Scrap Buster! Make Easy Table Runner Using the Binding Tool!

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Hi I’m Jenny from the MSQC. I’ve got a really fun little project for you today. Take a look at this darling little runner. It’s so quick and easy and just uses scraps. So you’re going to love this one. So what you’re going to need to make this is you’re going to need an 8 ½ inch square of black. I’ve got one of those right here. You’re going to need several 2 ½ inch squares and a couple of 2 ½ inch strips for the border. And then all you’re going to need is some scraps, a leftover jelly roll strip size, 2 ½ inches of strips. And you’re just going to need some scraps so it’s just kind of fun. Lots of times we get leftover pieces and, and this is a great project to use for that. So the first thing you’re going to do is with your jelly roll, I mean, sorry you’re going to take your binding tool and you’re going to lay it on your jelly roll strip. Now I have two pieces here. This is an actual strip that is put in half. And I’m going to cut two at one time. And the reason I’m going to do that because we want both angles. So we want the right angle and the left angle. And so we’re going to cut this out and I’ll show you what I mean. So I’m just going to trim this off. The nice thing about this binding tool is it has this perfect 45 degree on the side here. So you can see when you cut two of these at once, you’re going to have one angle going one direction and one angle going the other. Let me cut one more to show you that again. This one you might be able to see a little better. It’s a little brighter. So again we just line this up on the edges of your jelly roll strip. Cut off that corner and cut off this end right here. And then you’re going to have these two pieces here. And they are both going different directions, your angles. And you need that because we’re going to build this from the square out. So we’re going to start with our 8 ¼ inch square in the center. And we’re going to build out from there. You want to cut all your pieces. And when you’ve got them all cut out and laid out how you want them, half of those pieces you’re going to take and you’re going to sew a 2 ½ inch square onto the back. So just choose one side and sew a 2 ½ inch square on that back. So half of your pieces will look like this and the other half will be short like this and they will be going opposite directions. So let me show you how I laid mine out. So you start with your square in the middle, let me scoot these over here. You start with your square in the middle and then these angles actually are what’s going to make with your straight edge. So you’ll attach one of those right on here. And again you’re just going to put right sides together and sew a quarter inch seam. So you’ll put that there. And then you’re going to put a long one here. And see this block now lines with this one to make that, make that diamond appear. And then you’ll just go ahead and lay these out. And you really do want to lay them out before you start sewing because we want lots of different colors. This, this renaissance fabric is just beautiful. That Jenny Byers, very talented with and, and so free with her colors. I love it. Ok we need a, here we go. One more. So you can see how that looks when it’s all laid out. Now what I’m going to do is I like to pile mine up like this. And I’ll pile this side and then I’ll pile this side and then I’ll go over to the sewing machine and I will sew these together. And I’ll put a short one on and a long one on and a short one on and a long one on. And I’ll just take one from each stack until I finish this up. And then I’ll come back here and show you how we put those borders on. Ok so what we’re going to do now, we’ve added this first one on. And we’re going to add this second one which means that this little juncture right here, these two little seams you want to line up. And that’s going to give us this black diamond on the top. So let’s go ahead and sew that down. And put a pin in there if you’d like. Now we’ll want to press this open. There we go. And then we’re just going to repeat. We’re going to take the short side again and put a, see one of these will, one of these short ones will now match up on here and then we’ll again add the long. And we’ll just go along. Alright so our little top is finished now. And what we need to do is add some borders. And I’m just going to add a 2 ½ inch strip of black. And the way you do this, whenever you have a curved border like this you let your runner be your pattern. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to take this and sew right sides together and I’m going to give myself a little bit of leeway up here and, right here you can see I have just a little edge hanging over. And I’m going to just go ahead and sew this straight down here until I reach this end. And I’ll show you how we make this border work for us. Whenever you’re sewing borders on make sure that you put your border on the top. If you put your border fabric on the bottom then your feed dogs will take up too much fabric and you’ll end up with wavy borders. And we don’t want that. We want our border to be nice and flat. So be sure and put your border fabric on the top, just let the bottom fabric, you don’t want to pull it. Let the feed dogs take that in. And then just make sure that top fabric stays nice and straight. You want to put your sides on first with this table runner. And so we’re going to press this open now. And we’re just going to leave the whole long thing on there and just press it open. By having that border piece on the top we’re naturally pressing to the dark. So get that nice and straight. And now what we’re going to do is we’re going to let our table runner determine the angle of our border. So I’m going to put my ruler right along this edge of this table runner right here. So then what we’re cutting off is just this edge of the border piece right here. Just like that. And we’ll do the same thing on this end so you can see it again. So again we’re going to let the table runner make the pattern. And I’m just going to go along here and trim that off. So then we’re going to add the other side. And then I’ll show you how to do the points. So now you have both sides sewn down and it should look like this. You know it should just need its end borders put on. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to take one of these little leftover pieces and I’m going to put it, I’m going to clip off this selvedge right here. We don’t, you never want to leave the selvedge on in your quilt. You’ll have those holes, that won’t be good. So we’re going to put this, I’m just going to match it right up with the edge of this and sew it right down the side. So let’s go do that. There we go. Now every time you sew one of these little borders on you want to make sure that you press it open. Because you want your angle cut from the, the open side. You know if you try and press it while it’s closed that angle’s going to be going the wrong direction. So you open that up. And again all you do is you let your, let me turn these around for my lefthanded way. So you let the edge of your runner be your guide. And you’re just going to cut this off like this. So you can see how that gives you that nice border. And one this one over here we’re going to do the same thing. So we’re just going to start from the top. And sew right down there and then trim these off. So let’s go do that. We’re just about done here. Alright so now we’re going to trim up this other side. And I have a little bit peeking over this side. So we’ll go ahead and use our runner as our pattern, our guide. And then this one right here. So this is how you do borders on anything that’s angled. You would start with your longest pieces first and trim them off at the angle that it’s going. And then your table runner is ready to go. So here is the finished one. I’m calling it the Binding Tool Diamond Braid. And we hope you enjoyed this tutorial from the MSQC.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 803,756
Rating: 4.8993621 out of 5
Keywords: table runner, easy table topper, easy quilting, quick quilting, quickly quilting, simple quilting, how to quilt, quilt, quilting tutorial, quilting, make a quilt, learn to quilt, making, tutorial, Missouri quilt co, Missouri star, Missouri star quilt company, fabric, learn how, instruction, fast quilting, simple quilt, quilting tips, scrap buster, scrap project
Id: sjGifl2m_3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2013
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