Beating Magnus With Black at 17!

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hello everyone and welcome to not one but two really nice games from the Chester B Masters finals it is Magnus Carlson versus Dennis lazovic and well well Dennis might not be you know among the the elite In classical chess I believe he's 2563 in classical chess uh when it comes to speed chess rapid Blitz bullet he uh can definitely play with the best of them last year he defeated Sam savian and he won the division two of the uh of the Champions Chester and now he qualified for division one where he faces the the elite players and uh yeah you'll you'll see how how strong he is as um he lost game one to Magnus then game two ended in a draw uh this is game three and we are also going to check out game four now sometimes I don't like showing more than one game in one video sometimes if it's a shorter game or a shorter time form it then I will do it here I decided to do so but you know you can also just check out one of them you don't have to watch both of them uh but I suggest you do as usual so let's check it out Magnus has the white pieces and he opens with Pawn to C4 so Dennis he is down a point uh and he would very much like to bounce back in the match uh but you know it's going to be hard with the black pieces against Magnus so Knight to F6 Knight to C3 E5 we have Knight to F3 and as usual the Four Knights of the English uh Knight to C6 G3 we have Pawn to D5 striking in the center captures captures uh and the bishop to G2 fining the light sare Bishop Bishop to C5 and both players Castle so castles castles D3 uh and pawn to H6 we have Knight captures on D5 Queen captures and now Bishop to D2 uh preparing to maybe shift the bishop over to C3 and put more pressure on that E5 Pawn so Rook to d8 uh and queen to C2 we have Queen back to D6 now you don't want your queen uh well in front of that Bishop for for the entire game A3 preparing PA to B4 and of course A5 stopping that we have Rook a to C1 putting pressure on the bishop and then his goes back Bishop to B6 and now also the Knight will be able to move as the C7 Pawn is nicely defended so Bishop to E3 uh and Bishop to E6 and interestingly there is a game that reached this exact same position and believe it or not Dennis lazic had it with the black pieces against param makulu in the world Blitz championship of 2023 now it's hard to say if Magnus actually knew this or you know of course he did prepare to uh to play against Dennis before the game but you know uh remembering a Blitz game from from 3 years ago uh I I know Magnus knows a lot but it would be it would be weird to think that um you know he actually knew that this game was played but in that game maulu continued with Queen to A4 and queen to A4 is one of the top engine moves the other top engine moves are Bishop captur on B6 and also Knight to D2 and Magnus goes for Bishop captur on B6 the other top engine move and it is now as of move 15 that we have a completely new game so ended that one against param makulu ended in the draw if you guys are interested so uh here C captures on B6 and now Queen to A4 and Bishop to D5 so they uh ret transpose into the game uh La played against Parham and in that game Rook F to D1 was played but now we have Pawn to E3 by Magnus and it is not as of move 17 that we really have a completely new game so this time for real and interesting in the the game uh against param param left his Pawn on E2 for the rest of the game he never he never Advanced at the E3 or to E4 H but okay Rook eight to C8 and now Rook to C3 Magnus wants to double up on the C file param also uh went for this idea Knights to E7 and now Rook F to C1 H we have a trade on C3 Rook captures Rook captures and Bishop to C6 so okay Dennis has the doubl pawns on the B file but he wants to kick away magnus's Queen Queen and then play B5 and B4 so Queen back to D1 and now Pawn to B5 uh we have Queen to E1 uh and now Pawn to B4 a captures and now not a captures and B4 but Knight to D5 attacking the rook and the pawn so the idea is when Magnus moves The Rook he will recapture on B4 with the Knight but Magnus says Nope I already grabbed one Pawn I will take another and he plays Rook captures on C6 here Magnus sacrifices the pawn uh sorry the exchange B captures and now UND doubles his pawns while enjoying his two extra pawns now and he does have the past a pawn so he can put a queen behind the pawn he already has a bishop on this diagonal guarding the queening square could be could be very nice but Dennis replies with the strongest move C5 uh this prevents Magnus from advancing the pawn to D4 which sort of cements the weakness on D3 and he will now go after it with Knight to B4 and there there's really no good way for Magnus to defend it or rather there is uh but you have to play A6 and give up the A6 Pawn the idea is that after A6 Queen captures you will capture the Knight on the pawn on E5 and after Knight B before going after the pawn bishop to F1 nicely holds uh so that's the idea but after C5 Knight to D2 was played by Magnus he wants to go after the pawn this way but now it's a little bit different Knight to B4 Knight to C4 and now Queen captures on D3 this is a uh this is a spectacular move by Dennis as Knight captures on E5 would be punished severely if if Magnus went for Knight captures on E5 uh do you see what the punishment was uh even feel free to pause the video and try to spot this idea even though it wasn't played in the game it's really really nice so wh while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do this congratulations on being a great Punisher of bad moves and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Queen to see to the threat being Rook to D1 to win the White Queen and once you prevent that with Bishop to F3 now comes F6 and where can the Knight go does doesn't matter also the queen covers G6 so you can't go there but if you go Knight to G4 then look at this Knight to D3 attacks the queen also puts pressure on the F2 Pawn the only way to defend is Queen to F1 uh and now just uh F5 and uh the Knight is lost there is no squares um left for this Knight and you just win a piece so that's why after this queen captures on D3 move Knight captures on E5 is impossible Magnus figures this out plays Queen Bishop to F1 and uh he didn't take a lot he spent some 30 seconds but he decided okay that we cannot play that Queen back to D5 and now Queen to A1 so okay he gave up a pawn but the Knight is defended the queen is ready to escort the pawn up the board uh Dennis plays Knight to D3 and now the bishop no longer defends the Knight and he just wants to win a piece here so Magnus has to defend Pawn to B3 and now Queen to F3 going after the F2 Pawn Magnus defends Queen to A2 and now look at this Knight to C1 beautiful move by Dennis now attacking the queen and uh where do you where do you move the Queen the problem is let's say you play Queen to C2 uh all of a sudden Rook to D1 comes and you resign there's no way to defend this because what do you play you play A6 uh Rook captures on F1 is the idea and after King captures Queen to H1 will be Checkmate as the Knight covers the E2 Square so Magnus of course figures this out he plays Knight captures on E5 attacks Dennis's Queen on F3 and now Queen to E4 of course he doesn't have to trade Queens he will just attack the Knight while the queen is hanging and now there's no good way for Magnus to save his Knight if he tries something like uh well what can he try Queen to B2 to defend the Knight again Rook D1 with the exact same idea of just sacrificing the rook and then Queen H1 Checkmate you can play some F3 but then Queen captures an E3 with check and you you just fall up part so instead after Queen E4 Queen to A4 Magnus now has to part with his Knight and queen captures an E5 Pawn to A6 but okay Magnus still has the past a pawn uh Queen to D5 and now Pawn to A7 so basically Magnus is not down down a knight he's down a full Rook as uh there was an exchange sacrifice before Magnus now sort of uh had to give back the piece and now Rook to A8 uh St stopping the advancement of the pass pawn and okay for the moment as long as Magnus has the past Pawn on A7 Dennis's Rook is out of the game but if Dennis is able to somehow move the queen take the Rook take the pawn uh he will just be up a full Rook so okay we have Queen to B5 now preparing Queen to B8 uh Queen to d8 stopping that we have Queen to B7 uh now putting pressure on on D F7 pawn bishop to C4 is coming uh Knight captures on B3 with have Bishop to C4 and now Knight to D2 attacking the bishop and inviting Bishop captures on F7 and here best would be to play Bishop to D5 but um it's already it's already very hard to play Magnus has some 30 seconds on the clock Dennis has 12 seconds on the clock and finding a move like Bishop to D5 uh is you know asking a bit much the the point is that after Bishop to D5 Rook captures on A7 uh you you don't capture and then Queen captures on D5 now you play Bishop captures on F7 check and you take the Rook while Defending Your Bishop H but after the immediate Bishop captures an F7 then it's just moved the king and now you can't really do all that much um uh there's no uh there there's no such such trickery left and you don't really have a move if Bishop to D5 now now Rook captures on A7 is a move you capture it and then Queen captures bishop and you're just down a down a full Knight so instead after King to h8 King to G2 was played sort of trying to improve the position a little bit but now Pawn to C4 the pawn marches forward uh we have Bishop to G6 uh trying to create some sort of a mating net maybe you move the bishop maybe you get the queen into the game somehow uh but yeah if not that means Dennis will just pick up the pawn and will just be up in material but also the pass Pawn is marching forward C3 uh Bishop to C2 and now Queen to C8 forcing magnus's Queen to move back Queen to F7 and now Queen to C6 with check we have Pawn to E4 and now Queen to B6 you could also uh capture on e4 I mean for example Queen captures and then Knight captures and then Queen to F3 but uh it's maybe giving up a little bit too much but still after Rook captures on A7 you will be able to capture on e4 but then Rook to F7 and again black is winning but both of them are constantly below the the the 10sec mark and uh uh well you you just can't afford to calculate this much so Queen to B6 was played Now Pawn to E5 Magnus starts advancing his pass Pawn uh and queen captures on A7 it would be it would be a great mistake to play Rook captures on A7 because by playing E5 magnets also opened up this diagonal so I hope none of you forgot about our good friend the bishop on C2 so instead after E5 just Queen captures on A7 Dennis eliminates the pawn and now Queen to F5 Magnus threatens Checkmate and Dennis plays King to G8 so all of a sudden Magnus starts a king hunt Queen to H7 with check King to F7 Queen to G6 with check King to f8 and now Pawn to E6 now you have to guard df7 square at all times otherwise you're getting checkmated Queen to B7 check King to H3 and now Queen to E7 we have Queen to F5 with check and queen to F6 Queen to D5 going after the rook and now Rook to E8 so defending everything and getting ready to uh claim the D6 pawn and once that is claimed then Magnus will just be down a full Rook so Bishop to F5 stopping the capture of the pawn Pawn uh King to G8 he does now escape with the King and there's no more uh tricks that Magnus can use to even prolong the game he does go for E7 with check but now King to h8 Queen to D7 going after the rook and just Queen captures an E7 H this was one last trick if Rook captures on E7 then okay Queen to C8 and you will Checkmate the black king but of course Denis will not fall for that he played Queen cap on E7 and he was in this position un move 55 that Magnus Carlson resigned the game uh as there is nothing more uh to be done here so Dennis equalized the match and now there is one more game to be played and Dennis has the white pieces so it's a good uh you know maybe psychological Edge you just defeated Magnus Carlson with the black pieces and now you have uh the the white pieces in the final game uh so of course uh he will do his best to win this and I will show you this one as well because it's a very very tricky game so let's uh shift the the colors now Dennis with the wi pieces opens with Pawn to D4 we have Pawn to D5 by Magnus C4 C6 and Knight to F3 we have Knight to F6 E3 and Bishop to G4 uh the the col system uh we have H3 Bishop captures Queen captures and now Pawn to E6 so uh we usually say that in these Queen Pawn openings uh Black's light Square Bishop is the most problematic piece to develop so Magnus just gives it up and says I no longer have a problem piece I put my Pawns in light squares I have a bishop to you know just go uh in between those uh pawns and light squares and I will have have a very nice game so okay Knight to C3 we have Knight B to D7 Bishop to D3 and Bishop to B4 all been play before nothing new here gold players castle and now Rook to D1 we have Rook to E8 uh and queen back to E2 we have Queen to E7 both players um developing the queen Magnus also nicely connects his Rooks uh Bishop to D2 and now D captures on C4 we have Bishop captures and now uh there is a game where Knight to B6 was played but here we have Bishop back to D6 and it is now as of move 13 that we have a completely new game and both of them equal time uh 9 Minutes both um so they just you know blitzed this out without any issues and we have Pawn to E4 by Dennis he wants to win a piece with Pawn to E5 so Magnus plays Pawn to E5 himself and now Pawn to D5 now the uh you you did grab more space but you weaken the C5 Square so Magnus puts the bishop on C5 and puts pressure on this diagonal now well you could play something like Rook eight to C1 and it would make sense you develop a piece you're you know x-raying that Bishop uh Bishop to E3 first so okay Magnus trades Bishop captures Queen captures and he immediately offers a queen trade uh but while you could capture this then it goes back Queen to E2 it's not uncommon for for players to just trust Magnus when he offers a queen trade uh Knight to B6 we have Bishop to B3 and now C captures on D5 Knight captures on D5 we have Knight Capt sorry Knight B captures on D5 Bishop captures on D5 and queen to E7 uh you you have to guard the pawn somehow and you also know Rook 8 to C1 is coming so it makes sense to move the queen queen E7 Rook 8 to C1 and now Rook 8 to C8 we have Bishop back to B3 and just Rook e to d8 and if you look at this position now it's pretty symmetrical pretty equal uh Dennis does have a bishop against the Knight okay it's play on both sides of the board so maybe you will have some sort of an edge if you uh trade both r and the queen but objectively it should be should be very equal Rook captures and C8 was played Rook captures G3 and G6 we have Pawn to A3 and King to G7 uh King to G2 Now Pawn to B6 both players improving their position as much as possible and queen to F3 now maybe if everything moves then you will have some pressure against that F7 Pawn but Rook to d8 and now Rook to D3 Magnus does trade Rook captures Queen captures and now just Queen to to C5 uh asking uh what do you do here I'm putting some pressure on your king side I'm also maybe preparing Queen to C1 uh so what do you play here well uh Bishop to C4 Dennis cannot offer a queen trade as the queen is for the moment stuck guarding D4 Pawn so he plays Bishop to C4 he stops Magnus infiltrating with his Queen and now Magnus grabs more space Pawn to A5 stopping Pawn to B4 uh King to F3 bringing the king closer to the action also defending the E4 pawn and now the White Queen can move so Queen back to C8 going after the H3 pawn and thennis goes back King to G2 we have Queen to C6 and Dennis repeats King to F3 but now Magnus does not repeat he wants to continue the game Pawn to H5 okay we have Bishop to B3 uh and now uh how do you how do you continue this well you could play something like Pawn to H4 maybe try to weaken the king side but Magnus goes Pawn to B5 we have Bishop back to D5 and now Queen to D7 uh taking the the bishop does doesn't really do all that much plus you give Dennis a pass Pawn so maybe you know if you don't have to do this maybe try something else Magnus repeats once Queen to D7 goes after the H3 pawn and King back to G2 and now King to f8 Magnus starts bringing the king into the game we have Pawn to B4 and pawn to A4 and now if you look at the queen side uh Dennis does not have does have a light Square bishop and Magnus put uh both of his pawns on light Square so maybe somehow if you're able to move the queen let's say get the bishop let's say to E2 to put pressure on the B5 pawn and maybe also join in with the queen maybe it could be a weakness but the problem is as soon as Dennis starts planning something like this Magnus will say okay we're just not going to allow that we'll just play Knight captur on D5 so while it is uh could be dangerous uh you know realistically there's very little chance that it will happen uh so the question is whether Dennis is ready to call it a day or does he want to play for more if you want to call it a day you play H4 and then it's basically up to Magnus whether he will capture on D5 or not but without capturing on D5 there's very little you can do to actually you know prolong the game uh but after A4 Dennis played Pawn to F4 he wants the he he wants to play this for a win and he wants to complicate matters and okay e captures G captures and now Queen to C7 now the situation on the clock is also very relevant here Magnus has 4 minutes and then it's 2 minutes and 20 seconds and he has the this de side whether he wants to defend the pawn whether he wants to stop Queen to C1 uh what does he want to do here H now if you the idea let's say if you play King to F3 is that Queen to C1 is just really annoying and it's really really hard to play this like you play E5 Queen to H1 check and already you blunder a piece and uh after Queen to C7 you you could play E5 right away uh which is definitely the way to go let's say you trade everything captures captures now you allow the black queen down the board and now you cannot play G3 because just uh Queen to B3 uh gives a check and also connects with the the the White Queen and if you trade then this Pawn becomes a pass pawn and it easily promotes so you will have to play King to F3 and now after this check you will have to defend your queen with the King and now you allow Queen captures on H3 but then Queen captures on B5 and okay the game continues but uh again with perfect play should be a draw so after Queen to C7 uh Queen to D2 was played again Dennis uh sort of trusts Magnus he he he defends the F4 pawn and stops the infiltration with the queen and now we have King to E7 here Queen to D6 was very strong but to to a little time on the clock to figure figure out why and also to maybe allow pwn to E5 uh but it was a very strong point is that after you do this let's say King F3 now you play Queen to D7 and you're either winning this Pawn or if the king defends then you will capture on e4 and win this Pawn as well the bishop is pinned so that's the idea but after Queen Queen D2 Magnus started bringing his King into the game King E7 and now Pawn to E5 definitely the best move Knight captures Queen captures and queen to D7 again offering a queen trade and while it is best to accept this Dennis uh again trusts Magnus Queen to C5 with check or maybe he doesn't trust him maybe he just figures that this is more tricky and he will also try to to beat Magnus the problem is he's down to 20 seconds on the clock and Magnus has 2 and A2 minutes so King to E6 we have King to G3 three now Queen to D3 uh with check uh and here we have King to H4 and the position is now completely winning for Magnus but uh this move is extremely hard to find I will even ask you to pause the video here and try to spot this winning idea for Magnus while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on being a true Master of the end game and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is paon to G five with check that's the key and the reason is that if you capture with the pawn you allow this check and you cannot allow a queen trade uh because your pawns will just be unstoppable to give you an example even King captures on H5 you just trade queens and now you have to eliminate the E5 Pawn first if you if you just start pushing then having three pawns that white can push will be a problem for black but if you capture one Pawn then it's not a problem for example captures captures and now B4 will be winning captures a three and your Pawn is just becoming a queen much much sooner than uh White's pawns and another thing after this uh well after King H4 if you play Pawn to G5 check is that if you capture with the King doesn't matter if you capture the G Pawn or the H Pawn uh your queen to G3 check or queen captures on H3 if you capture the the other opponent and after King captures you will capture here and after King G5 Queen F5 check and after King to H4 or you go up the board and then you just get checkmated uh then you collect the F4 Pawn PA with check and after King H3 Queen F3 check and after King the H4 Queen E4 check and you will either force a queen trade or you will win the E5 Pawn for example King H3 Queen to D3 check King to H2 and now Queen to D5 either forces a queen trade or you will you know just give a check give up the pawn now black is up a pawn and of course everyone knows that in a queen and pawn end game up a pawn means a winning end game so that's the idea behind um uh Pawn to G5 but Magnus missed it he played King King to F5 and now he allows a draw Pawn to E6 with check King captures on E6 and queen to E5 with check we have King to D7 uh King to G5 we have Queen captures on H3 and now Queen captures on B5 with check King E7 Queen to C5 with check King to E8 and queen to E5 with check we have Queen back to E6 Magnus is up a pawn so of course he wants to trade Queens but just Queen to B8 with check King D7 Queen to C7 with check and and now King to f8 and here again a problematic position because there is only one move that doesn't lose for Dennis uh and Dennis doesn't find it and I mean you you can't uh really be you know uh confused by that uh he he did play most of his last like 20 moves with 5 Seconds on the clock uh here King H6 is the only move that allows you to draw point is that after King H6 doesn't really M doesn't matter what you play if you play Pawn to G5 check uh then you can just capture on H5 and after let's say queen to G6 check you will move the king king to G4 and now if captures captures this is enough for a draw and if um you just prepare with Queen to F6 now K G5 will be preparation for checkmate uh now you just start checking the black king queen to C8 check King to E7 Queen to C7 with check King to f8 Queen to C8 with check and so on and so on will be a draw by uh three-fold repetition but in the game Queen to E5 was played and now the position is just winning for Magnus Queen captures on E5 but Magnus doesn't find it the winning idea here F6 check is actually winning for Magnus uh but Magnus also down to 10 seconds doesn't find it point is that after Queen captures you trade Queens you play H4 the pawn is just Unstoppable there's no way to catch to catch the pawn uh but after king queen to E5 Queen captures on E5 was played Magnus goes for a queen trade King to E7 and now uh you have to play Pawn to B5 this is the way to continue the Game Force the black king to move and then infiltrate with King to F6 but then it's played King to F4 uh and this just gives Magnus the E6 square and now it's just not the same King to E6 and now King to E4 and the problem is B5 doesn't really do anything as you have Pawn to H4 and then if you advance at King to D7 you will be able to stop both of the pawns and uh yeah just doesn't doesn't work we have King to E4 Pawn to G5 Now by Magnus and now the two connected pass pawns are just too strong to uh to face King to D4 we have Pawn to H4 King to E4 Now Pawn to H3 King to F3 and here King captures on E5 and he was in this position and move 61 that Dennis lazovic resigned the game and with it the the the match so Magnus Carlson wins the finals of the chville Masters 2024 but it doesn't matter as we still have the you know finals of the losers bracket and then they go into the Grand Final and then Magnus will face someone who will face Dennis lavic in the Grand Final uh here I can even show it to you uh there we have it this is the official one so Magnus defeated lazovic is's in the Grand Final and lazovic is in the losers final now waiting for the winner of the semi-final match between uh Yan pishi and ala fua so Dennis will face one of them and then whoever wins will face Magnus in the Grand Final so we might see Magnus versus lzic Magnus versus ala fua or Magnus versus Yani pishi whoever emerges Victorious and for those of you who are maybe new to to chess I can also show you why this is winning as well once you attack the pawn uh just G4 you cannot capture on G4 because then the H Pawn cannot be stopped and uh if B5 you just play Pawn to F5 now there's no move white can make for example you play B6 King to D6 you go after the Pawn King H2 you just March the pawns forward King to G1 G3 doesn't really matter B7 you will stop the pawn and after King to H1 just F3 for example King G1 H2 check King F1 and H to bringing a queen or even you know if you want to be awesome you can bring a rook into the game and it will also be Checkmate uh so yeah very nicely done by by Dennis and you can see how a lot of these young players still don't have their classical rating to 26 2650 2700 but in Rapid and Blitz chess they can they can definitely fight the the strongest chess players as you can see even Dennis here is almost 2800 in in online rapid uh so you never know how how strong these young players are he's only 17 years old and I mean he took down Magnus with the black pieces that's absolutely amazing uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it very nicely done by both of them but mag Magnus takes the win in in the match I would like to thank Gard tlan Jeremy antios Carl Weinberg rajashri churi and David gasparian for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you all for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the Chess World so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 147,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Id: hxy5nOAsMt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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