Magnus Carlsen Wins With 100% Accuracy

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ladies and gentlemen the best chess player in the world right now is named Magnus Carlson and as of October 5th 20123 he is on a rampage whether it's to prove a point whether it's just a streak of good luck this man is currently playing the European Club cup which is a team tournament uh and that is currently based in Albania and Magnus is Unstoppable now a couple of days ago I covered a game that he played against the 2500 Grandmaster to show you the difference between world champion caliber and 2500 Grandmaster caliber in today's video we're going to continue this series of one Magnus game in a video where I deep dive it you're going to have to do your best to follow along you're going to have to learn a couple of things and just enjoy the show because what Magnus is doing is Sensational he is back up to nearly 2,850 ELO he was 2865 at the beginning of 2022 so it's been nearly two years since he's kind of kind of gotten back to completely Unstoppable Heights let's watch this game uh Magnus opens with Pawn to E4 now his opponent this is a this is big his opponent is of the Next Generation Vincent kimer is part of the generation of teenagers and 20-y olds and 21y olds who are going to be at the top of Chess once guys like Magnus Hikaru and that entire generation frankly get too old okay because that's how chess goes your brain stops working at 35 and 40 it's a miracle it can even make it that far and nobody goes crazy because this board game is not that interesting so kimer is of the Next Generation and kimer even beat Magnus when they played at the World Cup couple of months ago in fact kimer was on the verge of knocking Magnus out of the World Cup and then he failed to do so cuz he was winning and he already won a game so now Magnus has to bury the Young Generation into the ground but credit to Vincent who shows up with a Sicilian Defense the Sicilian is the most combative opening that you could play as black meaning create winning chance for yourself against E4 without taking huge risk I mean you could create winning chances for yourself by playing the Fred which is this but you'd be kind of an idiot the Fred is technically this technically this is the Fred but anyway um C5 Knight F3 kimer plays D6 Magnus plays D4 and kind of interesting time span Magnus seemingly was late to the game five minutes late to the game he didn't think for 5 minutes on move one I just Pro I don't know probably was uh was just enjoying a walk or something nidorf Sicilian okay this is the most complex opening that there is in chess and in this position white can play no less than like 15 moves uh Bishop E3 and Bishop G5 are the main lines Bishop C4 is the third Main Line white can basically move this queen to any Square nowadays white can also Play Bishop D3 white can play a 3 and A4 white has played B3 I don't think white has played B4 F3 F4 G3 H3 H4 Rook G1 uh moving the Knight as well white has tried everything literally everything Magnus plays Bishop C4 um this is one of the main lines and the major idea of this move is to fight for the D5 square and Black's Main Line E5 is a little bit less potent here because white is already securing control of that square so if black plays the traditional main line which is Pawn to E5 black does not easily get a bishop to E6 right if uh if if white plays Bishop C4 E5 and something like Knight F5 something like Bishop E6 is not particularly good cuz white can play Bishop B3 or queen D3 and have permanent pressure on this Pawn while also fighting for that square and if black takes the Knight which makes a lot of sense white is going to control the square uh for a minute but obviously you can also just go back to E2 and just have a bishop there uh E6 okay this is now uh this is called the soen bishop C4 and this is the shenan variation shingan shenan it basically black puts a bunch of Pawns on Sixth rank now here Magnus does what Magnus does best which is go into a Mainline of an opening play like the fifth most popular move which does not necessarily have an advantageous score in the database meaning black might win more than white but he says I'm Magnus Carlson so I get to do what I want games here generally go castles the bishop goes back to B3 F4 might be played in the future and queen F3 is played and many many lines of that have been played Magnus plays A4 you will notice he spent three minutes maybe he got locked in the same bathroom he was locked in where it took him 5 minutes to get to the board A4 is a very straightforward move you are preventing black from playing B5 furthermore you in the future yourself might play A5 which actually just basically prevents this Pawn from moving period because if you trade that trade really benefits white because white will get an active Rook pointing at a pawn now the drawback of this move is that it Wast time wastes it's clearly spending time on something that might not be of the utmost importance it's a slightly different way to play the position black now gets very quick development with Bishop E7 and castles but that's fine and this bishop and just in general the queen side might be a little bit loose right just a little bit looser than if the pawn was on A2 things would kind of be very well protected so now we have a a big moment in the game also you will notice that Vincent in this position spent his time right he spent 6 minutes which means already this is an admission from Vincent all right I'm on my own right cuz Vincent probably spent hours and hours and hours on many variations and the move A4 is just very clearly like we have to play chess against each other you have no more prep castles castles okay Magnus develops his Bishop to E3 now what's amazing is that the computer is already trying to have the audacity to say that black could be better now after spending a little time and realizing it's an idiot it's just saying the position is equal is this move a worthy investment of tempo remember in these positions white puts the bishop here plays F4 and puts the queen on F3 clearly that is not what Magnus is doing okay Vincent spends time in plays Queen C7 nobody dislikes that move very simple and straightforward attack on the bishop um but also black can play Knight C6 this is another way of developing this position with a very simple intention to open up the B file for the rook and to have a lot of support for the pawn to play Pawn to D5 which would then further open up the queen and the bishop and the bishop could go to the B4 Square which was weakened by the A4 Pawn push so again with white you play A4 and try to play A5 to restrict Black's Queen side play but you potentially weaken your dark squares on the king side give and take just like in life unless you're a billionaire then all you do is take so Queen C7 I'm going to offend a few people with that comment people going to be watching like will they create jobs and I'm going to be like stop complaining it was a joke let's focus on the chess Queen to C7 attacks the bishop on C4 now again normally when the pawn is here the bishop goes here remember what is the difference between these two lines castles let's say black plays Bishop E7 white plays Bishop E3 or let's say F4 there this F4 Queen like black at some point is going to play B5 and white is going to go here the difference in the game is that you don't have to play Bishop B3 if in fact if you put your Bishop on B3 black will go here and try to get it anyway and then if you try to go A5 and do your whole plan CU that's what Gotham said now Knight C5 and this is hanging suddenly you're going to lose your Bishop right maybe I don't even have to take it but let's just say I do I mean is this really what white wants just gave away a bishop I don't necessarily think so which is why Magnus is fully aware of that and after Queen C7 he plays Queen E2 so the bishop is now defended and the major question is how is black going to develop his knorf position if he's not allowed to move his B Pawn this is typical Magnus stuff that he does to players he makes them uncomfortable in their opening right so so Vincent wants to play nidor Magnus like nope you got to deal with my position now Vincent spends a lot of time now he spends 13 minutes which is 13 minutes is a long time okay um especially in chess Knight C6 is a possibility Knight bd7 is a possibility to go here here or here and play Rook B8 and then try to move your Pawn or maybe B6 and Bishop B7 right Vincent probably calculated Knight bd7 probably calculated first of all you got to calculate this Sacrifice by white which would win this probably realize it's not not not necessarily so good then after Knight bd7 you got to calculate F4 and if you play Knight B6 attacking this that just kind of plays directly into White's plan you probably don't want to do that what if you play Knight C5 attacking the pawn on e4 maybe white just goes here or here like the possibilities are are really really endless I mean you have to calculate all of this stuff Vincent decides to play Bishop to D7 by playing Bishop to D7 you are openly admitting you are going to play Knight C6 there is no alternative none you have to play Knight C6 uh and then maybe you're going to play on the on on these files in the future Bishop D7 is an interesting move it's interesting he developed the bishop before the Knight what does Magnus do he finishes his plan white can play a couple of things here King H1 preparing for a king side attack always decent in a sicilian H3 waiting move preparing G4 in the future nothing can go to the G4 Square uh A5 as was part of the plan to restrict the queen side all moves make sense after something like take take now the bishop could go to B6 which is actually quite annoying and the pawn on A6 hangs oops and White's pass Pawn is very powerful so it's a very tense moment Magnus plays A5 you'll notice that he spent another seven minutes he plays A5 and now black has to play Knight C6 unfortunately here Vincent gets naughty thoughts in his head and he decides I I don't think magnus's position makes sense instead of playing Knight C6 which is the final piece of the development puzzle and getting into a position that looks like this and then white would probably play Bishop D3 or F3 it's a very tense position the game has many many much time to develop Vincent here gets a naughty thought and plays Knight G4 Knight G4 has a very straightforward idea black wants to take the bishop and you cannot take the Knight because the bishop is hanging so the queen Queen would need to go here and here which is obviously not really what white wants to give up his Bishop however there are attacking possibilities in the future future they don't work right now the most incredible thing about this game is that this happened in June of 2023 this exact position white was a 2300 and black was a 2600 rated Grandmaster who played Knight G4 which is a blunder it doesn't quite doesn't quite make sense how it's a blunder but it's a blunder so this happened before and in that game white played this which is the wrong move and Magnus finds the best move Magnus now gets credited with a brilliant move as in this position he plays Knight to F5 Knight to F5 spotted within 5 minutes so Vincent spends 22 minutes on the Move 22 minutes clearly uncomfortable right in this position 13 minutes and on the very next move another 20 minutes but like here here's the thing this is how you know you've kind of lost the thread you've lost confidence you spent 13 minutes on Bishop D7 you damn well know you're playing Knight C6 on the next move something happened here Vincent didn't like something so he goes here instead now he's down 23 minutes and Knight to F5 is dynamite the idea of this move is quite simple you threaten a bishop and if you get taken the D5 square is free so you go here hitting this and this black has to go here which defends this and now you attack the queen now black has to go here and now you have Knight C7 but you also have this now this is hanging and this is hanging and black is lost black can play Knight E5 now white plays Queen C7 white also has the luxury of getting the bishop out of Harm's Way and The Rook is just trapped and if you play Rook A7 with the brilliant idea to go here and here I go back now The Rook is hanging and this is hanging and then it's a fork so the whole position completely falls apart you know why it falls apart because black is severely restricted on the queen side normally in the N or of Sicilian when you play this move A6 on move five where is it over here you're going to play B5 you play B5 eight out of 10 games nine out of 10 games if you don't play B5 you play B6 B6 that is how the KN off Works in basically every game you will play E5 Bishop E6 Knight B D7 and B5 because white is going to Castle this way now because of the way Magnus has played this this queenside clamp positionally black is in Dire Straits Knight F5 is a violent move now Bishop F6 look at this look at Vincent's last last three moves 13 minutes 22 minutes another 16 minutes you know what happened here Vincent knew it was over that might be you know that that might be the the hyperbole in me I might be like one of those Sports journalists that's like oh he knew it was over like at this point you are really unhappy because if you worked on something for 20 minutes like a Lego set and somebody came over and knocked it over you'd be upset you'd want to fight them you would be angry what if they pushed it over and then vanished like you couldn't even do anything to them you you would be like this you know what now what if you did it yourself what if you did it what if you built this beautiful thing and then you knocked it over you'd be upset right Bishop F6 and now Magnus continues to turn the screw you ever try to take a cap off of a jar that you screwed on too tight Bishop to B6 the queen slides forward now here Magnus has a ridiculous stockfish move so again his Knight is hanging this can't go here because of that in this position Magnus can play Bishop to D5 which is a disgusting little move if the queen goes back the queen gets trapped look at this the anchor on the queen side the the the tightening of the screw the positional clamp that's all Magnus wanted when he played A4 and it worked out now if take then e takes with the same idea black can actually sack the queen and then get three pieces and I think Magnus didn't like something here um I think he did I just think he didn't like something I I I think maybe he thought black gets a knight a bishop and a knight for a queen and it's not that terrible and I and I got to tell you you know the the more the computer thinks about it the computer is kind of yeah it's like maybe bishop D5 is not the best move but that was its top computer suggestion first so Magnus plays Knight D4 so now his Knight is no longer hanging this Knight is kind of Under Fire but again still pressure here so Vincent goes back to C8 and Magnus goes back to B3 little dance little dance of the pieces right the queen sees the bishop so Magnus just goes here now Vincent's GNA start fighting back he finally got got out of the danger but black is still very awkward over here it's very difficult for him to develop so he moves his Knight out of the way Magnus plays a straightforward move Rook to D one he has clamped the queen side his Bishop is on its post longterm looking over here the knights are powerful potential to drive anywhere into the position what is the first Domino that is going to fall that is going to end the black position can you think like Magnus Carlson in this position white has fully developed white has castled all of White's pieces stand on active squares which move will cause the beginning of the end of the black position black goes here offering an exchange the move is F4 you see black plays Bishop to Da trying to trade pieces with you but you don't have to do anything the reason why F4 is so strong is because pawns need to lead the attack the pieces stand behind the pawns first we kick the Knight out of the center then we play F5 knock knocking on the door Magnus is the landlord and rent is 3 months late and black can't do anything literally six of Black's eight pieces are on the back rank they are basically sitting there in their Barracks waiting for white to arrive and start a fight and you're either going to be able to fight back or you're not and let me tell you something getting all your pieces restricted on the back Rank and then trying to fight back that's not going to work you need something Knight ec6 Magnus marches forward with Pawn to F5 Vincent removes the Bishop from the board but ab and the clamp is gone but the Restriction is still there now Vincent trades another set of pieces with the intention of removing some of White's attack and he plays Queen C5 Queen to F2 black still has four out of six pieces completely stuck on the back rank F6 is knocking on the door Fe is winning for white we have e takes F5 by Vincent now Magnus recaptures and F6 is still knocking on the door the bishop slides forward to free up space for the Knight I will remind you that Bishop moved to D7 on the 10th move of the game to make room for the Knight to develop look how long it took black to finally bring the Knight out Pawn to F6 is knocking on the door if black takes it's just an open invitation for white to pillage Queen F6 and then Bishop takes F7 and if you don't do anything if you I mean if you play G6 I'll go here and then I'll go here and then I will mate you like the game is just going to end in a few moves so Vincent finally develops his Knight but Magnus takes on G7 what do you do if you're playing with black now I have three cannons pointed at the F7 sore you got to take and Magnus plays the best move in the position the best move in the position position a 2840 ELO move here you can give a check you can give a check but the best move in this position is Bishop to D5 and the reason why that move is so good is because you just want to take on C6 and you don't have to Checkmate you can use the threat of an attack in chess to ruin your opponent's position that is what Magnus did the pawns are split this Pawn is a complete desolate Island and if white gets in over here the B Pawn is going to promote black doesn't have time if black plays Knight takes B6 Queen F6 is checkm made in a few moves so if black plays Queen takes B6 then I'm still going to take on C6 if you go here you relinquish the pin so I can start an attack and if you do this you're going to lose this Pawn in the long run and I'm going to go here and soon white is going to have 24 points 22 points rather of material firing away at this black king can black survive probably but he's too emotionally damaged Pawn to F5 is what Vincent plays Magnus removes the Bishop from the board you cannot take because the pawn will end up marching forward Rook fd1 pressure on D6 Knight D5 Knight F4 takes Knight D5 the queen moves and Knight F4 ends the game because there's a threat on E6 and there is absolutely nothing to be done you can stop it but I take I still will get to the king and I'm going to win the game and that is how Magnus got it done Magnus Carlson wins a spectacular game from start to finish he had a brilliant move his estimated ELO was well past 3,000 and the younger generation still has to wait a little bit an amazing game 99% accurate and uh n you know the brilliancy in the middle game Knight F5 to clear out the we just just awesome let's keep watching 2850 is on the horizon he's got another tournament after this he still has games to play 4 out of four undefeated let me know if you enjoy these deep dives into one game that's all I have for you today get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,254,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: pw7VBvNxqI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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