How to One Shot Bosses - Weapon State Transfer (WST) & Fuse Entanglement Desync (FED) Guide - TotK

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Oh, hello! Didn’t notice you there. Sorry, just a second. It’s hard to hear anything over the hum of all these Master Swords. Whew, that’s better. What’s that you were saying? You’d like to learn how to do that? Well you’re in luck because today we’ll cover just that topic. Let’s go learn to embrace the chaos… First we’ll learn how to perform Fuse Entanglement. This glitch was discovered by Physioninja. It allows you to fuse something to a shield without it being tethered. We’ll use this in a minute to perform some NONSENSE. The timing’s a little tricky, so I recommend saving before attempting this glitch. Start with an unfused target item on the ground, then do the following: 1. Equip Fuse and look at your target item with an unfused shield equipped. 2. Hold L and just before the rune selection menu appears press and hold ZL. 3. Release both buttons and immediately pause buffer with the left D-pad. 4. Equip a different shield. If you timed everything correctly, the target item will fall on the ground behind you. This item is in a weird state where it is fused to the shield, but not tethered to it. For example, I can remotely activate this bomb simply by shield surfing. Neat! But what if your timing was off during step 2? If you’re too late pressing ZL, the item simply won’t fuse. If this happens just start again from step 1. If you’re too early, however, the fusion will complete before the rune selection menu opens and consume your target item. In this case either reload or take the fused shield to Pelison in Tarrey Town to have him break it down to its components for 20 rupees. Then try again from step 1. Next we’ll use this to desync our gear in order to perform Weapon State Transfer. This glitch was discovered by Mentor_Kurt and heavily researched and optimized by several users on the Tears of the Kingdom speedrunning discord, including BigDUCCO, kurocat471, and yours truly. It works on all versions, although in 1.0.0 it requires a different setup in order to copy modifiers. Credit to discord user Zas for significant 1.0.0 testing and the steps included in the description. I codeveloped the following steps with BigDUCCO in order to provide you with a streamlined setup for versions 1.1.0 through 1.1.2. Do the following: 1. Drop your donor and target gear on the ground. In this example I’ll be transferring weapon state from my Royal Claymore to my nearly broken Mighty Zonaite Longsword. 2. Fuse Entangle the target item. 3. Drop the fuse entangled shield. 4. If you’re doing weapons or bows, unequip your current weapon or bow, and then equip a different shield. This will empty your hands while keeping your shield slot occupied for later. 5. Pick up the target item from the ground. Link should automatically equip it since his hands were empty. 6. Pick up the fuse entangled shield. This will remove the target item from your hands since the shield it is fused to is placed inside your inventory. If you pause and check you’ll notice you have something equipped in the menu but not in game. This desynced state was our goal all along. 7. Pick up the donor item. At this point its modifier, fusion material, and durability will all overwrite the values on your target item. The game does this because it always copies the state of a weapon you equip in the world into your menu, but your menu already has an item equipped in that slot so it copies the data to the wrong destination. You have just performed WST. If you’re satisfied with your results, resync your target item by unequipping and re-equipping it now. If instead you’d like to overwrite the base weapon too, drop the equipped item and it will transmute into a clone of the donor item. Nice! Let’s see those steps once more for bows! In this example I’ll copy a 5 shot modifier from my Savage Lynel Bow to my Royal Guard’s Bow. Voila! A 5 shot Royal Guard’s Bow. The spread on most bows receiving a 5 shot modifier is quite wide. However, there are exceptions. Here’s a list of bows with better spread. And using keese eyeballs can make any 5 shot bow deadly, in spite of its spread, as it adds homing to your arrows. Try WST with a Duplex Bow and you can even set a remote arrow spawn location. Weird. Finally, let’s see this done with shields. Here I’ll copy the stats from my Hylian Shield to this Royal Guard’s Shield. Note that in this game, unlike Breath of the Wild, transferring durability can only set the value as high as the maximum for the target weapon. Thus, even though I’ve copied the Hylian Shield durability onto my target shield, repairing it, it still breaks after only 5 shield surfs. One final note: I showed WST steps last time for the prologue master sword. Those steps were patched in 1.1.2, but they’re still required for that weapon on versions 1.1.1 and 1.1.0 since it can’t be fused. For almost everything else, however, I’d recommend using these steps instead as they’re significantly more convenient. They can be performed essentially anywhere and don’t require you to carry around 3 long sticks. There’s even still a method for fusing to an MSG you carried over from an earlier patch, and I’ll include a link to that in the description. For those who still have access to one, next we’ll cover recommended fusions for your MSG… Wait a minute, do you hear that? What is that? …sounds like it’s behind me? Oh no, it can’t be! Not another patch! I’m gettin’ outta here! Whew! We should be safe here in my underground workshop. Hey, while I’ve got you down here, why don’t you consider subscribing? I try to keep my community informed about Zelda news, and you’ll be the first to take advantage of some of these glitches before they get removed. It sounds like things have blown over out there, so it’s probably safe to continue with the video. Before that interruption we were talking about fusing items to the MSG. I recommend either Silver Lynel parts, which you can find at the floating coliseum, or the Molduga Jaw or Gibdo Bone. You can find Molduga and Gibdo in Gerudo desert, and the Bone Atk. set in the three labyrinths. Gleeok horns are also useful, since they give you limitless elemental attacks. Don’t forget you can also double the damage of the MSG by transferring from a weapon at 1 durability. This’ll make every attack crit. Finally, you can farm for modifiers for the donor weapon by feeding it to Rock Octoroks. You’ll want attack up +10, which requires feeding the same weapon to two Octoroks since it’s a tier 2 modifier. This is also how you can get the 5 shot modifier on bows. Normally you can only feed an Octorok once per blood moon, but you can bypass that limitation using Save Load Duping. I showed how to trigger this via dropping in the last video, but didn’t mention that it also triggers when you drop from the quick menu, are disarmed by electricity, or throw. All you have to do is load the frame a weapon leaves Link’s hands via any of these means. If you’re on 1.1.2 and sad that they patched SLD, I have some good news! Throw SLD somehow wasn’t patched, so you can still use that. It can’t be used to get the MSG on 1.1.2 yet, but you can dupe anything else you can throw. The last glitch I’ll cover today is Zuggling. This was discovered by Zvleon and the streamlined steps I’ll present here were developed by BigDUCCO. Finally we have a good use for the Map Rune. Sadly this appears to have been fixed as of 1.1.2, but It’s so overpowered that it’s worth staying on an earlier patch for now if you haven’t yet updated. Let’s first see how to do it and then we’ll discuss some of its applications: 1. Pull out your target weapon, bow, or shield and stand with your back to a large enough wall. 2. Activate the Map rune and open the quick menu for your target before the map opens. 3. Press X to drop the target item, then buffer another quick menu before it falls. 4. Equip something else in that slot, then release the menu button so the map loads. 5. Press ‘+’ to switch to the menu and drop the newly equipped item. 6. Unpause the game. At this point the weapon will end up stuck to Link’s hand or back (depending on if you had it drawn or not), and be decoupled and cloned from the menu. Here I’ve got an extra Saber Master Sword equipped. One obvious application for this is mass weapon duping. The steps take only seconds to perform, so you can fill up your inventory with your most powerful weapon within minutes. Let’s Zuggle another weapon. Now I’ve got an extra Mace Master Sword. Keep a few full durability spares on hand and you can refresh your weapons whenever you need. A slightly less obvious application for this is that every time you Zuggle, up to a limit of about 20, you can actually stack the damage from each Zuggled copy. Effectively this lets you equip 20 copies of your most powerful weapon at once. This is how I’ve been one shotting bosses all over Hyrule for the past week. Just be warned that doing this too much can have very strange temporary effects on your game… The Zuggled state persists through file loads, the title screen, and even a new game, making it surprisingly stable. This means you can also use this as an alternative to SLD for transferring weapons across saves. The only way to end it is to drop an equipped item of that slot, at which point you get all the dupes. The number of ways you can mix and match weapons is astronomical, so rather than going into details about specific builds, I took submissions from users on my discord server (link in the description), so you could see a variety of applications. If you want further details I recommend hopping on the discord and participating in the discussion there. Without further ado, here’s the showcase: I wanted to take a moment to thank my channel members. It’s with your support that I can keep making high-quality videos like this. If you’d like to have your name added to the wall here, click the “Join” button below. I’d also like to thank people who’ve donated directly. Here’s a list of my top sponsors. If you’d like to join them, I’ve included links in the description. Contributing in either way will get you access to special channels in my discord server. And again, the easiest way to support me is by subscribing. If you’re new to this channel and enjoying what you see, consider dropping a like and subscribing for more. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Channel: El Duende 05
Views: 114,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZEuy5vjkpIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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