Magnus Annihilates The Caro-Kann With a Queen Sacrifice

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hello everyone and welcome to an incredible game from yesterday's title Tuesday it's a round three game between Magnus Carlson and Paulina shuvalova and Magnus Carlson won the event with a staggering 10 and a half out of 11 uh these are the final standings but um even though that's a very impressive result for for Magnus even for Magnus this is the game that you guys requested from round three so you can see uh okay first he defeated Yan ree then Raven then poina shalva then and ralo ariari n sarin only one who got a draw against Magnus is ala fja then he defeated bullet and Blitz expert Serge Shalo then Jeffrey Shan then Yang Shuda and in the final round with the black pieces he defeated Leon Aran H but now why did you guys request this game so much well it features a spectacular finishing move and also it features a line that I'm sure after you watch this game uh you will use and abuse to its fullest to win many of your Blitz and bullet games on online it features a very rare line against the caroan uh so let's dive straight into it so Magnus had the white pieces and he opened with Ponto E4 and if you if you've noticed I've added the clock times I know you guys have been requesting that now I don't always have access to clock times for some of the historical games but for online Blitz Games and if there if the online if the tournament is uh uh played on a digital board I do have access to clock times or if it's an online game I don't mind including them so also you you're free to comment on that do do you like them do do you prefer not having them uh let's check it out so C6 poina goes for the caroan defense and now Knight to E2 okay so not going for the standard the D4 or Knight to F3 against the caroan we have D5 and now Pawn to E5 sort of the advanced variation but we doubted the pawn on D4 we have Bishop to F5 of course she wants to play E6 and um and get her B Bishop out of the uh cage Knight to G3 going after the bishop Bishop G3 Bishop G6 and now H4 a sort of the tall variation against the caroan but without the pawn on D4 and okay what's the what's the big deal here H6 we have Pawn to H5 now challenging the bishop the bishop to H7 and usually in a t variation you would see Bishop D3 then Bishop captures Queen captures but here there's a Pawn on D2 so you can't really play Bishop to D3 you could however transpose with um something like Pawn to D4 Pawn to D6 and then Bishop to D3 but not for this game Magnus as this is a three minute Blitz game Magnus plays Pawn to E6 and okay it's a known line in the advanced variation um or or a known Pawn push which you can meet many different ways and I'm going to show you how to treat this if you actually play this with the black pieces you have to play Queen to D6 and once white captures you will capture on F7 but it's not a problem your king is very safe here and now after Pawn to D4 you will strike with Pawn to E5 and a trade uh is good for black and if you try Bishop to D3 then you even Advance the pawn to E4 and it will be black who will be asking the questions here however after after E6 she went for f captures and E6 grabbing the pawn and now let's see how Magnus handles this position he plays Pawn to D4 we have Knight to F6 and now Bishop to D3 okay she captures it's very well known that you should do this Knight to A6 and now Knight to D2 We have Queen to B6 there is a game where Queen to A5 was played in the year 2000 Yosef par played it against Lazlo Sabo and won a very nice game but here Paulina goes for Queen to B6 and it is not as of move 11 that we have a completely new game and magnus's position is already straight up winning so let's see how Magnus does it we have Queen to G6 with check uh King to D7 and now Knight to F3 uh preparing Knight to E5 check to take away valuable squares from the black king queen to B5 stopping Magnus from castling and now Pawn to A4 taking away squares from the black queen queen B4 checks C3 and queen to B3 we have Knight to E5 with check King to C7 and now Magnus castles we have Pawn to B B6 uh trying to get some more squares for the black king and maybe uh get the pieces into the game Queen to F7 now going after the E6 weakness we have Rook to d8 as there really is no uh way to defend the pawn Now Pawn to A5 uh giving up the pawn to open up the a file for for the white Rooks so Pawn to B5 and now Bishop to F4 threatening all sorts of nasty discoveries towards the black king So King to B7 and now Queen captures on E6 going after that C6 Pawn so Rook to D6 attacking the queen and defending the pawn queen back to F7 and now Knight to C7 uh REM maneuvering the knights trying to get them into the game now A6 checked by Magnus and you could capture with the Knight but then again you give the a file to the white Rooks and the black king will just get the destroyed here so King to B6 and now Magnus plays Knight to F5 attacking The Rook on D6 and you can't really do anything about it these two sores are covered by the Knight if you put the Rook here then just Knight to G6 goes after this rook and then if you move it you lose the bishop so you really have to give up something so she goes Queen to C2 gives up the exchange here Magnus captures it we have Knight captures on D6 and now e captures on D6 and the position is completely winning for Magnus he has a beautiful Force Checkmate here not just one he has several beautiful checkmates here uh but you guys of course will uh be the judge of that and try to find it the most Spectacular One so feel free to pause the video and win the game in the coolest way possible for Magnus probably give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on finding either Queen sacrifice and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show Magnus played Queen captures on F6 uh I will I will explain why but uh there's even a nicer one and that is Queen to D7 offering a queen like this because okay it's nice to forcefully give up your queen but uh giving giving up your queen like this where your opponent actually has a way way of declining it uh also you know not to throw away and the point is that now if Knight captures Knight captures and D7 is just Checkmate all of the squares are taken away from the black King Pawn covers B7 and if you don't capture let's say you capture the Knight then you play this very nice Queen to C8 move and there is no defense against Queen to B7 Checkmate uh but it was not the one that Magnus chose after this Knight captures some D6 move um and uh Queen captures on F6 uh he went for Queen captures on F6 now of course if the queen is captured then Knight to D7 is again Checkmate so Pina played D captures on E5 but now Magnus just plays Queen captures on E5 going for Queen to C7 Checkmate so Knight captures on A6 and now how do you go after the black king of course you continue happily sacrificing Rook captures on A6 with check King captures and Rook to A1 with check and he was in this position on move 29 that PO shalva resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here uh you either start giving up pieces like Queen to A4 Bishop to A3 which only postpone Checkmate or you go King to B6 um sorry King to B7 and uh now there's of course just Queen to B8 Checkmate so that's why she resigned but yeah uh very nicely done by Magnus and I'm sure that uh uh if you guys were not aware of this line maybe treating the caroan this way not going for D4 but just E5 and then continuing like you've already played D4 uh and then you know getting this tricky position with E6 and if your opponent doesn't know that it's okay to to allow white to capture on F7 you might get a very dangerous attack and U you might win win win many bullet or Blitz Games I might even try this in my rapid Conquest that I'm doing on a daily basis if I if I face the caroan although I I have been enjoying playing E4 and D4 I might give this Knight to E2 E5 line a try it does look like uh you know it it's possible to take down a very strong opponent with this and yeah now that we have access to clock times you can see that Magnus uh ends the game uh sorry not here Magnus ended the game uh with two minutes uh and 14 seconds on the clock uh so didn't really take all that much as uh you know the position was very very hard to play for black and it was easier to find moves and it's always easier to find moves when attacking than when defending and you can see poina ended the game with 17 seconds on the clock so took really a lot of effort to to find the moves that sort of defend the position but we've said that the position was already lost on move 11 so not not an easy one uh so yeah once again thank you guys for suggesting such a beautiful game as usual you can use hashtag suggestion when suggesting a game because that's how I filter the comments every right you know give me all the comments that contain hashtag suggestion and then I get your suggestions like this wonderful game here uh so yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it and that this line will help you win many Blitz and bullet games online uh I would like to thank David gasparian grn the maximite chess club Huga boy on Spotify and the r schaer for your contribution to my Channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestion such as this one and continuing to cover everything that's happening in the Chess World uh so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 178,718
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen
Id: qPOfObExWvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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