Magnet Fishing in HOLLYWOOD: Most Shocking Finds!

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there has been bodies in this Pond what have you got me into Jake there's a dead rat right here what's up guys Jake here today we're back in California at MacArthur Park and we're going magnet fishing magnet fishing is so much fun and super easy all you need is a rope and a giant magnet and a spot to throw it in some water and you never know what you're gonna find I'm here with my good friend Dan Hurd Dan has never been magnet fishing before we're teaming up to see what we can find I've seen people find guns iPhones jewelry all types of stuff and today I hope we find some incredible things to share with you guys on the video like I said all you need is a magnet and rope I've got mine I also have Vans here it's a little smaller hey that's not right yeah I've got you a big magnet right here Dan just like mine it's a little rusty but it'll work it's been used it's experience I have found a ton of knives on this magnet but I have not found a gun so if you find a gun you'll be the first here in California first on the magnets today's the day number one rule don't let the water touch your lips okay this is the nastiest water this is disgusting I can see it from here feces of all sorts of birds in here I'm sure there might be feces of other things too no uh 100 are you ready to hop in let's do it okay don't slip it looks really nasty oh gosh okay here we go oh my goodness what am I standing on right now I don't know all right it is cold I don't feel any water in the suit yet so that's great let's do this putting the magnet in the water right now it's pretty shallow concrete bottom and all you want to do now is oh I just don't I just felt something I think it just that fast it's that fast I feel rocks or something right here or it could be I don't know yeah something could be guns down here I'm stepping on a lot of stuff yeah I just hit something oh I got something heavy right here check this out Dan [Music] no yeah nothing yet nothing yet what's that oh it's another big piece of pipe dang look at that magnet fishing's a lot of fun because you never know what you're gonna find but also any stuff we do find like trash we'll set it aside and throw it away so we're gonna make this place better than we found it this is awesome disgusting but awesome haven't found a Knife yet though apparently they're everywhere here in the comments below let me know how many knives that you think Dan and I will find by the end of the day I'm gonna say over 40. don't skip ahead I'm gonna reveal the number later on in the video but let me know in the comments right now what you think that number will be I'm gonna say 41 knives what do you think um that's a good number but I think we should leave something else in the comments below what kind of diseases we're going to catch today I already lost the left eye I wanted to touch my left eye I got something heavy oh my gosh what is that whoa what's that in that's a potential murder weapon someone got hit in the bag of Heaven people are looking at us like we're crazy we are we are there's no doubt about it all right pulling up the magnet dang got another big fight all over the place I know this is crazy to sure oh crap I got something hey come on dad pull it up oh okay that's crazy someone threw their workout gear in here wow look at that someone's out here working out I was like I'm done I'm gonna throw this in the pond 35 pound weight Best Buy in the day so far so far that's pretty incredible we'll do better yes we'll do better I know we will let's get on it oh come on what'd you find all right first piece of jewelry of the day oh excellent it's stuck to the magnets I don't know if that's real but it's still the first piece of jewelry bam a gold chain oh nice look at that Isn't that cool no that's 100 gold 100 gold the magnetic gold yeah yes that's natural if you guys don't know Dan does a lot of gold hunting so obviously he has no idea what he's talking about magnets gold does not stick to them no gold does not stick to magnets that excitement I thought you had a knife dang I got something big I don't know what this is hey samurai sword hey hey I got the first knife no way it's a butter knife oh look you got a coin I got a coin what kind of coin is that is that like a Euro or something that's cool I'm not familiar with this coin if someone out there knows what this is leave me a comment so we're magnet fishing it's magnafish yeah we're looking for the worst of the worst what do you think we're gonna find in here that's gonna stick to our magnet I'm not gonna lie man yeah a whole lot you're gonna find it you've never been magnet fishing it is a blast you got to do it you can do it anywhere too it doesn't have to be a nasty old pollen like this I got them I got some here we go one [Laughter] going up going up I'm pulling up I got it I got it oh we got scooter no way I'm sure it is that's gotta be what it is a shopping cart oh my God just touching us down it's in my mouth wow look at that that's incredible huh awesome now we have a thing to put all our treasures inside okay you ready up front here yeah yeah over here it's coming up what is that oh okay the Boombox speaker system oh look it still works you hear that oh yeah yeah let me turn it off oh what is that it's a scooter I'll bring it over here this is the first scooter of the day in the cart in the cart it goes yeah come on let me put it in the cart oh it stinks ah there we go dang I'm having so much fun we're finding a bunch of stuff I know there's some crazy things in here yeah he's got another knife squirting water at me yeah there we go another scooter I think you got a scooter scooter no oh it's a bike what is a bite it's a oh no it's just a scooter with big wheels oh gosh wow dude that's the best fight of the day so far there we go Dan I just found our biggest fan our biggest yay what is that it's a scooter totally scooter oh my gosh I'm gonna jump out oh yeah same kind as the other one yeah another one of the same ones I don't know if I can fit this on the shopping cart oh and a fish oh put it back in the water we're having a lot of fun found some incredible things a couple scooters whatever it is it's big it's very squishy let me scoot over a little bit oh this might be what we felt there's a suitcase oh oh what a nasty water's coming out yeah I'm literally about to throw up that smell Jake dude oh yeah the Megan's got something holy smokes makes good oh my God it's been hanging out there for a while there's a drill bit batteries I don't know what that is we're gonna figure out what this is it's heavy is this not magnetic oh my God put something in the bag oh gosh it's been wrapped up in a bag it's solid okay oh my gosh Dan this does not look good oh oh my God oh my God a lot of spraying everywhere all right right in your face what is it all right just be careful okay first off there's a handle right here something what is that antique piece of equipment that's a projector is it it is if you have any idea please let us know I think that's really cool it's from Switzerland dang I probably broke him you got another knife you got another another knife oh damn a box knife with a knife technically you found a lot of stuff wow this place is just loaded in garbage Superman's cape Superman's game got some more clothes this is Superman's uh underwear it's a jacket looks like I found another scooter oh my gosh maybe like a Razor scooter going in the shopping cart for sure find another scooter yeah I got another scooter and the fifth knife of the day apparently we could serve outfit a whole kitchen here there's another butter knife another butter knife yep is it really what is that a big block of iron it's a block knife I don't know it's a huh yeah nice cool a twofer we got a twofer dance in the lead with how many knives you got uh with those three and the 407 seven knives in the comments below who do you think's gonna find more knives Dan or me Dan's already got seven I'm up seven are you all ready yeah what do you think we're gonna find out here oh hahaha yeah yeah I got guns you wanna do some guns out here um no because they're not that stupid but I heard like you know I've been reading some stuff about like how there's like bodies and all that type stuff in there yeah we don't want to find one of those no you never know you never do now whoa some batteries yeah CO2 cylinders yeah for like BB guns or something like that huh and and that yeah and that and one of these that's a great one of those man that is worth all you the almighty viewers to check out my channel yes Dan her prospecting theoretically Dan this something right here could be the something we have for our thumbnail I mean this something could produce billions of views no the the rifle will do that okay the rifle will do that you just gotta find it yeah look at that hey that's that's pretty cool I mean look how old that is wow you think it's still skatable yep I think you can do it all right dude look how slick that is I like your moves you just broke it man this might be the biggest item of the day it definitely is Big plastic place oh I know what it is it's a bazooka RPG oh what is that there you go yeah yeah let me put it to this yeah off to the side so it doesn't block people yeah I don't think that's gonna fit in the shopping cart no it's not nope definitely not hey you fishing too yeah yeah what you trying to cash yeah thank you man what do you think about that fishing video oh oh I love it yeah I love it man I like when y'all catch some bombs like man look at these dude y'all gotta call the police and everything yeah we haven't got a gun yet today but we're gonna try thank you so much for watching the videos I'll watch you thank you man that's cool we're out here in L.A and people are watching the videos yes sir too deep around the end of that one all right what was that you think that was a gunshot you just hear a gunshot what was that I don't know that was weird right y'all thought we weren't really in this there's a needle right there floating like this is nasty water and I do want to have a huge disclaimer I do not recommend anyone getting in this body of water at any given time that's not what you told me well I had to convince someone to do this with me you got with your foot oh here you go scooter oh oh wait no that's a bike it's a bike bike oh yeah it's a bike bike forget about scooter we got a bike bike yeah Dan dude that's cool thanks man it looks workable yeah I think I might go for it then hey hey how you doing down there awesome dude it's looking good thank you snazzy I wouldn't look this good without you finding it of course at 50 feet high we might have to stop maybe what is this advice this is first true scooter oh this is yeah it's like an actual electrical yeah like that's an actual electric scooter like we haven't found we've been finding the bikes oh my gosh guys look how moldy that is [Music] what you think about that eh that's pretty cool how long do you think that's been down there for more today that's for sure what do you guys think are people tossing these things in the water on purpose or is this happening on accident I think on purpose totally on purpose definitely not a coincidence there's something there yeah pull it out what is it oh hey another skateboard another skateboard a sweater for you oh thank you I want you to wear that to dinner tonight wow you actually got it for you a present wow thank you Christmas present thank you so much wow look at that that's a cool skateboard huh now the skateboards I think these are accidents I think people are out here having a good time and then they just did a trick or something they got away on them yeah this one looks all right actually is it rideable yep there you go all right here we go here we go can I give you a Christmas present away you can get my Christmas present wait so I'm gonna give away the Christmas present Dan gave me thank you you're welcome man enjoy cool enjoy that have fun huh that's cool I think he actually is going to clean it up and use it that's pretty neat Dan good job that was cool oh another Buffalo bike this is a regular bike it's upside down that's how you ride it upside down oh yeah oh look at that that one's kind of cool look at it another bike wow what more can we find oh no I hit something there's something on the other side of the bike oh oh my God the second bike and the third I literally almost went head first oh come on you wrecked the shot you didn't go in all right you got to see what I just saw what'd you see I saw a good one here we go let's flip it over on the way up wow look at that put it in the bag that's a good one that's a dangerous one yeah we'll put it put it down dang that's number eight how many days have you found none Jake what you walking through some nasty water this is seriously the nastiest water I've ever seen in my life it's gross what you got what you got I don't know I think it's another scooter totally oh it's a green one all right oh oh this is a weird looking big time dang that's my first lime scooter of the day hey this thing is smooth [Applause] so far I have eight scooters and bikes how many do you think we're gonna find by the end of the day pay you five bucks to take a drink I think I'm gonna need more five bucks dude I'm having a lot of fun y'all come on man I just need a crazy fine I'm looking for that gun maybe a knife I want something really cool if this video reaches 500 000 likes will you come back out with me absolutely all right if a hundred thousand likes Dan and I will team back up yeah we'll get a little boat and uh we'll go with magnet fish until maybe we get kicked out I got something weird to me too please what is that barbecue no uh it's got a speaker on it and it definitely has a speaker gosh so far disgusting um you've got way too much of that stuff in your mouth already but we're having fun yeah and we're finding really cool things yeah and you know it's even the bizarre things that like I don't even know what that was you just pulled out but it's neat to see you try to guess what it might have been so yeah absolutely fun hey I got something right here I got some too I'm not sure if it's on or not not on yours is on no okay hey look at that another two oh you got another coin two coins two they've got to be Euros or something yeah I don't know oh yeah two twos two twos two twos I got two two I have to do a million subscribers and I'll wear a tutu oh yeah okay a million subscribers to his channel I'd love to see Dan out here with the two suits would be funny I didn't think I could make it this far out but yeah you can make it all the way over that's cool dude I've got to have some stuff on that magnet out here after that like I for real I'm gonna pull it up I'm feeling so much stuff down here with my feet oh my gosh oh I got my first knife hey dude that's a cool knife let me get out of this oh you got a good one too yeah oh look at that so first knife for me of the day oh look at that it has a dragon a knife too yeah no I think that's a shank that's a yeah okay they taped that right there it's just oh you know I think so I'm gonna count would you count that as well that's nice that's that's right now but did you move I got two uh knives one is a shank one is really cool I'm gonna show you guys a close-up it has a dragon on it beautiful knife actually that's actually a really nice knife yeah so far I think I have the sketchiest night you do and maybe prettiest sketches and prettiest all right yeah oh there's another scooter it's a it's a little scooter a little scooter a little scooter yeah I'll tell you though it feels really weird on the water oh my gosh what's all over it dude [Music] that smells so bad oh you got a good knife oh yeah yeah there's something oh fell what is that did you get it did you get it I think is that a pool man [Laughter] you gotta keep the pool clean whoever bought this is not doing their job no no they're nice that's a good one yeah that looks like old wooden yeah that's your stereotypical pocket knife yeah you know the type my dad used to keep in his pocket but I'll tell you what that has some stories to it man yeah all right I'm gonna pull the magnet up some pliers four Snips got a cool little I mean that could have been a shank I don't think so though and then oh look at that like lock that's actually kind of cool I like how everything is a murder weapon I mean realistically that could have been a little shank you don't know damn what's that someone's foot I'm gonna go check out this foot what do you think gosh man no it's hot it's just a side false alarm oh yeah dude this is the biggest knife I think this is the coolest one I think this is the coolest one this is the coolest one you saw it already didn't you oh who's that shank too I don't know what that is dang dang that's gonna count for two you tell me that is not a potential murder weapon oh my God who buys this it's like this is this is a knife on one in my pocket look at that that's gotta you said that's gonna count for two that counts for two you guys that's the coolest knife I found so far dang that's huge all right I got something let's get took me all day all day long but I finally found myself a butter knife we're catching up in a big way I am Oh I thought that was a knife right there oh another coin oh that's a Bitcoin what is that same one same idea if you guys happen to know where that's from let us know in the comments we're out here in the middle of the pond I'm hoping to find a gun I mean if I was to throw a gun it'd be way out here remember in the comment section below who do you think will find more knives me or Dan and also how many knives do you think we're gonna find I said 41. I think we're getting close I don't know how many knives we actually had all right we got something super heavy oh it's a frame to like a kid's bike nice it's a bike these magnets are crazy strong oh got another knife damn we're neck to neck with these knives I might actually have more knives than you I don't know I found my very first coin right there I'm not too sure what type of coin that is again if you guys know any of these coins let us know in the comments but that's my first one something big right here oh this might be another scooter it's another scooter Maybe oh yeah yeah something it's something oh I think I'm on another one maybe Oh it sounded nice no way yeah check it out let me see I got the world's smallest knife [Laughter] the world's smallest knife oh it's another scooter I think we found this brand yet huh maybe not oh you totally got those yeah things are so heavy so awkward yeah they really are oh gosh this one's slimy that's a big one oh my gosh well we ended that on a high huh we got ourselves a scooter that's pretty cool I'm exhausted this is a lot of work I'm so tired all right what we're gonna do right now is grab all the good stuff show you guys our favorite items of the day we've got a lot of electric scooters and bikes we also have more bikes and other scooters over here we found four skateboards a bunch of cool things and honestly we had so much fun now it's time to see who found the most knives if you haven't done this yet let me know how many knives you think we found in total I guessed 41 knives at the start we'll see what we actually found plus we'll see who wins it's a competition Dan I feel like I'm really close I feel like you're winning you you picked it up at the end yeah I feel like absolutely I feel like you've got the edge on me but I might have picked it up enough at the end so let's check it out so I found 12 knives I have no idea how many Dan found I feel like he found more you know he had to jump on me at the start but I am carry to see how many knives you end up finding yeah so I think I beat Jake if you call the ice pick a knife in total I got 15.50 what'd you get 12. yeah I got 12. you got 15. and I am totally calling that that could have came out of one of these so 15 though dang 15 and that's being very generous with the definition of knife you can get your handle here my little blade I'll count it I'll count it I'm gonna show off my favorite knives oh right and you show off your favorite knives so I'm gonna start things off with my biggest knife that thing looks ridiculous and then I found this one right here it has a really cool dragon it's kind of hard to see but it's really pretty and then this one is a shame it's like a duct tape shape like that's wild so those are my favorite knives of the day well I have to say I did get the biggest knife of the day it's a doozy I got the old school you know Grandpa's pocket knife yeah and then kind of a cool box cutter I'd say those are my three favorites of the day that's cool if you guessed 27 knives you were correct so I went a little high I guess I went off the previous video we found so many knives but 27 knives is pretty ridiculous let me know in the comments if you guessed correctly at 27. we found a bunch of coins I'm not sure what kind of coins they are where they come from but they're definitely not us they're definitely not Canadian a bunch of poker chips let's go to the casino yeah and then all sorts of other Treasures great things Keys everything it was fun obviously we found a lot of cool things but we also found a lot of trash and alongside the bank we left everything on top but now it's time to go back so got this shopping cart that we found a little crate that we found we're gonna go pick up some trash stick it on top here [Music] oh you got a phone oh I can't call season no more she's not the same old school cell phone we've been here for a while and you know the joke this is pretty sad but this is the conclusion of the Season joke hope you enjoyed it Susan I wish you would have called me for real that'd been really cool
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 1,402,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, best magnet fishing finds, fishing, magnet fishing videos, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing gun, police magnet fishing, found while magnet fishing, fishing with magnets, police called while magnet fishing, cops called while magnet fishing, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing police called, treasure hunting, river treasure, magnet fishing police, best magnets for magnet fishing, found underwater, magnet fishing USA, dallmyd
Id: _C-rcWyN1YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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