Magnus Carlsen Crushing GMs With The London

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ladies and gentlemen one of the most exciting things about watching high-level Sports on television is then going and trying to emulate some of those techniques yourself a basketball shot or a crossover maybe a certain trick shot or backhand in tennis maybe in baseball throwing some type of pitch in chess it's watching a high level chess player and then playing the same opening that they do so in today's video I will show you five games that Magnus Carlson played over the last five to ten years in the London the London system a very controversial at times notorious chess opening with a bit of a lazy reputation a bit of a boring reputation but watching Magnus a completely obliterate his opposition is simply Sensational and if you're lucky enough to catch this video in the first few days that it is coming out uh a friendly reminder we just launched the 50 end games master class link is in the description and uh you should get the full free sample it's like two hours of material 100 free you don't have to pay this all courses are 50 off at this very moment but if you're watching in the future do go check it out and check out the free material or get the damn thing it's so good and uh what other what better way to celebrate the end games than with the end game God himself Magnus my friends buckle up this video will either uh completely confirm your decisions to play the London or it's going to inspire you to give the London a try for the first time or maybe come back to London what Magnus does to players of other worldly level is simply Sensational this is a game that he played against Yu Yang Yi who is a top three Chinese Grandmaster at times number two number three uh with Wei Yi this is uh this begins with this type of London and in this video we are going to watch Magnus either dominate from start to finish apply pressure you know throughout the game at moments on various sides of the board and just make decisions that give him permanent long-term advantages so um also uh you should subscribe because we're chasing four million Subs so if you're watching the six years in the future let me know how many Subs I have but right now we have 3.91 so sometimes the videos get recommended on the feed but you're not sub just sub because we're trying to get the fourth that's a super cool number okay so far so good very very normal stuff fact has rated 700 have had a position like this before raise your hand I can't see you raise your hand but you should time stamp in the comments and let me know I mean this is like one of those moments you're like wait a minute this is what I do look at this I mean he's playing the opening the exact same way I play it and this is the goat this is amazing stuff Yu Yankee played A6 to prevent Magnus from playing Bishop B5 we're gonna see another game in this video where Magnus does in fact play this bishop B5 setup now Magnus meets the move Bishop D6 with the rock back approach which is Bishop G3 you can also try to emulate that approach uh and the idea is that if Bishop takes Bishop then white is going to open up uh The Rook which could be dangerous to create attacking chances over here black plays Knight C6 castles and now my friends allow me to demonstrate game number one of five of Magnus Carlsen dominating with the London system he plays the move Knight to E5 Knight E5 is a very very common idea in the London in the battle of the London if white is able to win the battle on E5 and E4 white gets very very good attacking chances so Magnus castles and plays Bishop H4 now there are many setups in the London where you you get a Stonewall setup so something like Bishop B7 uh and then you can play like F4 and start something like this uh black plays 97 Knight F5 looking to fight back against this very powerful Bishop so Magnus crawls forward and he actually does a little Ring Around the Rosie thing here where uh black might actually have done a little bit more harm than good creating some targets so Magnus plays H3 waiting around and now F3 controlling the infiltration spot on e4 okay and now he's got various attacking ideas in the long run so he plays Queen E2 Bishop H2 he's waiting a little bit he's preparing notice again he has won the battle on these two squares oh and if I can just draw your attention to move 15 A4 this is a very very very important move in many different londons because it prevents black from getting easy counter play you're gonna see that move quite a bit when the kings are castled on the same side so let's fast forward and watch what happens as the game develops there he goes Pawn to G4 same side attacking chess he rotates the Queen by find the pawns the F Pawn is now Galloping forward it's a group effort on the king side The Rook is coming Yu yangi takes on D4 but now Magnus takes back with the E Pawn c d e d remember this in the London CD Ed the B5 square is controlled C5 is controlled everything is under control and he has arrived Magnus Carlson knocking on the door at 2 A.M nothing good happens at the hours of 2 A.M and this is bad news for you Yankee Magnus Queens Rooks Bishops Knights everybody comfortable I told you if you win the battle for the center in the London it's just a matter of time you're giving up this you're not really giving it up because the queen is what we call overloaded she cannot defend everything so Knight takes E5 Bishop E5 and it's just gonna be an avalanche Knight F3 Magnus does not care he doesn't care Queen G4 and here comes the next wave H4 H5 Yu yangi seems to be himself but it's an illusion he steps away leaving the position like this and Magnus was a man ahead of his time because in 2017 in this position in 2015 excuse me in this position Magnus Carlson sacrificed before it was a meme Rook takes E6 and he just takes back the queen sees the bishop the queen sees the pawn the queen sees the rook and the queen sees a whole lot of empty juicy squares to purchase the property and build a high-rise late stage capitalism Queen takes E6 he has to defend himself here so he gives up the bishop and now what does Magnus do converts it to an end game Magnus adds the Adu in the background of the house Rook F7 check the bishop is hanging The Rook is hanging you can go back but your king is hanging as well Knight G6 Knight H4 yuyengi resigns oh my goodness that's what we're starting with in this video look at this position that he got he put the knight in the center he won the battle for the center and it was just a slow little process and there it went and it was an avalanche once it got going G5 you win the battle for the center yeah it was never close it was never close you want to see another game where it was never close Fabiano caruana one of the best players in the world top three right now in 2023 top three player in the world no question about it classical rapid Blitz It's gotta be fobby D4 and there it is and now Magnus uh back then he was he played this and he played this a little bit it's called The jobava Joe Bava London uh and you try to go Knight B5 but then it just becomes uh a London where you know white put a knight on C3 instead of Pawn on C3 dude this man might just means it doesn't matter if he plays a positional one then it doesn't matter if it's move five G4 dude this man just played G4 completely unashamed anyway G5 too middle of the game you know why he was able to play G4 because black just played E6 Fabi was trying to play a little bit of a normal game Magnus is the first one to step onto the New York City subway car and scream at the top of his lungs and he's gonna generate a little bit of attention that that that do be just how it works sometimes G4 G5 and my man's acting like this he just goes back to playing normal chest G4 G5 this is one of the ways to play a hyper aggressive London it's just this you you play like this and it's equal I mean at the very worst it's just an equal position according to the computer but humans are not computers humans have complex emotions A3 A3 is played to prevent anything from going to B4 in the future puppy plays B5 Max Plus H4 just H4 you know the best part is plays H5 not sold in that direction he hasn't even EFG castle that way Magnus knows that he knows this is a warning shot now black is not going to Castle this way because if white plays Bishop G2 and then castles it's gonna get real bad it's gonna get real ugly over here so this is just kind of a warning shot Bobby if you're not careful I'm gonna I'm gonna cook you like I just cook You Yankee in in Gotham's video eight years into the future Knight B6 I told you if you win the battle for the center in these positions it's going to be real bad now the position is still very very tense Bobby jumps in here with the night Magnus chops the Knight down DC this looks really good for fobby but like I said even with best Play It's equal it's just equal it's a very tense position okay fabi's smart he's not gonna Castle or he's even gonna Castle long where he's obviously quite safe these pawns make a nice little Ridge kicks out his Bishop Magnus keeping the tension keeping his options open Queen G4 Queen G2 Queen E200 coming look at this poking and prodding still equal but very very very tense Queenie 2 and there is the red carpet for the Triple zeros the long Castle is on the way and then he's gonna take and he's gonna start firing back Bobby takes e takes oh my goodness oh my goodness he's giving him the pawn not only is he giving the pawn he sacrifices the bishop that's just the free Bishop but you can't really take it because after this King B8 or something I have queen of seven you can't take the bishop because you're going to lose the Rook if King C8 I have Rook d8 I can take the bishop I mean it's a very scary looking position over here for black so Magnus builds up the tension and Fabi in the speed Showdown plays Bishop E7 which unfortunately is a losing mistake Fabi had some sort of idea here to take and probably fire back on the e-file but he's simply Out of Time Queen E7 King C8 back HG cold blooded this man Magnus leaving the king directly in the center of the board because if you play rookie 8 I end the game in Swift fashion I take the Rook you can't take my queen and then I take the other rook and my Pawn walks through Against All Odds it was the freaking H Pawn that just walked up the entire board how did nobody see it sneaking past security he must have been wearing a very very good disguise G8 Queen would have been the Fatal blow but you don't even have to win like that Knight takes D1 Queen f8 and that's the end of the game if you had taken the queen I would have made a brand new one this man can play positional this man can play some absolutely ridiculous broken principal chess and he's beating the best players in the world now let's go back to a little bit more of a positional grinding game this is against this is uh several years ago at the European team championship and uh there it is D4 and then Bishop to F4 E3 now you'll notice that in the first game there was A5 in the second game there was a knight on C3 so slight differences okay now it's going back to the first game and now we have Bishop F5 so a capture on D4 and Bishop F5 yet another variation a bit of a symmetrical line the transformation of no epon no C Pawn is actually a transformation to The Exchange Carl kanpon structure if I'm talking too fast The Exchange Karo Khan is of course uh E4 C6 D4 D5 take take this is the exchange Cairo and technically the game that you are seeing in front of you develop Bishop F4 Knight F6 Knight D2 and Bishop F5 which is a very weird setup definitely white would have preferred to play Bishop D3 but in the setup in the game the game the playing Bishop to D3 at is that you can play Bishop B5 and also you can do this so Magnus goes over there and now goes for the bishop the ever so slightest tiniest detail of the position is all Magnus needs he's just trying to win the bishop the bishop moves to E4 he moved it to E4 because he didn't want to go here it could get taken like this so he decided all right look I'm gonna move my Bishop you can take it but this is gonna help me activate my knight and now your knight is stupid and your Bishop is loose Magnus says that's fine I'm just going back to F3 I mean like jumps the Knight here jumps the night out and just brings it right back and the advantage is you got the Knight for the bishop like I said all he needs is the most microscopic of advantages to work with it's so microscopic he ends up trading this bishop I mean it's literally just a completely equal position Bishop D3 Queen C7 Queen C2 and Magnus is like look you can't Castle you might play H6 than all Castle but we have oh oh oh oh now you're gonna think oh Gotham I know where this is going I know where this is going you Sly dog by the way Gotham you have a great end games master class I tried out the free sample it was amazing I then bought the full version thank you so much thank you you're gonna transform your end games anyway I you probably think that an opposite side Castle you know both sides are gonna Checkmate each other somehow and you know and that's you know the move A4 there it is right now black is gonna play G5 no because the thing is the The Meta strategy at the highest level of the game is not to punch each other as hard as possible it's not like watching a heavyweight UFC fight of like top 15 Fighters I mean it looks like they're just you know it's the last person to gasp air is going to win right uh so this is not the same thing King B8 rookie one and I told you that the person that frequently wins the battle for the center in the London is going to win the game and in positional londons in London's where you're not going to deliver a Checkmate you have to pay attention to peace maneuvering and pawn breaks so will black succeed in breaking for the center will white Succeed In Playing for C4 and you'll notice that Magnus is completely fine moving his Queen back to the home Square Off the pressure over here Bishop back to the home Square as well he's waiting he's waiting to see what's up Rook C1 Rook d8 rookie two maneuvering where are we going B4 he also had B4 on the last move B4 the B4 is a very clear indication that you know I want something to happen over here and I understand that by going before I'm weakening my C3 Pawn she puts every piece on the back rank this is this is nuts the Knight is going to D3 that's what he wants the Knight getting to the D3 Square will be the the creme de La Creme of the position so for example if black waits for another move I put the Knight on D3 and the Knight is going to C5 that's why Magnus a long time ago a long time ago brought his Queen to D1 brought his Bishop to F1 brought his Rook to E2 is because that's what he was going for that's the missing piece of the millennium puzzle right there E5 but the second that this happens he gets a reaction from his opponent one extension committed with the punch Magnus immediately changes the game plan kicks the night out of the center takes only five twice The Rook is loose the queen is on Magnus can win a game of chess with every piece on the back rank this is utter nonsense this man does not have a single piece past the first rank of the board and yet he has an advantage because his pieces coordinate better and they put pressure on the enemy pieces better C4 I'm pressuring this I'm also threatening to walk directly into your position and get to the king the Knight cannot get back into the game the pawn is struggling the night is going to come to D3 Knight F3 we get into a rook end game but Magnus is too active his pieces are too coordinated and lethal he grabs upon and The Knockout Punch follows with the gorgeous Knight E8 Queen defending coordinating there and queen C7 is literally Checkmate because the bishop that returned to its Homeland on F1 defends the pawn my friends the bishop on F1 lived a fascinating life the bishop on F1 went to D3 on the 13th move of the game the bishop then returned to its home Square on the 19th move of the game and Magnus Magnus never moved it again he never moved it he moved the bishop out and home and 38 moves of game ended in a resignation that is sickening do you understand how good this man is at chess he controls the game without even moving this is a sickening stuff this is other worldly type of stuff you impressed I hope you're having a great time let's continue vessel and de paulov one of the best attacking players of the 90s and the early 2000s all right this was also uh this was also a bishop D6 there's the rock back this time Knight on E7 slightly different Bishop D3 this time Magnus takes on C5 so we are going to now have a very different structure throughout every game thus far Magnus has had a Pawn on D4 now he doesn't he just has what we call a queen side majority castles castles and Magnus gives away that London Bishop for the following position he now only has a dark squared Bishop on the board but the transformation of this London leaves black with an isolated Pawn on D5 to control and isolate upon you have to control the squares in front of it and you need to trade pieces so Knight B3 Bishop D6 is a very bad move because even if something like this happens black is losing Defenders of this pawn and if something like this happens black is in really bad shape like the disadvantage is growing so Bishop B6 Bishop E6 and look at Magnus just how many things see this one two three four five six six of White's pieces coordinate on the D4 square that is one of the most blockaded isolated Pawns of all time Queen F6 what move is coming my friends which move have you been seeing multiple times in today's London content A4 squeezing that Queen side now had black played something like this and committed to A5 that's a temporary stoppage but that is a massive over extension now white controls the B5 Square forever and you might say what about A6 yes but I got news for you white is still going to play A5 in the future so black would either have to play A5 themselves and give B5 away or allow A5 and control over there it's just it's all a little bit unpleasant and there you go now you're seeing it the pawn has marched all the way up to A6 this is called instigation calculated very methodical instigation that is what is going on here Pawn on A6 Bishop to B6 take take Knight C5 Queen slides overnight to D3 we've seen this already the pieces stand back controlling the squares just like an octopus just extending their control and notice isolated Pawn isolated Pawn a cluster of two the position is still very balanced tapalov plays the best move in fact instigating on the king side H5 H4 G4 this is what he wants Magnus gallops into the center of the board and fights back H4 not allowing himself to be bullied the Knight just kick back but every pawn move every pawn move that black is making is a further commitment to the weaknesses of their position Rook A6 controlling the queen side here comes the polyp ponzu F4 sacrificing upon to do this Magnus will not be restricted F5 immediately giving the pawn back immediately giving the pawn he doesn't want to be blockaded you can have my Pawn Knight to D2 the pawns are overextended and clumsy this is an isolated Pawn that's an isolated Pawn the Knight goes to F4 The Rook takes control of the center line and the second The Rook takes its eye off the C file there's Magnus right away utilizing all of the pieces in the position Rook to the eight the bond marches through it's now three squares away from becoming a queen it's made it through the center of the board Queen before controlling this position he trades Rooks and he just goes all the way to the back rank the queen covers the back Rank and defends the pawn on C5 the bishop gets out of the way where was that pawn before on C4 right now the Knight uses that square the Knight gets into D6 the pawn gets a step to the promoting Pawn is on D6 topalov tries to fight back Magnus just takes and it goes right back and he brings the Rook back to wrap it around to E3 King is safe in the corner Queen C7 trying to help the pawn promote rook and queen team up and now simple chess the king plays a role in the defense and coordination of the position Rook C5 the King goes back D7 you can't stop the pawn that pawn made it from C3 that pawn was put on C3 on the fourth move of The Game and Watch its Journey as it stood there without any any input any say in the center the battle commenced control of the isolate upon advancement that advancement AAA taking cleared the way for this pawn and at The crucial critical juncture of the game Magnus offered a very unpleasant Pawn trade if this was to be taken this this Galloping in so the pawn snuck through and the pawn anchored itself in with the knights and then in with the queen a little bit later just a fascinating display of coordination King safety just beautiful chess and I got one last one for you this was an online game I also found some games for magnus's account this was a perfect game of chess or maybe like one inaccuracy on game review 3600 ELO estimation we saw Magnus and his opponent here is Salam Salah uh the UAE representative on the world stage he is the number one player from the UAE and you'll notice that again it's this kind of Joe Baba London that we saw in the Fabiano game but this time no G4 because he never had a chance he never played the move E6 now this game again the Knight is on E5 very very similar stuff and in this game we might get a 485 but maybe not you know why because Salem castled Magnus hasn't castled remember how I told you g4h4 is not gonna happen because you know this one uh oh and uh oh Magnus waited for his opponent to Castle like a little bit lackadaisical approach here uh oh he's gonna knock bd7 Pawn to F3 control we already saw this against yuengi we saw this here come the Rooks here come the Rooks uh oh oh no Magnus has put up together all the pieces of the puzzle now it's just a matter of time until he delivers the final blow Pawn takes Pawn takes Bishop takes one of these two pawns is going to come forward it doesn't matter if you trade away magnus's attacking pieces you know why he can just control you Magnus is building for the long term of the position he can just control all of your pieces he can make you think that at any moment he can strike even if he can't that is how lethal he is he is like a a professional trained fighter with so many different weapons the kick is coming the punch is coming something's coming Rook h8 E4 is he gonna take is he gonna push and put a rook on F6 Salam tries to strike back I just plays Queen F2 counter-attacking and after Pawn takes Queen takes he's getting into the king takes Knight E4 everything is stopped right no no there's another wave one of the most iconic positions of this entire game as Magnus waits around and then H5 H6 Magnus doesn't have to deliver mate you now have a permanent problem you have a permanent problem which is my H Pawn this is one of my favorite positions from this game Magnus is fighting on the king side on the center line and on the queen side he is pressuring on all three sides of the board this is so iconic his opponent is standing there like leave me alone and he's got no play at all and you know what happens when you have no play at all against a guy like Magnus and you're down a minute you make a mistake even if the position was not yet fatal Knight F6 check Knight to D5 counter attack on the queen and the queen slides in Queen is hanging Rook is hanging eyes on the night and if you step away check here mate Queen B6 black resigned and I hope you enjoyed this absolutely absurd display of brilliance by Mr Magnus Carlsen and there's by the way like 20 more of these types of games I just you know didn't want to keep you for an hour and a half um sometimes he does it in positions where his opponents have already committed their kings and he just launches an attack out of nowhere sometimes he does it in a way where he just makes a very innocuous capture in the center of the board like this gives away the bishop for the Knight and builds completely around an isolated Pawn as well as Queen side positional instigation sometimes he does it in a way where black plays a very very solid approach and all Magnus needs is the night for the bishop and that's all he needs to operate he doesn't even move one of the pieces at all he just keeps it on F1 sometimes he you know causes Mayhem on opposite side castling and sometimes it's just very simple and straightforward control the center and launch a devastating attack against your opponent with the pawns on the same side but regardless 5-0 in the London I hope you enjoyed today's video check out the endgame's masterclass very very proud of that course 12 hours of video content hundreds of exercises check out the free sample at least and let's hit 4 million subscribers or five or I don't know maybe we're down to two in the future I don't know but I'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 713,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: kKNml0BuO40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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