Magnus Carlsen (DrDrunkenstein) goes 100% berserk in a Bullet Shield Arena

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hi everyone it's jerry i am tuned in right now watching magnus play only chess he just hopped into the bullet shield arena about 10 minutes ago i just found out he was playing so i figured i'd record a little bit of his play he is officially in berserk mode so these are one minute games but he's clicking on berserk in every one so far i believe so that cuts his time in half so he's basically playing hyper bullet versus his opponents who currently very low rated compared to him everybody's low rated compared to him he's at 29.80 and i don't believe he's going to be gaining any points for a little bit he's currently 383rd in this tournament and there is about an hour and 15 to go so i don't know if he's going to compete in the rest of it just i guess sit back and observe him go into berserk mode for a little bit and maybe once he gets to page one if he does hit page one he'll be encountering some iams so that'll definitely be interesting to see if he plays some iambs and berserks them see if he could win those games so it's currently up a couple pieces here and 21 seconds is plenty it's in fact evening out on the clock now so i'm going to jump over to the page standings so you can see the tournament page standings the bullet shield arena you can see he's in 383rd and we'll see where the rest of the field is really quick after this game it's already even on the clock and f2 is collapsing and immediately mate so yeah well he's he's a ways back there are fourteen hundred players in the tournament one thousand four hundred thirteen at the moment just got paired up again against a 2046 once again going berserk so 30 seconds versus a minute i haven't seen this before i mean i've seen other players berserk but this is the first time i'm seeing magnus berserk so should be interesting playing against this structure has enough file to work with and i guess the knight's going to be playing very soon actually this is just collapsing due to the pin on the g file yeah and if the queen moves there's f7 no good solution here probably a quick resign these games seem to be finishing much faster than a minute main two threat rook has to come over to defend maybe something like this as well once again maybe gonna put both rooks on the oh what's this trick he's getting the two pieces he's actually ahead on the clock yeah definitely has some wheels and i don't again i don't think he even went up a single point from his close to eight wins now in the tournament okay he's quickly moving up the ranks 320th he's now in 272nd place yeah he's in he's in an all-out berserk mode and this is an issue he's up upon weak in king side structure and now just cracking things open this diagonal is now an issue these ideas right around the corner if possible a pivot here but not right now because of the bishop yeah and that minimum there's a knight f2 move knight f2 even in here yeah he's he's really trying to make this happen g5 cuts off the bishop queen h6 into h2 is the idea he's giving up some material now opponent saw that you get the rook or the queen deadly knight on e3 there she goes another quick resigner 272nd place let's see where he jumps up to next how many points does he have he's not in another game just yet 272nd dr drunk okay he just got in another game and i want to step away from this there's still an hour 10 so this would be pretty impressive um i'm forgetting how long the bullet shield arenas are i'll take a peek at that right after this game he's way up development wise b7 is collapsing and 95 is right around the corner he's just tearing through these players as as you would expect bishop takes and now there's a he's in a pin he could take the knight with check who cares about the rook he's mopping up both minor pieces or major pieces i should say doesn't want that queen b3 and then just scoops the bishop up on e2 knight f4 into here the queen is very short on squares he's up a piece and another and he had mate right there didn't he queen to d7 13 seconds i'm going to win this one as well 234th place okay i'm going to take a peek yeah mate into checkmate so where is it yet dr drunkenstein is currently in yeah that's his streak all of berserk he's in another game 200 in first place so he's gaining fives he might be able to catch it he might be able to get first yeah yeah look at how quick that this game is going that was a fast one so he's now jumping up to where 160th with one hour and eight minutes to go okay and the bullet shield is a four hour tournament that's what i wanted to check right here bullet arena four hours okay is he gonna get paired up again or has he had enough maybe he's not gonna play anymore 195 spectators let's see if he gets another game in there yeah maybe he logged off no he's just not in a game yet maybe he's done playing he's had enough no he has not had enough okay we got a 2200 now he's still in there maybe he paused for a second or just a a little delay it's very difficult to organize some attack even though this file is completely opened when there's an unopposed dark square bishop also makes life difficult when white is now down a piece and a pawn 16 seconds oh boy these bishops are killers 12 seconds to do it against a 2200 this is this is hitting very fast he should be able to pre-move this one out yeah eight seconds and he's getting a touchdown here queens in a blink and mate right away with plenty of plenty of seconds to spare 161st i think he's if i had to guess i don't know if he's just going to jump in and not play the rest of this one out with just an hour to go and he's doing this berserk thing i think he's in for the rest of it so this is interesting he's just checking some messages when i fired up my computer today and then realized he was he was playing so a carol khan what's this what's this thing about some h6 was initially to provide a square for the bishop but then a change of plans huh h5 looking to rattle the knight position okay ready to take on that square twice went upon then he has to go uncastled giving up the bishop both sides are castled this is an issue and that is an issue as well this this is a familiar idea to me i i think i had this position once in an over the board game playing the caro khan just this idea of a double attack against g2 and then some some skewer on that diagonal my opponent didn't fall for it but uh just this idea playing within this structure having the double f pawns and the g file to work with anyhow this one's over he's actually ahead on the clock and he's now in 129th place this is the top page so you see a couple items fm's are on that first page so and he actually gained his first point not sure about that last game so this is a double berserk game jaberi is very excited about some little night dance and then in the end he's danced too much he's gonzo and there goes the queen yeah this one's over this is uh this will be over in less than a minute has a nice shot bishop takes d7 and now they're just sweeping in a mate and two threat i don't see how you defend that pawn move bishop move it doesn't matter these these next two moves are happening just gonna let his time run jaberi come on man i guess it's a a clock ticker yeah even even carlson gets none of fried it happens okay is he gonna be in the top 100 now with one hour and three minutes to go yes 93rd place less than 30. yeah all out berserk he's played this in the elite bold arena this uh cairo khan capturing on f6 with the e pawn uh it's a mouse slip manta bishop takes bishop and now the dark squares are collapsing maintenance maintenance ii quick kill against a 2184 who did not berserk back in that one does he get a point for that one at least 93rd where does he jump up to next with this five that's what he's getting fives for every win is he in a game yet yes he's in a game he'll play the rest of this one hour to go and he's in 79th he's in it to win for sure very interesting a very nice surprise all right nice little fork that happened there breaking up the pawn duo and now it's a minor piece game this is a liability in this position type isolated pawn it's way too simplified for there to be some kind of an attack against the black king okay it's not isolated anymore but there should be some light square issues for team white keeping pressure on e3 this is a 1918 player ricky rich you know here's another thing this is a pretty cool thing for i mean this is pretty neat actually i'm just thinking thinking now this isn't a titled arena this is uh you know you have an opportunity here to play against a world champion so i'm sure i'm sure every opponent here as he's working his way up to this first page where he will be getting paired with titled players this is a just a great experience you get to say you played the world champ pretty neat i have yet to play against him where's the mate there it is all right lord ventner 2404 getting berserked let's see do we call this an all out berserk for magnus or hyper bullet magnus we're almost at the one hour point is this guy gonna move he left the game maybe a connection issue and a quick a quick win yeah black didn't move those are some easy points where is he at now 52nd place he's paired up again against peter pun three uh now he does have he only got four points for that game he berserked but because his opponent didn't move he only gets four there's a that's one of the one of the rules there it's going to be winning material that d-pawn is dangerous hmm interesting to see the pawn captures maybe there was going to be a sacrifice on e4 and another quick resigner wow interesting he just blocked gave a check and then said you know what i've had enough okay 45th place mar markler markler markler squared we have 1923. maybe he's going to crack 3000 as well as winning this tournament we'll see 59 minutes to go dark square weaknesses what to do looking for e5 picking up this pawn rook here there's a fork there are no good checks for black well forget it just just no checks in the position difficult to defend this pawn something simple like doubling up there's knight b7 if he wants it you could also view it as you know the knight is pretty valuable on c5 but he goes in for it he's up the exchange that might be right around the corner sticking upon on f6 and then getting in on the dark squares as is possible there goes the knight he's up a full rook and this is easily converted king prevents the pawn or the bishop can do that and he'll be cleaning house in this one soon enough no fancy stalemates and just resigned another five which is going to put him soon i won't have to search for him he is in 36th with how many games he's played 19 games missed about the first five of this one god like moves is the next opponent a sicilian on board quick strike at f7 f2 it's weird to defend like that bishop is in the way and he's insisting on crashing through here there isn't this there isn't this knight to e4 move and now there goes the bishop and the structure and b2 is ready to fall queen b4 queen a5 the knight has to return oh can he come back against god like well he didn't take the queen magnus was pre-moving there thinking that he was just going to take the queen after this i guess you have to kind of guess a little bit when you're in hyper bullet mode dodged a bullet there that would have been interesting to see if he could have come back being down a queen and a lot of time and he's fighting back on the clock it's evening out and this is excellent for team black the knight is flushed away e5 is falling these guys will be set into motion this guy can collapse at any moment now that the knight is in the way of the queen and he's up on the clock yeah crashing through now in f2 taking with the rook fancy okay these guys are pushing through tsunami of pawns just keep on marching who needs the king or the rook at this point time out for team white another w which is going to put him up to what place 29th place okay here we go he's going to be encountering these bigger dogs with 56 minutes to go in the tournament this bullet shield arena 2445 player so he's going to gain a point maybe just for this win if he gets it berserking a 24-45 solid structure ties in well with this bishop seems like a pretty slow position which is probably good news for the for this player you really have to change up your approach here when you go into berserk mode kind of go for your opponent's throat fast sharp positions it's quite the maneuvering game but at any moment this could turn into a well how to say a position where you could pre-move out so you can't be still to be very attentive to the the position and the knight is having some trouble here 11 seconds he might get his first loss here might have to repeat go after f2 target h3 this square is covered i don't know if he has anything after h4 got a check in there how you defending h3 now there's queen f3 or h3o that's a problem f2 knight g3 as well is there a mate it's not quite a mate with 3.5 seconds not looking too good here he's gonna have to use some pre-move magic queen here the queens are off can you pull this one out ah the night's gone and this is a loss for carlson his only hope is the clock what kind of magic can you stir up here it's not looking too good 2.4 seconds maybe maybe this guy's a little bit nervous he should be able to do it yeah black resigned it's tough and who with that he goes down 37 points it's not going to be easy berserking 2400s there's some 2500s playing as well he's in 30th he's not on streak his first loss was just that last one so let's see if he could get back on the horse yeah so i was saying earlier on that was a little bit too much maneuvering going on in that one plenty of the games earlier were quick kills kind of got sharp f5 is falling that's close by doesn't want the knight to get back in there these bishops are killers basically controlling all these light and dark squares and this pawn is pushing through and on the knight is there to defend killer bishops look at how quick uh oh that is so nice that was a really nice move night there night takes promotion with mate okay so where are we at here how many points does he have 98 points he's in 28th 52 minutes to go he's back in there he's not going to be hitting 2300 i i don't think but can he win the tournament no he's not going to hit 3 000 i'm not sure what i just said there it's not going to hit three thousand but can you win the tournament let's see hm and he's going to be winning a pawn here and well yeah at least upon okay this knight is rescued isn't he no not here you could take because the queen is unprotected there's no recapture so he's falling pond wise where do we stand he's going to be up a couple pawns king or you don't even have to take he doesn't want the knight he wants the bishop okay and flush the knight away or flush the queen away and take the knight doesn't even want the knight he's basically saying you know what the knight is under control i just want to get on with pushing this guy so now he's up a piece 14 seconds to go plenty he's going to be promoting a free queen yeah and the rook is going to fall soon new queen right around the corner yeah mate in two or one no main one i was thinking this kind of thing okay another w and i think with that he's now back on streak so this next win would be a five he has 101 points the tournament leader has 216. hmm is it possible is it possible we're going to find out okay moran 29 fm opponent berserk berserk he's made that decision long ago an all-out berserk what was this a trompovsky a core grip in the center you don't see this structure so quick so he's looking for something on the g file soon no not so fast because of this pressure here and now giving up upon some benko-like idea for some play on the queen side central pawn majority these guys are ready to roll and here they go so is the idea with this little b5 move acquire a strong pawn center both bishops fiend keto to the light square weaknesses around the white king the knight's ready to pivot here and look at how quick he knows he's there to defend against g6 the puns continue to march feel that it's possible for queen g oh nice okay well it's not losing material without but he's getting rid of the queen knight's having a difficult time finding a good square so is the bishop the king could play a role these pawns continue to march he's going to be winning some material and he's going to go on to win this one seven seconds is plenty he'll be able to pre-move this one out six seconds yeah simple enough take the pawn and push this guy to victory lane three seconds mate berserk to 2400 on the nose fm goes down okay it's in 23rd place 48 minutes to go let's see so fast yeah this is this is very interesting first time i'm seeing hyper bullet the hyper bullet carlson i mean you know didn't see any of that in the titled arena so he's up upon pick that guy off with check he's now up a piece opponents playing maybe a little bit too fast here hmm okay well the f file is shut down this is a possibility at some point the last move is was there it's there once more this doesn't want to allow queen takes h4 or anything just controlling the only open file and this queen is getting squeezed and this king is in a giant box and just gonna go for oh gonna go for the mate on the h file the old switcheroo i was just thinking you pushed through here nope there's something faster the bishop controls this sideways mate i guess okay he's in 19th berserking again 2192 is an opponent is the opponent isolated pawn h2 was threatened he's going to focus on d4 now first just take out the dark square bishop and now queen should take up a really nice post on d4 an enormous knight no first black takes that out so rook and pawn end game the end game wizard can he do it the rooks are very active these pawns are all very weak one rook off is cool these three pawns negate these three so carlson is playing up a pawn well yeah he he's already up upon i was just uh thinking oh my thing he was off with that one he's just up a clean pond here oh king and pawn in game is winning so that's why you take with the king there seven seconds to pull this one off let's see and he could take him at any moment first improves the king position six seconds take one of them this is the more important one now there's two connected passers and he's pushing through five seconds and here we go the whole stepladder mate 19th place uh oh that's not good news the site went down no it's back up that must have been an issue on my end jonah b94 next opponent getting berserked 2500 is getting berserked okay uh what to note well it's getting the exchange and yeah he's up the exchange targeting e5 now three times it's hit and it's been close to pre-moving this one out the knight is offset by the bishop giving some material back to wipe out the queen side pawns two to zero on the queen side more exchanges why not target the knight and this is going to be a win no good solution here oh he's being sneaky there really wasn't a way out of that pin securing the bishop with h6 but this is still going to be a win just take the knight with check two queens three point six seconds take the queen you should be able to prime this pre-move this one out one second watch out for stalemate no stalemates one second on the nose he went up plus three with that one in a very fast pairing with 44 minutes to go in this bullet shield arena berserking again against eldrell all right a double fiend keto all righty well let's see how to play within this structure it's just amazing to see how good the chest still is at this fast pace okay this diagonal is not the greatest anymore so quick reposition knights following on a very good square the h pawn might look to roll very soon the knight is ready to move now that the rook is defended carlson controls the only open file the bishop is hit the queen is hit he's going to be winning upon i don't know how valuable it is the knight can be defended i don't know how you take advantage of the night position actually he's up the exchange and i've known i totally missed where that even happened how he how he managed to be up the exchange it's too too difficult to uh keep up with this speed he's even on the clock target f7 now he's targeting the knight he's now up a full rook less than 10 to go and this is an easy one to pre-move you could pick up this guy at any point there could be this i would rather have my bishop there that way there's no sneaky pawn move five seconds to go flying watch out for steel mates there will be no stalemates rook here next and that's the ball game 2.1 despair he's in 18th place coming up the ranks 126. once he gets to this first page he's likely to hit one of these two guys lord benchner 99 is the potent second time playing space on the king side with f5 looking to break things open on this side of the board he's controlling the whole board b3 was probably a pre-move a4 is maybe better to prevent a b5 queen is slipping in h6 is under fire and cannot be defended smashing through king move there might be a night block with check where's the mate something like this f6 and then here it's closed queen here it's made on the spot searching for mate oh that's very nice queen takes pawn takes and then there's an issue with the pin do we need the help of the rook you could always pick up pick up the bishop there goes the bishop it's insisting on this pin still insisting on this pin rook here you could take you could simplify everything he's up a pawn or excuse me up a piece and we'll go on to win this one he's got everything two past pawns let's watch out for stalemates the only thing there will be no stalemate just not happening 6.8 seconds to spare another quick pairing against jonah b 94 24.95 opponent he's at 29.57 i think he would have broken 3000 if he didn't have that one loss alrighty he's giving up a pawn he does have some play though now with castles there's an open f file to work with targeting c4 this is a rock this is a this is a good position for white how can he fight back what kind of trouble is he going to stir up okay he's going to put the knight on e6 it's important it's a passer okay he has some okay now these two pawns control these three so the play should turn over here unless there's some fancy tactic but i think all these points are covered yeah and this work is this rook can get very active okay he's just trying to lock down everything he's dropping b6 but now the knight is very active looking for a fork on d2 that's defended the rook is active though maybe there's a mate right around the corner the rook and knight he has a stable square he's down to less than nine seconds though not looking too good for carlson there's a check another check what kind of fancy thing can he pull off i got a little repetition there will be no repetition white wants to win this one and there's a check no it's just not happening he resigned goes down 39 he's in 13th place 13th place he has 131 okay here we go larso in international master getting berserk to 2602 the current leader of this bullet shield arena let's see well carlson throws at him the caro khan all right bishop is outside the pawn chain as a caro con player that's what you want to do it's the idea get that piece active all right well this is a completely wrecked kingside structure and this rook queen and bishop are going to do something dangerous against the king no something something bad is happening b2 e3 are hit 21 seconds to go queenside castle watch out for d4 bringing that fourth and final piece into the attack and this king is without a home there goes e3 here comes d4 look out for d3 no don't forget about the crazy c pawn here comes d3 pawn takes pawn and that's killer rook takes pawn what are you doing about this this is collapsing fast and the time difference isn't even that much a check a capture and a mate on b2 you see how easy see how easy it is to beat an i am and the site goes down oh man no it's backup it must be something with my computer i don't know ah man it's really not that easy he just kind of makes it look easy that's all that's a that's a tough opponent larso the norwegian ninja next opponent 2300 let's see i think with this with this win here if he pulls off a win he's up the exchange i think he'll break into that first page he's very close to doing that let's see how he converts this the knights are covering a lot of ground there weren't very many squares for the rook but he's found a way out trading some and how to convert this knight f4 is hit with e5 all right and there you go knight's pinned and that's that's going to be that yeah the pawn is going to push through no stalemates that's mate the norwegian ninja goes down in a very fast pairing sicilian dragon there are 510 spectators here i believe you could see that in the i have that captured for this video 540 just keeps growing he's in 11th place flying okay knight on the on the rim huh he's okay with whatever kind of structure doubled pawns here upon this kind of split there it's targeted queen's there to defend where to deploy the bishop this seems most active kingside castle i don't see any reason not to kingside castle king safety in the corner rook activity on the f-file knight f4 right around the corner bishop on e3 is what he wants there's a check he's super glued in there g2 is an issue king in the corner rook on g8 what to do about the g2 point and he wants a queen exchange interesting this is white's best piece so structural change benefits white now these guys are passed two to one majority you can't take the knight because of mate aroni 16 seconds he's ahead on the clock sicilian dragon 2018 is an 1815 opponent 89th in the tournament yeah i'm sure all of these uh players will be uh saying i got to play the champ that's pretty cool oh he's pushing through time is an issue in fact white is going to lose on time with this one yeah timeout so where are we at here he is officially in 10th with 142 245's in first that's going to be a tough one to track down probably impossible right around this point but let's let's see what kind of good games we can get in here the regos and oh berserk maybe with another half hour of playing he could have uh reeled in the first first place or the the bullet shield let's say tens place pressure against e5 or e7 majority on the king side it's it's in motion now b4 these pieces are very clumsy now it's continuing to push through d6 is collapsing oh wow what's that about just wants to push on through can't take twice here gonna promote yeah he's just insisting i will not be denied that promotion the queen is now gone for team black easy win with 12 seconds is he on streak i believe he's on streak so i'll be getting another five for this one 33 minutes to go in the tournament let's see that is me he is in ninth with 147. let's refresh and there we go okay murren muran 29 again a bononi on board this is a a nice move to get in exchange the bishop for night usually a difficult piece to get working in the bononi but he's long gone traded for the night expanding on the queen side b2 is an issue bishop and rook make life a little bit difficult defending this point converging on the queen side two to one on the queen side and they just continue to push on through knight is on c5 looking for some nice jumping points d3 b3 b3 cuts off the defense of d6 rook d4 cuts off the defense of d6 he still lives they're both past track down this guy is the i would think his number one priority bishop takes pawn can you get away with that he just wants to hunt down this guy first things first not a lot of time nine seconds looking for a check now he needs to track this down even if the queens are exchanged oh hang on queen block and there's bishop takes h2 queen check on f4 oh and the queen has to block and it's mate next f2d muran 29 got f2 scholars mate style wow yeah i was thinking the queen blocks here but that would have allowed bishop takes h2 deflection and then queen takes queen and the queen would have been around soon enough to stop that d-pawn all right seventh place 31 minutes to go yeah this is fun very fun okay d5 that's a big square for a knight and what's he gonna do nothing there wasn't a good square he's up a piece all right how to convert put pressure on the h file he has the file to work with bishop takes d6 at some point knight f6 with queen here king move you have to sack the queen right now otherwise mate next mate next queen here pick your favorite square actually back to tournament what am i doing i'm saying back to term and i'm not even playing that's when you know you've played too much okay oh this is a double berserk game oper is the opponent current uh score here is 7-0 how to fight back he's down upon a double berserk okay queens are going to be off knight there is a nice shot oh he's being very sneaky with f6 he didn't move either rook wow carlson has some tricks up his sleeve man oh and another trick bishop takes h7 ooh opera was in the driver's seat if he just was a little bit more disciplined right there he was going to bank that material and uh go on to win i i feel very confident about that but it just wasn't meant to be he's he was sneaky carlson is a sneaky player we're also seeing here a little pawn jab f6 instead of moving either rook okay f5 is nice looking for something on the king side here queen f6 now well now there's some new possibilities over here he's going to play on the queen side or the king side this is where the action is watch out for the mates yeah knight h4 into g6 king up no just just castle castle and then double oh now you're just stepping up doing this and then this might become an issue now the rook is playing where is there some fancy tactic the bishop may be rerouting over here this may be an idea no he's dropping some material but is this a threat even no there isn't some threat here this knight what did tal say about that guy knight on f8 no mate doesn't seem to be a mate i don't see it he's he's covering this there isn't a mate he's to try to smash through here trying to nah it's it's i don't see this one happening here here maybe if you get the knight on f5 it's something different uh he's gonna he's gonna try something hang on 15 seconds mate's right here how do you stop mate here you don't oh this is just mate next oh okay there's a fancy little check there he just got made mishka the great went down okay hammer time uh john ludwig hammer is getting berserked he doesn't want to berserk back he wants to he wants to win this one all right you know this is a super invasive pawn on h3 this would be very impressive berserking a 27-21 battle of the norwegians all right f-file play here we go light squares how to negate that rook and this is going to be a positional battle 20 seconds what's wrong with knight takes pawn there now he's he wants to hang on to that guy oh he just dropped his rook he forgot that the rook was hanging carlson's gonna win 16 seconds is plenty he's up a rook oh man has a very bad blunder yeah he just overlooked that the rook was hanging there happens nine seconds how to convert this it's up a rook not easy oh he's got a passer rick takes pawn and he's pushing through i got a check and then promotion he wants to promote another pawn so fast get to that pre-move point pre-move point point four seconds he never he he never ended up taking that piece he's down on time he didn't convert that one wow oh man up a rook but hammer came back on the clock hmm there had to be a better way you have to get rid of that final piece by your opponent at that stage and then you can pre-move out it just never happened that rook hammers rook stuck around okay he's in sixth twenty-five minutes to go and take a peek at the standings after this game el drail again second time a nice square to work with on d5 giving up i'm not giving up upon blundering upon and it was difficult to defend so what to say about this one it's looking pretty drash actually even though white is up upon 10 seconds [Music] this one's going to be tough i don't see how you ever get to a point as black where you could pre-move it pre-move this one out rook here king there would be embarrassing oh his goal is close to happening but you have to come back over here the king could try to get active like this he's making a break for oh actually in a pickle team white and can you primo this one out not quite 1.7 seconds getting a queen oh he's is he gonna win is he gonna win is he gonna win point one point zero one no not quite lost on time he's in sixth let's take a peek 168 well how how close can he get to first he's not going to get he's not going to get first maybe he gets top three you're in 29 third time playing okay this bishop should be basically shut out of the game no what's his future there's no there's no good future oh hang on i was missing that there's a bishop bishop moved there ah king comes over the rook gets flushed back is it a one king and pawning game it is he is up a pawn after all so how to how to break this one open a3 b4 acquire a pass c pawn c pawn is now passed how to get him rolling defend base points first and now escort the pawn and he should be able to do this there isn't enough checking distance between the rook and the pawn if the pawn was here and the rook was here it would be a different story not the case though he should be able to go all the way down and that's a free rook in the ball game black resigned 171 needs another game to get into that streak mode elder 64. 2640i m and yeah it's a double berserk game call it a hyperbolic game and a mouse slip right out of the gates king f8 queen h6 shouldn't be too much of a bother could be dislodged multiple ways queen's off no staying around the knight is negated with c6 f5 break e3 is collapsing this knight is enormous where's the mate i feel like there should be a mate close by some some fancy way to gain some material there it is there goes the queen with check and a quick resignation 2640 goes down in this double berserk game hyperbolic game fly in sky getting berserked of berserk back flying sky we're gonna see first time playing lion sky is almost certainly a titled player yeah that would be my bet fmim area yep okay let's see not berserking back in this one i'm really wanting to win this one let's see no time to take b2 the rook was hit skewer town skewered town skewer town or skewer time all right c6 is a nice square hop right in queen takes queen you could take on e7 first that is with check queen is hit twice god do something there we go keep the queens on and how to pre-move out hang on there's a bishop c3 move if you take that pawn he's going to pile up here this is not easy to break down this rook sits the bishop sits the stability these guys need to change the structure somehow because the base points are all covered in sacking the rook back for one of these two it's a dead drawn position this rook is also very good here again these guys need to rattle the position somehow and here we go but how do you break this down you really need to exchange rooks there goes the pawn though uh he's looking for mate though and he's gonna get it he's going to get the mate he switched it he used this pawn as a form of uh well this pawn factors into this mating net idea controlling these three squares and back door uh rook two what square was that rook to g8 idea very nice there was nothing happening on that seventh rank so had to try something on the eighth rank very nice pawn on g5 and then functioning on that eighth rank meanwhile in this game he's up a queen he's up a boatload of material queen slipping in and just giving some material back to break things open everything is falling bishop queenside castle sack the rook hit him with a fork you follow queen here queen there where's the mate here it is back to tournaments and i'm not even playing oh man where are we at he's in fifth 19 minutes to go in all our berserk yes it is 100 berserk another opponent yes jonah b94 split games carlson versus a carol khan no knight exchange the knight exchange over here much different now the rook gets to play controlling b4 with a3 black's going for a light square bishop exchange has that this is a very strong knight some tactics against this point that's why the rook is needed to defend the bishop it's just taking out that knight he's very strong yeah end game area queen is now defended with the king creeping closer f5 maybe close by and probably going to have to have the queens off in this one or to try to make some progress but black keeps the queens on it makes difficult for carlson to go into some pre-move mode e6 is targeted and how do you how do you guard e6 there's going to be some checks thrown in another check and then queen here seems nice there we go queen here is an idea it's not looking good for team white yeah with five seconds to go and still a lot of different moves that can keep white in check literally and just you know keeps keeps white honest you can't pre pre-move this one out there was an opportunity there for queen takes knight and just down on time and certainly position here okay did not work out there for carlson larso again the number one guy in this tournament but that is not a lock opera is right on his heels 14 points back okay well dark squares are a big issue this is one it's already game over i have seven's crushing 16 mover how do you like that wow okay how did that one go kind of like that this bishop never played dark squares were critical as soon as the dark square bishops were off and just a few moves later back breaking move f7 okay he's in fifth he's on streak no he's not on streak that's just his first win all righty uh knight takes pawn a quick resigner queen is gone knight takes bishop queen takes knight huh this is fine it's up a rook you can easily convert this one and you could pre-move this one out basically when fighting against a bishop bishop could only control the light squares in this case and that game against hammer much different rook there is mate bishop controls g1 having a rook is much different rook can control everything muren 29 a pretty fast pairing there 2407 fourth game between these two now a central majority looking for e3 has it some weaknesses around the king for sure knight f2 something here as well yeah pressure against g3 the knights are converging now g5 has the support g3 is collapsing dark squares critical knight f4 something on h3 i think that was one of the ideas with this pawn push to pave the way for queen h3 knight nf5 is strong but lacks the support of a pawn or a piece so he quickly is gonzo 12 seconds to convert this pressure on e2 now the knight needs to find a new home there's a check here and a check there i got to go to a different square check here queen here the king has to go forward where's where's the mate going back there's a check and then queen uh queen f2 knight g3 main two and if he went forward i just got mated and if you went forward there was probably something good here okay forget about that we got another battle of the norwegians berserking hammer let's see if you can get them back uh i can't go too far with the queen it's pressure in the corner was there an opportunity for a check here no the knight could have blocked saved himself is the rook gonna go oh this is this should be a win queen h5 bishop to d5 converging on these squares this is a big problem queen h5 how are you defending this a push like there there's a check and then a checkmate and just eliminating the defender of h7 pawn takes knight it's made on the spot we've seen this id before with the bishop here and getting this little rook coming back to made on the h file this is game over and look at the clock no time edge even hammer just got berserked you could resign we also have this idea which is nice also this one so many different mates pick your favorite right and here we go mate next to one of these two let's see what the pawn wants to do pawn up mate anywhere else knight is not around to help time is up 12 minutes to go all right he has now 200 points yeah another half hour and uh okay chess bros is in there a double berserk game very cool hyper bullet so chess prizes in 17th so he must have been playing in this tournament for quite a bit 800 and call it 900 i wasn't looking here in a while 911 spectators okay down upon carlson the knight is under control backrank issues bishop doesn't like being on h2 these three can offset these four even on the clock and this guy is going to fall and he's going to he's going to mated carlson went down in that one here there's a check and then the rook goes here ball game the only way to stop mate would be to block with the pawn or block with the queen on e8 quick win for chess bras and that one in a double berserk game that's very nice okay what to do muren what to say really muran 29 next opponent fifth time playing this knight is a very important defender otherwise a2 can collapse knight is looking for the c5 square it's good on its own and that much more if it can hit with tempo be striking at the queen the rook is gone that wasn't the plan i guess one of the ideas was to keep this knight in in a weird state fianchettoed night not a good post usually here we go knight on c5 super dangerous b4 king here and then b4 probably have to keep the queens on something like this yeah supporting the knight don't really need to are you gonna support the knight got a mate threat here you could push the queen is defended very tricky these knights are covering a lot of ground he's actually ahead on the clock two fancy nights he's gonna lose some material now knight here blocks the defense he's being he's being sneaky not the first time we've seen the sneakiness that game against opera with f6 was our first uh experience with sneaky carlson oh this isn't going to go well yeah black could pre-move this one out let's see the speed very difficult to pre-move yeah he's down on time okay let's see where where we are at the meat on bone next opponent this is a double berserk game with under 10 minutes to go in this tournament all right he doesn't want this uh capture on on c6 huh okay this is excellent for team black bishop hair weakened structure for white how to get this bishop playing is the only thing and it's easily solved there it's now active and gone opposite color bishop position this is a good structure combat this guy and a slight improvement huh rook up base points are covered this guy is going to roll at some stage break down this structure and then transfer over on the h file now these guys could become a thorn h3 g3 in this case the h4 square is available first defending g6 the queen is now gone queen d4 seven seconds there goes the rook there goes the queen side pawns and just wants some simplification now these guys are gonna roll can white hold on here yeah he's gonna run with this one how do you stop that guy actually yeah this hits with tempo he meant this move okay this is still winning 3.6 seconds and that's a w in this double berserk game the regos next opponent um i have to make sure to look at what the performance rating is see what uh you know see what his performance is his performance rating is in this all out berserk nearly nearly an hour and a half of play and all out berserker okay not a double berserk here going after the dark square bishops number one defender and most valuable player basically in this position type not in this exact position because of the pawn on f6 but in general very good defender very good attacker there goes the exchange but we have a lot of pieces right around the king and there goes the exchange and he's just up a piece now oh dominoes and that's how the pieces are falling 28 seconds to 9 you could pre-move this one out this is a w and that's a mate seven minutes 11 seconds to go he is in fifth he may end up getting third he has a chance to hit the podium all righty let's see here there won't be any attack against the black king in this structure no no crazy e pawn to challenge the knight this is a strong defender there's an issue here you know and now on the king side as well because of that pressure on d4 taking out the knight is up some material getting out of the pin not that diagonal out of the pin with a punch against the bishop pressure here ready to take the knight and maybe do something on the second rank queen wants to get over here possibly 18 seconds to go there goes the bishop op is a color bishop ending e3 can fall no the queen could also fall that's better go for the queen there's a check wants e3 that's defended he could have captured rook takes and then you've taken the corner easy for me to say i'm not playing and i'm not the one who has only 10 11 seconds but that's a mate and we got opera again in this double berserk game watch out opera you got a sneaky opponent they're playing the same line no not quite in the other game they played the bishop was on f4 i think essential expansion on board knight e3 that's prevented squares given up on d5 queens are gone okay a check and these guys continue to push the knight is offset where's the knight go nowhere d6 is there to defend the knight remains watch out for the rook up and over the knight is controlling these two squares some point this can happen that's what he's trying and he got it 14 seconds each and made on the board g5 was necessary or best i guess there was a bishop or a knight on g4 but g5 covering h4 was important the regos again third time with less than five minutes to go in the tournament carlson is now in fourth close to podium land okay the knight is the one of the weakest pieces in this position it's an issue on this diagonal there was a threat in that square that pawn controlled the knight but okay now they're exchanged and these guys are rolling there is a four to three majority the knight is super glued in there picks up the exchange f4 or e3 looking for f4 queens are off carlson's up the exchange 14 seconds to go he has a passer watch out for the back rank back rank idea no he wants a dark square he's winning here now just get rid of that rook can you pull that one off yeah pin and this pawn should run fast you could actually take first and then go back over this will be a win five seconds should be able to pre-move it out yeah four seconds is plenty queens are gonna sweep over hitting with check in every case straight to mate three minutes in change to go let's see he is now in third and that's probably where he's gonna stay no he's not getting second uh who's getting first i don't know are we going to get another game yes larry f david first time playing against larry f david i think i've played against larry f david a handful of times yes okay so what do we have here okay pressure on this guy there's not a knight around controlling h5 so this launching of that h pawn is tempting for sure and now keeping black guessing it's going to be capture or push who knows no castling for team black there goes the dark square bishop rook up and over it's prevented pressure on the center pressure here the queen can't go too far has a responsibility and now this king is very clumsy taking upon queen is there hitting the rook the other rook wants to come up and over and how do you save the queen here and then here and i'm just going for a queen exchange eight seconds i don't know it's not looking too good gotta get written there's just too much work to be done you know oh hang on there's always a there's always a mating net oh that one's painful that one is painful larry up david had his chance to uh do some time burning tactics but yeah checkmate ends the game let's not forget about that [Laughter] oh that man that one totally caught me off guard okay you want to jump in night but you might get trapped where's your new home here you got to do something like this you got to prepare to run uh he could be captured no but there's a pineroni he's he's a cook tonight the regos is he's gonna go down 20 seconds how dangerous are these guys and this he's still far off things are opening up over here f3 he can't go too far he has a responsibility now he's going to be anchored in there and actually hang on a rook move and there'd be queen here possibly no he's just sneaking in you all rook up and over that's made on the spot how do you like that 38 seconds to go that might have been the last one it's gonna be one more game in actually 267 each wow okay who knows who's going to win this one actually it's not going to be carlson but there's a tie there 267 each in a four hour tournament very close we'll have a look at it only only 12 seconds to go crashing through on c6 up the exchange now three seconds to go on the tournament clock this is a this is a w sneaking in here or here probably smash this open and then pac-man mode on the on the king side the norwegian win uh norwegian ninja tongue tied mate next that's the ball game probably have resign time no that's a mate that's it no more games and who won ooh probably some type of a buzzer beater huh in the end larso took first opera took second carlson took third interesting for sure very unexpected to see that he was jumping into this one so looking at the games played i'm not sure if he played the whole thing i imagine he did so somewhere where is he at 117 games played opera had 95 so probably a bit of a late join and carlson had 58 games 88 percent win rate 100 berserk rate that's cool yeah i was definitely interested to see how his uh how he would do in hyperbole mode and well we got to see that most of it all but about five of these 58 games so this was the the top page 1775 and all first larso opera magnus carlson dr drunkenstein flying skye mishka the great larry f david that was a painful loss that happens tank box one john ludwig hammer chess bras muran 29 top ten how many games did uh i think he was going on in all of berserk as well close to it 98 berserk right but uh he only had 45 games in so it probably happened that when uh carlson hopped in we had many others hopping in that's my guess but uh anyhow just this was a spur of the moment thing of course carlson hopped into this tournament and i figured let's let's track some of his games and we got to see a good 50 plus of them in an all-out berserk in all out berserk carlson hyperbolic carlson anyhow as usual feel free to leave any feedback to this video in the comments section below and i hope you enjoyed it not sure how much education there really is for something of this format but i hope it was fun for you to watch that's all for now take care bye you
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 1,164,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen berserk, magnus carlsen 100% berserk, bullet shield arena, bullet chess, magnus carlsen bullet chess, lichess titled tournament, chessnetwork, chess network, chess, speed chess tournament, lichess, bullet chess tournament, drdrunkenstein chess, drdrunkenstein magnus carlsen
Id: NTEj4moaay0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 36sec (4716 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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