Surprising My Girlfriend With Her First Small Plane Ride! (SHE FLEW IT)

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what's going on guys welcome back to Jr Aviation and Sasha welcome back to Sunny Arizona where I have a special day in store for you you know what we're doing no idea your only hint is that right now we are pulling up on Scottsdale airport airport Yeah so basically I told her we were just going to like grab some lunch what you don't know is that lunch is um far away how are we gonna get there with an airplane oh my goodness What airplane um a small airplane I know you've never ever been in a small airplane which is why I figured this video would be so fun to make surprising you with your first small airplane ride there's no going back that's why I'm telling her right now so that she can't bail out of this this is all made possible thanks to my friend Trevor who has this beautiful Mooney Ovation I believe 2001 early 2000s big old Continental io550 this thing is a rocket and Trevor was nice enough to offer this flight today so I happily took him up on that and I think you're gonna have a great time time it might be a little scary but you're in good hands Trevor at the controls he knows this plane well and it's going to be beautiful flying great weather for this should be super smooth I hope I can't wait I've never been in one of these newer Moonies as you guys know on the channel Owen one of our first videos on Jerry Aviation was flying the Mooney rocket all around Phoenix that thing was so fast so much fun but this one being a newer Mooney I think the dimensions are maybe a little bit bigger which will help because I'm six foot six and Trevor is six seven so we've got some and Sasha's not short herself so we we have some uh uh tall people riding in the Mooney today so hopefully we're still comfy we'll see how it feels and how it flies but anyway enough of us talking you guys want to go see the airplane let's go are you ready you ready oh sure all right are you ready for this that's gonna be us here in about three minutes I see the moony already it's sticking out right over there by transient it's sinking in yeah so Sasha you were just thinking back to our Saba flight two years ago and that was the smallest plane you've been on up until now Sabo which was an awesome video by the way you guys have to check that out landing on the shortest runway in the world that plane had about 14 seats this one has four so it's a little smaller access granted all right here we go we're behind the Gates and look at that Trevor's all oh my gosh that was a big bump I could have wiped out on that oh my gosh okay look at that Trevor's already pre-flighting the Mooney real quick guys before we continue I want to give a big shout out and thanks to the sponsor of today's video better help better help is the world's largest therapy service and it's 100 online with better help you can tap into a network with over 25 000 experience and licensed therapists to help you with a wide range of needs no matter who you are everyone struggles with something everyone has their ups and downs nobody's perfect especially in today's day and age where everything is so fast paced sometimes it's good to just slow down and talk to someone we all know the importance of good mental health and better help is here to help it's easy to get started you just answer a few quick questions about your needs and preferences when it comes to therapy that way better help can match you with the right therapist from their Network tailored to your goals then you simply just arrange time to talk with your new therapist however you feel most comfortable let's be honest some people just don't feel comfortable driving to an office and being face to face with someone so that's why betterhelp offers therapy over text chat phone or video call get 10 off your first month of therapy using my special link down in the description below Jr Aviation thank you better help for supporting the channel making videos like this possible now without further Ado back to the Vlog got a vision jet starting up over there oh what a beauty golf golf lima lima one of the coolest call signs out there see that must mean you're from Canada once you get down here about a month or two okay sir just enjoying the nice fine weather down here while it's cold up in Canada so this is Sasha Trevor Sasha you're pre-flighting it everything look good okay Sasha he says everything's good so we're good it looks good have you flown with the Canadians I've never flown with a Canadian oh boy I've never flown in a plane that doesn't have a November call sign it's so funny to say that because I literally have to say Canadian otherwise if I say Charlie they go November true yeah they're not oh wow I love this paint is this Factory painter really this is the only one that was ever painted in like this color scheme wow so it's a one of one one of one spec right here super cool so you said IO 550 under here 310 horsepower always Jets trying to ruin our video sound did it come factory with the three blade prop uh no so it actually came with the two blades two blade okay the previous owner put the three plate on just for a little bit better fine okay and that ramp appeal looks great with the dirt all right well uh Sasha come this way a little vision jet over there not bad I think we should put her up front you agree we're up front yeah yeah you know she's a great co-pilot if anything goes wrong I think we're in good hands we're in good hands as long as they're not behind me two six foot seven was that oh yeah that wouldn't that would not work because his seat's gonna be all the way back okay so I'll be back here yeah Sasha we'll scooch up and I'll be right here okay that'll work so I was talking the intro is it different dimensions than say the Mooney rocket that I wrote in from the 80s so the rocket my my dad had one I grew up in one of those airplanes again so basically the early models was like a shorter body body and then the Ovation was kind of like the first long body okay but what became what's the cool story about this airplane is Porsche and Mooney partnered up in the 80s what and they actually made what's called a Porsche Moody and it was it was technically the first long body airplane they stuck the motor out of a 88 or 89 Carrera that is sick and Rocket engineering made the 305 rocket and then Mooney was like you know what we want to make her own long body with our own motor and the Ovation cave so it's kind of cool I never knew that Porsche X Mooney collab plane that is sick while we're out here by the fuel tanks was it hold fuel wise yeah so 89 gallons up at 9 500 feet cruising at about 175 true wow that's great learning about anywhere from 13 to 14 gallons an hour and if I actually lean it out lean a peak I can get about 11 and a half lose about five knots but you're still going pretty good that's great efficiency because these things are so streamlined I mean just look at the body it's so yeah you don't have the biggest cabin Dimensions but when it's cutting through air it does a great job at that so you cannot beat the performance numbers because you're in in that rocket you're gonna notice that actually that there is more room in here for sure oh good yeah all right boy it was a little tight in the rocket so if I get a couple more inches that is that works for me classic Mooney tail so Sasha this is how you tell a Mooney when you're adding when you're at an airport and there's all these planes and you're trying to figure out which is the Mooney you look right here at the tail and it goes vertical just straight up so like a straight tail see all the other planes it's kind of like swoopy at an angle this is nearly directly vertical I guess I'll go in the back first okay here we go I put that seat up a little bit for you too so okay and we go heck yeah all right we made it this isn't that bad I'm six foot six in the back of a Mooney how's that that's actually not bad so I totally see what you're saying ain't nobody going behind you you need all that [Music] all right we're in probably gonna have a bit of a hot start yeah bingo let's come factory with all that glass there's no so these two are Factory and then this uh the previous G5 G500 G500 yeah so sick that's nice Scott's still ground good afternoon everybody Ovation Canadian golf golf lima lima we're just at uh Transit here with the information gonna be departing to Payson Arizona today Golf Course hopefully give us a right turnout and then we'll turn on route to Payson probably be about 15-20 minutes out there Gotta Love a plane it would be an hour and a half drive oh yeah look at that Learjet old lyria Beauty over two hour 199. Shirley ghost doesn't starholds are only two in arriving traffic your windows are so clean yeah I try and clean them up as much as I can not like swirled and defected up some are just so easy disgusting I know and they're stupid to replace too yeah that's the thing why people don't do them yeah the little Clips yeah no way that's pretty cool I like those things me too I think they're sweet they were so cheap there for a while yeah everything's going up but like those those are really cool even like the Phenom 100s are pretty sweet airplanes too yeah are you guys ready you ready Sasha petition pepper I'm gonna turn right out for five seconds you'll have fun all right across gently 61 pop around here Direction flight too unclear for takeoff looking for a right turnout on course to Payson well you got the limit I turn out curly golf golf oh yeah [Music] when you go to lima lima frequency change approve Phoenix is one two zero point seven fly falling to face and if desire to have a safe flight to 0.7 thanks for your help only Charlie golf though all right well just put her on autopilot because why not ah oh yeah autopilot headache BS down let's go 900 feet a minute Phoenix approach good afternoon manyovation Canadian golf golf lima lima just off Scottsdale climbing through 3 300 feet via far flight following to Pace in Arizona Charlie golf golf Lee Molina Phoenix approach bear fire type aircraft that's a Mooney Ovation Mike 20 Papa piston Charlie golf golf five three four four five three four four on the squawk ready trailer go play that autopilot plugs right in with the G500 yep it's sweet now adding function on that it'll take it wow that's right so it'll it'll kind of plug in with either one of these so if you hit one or two it's on number one but if you hit two it'll go to number two if you need it too and then you get weather on here if there was any traffic oh terrains two miles north of the Scottsdale airport I'll pivoters 299 or four sail to two leaving and you requested final for Pace 2994 climbing through 4 200 feet looking for 7 500 through Bravo if able Valley golf ball finish Bravo or space for some appropriate people altitude for Columbia 7.5 approved number seven five Looney Charlie golf golf does this all sound like a foreign language do you Sasha yes what the heck is going on not bad thousand feet a minute yeah 130 knots three people in basically from this transponder it's got adsb in and out and what that does is it gives us some traffic awareness so whenever you see like minus 700 minus 13. that means that they're 1300 feet below us and then that's kind of the direction off their nose of where they are opposed to us so this guy's 10 nautical miles right off of our nose 1500 feet below this is like the Bravo record or basically so if you zoom in here so you've got to be below 7000 or above 9000 to be out of the Bravo we got clearance but we didn't even need it because we weren't in it so cool I've never flown in a plane with a G500 that's pretty really no it's not it's so nice it's super nice it's about as good as you can get besides the G1000 right for totally all right oh yeah that's the way oh my goodness we were right there yesterday so hey we're jet skiing yeah thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] 's doing right now it picks it up so we got just two knots crossed seven knot Tailwind I idled it back a little bit so we're 14.3 an hour true at 163. if you're enjoying everything it's not too bad so it's not miles per hour to convert it you have to do I think it's 1.15 I think so I mean we're approaching 200 miles an hour like oh yeah fast oh wow so it looks like you know you look out on the mountains like oh we're not not going too quick too quick no 200 miles between 170 knots true grounding 170 37 right now and it's as the crow flies so you know the the way to get the pace normally is so indirect through like the mountains yeah what what what's the drive to Pace in a couple hours yeah about because you got to go way eastbound to go around like Four Peaks all the way over that way yeah Loop all the way back around we're gonna probably get a little bumpy as we get close to the mountains obviously the wind going over the mountains and everything so it might get a little bumpy but it won't be anything too bad of course I like to tell people when they freak out about bumps it's no different than if you're on a boat you're hitting it kind of feels like the same way and then oh okay that's not bad however I see the speed breaks looking out on the wings we gonna use those we might depending I mean I'll start a garage we'll just end once we get up here but we might use something booties the thing about booties with the big the big wings they don't like to descend past seven eight hundred feet a minute or else you'll be hauling so hard to slow it down so you kind of Owen will tell you this even with a rocket because you gotta kind of time your descent especially with the engine and everything not to not to shock cool it so we'll start bringing her back just a little bit I like how it's got the little analog fuel gauge on the wing yeah so I actually use those those things are like super super accurate so Northeast Trader services are terminated no traffic observed between the airports [Music] be a fire we'll talk to you on the way back and just verifier frequencies one two two eight and one nineteen three two you know technically if you wanted to I could give you their controls which if it calms down all the way back it'll let you fly it um just to send it through 7 500 feet shown 11.1 nautical miles to the Southwest gonna be inbound crossover center field joined down when right Runway two four did you ever want to let go the airlines is that a goal like go fly Jets yeah so that's actually what I'm doing right now slowly um I'm I gotta go home finish up my writ test get the commercial then do the multi IFR hopefully find the job replacing Area traffic moving Charlie golf club is over center field gonna be joining down one right Runway two four pacing oh yeah there's that lovely wind I was talking about I have like Landing light boom okay final check skier down gear down confirmed mixture is almost full Rich we got full props full flaps all the temps are looking good good speed we're gonna turn face traffic Mooney Charlie Golf Club turn base Runway two four pace so do you see from this angle how it's kind of like a u yeah kind of belly's out there in the bottom it's definitely nice if you're coming in a little too quick um Elite awesome Spade bleed off some speed and we'll do a little slipping turn to bleed off some speed bleed off some height come on baby there you go there you go come on that was a little gust to win there I had Pace in traffic Mooney Charlie golf golf it's gonna be exiting on Alpha two all right we have it all right guys so Trevor tells us uh there's a great little restaurant on the field here is that yeah man there's some pie up here and there's some really good burgers and all sorts of stuff it's awesome oh she hungry hi very hungry the pies nuts believe me the pie is unreal yeah apparently it's best best around yeah I promise you on Sasha this this is launch see here we go surprise Beauty bam there we go made it you're good just hopped out of golf golf leave me Lima dude I love the call sign it's so easy to recognize when atc's talking to you too totally okay first impressions wait here for a second what do you think genuinely hey thanks for making it happen you're gonna train with me pilot Sasha it's got a ring to it I like the I like the sound of that okay see all right I'm gonna get you into it okay we made it in these are the world famous pies oh my goodness I didn't know they had so many coconut cream lemon chocolate chip look at that perfect table awesome yeah totally yeah okay this place is so cool this is exactly what you want out of like a little restaurant at the airport good view good mountains Immaculate restaurant airport Vibes very Aviation themes where else are you gonna get an open face steak sandwich for 12 bucks heck yeah memories [Music] back we go yes we got the pie to go the orchard it's got all the fruits in there lunch was uh fantastic how do you rate yours amazing this place was so cool plants everywhere yeah the decorations it was so like 70s 80s feel just like Mom and Pop small business you know we love supporting these restaurants to you know keep in business I got the chili burger 10 out of 10. and like the meals are like eight nine ten dollars each oh yeah prices are crazy good yeah so even though you burn a little hundred Lola to get here at least once you're here the prices are very very nice so we will be grabbing some gas while it's cheap so a pilot sausage ready to go to work you may just have to have you take the controls for a bit [Music] it's good I'm used to like fitting into like rear seats on like Ferrari totally Aston Martin same thing torque yourself in Bingo once you're in you're in you just kind of slide on back oh see your Crosswinds restaurant we'll catch you next time and pacing Area traffic Mooney Charlie Golf Club in the right turnout back to Phoenix switching to off-road see ya [Music] Facebook [Music] you ready I'll be right here with you okay but you got control right now so just just watch it we're just saying they got 400 feet per minute a little bit just a little bit of pressure push your nose down just a little Tad I'm right here too so don't even think don't worry I'm right here with you just push forward just a little bit you don't need too much down six seven oh a little too much now just pull it back just a little bit there you go right there it's all it's different like it takes time A little bit to the right it's so sensitive oh yeah I know so then just a little more back pressure a little more back pressure you're doing really well good job that's scaring me is that turbulent you're good just like that Scottsdale Tower Mooney Charlie Gulf go from lima lima is showing 11 to the east inbound full stop we got Fox shot so let me just take her here for a minute all right Sasha his controls cool killed it that was so cool we do have the traffic here at our 11 30 12 o'clock thank you Charlie golf golf lima charlie make a right turn westbound traffic is above you a Gulf Stream at 5 000 to make the right turn west side I'll call you turn back in should I turn west Charlie golf golf thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think they must turn right off 11 Texas two leopard V Alpha monitor also loving leopard Alpha Tower this is serious two two four charlie kilo Carefree information foxtrot full stop [Music] you can make that right turn on Alpha seven and then contact round point six for the traffic on alpha alpha seven and then point six Miami Charlie golf go family oh thank you holy smokes with a Gong Show that was that was hilarious at the end of the day of trailer he just said Charlie girl now over here dude that's what I mean everyone that sees the seaplane is like what the heck and Scott's still ground Mooney Charlie golf golf just to Transit parking okay that's awesome via Alpha bye Alpha Charlie Golf Club we were in the pattern we were actually like flying back for for real yeah guys I don't know if I if we recorded all that but we had to do I don't know 360s that was like a lot like a merry-go-round foreign guys I know you can't hear us very well but that was an amazing day can't thank you enough Trevor be sure to follow him on Instagram follow along with his journey okay Sasha pilot Sasha you killed that like literally developed your altitude and your headache it was awesome that was so clean so yeah thanks for letting her do that and get the taste of uh what being a pilot's like so that's awesome maybe we sparked something with her you never know okay well that was us we'll let you get back on your way you got to get back to Falcon Field before it gets dark here so thank you so much once again epic day and um safe travels and we'll see you guys in the next one later okay so not sure how much that audio there at the end was captured because those Jets were taxiing by but just huge shout out to Trevor making this day possible literally hit me up yesterday he's like hey you like want to go blast off the pacing or something I'm like that's a great idea because Sasha's in town like you flew a plane like come on how was that like I'm so used to by now I've been in plane so many times but you first time ever tell YouTube your thoughts well first of all that was like super cool one of the coolest experiences of my life it's so sensitive it is so incredibly sensitive he told me to turn a little bit to the left and I I like went to go turn in the whole plane was like just just so ever so slightly like nudge it and then and it is really responsive yeah once you realize how sensitive it was you were just small little inputs and they were perfect spot on you maintain that perfect descent going into Scottsdale and for a solid like two minutes you were you were the one flying he was making radio calls you were flying the plane I was like I was like is he flying I look over you're the ones on the controls because your turns were perfect so you killed that you definitely have what it takes to be a pilot so hopefully this uh Sparks something you know you can be Dr Sasha and pilot Sasha at the same time why not I don't see why you can't you know um okay you always say something Russian in all the Jr garage videos so please elaborate just a little bit more on the flight in your native tongue hang on hang on nope on the spot no yeah yeah what she said any Russian speakers out there comment down below okay one amazing day what an amazing flight hope you guys enjoyed this one comment down below what your thoughts are have you been to Payson have you been flying around Arizona such a such a beautiful terrain out there we had such a good time thank you for watching subscribe to the channel if you're new and see you next time see you next time say that it feels right [Music]
Channel: JR Aviation
Views: 79,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl flying plane, surprising my girlfriend, mooney, mooney ovation, mooney ovation 2, first time flying, female pilot, $100 hamburger, flying vlog, class bravo, new plane, bonanza, cessna, jr aviation, how to fly plane
Id: ZHDhsP45V3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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