The Worst Chess Game Mathematically Possible

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ladies and gentlemen this is a very very exciting video because the game of chess has officially been solved but not in the way that you think chess has been solved in reverse this idea was brought to me by a viewer subscriber hopefully named Adam C who programmed stockfish the best chess computer in the world to play against itself but every single move it had to make the worst possible move so a move that would benefit the opposing side in a maximum capacity what you are about to see is some of the most other worldly nonsense that has ever occurred on a chessboard chess has been solved but in the most deviant and backwards way imaginable this is Sensational stuff buckle up if if you don't leave this video laughing if you don't leave this video with a migraine I don't even know what to tell you uh at some point this bar is gonna have uh it is gonna vomit like on a roller coaster it's our turbulence on a plane so the worst possible first move on a chessboard according to stockfish is G4 it's the grub believe it or not that's not what I say it's what stockfish says now the best way to meet the grub is to play in the center and then white will play Bishop G2 and try to apply pressure and basically try to argue like losing this Pawn is not you know terrible the now remember stockfish on both white and black is literally trying to play the worst possible move F5 is the worst possible move because not only do you lose a pawn you also weaken your king White NOW plays F3 which is the worst possible move which defends the pawn but blocks the Knight and also this is a possibility so now E5 would be the best move but black is trying to play the worst move so G5 and again I'm not going to remind you every single turn that it is literally the worst move possible being played it is the move that is programmed to give the opponent the largest Advantage King F2 now you would think oh it's just going to be king moves all game no no no no no no no no now King F7 King E3 King E6 and now the worst move for white is F4 because what that does is it will lure the king into the center of the board but Black's worst move is King D5 White NOW plays The Very enterprising Queenie one with the intention of losing the queen on H4 black plays King C4 giving white a plus three and a half Advantage mathematically geometrically chessically that was the worst move possible now white plays Queen H4 intending to lose the queen and now it's minus six black does not respond by capturing and instead plays Queen E8 giving White Once Again a plus four advantage if white were to start taking these pawns and attacking the queen uh the king uh White NOW hangs the queen on H6 two different ways is but black is programmed not to capture it and plays the move A5 now it's made A5 is officially Checkmate for the first time with B3 King B5 and the Queen on H6 which is hanging two different ways cuts off the king's Escape therefore rendering a defeat all but uh you know impossible to avoid C3 actually there's King B3 however black plays the move uh excuse me white plays the move Queen F6 and is now minus seven and a half which is officially the largest disadvantage black now plays B5 uh re-blundering Checkmate bonus question where is the fastest Checkmate now for white yes you can take the Rook yes you can give checks with Pawn or Knight but actually Queen D4 is made in one but white plays King F3 and now it's back to -8 black plays D5 and now it's made in one once again with the move Queen to C3 uh White plays Bishop H3 and now it's minus eight so it's the biggest advantage that black has had thus far and black should achieve that by giving a check and then taking the queen of course uh black plays Queen d8 re-blundering a check made in one and a multitude of checkmates into white plays E4 blundering the queen and a multitude of checks once again Rook A7 is blundering Checkmate in one and then it's going to be Checkmate in one again it's it's going to be this for a while until white plays C3 so now a very big moment White now no longer has made in one white has a million different mates but none in one move now it's only Plus 11. okay actually it's made in eight can you calculate maintenance here well it's Queen D4 King B3 Queen D5 King C2 and now white plays B4 to try to you know do something over here Bishop F1 set the mating net uh we have Rook A2 however uh and the Queen on F6 has just been hanging for the duration of the game all of these pawns can take each other but remember this is stockfish being programmed to play literally the worst move possible at every given opportunity until the very end you are going to see that in the end game uh the the engine was in fact programmed like to finish the game otherwise theoretically it would be a draw black plays A4 now it's made in three uh Checkmate in three here is virtually unfindable I mean it's very tough to you could pause here this is a very difficult check made in three uh it's actually to play B3 if Pawn takes then Queen D4 is made again uh if King takes you actually have Rook B2 and then Queen D4 which is kind of funny White NOW plays Queen G6 so now all of this is gone uh and black of course should take the queen or give a check and then take the queen black plays C5 however now the king is mummified now B3 is made again in the form of Bishop to F1 which is beautiful uh black plays Queens uh White plays Queen C6 hanging the queen three different ways again and now it's minus eight black ladies Bishop H6 hanging very simple Queen takes D5 white plays King G2 uh which gives back all of the advantage to Black now black has a bunch of Pawns in the center of the board uh and now F takes G4 so where this game is going to get very interesting is that at any given moment Queen takes D5 is made so for example black could play this queen takes D5 is made black can play this queen takes D5 is made black can play this queen takes D5 is no longer made but there's another mate black can play I don't know Knight A6 Knight F6 actually then Queen D5 would not be made Bishop G7 E5 a queen all the way back here but this move actually makes some sort of progress in the position there's a lot of ways that black can hang made in one in this position you would find all of them E5 and now officially black is in the -10 range black has not had a Checkmate yet white actually has no way to blunder a Checkmate in this position so white plays E5 giving up all of this now we have G takes F4 and now it's Checkmate in three once again by the way for for the engine to calculate that after this move there is a there's a mate is fascinating white plays Knight E2 and now it's digging into -11 territory black should do this then of course should take the queen why uh black plays Knight A6 and now Pawn to B3 is Checkmate yet again because after this there is this and then there is rugby too uh Knight G3 E6 B3 B3 is made again now that continues for a while the queen is still being hung three different ways we know that the queen is not going to be taken but now white doesn't have a mate at all and now White's Queen goes to d8 I mean this is this is this is sickening stuff look at this look at this because the queen knows it's Untouchable the queen knows well maybe the queen doesn't know the queen is Untouchable black cannot take the queen why can black not take the queen because that is not the worst possible move on the board the goal is to give the advantage back to the other side Rook C7 gives that Advantage back because after A3 excuse me after B3 uh a b D3 King D3 Rook D1 King C4 Knight D2 King C3 Knight E2 King D3 Knight F4 King D4 Knight F1 King E4 rookie 2 King F5 Knight G3 white has a force check made in 10 moves which obviously you saw give yourself a little bit of credit I know you've been doing puzzles on everybody saw that if you didn't see that then I don't know you weren't paying attention but everybody saw this line after you know uh so yeah there's Checkmate in 10 for white in this position B3 check a b D3 King D3 Rook D1 King C4 Knight D2 King C3 92 King D3 Knight F4 King D4 Knight F1 King E4 rookie two King F5 Knight G3 spectacular but none of that happens Knight B8 Pawn to D4 CD4 Bishop D2 Now Pawn to D3 now the black king is mated once again completely surrounded have you ever seen a chest position like this no you haven't you haven't I'm telling you right now this is what happens when you program an engine to play the worst possible move King to G1 but are you still watching by the way because this is nuts Rook C6 Queen is on f8 Pawn takes H3 black is up seven points of material but it's made in one Queen takes G8 sacrificing the queen to both pieces Pawn to F3 not capturing it Knight to E2 blundering the Knight and then very promptly blundering a Checkmate Bishop to D6 Rook A1 King to C5 back Queen back to G2 and any of these pawns can take any of these pieces but they don't because you are programmed to lose now we begin a sequence of events this game had five promotions tonight five Bishop E1 F takes E1 Knight why because Queen F2 is checked and Knight D2 is made F takes E1 Knight does not stop that white plays Knight G1 black plays Queen G8 which is the one of the worst moves Knight E2 now officially it's over Queen takes Queen and queen takes Knight is made H5 King G1 now it's made in one that was the only way to get mated in one move literally King G1 is the only way in this position that you have made in one move I think I mean I would be remiss if I could find another one Queen C8 Queen G8 again B3 Queen on A5 C4 Queen B4 the black queen is trying to get the king Maiden it is now only plus one in White's favor this is insane Knight C1 it is now in Maiden five Bishop E8 it's now plus three Pawn takes D5 it's now made in three for black you have to take the queen Rook A6 it's now plus five but you take the pawn it's now made in three again Rook a five now you take the pawn on E6 it's mate in three H4 a takes B5 Bishop F7 and now for a first time in a long time white actually has like a plus eight Advantage because they can take the queen but they don't they take the Rook why do they take the Rook because Queen G4 Queen E2 and queen G2 is made Queen C3 Queen G7 hangs a queen two different ways it's made again he takes F7 Queen goes back to E8 now of course this is a queen and white is completely winning but we know that that doesn't happen Pawn to B6 it's now mate in two King to B5 it's now made in five for white because when you take you make a queen and it's check nobody plays that pawn to B7 black is winning King A4 now white takes the bishop on f8 and now black is winning again Knight F3 or Rook G5 or queen E3 they all lead to mate Queen d8 is made in one Queen to B4 so now it's black stockfish's turn to start throwing checkmates in one move the checkmates in one move are ridiculous white plays Knight B4 occupying the square for the queen so now they cannot Checkmate and that is the worst possible move Rook back to A8 now you can take the rook and promote to a queen but instead you take the rook and you promote to the worst possible piece B takes A8 Knight two night under promotions why is it losing Queen G5 Queen G2 Queen E2 um had you made a bishop that actually would have covered promotion which is nuts Queen takes B4 officially blundering Checkmate in one move Knight to B3 black has mate yet again D2 rookie one ladies and gentlemen Queen takes B4 is a checkmate what is the worst possible move in this position for black if you're going to take this if you take this and make a queen it's Czech if you take this and make a rook it's check if you take this and make a bishop it defends the queen so you take this and you make a knight three Knight under promotions Queen E7 now black is winning yet again folks you can promote you can take or you can make oh my God Knight F7 Knight C7 the Queens are just staring at each other it's a staring contest if I take your queen it's mate if you take my queen it's mate but we are programmed to not do that so in the meantime our Queens have a staring contest until one of them breaks it all right and then the black queen runs to B2 and the end game is Just I mean that's made by the way there are four horses just standing around grazing on the outskirts oh there's a spider on my wall on the outskirts of the Farmland the white king is stuck over here there's just a random rook in the corner like The Rook is like uh just some random you know it's just Stoner walking around uh and this goes on for a while King F1 Queen stage two uh so now the queen is infiltrated um black plays H2 Queen G3 check hangs the queen queen B3 now black plays H3 Rook G1 Read It and Weep yet another night has been made there are now five horses I think drunk stockfish when programmed to lose just really likes ponies not like that not like that King takes G1 Knight G6 Queen takes H3 and now there are no pawns on the board and the rest of this end game is both Queens staring at each other and a horse Fiesta Knight F4 King H2 blundering Checkmate Queen takes Queen King H1 and in the end game what would ultimately happen is uh one side would try to sacrifice all of its pieces to the other uh and the other side would avoid it so at some point you have to program the game to end otherwise it will end in a draw so we flipped the coin and decided see see the best movies to take and then I'm not even sure three Knights can mate a king although the stockfish seems to think so yes there we go they definitely can uh King H2 now black could go here but instead black plays this and then this and then this and the white king is just running away I mean when in fact the white king could be taking the queen but is just not doing it Queen is just not taking the queen queen F7 and now white is just going to try to sacrifice the knights and black is just not going to take them because black is Pro happening Knight C5 King B2 and now Queen takes C6 is a look at this the knights trap the queen you see if black plays King A1 Black is like giving up a lot of advantage but Queen takes C6 is very very funny and the end game now uh just becomes Giga dank as just running away and black is losing the queen every move literally trying to lose the queen on every move and white is refusing to take and uh finally after 112 moves of action uh black decides all right I've had enough trying to hang my queen to you you refuse to take it so I will have to put you out of your misery and black winds um 112 moves if we let this continue it probably would have gone into the 200s but this is what happens when you program stockfish to mathematically make the worst move possible on every single turn it is some giga brain dank stuff all right this is without a shadow of a doubt one of the stupidest and most hilarious things I have ever seen and I just had this is we literally created the worst possible chess game that's what we did today we made history you were a part of History there we go Sensational stuff um we'll go back to regularly scheduled good chess programming tomorrow but for now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,229,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: QebVAG6l2ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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