Mikhail Tal Sacrificed EVERYTHING!

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there were two types of sacrifices correct ones  and mine this legendary statement was given by   the Magician of R Mikel tal today I'll show  you one of the best games of his life where   he created a masterpiece by sacrificing everything  our protagonist m is playing with the white pieces   and it starts with E4 the game starts off with  a sicilian Night Door variation in today's Days   moves like Bishop C4 or F3 are very popular but  in those days Bishop G5 used to be the go to   light for white and that's what thought Ops for  E6 and now comes F4 here white is threatening to   advance the pawn to E5 but guess what black plays  he simply ignores the threat of E5 and continues   pushing on the queen side with B5 so tal of  course advances after takes takes here black has   a problem black cannot move this Knight because  it has spin to the queen so black plays a very   nice move he plays Queen C7 he offers tal to grab  the Knight because after Queen E5 check tal would   block that after takes it is highly debatable if  white has any sort of advantage in this line so in   said tal did not take here he instead take Queen  to E2 so black of course moves the Knight and tal   castles Queen side the pawn on E5 is hanging twice  so what happens if black were to take it let's say   he takes with the Knight then do you see what  tal had in mind Knight D takes B5 six and the   actual thing was not to sacrifice the Knight it  was to sacrifice the queen because the queen of   C is guarding that very important Square on d8  therefore it needs to be deflected so that white   could deliver this Checkmate and here if something  like Queen takes E5 would have bit considered then   after takes takes again after KN e takes B5  everything is shattered the lines are open   let's say you block but again this is check meat  and if something like F6 after Knight C7 black is   going to lose the exchange so seeing all this in  this position after castles his opponent went for   Bishop to B7 and here's where the real Madness of  the game begins in this position despite having a   lot of options T goes for Knight takes C6 and  this is just the beginning he sacrificed the   Knight takes and now comes Queen to G4 hitting  the pawn on E6 and according to the computer the   best defense that black has a queen takes E5 of  course it looks extremely scary because the Rooks   can come in but that was the best bet that black  had instead Black Blade Queen to B6 and he allowed   tal to uncore one of the greatest moves of this  game Rook to D6 this move serves a very important   purpose it disconnects the queen from defending  the pawn on E6 so black had to take and now comes   Queen E6 check if blocks then this is Checkmate so  black goes here and according to the computer it   is a force man in six moves but how can t continue  this attack is there a way here tly Bishop to C4   another brilliant move threatening checkmat here  so black has to take but this move cleared up the   Rooks pathway so now comes Rook F1 check black has  a block and tal finishes off the game in brilliant   Style by sacrificing The Rook his fourth sacrifice  in a row and it delivers mate just wow if we take   a look back into the game then this game started  off with just a simple Sicilian KN or variation   nothing extraordinary and here from nowhere  came this Knight take C6 he for sack the Knight   then The Rook then the bishop and then  the Rook again how many times have you   seen a game like this where an opponent  makes so many consecutive sacrifices
Channel: Fuzionchess
Views: 1,815
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Id: UUDr9E7gdJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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