Get the MOST POWERFUL Weapon in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

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welcome back everyone you're in this video because you saw the thumbnail and you want to get your hands on a 2 500 per shot bow the absolute most powerful weapon in the game to date and this is going to just show you guys how a full comprehensive guide and you're gonna be able to do this in one one two as well as all the previous versions of the game too so let's get to it we're only going to be using one little glitch one little tiny itty bitty glitch so first of all we're just gonna get all the prep first things first you're going to want to get your hands on a five shot burst bow any five shot burst bow will do as long as you have that yellow five shot burst ability on it now the best way to do that is to get a Savage Lionel bow from either dropping a Lionel or getting it in a chest in this cave down right down here in this cave right here you can find one in a chest if your earliest game and you're not able to beat Lionel's yet this is actually a tingle cave one of the caves that will grant you a piece of the tingle armor as well but you'll also be able to get the bow and it's accessible via the water here right off the cliffs so in we go and once you're here guys this is going to be closed what you want to do is you want to whistle standing on this platform just whistle just pressing down on your d-pad that will open up this place here where you'll have a ship so go over to the ship and climb this Mast right here to find a chest for your free Savage Lionel bow that Savage liner bow is going to be three shot so in order to get the five shot we're gonna have to upgrade it by throwing it into the mouth of a couple of different Rock OCTA rocks you can find a whole bunch of rock OCTA rocks around the Goron City area there's two just north and north east of it there's one just south of it along this path you'll see it and then there's another one over here so you can try a couple of different ones first you're going to want to upgrade your bow at least once with one of the oct rocks any of the octrocks just make sure you get one buff on it after that you're going to want to find a different octo Rock and Save in front of it all right uh you can save in front of it so you can load and get the different Buffs each time if you don't get the one you want after you've done that go ahead and whip out your already once upgraded Savage bow throw it into his mouth let them suck it up and let them buff it up and hopefully you'll get your five shot burst upgrade on it if not you're just gonna have to load your game the next thing you're gonna want is a powerful bow so ideally the most powerful bow with the highest base damage is this the Demon King's bow which is going to sit at a sweet 60 damage per shot when you have Max hearts and I don't mean full up HP I just mean the max available Hearts from the game so pop up all of those hearts on your screen and you're going to be able to get up to 60 damage on the demon king bow if you're not that far and you don't have access to that many hearts yet you can of course get a royal guards bow or any other bow that comes close to the 2500 damage we're going to be aiming for here I'm going to use a dimming Demon King's bow because I do have the hearts and I do want to demonstrate the highest power you can get so we get one of these by either fighting a demon hands here in this cave which is right here called tamio River Downstream cave right at the bottom of the canyon there you'll be able to enter it and it's located right here just east of gerudu Highlands in that little Gap you want to make your way all the way into this main room where you'll be able to also get an armor piece and you'll also have to fight one of these puppies right here let's go ahead and knock these guys out once you do beat the hands guys you're gonna end up coming up face to face with Phantom Ganon same business here he's quite strong as well I mean he can pack a punch but same business you know how it is this guy will drop you a a demon king bow and uh just Blitz them there there he goes oh he's not dead yet no way bye-bye and once you do beat them even though you're using these uh Asian blades it's not the same as like with normal enemies you will get the items he drops a demon king bow just like that an easier one if you have been playing through the story is to get one by doing the exact same thing in coric forest in the chasm inside The Deco tree it's part of the story so you will end up coming across this at some point and you'll be able to grab a demon king bow there as well or alternatively your choice and finally the easiest things to get are two Shields that are not fused to anything everyone's gonna already have those most likely and if not you can get anything as a shield just a pot lid will do just get two of them and you'll be able to do the next phase the next phase if you haven't noticed is come to tarry town now we're going to do the glitch and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be putting that five times modifier the five times shot from The Savage liner bow that we just made onto our Demon King's bow and that's going to buff our damage quite a lot so first things first let's get ahead on this glitch the first thing you want to do is you want to unequip your bows make sure you have no bows equipped and then you're going to want to drop the demon king bow or whichever strong bow you want to use to get the five times shot onto so we're gonna drop that there we go we're gonna stand a bit away from it and get our fuse thing out and that's good distance here like max distance is fine you're going to want to put on your right most Shield all right just right most Shield next up is the hard part Arts just a little bit of timing we're gonna press and hold L and then press ZL just at half a second after it like this as it just like that and what's gonna have happened here while holding both buttons at the same time now is this wheel is going to have come up you're gonna see the uh the game attempt to fuse that weapon onto your Shield like normal and we're gonna start spamming left on the d-pad while letting go of the two buttons the two bumper buttons like this and we're gonna get our Shield options open so now we're going to move to one Shield to the left and let go and that's gonna have fused the bow to my shield but also I've dropped it and duped it at the same time at my feet go ahead and pick that bow up and now let's go ahead and talk to Palace in here talk to palisan break down your Shield make sure you picked up the bow that you duped by the way just make sure of that let's pay the 20 rupees and we're gonna break down our shield with the Demon King's bow fused to it go ahead all right so if you do not pick up your dupe weapon your dupe weapon will now be gone yeah that's no good that's the glitch isn't going to work anymore you'll have to have picked it up so next phase here's a very important as well just pay close attention to this we're going to pick up the shield standing in the shield place we're gonna go into our bows and we're gonna drop the bow that we want that's brand new hopefully full durability as you can see this one is sparkling with full durability it's untouched with the five times modifier because by dropping this here we're gonna end up putting that modifier onto the bow now we now have equipped which is the demon king bow the duplicated one that we picked up so exit that pick up your Salvage line above once again and voila we now have a Demon King's bow 60 damage times five perfect condition that's exciting that's the beginning guys but that's all the glitching done the rest of this is legit as for the dupe guys over here you can do whatever you want with it not important you can throw it away you can leave it there I am going to leave it there so as always guys just a disclaimer here if you're going to be starting to do glitches you're not familiar with or used to save beforehand and if you manage to successfully pull it off and want to keep it save again after as well okay okay so how do we get our damage well let's start calculating what we have now is 60 times five legit straight up it brings us to 300 damage per shot already so even though we're 300 damage just as it is just firing arrows as soon as you put on your silver Lionel saber horn which ideally you should have a couple of and be able to dupe very easily now in one one two as well that's gonna add 55 damage to each Arrow so at that point with that fuse to our arrows we're now sitting at 60 plus 55. times five that's 575 damage per shot by fusing one of these to my bow each shot that's crazy next up we're able to use any piece of armor that's going to give us the attack of buff there's a lot of armor that does it so you have quite a few choices and using the Phantom Greaves here we get the three stage attack up that brings us now with the armor on just having put that armor on brings us to 862.5 damage per shot per shot all right guys it's almost time to test this out on some enemies so let's make our way to some lionels over here in the floating Coliseum and start putting this thing to the test all right here we are at the floating Colosseum an ideal Lionel farming place but we're not finished with our damage at 862 yet we're gonna whip out our pot here take out our portable pot and we're gonna cook up some bananas Mighty bananas are really ideal for this because you can get a lot of them very quickly throwing five into a pot is going to give you a nice four minute 10 second triple attack boost every time very nice and obviously that boost is another 1.5 out of two or damage after we've eaten it adding that on is going to bring us to 1 294 damage straight up per shot per shot that's crazy so let's go ahead and Pop That in so we do indeed have that kind of damage we've now eaten it let's get down there let's get down here and start doing some lionels and now I'm going to show you the final touch on how to get that over 2 500 damage it's very easy actually because especially when you're using a bow is going to be particularly easy because we're going to be using slow motion of course we're going to be using slow motion so let's just get ahead and put a rocket onto our Shield here let's drop that so we can get slow motion very easily let's also not forget to put back on our saver Lionel saber horns let's shoot up here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put that on and shoot them in the head all right just shoot them in the head you can wait until you get close enough and Bop dude there he goes and now we can just do it again right in the head guys is going to be two thought actually that's that's a shooting them in the head just like that is going to add double damage so that's going to bring us to 2 587 damage per shot so let's do it to another one just like this guys just jump on in Silver Line alarm and aim right at the face that is a two shot on the blue Lionel practically almost two shot there on them all right now we got the White Lane White main Lionel let's go ahead and give him a taste of our medicine here there we go just use a fan very easy right in the face oh yeah you may have some if you're too far you may miss a couple arrows that they might not hit the face and that's just five shots for this one there it goes wow wow I mean like this is a legit bow right now folks who is next we got the silver is that silver all right let's give silver a challenge here let's see how many shots it will take on Silver all right there's a little bit of distance as well so that's pretty ideal to demonstrate this you can hear the like ding of the headshots that's key look at his health just disappear guys we're really not doing anything too special here with this other than the glitch bow I can't even see his head anymore so uh we're just kind of shooting body shots I think at this point yeah there he goes but he is staggered as well so like you can take your time let's get it right in there and he's dead man he's dead time to give this a real test with a king leok all right here he comes we did this yesterday in yesterday's video with a much weaker bow but now we're gonna try and give him a taste of our medicine with the brand new setup let's let's have a look here he is let's pop a new meal just so we don't run out in the middle of attacking him triple stage attack let's get nice and close so we don't miss any arrows and such all right here he is you should see me in a sec let's get off this there we go all right time to start the game silver Lionel horns that's a decent chunk folks that's a decent hey that's a heavy chunk all right he's gonna come Crashing Down let him crash down because he's going up higher than us and then we can go back to doing this all right wow one two three four let us let's let's fall down here so we don't die let's continue this five oh what a mess seven seven hits after the initial three shots on his heads well I think that is a very good demonstration of this bow now we've done all the hardest enemies in the game just like that what didn't even break a sweat didn't even get hit so very very easy if you guys want to duplicate these weapons before you start using them I highly recommend you do duplicate them before you start using them using the videos in the description you'll be able to do as many of those as you want in version 112 so you can have a good stockpile and you don't run out of durability or have to mess up with anything like that you'll be able to go back to these bows anytime you want and just never run out thanks for watching as always hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I had enjoy I did enjoy making it it was pretty sweet I've just been able to have so much power from such a weapon and only having to do like one glitch as well for it very cool anyway guys enjoy it this is version 1.1.2 I'll let you know when the next cool glitches come out as well if you drop that little subby you will see it come up and I'll see you guys around the next video have a good one
Channel: BLAINES
Views: 129,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strongest weapon in zelda tears of the kingdom, blaines, blaines zelda, totk, tears of the kingdom, zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom most powerful bow, how to get demon kings bow, where to find demon king's bow, how to get 5 shot power on bows, totk weapon guide, zelda tears of the kingdom most powerful weapon guide, zelda tears of the kingdom guide, zelda tears of the kingdom glitch, 1.1.2 dupe glitch in tears of the kingdom, totk glitches, strongest bow in totk
Id: AtiOvi80npY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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