Triple Play: 3 New "60 Degree Triangle" Quilts with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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[Music] hi everybody it is time for triple play and i am here today with misty and with natalie and we have three projects for you today all based on the equilateral triangle ruler and so we're pretty excited to show you so first up is natalie so my project today is fun i used a panel which i think is great because you can fussy cut and get all the little pieces that you like i love it all the animals it's so cute so it's a fun way because you you it doesn't look like a panel right no so it's not like your typical here's a panel in the middle with a border around it and so that was kind of fun for me um it's called mountain magic because you know totally reminds me of the mountains and i use the rocky mountain panel you guys can use whatever panel you want there's so many options out there and just use the pieces that you want the other thing i did is i used large and small sizes so i was able to capture a lot of the panel and not have a lot of waste i love that so you know whatever pieces you like it's totally up to you um the quilt is 46 by 58 and i quilted it with sticky buns which is obviously like one of my favorite patterns i i think we use we go back to it loops and swirls like they're they're just pretty good standards so i think this is a great size because this is a great size like for a car quilt or a picnic quilt and especially if you're using a traveling panel i think that's i think that's awesome works perfect it's a great one for um just for people who have thing like hobbies that they're more of a novelty print rather than like your standard lines that you'd get from like moda or riley blake you know this this is a riley blake panel but it's a it's just more unique to whoever you're making the quilt for to make my quilt you'll need two fabric panels and i've used the national parks rocky mountain pillow panel by anderson design group for riley blake you'll need three fourths of a yard each of five different solid fabrics your backing is three yards of horizontal seams or one and three quarter yards of a 108 wide and the other tool that you'll need is the missouri star 8 inch equilateral 60 degree triangle ruler [Music] yeah so this one is fun it's actually a pillow panel which it's intended to just make into pillows yeah but i thought that it had some really cool graphic designs and i liked it let's look at this so it has these four things and you can you can see in the quilt there's different different parts so like this this section here would be the front of the mousse and then there's another part where it's like these are his legs and these are his antlers does that mean yeah yeah so you take your triangle tool and this is a great it's a great tool it's our equilateral 60 degree triangle which by the way you can use any 60 degree triangle they're going to be they're going to be pretty much the same yep an equilateral just means all three sides are the same length so you just set it wherever you want and fussy cut so i used a combination of large and small triangles because i wanted to use more of the panel pieces i thought it would be cool to put together sets of four that match the same size as my larger triangles so the larger triangles are eight inches and the smaller triangles are four and three-eighths perfect so how did you do it all right so um first first thing i did is i pretty much just cut all the pieces out of the panel that i wanted did you get it all out of one panel i used two panels because i wanted a lot more cute little animals it makes me want to look good yeah it's actually kind of a fun little eye spy because you can see like yeah you got the little bird up here yeah a little tiny i love it and so so this guy shows up in this corner but then i focused in on him on this tiny little triangle so he became the little center point i love it it's really fun and that was part of it because i you know i can cut up here and then down here i can turn it so then depending on um how you put your little sets of four together your triangles can be they can be sideways where you can get like the the triangle top is um the long part sorry it's horizontal or you can have you know the the triangle facing the opposite direction does that make sense oh and so you can cut them out in different directions based on what part of the panel you want to get and then rearrange arrange them in the little sets of four well in some of these i see you have the panel on the outside and an accident in the middle and you have some the opposite way yeah like this one up here yes all the accent with the one that's right and then this one and this one they're the colors are all three different right so i'm pretty sure this will entertain either one of us yeah clearly of creative possibilities you really can just do whatever you want have fun with it and you know use whatever colors you want use whatever combinations of colors but and i know lots of people they see these panels and we like them it's just like what do we do with this yeah yeah it's awesome so great very cool all right so i think i think i'll go ahead and cut this guy out first now because i'm using the eight inch line i'm going to cut i'm going to line it up so this line down the middle is great because you can see through and know like exactly how it's going to look but you have to remember that you're you're going to be cutting it here on the edge on the outside okay so to get to do that it's nice that there the seam allowance is in there so you know what part you know what's going to show yeah yeah so to do that i just cut right out of the middle and then what i'm going to do is turn it so that i can cut that last cut that's it's on the line up in here and you wouldn't be able to cut in the middle of the tool obviously so i'm just going to turn it anytime you get into a position where it's like feels weird just just rotate okay so one of the things that works really well i can't i can't do it on on this setting but if at home you can put your cutting mat at the end of a table you can use both sides of that table and i walked i i did you know one cut in the middle and then i walked to the side so i didn't actually have to rotate it that much so you can see where it's been cut you're going to line up one of the cut sides with your eight inch line oh that's a great trick so that is how you're going to make them all eight inches okay that makes sense oh that is cool i didn't know how you're so now yeah so now these are these are all my eight pictures and what i did i pulled out the ones that i wanted large pieces first and then i went back because you're gonna do the same thing up here you're gonna take this and say you know i can cut i'm gonna come down here and look at this this little guy and line him up inside my 4 and 3 8 section and again i'm going to cut the two sides that i have available and i'm going to turn it and i'm going to use um this flat edge and this one is a little bit tricky because it's four and three eighths you kind of just it's just like a smidge underneath what i would what i would recommend is taking one of your other tools so here and we're going to draw we're going to put a little piece of tape where the 3 8 line is that'll make it a lot easier when you're going through the whole thing and cutting a bunch i kind of just eyeball it because i've made a bunch of cuts now yeah once you do a few you get pretty used to it so then you've got all of your whoops i i'm going to go straight across there i didn't go quite far enough but then you've got your little guys cut out and you're going to do your whole panel picking every part that you want and set them into piles and get ready to go background is way easier to cut so i'll show you that real quick so you're going to cut um you're going to cut a straight what do we think like and because these are eight inches we'll only need eight inches and it does you don't have to start with like super straight edges because you're going to cut everything with your triangle ruler anyways so i'm just going to go one two three four five six seven eight and cut that and then and what's your cut for these little ones four and three eighths that's right okay yeah so you cut a strip that was that size perfect so you can cut these folded but i found that i actually got a few more if i unfolded it because do you want me to press this yeah all right so and when you're doing these you can start with the eight line up there you just have to to pick a place to start and it doesn't really matter because they're all the same right they're equilateral all sides are the same that's right that's right so i'm going to cut this one and i'm going to turn oh yeah that would have been easier left hand yeah i flipped it real quick before you got perfect left-handed cut yep so you just go along and cut these and you can use if as long as you keep one side on the eight they're gonna be great eight is great that's a little bit really like yeah whatever size you're cutting you know whoops i want a little off there but that's okay so you'll do that with all of your all your background pieces and because because it's such a freely creative thing you don't have to cut all of your fabric before you start laying it out you can you can cut enough to where you can get an idea of how many you want but if you want more blue and less yellow or maybe you want to add a green or a purple or whatever you want you can just cut a few see how it looks and then cut a few more if you want them in different places so it leaves it like clearly open for totally whatever you want to create yeah and so much freedom and this way you know with whatever panel you're using whatever colors you want to pull out it's a great way to use college colors it's a great way to use people's favorite colors like whatever what is this color called uh i believe it's medium gray oh it has a purpley look to it it's yeah purple mountain majesty i was beautiful well i took my color card and i lined it up to my panel and i thought the craziest and it worked out great really the next step is just learning to sew the triangles together so we'll start with a little one because we've got to make a bunch of those to match our larger triangles let's do it all three colors too okay i think that'll be cool so misty if you'll just start by sewing these two i like to start with the um the section the piece that i want in the middle okay and if you're doing a bunch of colors it doesn't matter but you want to the reason i start with the one in the middle is because i want them to face a certain way and so if i'm worried about directionality it's easiest to get that one settled here let me fold this up treat the panel with care right so cute there's a lot of cutting left on that guy there really is there's that one all right now i would just finger press this real quick and then add the other side okay and what you want to do with this um is line up the actually if you finger press it the other direction hold on if you finger press away then you can line up the triangle on top of the other triangle right here and so then when these points match you know that you're going to have a good like your seam will be good and um you've got it lined up the way you want it so all right and you can just kind of push that one way or the other to to um make sure you're lining it up right and it's not going to be off and i would have to like lay it out and make sure he's facing the right direction because i'm pretty angrily challenged and so there we go you know i'd have to oh here let me just let me just give that a little prank that'd be great there we go oh he's so cute and then this guy just goes right on the top he's just a cute little lid and anything and you lay it right on top of the other pieces and see how it matches those points for your from your side oh it's perfect and you go straight across okay [Applause] there we go and that's the most complicated part of this whole quilt there we go so now what you what you want to do then is just get all your triangles made and we just put it together in rows so you know i i just did these two side seams and this is a row and then you add your next row so it's very easy um to put together yeah because you're not you don't even have to worry about this whole like what we did here where we did two and then added one on top that's not that's not you're not going to do that again right so super easy um assembly once you've got all your triangles made and yes i just keep adding that adding one i want to see what it's going to look like so yeah so you just lay it out and and figure out where you want things it's so that's it and then how many rows okay so the one thing to remember i did add full triangles on the side and then trimmed it straight it's just way easier for me to do that rather than trying to figure out you know that measurement i'd rather just square it up at the end yeah so that's how i did that and i've got one two well one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve by one two that's right three four five six seven eight okay so perfect it's just a little bit because of the angles yeah yeah yeah it looks awesome great i love it now that's it and i decided not to border it you absolutely could put a border if you wanted to but i just would you have enough panel pieces left to kind of put that in the border i don't think so okay because i pretty much cut out every little bit every bit that i could get and you'll see i mean i've got like just the little top of a tree here and i don't even know what but it's part of a mountain maybe with a little antler in it like it's i kind of tried to get every inch that i could and there's just not a lot of panel left after that it's super cool turned out great all right well it's time for me i guess all right so this is my project right back here and i really love it i'm calling it hexy stacks because they just kind of build on one another i made this completely round hexagon shape and i put it in different places i just made three of them put them in different places now the size of this quilt was determined because in this roll i only have this many light strips and so i use the light in the middle and sewed together my strip sets like this and i only got that many strips so that's what i did them so i had a bunch left over and so i made two other projects that i'll show you as we get toward the end to make my quilt you're going to need one roll of two and a half inch strips and we have used artisan boutiques holiday moments by lund studios for robert kaufman you're going to need three quarters of a yard of accent fabric and that includes the inner border the outer border is three quarters of a yard for the backing you'll need three and one-quarter yards of horizontal seams you'll also need a missouri star eight inch equilateral 60 degree triangle ruler [Music] interestingly when you sew three two and a half inch strips together they should measure six and a half should being the operative word right when you are dealing with rolls like this you know i just go with the flow because that's what i do i sew them together i don't even actually measure them but when they go to make the pattern that matters so the because they have these peaked edges on them different fabric companies measure different ways if you're to lay a ruler across the top of this one it is over two and a half inches wide that's because they have a large pinked edge and they measure from the inside of the peak to the inside of the peak and so if you measure inside here it is two and a half but i count the peak in my fabric and so as i'm sewing them together and i tend to have a little bit smaller um quarter inch yeah a little bit smaller because i sew with a foot that's a little bit smaller and i don't ever measure it i just sew along the edge so mine ended up actually coming out about seven if you're using a regular jelly roll again yours will be six and a half um but uh i just i just made it work with what i was doing and that's a great tip just measure what yours ends up right yeah and then cut all your triangles to the same size yes and so and i also like to cut on on the line i don't want to i don't want to have to make a line that i don't know what it is do you know what i mean i mean it's just like i just want to be like okay this is what we're doing so anyway i have this cool little thing right here and i want to show you because this you know this kit it looks like it's a little bit of work doesn't it yeah but it's really three strips sewn together and we're just going to cut the triangles out and we'll cut a few in a minute but i want to show you where some of these are so you know here's here's our triangle right here you know here's a triangle right here and they're just going back and forth and they're just going back and forth they just go around this way like this you know and we set them up on there and i just think it's fascinating how many different ways you can use these equilateral triangles so um i did try uh folding my strip in half and cutting two at a time that's living dangerously it's not always quite accurate so i would suggest going ahead and opening yours up now i made sure that my my tip was right at the top my seven was right at the bottom of the peak and when you go ahead and cut these um make these cuts you're going to get one where the green is at the tip and we're going to flip our ruler and so the next one the red will be at the tip so i'm going to go ahead and cut these and this is a great time if you want you could use a rotating mat you know we're pretty good at going back and forth like this but don't ever cut dangerously so then on this one the edge is already there so you're really only cutting one side and so i'm going to line this up again this line goes on the seven and this line goes here so out of one strip set you're going to get two pieces that look like this they actually look completely different opposites i actually think that's it's kind of fascinating so as i started putting these together i matched my middles and so this whole little target here has just all green in the middles and so um you're going to need we're going to need three of those and we're just going to keep adding these around and you can switch out so like mine i didn't have enough of one you know one say the same outside cover to keep all of mine together i wanted to go green i wanted to go red and i wanted to keep those together but i didn't have enough of each one now just like natalie did hers when we go to sew these together you match them up exactly and you just lay them on there like that and you're going to sew a quarter inch right down the side so when you did this you laid it all out first overall i did lay it all out first so then that's because i'm very angry challenged and so i can imagine it would be hard for me to to just pick pieces up and get this right i think and i actually sewed them together once i got them laid out i sewed them together in rows like this just like that and so we're going to go over here to the design wall and i'm going to take you two girls with me who are not so angly challenged and we are going to lay some of these out so i just wanted to show how easy it is how nicely they match up you didn't look for the seams to line up or anything she just not particularly she just sewed that seam and look how well it matches i you know she didn't she didn't line them up it's just three strips sewn together and it just comes together so it just looks great so did you just start sewing or did you lay this all out first no i laid it off okay i was gonna say i would have to lay this out i am so angrily challenged i laid it all out first so i've got a bunch here it's even tricky as you're sewing it together it really is you could say okay these two all go this direction but right so you get down here you've got this last one that goes the opposite direction right right that was my favorite part i'm like how did you keep this right in your head so you can see that you know if we go here you'll see we have this one that is sewn to this one but then this one is set in here this way so those are right so it's all the same blocks just set in here differently yeah so um let me finish cutting these and girls if you want to start laying these out okay make a little target and then uh run off the side see where we get and i'm going to finish cutting these with these two they're sewn together sure yeah and do we want to do you have enough reds to complete this one i don't know there's a lot there's a lot of green but maybe we might be able to do this let's do this all right so here's two more now also you guys while they're putting this together this row right here i literally set them together a row so i did not you know i didn't make this whole thing i set them together as a row yeah so if you look over here you have another red out um yeah outer red one an outer red and you'll notice i on the reds i didn't have enough to make a full circle of all the fabrics and so there's different fabrics but it gives it the red look you know it gives it that whole look of being red once you have your circle together then each one is just a round of four right it's just around four whichever direction you're going because see these two right here how this is the bottom of my triangle and it lines up with the side i literally would pick up two and sew them and pick up two and sew them because uh i get turned around really fast with these things that's just that's just my brain i went along i have a red and then i have a green green and a red red so it just works together really easily and really fun now while we were talking about this earlier natalie had some fun ideas she said it would be really fun to do this in solids or like ombres and go from light to dark or do a rainbow color or something like that also you can move these things wherever you want blends right in you can also that looks awesome girls you can also line this up so it forms an x i mean there's just so many ways you can lay this out and it was just really fun now again because i had just a few of the whites and there's so many more reds and greens in this roll of course i wanted to keep making them so i decided that i needed an accent color other than white to show you some things and so i actually use this gold and you'll notice on the edges of my rows here um i actually put a gold triangle here to finish off my row to pop it because i didn't have any more of this white i use all my strips and my my strip sets and i did the same thing natalie did i started and ended with the triangle and then just trimmed that off and added the border and um popped it so then i have can i say something about this so this is a cool trick to know when you're working with these hexagon shape edges if you use all the same fabrics it'll create that border and then if you want your top and bottom borders to match you just measure this so this is three inches which means that this top and bottom border also needs to be three inches a great trick yeah and that way you can have like this really cool frame that looks nice on the inside of your of your quilt and then you can put whatever border you want outside right but that gives you that cool like like your the center of your quilt is floating a little bit yeah just a cool thing and since i had this is actually how this happened since i had a bunch of these three-inch strips cut you know for the top and the bottom and i ended up like only using one with the fabric across here i had several of these cuts and so i'm like well i'm going to stick this in the middle of my strips so i sewed a red strip on the outside and a green strip out here and i did the same thing again and made these other quilts so these are runners and if you know me at all you know i mean i have a lot of children so i love runners because you know you can get a lot of runners and i have a lot of children and i like to give them a great gift it's a great gift by the way absolutely yeah i don't need all the runners on my tables and all my holidays that's exactly right so this one right here you can see we have a wider gold in here which means that our um you know our our little measurement is going to be a little bit different and this is one full circle so so then your triangles are going to be a little bit different because you're using a bigger size because we put this three and a half inch strip in here and you'll cut them out but it goes together exactly the same way and so for these right here we put six together let's see one two three four five six i had to check that to make sure and then again the four around the outside edge and four around the outside edge and just made this great i love that you get to keep the point on this yes i like that too and then i also like it's kind of an odd shape but having these run together into here it makes like a totally different look it really does and also when you do when you do these little corners it's not like uh 45ing it or anything like that i mean you just i just you know made it work around the edges and you know i don't worry about that now this one is really fun because it's the same triangles but again it's a completely different layout so look at that isn't that so fun completely different layout and so again let's look where the triangles are so if we're so this time the gold is the order yes the gold is at the top and so here's this one and then over here here's this one and here's this one and we just kind of rotated them around you know so that they made this kind of whirly gig looking thing right and then again this kind of kind of looks like a chevron and these ones are are then opposite yeah i love to create this little like a little finishing edge each of these individually you could make an entire quilt of yeah that that design oh absolutely create like endless layouts yeah well misty in the last triple play that we did where we used this yeah i think you did a quilt that had the whirly gigs in it i did yeah that was the hexagon with the hexagons but it gives you some white seams too remember oh that's right well i think this is much easier it is easier but it is it was a good way to learn the wine so anyway it's just fun to see how these go together it's a great way to play with a design and um you know you can do all kinds of different things with it so misty i guess you're up absolutely yes so i am really really excited about this quilt when i saw we were going to be doing the 60 degree triangle i knew it was the perfect time to try and recreate this antique quilt that we have it lives at my mom's at my mom and dad's but it was made by my great great grandma etta and so i brought it to show you the inspiration you get in front of this okay oh there you go okay and we will hold this up behind me and so you can see her stars are much bigger and it was all um hand sewn and hand quilted and there are quite a few y seams in here gorgeous isn't it so beautiful i'm pretty sure this is my house it is and so it's gorgeous it's an absolute treasure and i wanted to recreate it and great great do you have any idea of the year i don't i know she i believe she died in 1956 oh okay so it's probably 30s 40s yeah or a little bit earlier yeah it has that neoni green in there yeah it could be i i am not sure i would love to know yeah for sure that's awesome i know i want that knowledge yeah me too so let me show you how we do this to make my quilt you're going to need one package of 10 inch squares and i used love always for anna maria horner for free spirit fabrics you'll also need one yard of bella marigold accent fabric three quarter yards of bella peacoat accent fabric three yards of background fabric one and a quarter yards for your border and five and a quarter yards with vertical seams for your backing [Music] i started using layer cake squares so to begin with we are going to cut three and a quarter inch strips out of our layer cake stickers can i also say this layer cake is gorgeous isn't it beautiful i love it i love it she's so talented this is anime and maria horner yes so gorgeous all right so three and a quarter and we're going to cut three of those strips so one oops i got one little thread stuck the nice thing about three and a quarter is you use that layer cake really exactly you don't have hardly any left over two and make sure we're all straight there we go and that's all our and do you say that to all your layers all your layer cakes you're going to cut them all exactly the same way and i did go ahead and stack them once i had my strips cut because why not because why not yeah if you don't have to worry about seams then you stack up your fabric and cut exactly and so then we're going to use our template and we're going to cut three and a quarter inch triangles and you should be able to get four across so we'll make one cut there's that one okay and then now we can just rotate and cut across just making sure we're on that three and a quarter inch line and there actually isn't a three and a quarter inch line on here so it's in between the big saw so if it bothers you at all you could put a little piece of tape or draw a little sharpie line or something like that but there is the the little mark on the edge you can check on the edge that's right i didn't see that when i when i started that comment that's okay and how many do you get four four yeah all the way across so you don't have a whole lot of waste that's all your waste there oops and then we can just set that aside and so now you're going i like to keep i like i said you're going to cut all your layer cake squares but i like to keep them kind of together in sets so that all of my fabrics stay together and then we're going to take half of these so six of them because you're going to have 12 triangles total and we are going to put the little middles on them so each flower uses all of the pieces from from the layer layer exactly you have you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve to make that that's very cool yeah that is exactly so it makes it really easy as long as you keep those cuts together to manage all of your your fabric and then the magic really is in the layout so initially i thought oh before i cut these i can just sew it to a strip and cut it well like we learned from yours you get the opposite it only works on one cut it doesn't work when you flip the ball exactly and so i was like that's not going to work for this because i just need my middles i need them all to go the same way so what i did is i i picked this accent fabric i went with this gold and i cut a two inch strip and so what you're going to do or what i ended up doing what i found easiest is i actually lined my two inch strip up on my big long straight side but then i sewed it on this edge oh geez [Applause] a whole bunch i did so because i remember you need six of of each and so i just put them through there and just sewed one after the other so if we want to do a few of those i thought we could show how that turns out okay that's actually really genius i've been like measuring it from the trap trying to figure out that's why i did it first so once i finally figured this out i was like oh this is so much easier so much easier there we go yep okay and i just sew across and you can kind of overlap them a little bit on the back and if this is like confusing to you i think it's uh two inch squares you can actually cut and just lay the square on each individual one but for me this was so much faster yeah you're still gonna have to do a lot of cutting so making you're going to cut either way one less cut to square or you're going to cut the strip exactly outside that's actually really cool and i just keep sewing straight across even though there's nothing that's exactly how i did it don't have to raise and lower your presser foot yeah and i was pretty pleased with myself once i figured this out because it was six this is the right number i think it was so too many you've got four so you have two just double checking [Applause] it's interesting it is interesting to me how many different ways there are to do i know all the things and as you're working on certain things you know new ideas come and and you figure out ways to to make it quicker and easier now is it easier to cut them all out individually or did you iron the strip up and so i had better luck coming through and trimming in between and so i just you know kind of slid my scissors in here and and then turn them up and then you fold them up and press okay let me press this up by your cut now yep that'd be perfect just make sure you don't cut off any of your uh tips there when you're cutting in between these that would be a sad day i mean then you just have to do it again it's true it's true all right it does feel a little kind of weird just ironing this one i know and then we can come back and use our our ruler again and just trim off those tops that's what i did because we want it to still finish up at that three and a quarter so we're just going to keep trimming these and three more just making sure i got them all ironed i think so now um i do want to point out when i picked the gold i thought it would be really beautiful in the centers um which i am very happy with it but if i did this again i would probably pick a darker color for the center and the reason is because on some of these prints you can see them through the gold so then so you just have to fold it back and trim them off absolutely and so once i trimmed out my triangle i just you know use a straight edge and trim all those off but if you used a darker fabric i wouldn't do that yeah and so that would save you that step that makes sense yeah this isn't a big deal it's not i thought i had how many do i have left i only did nothing needs to be not everything needs to be done at hyper speed it's true i tend to do a lot of really fast things yeah but i enjoy a project that you know you put a little time out yeah and this is definitely one of those that is a labor of love it is more time consuming it's not hard it's just going to take you a little more time but it is totally doable okay so then let's talk about um how this lays out natalie actually helped me come up with the layout on this which i'm so grateful for the design process is really fun yeah through a lot of ideas and a lot of different tries like what if we do this and what if we do that yeah when i first started laying this out i had them just in individual triangles and you can imagine all these little pieces it was very overwhelming and that suggested well what if you make these little units and so let's show you how that comes together i'll go ahead and lay out one of our stars here so you can see all of our middles point towards one another just like that and then we can go in and add the points if i can get them apart here there's that one and that one just like so and so how i actually did it is i went ahead and sewed these sets of five together just like they are here in a row in a row like this yeah okay so one two three four five then if you have those sections yeah you can lay your quilt out and still decide i want my you know pink flower here so i have some of these already less pieces to deal with exactly it's so much easier on the layout i can't even can't even begin to tell you so you can see just how all of theirs went together in rows you're going to sew these little segments in the exact same way you don't have to worry about that you just make all of these middle sections of your stars exactly the same so it's really one of those things that kind of becomes rote as you're working through it i'm going to have some of those done i have some of those done so let me show you the layout of that so then you can see these segments just like so and you can set them together and now it's kind of the guiding star because you know you know those are going to come together exactly and make more sense to your brain and exactly these that are the points and so points now the magic in getting these diamonds in between is we actually make units using our background and our other accent fabric in the exact same way and so you can see we have two background triangles one accent and two background and so we're going to have a stack of those ready to go just like our flowers and then it's the same size the exact same size okay yep and so what size is that again well each of our individual triangles is three and a quarter inches and so for these you just cut you know three and a quarter inch strips and cut out a bunch of your triangles and then we're going to assemble them like this and then now for the layout you can see this is going to go here and then this drops in between and on these pieces we just have a background triangle in between them so we have each one of these is a row so this is a row here exactly but you are going to want to lay it out to make sure that everything lines up and matches and and that your pattern forms exactly you i mean layout is the key there's really no way around it on this one where did my little oh there's the tips there's that i'm hanging on to it that's okay and then you can just see how quickly this starts coming together and then we can put our next star in here and these pieces just meet like that and then once you have it all laid out you can just start assembling and you'll notice on the ends here you might have some odd little like here's two backgrounds and um an accent and here we end with two backgrounds but i did the same thing where i have a full triangle on either end and i just cut everything straight and so i just had you know it the pattern tells you exactly how many of each one you need it is a lot and you just go through and you fill it in but the body of the quilt by doing this method comes together so so fast now on your grandma's quilt those triangles are a lot bigger they are yeah and uh and is there a reason you didn't do them that size the only reason i didn't is because i was working with a layer cake i think this would be an awesome fat quarter quilt you could use bigger triangles out of your fat quarters which is a great option those measurements come on this ruler exactly whatever you want yeah because all the triangles are the same size exactly and so yeah i i love it it has so much meaning to me and i hope you guys enjoyed it and i can't wait to see it in other fabrics i'm really excited yeah all kinds of different boxes i went ahead and put a little inch and a half inner border and i believe this is a five inch outer border on that and this quilting is patterned this is also one of my favorites i love this bow tie bow dangle it i thought it was perfect for it well it's just so whimsical and fun with these little you know they're just the little cute little flowers yeah oh and the backing on this is so fun too so we better show that nice big flowers isn't that awesome she does such a great job so anyway this is grandma at his stars beautiful awesome thanks so anyway that's it for our triple play today we hope you enjoyed all these new fun ideas we've got so many things going on don't forget that you can download our app and actually search equilateral triangle and it will give you all the different ideas for this one template and many more to come and many more to come and we hope you enjoyed this triple play from the missouri star quilt company we hope you enjoyed watching this video if you are not already part of the missouri star quilt family you can hit the subscribe button below so you won't 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Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 120,744
Rating: 4.9110918 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Co, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, triple play tutorial, missouri star triple play, layer cake quilt, triangle quilt pattern, equilateral triangle quilt, jelly roll quilt
Id: H-hMZmgrTDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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