Creating a Monster - World's Fastest Single Engine Turboprop | Turbulence #4

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I had no idea the monster I had created that's ground speed where's the true air speed top left are you kidding me oh my God it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings turbulence from the start initial concept stayed really true in the engineering side not so much true on the power plant side and jump into a DOT 40p motor I'll tell you hang a big old motor that is perfect let's buy it both the prop on let's go right now back to cowling I'm ready but the engineering side I needed to reinforce the wings I needed to make stronger Wing spars I needed to make the wings not removable so I could add a fuel section in the d section of the wing I needed to add a rear fuel tank I needed to add more carbon fiber to the skin of the aircraft on both the wings the tail every part of the aircraft had to become stronger all that was all in original design there really wasn't many changes on the original concept to the first flying version of turbulence which was red in color red silver and black the real changes that weren't part of the original design was let's go bigger batter faster change the motor and at that point we had to make a few more modifications like bigger tail section and further reinforce the front of the aircraft [Music] it's actually a thousand ninety thermal horsepower and it's 850 gearbox what makes the difference between the thermal rating and the gearbox the thermal rating is what the engine can actually run the combustion side of the turbine the gearbox has a limit of how much power you can put to it before you stretch the gearbox typically on a turbine engine they don't match those two and the reason is as you take a turbine up or any normally aspirated engine up you lose horsepower with altitude so what they do on with Pratt and Whitney and many turbine aircraft is they put a bigger motor coupled to a smaller gearbox and then they just limit the engine to 850 to match the gearboxes on it and that's to save your 70 or 90 pounds that it would have weighed to do a gearbox to handle 1090 horsepower it's all about weight and then they size that gearbox to where you will normally fly that aircraft so if this aircraft was in a King Air and it normally flew 21 to 26 000 feet which is typically where they're flying what horsepower could it make at that altitude let's make sure the gearbox can do that and that's how it's paired so this aircraft is 1090 horsepower we don't use all the throttle on takeoff and quite frankly you couldn't I still can't use all the throttle on this aircraft on takeoff it will turn you off the Runway so you ease into it and the faster you go the more you can get as you get more and more aileron Rudder and control surfaces up to speed so it evolved into a dash 42 850 usable and it will hold 850 into the flight levels [Music] the battery's not gonna make it [Music] it's out of work you can't just Bolt the turbine engine on the front of an airplane and fly away you if you did and it worked you're probably lucky because there's a lot more that goes on and so as I ran into a lot of no way too much work too challenging what about your long drawings what about stiffness what about CG what about fuel capacity all these monster challenges it just turned my brain on to well how do I fix this how do I fix that and and that's what gets me excited about a build anytime you're creating something that someone says you can't do it makes the project more fun it's it's the challenge that makes building airplanes so rewarding for me I wish a saw could cut a funny round shape like that and my drill can't do it so we could do it the grinder but we'll get her there it just takes a few minutes all right so we got the cuts as close as we're gonna get and rounds the pipe this last little bit I'm going to just take and bend it and fold it around the corner and make a lot cleaner joints so the pipe kind of has a take a look has lots of little S curves comes out at a really funny angle into a round so this is as close as we get we'll take a hammer we'll roll this Edge over so it Blends around the back side of this and we'll weld that up well it worked out perfect you can see we'll just take this Edge we're breaking it around now it's got a real complex curve around both sides I got a little more pounding to do to finesse it into place I'll get it up tight and touching and then we'll weld it but we're 90 there [Music] all right we're getting close some of this coping on this really small pipe it's easier just to get the grinder and and round it off on the inside I've got this side fit then we tuck this up in here that should go nice and tight so you can see that fit this one's ready to weld right here anyway about four more bars and this motor mount will be done time to build I get to ask this a lot of how long it takes me to build an airplane the answer is thousands and thousands of dollars and I can't get any better than that I don't track it I don't quite frankly want jacket I don't really want to think about how many hours you know I I don't know I have around 11 000 flight hours um flying aircraft and someone asked me like what do you like better building or flying and I it's about flying I love to fly and they're like oh really how many hours do you have building planes and I kind of went I guess I love to build because my hours of building to Flying is a decimal point in a whole nother level because I can easily go spend an eight eight ten hour day working my jobs and then come back and build and build airplanes for another eight or ten hours a day and I can do that back to back seven days a week but I don't fly 10 or 12 hours a day seven days a week for nearly a year without missing a single day if I tracked those flight hours it would be staggering so um I don't know how I don't know how I know how long it took to build turbulence in in how many hours but it took me a year to build it a year to to build it most of my aircraft builds have been about a year slightly over couple slightly under a couple slightly over about a year and then several months of of playing and then somehow I start building something else it's crazy addiction Mike was meant for the plane got it [Music] [Music] I bit my tongue right as I looked at the camera [Music] let's fly it Bolt the prop on let's go right now if the motor falls down when I unhook this I need to stop building airplanes [Music] that's a good day [Music] today's finally here it's been a long time coming it is a massive amount of work to finally get here so I'm really excited to be at this point it's paint day and it took a lot to get everything ready it took a lot to get everything masked we got it done we're ready let's paint [Music] thank you this is one of the things we ended up doing to get this engine as high as possible we had a problem with prop clearance we put so much horsepower into this airplane the prop couldn't handle it so we had to get a bigger prop the bigger the prop the problem was it was hitting the ground so we raised all the gear we raised the plane but we also had to go one step further we raised the engine up so normally this engine would sit about this location in reference to the cowling this is now the center location to get the engine this High we had to build a little adaption part right here underneath this hump is the control lever that runs the prop so to change the prop RPM so we wanted this as high as possible so we actually made little adaptions so we could do that I think it turned out really nice the most important thing is I had a smaller prop on this and I had seven and a quarter inches clearance I've now gone a much bigger diameter prop and with that prop I now have 10 and 3 16 inches so I was down about seven I'm now at 10 and 3 16. so I've not only gone to a bigger prop but I've grabbed more ground clearance what that allows me to do is if my main strut were to blow out simultaneously while popping my front tire both of them collapsed all the way I would still have several inches of clearance from the ground so that if I had the most catastrophic event to the front end happen simultaneously I still would keep that prop off the ground so worked out really well [Music] thank you [Music] any build of mine going way back to some of the first builds when I was just taking a standard aircraft and and leaving it mostly alone I'm not very good at leaving it completely the way something's designed but my early first builds I kept it mostly spec the first flight's always the one that makes you nervous the first flight is the one that gets your heart pumping all right we're going up for a test flight this will be my first full power Full Throttle everything's ready to go I've gone through several little warm-up steps to get to this point so I'm excited this is where I find out what this bird can really do so let's throw the hammer down and see what she does that's a good day the first time I flew it I had a very regimented process how many times I'm in a taxi and those times would increase depending on how I felt they could never go down and and when I'm going to lift it off and set it back down and stop and when's the first time around the pattern these are all standard practices for any flight test program [Music] good I've been test flying my planes and other people's planes for a long time for me the most critical part of the test flight program is mental that's that's mine I think maybe some people they're focused on aircraft systems if this goes wrong how does this pump relate to this pump or fuel transfer relate to this fuel transfer so they're studying some in other Engineers project that they're about ready to fly because it's the part that they don't completely understand I couldn't study the plane anymore I I know every river every piece of carbon every fuel line every fuel pressure flow capabilities spinner to tell and so I don't spend as much time on that because um you know that's that's my baby and I know it like the back of my hand the mental side of knowing you're gonna lift off the ground and you got a family waiting at home that's that's where I spend my attention because if I focus on the family that needs me home it makes sure that the system's thought process is thorough the step by step before first liftoff first taxi high-speed taxi first time you go around the pattern I'm thinking about my family and my kids it slows me down it just helps me want to Pace it back a little bit and a plane that goes really really fast problems can happen really really fast and so I do a lot of mental processes for weeks before my first flight every single flight test I do I put on a parachute that's just standard practice I also bring out the fire department I have cars parked around at various places if I'm going to be around the pattern there's fields that are in the area and we have a lot of safety staff that are fortunately friends of mine from search and rescue and in the police department thank you the taxiing for the first time and wrapping up the throttle that was that one that one was a rush because it was only after a few taxi tests doing the brake check speed checks reverse calibration for the turbo prop because you can go into reverse and make sure it's in the right location so that you actually could fly it and come around the pattern and slow down and not have it go in reverse and stall you you know there's a lot of taxiing just about setting up the prop get past all that easy stuff you know that's just groundwork when I started ramping up how much power and doing high-speed Taxi I quickly realized that I could steer the airplane with my foot all the way on the floor and changing the throttle to control its direction of high-speed taxi that was pretty exciting because I realized that I will never lift off this airplane at Full Throttle ever at any race there's more power than you have controlled to handle the first high-speed tax I fund and then First Flight oh my gosh I'm feeling some hot rods I've had already set some transcontinental speed records and and been air racing for a long time um the first time I got up and was able to continue the throttle up as I had control surfaces to do it and my air speed is just rocket shipping off the top as I'm pulling more and more deck angle I had no idea the monster I had created until that first time getting it out and getting to start rolling the throttle up and even on the first flight I never got it to full speed but I felt it going there and I looked how much needle was left and the air speed I was doing and the deck angle it was holding um that's when I knew I created something special something that could smoke my jet it could smoke anything I'd ever flown I couldn't wait to go through weeks more of testing until I could see where that envelope really was [Music] whoa whoa whoa is that that's ground speed where's your true air speed top left are you kidding me oh my gosh look at it you're gonna outrun the Jets [Laughter] holy crap that's level that's only 17 500 feet oh my God are you kidding me that's the world's fastest single engine turbo problem isn't it no doubt about it like by a lot they're getting pretty dang close to world's fastest Turbo problems ever period That's 420 mile an hour Cruise that's normal Temps at 17 500 feet no you just go to 25 000. oh yeah oh yeah wow holy crap I used to allow a lot of people come to flight test and I don't anymore matter of fact I have I couldn't have swung more polar opposite I used to have dozens and dozens of people that I didn't even know come to watch me do a flight test I realized after a few of those that I think it's a bad idea I know other people may do it I whatever works for you is great but I talked to other couple other well-known builders that have designed and built a lot of aircraft they have the same belief I do now that evolved over time and you don't want anybody there you want safety personnel maybe your immediate family the absolute criticals if things are going to go wrong and that's it and so for me the safest thing is to have your head clear 50 cameras pointing at you of strangers as much as I'd like to think it doesn't affect me or any other test pilot it does it makes you not as safe as you could be so that that idea of the people you're around in aviation especially after my Draco crash it was before that but it kind of carries along with the people that you are around in aviation I no longer fly with people that encourage someone to push their envelope I'm not saying I had a lot of people like that I really didn't I'm not I don't want to be negative or people that think I'm that was a group I flew with but I'm very aware of making sure I'm not that person and I'll give you an example you know flying any of my planes but particular bush plane up onto a Hilltop called not for you name not for you for a reason because the majority of airplanes it's just not for you to get in and out there were several very capable aircraft circling like buzzards we kind of joke their buzzards while the others are on the ground I wanted to make sure that I'm the guy that says if you don't feel good I'm going to high-five you and give you a hug and say good job for not doing it so in my flight test program I want the people that talk me out of flying it not the people that talked me into flying the program around me I want I'd rather people pull back um I push my envelope and it cost me and it could have cost me my life thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 1,403,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made, red bull, aviation
Id: NGsY42-SjTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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