Make a "Jenny Lane" Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the  Missouri Star Quilt Company. And   take a look at this quilt behind me. Isn’t  this great? Our little neighborhood quilt   with all of our houses. Now you guys  know how much I love the tiny house.   And we actually did the tiny house in  Block magazine here. This is volume   seven issue one. And I’ve actually made a whole  quilt of these but I actually did a little   table runner using the houses that are in this  block. So it shows you how to make it in there.   But then in Best of Block which is our new big  hardbound book, we did a house quilt and we made   the little houses into two story houses as well.  So we have this great quilt that has these small   and the two story houses in there but no video.  So of course I thought that I want to do a video   on these tall houses but then we decided to  throw in a big house and a tree as well. So   you’re getting the whole kitten kaboodle today and  we’re going to show you how to make that quilt. So to make this quilt you’re going to need one  packet of ten inch squares. And we have used   Hummingbird Lane by Lynn Studios for Robert  Kaufman. And the Hummingbird Lane actually   is how this quilt got its name because it made  me hum Penny Lane which is an old Beatles tune   and all of a sudden I thought Penny Lane,  why don’t we call this Jenny Lane. And so   that’s how the quilt got its name. You never  know how a quilt is going to get its name.   But it has this beautiful hummingbird fabric on  it that we used in the border. And also you’re   going to need some background fabric. You’re going  to need about 2 ¾ yards. And that will take care   of this inner border out here. And then for your  outer border you’re going to need 1 ¼ yards and   this backing back here. Isn’t that gorgeous? We  used five yards of backing and, you know, so just   two 2 ½ yards pieces sewn together vertically.  And we also used a hummingbird quilting pattern.   Isn’t that just gorgeous? Can you see that little  hummingbird right there? It’s just so cute.   And so it just makes a beautiful quilt. The quilt  is 71 by 82. So it makes a really nice size quilt. So the first thing we’re going to do is we’re  going to make our tiny house first. And since   we’re dealing with ten inch squares we’re going  to cut those in half both directions to give us   four five inch squares. And so we’re just going  to lay our ruler on the edge both ways. And I have   two pieces stacked up here that are  contrasting. You want some contrast   between your squares because you want, we’re going  to swap them out, you know, one’s going to be the   roof, one’s going to be the door. We want them  to look differently. Alright so we’re going to   set two of these aside and we are going to make  our cuts out of these two. And what I’m going to   do is I’m going to cut a half an inch right off  the end because our houses end up 4 ½. And this   will just make it easier so that I don’t forget  that. So I’m going to move these off to the side.   Then I’m going to turn these because my house  is going to be 4 ½ width wise. So the first   thing I’m going to do is I’m going to cut my 1 ½  inch header piece off of my, it should be 1 ½ by   4 ½ so just measure it to make sure that you’re  cutting on the right side. And set that aside.   That’s the header board. And then we’re going  to do our two side walls. And the side walls are   three by two. So I’m going to cut this down  to three, just cut a three inch strip on here.   And then I’m going to cut two inches, two by three  like this. And then one more little side wall. So   right here you’ll see I’m building the  house. And then two by three right here.   And we’re building the house. Now we need the  roof and the door. And so our roof is going to   be 4 ½ by 2 ½ and so again lay your ruler  on and make sure it is the right size and   that you’re cutting it the right direction.  That can be a really easy mistake to make. So here’s our roof up here. And I actually cut  several houses and put all my roofs into an area   because I like to swap them out. I like all my  roofs to be different. Then we need to cut our   little doorway. And our little doorway is 1  ½ by three. And you guys know when I made the   big house quilt of this one I put all kinds of  fun things looking out these doors so don’t be   afraid to do that as well. So 1 ½ by three is  our door. And it’s going to go here. And we   are going to swap it out like this so now our  house has the two walls with a different door.   And that will make it look really cute. So we’re  going to sew these together. And then I’m going   to put a little different roof on it and put my  little door here. Make sure I have all my pieces.   And we’re just going to sew these together. And first I’m going to sew  the bottom half of my house   and it’s going to be a quarter of an inch and I’m  putting my side walls next to my door like this.   And then I’m just going to finger press this open  and do another side wall. And this should measure,   at the end of it, it should measure 4 ½.  And then we’re going to add our header   piece right here. So I’m going to put that on  the top. And go ahead and stitch that down.   And we are going to put these right together.   And then what we’re going to do is we’re  going to add our roof piece to this.   And let me grab my iron so I can press this down.   So I’m going to press this. Now normally I would  have a bunch of little roofs cut. I don’t, I just   have the one that I cut for this one. So I’m going  to add that roof right here. And it’s the blue   roof. And I’m going to add it directly to the top  and then I’m going to snowball both of the corners   with a 2 ½ inch square that I’ve cut from the  background. You can also use the little 2 ½ inch   squares that are pre cut. Those are really super  handy but that’s what we’re going to do for this   little house. So I’m going to set my roof on here  like this, sew right across. And then because this   is batik it is so easy to finger press back. It  just lays down so nice. And then what I’m going   to do is I’m going to take these little squares  and I’m going to put them on the side like this   and snowball each side like this. And we’re going  to sew corner to corner. Now you can draw the   line, press the line or you can use the diagonal  seam tape which is what I’m going to do. I’m going   to put mine right here and sew corner to corner  on the red line and sew directly on that line   like that. We are just going to  trim this off and press it back.   So I’m laying my ruler about a quarter of an  inch over that seam, past that seam I mean.   And then we’re just going to press  this down. And then I’m going to   add my other square to the other corner  again sewing diagonally corner to corner.   And that’s going to make our little house and it’s  just as easy as that. They’re so quick and fun.   Because I do so much sewing for work this is one  of those little projects that I’ll make a couple   of these in the morning when I get to work and it  just feels like I’ve done something fun for myself   and I just love these little houses.  Alright so here’s our first little house. So now we’re going to talk about the tall house.  And this is our tall house, it’s a two story   house. And we’re going to do the same thing. We’re  going to cut our two layer cakes. I have two that   have high contrast and we’re going to cut those  into four. And you don’t have to do this, it just   makes it easier for my brain. But I’m going to  cut these into fourths like this. And you can see   right here on our tall house we have a roof that  is 2 ½ by 4 ½. We have a header board that’s 2 ½   by 4 ½ and we have another header border that is  2 ½ by 4 ½. So we’re going to have to cut three of   those first which means one of these we’re going  to cut off our half inch so it’s 4 ½ right here.   And then I’m just going to cut it in half.  I’m going to turn it and cut it 2 ½ by 4   ½. And we’ll get two rectangles. Those are  our header boards. We need to cut one more   because that’s our roof. And again our  roofs, all the roofs go in a pile and I   swap them out one with another. So I’ve cut a  half an inch off of this one. I’m turning it,   making sure that it’s 4 ½ by 2 ½. And I’m  going to cut one of those off of there so   now we have our three big middle pieces and  we’re going to set those aside over there. So the next thing we’re going  to cut is we’re going to cut   our little window right here, see our little  window in the middle . So that’s a 2 ½ inch piece   which we have right here already cut. And again  we have these layered so we’re making two houses.   So the window is 2 ½ by two. So I’ve  got a 2 ½ piece on here like this.   And I”m going to turn that and trim down  to two. So 2 ½ by two is our window.   Alright so we’ve got our three wall pieces and  our window cut and my next cut I’m going to cut   my doorway. So I’m going to cut a three inch  strip off of this next square there. And my   doorway is going to be 1 ½ by three. So I’m just  going to put my ruler right there, 1 ½ by three.   And then I need a wall. Now  you can see on this house   we’ve staggered our doorway to the side so  we need another 1 ½ by three for the wall.   And then we need a 2 ½ by three for our other wall  which we’re going to get out of this other square.   So let’s go ahead and cut a 2 ½ inch strip off of  here. And then I’m going to turn that and get a 2   ½ by three right here. So those are our walls.  Now all we have left are the little side pieces   on our window. And those pieces are 1 ½ by two.  So take a look at the little pieces you have left   and we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to cut  1 ½ by two out of these little scraps. So we’ve   got, I’m going to have to cut that way and then  I’m going to cut this a little way. 1 ½ by two.   And then I’ll cut this one over here also  1 ½ by two. And it is two inches wide   so we’re just going to cut that right there.  And that one is almost the right width. You   could probably get two out of that one little  scrap but my cutting wasn’t exact so I couldn’t.   So you actually have this piece leftover  which also you can add to your roof pile. Alright so let’s layout this house so we can see  how it goes together. Alright so the first thing   we’re going to do is we are going to take,  separate our pieces and we’re going to put   our blue window in and put the blues over here.  And our pink, the outside of this house is the   pink and red print. And then we are going to put  our walls down here so everything is going to be   pink on this except the window and the door.  So here’s our bottom piece and then here is   our middle piece. And then here’s our window,  another middle piece. And now I’m going to   grab from my pile of roofs that I had over here  earlier and put a different colored roof on here. Alright so now I have another piece that’s  contrasting for my roof and we’re just going   to sew all of these together. Now over here you  can see we have another house that looks just   like it. It’s just all going to be in blue with  a pink door. And we’ll add that. And we’ll add   our little windows here with our pink window.  And we’ll add this top piece and then we’ve got   a roof up here like this and that’s, so you can  see how you can get two houses out of one square.   So let’s go ahead and sew our bottom squares  together. Foundation is the most important.   Now on some of mine I noticed that I have  my door to the left and some to the right.   That’s not going to matter at all.  You just do whatever you want.   Also as I’ve been making these a lot and not  this particular house but the little houses,   sometimes I have a little guy who’s looking out  my door and he’s a little bit wider so I made my   door a little wider and my walls a little narrow  because that’s the what if factor because I wanted   to show more of who was peeking out the door. And  as long as the house uniformly stays 4 ½ inches   wide you can, you know, you can play with those  measurements a little bit if you want to. Alright   so now we’re going to add our first header piece  right here. We’ve got our doorway sewn together   with our walls. And there’s the header and this  is the first story of our house right here.   And so now we’re going to go ahead and sew our  window pieces. Now you’ll know right away if   you have these going the wrong direction because  they’re not going to match. So the two goes to   the two and your window goes long way in there.  We like a nice big picture window for our house.   And we’re going to go ahead and sew this  on. And then we’ll sew our other side.   And then we can add this to the bottom of our  house. We have our header on here so we’re going   to add this next to the bottom and then add our  header to the top of that as well. So these are   all, they go together so nicely because we’ve  cut them all correctly, with any luck, right?   Alright so now we’re going to add the other header   and then I’m going to press this real good before  I add my roof piece. Now on your roof piece you   can actually snowball the corners before you  put them on or you can snowball them after.   I’m going to add my roof and snowball my corners  after. Now because this is still a 4 ½ inch piece,   those corner squares that we  used are going to be 2 ½ square.   The same as on the little house  because it’s only 4 ½ wide.   So again I’m going to do this roof just like  I did the little house roof. And we’re just   going to add a corner here and sew diagonally  corner to corner using this diagonal seam tape.   So I have a little confession about the diagonal  seam tape to make. So I love the diagonal seam   tape and my sewing machine in my studio is set  into a desk and I can move it in and out of there.   And so because my tape couldn’t go across the  crack I actually drew a sharpie line from the   bottom of my tape on my desk so that I still had  a middle line and I thought I was pretty clever,   you know, but it just kind of cracked me up  thinking about it. So whatever works for you guys.   My little tape could only go so  far before the edge of my table.   Alright so now I’ve got both of  these sides on and our little house,   how cute is that? So next I’m going  to show you how to make the big house. So now I’m going to show you how to make  the big house. Now the big house is made   identically to the little house but the pieces are  obviously a little bit bigger. So the first thing   we’re going to do is we again going to stack two  ten inch squares together that have good contrast.   And I’m going to start by cutting a  3 ½ inch strip right off the side.   Now what that should give me, this is going to be  my header board. And what that should give me is,   it should give me a 6 ½ inch piece. And my side  walls and my doors I should be able to get out   of that. So I’ve got two 3 ½ so here’s one. 3  ½ by 6 ½, look at it and make sure it’s right.   There’s one, there’s two, 3 ½ by 6 ½.   And then you should be left with a piece that is  three by 6 ½. That’s going to be your door. So now   what we’re going to do is we are going to sew this  together and we are going to swap out the doorway   so that we have a different door just like this. So now we have our two 3 ½ inch pieces for our  walls and our three inch piece for the door   and we’re going to sew the bottom of this  together. We’re just going to sew a quarter   of an inch right down the side. And because these  pieces are so close in size make sure that you   look to make sure that you have the right pieces  because this block we want to end up nine inches.   Alright so here is our top piece, I mean  our other wall. Here is our wall piece.   Now we’re going to press these. And I like  to press the way they want to go. These want   to go to the outside. So I’m going to press  them out. They’re not going to line up with   anything so it doesn’t really matter.  Now this block should measure nine so   our header piece has to measure nine which  means we need to take an inch off of this.   So we’re just going to cut an inch off the end  right here. And then we’re going to take our same,   the same header board as our walls and we’re  going to sew it to these. So just like this.   Alright so now we have our header board  sewn on and we are going to press that.   Now out of another layer cake you’re going  to cut two roofs out of another layer cake.   And the roofs are going to be five  by nine. So you cut one layer cake in   half and just cut that inch off. That’s  what we have here, five by nine piece.   This is going to be our roof. We’re going  to put it on here, sew it on. And then just   like the little house we are going to add our  corners that give it that peaked roof look.   And out of your background fabric you’re going  to cut some squares that are five inches.   And so this is what it looks like now. We’re  going to grab our five inch squares over here   and we are going to put them on here, and again  sew diagonally just like they did. But this is   so much to waste out here so I sewed it diagonally  and then I came back and sewed it again. And with   those very triangles I’m going to show you how  to make the tree that appears in the houses. And   that’s kind of fun I think. I love the no waste  part. So I’m going to start right here and so   line up my edge to edge on my red  line of my diagonal seam tape.   And then I am just going to kind of eyeball  it, come around and sew about a ½ an inch out.   Alright, then what we’re going  to do is we’re going to trim this   in between the two stitch  lines right here, in between.   And then we’re going to press this  roof back and add the other side   right here. Now I am pressing, I just  let this go the way it wanted to go,   you know, and so it is not to the dark side. So if  you have a fabric that shows through you may want   to alter the way you press that. I’m ok with mine  going that way. I don’t worry about the pressing   too much as long as I can’t see it through the  front and it’s nice and flat. Alright so we’re   going to sew straight across this block and then  turn around and come back up about a half an inch   just like that. And then we’re going to  cut in between the two stitch lines again.   And press this back.   Alright, so this is our big house.  How easy was that? Alright so now   I’m going to show you how to use these  leftover triangles to make the tree. So now I’m going to show you how to make the  tree. We’re making the tree with our leftover   half square triangles that we cut off the  roof. And when you cut two roofs from a square,   you’re going to cut that in half five by nine,  remember is the measurement. So you’re going   to get actually two sets of these and it takes two  sets to make the tree. So one set from each house,   two houses makes one tree. And so what we’re  going to do now is we’re going to press these   open and I’m going to press to the dark side.  And because there’s an overlap in the middle,   one of our squares will have a little  bit of the white on it like this.   So what I did with that was I decided that I  wanted to make sure that that was never caught in   the seam. And so I squared them down to four. Now  that gives us a little bit of waste but it makes   a great little size tree and it eliminates this  problem up here. So I’m laying my ruler on here   at the four line. And I’m going to trim both  sides, I’m using the bloc loc ruler for this. You   can use any squaring tool that you’d like. And I’m  going to trim off both sides so that it’s exactly   square. So one here and one here. And then we’ll  show you one more time. We’ll do it on this one   too. This one, one of them will have that little  piece of extra white in the corner and one of them   doesn’t so you’re home free on one and the other  one you just have to watch that edge so you make   sure you don’t catch it in. Alright so now we’re  at four. My four is lining up exactly on one side   so I only need to trim off this side right here.  And that is what we’re going to use for our tree. So we’re going to sew two of these together  like this. I have my other two already done   and ready for you. Then the bottom of  our tree, this trunk is 2 ½ by five.   And so it’s going to go right here. And  our side pieces from our background fabric   are going to be three by five and we’re going to  put those together just like that. So let’s start   by sewing our half square triangles together.  And I’m just going to lay them over like this.   And we’re just going to sew. I’m, on a half  square triangle when I have the choice I like   to sew from the bottom to the top because  there’s no seams there. And so I’m going to   start these from the bottom to the top and  just sew straight up a quarter of an inch.   And the top is where all the seams come together  and so that’s what I’m calling the top. So the   bottom, it’s just nothing is there. And I’m going  to make sure the top lines up with each other,   sew a quarter of an inch up the side. Then  what we’re going to do is we’re going to   press these open. And I’m just pressing  my seams to one side and this one too.   And then we’re just going to stack them on top of  each other like this to make our two tiered tree.   So I’m going to put this up here and sew straight  across. Now I want to make sure that these seams   are nested. And so one seam is going this way,  one seam is going that way. And they just nest   right up next to each other. And that will  help with the bulk in that seam right there.   Alright so sew a few, open it up and  make sure your seams are nice and nested.   You can put a pin in there if you want.   And then our top is ready. And I’m  going to go ahead and press this seam   back to this side so it lays down nice and flat.   And then I’m going to open it up, press these  two open. It gives you a nice tree top. And then   we’re going to sew the trunk which is just two  quarter inch seams with our trunk in the center   like that. Open it up.   I’ve actually made some of these test blocks  in different fabrics and it looks cute in so   many fabrics. You know, it can be a Halloween  village or a Christmas village or you know,   I mean just, I just think it’s so cute how  you can customize it. Alright so I’ve pressed   that open. Now we’re just going to sew this to  the top and it should fit exactly and it does.   And so we’re just going to sew this to  the top, the trunk to the top of the tree   right here. Make sure it’s all lined up.  Your seam on your half square triangles   just centers up in the middle of your  trunk and so you can do that with a pin   if you’d like. Because my block fits exactly,  I know the tree is ending up in the center   or at least I’m very hopeful. So here let’s  look at it. Alright there it is and there’s   your little tree from the little leftover  half square triangles and it just is so cute. So once you have all your pieces made you get  to put them together. And how I did it was   obviously these shorter guys have to have a piece  of fabric above them to make this row all the same   height all along the top. So the piece you’re  going to add to your little four inch houses   is going to be 4 ½. And for all these are 4 ½ by  8 ½ up here. Our big house is perfect. Our trees   need a 2 ½ inch strip on the top of it. And again  another big house. And then our two story house   needs a four inch by 4 ½ again they’re 4 ½. So in  laying this out that’s kind of the trick of this   quilt. We had two big houses in each row and we  just staggered them around. One tree in each row.   And then these little houses, there was a  combination because they’re all the same width,   there’s a combination of eight in every  row. So you can play with it. You can move   them around. You can do whatever you want to  do to make them work and to make them fit.   And then basically once you get your top pieces  sewn on and you sew all these little pieces   together you’re just sewing together big rows. So  we have one, two, three, four, five rows of houses   in our Jenny Lane housing development. I hope  this is fun for you. I hope you mix it up. I   hope you try some new things, try some different  fabrics. I can’t wait to see what you do. So   we hope you enjoyed this tutorial on the Jenny  Lane quilt from the Missouri Star Quilt Company. We hope you enjoyed watching this video. If  you’re not already part of the Missouri Star   quilt family you can hit the subscribe button  below so you won’t miss a thing. And if you   click that bell it will notify you every time  a new tutorial comes out. See you next Friday.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 164,758
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, house quilt, house quilt pattern, house quilt block tutorial, house quilts free patterns, layer cake quilts, layer cake patterns, house quilt tutorial, home quilt, quilting
Id: dnuEVrUr8Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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