened is  that when i was assembling all the colors all   the sets of three i had three squares left over  that didn't match at all three full squares and i   decided that i was going to make them into half  square triangles so i took that leftover square   and i did the same same method drew the line  made the x made all the half square triangles   and then i put all of the um all of the square  squares together in the middle and put the half   square triangles around the outside edge  to make this cute little guy i just love   it so it's literally just the extras it's  leftover things that you need a true bone   a true bonus yeah because you have enough  fabric in your in in your supply supply lists   thank you you'll have all these little four and  a half inch squares cut out you'll have you know   enough ten inch squares to make your triangles  and this is just a little bit extra backing and   a little bit of binding cute really pretty and  look at the back well this fabric is beautiful   it is probably my favorite print in the line  it's gorgeous yeah but this is a slight 28 inch   yeah it could be a table topper a wall hanging  literally if you boarded it but all the times it   could be any clothes also you could make it  into a baby quilt it could be the medallion   of something fun you're doing like i think that  should hang in our studio for sure yeah it's just   so cute it would be great and i love a true  bonus like you don't have to add any extra fabric   to your supply list to get this right out  of your life great little project so that   is awesome i hope you guys love it i love the  leaves yeah thanks well that's it for our lovely   leaves triple play we hope you enjoyed today's  tutorial from the missouri star quilt company   we hope you enjoyed watching this video if  you are not already part of the missouri star   quilt family you can hit the subscribe  button below so you won't miss a thing   and if you click that bell it'll notify you every  time a new tutorial comes out see you next friday
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
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Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Co, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, triple play tutorial, missouri star triple play, layer cake quilt, thanksgiving table runner pattern, leaf quilt block, fall quilt pattern
Id: rluD_Xv2-N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 14sec (3194 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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