Magnus Carlsen vs. Daniel Naroditsky | Full Match | Bullet Chess Championship 2023

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but Dania he looks focused and I know he has been so Donya of course good friend as the game start but he has really been dedicated to this event going to sleep earlier Denny you should be proud oh my gosh if that's all I needed to do to get donji to go to bed earlier we should hold a bullet event every week [Laughter] Jokes Aside anyone who follows Jess commentary knows that Dania dania's done it you know he's had his late nights knowing he needed to wake up at the at six a.m the next day for commentary so um but we love him and he's been getting his rest look at him he looks like he showered he's fresh now he's leaned in and uh forgets that he's he's a commentator and now he's just a player doesn't care how he looks on camera right now yeah and he shouldn't me I he should care about how his position looks because I see holes in White's position and Magnus Hopkins Knight to C4 all these light squares under magnus's control and the clock a five second lead currently for Magnus I think he's got great chance to take game on with black yeah and this move A5 is is super nice obviously already focused on opening the a file prying down the A3 Pawn I know it's bullet but positional chest still matters oh my gosh and E3 crumbling the king behind it Dania is uh feeling the hurt here in the first game yeah Bishop takes D4 black is going up at minimum in exchange uh is a good effort there oh there's Queen D4 please take my queen oh no my queen yeah you take there there was a back rank mate on E8 nice little trap oh no my queen and uh uh Donya is gonna try for every trick in the book in the books even when he's down against Magnus today so oh plenty more where that came from wow so Magnus allowed Rook D7 because he had spotted Rook A1 check now Magnus up a full Rook into this end game and has plenty of time to convert the win yeah time is critical here any game we're evaluating a Magnus Carlson Advantage you have to look at the clock before you uh chalk it up to the books right there Magnus Carlson does take the first game with black and he's ready he's back home feeling a little more comfy maybe and uh here we go and this looks like a caracon to me but it started with D4 Knight F6 so it was a jabala London turned into a sort of caracon turned into whatever this is and I feel like Dania uh he is going to be down on the clock in the early stage of the game Magnus is the better prepared player between the two something Hikaru said that Dania has been changing his openings against Naka and maybe against some of the other top players and that could actually be detrimental rather than helpful because you spend time but actually look at this tactic from done the F2 part Magnus missed that that's a super nice trick the F2 poem is hanging I think that's a great point though overall when you're not playing positions that you're comfortable with where the plans are almost subconscious it can really hurt you in bullet when you really need to play quickly on the clock so if delanya has to change his openings against top players not a great sign oh and look at daddy blundered his Knight oh man he had such a good position that's super unfortunate that move Rook D1 by Magnus took away a checking square and now Donya resigns because he's losing his Rook on D7 to follow so that must be frustrating you steal a pawn with a nice tactic and then a few moves later you blunder a piece in the center we talk about that a lot I know it's hard to get instructive moments in bullet but you can't take for granted that a tactic may not have worked the move before Robert your opponent does something that makes it work and you are you were borderline pre-moving and so you blundered Magnus really heads up play there to take away that Queen D4 check and actually renew the threat of F3 and he wins the game yeah and now we get into this third game here in Magnus with the black pieces trying to stop Checkmate he does but his Pawn structure is shattered great position I would say for Donna he's also keeping steady on the clock but now Magnus will he show that end game technique that's made him the highest rated player in history and you called it though out of the gates I I said Donya needs to make sure he doesn't fall behind you specifically said that a 3-0 deficit would be really really problematic and right now Johnny is staring down the barrel of that gun and look at that though he's rising to the occasion he's one upon now too he's got three passers good stuff here from Donya to make sure he doesn't fall behind three games DCF smile Donna smiles and took a drink all right that was actually very adorable can we flip and ship that please that's what that's the feeling you know the feeling of beating a world champion that video we did of artemiev that's the feeling of beating a world champion and bullet right there big smile from Don yanir diski yeah I'd love to see that Magnus does not like to see that because you do not want to give Dania that kind of confidence but donya's in that flow state where he's just moving I mean his intuition is superb and so Magnus knows that he respects that and here with the white pieces Magnus is taking all the space in the position but when you push punts forward you leave them vulnerable in the future so watch out for this E4 Pawn in particular and also his B4 upon yeah the B4 clone is look at that Daniel finds a trick because if you took you would have lost the Knight on F3 dude and look at that now he wins The Exchange Don you're rolling if he evens up this match that's the confident Donya we called that would be capable of winning today he's got to get out to a good start early and I love how he's playing but did you see that by Magnus trading Queens went down material because the Rook slides up then you lose the Rook to the other Bishop that was actually sick from Magnus the ability to spot all that in the blink of an eye oh but look at Donya right back at it with the trick himself with that G5 move that saved the exchange that was nasty I don't know that he's gonna win but look he might be on on Route is there a mating net here there has to be where is it I was thinking Rook takes F6 but I don't think that worked just yet but oh yeah oh Bishop Bishop F3 and then Rook G6 and then Bishop what is happening here this looks very important yeah E6 the pawn pushes and then is there 86 chicken oh my gosh and it's falling apart wait for G6 Rook G6 oh God oh piece and he gets why do you take G5 he's baited back here oh my God Brook takes F6 was good not Richie five oh and Donnie just making a few moves resigns and look at the smile on his face he's like I cannot believe that I just out calculated Magus Carlson and then still made a mistake and lost that is what the bullet just Championship is made of right there games like that of course we see the uh the real-time engine analysis show and there were obviously a number of blunders and Miss wins there but it doesn't matter it's entertaining chess and Donya misses his opportunity to level the score okay but he goes right back into the game and he's playing quickly and he's got a french-like structure and it's the best French I've ever seen black doesn't have a light Square Bishop uh the pawn structure is shattered on the Queen's head for white but black castles into the pressure Danny we usually say the side with a safer King is used inside with the advantage in bullet I don't think black's King is particularly safe wax king is not safe yanya is uh very easy plans here I think to play on the queen side the knights popping into D6 just as you highlight look at that move d4 this is an easy position for white to play which is key and bullet swing The Rook back over yep he does it I like we're done just going here gotta keep this thing close very instructed from Donya his Rook was on B1 pressuring the black king and he just says let me go over to the king side and oh he did just drop two Pawns in a row one of them would check H spawn may be dangerous Danny yeah the h-phone is super dangerous the king is also in an awkward spot there oh he was threatening Rook G6 and Rook H6 crazy that the engine can say this is an equal position that's so unfair to chess it is but look at the clock as you say who cares what your accuracy is look at the time I think that Dania yep should try to flag Magnus here 100 agreed that you can't let games like this go by you gotta flag him especially when there's a knight on the board right so many tricks possible like Orcs in fact that's a huge heads up play by Magnus to get the knights off the board dirty flag him it's Rook against rook and pawn who cares do not repeat moves give checks and if you're Magnus you probably just do not push the pawn that way you get the 50 move rule yep yep yeah at this point the writing is on the wall but you're not gonna have enough time to win if you're Magnus so don't push the pawn and take the draw no draw this isn't it for Bobby Fischer that's a win for Daniel nerdinski he raises his hand apologetically Dania is such a sweetheart for those who don't know the level of respect Donya has for just the sanctity of the game of chess as someone who Flags people a lot 28 of his victories you should just know the under feels bad about every single dirty flag he's ever done genuinely that was that was like in tennis when you hit a really hard shot and then it hits the net and then gently rolls over and you're like sorry about that like you got the point the way you needed to there was nothing unethical about it so Donya he is now only down by one point his position looks really bad from the black side and by the way we saw that chat voted and 22 percent of you believe in Dunya the 70 other 78 I think Magnus is going to win yeah I don't think that's a huge surprise Magnus wins a lot of votes uh when people ask who's gonna win a match look at this there's a trick here on the board White's D7 Pawn I guess is going to rule the day here in the end that's the problem D7 and well we'll push don't look at that by Max do not take the bishop because the king would have rushed over to E7 to win the pawn so Bishop E3 a stellar Retreat and here comes the bishop to C7 and that should be it okay nice heads up defense though getting the all but Magnus he'll have none of it you will not slow down the pawn a little head Bob that t Swift you know hitting it didn't it let's just hope it's not Carly Rae Jepsen whoa nothing wrong with Carly Rae yeah wait what do you gotta I just what what just happened there why are you why I said that I'm going against Carly Rae Jepsen why don't we talk about Sean Mendes for a second whoa Knight D6 that pose whoa 96 check he plundered it and donjo Don Just Smiles but Magnus laughing a little bit oh wait it's not over I thought it was just over when he this is very complicated game where Black's up in exchange and look at that awareness from Magnus Queen H5 gets those Queens off the board but black apparently isn't even better but black does have two Rooks the whites one yeah this is completely turned around for a game that started with a knight D6 check borderline smothered mate Magnus gets the Queens off the board heads up play which makes his King safe and now he should be winning in this end game but I'm looking at the clocks and anytime I see Magnus within a couple seconds of Dania I'm actually worried for Magnus because Donna is faster in these time scrambles there's plenty of time left too much extra material for black for the moment but done it is smart to play this out totally agreed especially if you're not down you know at this point there's still 19 minutes left in the match you're not in a position where you need a new game to get a oh and he finds a fork just like that it's turning back around second Knight D6 of the game and that's going in donya's way still up upon is Magnus Carlsen and he's up a couple seconds but I'm telling you Magnus would want to be up four seconds into time scrambles because janya is faster yep you could already sort of smell the dirty flag coming here you can like you can smell it and and Magnus can feel it too look at the level of pre-moving that he's engaged here hoping for a draw oh no Magnus played on it actually once more madness is slightly ahead of the clock but Don just King gets back at times in the box so the black king will eat D3 as it might be a draw no anyway okay whoo Danny but Donnie was objectively and he fought back because he knows when to resign and when to play on and I was actually surprised by magnus's decision to keep pushing there I think that if he does that too many times you might regret it because especially when you have a two-game lead I would be okay with the draw rather than take my chances in a dirty flag competition with Dania I don't want to be in a dirty flag competition with that guy right and so I'm a little I'm a little surprised by that risk that risk there that Magnus took yeah because yesterday Hikaru against alireza Hikari won bishop and Rook Pond a draw because it was the wrong color Bishop for the corner a couple times he just flagged Ali rays are the same exact end game we almost saw for the second time this match Rook against rook and a couple pawns to a win in time trouble right now we're seeing Dania try to use the queen side to his Advantage he's down in exchange not the first time today we've seen that but he's gobbling up Queen side pawns and that's a passer yep yeah this is I mean objectively a very balanced position in bullet it's actually hard to choose which side is easier to play the Bishops in the past Palm feel good but long term that night will be tricky in the time scramble but look at that move Bishop A2 he said your move your rook's useless and Bishop H6 Bishop C1 how is white gonna defend this you have to go Knight A3 at the end of it oh Magnus Magnus I don't know what he anticipated there unclear but Dania is in charge and look at the clock by the way not only is Dania probably better with the two Bishops versus The Rook he is well ahead on time and as long as he doesn't blunder a piece he should be able to take this game agreed yeah this is uh Anya's game to win look at the time Advantage just increasing or near disc here this is the position Magnus is afraid of doesn't want to be in these spots dania's gonna I think bring this thing within a game here and if I'm done yeah I don't usually happening know how many moves have been made but I might throw in G4 at the moment trying to catch me oh yeah I gave up so losing the pawn is actually a good thing because there's no 50 move ruling oh but that's not good oh that's not a good thing but Magnus only has two seconds not gonna oh he's gonna get everything off the board oh he had a chance to take the bishop he had a chance oh wow wow what a save by Magnus there and that is unfortunate for Donya because that was a rare chance to get a victory he didn't take it yeah that was a save by Magnus so he's proving you guys may call me out and say I can't handle myself in the scrambles he said no this one I have under control but honestly that was done to blundering a piece he was trying to pre-move uh the way through and now with the white pieces though look at this redone apparently it's just winning for white is keeping with it here and you know not only is he better in these well he's consistently up on time Magnus did just hold his own in that scramble oh but dania's been playing a high level of Chess here Bishop A6 what a tricky move he plundered look at this The Rook is not gonna attack before there's F5 yeah and if you defend the Rook then you lose the knight at the end so I think what is houses equal is it some sort of check in Queen H4 regarding the road no at the end there's you know what it is Danny it's Rook takes A8 and Knight D7 Knight of fate and then the king can't escape oh my god with a Perpetual but that's impossible to find I don't think Magnus sees it and I definitely think Dania doesn't see it because he's clearly frustrated he actually just resigned oh my gosh that's one of those where the engine is just so unfair for us but it is actually a really cool thing because the instructive moment of this this perpetual and night of hey we never would have spotted no if not for the computer saying the position was leveled I mean we sat there clueless for a little bit and how is this equal and like okay you're telling me it's equal any queen move seems to lose a piece so let's go for that and that is ridiculous you can't expect to find that even in a Blitz game and bullet no shots Dania with the black pieces he just stole a pawn he's actually playing quite well in this match agreed yeah here he goes he's up up one and uh up on the clock significantly by the way yeah this is an opportunity to stay with it get it back within a couple games after that that crazy loss and the Magnus is also you know he's playing he's pulling a down here too even when he's losing he's making it hard he's dragging it out and if he does have a lead it's in his it's in his best interest to get as much time off the clock as possible only 13 minutes remain right now well we have a blender let's go that was a nice game from start to finish as Daniel secures his fourth point in the match is now six to four and we have to remember that it's win by two so as long as Daniel can cut this to a one point deficit even if time elapses he's still in this all right what do we got now we've got a simple boring looking symmetrical position but Dania on the prowl I like the way you described it you know yeah they just traded up all the pieces only e-file is open this looks like it should be drawish but I'm looking at the clock I think Dania perfectly happy with equal positions where there are pieces left on the board and he can try to outplay magnets although with that move is he saying I'm okay with the draw yeah I wonder it's probably true that he's okay with the draw on this one but I don't know that Magnus will take that we know the Magnus is super tricky we saw him okay he does take control I'm gonna say we saw him win two night end games against his buddy Jordan Von Far East at the Champions chest tour last week of course a little bit of a different format in a rapid setting than a bullet setting but uh but okay and I wonder if Dania if he really needs to win that game let's say there was the last game of the match I mean he would have played that out and maybe he could have posed some problems because he is that fast and credit to Magnus because Magnus he's improved his game I think the Magnus we're seeing Now is better than we've seen in the last few days uh he is leveling up as alireza said he had to yeah agreed he's playing uh playing better again more focused maybe a little more comfy in his home setting than he was on the road whether it's enough to get by Dania alireza and Hikaru Nakamura okay that's uh that's gonna be quite the tale if Magnus can complete a comeback and ultimately win today but we'll we'll deal with that later right now we've got a rook end game with Queens on the board Dania again holding a Zone but Magnus up on the clock here yeah he is up a few seconds he gets his Queen in oh but speaking of Queen in that could be scary for the king and Magnus he offers the queen should A3 B6 both under attack because of the Rook placement for white so whoa is dandy going for more with that B5 move I think he is and I think he should the past a pawn you know whether objectively Black's better or not poses some problems practically for white look at this he wants to break up he loses the best Apon right as I say it and Magnus has turned it around you on the defensive oh can't take him okay seven wait Rook a seven yeah that's a problem so that means others yeah Max up too much time Danny yeah he's gonna play Rook B8 and then stack the queen on C7 oh but watch out for the draw oh oh what yeah why did it go very far down there not sure a second Queen but there's a main thread on G2 okay not anymore yeah it was it was their first we've seen games already where someone's Queen didn't help them stop mate earlier in the bullet Chess Championship this week so not to be not to be there for Donya Magnus increases his lead I mean really nicely down there by Magnus converting that Advantage he stole the A3 pawn and never looked back and here Dania is playing one of his pet lines it's this jabala London system where look at these Knights these nights are on dark squares that's a bishop on a light Square I'll put the knights in green but they're outclassing that light Square Bishop which is staring to thin air yeah so pretty lights on dark squares oh queen queen C8 apparently not great hey that rhymed now we're rolling what is going on here look at this man's just over the attack on you let's go Mega sacked his rook and then it's at the pawn in the center this is getting very confusing but it looks like Magnus has gone astray it looks like he's got a stray but I don't I don't with every move the evaluation seems to change and then there was potential Knight F2 so the Queens come off the board it's a practical perspective I don't know who is easier to play though in bullet here that d-pawn is so dangerous and you have to sacrifice for it so he's going to give a check oh he's making the draw that he could have had in the other game but I wonder what is there a mating net is there ah there's no nothing more than a draw yeah this Pawn too strong ah and Daniel he spent a bit of time there it's calculating but he needs all the time he's just making sure but he needs the time that's the thing if you want to win no you're right it's tough yeah no I don't disagree that you got to make those decisions as fast as you can but I think John you just wanted to make sure he wasn't missing right right we have the luxury of the eval bar saying it's a draw he didn't want to walk away from from a mating net um all right structure with G3 Magnus knows these positions well and now it's a smooth G4 wow and oh this queen lands in the center but Rook hits it and is there an attack this G4 Pawn is loose over here but maybe there's a problem if you take it the G file opens up against the black king and trying to see it does take it that's a brave decision from Donya and he's in sort of that must win territory so why not go for it and we might see another repetition clever stuff here from Magnus and Roberto from Magnus to save the draw we're now sorry what how's it Magnus is not moving because he has the draw by repetition this is where gamesmanship comes in he's only going to make that draw when he's down to like two seconds left we see donjo uh sorry we see Magnus chuckling all the players know that there's that kind of larger meta strategy in these SCC formats whether it's the bullet Chess Championship or the teachers Championship you have to use the clock but it kind of makes them laugh because that's such an element that has never existed in chess right before this format where you're basically playing another game that isn't on the board and uh you gotta respect it because what he's doing there Robert is saying that he respects dania's ability to make a comeback right so don't take it the wrong way he's like look I'm milking the format here because I know what bullet is I know what Dania is capable of and I'm gonna get every second off the clock that I can yeah it's a smart strategy we've seen hikara do that over the years and I saw a feature chat saying the Hikaru way yeah the best players who have been around who have played these formats they know what to do and Magnus castles Queen side and we're gonna see it Alpha zero style open up this H file and go for an attack Here Comes Harry Simon Williams not with us today but always here in spirit Airy for the win and uh that's going to be very dangerous for Donya and Dania has to just drum up some Queen side pressure if he can but oh no Danny the pawns are dropping in front of the white Kings feels too dangerous this is looking this is looking painful and a victory here would stretch the lead to four games with probably roughly six and a half minutes left this is uh uh getting hard it's win or go home and it needs to start right about now if you're done yet because Magnus is almost in the territory where he can just start letting the clock hit yeah let's see with six minutes and 30 seconds remaining and done and needing to score three wins in a row to cut it to one so there is enough time barely but needs to win the next three games oh I gotta start now off to a oh yeah he's pre-moving everything weird position here he blundered upon because he's like pre-moving Non-Stop oh it's good strategy you might lose this game but a draw to loss is the same for the match so you need to move instantly win instantly and Don is doing all he can yeah War Games is the deficit you don't want a typical five but you're in that weird spot Robert where If you defend this position for a minute for a minute longer and hold a draw that hurts too because you just lost another minute on the clock and didn't get a victory so Donya needs to find a way to Swindle this night end game and get a tricky a tricky win uh I think he swindled himself there by uh pushing the pawn A6 behind oh and Magnus he might not even want to win oh he's going for the win but I thought he just might make the draw there yeah Knight D3 Knight C5 was a draw there but he wants more a win here essentially puts the match away right we never want to call it too soon but it's getting tough it's gonna be under five minutes with a five game deficit oh man this was awesome though is it weird that I'm already excited for next year's bullet Chess Championship and we're right here you know what I'm already like you know why I'm excited for that Danny and this is not a shout out in a bad way it's a shout in a good way nihal sarin wherever you are right now I know you're probably gonna watch this at some point please play you're invited I know you're busy but we would love to see mihal join the party because we have the best bullet players on the planet here and I feel like Neil's really the name that is absent from this field I completely agree um it'll also help with the uh the Twitter hate that I received from all of your fans in India Nihao sarin because they thought we didn't invite you of course we invited you and so next year you have to play that uh so that people know we didn't mess that up and well this match it's in the books by right now A five-point margin and we'll see how it ends but you can see Magnus bopping his head he's a different Magnus than we saw earlier in the competition he is back home that probably helps he's on his normal setup but he's also just playing a lot better and I would say faster in the scrambles when he was uh playing from Barcelona Danny I don't know if you watched this part he was like shaking his hand after every game he said his hand was falling asleep he didn't have a good setup so at home Magnus seems to be increasingly dangerous for the opposition it sounds silly but this format as much as anything brings out the sporting elements of the physical setup players have at home right you need a table that supports your wrist I mean seriously right if you're on an awkward table and your wrist is on the edge everyone has had that right you can't play with a touchpad unless you're Robert Hess you know I mean seriously you need your setup to do well and and the physical elements of whatever whatever makes chess an esport if you want to call that are really highlighted in this event and uh and we'll see if that is enough to help Magnus turn around his fortunes and and maybe maybe make it all the way to the Grand Final and I'm not gonna lie we can already start talking about it I still see alireza as the favorite in the next round I love Dania we're not looking past him but this one's over and I think that Perugia Magnus is uh we're about to break the internet here and I think Ole Reza is still the slight favorite against the former World Camp not sure if you agree he did beat Magnus a couple days ago and he started with a 3-0 lead and the final margin was a three-point match victory for Ali Reza so I think that Alvarez has proven himself to be the best Contender to uh Hikaru nakamura's title in fact alireza won the 2021 edition of this event by beating Hikaru and wow as we look at this position Magnus well on his way to another Victory it would seem with a huge attack and a huge lead on the clock I I think that you're right that other is the favorite but Magnus in this form the way he just demonstrated his bullet skills against Dania here I think that he's showing that he should not be overlooked himself I agree I agree well we're gonna see what happens here in probably about 15 minutes in total fans go call everybody be like hey what are you doing why are you working it's Friday come watch the bullet Chess Championship because the bleep is about to go down it is Friday people you know man they might take it easy and the real question is are you sitting in the front seat or sitting in the back seat right I either way I'm having a party party and partying with you party and yeah I don't remember exactly the line but hey here we go oh C5 hangstown you're only going to get a wind Town yeah no Dania he has played a really good match so even though the the margin of Victory right now is quite heavily in magnus's favor part of that was induced by the lack of time where dinosaurs he played not even bullet chess he put hyper bullet in a one minute game uh but Magnus is the deserved winner but I think what I'm trying to say is that Dania has proven himself to be a seriously awesome player and we knew that but it's also good to see him against Hikaru against Magnus and they're going to be the only two people who have beaten them yeah well I mean especially because Johnny is a guy you watch play bullet so much right everyone is a fan of of down your disc stream and and I think sometimes the haters if you want to call them that would be like ah but how does Donya do against the best guys in the world and we see he holds his own he beats these guys and and frankly I think there were a couple games earlier in this match but if they had gone the other way because bullet is such a game of momentum who knows right and again the final score is what it is for a reason Magnus Carlson is going to win by probably roughly six six games here even if Dundee gets this one but but I I think donya's chess has been better than the final result so that's my long-winded way of saying I agree with you Robert and I love you I I appreciate both of those things um and we are gonna get one more game so 15 seconds on the match clock and done just happened to the heat as you were saying earlier he has so much respect for the game of chess but he has this loyalty to the game so much that he respects the top players maybe too much at times I think that he recites number that he doesn't want to flag them he put up his hands but you have to be Shameless in the bullet Chess Championship there are no friends as we found out yesterday when he played his good friend oh it's under Bortnick but Dania he gets one more game he relishes the opportunity to play against the best of the best and right now all right in this final one he is worse but let's see if he can pull out another Victory one for the road yep you for the money one for the road free to get ready and four to go one wait that I said it wrong but you get it yeah I know what you're trying to do and uh yeah okay the Bishops are uh are nasty but Knights are tricky in a Time scramble so if you can keep it close Magnus by the way is just like feeling it right we saw him DJing the other night or something now we see him just bobbing his head and uh he's in his own I think there's something therapeutic when you're in the flow as you I think that's what you said earlier when you're in the flow listening to music playing a game you love I think the players really really love this format yeah and I think Magnus loves the fact that he's moving on he gets another chance against alderiza and we know that Vengeance it motivates some people and Magnus not really an exception of that and he says winning once that's not revenge and he would like to take down all the reason imagine Dania going for a little cheeky I love it [Music] don't you laughed the bag is just like wait what to a night does Magnus have Auto Queen on take it and get a knight take it yeah hold alt and promote you at night we're gonna definitely make sure Magnus knows that that was that was good by the way advance for the inside joke in case you're not realizing it's stalemate if you take the Rook that's what's going on here in fact just plays along oh that was so good so good I don't think Magus knows how to that he is doesn't have to Auto Queen if he holds down alt and Hammer has experienced that his compatriot and his friend so Donya he gets a draw that was hilarious
Views: 54,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos,, chess content, best chess players, chess games, bullet chess championship, Daniel Naroditsky vs Magnus Carlsen, Daniel Naroditsky, Magnus Carlsen
Id: QXDp4gOkaSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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