Magnus Carlsen Crushed in 26 Seconds!!!

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hello everyone and welcome to one of the most impressive bullet games i have ever seen it's from the last leeches titled arena and it features uh world champion magnus carlson and daniel naraditsky now uh it's uh it's quite a game i'm sure you're gonna enjoy it but before we check out the actual game i would just like to bring your attention uh to the new and improved frame here as you can see uh it's um uh there i'm having trouble uh showing it uh it's uh it's a gift from a subscriber daniel rossini he sent this to me and it's basically the exact same as my old one only this one is a bit more polished so sort of as in uh high definition uh the when i was still deciding on the looks of my channel i didn't know what kind of a frame to use and there weren't all that many you could choose from online so i chose this one it's basically a frame from hearthstone and now i don't know if they improved it or what but now he he he sent me this improved version so now it's not blurry but it's actually quite quite nice so thank you for that uh now i i do imagine the frame is much more enjoyable for everyone uh not to the contents of the frame of course but the frame itself uh so that being said uh let's check out this game so magnus with the white pieces opens with e4 and here we have a very very interesting uh opening we have e5 and now d4 going for the for the center game we have e cap person b4 and magnus captures with the queen you don't have to recapture the pawn there are many ways to treat this position you could play c3 give more pawns then play some lego bishop c4 knight f3 but magnus grabs the pawn right away so queen captures on d4 knight to c6 attacking the queen and the queen to c for now uh and not quite uh maybe an odd square for the queen but not really as this is uh amongst the uh engine's top recommendations so here knight to f6 attacking this pawn one more time and knight to c3 magnus defends it we have bishop to b4 now pinning the defender of this uh now there's even the threat of just capturing and if white doesn't want to mess up his pawn structure he's going to have to capture with the queen remove the defender of the e4 pawn and so on so here bishop to d2 now getting uh the the bishop to help out with the defense and now uh knight goes back uh sorry and here both players castle so castles castles magnus goes for the queen side castle he doesn't want to be behind in development and rook to e8 putting more pressure on the e4 pawn with f3 magnus defends it and now this is a pretty standard setup magnus has this e4 f3 and he's ready to push h4 g4 g5 h5 and so on and try to checkmate the black king and black will of course do the same on the queen side as we do have castles on opposite sides of the board so here d6 preparing bishop to e6 to start harassing the white queen and g4 magnus starts the the pawn storm on the king side with bishop to e6 attacking the queen and queen back to e2 we have knight to d4 now again attacking the queen and of course making room for those pawns to start being pushed forward with queen to f2 now attacking the knight and now c5 defending this knight and magnus plays a3 and more often than not when you have a situation like this when there's castles on opposite sides uh you will not retreat you will rather play queen to a5 and offer this will offer this bishop and you don't really want to capture this if you capture this for example a captures on b4 queen to a1 check and that's just terrible knight goes to b1 for example bishop a2 and that's a game over there there's no defending this so instead after this um uh queen the a5 magnus has to make a decision does he go for a counter attack or does he go uh into a defensive idea and here i have to remind you this is a bullet game so both players only have one minute on the clock no increment and uh here it's very interesting the the engine's top recommendation is g5 but this only yields a draw for white and it's pretty much a forced draw for example bishop captures and now if you don't capture a bishop you could play g captures on f6 grab the piece and now bishop captures on b2 and here black has at least a draw you you have to check and then if okay if white moves then black even wins with knight captures on c2 uh but here if king c1 we will basically have a repetition of moves and it's a draw uh so magnus instead decided that he would not go for g5 he played knights to b1 and interestingly up to this point both players only spend some 10 seconds on their clocks so here bishop captures on d2 with check magnus grabs back with the queen he offers a queen trade and narudicki goes back queen to b6 uh he avoids the queen trade as he did spend a few seconds there so he doesn't want to go go for an end game against magnus here and here magnus continues pushing g5 uh we have knight to d7 and now f4 and the things are already looking very scary for black f5 is coming then your entire kingside might might crumble and the fact of the matter is that this position is bad for white it's straight out winning for black in fact so feel free to pause the video here and win the game for naraditsuki while i give you a couple of seconds and yes it's only move 16. so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting this unspottable idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's bishop to b3 and this is just a beautiful move it's uh holding down on this c2 pawn and there's no way to defend it and of course you cannot capture the bishop if you capture the bishop just knight captures and this is a game over you you lose the queen uh it's check and after the key moves you're going to just pick up the queen on d2 so that's one option the other option is to maybe move the pawn you could play something like c3 but then you just give up the rook on d1 that's also losing so here magnus tried the only thing he could after bishop to b3 he played bishop to d3 now guarding the pawn but there's a problem here we have c4 now attacking the bishop here and this is what magnus was hoping for because now after bishop captures he opens up the attack towards the knight here but uh of course uh here comes rook 8 the c8 and now the position is just just terrible because if you capture the bishop now you get knight captures here and this is checkmate the pawn cannot capture due to the rook being on c8 so this is obviously not possible so magnus instead goes queen captures on d4 offers a queen trade now but now comes rook captures on c4 beautiful as it attacks the queen offers a queen but if you try and trade queens here then the rook captures on c2 is checkmated this is just insane so after rook captures on c4 magnus went back rook queen to d3 now he's saying okay you capture with the rook i'm gonna give up the queen for your rook and bishop but here narudinski has a a beautiful beautiful finishing move so i'm not going to ask you to pause the video because this is actually in the thumbnail but yes here in our disc he played quinta e3 with check he offers his queen and of course the queen cannot be captured because the queen captures rook captures and c2 is again checkmate so here magnus had to play something he blocked with rook to d2 but now again how do you bring uh more pieces into the attack well you don't have to all the pieces are already here here narudisky played rook captures on c2 and it was in this position on move 21 that magnus carlsen resigned in the game as there is nothing more to be done here uh the king cannot capture the rook is pinned the the rook cannot capture so basically your only options are king to d1 but that just runs into this double check from the rook and the bishop you have to go back and then bishop to d1 is again checkmate because now it's check from the rook and the queen this is beautiful uh and if you don't uh capture if you don't move the king you could also capture with the queen but then it's pretty pointless bishop captures on c2 and the white has zero compensation for the for the sacrificed material if for example captures queen captures with check you're going to pick up the rook on h1 as well it's uh completely winning and the interesting thing about this game is not only did it take uh narudic at 21 moves to defeat magnus but it also took him only 26 seconds so that's uh that's just unimaginable if if you told someone like 30 years ago that someone could defeat the world champion in all time formats probably in blitz probably in bullet as well if such a thing existed the world bullet championship that you could defeat him in any format in 26 seconds that'd be you know people would tell you you know you should you know get treated or something uh but yes narutitsky crushed him with this with this beautiful miniature in only 26 seconds and 21 moves that's that's incredible uh so that's basically it that's what i want to show you a lot of you guys suggested it and i'm glad you did because when i saw it i was like wow and of course i can't follow absolutely everything that's happening in the chess world so it's very important that you guys use use hashtag suggestions uh and uh you know uh bring such games to my attention using the comment section below uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it uh i would like to thank oliver uh nova roger stone mohamed risky and the david david kimura for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 1,076,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, chess openings, chess24, chess strategy, chess for beginners, chess vs, CHESS MEMES, CHESS ASMR, mr. beast, beast, pogchamps, doge, bitcoin, shortest chess game
Id: fQ1P7JUadZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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