I BOUGHT a Rare ABANDONED Airplane Sitting For Years

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wow oh man so we're here today at Spruce Creek airport in sunny Florida and we have this 1983 Bonanza b36 TC that's right turbocharged and this one's intercooled and I got to tell you these things are probably the nicest six- seat airplane that you could get and this one is completely awesome but like so many other airplanes that we've had on the channel this one's been sitting untouched for about the last 12 years and today we're going to get this thing started well we're going to try to get this thing started and then we're going to go over the whole airplane the airframe the inside the avionics everything and see what it's going to take to get her back up in the air and rescued and flying once again so let's get at it the Bonanza line was first introduced by beachcraft aircraft Corporation in 1947 with the Vil model 35 it quickly gained a reputation for its leak design and performance fast forward in 1982 the spatial Challenger completed its fourth Mission ET was phoning home at the box office Time Magazine awarded its machine of the Year title to the personal computer and beachcraft debuted the Bonanza b36 TC with its 300 Hors power Continental tsio 520 it has increased power output through turbocharging allowing this beach to maintain performance at higher altitudes in which helps it reach a top speed of 246 mph production of the b36 TC continued for several years with beachcraft manufacturing them until the early 2000s while newer models have since been introduced the b36 TC remains a popular choice among pilots who value its combination of performance comfort and reliability so before we jump into this engine and check out the heart of this Beast check out the turbocharger the intercooler and see what kind of condition it's in we need to look at the rest of the airplane and see how much damage 13 years of sitting in the Florida Sun did to it if this spinner has anything to say about it we're going to be looking at a couple issues here hopefully they're not real bad so a few of the things we got to look at is we have to look at this whole airframe you know what did sitting out here in the Florida weather I mean we all know you know there's a certain word I'm not going to use that you get down here in Florida and we did kind of buy this site unseen so I don't know how bad it is corrosion wise the Spinner's got some corrosion on it makes me a little bit nervous but we're going to go ahead we'll inspect the whole outside of the airplane for corrosion we're going to also take a look at the windows check out the condition of those we're going to crawl underneath of it we're going to check out the belly we're going to check out the landing gear all the shafts and see if there's any corrosion there just make sure everything looks solid and everything is safe while we're at it we're also going to look at the flight control surfaces we're going to check for movement we're going to check for any type of corrosion make sure the bearings are good and then we're going to hop in the interior now I've seen a couple pictures of the interior and it's had these solar Shields up protecting the interior the whole time I I think the interior is going to look pretty much brand new and it's going to be real exciting to check out the panel the panel in its day was first class autopilot y' dampener and everything so uh I'd like to stop this video to watch the T6 Texan fire up right now I think that's a T6 that's thing about being at like an airport like this every time you see something that's really cool and we end up stop videoing and forget about what we're doing and watch Airplanes so all right all right let let's get let's get back to the Bonanza so the other thing we're going to do then after we check out the avionics andrion all that stuff we're going to get in here and we're going to pop this calling open we're going to see what we got under the hood and we're going to see if we can well and we're going to see what we got to do to get it started I'm a little bit worried about it to be honest with you because as you guys may or may not know turbos come with high maintenance turbos lock up and they don't like sitting and this one's been sitting so we'll see what we got all right so I just got off the phun with the mechanics that have all the logs over the hanger they're combing through them and as it turns out all the numbers that I was given are accurate it doesn't even have 1,500 hours on the airframe and a little bit over 500 hours on the prop and the engine this thing's almost new I mean that's one of the lowest Hour Air air frame b36 TCS I've heard of it may be the lowest one and we have it so that makes me real excited there are a couple ads that need go on over so they're going to be making a list let's go ahead let's jump in and let's take a look at everything else it's finally feeling like summer which means I'm going to be spending a lot more time outside and I want a lawn that I can enjoy with my family 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that we've been partnered with Sunday lawn care for quite some time and I have to tell you the difference this season is amazing so if you want to be like me and refresh your yard today all you got to do is click the link in the description below or or use code resue 30 you'll get 30% off your first Sunday La care plan if we look at the paint on this it's really not that bad we got some paint peeling and you know it it hasn't been down with the metal showing real long to start causing like a lot of corrosion I'm not seeing really much corrosion at all we are going to have to scope it get inside the wings and really look at it but other than paint you know a little bit of clear coat coming off it looks pretty good I don't see any dents we get a little bit of I don't even know what this is not sure what that is I'll have to look at that cuz I'm not sure what that is it's just duct tape isn't it I don't know it's like speed tape or something but I don't know why it's on there I wasn't sure if you put that over so stuff didn't get in here like wasp or something water yeah might be it might be just a covering for parking I don't know I have to look at I'm not familiar with the tails on these and everything looks like really clean obviously being out in Florida this clear coat was was doomed you know in this sun but I'm not seeing seeing any corrosion I see some bad paint work we got the normal you know little bit of rust on some things anything metal is going to have some rust on it once we get in the interior I'll go ahead you know I'll be able to check all the flight controls and everything we'll get some lubricant we'll spray them on like pretty much everything that is supposed to move will get sprayed down yeah it actually looks really good this might be a little bit of corrosion underneath here though that's concerning yeah there's probably a little bit of corrosion here but it doesn't feel like it is down into the metal too much so hopefully that's just red under the paint and that can just be cleaned up yeah so pretty much what it looks like from here walking around this underneath the airplane it looks great cuz it hasn't been beaten up by the sun all the top surfaces the the clear coat is pretty bad I mean it could be buffed up a bit but it's flaking I see a tiny little bit of corrosion starting here and there but I don't see anything that's very alarming so looking underneath the airframe you can see there's you know just we have a little bit of paint coming off I don't see again I I don't see any corrosion or anything that I'm like massively worried about it also looks like somebody left the belly a little dirty which honestly probably wasn't a bad thing because it gives it a coating of uh oily protection and it uh it looks good I think just a cleanup down here everything underneath is really good I mean somebody if they wanted to we could even just paint the very top surfaces of everything because the bottom surfaces look almost brand new so you could save a little bit of money but I keep looking at this ban Anza and thinking to myself this thing would be so hot with a modern panel and a modern paint job on it so walk around looking at the windows I don't know I didn't look at the logs and see if these were ever replaced but surprisingly they look good they don't look really fogging what do you think about these windows I mean there's no none like I don't really see any crazing or anything either they was some talk about this sitting in a hanger for a number of those 13 years I'm not 100% said that was a good burp I'm not 100% sure how long it sat in this position so so it may have only been sitting out here for like 3 years or so I'm I'm not 100% sure but it looks good honestly too him putting these these window coverings that are all like custom fitted yeah Absol you know you know this person took care of their plane 100% and looking at the logs when you guys if you take a look at the logs the way everything's organized and you know there's labels on all kinds of things it it was a picky you know he was a picky owner and he took pride in his airplane unfortunately sometimes you know we got to let our airplane sit outside but s looks really good all right so I I just I have to take a look man this thing looks brand new in here are you kidding me look at the interior I don't know seat bels I don't know if any seat belts don't have any dirt on dude I don't even know if someone ever sat in here it's got a it's got a rug look it's got a matching like it's got like a matching area rug in an airplane I think I I could live in here so it has the powered Bose headset interface over for like all the seating positions dude even all the speakers are in like really good shape they're like in pristine shape you got a table you got your cigarette lighter which obviously would just be a cell phone Power I would never let someone smoke in my airplane that's insane welcome to today and not the 70s and ' 80s oh my gosh it's dude it's got a suede headliner what that's suede that's kind a suede headliner dude and it's oxy dude it's got oxygen oh for the rear no way it's got onboard oxygen dude did you notice these gas too dang I know they're like they're like brand new they still feel like a little bit oily almost wow I think um I think this is probably going to be like the Best Buy that we've ever had now the uh the seller actually asked me not to talk about what we paid for it so so I really can't say what we did he really uh did pay for it he wanted to give us a really good deal and um wow I almost feel like you got to take your shoes off to get in dude I know I thought about that before I got in here so the one thing you guys definitely want to do even if like the carpet looks all nice and brand new like this start pulling up some of the carpet around the doors you're going to want to look for any kind of corrosion because these doors are are they're going to leak like they're going to leak except for this door because if you look at the seals the seals are brand new like look at these seals somebody like just took care of them they even got some stuff on them I mean wow wow and it's a beachcraft I mean everything everything has is primed is protected you know when they build these they build them right like beachcraft is like the Cadillac or the Lexus of airplanes so I didn't know this was going to happened but Tom the old owner the original person who had the airplane most of his life pulled up and he began to tell the story about the b36 and the reason why it's been sitting for so many years so as it turns out Tom who's an inventor and a really successful businessman had moved down to Florida a number of years ago he moved down there with his wife and his two kids his wife and two kids used to fly with him in that bananza all over the country it was this huge family thing that they shared and you could just tell as Tom was telling the story how much it meant to him so Tom had opened up an engineering firm somewhere else in the country years before that and had just moved into Florida he moved his whole family down he had to find new employees he his his whole life was upside down and all of a sudden they found his wife had cancer she only had a few months to live and Tom had a new business and knew he was going to be a single parent soon so although Tom had such a love for Aviation he had to let go of flying so Tom soon lost his wife to cancer and being a single parent and running this new and and successful business he just couldn't fly anymore so we had to hang his wings up and the Manan sat you know and the the story that he shared with me was it was it was touching um you know and it just goes to show like how much Aviation affects people and um you know he really took care of he really loved this airplane and he's really excited to see it flying again one of these days here soon so um you know can't wait to get this rescue finished up this is going to be a really cool airplane and it's going to be a really cool airplane for somebody out there maybe one of you guys to fly so it's cool so let's check this panel out cuz I know it's going to be cool I might have seen pictures oh it's locked you're killing me with this oh looks so good I'll give you guys I'll give you guys a little Peak see look look not too much calm down there calm down look W think the window's too dirty to see I know it does need cleaned up all right let's take a look at this thing oh man look at this panel so back in the day this would be this bananza would be like pulling up at at whatever airport you're at in a Ferrari it it really would this is like the Ferrari of freaking airplanes I mean you got the single throw over yolk so nothing's in front of you but if you want to fly from right seat you can look at this panel oh my gosh it's got It's got everything in it I mean factory factory autopilot with the y' dampener it's yeah nice King HSI got your CD Danger from back in the day I still think I have some CDs I can throw in there for the passengers it looks brand new like the panel here I'm not saying that it wouldn't look nice with like dual G3 Xs and a GFC 500 and stuff like that but this could be flown just like this for years no problem and it looks beautiful it looks beautiful the side looks beautiful the only thing I'm seeing is a little tiny crack in the plastic here the seats they look really good again we got the floor we got the cup holders right here man we're good to go got the oxygen co-pilot and pilot oxygen dude this thing's got a better interior than our rental car dude and our rental car is like a 2023 it us man we got a little glove box here we got some stuff going on I couldn't be happier I couldn't be happy the only thing that really upsets me is the fact that we have a Saratoga which is kind of like the competition from Piper for this airplane but if I'm honest the s toga is like Chevrolet you know and this is like the beachcraft is like the Cadillac or I I don't even think that's a fair comparison so I think the beachcraft is like the Mercedes or the Ferrari you know the Saratoga is kind of like a minivan or something I don't know but yeah I know that this will get up to altitude we got oxygen we got an intercooled turbo which is so much better a 520 cubic inch intercooled turbo ah this thing is just so nice all right I got my airplane guys thanks take care talk to you later see you guys next time on rebuild rescue see you guys next time if you look in the floor here we got these like little area rugs over top of the really nice carpet so they took really nice custom area rugs and put it over top of custom carpet in the interior let's hop over here and we will check out see how the brakes feel because I have a feeling those brakes were sitting here not being used they're probably yes so brakes are going right to the floor there is zro braco no Brak so they're going to need probably Master cylinders uh rebuilt probably uh calipers rebuilt all bled out and I kind of figured that I mean once you sit that long you're just not going to have any brakes got some really nice Rosen sun visors up here I don't know if I've ever I've been this excited have I been this excited about an airplane yet I don't think I have all right let's take out the gust lock here and see if the flight controls will move now I didn't I didn't check these out yet they are working so the aerons work they're a little stiff they're going to definitely need you know definitely need lubed up they are working well both sides how's how's that look back there how's the elevator look oh it's moving it's moving oh yeah dang so cool how about the rudder oh yeah rudder's moving yep no way nice I'm going to check the trim here trim's moving elevator trim do it again it's moving now it'll move slow it's a little tab yeah yeah it's moving it's moving oh yeah no way yes we even got like it's got the wx11 it's got the radar it's got the storm deal it's it's got it all it's got it all the adjustment here that works wow got the oxygen right here the controls the on off the man it's just such a cool airplane I love it so the thing is that nobody really knew is that I already had that airplane sold as long as we could get it started and as long as it was in pretty good shape if it wasn't I wasn't going to have a deal on the airplane I wasn't going to be able to sell it and I'd have to figure out a way to fix it and or get it off the airport property within a short amount of time so the only thing that I'm seeing that I'm a little bit worried about are these struts so they are down completely you can't get down any further so I don't know if these are going to hold fluid or if they're just going to leak all over the place tires definitely shot it's going to need three tires I would say the whole str's going to need completely rebuilt a lot of this a lot of the HMS and stuff they're going to need attention and maybe some of these brake fittings up here they me may need some attention they're not looking that bad though it looks like it could really be surface but but not real bad it's not corrosion it's literally just Grease the inside is all painted and there's zero corrosion in here everything looks good everything is like perfect so put a tire on it and and really this is dry rotted but I've seen worse I've seen worse dry rot did you see the other side of it no no no other side of that tire what this the sidewall yeah it's sand oh for real oh it's not even uh-uh no it's just sand oh nice I thought it was like dry rotted through no it's so that's Grease Grease fell on there and the grease got hard and then some sand blew on it and covered it up ni so it's literally just rubbing oh yeah rubbing right off so these Tire the tires are actually pretty good there's little like some little stuff now I would put new ones on just to have new ones on but I think it would fly with them perfectly fine I mean it's a tube tire but but look at that look at the gear look how nice that looks it's all painted there's like no corrosion on it it it's in like perfect shape let's take a look at the right strut here the right strut looks just like the left one we got little bit of dry crack in the tires we have little rusty himim end here that goes to the Gear door the strut is completely collapsed but looking at all the pieces here everything there's paint and everything there's a tiny little bit of you can see corrosion right here just a tiny bit under the paint superficial nothing really to worry about up in here got a little wasp nest there everything looks fantastic no corrosion little bit of Tire dry rot these nice michelins good paint need to service the strut throw some O-rings in it lube it up put some nitrogen in there to be good to go and if you look at the front strut the front strut same way it looks good but this one actually has pressure in it sure it has oil in it got a little bit of surface rust on some of the hardware um probably replace the shaft here on the shimmy dampener cuz it it does have some corrosion in there but wow again Tire brand new tires looks like it looks like someone put brand new tires in before it was parked years and years ago and it had to spend some time in a hanger it couldn't have been out here for for that long it just couldn't have been so it looks really good looks really good let's look up underneath here all the gear retracted Parts they're good there's no corrosion there's plenty of uh oil and grime up in here which keeps that from getting all corroded or anything it looks perfect it looks great all the wiring looks like it's a good shapes all the him I haven't seen a bent broken cracked anything all right let's get this hood open so one of the things I get really worried about whenever a rescue is looking this good is when you you really start to dig in you get into the engine you open the cowling and then all of a sudden the most expensive part of the whole airplane has issues and this thing being a Turbocharger and intercooled it could have some really big issues so I'm a little worried about it but turbochargers are cool so let's open this thing up and by the way on an 83 b36 TC you get these nice little Hood releases and you get these nice little dude whoa that thing looks good wow besides being a little dirty that thing looks freaking it looks really good and it's got this cool like hood release that makes it so easy all the paint looks really good look at the paint under here even like under it's it's perfect now we do have if you look here we got a couple hoses that will clean up it's surface that's on the surface you know we got they used to be Chrome you know but that's on the surface the plugs you know they're going to be looking bad I mean they're full of corrosion stuff cuz they just sat out in the elements here but couple mud Dober Nest I mean we're in Florida you're going to get that there is there a date on that oil filter there is no date in the oil filter so we're definitely before flying it so we're going to definitely check the oil here obviously before flying it before running for any length of time you know we're going to make sure that the oil is good we're going to check the oil now and make sure there's oil in it because if you guys remember the Saratoga that one had zero oil in it but the engine was in great shape I think it was in the middle of its annual when someone pulled the plug on the annual cuz they couldn't afford it or something just happened so always got to check the oil and this has brand new oil in it dude what that oil is so clean brand new oil 12 quarts of brand new oil in there I would be willing to bet the guy who owned this before he parked it changed the oil brand new filter ready to go I have to take a look at the logs check the time on it I mean the filter looked really clean it does look really clean the filter looks really clean so that would make sense yeah he said these he did do the uh slick mag conversion on it so it has slick mags I would assume these mags do have some corrosion inside of them rule is if anything is sat for like a long period of time install just an overhaul left mag definitely definitely definitely uh you know throw new plugs in it a ton of different tests you want to test the compression obviously this thing's out of annual so there's an extensive amount of stuff that needs done to it there's a ton of ads that need looked at but yeah put a vacuum pump on it anything that could fail from sitting put on it just spend the money put it on it you know your diaphragm fuel pump you know the mechanical one put one on it you know if it's sitting for more than two years just put one on it it's good insurance at least a left mag preferably both so I'm G to spray some uh some penetrant in here on these plugs I'm going to get these plugs loose we're going to get these plugs out before we do anything we're going to scope the cylinders and then we're going to get some lubrication in them we're going to let these sit overnight this airplane is so nice I I don't want to scrape anything in cylinders if there's any kind of corrosion or anything bad in there hopefully there's nothing bad in there hopefully I mean this is Florida so but hopefully it's good to go so we'll see but everything I see is looking good let's take a look at this side too this side looks even better look at this so look at the baffling on here man that's somebody who cared about their airplane and took care of it I know we always put white firewalls on everything it looks great dude and it is they he told me he said he painted he saw one of our videos and said that he painted the firewall white and saw that's what saw that's what we were doing and he was like that's perfect like it looks so good well obviously he really did think that because that's how he had his painted but also look at how clean it is it is there's no oil on it there's no anything there's no battery in here I know that so we're going to get a battery in there in a little bit which is which is good so he took the battery out there's no battery leaking acid in there it's good to go the thing is as we looked at this Bonanza it was is in such good condition I couldn't believe that it sat outside for 13 plus years in the Florida weather in the Florida Sun there was minimal amounts of corrosion and the interior was just beautiful the only problem I had was at that moment I really didn't want to sell it I didn't want to let it go I wanted to keep it all right so all you guys at home no cheating so put in the comments what you think the chances are this thing's going to fire up now that's before we scope it and know what the cylinders look like and again no cheating so I think I think we got a pretty good chance I think these cylinders are going to look pretty good but I'm still a little apprehensive so we'll see but I do got some uh lubricant to put in the cylinders we are going to scope it we're going to see what this looks like see if this thing will start again for the first time in about 12 years 12 or 13 years I I don't want to jinx for myself I'm I'm not even going to say I'm not going to say because if I say I'm I'm going to jinx myself so but uh but I I like this airplane I like all airplanes but we got everything all set up I lubricated all the spark plugs so now we're going to loot some spark plugs up we're going to pop them out and then we're going to get the scope in and we're going to see what what really we got is as far as a deal on this thing because this engine is oh about I don't know $100,000 if you bought a new one to overhaul it it's about $60,000 so this is the heart soul and the biggest expense you're going to have on an airplane unless you put like a $1 some th000 avionics package in this will tell us what we got Jason you have to tell about how many people stopped by to tell us about the airplane so we're there at the Bonanza we're either working on it or we're checking and out there had to be six seven eight people that stopped by every single person that stopped by had a different story of what happened to the owner it was like whisper down the lane it was everybody had a story he he had died um he went to the War uh he was abducted aliens got him the truth is he lived at the air park for years and you'll have to excuse the tools that I'm using today because I have limited tools available so get oh yeah good to meet you great good to meet you this is Harrison hey nice to meet you nice to meet you I used to be the president of the American ban Society oh no way I was President up until about a year and a half ago and then my six years you know term limits ran off I was I'm out of here yeah you know hey you got to do your time and then move on right yeah yeah so we're uh we're about ready pull the plugs on it I'm going to go ahead and scope the uh cylinders take a look at them uh see what they look like you know you know if it's been run at all uh I don't think so because I to my knowledge I haven't seen it ever run yeah it looks better now than it looked when it was sitting over so somebody a year ago I heard that someone a year ago washed it for some reason someone was here and washed it and it used to be as Green from what I understand as this paint right here the whole thing it was like just covered in Moss so where else can you be in the world working on an airplane on a Bonanza and I I promise you guys we didn't set this up we didn't set this up at all so he pulls up on his Beach nuts club car if you're not sweating Beach nuts you're out of position if you're not sweating you're out of POS see that's this is a formation team and we fly out of the Kansas City area and oh my go so so the previous president of the bananza society Club you guys might know them I mean if you guys know beachcraft that you may not be aware of you know what these are right here those are uh the go fast uh stke uh modified 3/4 lift angle do you know what they really are no I don't those are your check writing tables that's where you put your checkbook when you Che and and if for some reason this one were to collapse you go over the other side yeah go the other side there's a spare what are these they're for stall strips stall strips yeah that the f33c the aromatic Bonanza it has these on yes so we're going to pop these plugs out I'm going to I'm going to I've been doing like a a little little bit of dance and a little bit of prayer hopefully uh you know there there's no corrosion in there there's no corrosion in there and uh and and we see something uh something good what percentage chance and this is something we do in the channel a lot what's your percentage chance that these cylinders there's no corrosion after sitting in the Florida Sun my my guess there's about a maybe a one tenth of 1% chance there's no so you're telling me there's a chance one1 I'm not good at math that's that's not a good chance right that's not a good chance let's hope I'm wrong though so why those plug wires are sitting and just kind of getting that letting that penetrant seep in there we'll go ahead and and get these all loosened up and we'll do the same thing over here last thing I want to do is Rip one of the wires out ruining the harness because I was impatient and didn't let everything set up in there and loosen up before pulling the wires out all right we'll let that soak in we'll see see how the other side's looking see if we can get these other three out of here so what's your what's your percentage chance of seeing fires rate up Harry I think there's going to be light corrosion in the cylinders okay I think there's going to be light corrosion well there's definitely going to be corrosion in there but I don't think it's going to be anything like that we can't start it because of it I like 85% chance it's going to start 85% chance what's what's your what's your guess on percentage of uh chance it's going to start it's going to start oh boy did you guys put any new fuel in it or anything not yet not yet we will yeah I'm going to check the fuel um see what kind of you know Condition it's in obviously it's been it's 13-year-old fuel from you know the math that I saw in the log books and everything so say the fuel's probably not the best fuel but hey it's let it fuel you know so we got all of the spark plug wires for the top plugs I'm not going to pull the bottom ones right now um actually going to spray those and let those sit we are going to get those plugs out and we can finally scope it and see what it looks like oh nice fine wire plug oh cool plenty of carbon on it no little tiny bit of oil on there 500 hour engine res all right let's take a look at that yeah she looks good little car carboned up no oil no corrosion on the plug that makes me feel really good it's always a good sign all right I'm going to put a little little bit of a little Lube little penetrant in there I'm going to let that sit and uh hopefully it goes down in the threads a little bit I don't want to pull the the H coils out of the the cylinder that one's good I guess I didn't share what my percentage I think I think this thing's going to fire up and run just like it was parked here yesterday I don't think there's going to be a problem at all that's before I see the inside of the cylinders though same thing yeah she's good looks good just like I said little carboned up as to be expected means it hasn't probably didn't it probably started up here and there a long while back I'm going put a little Lube in that one there that one's not too no idea when this was last not too happy I think it probably wasn't flown for maybe 16 or 17 years I'm betting based on some research I did um but then hasn't ran in a long time looks good looks good in between Watching airplanes fly by we contined to pull the plugs out with everyone we pulled out we felt more and more confident that this thing might start looks like um no corrosion at all a little bit here on the edge of the threads and so whenever you guys feel that whenever you feel you're backing a plug out and and it's hard to back out that does mean there was some moisture in that cylinder because the bottom threads that were sticking down past the hill coils well they got a little corrosion on little rust that's why it's hard for them to pull out all right let's see if this one loosened up any all right last plug and the Healer coil is still in Cinder which is good I don't know if any of you guys ever had that happen before it's not a good feeling all right looks good like I said it's little carboned up unfortunately I don't have anything with me to clean these up today but they don't look that bad all right so now's the moment of truth what is what are these cylinders going to look like and is this thing going to fly out of here or is the engine going to have to be pulled out of the cylinders pulled off it's a moment of truth so we're going to start with the left rear which on these Continentals I can't remember which cylinder this is so it's one of them wow you know what dude what the heck they look pretty good don't they dude they look really good let me see something see if this doesn't have the side view where my other one does let me turn the light up in it all right that's all the brighter it gets but man look at look at that cylinder yeah hold on wait a second let me get my flashlight in there too dude what the at that man that cylinder looks Absolut so there's a little bit there see on the top there oh yeah if you look in the top right up here yeah if you look at the top right here you can see a tiny little bit of what I would call staining but I can tell you just from experience of pulling these apart when they look like that that is like that's like nothing that's like nothing at all so that cylinder looks good we'll go on to the next cylinder looks like a little bit Yeah so we got a little bit so we got a little bit there we got a same thing we got a little bit little bit on the top like above where the ringland would land at the at the top of the stroke but man look at this look at the sidewall look how nice that is yeah right there you can still see some of the yeah you can see the cross in there wow the two rears were good to go all right um same deal you can see cross hatch here no issues whatsoever you can see at the very edge here where the where the ringland doesn't reach a little bit of corrosion and I would bet most anybody that has an airplane if it sat at any time anywhere you're going to have about a/ inch of of area where you're going to see a a little bit of little bit of staining a little bit of corrosion at the top but the whole cylinder looks really good all right so over on the right side here we'll check 1 three and five all right so that one's all the way up top let's actually start with number five wow there's a little bit of oil down in here which is good all right so we got a little bit of carbon on the top of the Pistons I don't have the scope with me where I can look up at the valves yeah so again good shape we got crosshatch in here here it might be a little bit hard to see on camera but yeah it looks good it looks good this thing's good this thing's really good um check the last cylinder so we got a little bit of oil in the bottom there's some staining at the very top of the Ring lens what you're going to expect in the cylinders no problem no problem we're going to put some Loop down the cylinders I going to crank it over a bit by hand just to make sure that all the Rings are all looped up make sure the cylinders are good we'll put the plugs back in I'm got to get a battery in it got to get some fuel in it got to S it got to check some screens you battery now we're going to see if we can make some noise Make some noise yeah we're down to where we need the battery and you're like you're a little reckless driver here in his go car so rich is a buddy of mine he does a little bit of brokering and when he runs into certain airplanes I think he knows if he calls me he's going to be able to talk me into it so he gave me a call told me about this Bonanza and knew we'd have to have it I'm down here working on the Bonanza 36 and uh checking with Rich we need a 24volt battery like who would have a 24volt battery sit around so rich said he has one so we're heading over to his house going to check it out and see if that'll work for the ban all right so it looks like we got a battery we got some of the uh some of the acid the pink Power um for these Gill batteries this is the original battery that would go in that 36 and um yeah so we got some actually some data on it and everything so this thing should be good to go all right so we're going to let this charge we'll probably let this charge overnight and we'll also let all the lubricant that we put down on the cylinders just kind of sit in there do its magic first thing tomorrow morning we'll go back to the airplane see if we can get that thing to turn over so we're going to go ahead and get some lubricant in here in the [Music] cylinders so just getting a little bit of lubrication in the cylinders when I would turn this over earlier you could kind of hear the Rings a little bit but getting a little lubrication in the cylinders there's no more take a look in here and just check out the bladder see what kind of condition it's in you can't obviously there's a ton of the bladder you can't see but if you guys look in there can you see a bladder there you proba to look at my angle the bladder looks like it's in really good shape I can't see any dry cracks I can't see any concerns at least right now the rubber feels Supple it doesn't feel dry it doesn't look dry there's also no staining on the wing and I believe there's a good amount of fuel in here yet so now it is 13-year-old fuel so we're going to sump it I'll check the other bladder check the condition we will sump it we'll get some fuel in here so there's fresh fuel we may drain out a bunch of the old fuel as well we'll see see the other thing about sumping something that hasn't been sumped in a long time is a lot of times these things will get open dude that look at that nothing there so if you if you guys looked at the Caps as well the when I removed them that's a locking cap and it has a very strong positive lock I forget the brand but it is an aftermarket fuel cap and I really like the design on it I really like the O-rings that they have on it and everything else so how's it smell um smell doesn't smell stale does it a little bit smells a little bit stale but if you have a good system if you have a good tank you have a good cap on it and I'll tell you now this thing has been rained on for years and years and years in that cap very good quality this is a testament to that because there is zero zero water in there I I wouldn't even be scared to fire it [Music] up so the gaskets in really good shape again I like the design of this cap I like how it sits down in here good design it looks good it's not dry let me feel in there see what it feels like there is a little bit of blue here but there's also some sealant there so it's a tiny little bit I think it was coming out of this drain yeah so it was coming out of that drain that's crazy look at how clean that is so that those caps again I don't know what brand they are I'm actually going to look them up because if if it's kept this this good that long definitely a good cap that one smells a little bit more stale I've let my lawnmower sit in my garage for a year and it smelled worse than this so pretty good so if there was one thing that was going to keep us from starting this thing up was the fuel what kind of condition was it in where we going to have to drain the tank what was going to have to be done soon after checking it out we could see that the tank sealed up perfectly there wasn't a speck of dirt dust water nothing and this was turning out to be the most amazing find we've ever had all right so it's getting late here it's starting to get dark so we're going to pack up for the day pack up for the night so we're going to pack up for the night and we'll be back tomorrow morning we're going to get some fuel in this thing we're going to get the plugs in make sure it has oil pressure we're going to check the air filter make sure that's good put some fresh fuel in it and we're going to get this sucker fired up all right guys so we're back out here with the b36 and today I think we're going to get this thing fired up so we're going to get the battery put in we're going to spin the engine over without the spark plugs in see if it builds oil pressure one of the things you don't want to do is spin this thing over dry with compression you don't want any pressure on the rods and stuff we don't want to score anything up um hopefully it builds uh oil pressure if it builds oil pressure we'll check make sure that we got fuel and and and all that stuff if it does we're going to see if this thing will fire up for the first time in about 12 or 13 years could even be 14 I'm not sure nobody around here is really sure look out for smoke a little apprehensive of whether or not this thing has enough juice to fire this thing up and just to up the Annie a little bit we're also fighting against that yeah so why is it every time it h you know we're we're rescuing something or we're trying to get somewhere like weather is an issue yeah well it's in good it's in um so I'm going to get in the uh get inside the airplane now we'll power it up and uh see if the engine will spin over see if the starter will work I the the solenoid may not work the starter solenoid I mean there could be a multitude of issues all right let's do it me see where everything is here there's the aux pump let's see if we got some battery power all right everything turned on I can hear the gyro spinning up got our altitude here that's set automatically which is really cool clear prop let's go ahead and spin this thing [Laughter] over nice man that thing is spinning over really good really really good all right um yeah yeah it's spinning over good I'm going to turn on these you know we got we got our three indicators for the gear on uh I'm going to turn the avionics on while I'm in here and just check that out uh taxi nav strob pedo prop the ice avionics [Music] master and everything is fired up everything looks like it's working the 196 is work in the com here no check engine lights either no check engine no check engine lights yeah well it Sayes have an alternator out but it's not fired up yet don't worry about that so all right I mean every everything looks good I don't have my headset here with me right now um so I I can't see so I'm going to I'm going to power this off before we lose before we lose our battery power because we're going to need that because I'm going to get out here I'm going to put the plugs in and we're going to see if it'll fire up actually I want to see if this aux fuel pump comes on so we going to turn that back [Music] on yep so the aux fuel pump is working let's see if it gives us fuel flow yep we got fuel flow so so we have fuel flow at least coming up to the fuel distributor block up top of the engine so we're going to get the plugs in we're going to get the cing closed and we'll see if this thing will fire up so the story we got of that Bonanza is that Tom was pretty much the original owner it was a demo unit the Bonanza used a little bit before Tom got it and then Tom had it for years so this was not only a good find it was the find this was a unicorn a b36 TC with an inner cooler option added to it in great condition almost a new interior 1,400 original hours a 500 hour Victor black engine this was the airplane everything's all set plugs are in everything was checked we did check the fuel filters we got a little bit of fresh fuel in the tanks we just added to what was there because that fuel looked pretty good so now it's just seeing if this thing's going to fire up all right set this this gets me like so super nervous so super nervous uh you know starting one of these here the first time cuz yeah it just makes me nervous so we're going to go ahead and see if this thing will fire up all right we got all the tires chocked we have the tie downs tied down and uh all right let's do it all right here goes nothing clear prop get this mixture in full Rich going to get some fuel flow we got fuel flow clear prop it fired right up oh my gosh this is so cool it is it's actually it is running so smooth right now there is not a Mist there is nothing like it is perfectly perfectly smooth turn the alterator on here get some charging everything's good we got manifold pressure got our fuel slow all I'm going to shut her down [Music] here dude what it's running perfectly smooth perfectly smooth dude that was crazy it was like what two prop turns two turns it fired right off oh my gosh all right so I'm going to fire it up I want to check a couple more things yet hopefully it fires back up full Rich a little bit of throttle turn the fuel pump on batter's on clear prop awesome it like literally it is just sitting here I laying at like a couple hundred RPM and if you guys look we got perfect oil pressure I turn I turn the uh the alternator on the alternator light goes out we got charging let's turn it up a little bit more idle oil temp is coming up now it's not showing it's showing a little bit of a discharge so we're going to have to check that alternator um fuel flow is good got some manifold pressure then we got a little bit of little bit of smoke coming out of here but that's to be expected it hasn't ran in so long I think it's just going to have to run get those uh rings to reat in and just kind of exercise a bit I mean it haven't hasn't been ran in so long it's it's going to use a little bit of oil at first too yeah both of the tanks are accurate according to the gauges out on the wings so feel good about that try the landing light here try the taxi light here nav light Beacon strobe so we got all the lights are on looks like the beacon the strobe the NAB the taxi all the landing lights and we'll we'll check it when it's not running but I I believe they're all working I'll tell you what um this has to be the nicest rescue yet by far this is going to make the the coolest airplane for somebody like all the airplanes I want to keep it um you know the amount of time and effort and care that's went into this airplane building it designing it and and you know the owner that had it most of its life he has an awesome story um fan of Aviation he is just an awesome guy uh a little shy to be on camera but uh an awesome guy and and he really took care of this and you know I it was hard for him to let go of it because there's a lot memories in it but he really wants to see somebody enjoying it I took a huge chance buying that Bonanza sight unseen we were able to get it started we knew the airframe was in great shape and it had a really good interior so we were able to sell that airplane and get us one step closer to getting this thing fixed right behind me this thing is absolutely perfect absolutely perfect this I don't know how much it was smoking I mean maybe a little bit um it's going to take some time for that to stop but guys look than thank you for coming along with us man this has been an awesome rescue this is an awesome place down here in Florida take care dude you want yourself dude it fired right up dude it fired right up and shot a big old fat uh mud wobbler Nest right out the bat no way yeah it was out the exhaust dude right out the exhaust I don't think it's still there it definitely was on video I looked up in there to to see if it was anything in there it must have been way up in there wow yeah we'll have to check that dude that was like two props dude I'm telling you bro that was so cool that was freaking awesome that was so cool oh there's the nest look at it over here that's what shot out of it
Channel: Rebuild Rescue
Views: 521,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rebuild, Repair, Build, Vehicle, fix, mechanic, truck, renovation, Auction, copart, rebuild rescue, cessna, 401, aviation, restore, bonanza, b36, a36, b36tc, a36tc, will it start, abandoned, 1983 bonanza, v tail, trying to start, rebuild, spruce creek, airport, florida, 13 years, beechcraft, beachcraft, aircraft
Id: Nj4RgIkH0nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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