Make a "Book Review" Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co (Video Tutorial)

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hi everybody it's jenny from the missouri  star quilt company and i am super excited   about today's project because i've wanted to do  a bookcase quilt forever i've actually started   saving specific fabrics to make a bookcase  and so i decided that we ne i'm never going   to have all the fabrics i need and you're not  going to be able to get all the fabrics i have   so we're going to do it out of a cake line because  there's so many different fabrics in a case line   so much fun to play with but this design has  got to be yours let's look at the quilt isn't   this great now this i'm going to show you how  to make this block all these elements these   are going to be your design elements this has  to be a quilt that reflects you because it's   a very personal quilt and so i'm going to show  you how to do this but i want you to adapt it   to what you do to make the book review quilt  you're going to need one packet of 10 inch   squares and we have used cave classics prism by k  facet for free spirit fabrics you're going to need   two and a half yards of a background fabric you're  going to need a quarter yard of some accent fabric   for your bookshelf you're going to need one and  a half yards of whatever color you choose for   your outer border you're going to need one yard of  fabric for your backing you're going to need five   yards of vertical seams or two and an eighth yards  of a 108 wide you also may need a little heat and   bond light for your embellishing and it will also  be helpful to have a 12 and a half inch square okay so the first thing i want to show you is  how to make the books so what we're going to do   is we're going to take a six inch piece of fabric  and then we are going to open that up and cut it   and we are going to grab four different squares  from our pack of fabrics and i did i literally did   i mean you're going to do them all but when i was  doing it i wanted to see all the different ones   so i literally picked four different pieces and  so we're going to go in here and we're going to   get one that has these circles on it one that has  these pieces on it maybe a purple one back here   this is really a fun line because there's  so many different things i mean cafe is just   wildly creative with his fabrics all  right let me pull this one out of here   we're going to have oh let's do a what do  we have here oh two greens we don't want two   greens we want to put an orange or something  in there let me see here how about this one all right so then what we're going to do is we are  going to sew these squares onto this black so lay   them right sides on here and we're just going  to sew right down the side a quarter of an inch   and attach these now make sure you're  down from the selvage you don't want the   selvage in your quilt so come down like that  and then we're just going to sew like this and then we're going to add another square and you should be able to get  four squares on one six inch strip and of course there are loads of  ways to do this and uh this is   just the way that worked for my brain  that came came into my mind the easiest here's one more all right once you get your blocks sewn on squares   what i'm going to do is i'm going to  come in here now and trim these up   so let me scoot this out of the way here  and i'm going to just trim these like this and then i've got this one here and this one here   and then i'm going to stack these  over here on the ironing board and go ahead and trim all of these and then  we'll press them back all at once all right   there's our trim i feel like there is some  waste in this book's case quilt just because   the nature of how we're going to do it but the  outcome is so worth it it just looks so darling   all right so we've got all these  trimmed up we're going to iron them back   all right so i want you to press set your seam  and then we're just going to roll this back   we want our seam to stay to the dark side  when you're putting black fabric you don't   want it to show through your other fabric set  your seam and roll that back grab another one set your seam and roll that back the last one  here set your seam and roll that back all right   now what we're going to do is we're going to stack  these on top of each other and i do four at a time   so let's line these up really nicely and you don't have to do four at a time  you can do however many you want you do   want to make sure that if you're going to do  several that they are lined up really well there's that one and this one needs to  come over just a little bit all right   so now comes part of the first part of the  creative process anyway because you get to   decide how wide you want these books to be so you  could have the warren piece book or you could have   the tiny poetry book which either one you want  so you're going to make random cuts now i my cuts   truly are random this is a two inch like here and  you're going to cut all the way through and then   maybe this one is going to be a three  and i'm just slide my ruler up to meet it   this one could be a one and a half we're  going to have some skinny books up here and then this one i think i'll do a i'll do a two  and so i'll end up with a little bit of a maybe   a one and a half out there but they can be all  different sizes and every set of layer cakes that   you sew together and cut should be all different  sizes you really want lots of different sizes   in your bookshelf that's what i think gives it  the texture and the fun and so you're going to   do this to a bunch of these and you're just going  to stack them up over here until you've got a nice   big pile of them and then we're going to start  putting our books together now i have some here   that i've cut before right here and i'm just going  to add to this stack and then what we're going to   do is we're just going to sew these together now  when you go to sew them together you have a lot   of play room here and you just want to make sure  that you're not too far south and too far north   so we want to stagger these we want these to be  a little different and i'm going to put a couple   little books together just like this and i'm going  to go like this and see how they line up like that   this one can be even a little shorter like that  maybe and then this one could even be a little   taller over here or maybe they're the same height  they're just a hair different i always i always   don't love the exact same i wanted to be just a  little different so we're going to start sewing   some of these together and i think maybe i'll add  in a larger piece right in the middle of these   all right so i'm going to sew  these two little ones together   and my piece just slid out from under the  other piece so it's going to be even lower yet now i am sewing this with white  thread that's so you guys can see it   you'll probably want to use black  or whatever color your background   is maybe your background is going  to be light and that's okay too all right so i'm just going to open  this up kind of finger press it down   i mean you can iron it if you want i ironed mine  uh when i was doing in my studio because i have a   little ironing board right there i don't even  have to get up off my chair all right so now   i'm going to add this one i'm going to stagger  it up a little bit and it's a little bit fatter let's add a few more let's see this looks like a fun one   he's going to be a shorty we're  going to make him go way down here now we're going to put another  little tiny in here he'll be tall and you can see there's no measuring  it's just really playful fun and you want to get your block to be about 12  and a half inches because we are going to trim   them down to that but that's what your block  you you know that's what you're shooting for   when you're putting these together now  i have a piece that started over here   like this here's my other piece and i'm going  to add that to this side right here and just   sew these two together and this is going to be  wider than 12 but i'll show you what i do here there we go all right so now we have this nice big  piece here we're going to press it out   i'm not really worried about what the seams  are doing i'm looking for a nice flat block   you are welcome to flip yours over and  make it go the direction that you choose   and we'll flip this over and look at  it oh it's a little scary not too bad all right all right so now what we're going  to do is we're going to take our 12 inch ruler   and we are going to cut this into a 12 and a half  inch block and so this i don't do well with rulers   that have a half an inch on them unless i need  that half an inch to make my whole block which   is what i'm going to do and so what i'm going  to do here is i'm going to set this on my lowest   book right here and then i'm just going to trim  this off now you can see right here i have two   little extra pieces over here they will go on  the next book and so i'm just going to take this   and i'm going to cut across the top  right here and when i was talking   earlier about it's a little bit wasteful i  mean that's not terrible for what you get   but it you know it is a little bit of waste and  so this is a great one to use scraps and all that all right so i'm going to set these aside and  i'm just going to make a bunch of these book   blocks like this and so these are going  to go any place the books are straight up   you can see they'll fit right in there and that's  how you make the book block now all of our blocks   are going to end up no matter what i do inside  them they're going to end up being 12 inches and   so now i'm going to teach you how to make the  leaning block so i've sewed three little books   together here you can use as many or as few as  you like and then we're going to attach these   little wedges to the side of it like this and see  how these are leaning there's three here and they   have this kind of wedge along the side of them so  what i do is i take a piece that's about 16 inches   by however wide i want now right here this is  leaning right next to a book because i made it the   very edge of my block and i just sewed it to the  next books but you can do that however you want   i'm just going to show you the basics here i'm  going to grab a longer ruler because you want to   cut a wedge from top to bottom like this so we're  just going to do this and then what we're going   to do we have two pieces like this and one piece  will go on this side like this and what it does   when you sew it on this side is going to remain  straight so now my pieces are going this way and   this side will come along here like this and it  will make that still have a square shape without   it having uh you know with books being on the lean  so then we're going to just sew this on right here and i always feel like the books needed to lean  on something you know they they're they're just   not magically going to stay up my books don't  anyway so i just i like to make one side smaller all right and let's add that wedge to  the other side going the opposite way   so this side has the wide part at this end  we're going to put a wide part at the other end   flip it around i'm not too worried  about whether things are lined up   at the bottom or not because we're going  to cut that 12 and a half inches to fit all right so let's press this back so you  can see how these wedges are going to work all right now our goal for this is that we  want these kind of to be leaning on a book   and so i know that to do that first i need to  cut this out of 12 and a half on either side   like this so we're going to  get our 12 and a half ruler and i'm going to lay this on here like this   and i'm just going to trim this  edge off down here straight and then i'm going to trim my top edge as well all right so once you get this trimmed up you can  see we have a quarter of an inch here and we can   easily fit this into the row of our 12 and a half  inch blocks but what we want to do is we want to   make this a 12 and a half inch block as well so  we're going to add some more books to the side   of this and we're just going to make sure that it  doesn't you know go beyond this we know this is 12   and a half so i'm going to go ahead and stitch  these on here and we will have some a few more   books on here so that it makes a block that is 12  and a half one of the things that makes this whole   quilt work is that no matter what we're putting  in there no matter what shapes we're cutting at   the end of the day we're going to trim that block  to 12 and a half and it will fit in that whole row all right so let's add a few more out  here well there let's get this one all right let's see how close we are  oh looks like i need one more book   a little skinny one all right  we're going to go right here all right now let's go press these back alrighty  now we want to check and make sure this is 12 and   a half and it looks like we are pretty close  all right so we're going to press that out and then again we're going to take our 12 and  a half inch ruler and we're going to put it on   here and we are making a block so i actually  put my strips together and i got over there   and i realized that i'm about a half an inch too  small well that makes a very small book so what   what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lay  this strip on here but i'm going to move it in   a little bit because i want to catch a little bit  of this so what it's going to do is it's going to   make this book very skinny and the book next to  it very skinny but i think that's going to look   pretty cool so this is one of those improv  moments where you just have to go with it   and because you need that 12 and a  half inches to make your full block all right so now let's press this back we  can trim this little edge off if we'd like and then we'll press that back  and we should be just wide enough all right now we're going to look here and we are  going to lay this on here and we have just enough   room it's perfect this is one of those trial and  error moments where you're like well that's not   quite right all right so we're going to slice up  this side we're going to come over here to the top   we're going to make sure this side over  here stays nice and good and our bottom   and it's 12 and a half and it looks great  and that's how you make your leaning books   and then you can just attach them  to the next block which let's go   ahead and sew these two together so you  can see how this row is going to look   just like this because that is just the just  the fun of this thing is that once you get   your blocks to the same size then they're  all just going to fit together all right so all right and then this is what you get like this so how cute is that   it just looks perfect the books are leaning gives  you a little added something on your bookshelf   and just makes it really fun all right so  let's talk about some of the other things   we have this little kitty block up here now if you  follow our triple play tutorials you know that the   doane girls just did a whole triple play on the  kitty block super easy to make i'll show you how   to put that together not everybody's going to  want a kitty on their on their bookshelf but   some of us are and so to make that what you're  going to do is you're going to take a 10 inch   layer cake square and you're going to cut it into  nine and a half by five so directly in half and   then cut a little half an inch off then you're  going to put a little two and a half inch square   on his back side right here sew right on the line  iron this back that's going to give him the curve   of his back now i'm not going to sew this because  we just did a huge tutorial on those kitties   i think you're actually going to really like that  tutorial by the way then this is his this is the   piece over here that makes the background this is  his face this is a three by five piece right here   and these are his ears a black piece which is two  and a half by five and then these become the ears   you have two little two and a half inch squares  we're again going to lay those up here like   this actually it's going to go this way you're  going to sew right on the line iron this back and you're going to put two of those on just like  that and so there's our little kitty block super   easy if you want to go look at it we have a pins  and paws tutorial and we also have our triple play   on our kitties all right now let's talk about  this vase right here because this is also   very easy to make and what we're going to do  is we are going to take a a little five inch   square like this and these little corner squares  they're two different sizes so the little squares   on the bottom i wanted it to just barely come  in right there just barely come in these are a   little deeper up here and so i have let me measure  these to make sure i have a one and a quarter inch   square here and a one inch and a half inch square  on the top so as we iron these back like this we'll trim them off and iron them like this then we're going to add  our little top piece like this and   just like that you get a piece that  looks like a vase so this top piece is   two inches by five and these little corner squares  let's measure those to be sure they should be the   same as these and so they should be like one and  a half i think i said yeah one and a half and so   we will sew on that line we can do that right  now if you want just to show you how to do that   we're sewing directly diagonally now this  square you'll notice it does not go all the   way up to the top corner we want the flat edge  for the vase and then the neck part to curve in   so we're just going to sew this right here now one  of the things when you are sewing smaller squares   you want to make sure that your stitch is a little  bit shorter because it will i mean if you only   have four stitches across it it's not going to  hold on very well so i'm going to turn this down   turn mine down to a two and i'm just going to take  a little bit smaller stitches stitch corner to   corner and then i will do the same on this one and  you will see how that little vase comes together just like that we will trim these off  you want to trim all of your little   extra background pieces off so you don't  have a lot of bulk back there like this press it back this was i just had so much fun playing with  this when this part started all right so then we   have this right here and this is going to be our  vase top right there now doesn't that look like a   cute little vase but obviously it needs a flower  and when you're dealing with anything that cafe   makes you know there are loads of flowers and so  this flower right here i literally cut out of the   fabric i put some iron on some a little bit of  fusible on the back and so i have a really cool   one today that is here look at this flower and so  depending upon the fabric you get or the square   you get you're going to be able to cut whatever  kind of fabric flower that you want or you can   design your own flower so let me just cut a little  piece of this and i'll show you how i did this now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to take  my flower here and i'm going to put this piece   just over the flower that i want make sure it  doesn't get on your mat and just press that down   and now this becomes an iron-on  applique that's what we're doing here   and so basically then we are  going to grab our scissors   let's see here and we are going to trim out  this flower to put on the top of our vase   see how my flower comes right to the edge  right here i'm going to make that a petal   so i'm just going to cut that in with a curve  and then i'm just going to keep going around okay so now we have our cute little flower cut  out how cool is that we need to finish our vase   and so i'm going to put that together make sure  your same size squares are on the top together   we're going to sew this right down the  side quarter of an inch and then we have   to make a big enough block around our vase so  that so that our flower can be appliqued on so we're going to press this up and then i have a couple of five inch  strips over here and i'm just going to   sew i'm going to cut two pieces that are roughly  the size of my vase and sew them on both sides like this and then open that up that  one right there on that side and let me look at my vase back  here oh yeah it's sitting right   on the shelf so this is going to  be trimmed off right at the bottom so then we're going to go ahead and  trim this off straight here like this make sure you're lined up right then we're going to trim this off here and then let's measure how wide this is well i  actually can just use my 12 and a half can't i   my six is right in the middle there now if you  wanted like with this face right here this is a   12 inch block but you could put a book in here  a little closer if you wanted to add a book on   either side but basically again with this what  we're looking for is that 12 and a half inch block   so this is the width of it and then we need  to make enough to make it 12 inches tall as   well and so i have a piece here this is about  six inches so i have a piece here that's seven   and that will enable me to  trim it down a little bit   those are for those just in case moments and  so i'm just going to sew this on here right   now i'm i'm leaving my selvedge out to the edge  starting my block in a little bit and sew across and then we're just going to trim this up   and i'm going to trim it the width of my block  because i know that is already 12 and a half   and this way then we'll press it  let's go ahead and iron this open there we go now let's put our square on it make  sure that it's 12 and a half look how cute that is   all right yep just perfect all right so now  what we can do is we can add this flower and how   gorgeous is that going to be on there now before  i add this flower as i was working on this natalie   said if you flip that over and you put this piece  on the top this piece could be fussy cut with some   little i don't know some little scene or something  and it could be like a little snow globe on your   shelf and so that would also be really fun to  be able to do and i mean there's just so many   great ideas with this so right now what i'm going  to do is i'm going to put this on here like this   and i'm going to iron that on there  so you can see how that block works my gosh that's so cute oh this one's folded under  let me see if i can peel it back make sure none of   your edges are folded under you're going to have  this little problem that i'm having there we go look how cute that is not just  adorable it's just so pretty   not pretty and so then that would go right in here and all these little things are made  the same way so i have another little   flower down here and i made a little leaf  thing that i put on it these books are sideways   i have another tiny little vase down here  and it's just a little piece like this   you know it's just a little tiny piece like this  and it sits on a stack of books and i literally   made two tiny stems and cut out two little tiny  cave flowers so that's how you do this and once   you get all your shelves together like this you've  got your books you've got your leaning look at   this vase just made the same way only made out  of a regular piece of fabric in the in the packet   you're ready to assemble your bookcase you're  going to do that by putting your rows together   and then you're going to put a two and a half  inch sashing in between the rows and around the   sides just the sides now the top we want the top  to look like an actual bookshelf so what we're   going to do is we're going to cut that piece  um five inches yep five inches and at the very   edge we are going to put a half square triangle  which means we'll put this on here like this sew   corner to corner and then we'll lay it back like  this and it will give us this top edge right here   and so then down here on the bottom you're  going to do this bottom piece it's the same   width of brown fabric but this corner  piece is going to be a three inch square   and that's going to give it a little smaller  you know more sturdy bookshelf then i wanted to   frame this up a little bit so i actually took my  gray and did an additional border on the outside   and this is this is a nice big five inch border on  the outside of my shelf here and it just makes the   whole shelf stand back you know it just gives it  some pop and makes you notice the shelf now this   quilt ends up being 72 by 79 and so it makes a  great size quilt but again that's one of those   things you may want to have nice long shelves to  do it so as i'm getting this all finished and i'm   quilted it we quilted it with this great sticky  buns pattern and i'm sitting sewing the binding   on i had another thought another idea and so this  isn't in the quilt but it sure could be so do you   guys remember when misti did her easy alphabet i  mean she did the easy alphabet quilt and it has   all the letters in it i thought how cool would it  be if we did a shelf where we actually spelled out   look at this reed and put that at the top  of the shelf i mean this would look so cool   and we again it will fit right in these shelves  isn't that so great i just think that would be   such a fun idea you could put anything up there  you want you could make a word that was special   to you you know some people pick a word for the  year or whatever but i just thought i thought of   her a little easy alphabet and i thought oh that's  going to be really cute if we do read up there so   in putting it together i realized i didn't tell  you how many blocks you need you need five of   these you can't see where the block starts and  ends because it's just the line in a book and   so it just makes it really fun and quick so five  twelve and a half inch blocks across here and also   i didn't want to forget to show you this backing  isn't that gorgeous this is a big 108 backing and   it's just beautiful i mean it's just so fun adds  so much to the quilt we love how it came together   i hope you have fun with it and i hope you enjoyed  the book review quilt from the missouri star   quilt company we hope you enjoyed watching this  video if you are not already part of the missouri   star quilt family you can hit the subscribe  button below so you won't miss a thing and   if you click that bell it will notify you every  time a new tutorial comes out see you next friday you
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 116,572
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Co, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, layer cake quilt patterns, bookshelf quilt, book shelf quilt, bookshelf quilt pattern, book case quilt, book quilt, bookcase quilt
Id: aDq7dkUrjQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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