"Truth" - Ps. Stella Roco - Mahanaim Life Ministry Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shabbat shalom to all of you dear beloved brothers and sisters in the lord may this day be a glorious day shall we today bow our heads in prayer before the living god father as we all humble ourself before you we ask you living god that your word be a rhema word that your word be a revelation word into our hearts that will refresh our mind and our heart will renew our minds and our heart and we accomplish that what you send it forth for father we bind every work of darkness every work of wickedness in the name of jesus intending to interfere with the plan and the purpose you have for this time for all of us your people lord we yield to your holy spirit we ask your spirit of the living god that you come and flow through your servant for the glory of the name of the most high god i pray that every heart be made ready to receive your word lord father to receive your truth lord god and lord that every chain of darkness be cut off and the people be set free that every lie every deception lord god has come and attached itself to your servants father lord we fall to the ground and come to nothing and lord we thank you as we humbly approach your throne of grace for your goodness for your mercy for your truth for salvation for who you are and for all the things that you do for all of us sometimes without us knowing lord we want to glorify your name we want to express our love to you we want to bow our heads in reverence to you lord for without you we are nothing but we thank you that you have come and rescued us lord i pray that your word will bless everybody lord god and that it will return to you as a blessing from your people's heart in jesus mighty name we say amen dear beloved as i sought the lord to speak these words god granted me the grace to know some things that are important to him now the title of our talk today is truth how many of us know that we need the truth how many like others to tell us the truth well there is a scripture the lord gave me to start us off this this exchange of the word of god of this fellowship we have with the holy spirit and with one another and let me read it it's in matthew chapter 11 verse 6 and says in the amplified bible matthew 11 6 amplified bible i'm blessed happy fortunate and to be envied is he who takes no offense at me meaning jesus and finds no cause to stumbling in our thought it is family in or through me and is not hindered from seeing the truth how many of us know that sometimes when we hear the truth and we do not like it we get offended sometimes we get offended with the person that delivers the truth sometimes we get offended with the truth or in other words with god because it's not what we want to hear some of us could have had itchy ears want to hear what is pleasing don't want to hear warnings don't want to hear any things that that god wants to tell us ahead of time so we can be prepared for what is coming sometimes this is what happens in the soul of a man but god is saying that those that are not offended to his word that those do not find cause of a stumbling through jesus those that are not hindered by seeing the truth they are blessed they are fortunate and they are to be envied now i want to share with you a testimony is it okay for me to share testimony and this is connected with truth uh the holy spirit was reminded me to speak about this event after i had pastor ben my first born wonderful man of god i miscarried a baby i lost a baby and for those that have lost the baby and miscarriage you will know what it feels like but not long after i conceived again and i was very delighted and looked after myself a lot so baby maurice was born pastor maris was born when maris was three years old she didn't know anything about how babies are made or how babies are born so one day we would sit one evening we were sitting together and she says mom you know i remember and by the way before i say this nobody knew this particular event that she spoke of to me but me nobody else knew not even my husband see what happened is little baby mary's used to stretch her little legs and you feel mothers know exactly what i'm talking about so in the night when i was lying down and she's stretching herself i will rub my belly which i knew it was her back and i will rub it and i will say baby god to sleep baby got to sleep and as i said this her little body will turn upside down head down and she would go to sleep and then i could sleep so of course nobody knew this you know you do these things anyhow at the age of three she tells me mom i remember when you were rubbing my back i said really where were you he says ah she said i was in your belly huh tell me more i'm getting what and she says yes i was in your belly and you will rub my back and i will go to sleep i'll turn upside down and i will go to sleep and i thought oh dear what is this i never heard anything like that and i said tell me more what happens then she said one day i was in pain and my legs were very painful now i understand why she stretched them i said really but she said i couldn't cry oh tell me more so she said look i just couldn't cry but just to forget about the pain i used to stretch my little finger and i used to touch something that it was gooey and sticky that's the sack where the baby is kept she didn't say that but i know that so where the placenta is and the embryo is and so on so it's in this sack and she was touching the omnitic sac and she didn't name it but she says i used to touch that and i didn't like it so she says we'll remove the finger and i said well tell me about that pain that you had that you couldn't cry she says one day somebody bit me from my arm and my arm hurt and i could cry i said oh dear now of course i called the pediatrician the obstetrician who delivered her uh in a caesarean incision and i asked him if he picked her up from there if you pick the baby up from the arm she says yes and i see the baby cried right there and then he said yes i told him the story and he said well your baby is very special that's all he could say now why am i telling you all this because my baby not only understood my language which at time was spanish and that time would be in english she understood what i was saying while i was rubbing the back telling her to go to sleep she had feelings she had likings and dislikings and she experienced pain as a fetus in my body what is this saying she had understanding of the environment she knew what was going on outside she could understand what is being said where am i getting to these stories they're telling you that your fetus your baby is just a lump of meat doesn't have feeling doesn't have pain doesn't understand and they see anything it's a lie i know this as an experience which i never expected but it's true because a three years old baby that girl that doesn't know anything about how babies are done neither ever heard me speak to anybody would not be making up a story when it is totally accurate to what it really happened babies feel the fear they can hear when people are talking about aborting them they understand they are going to hurt them they understand they are going to be damaged they understand their life is threatened they comprehend when they hear words that are threatening to them and they can also feel the love of the mother they can also feel the security of that love in other words your baby is alive is not a lump of meat so abortion is murder and i am telling you the truth and as i read the scripture before i do hope that this truth will not offend anybody i hope this true will not be a cause of a stumbling for anybody some christians with ignorance or when young have had abortions well if you haven't repented before ask your baby and asked your god for forgiveness and they both will forgive you don't let it go one minute further let us repent of all the things we've done in ignorance and believing the lies and the deceptions of the fandom foundations of this world the principles of this world are not like the principles of god why i say that let me assure you that in exodus chapter 20. uh let me look for it it tells you among other commandments thy shall not kill it is god prerogative to take a baby within is your life is threatened or if you are a threat for whatever reasons to that baby he can take that baby but for all you know that baby could be a prophet that baby could be an evangelist that baby could be a preacher a teacher an intercessor what right have we got to kill him the only one that wants to kill babies is the devil he wants to take the new generation from us but god always forgives when we repent from the heart the truth should never offend us but should set us free because once again verse 13 on chapter 20 of exodus says die shall not kill another issue about killing you know a lot of people go through a lot of pain a lot of suffering a lot of anguish you know through sickness and all that and my heart breaks for them but that does not give us the right to kill them that is up to god that's up to us for crying out to god to execute his will many of those people don't have a god many of those people don't know the life of a savior that can relieve them or take them home they don't know many of them they refuse to know but they want to be alleviated of their period and many with a wrong understanding of compassion are helping them to commit suicide you know god is a loving god and understands everything i'm not saying that somebody that committed suicide will go to hell i don't have the right to say that because i do not know if they go or not but it is against god's commandment that shall not kill kill who yourself as well as others so the truth should be spoken and today i'm speaking that truth to take the mask of the deceptive spirit that is based in the world in principles that are not godly on kind of emotions that are not from god god is more than capable to take something someone to heaven is more than capable little babies when they die they go to heaven they go to god they go to blessings but only he has the right and if there is any danger at all he is the only one that can do it so beloved brothers and sisters one if we have done any of that or helped somebody to do that repent ask god for forgiveness he does forgive when we repent from the heart and be made anew with god we made a new revelation and a new a new uh relationship is a particular word that i'm i'm waiting for lord that speaks of harmony harmony with god repentance brings forth harmony with god and harmony with others if we have done something wrong to somebody we go and repent ask for forgiveness make things right with man make things right with god we enter in harmony we are in the last times brothers and sisters when we are in harmony with god we will be in harmony with nature with animals with vegetation with earth this might sound weird but is real will help us in the end times as we walk in harmony with god as we walk in holiness as we walk in righteousness as we go walking in the truth so beloved this is the command of god it says that shall not commit adultery how many do you know that in the church there's been so much adultery going on and the eyes have been closed we find all sorts of excuses oh the flesh is weak but the flesh can be put under the power of the holy spirit adultery is immorality when adultery is permitted or undisciplined in the church then we open the door for the enemy to enter in we open the door to the spirit of immorality to begin to work in the church because sin has color did you know that sin has vibration and the spirit run can see the color and feel the vibration just as much as nature can see the color and feel the vibration in those that are in harmony with god and they will enter in harmony with those people so heaven and and the spirit realm also sees and experiences the vibrations that we emit now the vibrations of holiness are different to the vibrations of unrighteousness or sin so what happens in that case is that the enemies and the evil spirits will come closer to that person and influence that person in a deeper way for deeper darkness and not only that person but will start working in that church and that's why the body of christ can lose understanding of what god wants to do because there's much darkness that shall not still says the word of god another commandment how many do we know that this goes on also in the body of christ people cheating people people cheating the government brothers cheating brothers sisters cheating sisters pastors cheating the church the church eating the bachelors i'm not saying everybody but this has been taking place corruption has been growing and growing and growing and growing and we all know where we are at to the point where gender is now being treated as an object where people are beginning to be deceived to believe that a woman is not a woman and a man is not a man and they listen to the basic principles of this world and so-called science that says you were born like that now nah i don't believe that we are born the way god made us and if we believe in the almighty god and there seems to be abnormalities in us and our children it is good for us to bow down before the living god and ask the holy spirit what is the root of that situation but the fact is a lot of people are rebellious against god and god's word they make up their own story they believe whoever they want to believe and whatever they want to believe and they believe it as true but it might not be true that's why today we are talking about truth to unveil darkness to unveil lies and deceptions that has been going on in the body of christ we can go so much more you shall not give false witnesses of your neighbor well how many people just lie of their teeth about someone or something without really knowing what really went on and this is in the christian world as well talking about the life of somebody out of outward appearances not because they know the facts we are transgressing the word of god attracting more darkness attracting more sin but we must remember in ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 tells us the in the passion translation so if you have the passion translation these are the words in this translation if not look it up or just listen and let these words soak your soul verse 13 and because of him jesus when you who are not jews heard the revelation of truth the word of god the life of jesus the salvation power of the cross the sacrifice of our lord when that comes as a revelation not as a head knowledge oh yes i read the bible like but it's not a revelation it doesn't go from here to there it must be revelation when it's not revelation it's just head knowledge it just puffs us up with pride as if we have to prove people that we know so much but the fact is we know nothing because unless the world becomes a revelation of the truth a revelation of christ deeper and deeper every time is powerless so for them and us who have received the revelation of salvation the revelation of christ and believed in the wonderful news of his salvation the word says now we have been stamped with the seal of the promise of the holy spirit beloveds brothers and sisters for you who believed in jesus for you who got baptized for you who trust in the word of god and believe is the truth you have been sealed with a promise of the holy spirit now the holy spirit is not just something you imagine you have the holy spirit manifests himself as he comes and enters let me explain this though when we accept christ the holy spirit is all around us ministering to us but god encourages us to receive the spirit within and when the spirit comes within there is evidence and the evidence is that we will speak in the language of heaven not in the earthly language and from there all the power of the spirit will begin to manifest the gifts of the spirit will begin to manifest and at the end the fruits of the spirit will manifest in our lives god will manifest his power through his holy spirit his wisdom will through his holy spirit in the believer so i want to encourage you get on your knees if you haven't experienced the infilling of the holy spirit ask for a brother or a sister that is filled with the spirit get on your knees and ask god because god will never deny you that if we cannot deny our children for food if we will not give them a snag when they ask for an egg how much more god will give the holy spirit for those that sincerely ask him so this was not a planned thing but i just want you to know that this is important it's important in the end times because the holy spirit will lead you to the pathways of righteousness he will lead you to safety he will speak to you and show you where to go where not to go what to say what not to say what to do what not to do he will show you the strategies of heaven he will reveal the secrets hidden in the word of god we need the holy spirit we need you lord amen now when we hear the truth in marks chapter 4 verse 24 and 25 says this then jesus said to them be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear for as you do more understanding will be given to you sorry this is in the passion translation so i read again mark mark 4 24 25 in the passion translation and he continues saying and according to your longing to understand much more will be added to you verse 25 for those who listen with an open card will receive more revelation but those who don't listen with an open heart will lose whatever little understanding they think they have so it's useless to to walk in the flesh and in our own understanding in the lord with all of your heart lean not in your own understanding in all your ways i acknowledge the lord and he will lead you the way you ought to go through whom through the holy spirit through his through his truth because his truth will renew your mind will cleanse your heart his truth will wash you like water will wash your conscience as you hear the truth and maybe you are convicted to change your mind about something that the truth is telling you then the very truth you heard will wash you clean in your conscience and the blood of jesus will sanctify will make holy again your thought life your memory your imagination you will no longer imagine darkness or dream darkness you will imagine things of god because that is the platform where god talks to you in luke chapter 8 verse 17 and 19 in the passion translation again let me read it because this revelation lamp that means the word that has become rima that has become a revelation because of this revelation of the word called in this scripture as revelation love now shines within you so what it is it is the light of god and is the light of the revelation of christ shining like a lamb within us and he says nothing will be hidden from you so when the light is shining in a room brothers and sisters nothing can be hidden in that room everything can be seen same thing when the revelation of christ and the revelation of the truth comes to our heart nothing is any longer hidden so deception has no longer power over us because we have the light and continue saying it will all be revealed now wouldn't we want to walk a life with jesus where he reveals through his holy spirit every secret of the world every hidden thing in the spirit run even all the hidden treasures of darkness that god is so delighted to give us wouldn't we of course and he says every secret of the kingdom will be unveiled and out in the open made known by the revelation light verse 18 so pay careful attention to your hearts as you listen to my teaching will be given to those that do that will be given them until it overflows so not just a little bit it will overflow the revelation and it continues saying and for those who do not listen with an open heart what little light they imagine themselves to have it will be taken away from them dear beloveds and sisters it is time we are in the end times is no longer a space nor time for us to deceive ourselves or to be deceived the truth will set us free the word of god is the truth jesus christ is the word so jesus is the truth he's the word and he will set us free as we allow with an open heart those words to be revealed through the holy spirit into our hearts and mind amen and that is why the lord gave me uh exodus 20 because there's been so many lies spoken so many lies believed because they're convenient but the lord is saying in john chapter 14 verse 6 and 7 passion translation again this is jesus explaining to the apostles verse 6 jesus explained i am the way i am the truth and i am the life when he says i am the truth he is saying i am the reality the reality of heaven the reality of the spiritual realm manifested on earth amen and he says no one comes next to the father except through union with me i loved the way in this translation is explaining it because it is about being one with jesus that causes us to know the father it causes us to come close to our maker what a wonderful word and he says in verse 7 and from now on you will realize that you have seen him and experienced him why because of that union of jesus lead us by your spirit to come closer and closer in union with you at every heart that is crying out for union with you for knowing you more deeply lord that you will grant them that grace thank you father thank you in jesus name now in the book of john also in chapter 8 verse 31 and 32 in the amplified bible jesus also speak remember jesus is the word jesus is the truth jesus is the way and jesus is the life when we read the word of god we are receiving more and more life we are eating life we are drinking life the word of god says in the book of john chapter one that jesus jesus who is the word what's the word and now is the incarnate word the lord jesus life is the light of all men that have come to this world before i continue i want to say something that the lord revealed and it's not new many of you already understand this before the foundation of the world we were with god we have it in jeremiah chapter one before the foundation of the world i knew you before i sent you i knew you so we all knew god we all knew the word of god we were light how do i know we were light because the bible says that our loving heavenly father is the father of lights and he is our father and so we are light and jesus christ life the word of god the life of the word of god is our light so we were light and when we came into the earth and we believe in christ that life was ignited again we were dead unto god until we came alive through christ jesus he ignited that light back again amen surely we could go deeper in this but let's continue with john chapter 8 31 and 32 in amplified bible verse 31 so jesus said to those jews who had believed in him if you abide in my word hold fast to my teachings and live in accordance to my teaching you are truly my disciples verse 32 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free how amazing so the word of god when it becomes a revelation of christ in us it begins to deliver us from all the lies from all the darkness from all the witchcraft from all the satanic rituals from everything that is not from god god begins to set us free and the bible says that if jesus sets us free who is the truth we will be free indeed so the world i actually a testimony i remember of a pastor giving this testimony there was a man fully fully demonized covered with demons and really lost his mind and and his ways and this pastor met him and this guy is crying out for help so the pastor in the leading of the spirit takes him to his home and keeps him for two years reading the word of god and discussing the word of god two years he never lay hands on that man he never cast any demon on that man it was a command of god that all he had to do for this man was to lead him in the scriptures at the end of two years this man was totally free for when jesus set you free you are free indeed and when you know the truth when you become one with the truth when you become intimate with the truth when you become friends with the truth when you have a revelation of the truth the lord jesus christ the truth will set you free you know the spirit is truth will reveal every lie we believed we'll reveal every sin we committed we'll reveal every error we've done everything that we believed in ignorance that was not truth the spirit of truth will reveal it into our hearts to convict us and lead us to repentance and when we acknowledge lord i was wrong and you are right now i know that what i did was wrong now i know that i believe the lie you know god comes with his power and cleanse us for all evil because the spirit of god that is within us is the spirit of truth and the spiritual truth will reveal all evil all lies all darkness if we dare ask god can take us back into the past god can take us back into the future god can take us back back into our bloodline to expose and reveal things that have been affecting us in our life without us knowing why i have this tendency why i have that tendency why i feel like constantly doing this i hate it paul said i can't help it right wretched man that i am he said the things that i want to do i do not do and the things that i don't want to do that i do can you relate to that sometimes he's got to do with our bloodline but should we ask the holy spirit he will reveal and once we know through this spirit it can be dealt with it can be annulled and we can walk in greater peace and greater level of spirituality and greater level of truth in greater level of union with god how wonderful amen so at this point of time we can all come to understand and acknowledge that through the years we believe so many lies so many errors so much false preaching and doctrines of devils which we did not understand you see god says because of ignorance my children perish so we cannot carry on in ignorance but we can come before the lord and acknowledge that we had sinned against him by believing lies what did we know we did not know what revelation we had we didn't have we knew things only through the head but not through the heart so the bible says and he's fulfilled where he says we all know in part we all see in part but when the complete comes we will all be known and we will all know as we are known by god so beloved let's power heads and if any of you have believed lies and have believed errors and have been wounded by preachings of untrue don't judge they may not know any better just believe god forgive and let's ask for forgiveness for believing these things father we humbly come before your throne of grace we acknowledge the little pathways of our life many of us believe the lies and deception of this world the philosophies lord that they are nothing but philosophy and they have no truth but lord they sound good the sound appealing the self intellectual and we just believe it because we want to feel good we want to feel intellectual lord god and lord we believe lies and philosophies love father nothing bad philosophies nothing bad theories but they are not true some of them have the courage love father that they they explained that their theories were not true when they got to know jesus and we believed it and part of the world is still believing those lies they choose to believe those lies because they don't want to acknowledge that some of those philosophers have come to know jesus and repented but lord now we repent of believing lies we repent of the areas of our ways lord god and we want to come close to you lord in the knowledge of your truth that your truth will set us free from all the chains of darkness lord that our eyes be open that we can see that our hearts be made pure that we can see god lord that the truth will set us free from all lies and defense deceptions father in the name of jesus and we all say amen jesus prophesied about the holy spirit in john 14 verse 15 and 17 in the passion translation and his uh the holy spirit that works in us by the leading of god to will and do what is his good pleasure to soften our hearts to minister to us the truth jesus says listen to this it's so important loving me jesus said empowers you to obey my commandments how many how many believers are struggling to obey god's commandments they read them and they find it hard to believe that they can obey them there is a key and a solution and here is the key to your hand love jesus and that will give you the power that you need to obey his commandments whatever you do choose to love him it's a choice we made love or hate is a choice give or not give is a choice believe or not believe is a choice choose life choose jesus and be living love him worship him learn songs of love and sing them to him get a time apart and sing to him until his love begin to flow all over you because that is the power that will help you to obey his commandments verse 16 and 17 combined says this in the passion translation and i will ask the father and he will give you another savior the holy spirit of truth who will be to you a friend like me and he will never leave you the world does not receive him because they can't see him or know him but you know him intimately because he remains with you and lives inside of you so the desire of god is for those that believe in jesus the holy spirit lives with them and for those that want to walk empowered by the power of god receive him inwardly inside wherever we go he goes wherever he leads us we will walk and he reveals the secrets of god because he is the spirit of truth when we are holding tithe to the spirit of truth and we are listening to what he says no lie in this world can deceive us no spirit of deception can lead us to do something wrong or harmful to others or to ourselves because we trust in the truth that the holy spirit is speaking into our hearts amen so it's important to god that we be one with the spirit of truth which is his spirit christ in us the hope of glory amen in the amplified bible in john chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 says this a time will come attention we could be there a time will come however indeed it is already here when the true genuine worshipers or lovers will love the father in a spirit and in truth in reality no fake not pretend not just singing a song in reality with a heart and in the spirit for the father is seeking such people as this to love him to worship him verse 24 god is a spirit it's a spiritual being those who worship him must worship him in a spirit and in truth in other words love him in the spirit or through the spirit and in truth in reality with the heart amen and this is to explain that there will be people that will refuse to do that there will be people that will come against you and god but that's okay we don't need to fret we don't need to hate them we can even love them because god says love your enemies in romans chapter 2 verse 8 in the amplified bible tells us this but for those who are self-seeking you see we cannot be loving god when we are the god when we love ourselves more than god we are the god so for some people they find it difficult to love god because they have another god thy god itself and god in the exodus 20 says i shall love or shall shall not have any other god so when we have ourselves as the most important number one we have another god so let's see what he says but for those who are self-seeking and self-willed and disobedient to the truth but responsive to wickedness there will be indignation on wrath in other words there will be punishment there will be judgment the first judgment will be a judgment of assessment of what they are doing so they can actually realize what they are doing and repent but if they don't repent then comes the judgment of punishment amen so beloved we are warned we are encouraged by god in this last day in these end times to love the lord and god with all of our heart with all of our mind with all of our strength and lenori not on understanding any longer but acknowledge he is the lord of hosts he is the king of king he is the mighty one of israel he is the lord jesus christ he is the savior the redeemer the healer the mighty one the lamb of god who took away the sins of mankind and the lion of judah is coming to raw against all those that oppose him and oppose his people in 2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 in the passion translation 2 corinthians 13 verse 8 passion translation says for in reality the power we have is used in support of the truth and not against it so in other words the reason why god gives us power to heal to deliver to raise the dead to to have authority over nature it is not for our glory it is to support the truth to support his promises so the world may know that he is real that his word is real that his word is the truth and what man is saying is a lie so god uses us as vessels to do mighty works of power so that truth may be revealed to a world that is dying in darkness not against the truth so when we perform miracles unto the living god when we perform that what we manifest the power of god is not for man's glory is not to show off is not to support a ministry to support something else is to support the truth that sets us free amen now i want to close with this scripture that the lord gave me the book of deuteronomy is one of the books written by the prophet moses so many years ago god walks so closely to him the lord jesus is the word but yet at that time the word was not incarnate so god the father revealed things to moses that our value for today i don't know about you but i am persuaded that we are in the end times and if not in the end times in the last days of the end times end times i believe commenced with christ crucifixion we are in the last days of the end times jesus is coming back jesus is coming soon he's coming to vindicate his people he's coming to reward his believers he's coming to rewards those that steadfastly believed in him believed in his word believing his truth and walk with the truth upon this earth for those that did not chose not to compromise in spite of persecution in spite of ridicule in spite of anything that might have come against them they still stoop stood firm in the truth and spoke the truth he will vindicate us he will vindicate you he will come and reward you and he will come and judge those that hate you so pray for them pray for those that hate you praise for those that desire harm against you that they may be safe and no longer be instrument of darkness that become instruments of god and the truth pray that the truth will set them free pray that the spirit of god will soften their heart and will repent and they will have a revelation of christ a revelation of the truth that will set them free from all the lies that they believed and served and here is the last scripture and in this last scripture he says deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 30 in the amplified translation and he says when you are in tribulations how many believe that we are in tribulation things are not going the way we want them to be things are not normal people are doing wrong things around about us to us to our brothers and sisters many has fallen under the evil hand of wickedness we are in tribulation we are a beginning of much worse times we are the beginning of sorrows let us get ready before it's too late now moses wrote this by the revelation of god it says when you are in tribulation and all these things come upon you in the latter days so is describing it clearly in the last days you will turn to the lord i repeat you will turn to the lord your god and be obedient to his voice you will turn to the lord your god and be obedience to his voice god is prophesying over our lives and over all the believers in these last days do not panic do not despair do not fall under the traps of the spirit of fear do not despair or mistrust the lord trust in the lord for in these last days when we are facing tribulation and all these troubles have come upon us and our families and our churches our congregations we the lord says we'll turn to the lord to the lord our god and we finally be obedient to his voice so what is god saying that in this time of tribulations god will open the ears of his believers and they will start hearing the voice of god through the holy spirit though the devil has an agenda god has a better agenda and god is going to trade the hearts that have gone cold the hearts of youth that are despondent in universities they're being told philosophies they have lost the first love part of me they have lost their passion for god they believe the lies they believe the philosophies they believe other people that they don't know any better and they don't know god for those that have gone astray for those that become coal in their hearts for those that became indifferent to the word of god for those that became cold and indifferent to worship of god those that became indifferent to the truth and the revelation of christ they in despair will realize that all those philosophies cannot save their life from copy 19. all those philosophies cannot save their families from all these pestilence all of them will realize that that the preach the peach they got does not save them from death out of coming 19 no matter what they accepted or they didn't accept they begin to soon realize that none of the things that this world had to offer them as a matter of fact the agenda of the devil is to kill mankind the agenda of the devil is for him not to go to hell alone but to convince the believers to sin to the level of having to go to hell but god is going to soften our hearts it will cause people to realize that the world has been lying that the leaders have been lying and the only one that can say is called the truth the way the life christ jesus the messiah who's coming soon so i encourage you if you listen to these words and you have been discouraged you have been despondent you have been disappointed with preachers you have been disappointed with pastors you have been disappointed with believers you believe lies or you went so far in sin that you feel that you you cannot be rescued let me tell you the truth you can be rescued because jesus died for you jesus paid the price of your sin of your desperation your despondency your errors and mistakes and jesus is willing to rescue you in his arms he is going to cause you to see and to hear the truth one way or another so if it is you who has been disappointed if it is you who has been wounded don't be upset with people don't be upset with god put it all in your past turn back again to the only one that can save you to the only one that can take you to heaven if you die and for as long as you leave obey his voice he will speak softly in your heart by the power of his spirit he will lead you to all righteousness and truth giving time giving quiet time giving honor and the truth will set you free dear beloved i hope that the word of god has touched us deeply today that you may find excitement and encouragement in the knowledge that you are a child of god in the knowledge that you can if you are not become a child of god that you can be saved by his grace encouraged by his love and grow by his spirit and be connected with heaven where the earth and the world cannot touch you until we meet again my dear be lovers god bless you mightily may the lord bless your heart and your family may the lord's grace be upon you from this day and forevermore may the revelation of christ jesus increase day by day within your heart may the words of god the truth sets you free from every lie and may the truth brings comfort and peace in your heart have a chat with god and he will bring peace and comfort beloved shout out shalom [Music] you
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 82
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Mahanaim Life Ministry, Jose Roco, Stella Roco, Prayer, Faith, christian, Bible, Jesus, prophecy, prophetic, church, heaven, angels, intercession
Id: gjnHDxNPG0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 40sec (4300 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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