Mahanaim life ministry - Sat 6th Jan 2018 - Ps Stella Roco

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hello good afternoon everybody love and greetings from Pastor Jose who is still in the land finishing some work he same sis love and greetings to all of you shall we bow down before we speak the word we thank you Almighty God creator of the heavens and earth for you are the Lord of hosts and the Mighty One of Israel you deserve all the glory and all the honor and all the praise and we are so grateful for the freedom you've given us to hear the word of God in this nationhood to read the Word of God in this nation father and to speak it with love and boldness it is by your grace and we want to honor you and bless you Father I pray Almighty God that whosoever hears these words their hearts will be open that you may write with your finger of fire your precepts the very words that that person needs to hear to advance and to grow I pray that every year shall be opened to hear and to listen to your word and every eye shall be open even as your word go forth to see in images that which you are speaking unto men and let your name be exalted and glorified father I pray that us your word go forth you have said that your word sets us free and when we are free we are free indeed so I pray that set up your angels Lord God that will be cut in by your world every chain in the mind and in the heart of whomsoever is listening to this world and that the sword of the Spirit will penetrate deeply into the heart circumcising separating what is of the world what is does the spirit and what is from the soul for your eternal glory in Jesus name and we all say Amen well as I was seeking the Lord of what to share today the Lord reminded me that on the 31st of December the last day of the year we were waiting many believers were waiting with me in this church upstairs brain and prepare to receive the new year in the presence of God and so we received also the new year in prayer and waiting in the Lord the prior to that the Lord are saying quiet of him has shown me some things that would happen for 2018 and this was according to the value of the numbers seven and eight so when the Lord said that he will reveal some things he would do in 2018 according to the value of the number 7 and the number 8 uh-huh where do I begin so I searched what does it mean number seven what does it mean number eight I search for the value and so I found that number seven represents divine completeness there was seven days when the Lord created the earth and the seventh day would say the day where all was completed and he entered into rest so the Lord was saying to me that along this line he is preparing the believers to enter into his rest to be completed as spiritually that then they may be able to enter through the gates of what he's going to do valued number eight so let's look at what number eight was in the search that I did number eight is in Hebrew the number called Shmona from the root word Shimane it means to make fat it means to cover with fat and I said now this means super abundance of oil I said okay let's look mom what does this mean a seven was called because the seventh day was the day of completion and rest so eight was the eighth day the day after the seventh day the day after the rest that God is bringing his people into so number eight means over and above the divine completeness of God in men but I never thought there was something greater that then divine completeness of God's plan in my life but it seems as if there is divine completeness Saudia beloved there is something very exciting to hope for as the year 2010 begins to develop of course the 8th day of the week is also the first day of the next week so what does that mean it means that eighth day is the beginning of a new cycle in your life is the beginning of a new era in your life is the beginning of a change it's a new chapter of your life yet to be written by the hand of God if you will only lend the empty pages to the Lord he will write the new chapter of your life well or put in my heart and if you only will let go at your past he will write in the tablets of your heart and your mind your future you will be to walk in what God has destined you to walk that's wonderful the number 8 is especially associated with resurrection and regeneration 2 words say in your heart resurrection and regeneration the start of this chapter is the start of a new era not only for the believers but for the whole wide world accordingly to 2 Peter 2 verse 5 and chapter 3 verse 20 Noah was the eighth person in the ark who passed through the floods into the new generation into this new world that God has planned after the flood the world was regenerated cleansed by the flood and Noah and his family were exactly 8 that mean after the completion of the world that God creator he brings the flood and then he gives a super abundance of newness through 8 people we find also that the firstborn was decreed by God to be circumcised on the eighth day according to Exodus 22 verse 30 so the firstborn of the cattle and every animal and every human was to be circumcised on the eighth day super abundance this was reflecting the hard circumcision that God will bring through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit into humankind resurrection Jesus resurrected on the first day which means the first day after a week is the eighth day after completion after all that God decreed through Moses for men to be cleansed and purified God causes the Lord Jesus to resurrect from the dead to bring humankind the victory over death superabundant life not just life super abundant life what a hope what a wonderful things to hold into the eighth day also is represented in the day of Transfiguration because it happened on the eighth day after the announcement of Christ's suffering and it was demonstrating the glory of God that was to come into man with his manifested as a holy bride for Christ Jesus in these last days so number eight is telling us of the glory that God is beginning from this year onward to least on men whosoever is willing will walk in that glory so what is going on God is releasing his authority to the ones who are uncompromising ly obedient to him what what does it mean to be uncompromising ly obedient it only starts with a written word of God if we practice doing what God shows us in the Word of God we are a strengthening our limbs to walk obeying the voice of God because the written word is God talking is it not he has said this is my word Jesus Christ is the word he was with God and he was God therefore we know that whatsoever the Lord has caused by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to be written in the Bible coming from the Aramaic coming from the scrolls I'm not talking about the diluted reform and transformed translations that are feeding the Christians according to the flesh I'm talking about the original Word of God then we'll begin to walk in obedience with God because the Word of God tells us that the word we'll cause love to be perfected in us and easily true that when we love somebody we are willing to do just about anything for that person how many of us agree with that yes if not as somebody that is madly in love awesome are you willing to do just about anything but above all the love of God has a great deal of more power than the love of men so that's what the Lord was showing me that he will begin to happen in here 2018 so in other words God is working to make himself shine and manifested in his power in his light and his glory through human beings just as Jesus was so when men created 4 just as Jesus is now risen and glorified so are you says the Word of God so in Matthew 7 29 says this for he was teaching as one who had and was Authority and not as did describes this word is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ how did he walk upon this earth he walk with humility but in between and in the midst of his humility he walked with Authority he was not a show-off he didn't have to because he knew who he was he knew who he is but he walked in authority and with authority and so it was a great comparison of his walk in his life with the scribes in 2 Corinthians 10 verse 8 says this for though I should glory somewhat abundantly concerning our Authority which the Lord gave for the building up of yourself and not for casting you down I shall not be put to shame what is he saying the Apostle saying I have been given authority to build you up and not to put you down and because of this authority that I have I will not be put to shame I am not ashamed of having this authority can we say that are we willing to say that the day that that authority is flowing from us because when you walk in the authority of the Living God there is opposition and when we are opposed that's what we need to manifest that Authority without being ashamed of we are and whom we represent many will be threatened in their lives what will we do this is the Lord God who dwells within us the one that is going to give us the grace to stand firm to the end we cannot stand in our own strength can we we cannot do it our flesh is not enough I want understanding and reasoning it's not enough we need the power the glory the light the wisdom the truth of the Living God Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit we can stand even as unto them if needed this Authority is an authority that God is waiting for man to say yes I claim is the authority of God in men Jesus came to give us that authority through his sacrifice in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 to secrecy's verse 3 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons our warfare are not carnal we cannot we cannot war against the enemy against temptations against sin with our own flesh because our flesh in itself I am needy to God so how can the flesh that is against God will fight against itself cannot be done can only be done in the spirit of God so whatsoever you do seek for the Spirit of God seek to the speed of God comes in dwell in and takes over for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but they are mighty and they are powerful before God for the casting down of a strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God so if you wherever you are I've had troubles with things that I hold you strongly that you want them out of your life but Europe and all let go God is giving your weapons all you have to do is ask God for the weapons of your warfare to be released from heaven and to destroy the strongholds Alleluia let it be done of to you even right now let all the struggles in your life be broken and every chain destroyed for that is the will of God that man should be freed these weapons of warfare they are not of the flesh there are no earthly weapons forget about guns and swords and knives and this and that to fight around you need a lot more than that a lot more than that wherever you are you can will not your gun and your rifles will not save you if you haven't got the word of god in your mouth that will paralyze your enemy I can guarantee you'll be safe for salvation comes from the Lord and the Lord alone and no man can come to the Father and his heavenly kingdom except through Christ Jesus whatever other means you searched and not safe casting down imaginations is there anyone that whenever they sit down these thoughts come this images come you want to get them out of your mind you've seen something on TV you've seen something somewhere in the streets something that I have affected you and you see these gruesome things you're not working in them you are not calling for them but they just come these imaginations well I tell you the weapons of warfare that God has for you and for me will destroy and cut down all those imaginations God wants to sent if I may holy and pure your imaginations why because your imagination is not for the devil to access and all the demons is for God to speak to you you know it's funny many believers are so afraid of imaginations it's amazing how the New Age people have worked on the Hat and believers are even afraid of it when we are the ones given such inheritance God loves everyone so every imagination that it doesn't align itself with the goodness of God with the deliverance that is in the blood of Christ Jesus with the abundant life that he has given those imaginations can be cast down by the weapons of our warfare calling God calling God to be the one that dictates everything in our life and brings forth the weapons of our warfare from heaven to the earth from heaven to your situation sometimes we go and battle and fighting some fight that in our own strength but not fight things the best way we can but let me tell you there brothers and sisters the best way we can fight is when we let God to the fight I love and love and love you know what I remember when my heart of my mind were bound up with darkness maybe this is what's happened to some of you anybody that talked about love I feel so uncomfortable I thought oh not again that ring or not again I used to feel that these love things had nothing to do with me I used to feel that this was a hard thing like a hard pill to swallow this was like far away from me this is what darkness and sin does to the heart of man we desperately want to love with this pray one to receive love we look for loving in everything that is in this world and we can't find it because you know what even the the greatest love you have in this world your spouse your fiancee or whoever is your mother your father they are love you seem perfect unless the Lord Jesus Christ has entered into that life and the Holy Spirit is pouring his love towards you from them there is no greater love that the love of God no greater love so dear beloved sick love no the love the man can give but the love of God continuing with this scripture in 2 Corinthians 10 verse 3 to 6 he says and every casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God how many times have we been encountered we circumstances people or writings or books or doctrines that come against the knowledge of God for us to every man some time in their life we will encounter doctrines philosophies we will encounter situations and people that will try to move us away from knowing God the Creator of heaven and earth therefore my beloved God has given us the weapons of our warfare to cast to tear down and to destroy everything that is salt itself against the knowledge of God all we need to do God go forth he say Lord send for the weapons of our warfare and destroy these things that are trying to take away from me the knowledge of you and God will do it because he says so and then bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ what does that mean how do I bring all my thoughts to obedience to captivity to the obedience of Christ Jesus captivity that means bound attached well if we're going to be free we might have been free under the bondage of love with Christ Jesus rather than to the world because the world tells you be free do whatever you want is that freedom no you become bound to habits that are harmful to you you become bound to circumstances and things that they are not profitable for you but to be bound to the Lord who will make you into his likeness who will release his Authority upon this earth caused you to shine like a star then it's worth to be bound is it not so sometimes our thoughts will go wild we see somebody passing by and we are looking at the way the address and the thoughts begin to go in a way that is not profitable to us or to somebody else there goes a man that sees a cleavage and his thoughts go to a way of his own destruction another person sees the car that he likes or she likes the most and allows he saw her mind to go to covetousness and even desire to steal it those thoughts don't come from God but how we put them into captivity but the power of the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal the weapons of our warfare have not no connection whatsoever with those kind of thoughts so we can say clearly as we get knowledgeable of the Word of God we can say that thought is not from you Lord that is from the pit of hell and today I call upon the weapons of my warfare to destroy all those thoughts and I cast them out I remember in in a meeting of women the Lord gave this word it was inspired by a wonderful Saint when a thought is not according to the Word of God it doesn't give glory to God it's not wholesome to another person it's not a thought that will leave them up that thought is not from God so what you ought to do is imagine that thought is a ugly little creature that's trapped in into your mind pick them up from the neck open the door of your mind cast them out and close the door and say no more of you yes he may seem childish but is there active the Lord is calling us to have our mind searched scanned for thoughts that are not from God and godly thoughts defile the vessel ungodly thought cull the mind ungodly thoughts plow the eyes of the believers and make the ears dull so one of the things that God is doing is teaching us how to be wise with the thoughts that the enemy brings to a mine so God is preparing a generation you you for these last days how do we ought to be in 2018 to be able to walk in this power and authority that God is so keen on releasing to his believers well the characteristic of these believers is spoken in the Word of God the manifest unselfish and compassionate heart of giving giving of themselves and of that which they have been given by God let's face it the Word of God says that the the world is God's and everything in it the earth belongs to God the silver the gold everything in the earth belongs to God and the world belongs to God and all the habitants there or whether it be insects reptiles fish or human beings whether they believe or don't believe it as a matter they all belong to God so your wealth is not yours is God's you know 19 is not yours is God's your gifting is not yours it's God's that's good news because he somebody gets offended about your gifting and your anointing and the Word of God flowing from you it's not your problem is God's I mean that quickly gets rid of offenses you know you don't have to stop loving somebody that says nonsense to you because of what God has caused you to speak or to do because it's God speaking so you don't need to take we don't need to take it onboard amen in 2 Corinthians 9 verse 6 to 15 says this if we can go to the scriptures with this I am reading from the American version by this I say he the sosa sparingly shall also reap apparently and he has Souls bountifully shall reap also bountifully let each man do according to work he has purposed in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound unto you that you have been always sufficiency in everything may abound unto every good work again into the word abound and super abound now Jesus gave everything everything he gave his blood he gave his body he gave his wisdom he gave his word and he's giving his glory he is releasing glory verse 10 oh sorry verse 9 and it is written he casts a scattered abroad he has given to the poor his righteousness abides forever and he the supplies seized to the sower and bread for the food shall supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the fruit of your righteousness dear beloved let me tell you this if we want super abundance blessings and start giving blessings if you want super abundance strength I started strengthened in the breven if you want super abundant health I stopped praying for the sick give and you shall receive as you freely given who gives the health who gives us strength who gives salvation who gives deliverance who gives everything that we have some people say the sweat of my forehead or yes and who lets you do it who gives you grace to work hard is God whether we believe on it or not is he who is the strength is he who gives the wisdom the thing is sometimes we are so disconnected that we think is our wisdom let them win the whole that all the developments and all the scientific findings they all allow by the Lord verse 11 yipping and reaching every thing on to all liberality which works through us Thanksgiving to God you know when we start exercising the giving of our time our time is so valuable isn't it I sleeping hours all so valuable isn't it when we start giving I don't bodies to serve God when we start giving out of the very little we may have because somebody has less than us who we start giving to God more than what he decrees we will receive far more than we can imagine you see this feeling or no butter my lack although I may not have enough asleep or no I may not have enough hours of rest or no I may not have enough a strength that comes from the pit of hell dear brothers and sisters and he feels real I tell you I know who they feel tired but I also remember that Jesus Christ also felt tired did he give up did he not know when he was insulted he didn't insult back that's how he's showing us never give up on doing good because he's good God and he's making us in his own image there is plenty of goodness inside of everyone plenty of goodness inside of you that he has put there all we need to do is let it come out because the fear of lack of anything comes from the pit of hell so we don't give abundantly because when we give that makes us legally right to receive a great great harvest many of us pray give me this give me that give me gimme gimme-gimme-gimme how much of our time are we given how much of our strengths that we give into God are we robbing God of his money of his strength of his time you know many years ago when I was learning I was asking God always to teach me about everything so one day he wanted to teach me a lesson he took me through the scriptures where he went today to get cemani with some of their puzzles and then he said to them weigh there and he went to pray to the Father but he comes back after an hour he sees them sleep so he says hey you know can't you at least wait with me pray with me for an hour so he goes back for another hour he comes back asleep again same story is he hitting home for some of us you know what this third time he comes and finds the same thing and I said yes Lord I get your point I can relate to that what else on your teaching me he says yes that is the right point but I'm trying to teach you something else I said what is that he says you remember that in the times of the patriarchs I speak of 10% types I say you know I keep my tithes Lord this is yes yes yes I know but how many hours are there in a day and I think I didn't understand what he was coming to I said 24 hours Lord he said 2 hours and 40 minutes belong to me how many of that are you giving me oh I wasn't I thought that ties was just giving that little bit of money by God says you're not giving me my times Oh so I said lord help me he says I'm not finished with this remember in the scripture I speak of tithes and offerings when the people of Israel gave their ties and their offerings he says Titus The Temper same but the offering is on top of that oh really he says the minimum I required of you is three hours a day in my presence minimum well I wasn't doing it at that time so it was a great lesson God teaches lessons so encourage us to do his will then if I don't do then I'm not being obedient I'm not walking with him I'm only here of the will of God but not a doer right so knowing that I started or some days were very hard I'm tired Lord I'm tired hallelujah but he gave us the weapon of our warfare to fight a good fight against these things I'm not a speaking of religious activities and religious legalistic things I'm talking about things that come from the conviction of a heart that was to please God rather than self okay so we know that when we give unto God whatsoever he requires whether it be our car I remember to the Lord when they said would you give your car to so-and-so hmm I had to think about it because that car was my 60th birthday present from the Lord and I was so blessed I used to let my hair lay on on the wheel we Thanksgiving in my heart for the love and generosity of God and now he asking me to give my car because the Lord asked you to give you a car some of you have been asked and some of you obeyed so I say yes Lord whenever you want me this car is not mine he belongs to you even though I paid for it well actually I didn't pay for it but even if I paid for it Lord that money came only through you it's yours whenever you want I will enjoy it as long as you want me to when you want me to let go I'll let go that doesn't make me better than anybody else it's just a test too because God says he tests their hearts of men to see whether my heart is in line with his but to see whether he still needs to work on me that I may become a doer not a listener hearer of his word so he's working in all of us he's dealing with all of us but he promises that he will give abundantly to whomsoever is willing to give to him and to others what he requires of us whether that is time money prayers tears help for the ministration verse 12 for the ministration of these service not only filled up the measure of the want of the saints but abound this also through many things given unto God seeing that through the approving of your of you by this ministration they glorify God for the obedience of your confession unto the gospel of Christ and for the liberty of your contribution unto them and unto all verse 14 while they themselves also with supplication on your behalf long after you by reason of extending grace of God in you thanks be to God for this unspeakable gift our giving is for the edification of the Saints whatsoever God gives us it's not for us to get fatter it's not for us to get smarter it's not for us to live and eat and drink and rejoice the rest of our life is for us to give what which are received and to those that much has been given much is required so the more blessings you get the more we ought to give in Kherson blessings in prayers in time in encouragement sometimes you see somebody that is needy go and give half of your food to them it's a good exercise that does not guarantee you heaven but but it guarantees the blessings of God know that we should do as many do practice to give us a business transaction with God that is not on God cannot be fooled he knows what is in the heart of man and therefore we cannot say well I give you this or I give that because I expect you know we give because we have been given not we pick because we expect to be given amen can I say it again we give because we have been given not because we expect to receive let that deception be broken from the body of Christ that is going rampant there is a teaching that is bringing people to act a deception if we don't give from the heart it means nothing we ought to read and meditate in Chapter 13 of the book of Corinthians that it speaks about love that kind of love can be just the sound or symbols you don't what we do from the heart for others that is the heart of God and what we do for God in others that is the heart of the father so think of this we do not live for ourselves anymore we live for God I have read about the Hebrew people whenever they're faced with challenge and I don't know I haven't searched whether this is for real or not so for all the Hebrew people if I'm wrong please forgive me but you know what he sounds perfect I've been shown that the Hebrew people when they're faced with troubles they recite this world thou shalt love the Lord with all of your heart with all your mind with all of your strengths so whenever they in trouble that till their souls love the Lord with all of your heart love the Lord with all of your soul your intellect your emotions and your will and that word gives them power to go through how many of us know that by the power of God such a tiny nation has defeated the biggest foes that ever encountered how many worst God had made him win because I said that shall love the Lord with all your heart with all your mind with all of your strength and it is that is know but they've been saying you know what is there very good thing for us to say because whatever is the challenge if I say Lord I love you and I'm going to love you with my heart I'm not going to let my heart go for myself self-pity and whatever else I'm not going to love you with my flesh I'm gonna love you with all my soul that my mind will go all for you that my emotions will be only for you that my will be be only for you I need your grace Lord but I love you I'm going to do this that it sounds impossible for me because I love you and because I trust that you give me the power to do that which you ask me off amen this is the key for the overcomers whenever in troubles whenever you find yourself with temptation that a place want to take you that way remember is an enemy to God so a world with tried to take you away from a goddess best wishes for you the moment the flesh was to go this way you say I love you Lord and because I love you say no to that because I love you I will not go there because I love you I will not say that because I love you I will not work that way and the strength come forth you know I heard a song a while ago I don't know the song but one thing is stuck in my heart and in this song says you made me worship that I may love you so the more we say to God that we love him and we allow a heart to be participant of that the more we will love him now this kind of people which is you and you and everyone that is willing to receive that power of God upon their lives for this endtime completion of God's plans they forsake backbiting they forsake gossiping they forsake murmuring self-pity and criticism these things are very familiar with every one of us because we learn these things from a very young age with some exceptions so I say my dear beloved is it possible to forsake backbiting is it you see there is one king if you want to stop answering back to the people of authority I'll set him back with harsh words bite your lip not the back of people bite your lip you're not not a word will come out of your mouth you try to say something biting your lips and see how well you will speak so when backbiting was to come bite your lips amen gossiping gossiping is talking about others shortcomings whether real or not real oh brother let's pray because you know what Mary did she did tttt tttt what [Music] God might share his secrets about somebody with you when you have learned not to speak about people's scene some problems and shortcomings to another now let's make this a statement clear sometimes you need to go to somebody in authority to find the counsel of girls through them but most of the time as it is said we find that people instead of going to the brother are you know I got hurt when you said these when you did that please forgive me for having resentment against you or getting offended with you and giving the chance to that person to ask for forgiveness dear beloved we go and talk every Tom Dick and Harry in the church in the neighborhood and if possible in the media Facebook Twitter about the seems of others without you having made reconciliation is totally against the Word of God I did that and I suffer the consequences was being shut off from the presence of God so if we want to walk in that power of God we have to renounce that power of the devil no gossiping when the desire to talk about somebody's fault or to complain about somebody by jalebis and say Lord because I love you with all of my heart I will not lean in my own understanding in all my ways and I acknowledge you that you are in control then you will look after the situation and that you will lead me the way that I need to go through and the way I need to speak so because of you our will not gossip because I love you I will not talk about my brother and sisters witnesses I will not talk about pastors of my church or pastors of other churches I will not discuss the weaknesses of other churches I will observe that I may not fall into the same thing but I will not gossip and you know what the power is already inside of us so there is hope god this year is going to release the power for us to overcome all that all these a teachers enemies to us and I believe that God is going to put them as far as the East is from the West and will be able to come forth so don't focus in these things focus in the Lord focusing his light and his light will remove every darkness from with him these people will not murmur because Jesus regardless of what he was told or spoken of or done did not say a word except when the Heavenly Father required him to do so likewise we can say I love you Lord and because I love you with all of my heart with all of my soul with all of my mind I will not Burma I know that whatever happens to me you are in control just teach me how to deal with every situation what do I do with these circumstances there are rather than me pushing you to be my servant and to do for me instead of me for you are we all okay this is what these people will do they will have no self pity Jesus did not feel sorry for himself he knew what he was going to do and he knew what he was born for he was born to die for Humanity the mule manatee will live forever hallelujah so there was no need for him to feel sorry for himself poor me poor me how many of us while we are doing some work we are considering in a mind poor me oh me poor me oh poor me I've done it you know what you bring me further down I get tired or sicker or whatever more depressed but when I say no I love my God because I love you you give me the strength that I need you give me the anointing that I need I'm not going to focus in my body I'm not going to focus in this parallelity of mine I'm gonna focus in the God in whom all things are possible I'm going to finish the task that God has given me no matter what the cost and the soul she begins to rise up within us you know we we are called to speak life in us and in others we are called to speak love and truth that sets us free but if possible the devil can receive us to speak negative stuff defeating stuff instead of victory in Matthew nine verse 4 he says but Jesus knowing seen their thoughts said do you see why do you think evil and harbour molly's in your heart how did Jesus know how did he know about what they were thinking you know what our thoughts I heard like with magnifying speakers in a heavenly realm so whatever we have been thinking everybody in heaven knows about it and because Jesus well been in the earth remain in contact with God and heaven he knew what was in the thoughts of the people that the thoughts were evil and they have malice they had bad intentions to worse him Matthew 9 verse 6 but in order that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins and remit the penalty hidden said to the paralyzed man get up pick up your sleep in bed and go to your own house Jesus did this miracle to convict the hearts of those that were thinking evil towards him and He healed the sick that power is yours as you claim it for the coming year that's for you all you had to say yes Lord I want it give me the grace that I need to walk in it said the weapons of our warfare to destroy everything that hinders that walk to destroy everything that comes against my obedience to and tear down the rudiments of the fresh in my life and as you promised in your word allow me or God to receive the grace to will and to do what is God's good pleasure not my pleasure it's a natural thing to do to push for what we like to people are working together oh I think I'm going to do this way oh no no I think that this way better not bad but this one is better what what God says is what's better the two people should hold hands and say Lord which way you want it not my way but your way because God's ways are better than our ways the Word of God has a song in James 3 chapter I James chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 he says this and this is regarding the malice and the evil thoughts of the people in their hearts if we entertain them long enough guess what happens they come out of the mouth because the Word of God says out of the fullness of the heart the mouth will speak we won't be able to hold it it will out of amount so in verse 8 as James Reed says but the tongue and no man came it is restless evil it is full of deadly poison they are with blessed with the Lord and father and therewith we curse men who are made out of the likeness of God verse 10 out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing my brethren these things are not to be so so good is very clear and specific he says no man can tame the tongue so we can say you can say oh well if I can tame my tongue then how are you preaching to me that I should discipline it how can I hold my tongue how can I buy my leaf if God says that I cannot tame it simple because our mouth should be moved inspired anointed by the Spirit of the Living God not by our flesh because if we allow the mouth to speak but the feelings and muscles of the flesh the reasonings of the mind and the last of our own will we will speak evil but if we are now the Spirit of God to release the truth to release the love the compassion the kindness of God then we will speak good because God is good these people that God is calling to give them his power for the end times are people that walk in life without jealousy or bitter Envy people that they are not worried about who has what and what kind of amount of anointing so-and-so has and they start coveting somebody else's anointing somebody else's power we should never covered was someone else's has coveting should be only directed to what the Lord Jesus has took him because everything else will come short of his glory so there is no need to be jealous there is not need to be ambience these people know who gives them power these people know was the source of life for them these people know who their master is James 3:13 am i boring you should be finished here or should we go a little bit further pastor people are you okay should we stop here come on lift up the hands think we should have stopped here are you sure okay James 313 218 he says who is wise and understanding among you let him show by his good life his works in meekness meekness meekness of wisdom he who has true wisdom from above also will be accompanied by meekness they're proud cannot show true wisdom because the proud six is on glory but the truly wise man of God a woman of God will seek God's glory and he says but if you have bitter jealousy and envy factions in your heart glory not alike not against the truth this wisdom is not the wisdom that comes down from heaven but is earthly is sensual and is devilish or satanic for they were for where jealousy and factions are there is confusion and every vile did but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceful gentle easy to entreat full of mercy and good fruits without change and without hypocrisy and the fruits of righteousness is sown in peace for them that make peace so the true wisdom from above is about peaceful living among men having no hypocrisy no saying oh god bless you brother and inside we are saying something else it's not about saying oh how happy I am that you got a new house and a new car oh I rejoiced with you and inside your heart I saying I wonder whether you really earned it God knows the thoughts of man but if you one of these people if you are willing to be one of them God's grace will fall upon you and all these jealousies and Mb will be far away from you the moment you say yes Lord and no hypocrisy will dwell in your heart anymore you will tell the truth and when you speak the truth you will say with such a love and compassion such a mindful not to hurt people with the truth they are willing to fall and be broken into pieces in the rock through repentance the rock of our salvation not wanting the authority for their own glory but that men should know the glory of God so brothers and sisters we should ask ourselves even right now what do I want the power and authority of God in this earth for for people to know that I am powerful for people to pat my back and said well done for people to come and glorify me and leave me up and say what a great person I am or for people to come and say what a great God you serve make up your mind make up your mind beloved we all have to make up our mind why do we want this power because the desire that we have for this power my other qualifiers or these qualifiers but God wants us to have he wants to empower us all forgives the right of choice to every man and woman that's why in the parable of the vineyard when God gives the vineyard to some tenants and quick he comes for the fruits they killed the servants then he sends most servants they kill the servants again like he sends the son representing the Lord Jesus coming to this world they killed him too so what that's God ought to do let's read Matthew 21 42 jesus said unto them did ye never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same was made the head of the corner this was from the Lord and it is marvelous in your eyes and in the same chapter the next two verses therefore says I unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you it shall be given to a nation bringing or group of people bringing forth the fruit thereof and he the first onto this stone shall be broken to pieces but on whosoever this stone shall fall it will scatter them like dust what is God's aim God is saying I will come and I will require the fruits of what I've been teaching you I will require the fruits of my spirit in you love and peace and joy and goodness faithfulness self-control and on I want [Music] my fruits but if we have nothing to give if we refuse to enter in and allow the soil of my heart to become a soul that is fertilized a soul that is so fertile for the gifts and for the fruits of the spirit to develop within us we'll have nothing to be with God or to give man and for them God says the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you and I shall give to others and bring they will bring fruits thereof the kingdom of God means the authority to rule on the earth with Christ Jesus as the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is within us so that within us that authority will be taken away from us we will work and we will cast demons and we will pray for the sick and guess what nothing happened and we familiar with that in the body of Christ in many corners of the body of Christ we are familiar with that this is the root of the cause dear beloved it is better to bow down and confess to the Lord it is better to repent and change your minds when there is still time falling onto the rock of our salvation and to be broken into pieces a heart broken before the Lord that to be made like power and dust by him falling with his fury and taken away from within us the kingdom the power to rule the power comes for them that they are humble for them that are willing to allow God to produce good fruits inside of our hearts these people will be uncompromising in their obedience till the end God gave a covenant to Aaron and he says you will have no inheritance like the Israelites - I will be your inheritance and the Israelites will give the 10% and he speaks to him and this is the covenant of soul that I make forever God is given a covenant of salt salt representing authority and the power of God unto man to operate as Christ did over the earth but if we do not walk in obedience to God that authority of the kingdom will be removed from us and instead of us trading over our enemies scorpions and snakes the scorpions and his next we'll trade over us my sorry Luke 10:19 he says I have given you authority to trample against the snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing by any means shall ever hurt you that's the power he's given we can have it right now we could have had it last year we could have walked in it it's there that's the power but if we lose the salt if we lose the flavor then we won't trouble against the enemy the enemy trample against us and this is also happening in the body of Christ so what makes us lose our saltiness what makes us lose the flavor disobedience to the law of love let me give you the scripture I'm jumping a little bit here and there because I'm running out of time in the Amplified Bible he says you are the salt of the earth but if salt has lost his taste their strength and its quality how can it faultless be restored it is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and troubled and the food by men that's very clear so saltiness is obedience to be kind to the needy to be merciful to those that need mercy to be forgiving to those that do wrong to us to give shelter to those that have no shelter to take a cloak and cover those that are cold and food to the hungry to shore true love and we can all learn a little bit more about it I am learning and I'm sure you are learning but God will complete it as we meditate in his word many people are disappointed with a Carmel church nowadays deep inside their hearts they are looking for more isn't that true bub you could cheer because the Lord is about to do something extraordinary in the church the church will change there will be shift in the church they will be shift in the economy they will be shift in the life of many they'll be changes and shift over the nation's God is about to bring transformation two nations a new chapter in our lives so now I want to say this I was greatly inspired by hearing the prophecy of the man of God and prophet sadhu sundar Salva Raj and the things he said the most touch into my heart was a promise that throughout the year 2018 if we hold on tight to this promise if we execute this promise and declare this promise over our life we will get whatsoever we say and this promise is in Isaiah 49 verse 17 he says your children in other translation says there's the builders your builders make haste your destroyers and those devastation who laid you waste go forth from you in other words there are read many translations but a body says God is releasing his angels and his Saints and I saw today in the worship there were some angels and saints from heaven present here to witness to write down everything that took place and is taking place and it's been recorded for heaven God is sending angels and saints to assist us to rebuild the temple within us to build the promises of God and the destiny we are called into allies and he's saying whatsoever was used by the enemy to destroy every dream to destroy everything God has planted in us to destroy the plants of God in a lie I walk to devastate and to bring to waste whatsoever it was good in our life there anointings the crowns the giftings the ministries whatsoever God has planned in heaven to be fulfilled on these earth but was intercepted hindered bringing destruction devastation and waste in a life those are going to be removed from us amen I will pronounce these words as many times as possible throughout this year because I am a witness myself of the destroyers and the devastators that came to steal from my life from my Colleen from my husband's Colleen from the church and for the plans God had for the church all those emissaries of the enemy will be removed and we will know them no more and in your life whatever you felt that was just stolen from you whatever you felt that was taken away from you whenever you felt there is no more in your life that it was a good thing God is intending to restore it God is intending to rebuild it not in your own ways but in his way so I like to pray for you do your loving Heavenly Father we thank you and praise you for your word we ask you Lord like like arrows of fire we'll go forth and touch the life of whosoever is listening to this word that they may be blessed abundantly that every chain may be broken from their minds and their hearts every lie will be destroyed by the light of your world what I pray that the builders of each and every one of those believers that hear and even those that have not known you or believed on you but have been touched by your word they're saying I don't want that god of you I do want that Jesus I don't want that life and tired of my own life if you bow down and you say Lord Jesus I want you in my life change my life rebuild it make it worthy of you God send the Angels that in a tangible way everyone that is listening will be touched and transformed that the work inside the heart will begin to manifest that the destroyers of does which is good they devised anxious that brought to waste every good thing you gave to them and every good thing you built in them and the destiny you had for them remove them in the name of Jesus and I pray father that you would send their weapons of our warfare and your angels from heaven to tear down every stronghold to bring forth victory is Jesus over every life that every fell from the eyes of your people be removed and that your spirit will enlighten by your wisdom and the spirit of Revelation everyone's eyes to know you as you are in Jesus name Amen thank you for listening and god bless you
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 410
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -PqM5ypZx5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 6sec (5766 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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