I Tried The Worst Chess Openings

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ladies and gentlemen there are hundreds if not thousands of tutorials on YouTube about how to play chess the right way well in today's video I'm going to play chess in the absolute worst way possible I am going to boot up several games and play the worst chess openings known with white and with black and I will try to defeat people who are around my ELO and chess.com which is 27 and 2800 however at your ELO which might be 800 or 1400 or 2000 people will probably not play as accurately and maybe you can use some of these openings to completely embarrass other individuals because as we know chess is a pure game of intellect and correlates directly to your success in day-to-day life now um I also do want to announce something very very very big if you're lucky enough to watch this video in the first few days that it's out today we launched my endgames master class it's a course with 50 studies hundreds of exercises 12 hours of video material for you to improve your end games and there is a giant free sample and to celebrate the long to the course everything is 50 off if you're watching this like six months in the future you should still click the link in the description I have of courses not just on the end game middle game openings and there's much free stuff a lot of free stuff for you to try so definitely do make sure to check that out if you're watching earlier if you're watching late my friends it is time for the worst opening in chess first of all the worst opening in chess you can start with according to stockfish is G4 the grob notice how the evaluation already plummets off a cliff the idea of the grab is to put the bishop on G2 and there are occasionally some little tricks for example you can win this Pawn on B7 and even with that you are not even better but we are going to try to embarrass some 25 2600s like this uh by playing the grob and maybe if we have a little bit more time we will play F3 known as the Barnes this is a this is a called the Barnes opening because only a barnyard animal would play it you can now no longer develop your knight you have massive dark squared weaknesses we're gonna try to do something with this um now the worst opening that you can play with black which is even worse because you are starting with the black pieces which means you go second and you still haven't we have the the Borg which is grab backwards and the idea once again is you lose a pawn but you put your Bishop here and maybe maybe in some Universe you will have some tricks I have absolutely no idea how this video is going to go today I might lose all of my games but at least the will be hilarious and you will make fun of me and if I do beat some people you know you can try this in your games because to be honest who cares all right we're only here on Earth for a short time anyway all right compared to the rest of the universe let's have a good let's have a good time all right let's have a good time uh let's uh let's play chess and uh you know let's sacrifice a little bit of Elo uh for Humanity here we go Pawn to G4 uh on the board against this uh 2755 from uh from uh Argentina yes all right this move has been played now c4 um I I am pressuring my opponent here on this side of the board Queen to B3 puts a little bit of more pressure on the pawn on uh on D5 is this just the is this what I just got two pawns back what what okay well I guess I have to go oh if I went there there was Rook C4 oh my God that's terrifying all right I'm gonna play Queen A6 all right now I'm gonna develop my knight to defend my bishop and I'm threatening to take this and that's hanging I actually don't hate my position at all my position is completely reasonable yeah E6 is a very reasonable move I can take another Pawn I can also just keep developing let me hit the rook and develop my Bishop yeah The Rook goes back um maybe Knight B5 Knight D6 check that doesn't look I guess there is Bishop B4 I do kind of have to uh respect Bishop before so let me just develop my Bishop I think Bishop E7 is coming in and now we're just gonna act like we didn't just play the grub you know what I mean um maybe I'll slide back here too just pin the Knight to the king king is gonna Castle Queen B6 okay that attacks that and that I don't like that so let's go here although if this I trap the queen which would be a very nice uh uh okay scary stuff here scary stuff D4 on the board if I take take that's under attack I don't like that you know what you know I I don't I don't mind it let's go we're playing garbage openings anyway so take take you can take on F2 would check I'm Not Afraid what's the worst that can happen what a check I'm so scaled I'm so skilled all right if you don't take I'm just gonna cancel well wasn't this your whole idea dude what I like I like the username though about Russia Dortmund it's a football club right uh that's hanging by the way but then that's hanging and then that's hanging um yeah I've definitely had better positions in my life probably probably what happens when you play the grub um okay the idea is to go here and to go here maybe King H1 I'll go King H1 maybe I'll drop back here as well all right this was this was a decent outing uh which very quickly went wrong but it went wrong because I'm bad it did not go wrong because the opening I mean the opening itself is the worst opening in chess so it's not like completely horrible it's bad but it's not like totally horrible uh Knight to E4 wow this is a very unpleasant position okay Bishop to E3 I have a trick setting a little trick if take I think I'm gonna go what is this can I take with a knight can I take with the Rook take Bishop no can I take with the bishop Knight Knight I don't think any of this works yeah just Knight takes I would like to take the bishop but I don't think I can so what I'm not afraid Bozo Rook here hit the bishop didn't work all right there's Queen C6 check which trades Queens which will be very sad if my opponent finds because uh not trading the Queens is a really nice way to play this position please don't play Queen C6 thank you wow you ask nicely look what happens I don't really have a follow-up [Music] uh oh they want to play Bishop here oh that's so lame all right Queen these oh they're gonna I think they're gonna play Queen C6 I don't think I'm gonna get a second chance hanging around just hanging around maybe something good will happen highly unlikely but maybe highly unlikely but potentially let's see dead air dead air I gotta fill the dead air Queen to A6 that attacks my Rook uh can I sacrifice something [Music] yes my friends oh my gosh oh my gosh could this be happening could the legendary grob actually save the game because after ponte's Bishop takes King Asia I have Rook f8 oh my goodness oh my goodness I think I'm making a comeback I mean I am still completely lost because my opponent is not Checkers they don't actually have to do anything but oh my gosh Maybe and if something like this I can go here but then take and then take oh my gosh my friends this is crazy is the legendary grob going to save the day Rook F7 rookie want Rook D1 check I guess um now A3 just nice and easy nice and easy but I guess there's this which is very very disturbing move um my Bishop's hanging can I defend it I think so if you check me I'm gonna bring my Rook back oh this is crazy Brooke is coming back okay I'm Not Afraid is there this no [Music] still not afraid I probably should be very afraid though oh my gosh no no okay okay all right let's analyze let's analyze uh how bad really was it really Knight FC oh this was like all Theory wow my opponent knew everything they just got a very good position Rook back to C8 no no it was it was okay it wasn't so bad I mean I could have just played like normal moves I didn't have to I could have played Knight A4 here and there you go all right next game next game I'm I am determined to beat somebody somebody will be embarrassed for my content oh my goodness this guy's very good uh all right we'll play F3 against him um now I'd like to play Knight H3 but then he's going to do this so maybe we play F3 E3 and then something like this don't mind that at all don't mind that at all this is this is actually a gentleman from Indonesia he uh he makes chess content all right we've got a nice little stable thing happening here let's go Knight E2 defend the center I think he wants to do this so we're gonna keep it very nice and tense there's a thunderstorm outside I don't know why you had to know that but now you do I'm going here maybe G4 maybe bishop G2 type of stuff uh that's weak so he might play Queen E7 uh that is certainly a move Queen H4 check but I just have King G2 I'm I'm not I'm not super scared am I super scared should I be super scared I'm not super scared should I be super scared getting the night into my position if he goes here I have this which I'm pinning the Knight to the queen could be all right I don't I don't exactly see it I don't I don't know now I'm attacking The Rook he could take and then I take and then he's still pinned and then I have Knight to F1 which is very humorous all right then maybe we made this work maybe he he got a little bit overzealous here and now I can use him for Content I mean that would be very nice but I don't know I mean I'm I'm talking the whole time so okay yes I have one in exchange now I'm expecting uh that is a move yes if I take I guess he has he's gonna take my Rook so maybe I play Bishop D3 uh yeah what's the problem he's still pinned like this is still very nice for me because he can't move this and I'm gonna move my rook and I mean it I I should be more or less okay I have a 20 second time Advantage too uh yeah and now I can threaten Checkmate well it's not quite made but it's very close Okay Bishop B6 is what I was expecting uh I would like to play Knight B3 how do we feel about Knight B3 I think it's a decent move trading pieces and his Knight is just stuck I mean his Knight is just stuck in my position like if if I can trade Rook A7 by the way G5 wait is this queen trapped he has to move this way oh my gosh yes I guess his Knight can kind of get out now is like the drawback of what I just did but I have Rook takes A7 and I mean I'm just I'm winning we're just winning this is amazing play the worst opening on the chessboard and get a winning position Bishop takes F5 and maybe Queen takes B7 I'm just gonna take all his pieces he wants to take on H3 which definitely makes a lot of sense I can play F4 uh I don't want to get checkmated it would be very tragic to get checkmated here it's a good move it's a good move maybe bring the queen back yeah I'm gonna bring the queen back I'm gonna give him Bishop takes H3 because I don't think I have a way to defend it and maybe I just go back to G1 ver it's not very comfortable but this is like very unpleasant for black uh and uh I have some very goofy tactics here potentially maybe Queen D4 something like Queen D4 threatening this I think he'll go C6 it's a very natural move he might also go Bishop C6 but then I maybe I have he wants to win my queen which is just not very nice uh Queen takes D5 comfortable Bishop here I can probably just well it's illegal but I can go here it's a very tense position I'm very scared which is you know probably fitting considering I played a terrible opening um yes this is a move Queen C6 this is ugly but it's somehow working and he still can't escape off the back rank yes I was expecting this move uh maybe bishop E3 and something like this I just have to be very careful because he really wants to go here with his queen that is the number one thing I'm trying to prevent this really he can be that greedy oh I guess that's because he's doing that that thing that we talked about Bishop takes B6 this looks good and if he goes here maybe I have Queen E8 yeah I don't have Queen E8 rookie eight check that's insane is it so bad am I checkmated wait a minute who is check Queen H1 King F2 finish two King E3 or King E1 wait a minute is it even game over wait a minute I I am not convinced I think I'm gonna Escape along the bottom here check here check where's the mate where's the mate where's the mate where's the mate okay shade is made that's a good move is it a draw is it a draw is it a draw or what's happening check oh I'm escaping my friends I'm escaping check Rook haters mate [Music] now let's see maybe we can no no I gotta listen that was a it was a good game I won with F3 now we have to analyze I never only play one game at my level it's extremely disrespectful to play one game so we beat him with the worst opening possible in chess which is to play it's the second worst You could argue I mean F3 according to computer is like minus 0.5 and this is like minus one but they're both very bad they both seriously jeopardize White's King safety I do want to play a game uh with a black that would that would be very nice um maybe I can get a game with black I don't want three games with white um actually wait a minute wait wait hold on I know this was a grand master I I don't I don't mean to run away I'm totally running away um I never even analyzed this game Sorry a little bit of a little bit of ADHD um so this is the position um opponent here has like an absolutely perfect setup uh which you know what what I was trying to do here was I was trying to protect my king right like if you're gonna play a really really bad opening you're sabotaging natural development for King safety um wait I have this right and and I'm sacrificing my my king safety here so I played H3 with the idea to go G4 I didn't play G4 right away because like something like this because the move E4 comes in and now I have a very very bad situation I would love to go F4 but my Pawn is not guarded so if my Pawn was guarded I could maybe build up some sort of Defense which is why I played the move H3 first uh so that I could play G4 and then when E4 happens I could do this so this move and all of this actually kind of like of course I'm losing um but after this my opponent somehow yeah I mean it he he's not even better now I mean now he has to sacrifice this and then he had to leave my position and and by this point I mean I I thought I did a pretty decent job and position is definitely equal I mean he is still doing I would say quite comfortably but uh by this point you're already very very frustrated with black because your opponent played something really really stupid so uh you you know you should just uh be relatively easily winning uh but that did not happen um okay let's uh let's play Let's play one last three minute game you still here you still watching um here we go I would love to get a game with black I would really not like to play three games with white in one video uh I'm waiting for a game with black by the way seriously check out on games master class it's uh okay I have another oh no no I'm playing with black I'm playing uh 2400 join 29 days ago hopefully not cheating so with black B5 is a really really bad opening uh F5 uh duras Gambit is also very bad right so just giving up a pawn uh near the king like this and um and now you have to also prevent Queen H5 so opponent does this uh I'm going to play D5 and C5 right so uh because I would like to get this Pawn back but I I can't do that uh this is normal now I'm gonna apply more pressure here I would actually not really mind if my Pawn got got taken uh and now what you can do with black is you can do something very interesting um you can play C4 and then you can play uh like E6 to try to get rid of this Pawn so a lot of people here will capture and personally what I like to do here is I just like to play Bishop D6 and castle and the point is that you will actually use this to your advantage your opponent might try to fight back over here which is very reasonable um but yeah if they do something like this you're castling and you're getting an openf file and you see my opponent is not castling because he's actually kind of concerned like I'm gonna I'm gonna make several more moves on this side of the board and all of a sudden the position is going to be very scary for white um already you see my opponent is like hesitating I have maybe Queen E8 discovered attack ideas I have Bishop G4 so now I'm threatening check uh now my opponent can't Castle okay so now my opponent cannot Castle um which is already a massive I would say victory for me uh now I'm gonna play like Rook f8 rookie eight I'm gonna put my Rooks over here this is this is a massive massive moral victory for me um they're gonna try to break out over here but I I always have B5 and A6 and actually like this Gambit is completely terrible for black but it's it's not so simple to play with white um I mean of course it's completely lost but that's like it doesn't matter if something is completely lost according to stockfish because your opponents are not stockfish I don't actually understand what that move does and in fact don't I already have like a monster infiltration here this is very scary for my opponent uh what can I win Bishop F3 Knight F3 I don't have any like back rank stuff my Bishop is hanging so let's just play a move that defends the bishop unless I'm gonna get my queen trap somehow which would be tragic Queenie one blunders that how does how was there no back rank check made here crazy stuff maybe I have like Knight E4 take I can take 94 looks really nice maybe bishop F5 and then okay I'm gonna play 94. this is crazy I mean I I should have some sort of just execution here of the white position I was thinking Bishop G3 but then I I guess I can play like Bishop takes but that would be scary because I would be opening up The Rook so maybe bishop takes Knight takes and then if Knight takes I have Queen takes G4 but this looks miserable for white I mean it looks like white just castled and doesn't even have a rook uh like looks like White Castle but the Rook fell asleep I have to catch up on time too I've been talking a lot and the last game I actually used time to my advantage quite a bit Yeah so now I'm gonna there's no back rank hey let's take on G4 and still my opponent's pieces are look all of them are completely restricted uh I just I need like a way in maybe rookie too rookie two Bishop G3 yeah let's go here I expect Queen D1 but Queen D1 I take on B2 I'm getting my Pawn back if you do it that way so yeah now you have to like you have to acknowledge me a little bit maybe we double I mean it's just absolutely ridiculous we don't have like a winning a winning thing here and it is getting a little dicey a little bit take take the queen can activate not super thrilled about this I I will have to move my my pieces here at some point yeah now okay but I have oh no seven doesn't work let me take on G3 uh I do have to speed up unfortunately I have no alternative all right let's guard the Knight not happy about what's happened but it's life Knight G5 maybe just Queen G6 Queen F6 also counter attack maybe that's how I'll win my opponent will get overzealous Maybe I mean I have like such a dominant position and yet somehow I'm that's a good move wow that's a nice move I have to I can't even take because of Knight G5 but I'm threatening Rook F3 good move good move I have a trick I can play maybe no tricks maybe not fortunately we played a bad opening so we don't have any time for tricks maybe we just have to this Knight as a hero absolute hero this night it's no way past it it's like a brick wall okay we're down to 30 seconds each which is very reassuring very very reassuring uh I have to take oh no a fork okay let's we're looking we're looking to infiltrate somehow I'm gonna re-pin got ideas coming in no I want to go here oh I hung that that was bad draw so lame actually gonna make a draw one and you're totally winning that's lame dude come on uh Queen here 11 seconds 11 seconds 11 seconds what are we doing what are we doing where are we going 11 seconds where we I hung that night now maybe I can trade the Queens two seconds he's very scared why is my opponent just shuffling back and forth well that was one of the worst games I have ever played in my life and I'm happy to cross 2 800. um seriously though uh F5 uh one of the worst openings that exists and I actually did it justice I would say that from the opening I did not even have an unreasonable position I mean I was hardly even worse so when you play F5 you uh weaken your king and you lose a pawn and you obviously open up yourself to some very unpleasant things over here but uh this is actually a semi-decent attempt at refuting the way white can play here and I did it this way and my friends already here I am not even worse and I mean maybe I should not have played Queen E7 I probably should have played like a little bit like over here but uh I would not argue yeah I mean here we we had a we had all the winning chances in the world but then uh disaster struck and I allowed a little bit too much Rook cakes H7 was a nice move and uh that was a nice game so some of the worst openings in chess F5 against E4 you can play the Borg which is G5 and when you play the Borg you're always looking for stuff like this uh there's all sorts of little traps like take take Queen A5 and the bishop on the edge of the board can get taken you will remember that in the very first game I played in this video if your opponent is not careful for example uh Knight C3 E6 take take King and Bishop Queen A4 check you have all these little tricks like my opponent played you know seven or eight moves of stockfish theory because people had 2700 are nerds but this is a very very uh fun little video for you and as it turns out uh in one of the games I got a completely reasonable position in the other game I was winning from the opening and in this game I got demolished because sometimes that's what happens when you play the worst mathematical opening in chess um your opponent outplays you but overall I would say beating a 2850 with the barns not bad at all uh my friends that concludes today's video and um you can all you can always be a little deviant in chess you don't have to play the best openings do check out the end game master class or the middle game master class or any of the courses free samples abound link is in the description get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,359,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: xsIlRfVbLy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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