Ps. Stella Roco - Mahanaim Life Ministry Service

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shabbat shalom to everyone and welcome to this wonderful gathering my dear beloved it's been a while but praise the lord he finds ways for us to communicate and get together i want to tell you something that has happened recently as you know uh friday the 16th of july 2021 at 6 pm my husband jose and myself had an assignment to sing a song called hallelujah to the most high abecu pattern hosanna in the highest sorry hosanna in the highest we were together in the spirit with brother patrick and sister neta and many other brothers and sisters in the lord throughout australia singing that very song girl commanded us to do which god has chosen for that purpose and that very hour as we were there we actually were in a sanctuary as we went there with jose i saw a button or a piece of metal silver metal coming down from heaven and i grabbed it in the spirit it was in the spirit so i grabbed it in the spirit but the lord jesus who was with us at that time turned around towards me and handed over a silver button from his own hand of course i didn't know what to do with that button i remember the game where two groups have a button each and the people run and pass the button to the next person and the next person run and so on so i remember that game but i thought what race do i have to run i didn't know what to do with the button but of course i kept it for the next few days i sought the lord diligently to know what was his will about this button what did he want me to do was there race what kind of race was that and and of course a button must be passed on to whom will i pass it on so god on the 26th of july of this year 2000 2021 gave me instructions regarding this button he said you must pass this button to those that i will prepare their hearts for it and so it will have to be on the very day that you will preach the word i'm going to give you which is today so after that the lord said after i give the word the lord said to me when i release that button the people that receive it will also experience an anointing of the lord that will empower them and doubt them with a strength and power to do the next step which will be praying according to the word that god is about to give right now today so this button is going to be passed on with an anointing and of course we have to uh cherish it and and honor it because it's a battle of the lord for a specific purpose and a specific time now after i received the word that the lord gave me to preach and all the other instructions for thereafter i got the word of god that is in deuteronomy 29 verse 19 and 20. let's open there deuteronomy 29 verse 19 to 20 and i will read it to you it says verse 19 when when somebody hears the word he may consider himself accept thinking i will have peace even though i follow my own stubborn heart this will lead to the destruction of the well-watered land and the dry land the lord will not be willing to forgive him instead his anger and jealousy will burn against that person and every curse written in this scroll will descend onto him we are talking about the blessings and the cursings in the book of deuteronomy the lord will blot out his name from under heaven so that is a warning why did lord the lord give me that warning after he's given me the word and everything to preach i think it is a warning for us to pay real attention not just hearing but listening and as we listen to also contemplate the repercussions of that word what part have we got with that word and a desire within a heart for the lord to release his anointing for us to respond to that word so this is the word when i was searching from the lord and i was asking from the lord this is exactly what i heard the lord say chapter 22 verse 2. i run he talks to me like that many times he tells me where to go and then i go and i read and i i know he's telling me something either for myself personally or for somebody i'm praying for or for a case like this so i look at ezekiel chapter 2 and 22 30 and verse 2 and i read this well in verse 1 1 explains ezekiel explains prophet ezekiel explains that the word of the lord came to him so verse 2 as for you son of man will you pass judgment will you pass judgment against the city of blood then explain all her detestable practices to her i thought wow lord you were talking to ezekiel but now i am the one that's reading the word so you are talking to me do you really want me to judge the city would you like me to judge it as a city of blood so of course i knew it was yes so i said lord you know to judge means a few things different things what kind of judgment you want me to say so i googled the word judgment and i found two things that in my heart the holy spirit were was giving me uh an incline of of these two things being relevant one a country court judgment in this case a heavenly court judgment it is a verdict a decision an adjudication a ruling and a pronouncement it is a decree a finding con conclusion determination and a sentence the other definition is assessment evaluation appraisal review analysis and critique or criticism comments so i said to the lord which is this in my heart i know that it has happened in the court of heaven the discussion has been done in heaven now god sends the word to be released upon the earth upon this nation upon this city wherever you are whatever your city in australia it applies and even for those that are watching from overseas god will speak to you through this world and you will have a witness if it applies to your city and the good thing is god has given us a solution he is merciful and true gracious and compassionate and he has compassion in all that he has made his desire and he thought for his people is for good and not for evil to help us and not to hurt us to give us a future as it is said in the book of jeremiah so let's look at all this from the perspective of god's love for a nation because when god judges a nation he's executing his love to draw his people back to him to awaken the sleeping people to expose what is done in darkness and to bring a resolution and a restoration of the call and destiny of a city of a nation of a church of a person amen verse 3 you are to say this is what the lord god says a city that sheds blood within her walls so that her time of judgment has come who makes idols for herself so that she is defiled verse 4 you are guilty of blood you have shed and you are defiled from the idols you have made you have brought your judgment days near and have come to your years of punishment therefore i have made you a disgrace to the nations and a mockery to all the lands you know beloved nobody's blind other nations are watching as much as we watch what's going on in other nations other nations are also watching us so verse 5 those who are near and those who are far away from you will mock you you're in famous and one full of turmoils wow very strong words god is saying but remember his love is behind it all but his fury is also inflamed verse six look every prince leader in israel that was for ezekiel to say but for me is in this nation in this city look every prince within you city has used his strength authority power dominion to shed blood seven father and mother are treated with contempt is not true at the foreign residents are exploited within you the fatherless and the widows are oppressed in you verse 8 you despised put a size as not important of no value my holy things what holy things the pulpit the communion the word of god and profane my sabbath my holy day because god in the book of genesis calls the sabbath his holy day day holly the day of rest so what does it mean about profane profane means ungodly godless disrespectful irreverent disbelieving sacrilegious in other words the holy things of god that despise us of no value not important and the sabbath the day of god the holy day of god is considered ungodly unholy verse 9 they are men within you who slander in order to shed blood i meditated on this slander in order to shed blood and you know what we don't need a knife or a weapon to kill people all we need is to speak evil all we need to do is slander them whether we know fact or no fact and by that we commit murder people who live in you eat at the mountains rhymes and they commit in moral acts within you it is no longer a secret what groups that worship satan are doing in the mountains rhymes it is no longer a secret what sickened societies are doing and instructing verse 10 men within you have sexual intercourse with their father's wife and violate women during their menstrual impurity this is wicked and it's happening god is uncovering it verse 11 one man within you commit detestable acts with his neighbor's wife adultery is like licensed to commit adultery nowadays it is not look anymore as an abomination it is justified by the flesh another wickedly defiles his daughter-in-law dear lord and yet another violates his sister his father's daughter here we got incensed fornication and let me remind you that when we went to the conference of come lord jesus the prophet brother sadhu sunda salvarize was presented with information by the angel that in the city of sydney there was bestiality committed in the brothels the poor little animals how could god not be enraged let's look at verse 12. people who live in you accept bribes in order to shed blood bribes in order to shed blood people getting paid for killing and it has come to my ears whether true or not but it's actually you know quite openly said the fetals aborted fetals are being sold for experiment god is exposing the sin people accept bribes you do this i give you that in our nation you take interest and profits on alone and brutally extort your neighbors how many people in this nation have lost house and lost business lost everything when the interest rate went up because they have been allowed to borrow far more what they could afford the banks didn't lose the people did you have forgotten me and this is the declaration of the lord yes for all the things that have been happening in our nation all that we've done in our nation prove that we've forgotten god as being god as being our father our creator the creator of heaven and earth who sends to us and gives us instructions for our benefit not his for our preservation and protection not his he is god verse 13 now look i clap my hands together against the dishonest prophets you have made and against the blood you have shed among you verse 14 will your courage and your your hand be strong in the day when i deal with you the lord has spoken and will act you know how many you know that to do such a such wicked acts you have to have some courage if you had a conscience verse 15 i will disperse you among the nation and scatter you among the countries he said that to israel but this is relevant word i will purge your uncleanness as far as i understood the purging that the lord does are done through suffering suffering so is the nation suffering now are the families suffering now is our city suffering now calling his goodness he's purging us from uncleanness through this suffering god is making us uncomfortable to get our attention that we may turn back to him there has been so much pride the price has blinded us from the will of god from the love of god verse 16 you will be profaned in the sight of the nations then you will know that i am the lord let's go back to what profane means profane means obscene blasphemous vulgar crude filthy dirty coarse offensive this is how the nations will see us if we pursue the ways in which we have been going now in verse 17 he says the word of the lord came to me ezekiel and now came to us verse 18 son of man the house of israel has become a draws to me oh what is a dross the draws you can see is the waist of a material it's the waste of within the bottom of a cup that has been defiled if you have water and the water is contaminated without the soil or anything else that contamination goes down to the bottom of the cup or is visible and that is a draws to my understanding of what god is saying to us we have become that a draws a waste but listen to this all of them are copper tin iron and lead this is something to meditate upon inside the furnace they are the drawers of silver and i thought to myself what does it mean about draws of silver with silver and the color silver it's it's it's a color that represents redemption so we have become a waste of redemption jesus spilled his blood to buy us back from the hands of the enemy to take us out of darkness into his marvelous light but by our actions we have become a waste of that redemption the trust verse 19 therefore this is what the lord god says because all of you have become draws i am about to gather you into the city verse 20 actually he says jerusalem but it is meaning the city which is jerusalem it was the city of israel right verse 20 just as one gathers silver copper iron lead and tin into the furnace to blow fire on them and melt them so i will gather you in my anger and rough and put you inside and melt you well i suppose all that pride we had through all the wealth through all the power and all the riches and all the fame and all the name we build upon ourselves because behind all that there was evil then all that pride will melt and that's where i believe that cleansing will come i believe the purging will come when all the pride that we had when we lose everything what's the point of having a mansion if our days are counted what's the point of having millions of dollars if our days are counted there is no point where's the steel if we do not know where are we going so when all those things all those idols have come down when all those idols have been destroyed our hearts will melt and that's the hope of god that our heart will melt verse 21 yes i will gather you together and blow on you with the fire of my fury and you will be melted within the city so the judgment is going in the city wherever that city is whether it's sydney whether it's melbourne adelaide pearl northern territory cairns whatever city that's where the melting of the furnace will come verse 22 a silver is melted inside the furnace so you will be melted inside the city then you will know that i the lord have poured out my wrath on you this is strong birds now in my bible has a title of for the next verse which is verse 23 and it's called the indictment of a sinful land so i thought what do you mean lord by indictment so look it up in google an indictment name only one defendant charge means accusation it means citation or summon allegation or imputation so in reality what this indictment is the charge the accusation that is being declared upon our city our nation so verse 23 says this the word of the lord came to me son of man say to her you are a land australia that has not been cleansed that has not received rain in the day of indignation verse 25 the conspiracy of her prophets within her is like a roaring lion tearing its prey they devour the people they cease the wealth and valuables and multiply the widows within her 26 now he talks about her priests her priests meaning of course leaders of the body of christ her priests do violence to my instructions and profane it as unclean crude vulgar of sin filthy and offensive i think of fencing is one of the the most important words that god is trying to say the leaders in the body of christ has considered the instructions of god the word of god as an offense a screwed offensive because it doesn't go according to what we want to do remember in your demons 29 19 it says that those that hear this word some of them might think i will have peace even though i still do my own will of my own wicked heart or evil heart or stubborn heart but that might not be you i hope and cry to god that that is none of us none of those that hear this word but in the city in this nation there are those leaders of the body of christ that find the word of god offensive therefore they take things off and add up things so he goes well with their own desires continuing in verse 26 my holiest things are offensive they make no distinction between holy and common and they do not explain the difference between the clean and the unclean it's all muddled up they disregard my service and i am profaned among them i am profaned so i'm being found god is saying define me offensive i'm almost seeing the lord jesus trying to enter into some churches but they will not allow him because they find him offensive verse 27 here officials now we are talking about leaders in all different kinds of portfolios whether it is in business business leaders police leaders army leaders politicians education leaders you name it leaders the officials and the leaders within her are like wolves tearing the prey shedding blood and destroying lives in order to make dishonest profit in reality we have in our nation officials they are making money by destroying lives and shedding blood yeah there are special clinics actually that charge you to execute this bloodshed and to bring about the destroying of some people's lives this is a fact i'm not making up this story this is happening verse 28 her prophets plaster with white wash for them by seeing false visions and lie in divinations and they say this is what the lord says when the lord has not spoken they speak out to their own heart they speak out of their carnal nature we have to be careful because we are the children of god and our mouth must be consecrated to speak the glory of god to praise and glorify god and to speak the word of god and not make up stories that can destroy lives that can lead people astray verse 29 the people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery cheating for money all in all ranges in all layers of a nation god is exposing it that is robbery that is cheating that is lying for money to have money they have oppressed the poor and the needy well if the rich is lying to get more money then the poor don't get their share and unlawfully exploit even of foreign residents huh verse 30 i searched for a man among them who will repair the wolf and will stand in the gap before me and for doing it on behalf of the land on behalf of the nation so that i may not destroy it but i found now so i thought lord so many people have prayed for australia but this is what come to my heart how many of us can lay down our lives on exchange for the lives of the people in australia how many of us die to the self and the desire to slander the leaders to criticize them and instead to beg for their lives to beg that they will not be instruments of the wicked ones to beg that they'll be protected from the evil one that they may not be instruments of evil but instruments of righteousness the lord says he found none like that i would like to ask a question for each and every one of us to think right now would you be willing to die really to die on exchange for the salvation of australia would you would we and i think that this is what god means because moses who was promised by god that he will give him a generation a new generation out of his own belly out of his own body he chose not to have that glory but to lay down his life for a nation that was rebellious and drove him bananas as a is there anyone i'm on us that is willing to do such thing so that's why i think the lord gave us this verse i found none i judge nobody who am i to judge anybody i am in this nation and i bear the sins of this nation so i cannot judge anybody but the lord can judge out of the mouth of his servant and in verse 31 says so i have put out my indignation on them and consumed them with the fire of my fury i have brought their action down to their own heads this is the word of the lord is that anybody suffering nowadays is there anybody experience oppression nowadays is that anybody suffering losses nowadays it's terrible my heart aches people have lost lives relatives businesses people have lost much and people are suffering in this nation so i beloved god is spoken and made an assessment an analysis a righteous judgment of what has been going on in our nation and i believe in his life he's saying this is my analysis this is what i assessed in this nation and because in verse 30 says i found now that i may not destroy it god does not want to destroy australia god does not want to destroy your country from wherever you come from god does not want to destroy that's why he's telling us what he has seen he's telling us the report the angelic beings have been taken to heaven what are we going to do are we going to say lord do not destroy here i am here i am lord please do not destroy you know i remember the lord telling me once quite a while ago that he had a dream about australia and he shared his dream with the mighty man of god and the dream of god was australia will be madly in love with the holy spirit with the lord jesus and will be on fire really on fire and he called it the great south land of the holy spirit we are not only a nation but we are a continent a great south land of the holy spirit and the enemy has also a dream and this to kill to steal and destroy that dream of god by causing us to fall into the sins that he is putting before a nose for if we are defiled god cannot bless god is a righteous god he will assess and declare and hope that we will turn away from our wicked ways so this is what we are going to do according to this instructions that god gave me we're going to keep our bibles open in ezekiel 22 and we're going to look at each verse each of us will do this ourselves from our heart not as a listener but as a participant as an in a person that is praying for his nation as if he's the last breath because we are close to that verse by verse we confess our sin the sin of a nation moses did not sin but confess all the sins of the nation daniel did not sin but confess the sins of the nation can we do that together can we plead with the lord that if at all possible he will relent for his fury and if it's not that the judgment will be lesser before we bow down and i will encourage you if you're physically able wherever you are that you will all bow down with me before the living god in reverence but before that the lord had instructed me to release the button the silver pattern and his anointing so prepare your hearts right now to receive my beloved ones now as per the instructions given by the living god i release to them that the lord has prepared and those that believe the button that was handed over to me on the 16th of july 6 pm in the name of yahshua i now send the butter release the button receive it receive the button receive the button receive the battle of the lord and now the anointing of the lord is coming upon you now the anointing of the lord is heavy upon you now you will not be able to stand because the presence of god has come upon you therefore everyone with the eyes closed bibles in front of you and on our knees prepare to pray let us prepare our hearts and be silent for a moment let your soul be stealed in the presence of god as we pray we let the lord know how good he is we're giving thanks for who he is and we cry out with all of our heart for the salvation of our nation of our families our cities our nation dear loving heavenly father you are the great i am and the beginning at the end of all things the creator of the whole universe the king of the universe you have made all things with the outstretched hand and your mighty power who is like you there is none o god all the glory and the honor and praise belong to you and you alone for you are the invisible god you're all powerful almighty full of mercy and grace for all that you have made great is your faithfulness oh god for your love is eternal you are a deliverer you are the compassionate god that heals us and restores us and renew us god almighty heaven and earth declare all your glory and we worship your god we worship you at your feet we declare our love to you for there is none like you o lord neither will there ever be like you all loving heavenly father great is your faithfulness and your love is everlasting we love you a lot we bless your holy name for you are the only holy and the only living god there is no other now there will ever be blessed are you almighty one humble ourselves before you lord god we welcome your word we received it in our hearts lord now let your words almighty god work within our hearts and father as your spirit convicts our souls we want to confess all the things that you have told us all the assessment analysis that you have spoken about us about our nation we acknowledge lord so we come before your throne of grace lord god you said in your word lord god our city is the city that says blood in her walls and makes idols for herself that is true lord much blood much blood was shed in our cities oh god we gotta kill the innocent oh father and we made idols of material things idols of jobs idols of family members idols of all kinds lord that defiled us in the streets that's unclean spirits walking to and fro riding on the people's back oh god have mercy for we have seen against you and you alone we are guilty of the blood that we have shed we brought judgment near us lord i have come to our year of punishment lord we acknowledge lord in these times we have suffered many of our families have suffered we loved loved ones lost business what would it take a lot for us to return to the living god therefore we come before you lord jesus we come our father our humble ourself and plead with you for mercy for you are a merciful god you have compassion in all that you have made let not your dreams about this nation be blooded out lord god by the iniquity and transgressions and the multitude of sins we committed but we believe like god that in your judgment lord there is mercy your word tells us the mercy trial for the judgment oh god therefore we come before you lord oh father before heaven and earth we confess that our princess lord our leaders our god have used their power to make laws that will shed light that will shed blood lord laws that conceive that and and consider and make legal [Music] the killing of innocent little children the destroying of lives like god we have done such weakest thing lord using the authority that you give [Music] to the evil lord to serve the devil or god there's no longer respect and honor to fathers and mother by contempt against the father my father hear the cry of young people a lot as we look at your word as we look verse by verse of the things you have declared we come to acknowledge according to what you put in our hearts according to the things you have shown that we come together as one voice and one heart lord to say we have sinned against your master oh we have taken advantage of the poor lord jesus we have despised your holy things as if they were not important in this nation lord we have profaned your sabbath lord your holy day lord god as if he was ungodly as if he was not holy as if he was a dirt lord we have despised it lord oh father oh god god mercy on us but we have done awful things lord father in our nation people a lot no in the streets in the offices in the god that is lord even in the body of christ and in the church people slandered to shed blood sheep against sheep and speaking evil shepherds against shepherd sheep against shepherds oh my god we despise the authority that you gave over us oh god because we don't like their character other ways they do things of god and we curse them with our lips oh god even though i will have prayed against them father in angry and fury in jealousy in bitterness we have defiled the church we have defiled the national learn instead of praying for your protection of our leaders men can slander them in our nation people in our nation lord no longer keep it a secret as they go to this rise to worship save the lord and commit immoralized within our cities is no longer a secret lord no they claim to have rise to god rise to worship oh lord have mercy have mercy god for we are at your mercy let not this nation be destroyed totally oh father we confess lord of all the sexual immorality committed in our cities lord god all within the family's lord god this violation of the women this fornication lord he has become like a normal thing like god fornicating even such a young age even in our nation like god they wanted to pass law we are wanting to pass laws lord god to reduce the age of consent what an abomination lord god instead of praying for wisdom and protection of our leaders hearts and minds lord men and our nation has landed them oh father even the believers have used the power you have given us lord to curse the leaders in our stupidity and ignorance lord we committed horrible sin oh father the detestable in morality in this nation is beyond beyond beyond comprehension adultery everywhere oh father defilement oh god penalty filing the children sexually abusing them like god siblings abusing one another having sex with each other committing incest oh my lord all for the love of pride the lust of the eyes the last of the flesh of the pride of life of god has become normal forgive us lord we have learned to call evil what is good despising good things not the holy things oh lord i'm calling good what is evil a mercy on us lord god oh we confess lord that we have accepted bribes in order to shed blood and to make money lord indeed we have forgotten you we have forgotten you lord god have mercy on that lord god for we have been as lovely we have not cared lord we have not cared we have not cared we have not known lord god oh my father i look o god for you have come against us lord for all the dishonest prophets we have done and all the bloodshed we have committed lord in this nation for money lord for money for money people profiting by killing innocent lives people profiting by saying that they are not alive and some lot upon living lord breathing and they are left to die for profit but i think that was not bad enough lord god many have solved those babies longer for my prophet for evil things oh father oh my god purchase how about the nurse father relent from your fury lord but if you cannot father if you will not relate lord god they call supplying hearts melt before your holy presence [Laughter] oh my lord oh my lord oh god our cities are god i feel thee the oppression of darkness over the cities of god oh father you declare that our prophets are like lie rolling liars ceasing for wealth and valuables lord we confess we confess lord god that many things have been said to tickle the ears of the hero lord god to make profit out of it for even love i give a lot forgive an ancient lord my lord oh jesus oh please lord i praise the violent love father to your instructions father we might follow god that is the body of christ many of our leaders love father have despised your instruction have profaned your instructions lord as i've seen offensive lord your holy things your pulpit your communion your world our god has become offensive to many he has been wanted lord for the fear of manic has been greater than the fear of god the reverence to man and to man's wealth has been greater than the reverence to the living god to whom we all have been breath of our life oh god we have forgotten you my lord lord we have not made distinctions in between what is holy and what is a common thing we have not made this decision now that explains the difference between what is clean and pure from what is unclean what is unclean to do lord god and you have given all your instructions of your will for our benefit lord for our protection lord but we have despised it and profaned it as offensive oh forgive us father forgive us father we confess lord god that our officials thought and our leaders have used their authority to shed blood destroying lives even right now in order to make profit dishonestly lord my father we have believed the lies of the devil the darkness and deception of the devil had entered into the doors of our sin for we have allowed laws of wickedness to come the solemnly the sovereignty of god of the family love father we have come against it even the body of christ father have chosen about it father for gay marriages it's an abomination to you we love the people lord i love the people you love the people but i know you hate the scene because the same will drive them too much distraction their own destruction their own harmless god and you don't want anybody to behave but they do not understand that and they promote evil to evil lord and we have allowed in our nation these things to become acceptable by law oh how could you not be furious lord have mercy on us lord god not only that we also committed robbery an extortion love father oh my god i have mercy could i buy the name oh lord and you have said that you could not find one single man that will stand in the gap that you may not destroy us or god forgive us forgive us lord father our complacency in prayer forgive us love god forgive us lord jesus i have mercy my father in all of us do not pour out your indignation do not consume us with your fury locker but let the fire of the holy ghost consume us let your fire come and consume all the evil and iniquity in our lives long you said that you work in the house of men to wheel up through what is your good pleasure yeah fallout soft hearted hearts suffer that stubborn hearts lord god and lord that which you brought our actions out to our head lord father i'm a father luke look at the pieces of jesus look at the piece feet of jesus look at the blood and the waters that pulled out from the side of jesus let it be lord let it be my reveal yourself for god that we may not be utterly destroyed oh my god no help us lord oh my father oh my father your word says love that he was not my girl rich in love but great has been a scene that brought you angry lord by your son say that if we confess i'll see you more than gracious and righteous to forgive so we entreat you have mercy on us and let our hearts turn back to you almighty god we thank you for the great privilege to be able to crumble ourselves before you lord we thank you for the wonderful word you send us lord father that we may not walk in blindness neither we pretend ignorance for you have a spoken that is being acknowledged so father in the name of jesus i pray that you send your holy angels from heaven today about the strongholds from our hearts today about this rise through my heart beat your fire bring your fire that will cross our house to repent oh my lord my god cause us to return to your holiness for you are holy and you are righteous you are the righteous judge how can you allow wickedness to triumph have mercy on us lost that the mighty angels of weapon of our warfare go forth and destroy the works of satan in this nation let it be destroyed let them be destroyed oh god come again and discard that enemy we push and blow to the clouds of darkness we release from our heart the fire of your holy ghost the sacred fire of your holy gods and we release it upon this nation lord that all that is wicked and evil will retreat that they will go forth and fall in the ocean we decree and declare that from the center of this nation from the heart of this nation your fire will burn what is wicked what is evil let all that is of darkness in hidden places be exposed and destroyed and let the demonic entities attached to the sins now fall into the waters and be no more and i pray that you kindle it as once again the anointing of prayers the anointing of your presence the communion with your spirit that we may walk with you let the flames let the flames of your holy spirit rest upon little houses with people praying families pray oh restore the family in this nation restore righteousness in this nation show us the ancient person leaders lead us in the high with our holiness and righteousness for your name's sake let the authority of the name of christ jesus now tear down and destroy every stronghold of darkness the last of the flesh the last of the eyes and the pride of lies was overcome by jesus lord jesus anoint your people to overcome these things to choose life and not death father i pray that your word will go forth in the righteousness and the holiness of your truth circumcising hearts i'm bringing forth the revival of the church and the revival of the nation everything that was dead we speak life we speak life to the dead bones in this nation and i ask you that you breathe oh god with the breath of your spirit upon all the people in this nation and that you revive the passion for jesus in the church that the church may never be the same again all lord baptized with fire our leaders in the church our leaders in the nation lord let your anointing be so heavy that all of us will fall on our knees i give glory to you let your will be done but remember my lord that we cannot give you glory if we are utterly destroyed remember lord that for as long as you restore us we can bless you lord remember us and let your dream from australia come to pass let those that are against our lives those that are against our nation those that are mocking us because of our darkness because of the ignorance because of our iniquities and transgressions mock you no more i believe lord that you're more than able to wash with your blood the streets of our cities let every brother be closed let every brothel be closed and all the works of darkness fall to the ground into nothingness send the angels of war to tear down the doors of darkness in the secret corners of this nation and restore the souls of those that have given themselves unto such goodness lord have mercy lord we thank you for your goodness we give you glory and honor and praise and we believe in our hearts lord god that from today humbles heaven is working with us to change all that needs to be changed for the glory of your name let this nation give you glory let not the predators take a sovereignty in their hands father we commit everything into your holy heads our lives our families our relatives our city our nation and father not just australia but for everyone that joined in prayer also for their nations that you be glorified in jesus name we pray amen dear beloved thank you for joining thank you for being part of this plan of the living god now go forth and give glory to the lord in jesus name until we meet again god bless you [Music] you
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 114
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: v9XXcsOaDAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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