How To Get BROKEN Weapons in Zelda Tears of The Kingdom

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hey everybody ruffy rockrash here and today I'm going to show you guys how to get a 400 plus damage Master Sword as well as an 800 damage sword so the 800 damage sword is not unbreakable but the master sword that does 400 will be so let's get started so the first place that you want to go is you want to actually go up to Hyrule Castle specifically Hyrule sanctum which is floating in the sky so I'm going to go ahead and use this Shrine to fast travel on up there and I will show you where you need to go alright guys you want to get to the entrance of Hyrule Castle first of all and you just want to follow my lead and I will lead you to a weapon that we need to collect for this to work all right now that we're inside of Hyrule Castle we want to go up these stairs right here go all the way up and then you want to go back here and you want to pick up the royal guard Claymore all right so the first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to go on and say hi to an octorock somewhere over here by unovo HQ South cave and we're going to go ahead and we're going to pull out our Claymore damage it and now we're going to want to go head over to that OCTA Rock make sure before you get to the OCTA rock that you have none of your followers following you because if they kill it then you have to reload your save and start again so once we arrive at the octarok hi buddy we're gonna go ahead and we're going to drop down a manual save we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna drop our Claymore let him suck on it he's gonna buff it he's gonna spit it back out and we got a durability up okay that's not what we want so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna reload perfect this is exactly what we want to see so we want it to have critical hit so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to kill this guy so we can use them during the next blood moon and now we're going to want to go over here just to the right just to the left of Death Mountain Foothill cave so that's where we're going to go next on the way over I'm gonna go ahead and damage my Claymore once so that we can use another octa-rock on it there he is I see him over here so once we get over to the octrock I'm going to pop another manual save and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna drop the Claymore in front of him let him suck it up there we go he buffed it again and we're gonna pick it up and we got durability up this time not what we want so now we're going to reload our save and we're going to repeat this process over and over again until we get the attack up that we want which is either 9 or 10 depending on preference on hand how long you want to actually sit here 10 is the max that you can get and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna grind it out until I hit 10. wow okay I got that pretty quick here okay now I'm gonna go ahead and shoot and kill him so that I can use him next blood moon so now we have our attack up plus 10 Claymore go ahead and pop a save just in case so you don't have to do that again so next thing that we're going to need is we're going to need a specific armor set is the evil spirit set as you can see it has a disguise and Bone weapon proficiency attack boost that is going to give us a 1.8 attack buff on bone so the place to actually find these armor pieces are actually going to be in the Labyrinth so the first piece that you can get you're going to want to go ahead and you're going to want to go to the South Lemay Labyrinth and you're going to want to go ahead and complete that and once you've completed that it's going to tell you to go into the sky version of The Labyrinth so you're gonna go ahead and go and complete the sky version then you want to go down in to the chasm of it once you get down into the chasm the chasm only opens up after you beat both the ground and the sky Labyrinth once you've done that it'll open up a Chasm here that you can go down to fight a boss once that boss is defeated it will give you a armor piece for this set and that also goes for all the other labyrinths in the game both of the other ones so you want to go ahead and complete all of these labyrinths in the game to get this full armor set once you have this armor set you're going to want to go ahead and you're going to want to go out and look for a molduga jaw so the place to get a molduga jaw is you're going to want to go to the desert over here the most consistent place that I find molducas is I teleport to the siwakama shrine it is going to save for me I typically encounter molduga's over here yep there's a molduga right there make sure to kill it and now that he's dead he will have a chance to draw a molduga Jawbone which is exactly what we need did you drop a Jawbone there it is the mulduka jaw that is what you're looking for go ahead and collect everything else while you're here next we're going to want to go ahead and we're going to want to fast travel to the inesa shrine perfect all right now what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to pull out our Claymore drop your molduga Jawbone and then you're gonna want to fuse it to your Royal Guard Claymore you can see 74 damage that is a lot of damage now what we're going to want to do is we're going to create another save just a backup save just in case something goes wrong and we're going to go ahead and we're going to damage this Claymore until it tells us that it's running low on durability there we go so now that we're low on durability it's 148 damage go ahead and create another save perfect now that your extra save is made what we're going to want to do is we're going to hit it twice more two more times until it is one hit away from breaking because this actually doubles its damage again it doesn't actually show that it's doubled its damage again but it has doubled its damage again so now that it's one hit from breaking we're gonna go ahead and save our game again so I'm gonna go ahead and do some math for you guys just to let you know how much damage we're actually doing right now so the royal guard Claymore does 32 damage and we added 10 to it that's 42. then we added the molduga jaw which adds another 32 that gives a 74. we multiply that by two because of the damage boost by getting it low on durability then we got it even lower so now it's one shot from breaking so that's another times two boost that's 296. the armor set we're wearing gives us a 1.8 multiplier that gives us 532.8 damage which is insane but we can actually push this even higher what I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to drop a portable cooking pot you don't have to use a portable cooking pot you can use any cooking pot in the game and what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to go ahead and take five Mighty bananas cook them up and you can see we have now attack up we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and consume this and now we have attack up which gives us another times 1.5 modifier on top of everything so now our sword is doing it 799.2 damage that is almost 800 damage now what we're going to want to do is we're going to go ahead and we're going to take this we're going to take all of the modifiers and all of the damage that this sword is doing and we're going to transfer it to the MSG not found Master Sword if you don't know how to get this master sword I made an amazing tutorial video on how to get it I will link that down below but if you already have it you can go ahead and continue watching and following along and I'm going to show you guys exactly how to put this on this so right outside inissatron there should be yep there's a guy here and he should be holding oh it's not this guy I'll kill him anyways it's yes this guy down here he is holding a long stick we're gonna go ahead and kill all these guys and we're going to go ahead and we're going to yoink this guy's long stick we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna duplicate the long stick twice so that we have three of them if you guys don't know how to duplicate yet in the same video of the master sword I did show how to duplicate as well uh which is uh linked down below still perfect so now we have three long sticks amazing so now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna save our game and now we're gonna enter the shrine perfect so now this part of the video I'm going to go ahead and show off is actually courtesy to Blaine's I'm gonna go ahead and Link them in the description so that they have credit for showing this off because this is actually what I'm going off of right now equip the leftmost stick drop drop equip plus plus drop and as you can see you can't take that out here that is exactly what we want once it says you can't take that out here we're going to go ahead and we're going to pick up the molduga hammer and as you can see your master sword is badly damaged what we're going to do next is going to remove and equip again and now it says your master sort is running low on energy and now you can have a fast damage movement as you can see here your master sword is not actually low on energy it just tells you that it's low on energy it is Unbreakable so you now have a 400 damage Master Sword and now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to go ahead and show off the actual damage that it is doing foreign as you can see the molduga hammer one Cycles a Lionel a silver-made Lionel and the master sword will two cycle it so the master sword is doing 400 damage while the molduga hammer is doing 800 damage so the master sword only does 400 damage but is unbreakable the molduga hammer you should only be using when you get on the back of Lionel's to one cycle them but yeah that is how to get a 400 damage Master Sword and how to get a 800 damage weapon
Channel: Ruffy Rockrash
Views: 735,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom guide, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom best weapon, tears of the kingdom gameplay, legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom tips, zelda tears of the kingdom tips, legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom lynel, tears of the kingdom fuse guide, tears of the kingdom best fuse weapons, zelda tears of the kingdom best weapons, austin john plays tears of the kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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