P210R demo…Thinking about buying a P210? Watch this demo first!

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it's an awesome airplane let's go [Music] flying man where am I okay I know I'm in carlbad California I'm out on the west coast that's a long way from home for Georgia Boy like myself and yes this is my real accent folks it's not made up but uh it's just the way we talk in Georgia one thing about us in Georgia we love to fly airplanes too so that's what we're going to do today we're going to fly and we're going to talk about the pressurized 210 that's a pressurized 210 more specifically the r model the r model sitting right behind me it's November 23 kilo Bravo we're going to point out some good things about these aircraft why they're so beloved by cesna owners uh what they're really good at maybe some things they're bad at too we're going to take it in the air we're going to do a little play test on it this aircraft just came out of a very very extensive annual inspection uh wait till you get a load of these log books it's crazy so we're going to go over the aircraft we're going to talk about uh yeah talk about the good the bad the ugly let's go a little [Music] deeper all right like I was saying earlier you have to excuse the hanger that I'm in I think they got me in a storage hanger right now I've been waiting to get get out here to California for about a week to get this thing anyway we're kind of parked back here in the storage hanger and and this aircraft underwent a thre Monon long maybe even four month long annual inspection and they I think they touched everything if they didn't rebuild the airplane I'd be really surprised but they touched everything and I I don't think the owner would want me to tell you what the bill was yeah they I think they touched everything but that's neither here nor there uh it got fixed out here in carlbad California Hangar One uh avionics is who did the uh uh did the work and they just are a fantastic shop you know they've got a wonderful reputation don't take my word for it you can search them online I mean they they're notor well not notorious they're Infamous for getting the job done right and the owner I've got to really commend the owner too because I know the owner personally and he's one of those guys that is very meticulous and he doesn't want a half ass job he wants it done right and uh and when you take it to a shop like Hangar One that's what they expect and that's what the owner expects and that's exactly what happened with this aircraft all right so I think to get us started man let's first talk about the pressurize 210 man I get a lot of people that ask me questions about uh about these aircraft what are they good at what are they bad at man I love them I personally own one myself myself I own a 1979 n model with the B toen version uh but we'll talk about that the uh the N models uh were the were the first ones to come out they did that in 1978 and then uh in later years they moved to the r model which they only produced 40 of uh and uh by the time they got to the r model they really got a lot of the bugs worked out of these aircraft and uh and they came a long way and unfortunately they only made 40 of them before they stopped production I think 1986 if I'm not misten this aircraft is a 1985 pressurized 210r model uh great airplanes the difference between the N model and the r model there's a few differences uh most notably is going to be this engine right here the engine on the end model is a 310 horsepower Continental this is a 325 horsepower Continental I believe it's a Tio 520 Charlie Echo engine if I'm not mistaken 325 horsepower Max rated uh which is really the engine probably should have had to begin with uh I think uh Sometimes some of the downsides to the end model is they were kind of notorious for being a little lethargic during the climb they'd get really hot wasn't so much that they were lethargic you just had to keep the air speed up to keep them cool and uh you know us flying down south down in Georgia down around Southeast or Texas or whatever man uh that can be a problem so we we have to keep that air speed upwards around 130 knots sometimes even 140 knots and climb just to keep the engine cool well that usually translates to about 500 ft per minute but this r model man look at the size of these induction Scoops right here at that got that scoop down [Music] there size those cow flaps huge long story short man cooling is not a problem on this engine you're going to climb around 900 ft a minute engine's going to be cool as a cucumber uh I'm a big fan of Lena Peak operation uh when we go flying this thing a little later we're going to do some Lena Peak operation we're going to look at the advantages of that most notably is the fuel savings right people are like well an inch and overhaul is cheap compared to fuel you know whatever uh anybody that doesn't like Lan a peak operations convince me otherwise cuz I'm a big fan but um the fuel savings is one but most notably You' got the uh you got the decreased cylinder head temperatures which is the life of an engine so when you got the decreased cylinder head temperature uh of this engine somewhere down around 320 340° anything less than 380 is good but but these engines are going to run down around 340° cylinder head temperature that is the life of your engine and that's the advantage of running Lena Peak now you got to know how to do it you can't just go willy-nilly and just start leaning this thing out cuz you can get it way too hot if you're not careful you know if you hold out in that lean area too long that's a bad that's recipe for disaster so uh so this airplane runs Len a Peak at least that's how I run it you can run it rich Peak if you prefer but uh Hey man these things do a great job Le a peak let's keep going a little further all right let's do a quick walk around of an r model p210 so one of the most notable differences between the r model and the N model is going to be these tip tanks right now in the N model you can do aftermarket Flint tanks that take it from 88 Gall up to 122 Gall I do believe it is uh but that's an aftermarket thing but Cessna decided hey man you know the fuel range on the end model stock with 88 Gall is a little bit short of where it should be uh so uh most people have convered converted the in models to the standard long range tanks uh and they put Flint tanks on them but in the r models it it comes standard so uh You' got 120 gallons of fuel in these things that uh and the plumbing the way that seson did the plumbing the fuel management is a piece of cake basically you don't have to turn on any fuel pumps you don't have to worry about transferring fuel main tanks like you do in the end model it's just you just fill it and go now if you look in here the end model has a left right and an off and you have to you have to uh balance your fuel left and right tanks now for me personally I don't ever really have a problem with that in fact I actually even like that and I'll tell you why in just a second what I do is I just look at my minute hand on my watch if my minute hand's point to the left I'm burning off the left tank if it's pointing to the right I'm burning off the right tank I keep it simple stupid you know it's called The Kiss method so I just uh I just keep it that way and that way if I'm ever cruising along and I'm like man did I forget to change those tanks or did I swap that fuel man let's see here all right looks like my minute hands on the left and if that tank were on the right I know I didn't switch it so um so I'll make that switch this aircraft you just leave it on both and Let It Go um now that's good and bad because what can happen to me it's an added safety benefit that in the Advent that you uh you forget the 6p method that's piss poor planning uh see proper planning prevents piss poor performance if you fail the 6p method and you run a little short on gas and let's say God forbid you run one of these tanks dry on the end model you can switch over to the other tank and there's a pretty good chance it's going to have some gas in it on this airplane when you run it dry it's dry so uh but as far as fuel management goes man it's a piece of cake uh just put it on both and let it go and then maybe once you start exceeding the endurance of the aircraft and kind of start getting you know into 5 hours pushing the 6 hour mark maybe then you can start going left and right uh you know just to kind of give you a little little extra time just in case God forbid something happens that way you can land with some power instead of dead sticking it in somewhere you know so all right that's the fuel system that's one benefit of the p210r would you look at the size of this stabilizer well that's something you don't hear every day is it man the stabilizer on the r model is 3 ft wider in total than the end model that adds for a little more ability a little more control and rotation and in the flare you got a lot of elevator back here folks uh and this elevator is counterbal is balanced okay so the controls on the r model versus the end model are very very light and the end model p210 you know I've got a p210 and and it doesn't I don't even really think about it unless I'm doing a a demo video on the r model and it's just something worthwhile to point out is the flight controls on the r model are going to be much lighter in rotation than not in in roll but in a pitch are going to be much much lighter in the r model than the N model because it's it's balanced these controls are balanced in the N model they've got a 5 or six lb counterweight uh on these control surfaces so when when it comes time to flare or or even rotate on takeoff man you better uh I hope you worked out or ate your weedies that morning because it can uh it can be a handful especially if you're not ready for it I remember the first time I ever flew it and I tried to rotate I thought oh my God I left my gust lock on or something you know some hairbrained idea like that that didn't happen you just got to pull back on it you got to get that nose off the wheel I mean off the ground and you got to rotate and go flying so that's another uh I guess advantage of the r model all right we've talked about we've got the big Hefty engine we've got the extended range fuel we got the big tail feathers but what about the performance the performance on these airplanes especially this airplane because it is tight it's very tight what I mean is the cabin's tight hanger One avionics uh that did this annual inspection I think I alluded to it earlier boy they really covered all the bases with this uh with this annual inspection which is great that's what that was for the owner's request um but they leak tested this these things are kind of notorious they're old and they leak a lot so you know to maintain a cabin differential of 3.25 PSI is the cabin differential on these airplanes that's kind of low for a pressurized airplane in fact that's one of the lowest uh Max diffs uh of any pressurized a plan that I've ever heard of so to maintain 3.25 can be a struggle for these airplanes I mean they've got you've got cables going through the bulkhead you've got cables going to the landing gear you got air conditioning systems doors I mean there's a lot going on that caus these leaks that make it very difficult for these airplane to maintain that 3.25 Max diff so with that being said this aircraft is one of the few and only airplan that I know of even my own I don't think maintains 3.25 Max death uh maintains 3.25 all the way up to well all the way up to altitude which means that you can go up this aircraft is certified to 25,000 ft 25,000 ft you're going to be at a cabin altitude of around 12,000 ft okay do that math so 12,000 um that's pretty good you know you're never going to go up 25,000 ft folks I'm just going to give you a heads up you may do it to top of storm or something like that but you're not going to be hanging out up there 25,000 ft besides that I'd get a headache of 12,000 ft cap pressure altitude so I don't want to go up there so instead you're going to be down around The Sweet Spot of these p210 are down around 17 to 19,000 ft just plan on it that's where you're going rough ride or not that's where you're going you can even go lower some people like to go down around 12 or 14 but uh me personally I just Flight Plan either 17 to 19,000 ft somewhere in there I maintaining right around 10,000 ft of cabin altitude I don't get a a screaming headache I'm good to go everybody's head all right so I get to blabbing about cabin altitudes and pressurization and I forget the important part let's talk about the the performance that's where we were going while we go till we got track so let's talk about the performance of these airplanes um this airplane lean of peak I'm a huge fan of lean of peak um if if you don't know much about lean of peak I'd be happy to teach you or any uh anybody I guess out there that knows about it I encourage you to learn about it uh get proficient at it don't just go into it um kind of half-heartedly thinking thinking you understand it you got to understand it for it to work right for it to be beneficial to you and your engine okay so uh but Lan a peak we're going to run this one lean a peak today uh we're going to get it down I speculate somewhere between 16 and 17 gallons per hour that's yeah 16 to 17 gallons per hour we're going to cruise along at uh at that fuel flow at around 195 to 200 knots true so we'll see how that holds up check my math later but but that's what it should should even out at uh and we're going to go upwards probably about 17 I'm probably going to leave out of here VFR I go to 175 so uh anyway uh so yeah that's you know with uh with 120 gallons of fuel you take off at 35 to 36 gallons per hour up to altitude uh and then uh then you lean it out to 16 to 17 gallons per hour you can do the maass youve got right at 6 hours of endurance so I don't know about you man I don't want to ride longer than 6 hours in an airplane I don't want to ride longer than any airplane for that long um I want to be able to get up walk around order pizza whatever I got to do so anyway that's it 6 hours look at that well this going to be a joy to fly you know it's uh it's not like flying the old steam gauges man you know I which I like steam gauges I'm not knocking the steam gauge folks if you guys have a steam gauge airplane it's great airplane I think is what way everybody should learn but you want to step into modern Aviation this is the way to do it right here these airplanes airplanes loaded with the g600 we got the Dual 750 touchscreens and uh what is that thing I uh a mvp50 that's right this the MVP I think that's Electronics International MVP 50 thing's even got a checklist on it man what a cool piece of avionics that is of course we don't go anywhere without our iPads you know so you got your iPad we got more GPS's we know what to do with there's no way we can get lost right well that's what they all say but anyway man this thing got the Garment autopilot down there golly uh no vacuum system golly man this is this is a nice airplane folks not all the p210 are this way you know but uh hey this one is so we'll take it all right well we're cranked up man like I was saying it's kind of sucks that uh that I can't record my audio you know um because I've got this plug see that plug right there that's the uh anyway that's the Bose plug it won't adapt my audio recorder but we'll overlay some audio here later but uh I'll try to get some footage of the take off and climb and all that good stuff sh ground clear to Fox Charlie mik airport as maintain 12000 expect level 1 n0 1 minut after departure frequency2 4.55 clock [Music] 3714 27 left 23 all right Runway is clear Runway is clear all right clear for takeoff Runway 27 Runway heading 23 [Music] now as a matter of technique I kind of like to line up on the runway kind of let things stabilize and then we'll release the brakes let that uh let that turbo spool up a little bit these engines sometimes when you add the power to them can kind of stumble if you had the power too fast cuz they don't have an accelerator pump so here we go and we're off that looks good man pressure is looking good 26 we got 36 and2 26 manif pressure a speeds alive all the engine instruments are in the green there's 70 knots 75 knots she wants to go blind Keys up on the uh dooke lower that nose let it Exel takes a lot of right run in these things big old fat inches little fat Rock All Right wheels are coming up all right wheels are in the wells I hear the pump is off that's pretty important make sure you listen for that pump to go off you can even see a spike in the H meter all right fuel flow is at 37 that's exactly what we want to see anything below 38 is good we let it run just like that a how feel all right so we just departed out a shyen think's looking great we got our cruise set up we're about 136 knots we're climbing at 800 ft a minute manifold pressure looks great RPMs look great fuel flow is 377 that's right on the money man that's what we're looking for everything is full forward we're going to be climbing full rich full uh throttle and uh Max RPM all the way up keep that in keep that fuel flowing to the engine that's what we're looking for all right looking real happy 12,000 out of 12,000 for 19 going all the way up pressurization is looking good pressurization is on it's already coming up that's looking good here we [Music] go right so we got to down time we still got 2 hours and 15 minutes to destination so let's take a look at this panel see what all we've got got all our warning cabin indications right here you got cabin out di ice pressure uh if the AL uh alternator one or two goes Offline that light will come on you got a low voltage light in the door pump when the door pump cycles that light will come on it stays on for more than a minute you're supposed to turn the uh uh door seals off there's your prop anti ice you can see that when I turn the prop anti ice that comes up there's my pressurization all that looks good that's good when I pressurize the boots that'll come up into the green that's what you want to see moving along Garmin 600 what an incredible piece of equipment seem a round speed is 204 145 knots indicated with 195 knots true air speed that's right what we plann winds from 315 out of 36 I'm going say direct cross wi slightly quartering I'd rather have a slightly quartering and slightly head makes all the difference in the world temperatures outside satus 20 19,000 ft headed up to Flying Cloud so standby attitude indicator I keep this set up like this I keep monitoring my weather and flying cloud make sure nothing changes it's right in front of me my primary navcom is here also keep an eye on my weather here that's my Next Rad there's also XM radar or XM weather on board and my engine gaug man this thing is awesome what an incredible piece of equipment this is Monitor everything everything's in the green let's see man fold RPM fuel flow fuel pressure oil pressure oil temperature all this is in the green I go to my menu menu gives you all kinds of stuff added [Music] fuel you can even run checklist if you want to run checklist what a cool what a cool uh piece of equipment this is all right there's your engine and system functions right there there's all your fuel FL a lot of lot of times people leave it on this uh screen right here it's kind of easier to read so cool airplane man moves along On Top [Music] all right we're beginning our s in the blind Cloud see about 30 m out clear us down to 6,000 cross 35 MI 35 M actually 5,000 I got 5,000 star 750 does all the guess work for you you don't have to do the old school bath you can one or two it's pretty simple plug it in tell it what you want it to do and the way it goes all right we're under descent into fly Cloud we around 12,000 they want us to cross 5 mil west of M Cloud 5,000 that's where the arrival traffic in Minneapolis and we can do it old school style and we can do all the bth and everything but tell you the Garbin 750 it does all the guess for you you plug it in at the PN profile I like a 2 and 1/2 C uh gradient it's going to give me about 1,000 ft per minute right now it's saying that we need 9 under 98 ft per minute be that restriction restriction so right now we're coming down about 1,000 ft a minute airplane does a great job at it and uh everything is I'm keeping everything just like it was in Cruise all the way until I get to the traffic P that's when I would do my uh my gums check for the traffic matter [Music] all right folks we made it all the way to Flying Cloud from San Diego and I got to be honest with you rarely do I ever have no squawks on an airplane but today may be the day airplane's running beautifully um very tight pressurization absolutely amazes me I've never seen a a p210 quite that tight uh but it did a great job so the airport here in Flying Cloud and they were super awesome they let me do a photo shoot out here on the runway not very often you get to see that sitting on the numbers the 36 that's pretty cool uh guys check out www.fly maxcraft decom you'll see more about this airplane we also provide instruction uh Insurance got such these days that it kind of gets difficult to get insured in these things we can take care of that as well for you so uh we're the One-Stop shop we'll take care of you we'll take care of our customers we love you and we need you talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: FlyMax Aircraft, LLC
Views: 7,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #inshot
Id: 6fD1QwTE_bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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