4 Day Fishing + Hunting Catch & Cook in an Inuit Village (Best Ice Fishing in the World)

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Luke here at the outdoor Boys YouTube channel I'm here with my son Tom my nephew Ransom and we're 25 miles north of the Arctic Circle and we're catching massive sea fish through the ocean ice and hunting tarmigan we're cooking up good food and having an awesome time [Music] oh I feel I feel I feel I feel so unlike [Music] [Music] all right guys welcome back to be we're here on the shores of the Chuck Cheese sea [Music] so that's the Chuck GC it's all frozen over right now and we're gonna be here in concert View for the next three days you excited yeah I'm excited we're so excited it's about 20 degrees right now supposed to get down around zero tonight but it is lovely no wind but katsubu is in a new pick Village see a lot of the signs are in English and in yupik katsuviews like a lot of communities here in Alaska the only way to get here is by air there's no roads in and out of town the nearest Road system is over 700 miles to the east so all the communities here are joined by snow machine trails and get there by boats and Bush planes it's actually a pretty arid climate here so they don't get a lot of snow all these big piles of snow are from snow drifts the wind blows frequently and it comes in from the Chuck Cheese sea and piles up and buries these houses okay look at this you guys ready stop by the grocery store here and get some supplies okay oh yeah that's a proper sized canister tank got shelf life box Mill all right because everything's got to be flown in it's a little bit more expensive here this box of cereal was about ten dollars that thing of bacon is 29 10 for a thing of cheese Hot Dog 8 39 for a dozen eggs that's not too bad yeah we're gonna get Cherry glazed Fritter sorry Tom okay what's up this is a jalapeno cheddar burger nice we got food for tomorrow morning and some supplies I think it's time to go get our fishing gear all right I'm just gonna grab a quick snack grab our fishing gear and we're gonna get out and go find some fish time to assemble the fishing gear everybody ready foreign fish we're just about 100 yards offshore from town and you can see there's just piles and piles of sheafish guts there's an old story about the village of cotsaview that once it was starving to death because they couldn't find the caribou and the Elders of the village made a deal with the Ravens that if they would show them where the Caribou went they would leave their guts out on the ice for the Ravens to feast and so the Ravens showed them where the Caribou were and the people were saved and they leave their guts out on the ice for the Ravens to eat I see a group of ice fishermen down there we're gonna go stop in and see how things are going oh looks like you're doing good there nice fish no it looks like the action's not super hot but they're catching a fish here and there is a gorgeous Hulu knife all those knives are gorgeous yeah look at that nice beautiful place yeah this is my oldest son Tommy huh hi this is my nephew Ransom hi Ransom my name is care if I grabbed a chin off of one of one of chins baked right there yeah you could use my order if you want to oh I would yeah I would love that there you go there you go fresh sea fish chin it's the best bait for sea fish nice and tough too so it doesn't come off they can't steal it from you no they won't bring that shovel over here [Music] not even water well this ice is thicker than my auger can reach looks like I gotta go find some old holes you're just gonna punch through these old holes got a little copper spoon with a piece of Shea fish chin here yeah there you go reel it is oh you got a sea fish don't grab up there yeah oh oh you had one Tom yeah is that exciting Tom yeah oh God it's a got something it's a sculpin he liked my sheepish chin there we go look at all the spines on him looks like he's got little devil horns look at that all right bye oh three all three barbs he wanted that hey it's fun all the kids just got out of school and there's all these families and kids out fishing for sea fish on the ice the long tradition here in kotzebue the sea fish come in shallow in the springtime from about the first week of April and they're the first big food source that becomes available in the year so it's your first opportunity to fill the freezer full of fresh fish that is a nice fish look at that check that out that is a beautiful Alaskan cheese fish they call them the tarpon of the North you catch them in the summertime they jump out of the water look at that he's longer than the fishing rod these ladies over here are showing me how it's done that's a pile of fish yeah don't don't fish next to these ladies if you have a lot of pride in your ability hey guys what's your name I'm Luke this is Tommy foreign yes you do it there you go oh keep his head in the water yes ah Dobby my wrist hurts oh come here buddy you want to get a picture with them your first she fish what do you think is that cool this guy's muscular why don't you go and dump him right down there bud right what the heck yeah the baby ones are big too one thing you'll notice is that you'll never see anyone around here ice fishing with a fishing rod everyone uses a little bit of antler a piece of wood and there's a reason for that it's actually a lot easier with these massive fish I got a caribou antler here I'm gonna go ahead and throw a jig on this thing and give it to Tommy all right yeah there we go congratulations there we go another beautiful she fish hold of your first sea fish there stick it right up in there don't drop him in the hole oh huge fish and it was hard to fight yeah no there we go got a little bit of sheepish chin there you just twist it like this and it drops down and when you get one just grab it with your gloves Lord let's go it's good a flounder look at that little guy another beautiful she fish oh you got one well not too bad for our first day look at that now for the hard part gotta take my gloves off and play them look at all this Bait fish in his belly that's a Tom Cod that's like a herring another top Cod [Music] I got myself a cold boy and 20 30 pounds of fillets I think it's time to call it for today yeah we're a hotel freezer ain't gonna cut it when it comes to storing our fish so let me go ahead and bury him here over at my friend's house oh my goodness that's that's more than 30 pounds all right that should keep it safe from Ravens and dogs and stuff all right let's go get some pizza shall we no problem thank you not too bad huh it was really a nice day but man it takes it out of you doesn't it we're gonna just have a low-key night here in the hotel get lots of rest because we have a busy day tomorrow we'll see you in the morning well good morning sun sets around 11 30 at night and gets up somewhere around 4 30 in the morning so there is a lot of light breakfast we've got Cherry fritters and cereal it's a beautiful day here in concert Butte and it is currently four degrees Fahrenheit outside and we better put on sunscreen or we're going to end up sunburned Sunburn and frostbite oh yeah it's springtime in Alaska all right we're all dressed up now we got to get out of here before we overheat this is better for now [Music] [Music] well guys this is the arctic tundra and we're gonna do a little bit of hunting we're gonna try to shoot some tarm again which is the Alaska state bird it's a game bird similar to a grouse or a wild chicken that turns white in the winter and brown in the summer and we're gonna see if we can't find a white bird in all of this hey Tom do you want a chance to shoot the shotgun yeah all right come here it does hurt a little bit tough see that little snow bank right there I want you to shoot it okay pull the hammer back and fire when ready okay wow that did hurt that was awesome see him there's a there's like 20 Target right up there why don't you get the 22 ready see if we're careful about it we can plink a couple with the 22 and then when they take off we can shoot it with the shotgun so just take your time and be cool about it I mean there's no pressure we miss it we'll get some more you know see watch how they're moving around yeah there so far they're being pretty chill okay there she they're stopping they're starting to move away okay now you gotta take your shot you're not gonna get much closer than that you're way high there you go Tom go check it out that right there is a tarp again turn white the winner and they turned brown in the summer delicious bird look there see all the little Target trucks those are old Target tracks right there let's go see if we can find some fresh ones all right you see him yeah let's get closer get on the snow machine get closer yeah I see him you see him right there ah Ransom you did it congratulations there we go my bag is gonna smell like tarm again ah there we go look at this just tarmigan everywhere one two three four five at least 30 of them right there [Music] so I'm learning a few things about hunting Target they like to be around the Willows On the Sunny Side of these Hills but they don't want to be in the really thick Willows that stuff's Prime cardigan territory that stuff's too thick oh look there's a moose right there there's a bunch right there they're right there in the kind of the moderately thick Willows [Applause] that'll do it it's okay buddy I'm really glad I gotta film that you running and chasing I think I cracked my elbow uh yeah a little bit above it is like pretty nasty right there but it is a sharp pain I think I might have fractured it but it still hurts tomorrow it's probably a fracture it goes away it's probably a bruise we are jumping off the machines like one of the crazy times I clipped it on something we were chasing these tarmigan but man it's so easy to get disoriented look at this I think the road's that direction but we're gonna have to follow our tracks back to make sure luckily I got a GPS on me but when you're chasing those birds it's easy to get lost very nice there we go last bullet of the day whoa this went better than expected but we uh we burned up a lot of ammo we're running low on space back here too we've got tarmigan bungee to the back time to pluck some tarm again and get them all cleaned up I don't think they want us gutting these in the hotel room there's actually signs saying don't do that see this one's his head his head's turning brown turning face me um hold your birds up instead of white meat like a chicken no that's the crop that's what the time we're gonna be eating it's all twigs and that's why you always find them by the Willows cutting birds in the Arctic it's a little bit cold on the old fingers all right I'm gonna ride with you Tom nice chance to thaw out and wash my hands everything smells like tarmigan uh Macbeth hey Branson do you want to use my knife for your knife for the peanut butter jelly sandwiches mine use mine peanut butter jelly and tarm again this is a nutritious no no the chicken one Ptarmigan Nutella sandwich now that we've got some lunch in our belly I think it's time to do some fishing now one thing it's important to remember we're fishing in the ocean this is salt water the sea fish spend the winter in the ocean and then in the summer they go up into the rivers and spawn and they repeat that process each year it's a nice nice sheet oh it has the name on it Ransom hey Ransom is this your knife sheath no it says Ransom on it somebody left a knife sheath on the ice and it's got your name on it it says Ransom that's actually really cool I did not bring a knife I'd say leave it there and maybe somebody will come for it hey a little Irish Lord look at that oh foreign Lord [Music] is that him finding me too badly there we go see all the wood they got stacked up there's no trees growing around here they have to go all the way across the bay up there to find trees to get firewood so people will bring in these huge logs and then you have to chop up all their firewood cutting and Gathering firewood's a big deal around here it takes a lot of time and fuel feels nice to have not have tons of gear on doesn't it we got a reindeer stew here all right good you want to try some reindeer you grab a little piece of that reindeer meat it's good but I mean with the spoon but yeah do you like it oh that is a nice looking Burger look at that that is a nice little Burger there you like the mozzarella sticks good job he wants well we've had a great day but I'll tell you what my arm hurts so bad I think I might have fractured my elbow I actually went and called a doctor in Anchorage about it I don't think I need to go to the ER or anything today but I think I might go have to go get it checked out when I return back to Anchorage I want to see if it's swelling up I can't see I gotta go look at the mirror it's not horrible but it does look a little gross no pain no pain no paper we'll see tomorrow what my arm does but it's getting late so I'm gonna put this camera down and see if we can't get to sleep with all this sunlight outside hmm good morning oh my arm still hurts but it definitely feels better than it did yesterday night maybe I just bruised it and didn't fracture it oh we got a little snowstorm out today I'm ready all right let's go Brave the elements get breakfast I love how the guys clearing the walkways in his T-shirt okay out think you're out yay oh that's definitely me yeah oh my God they've shortened the kids swing sets so they can swing above the snow now for those who don't know kotzebu is the largest city here in Northwest Alaska it's just slightly over 4 000 people live here in concert View and also if you want to go to some of the national parks here in Northwest kotsubu is the Hub you have to go to First thank you it got to be right there Copic Valley National Parks and most remote National Park in the country right there check it out they got an umiac boat they put seal skin over it take it out wailing oh look at that kayak up there that's cool tarvagan Snowshoe hair doll shoe that's the Wolverine over there see sour duck Eskimo potato and seal flipper Tom this this city is like thousands of years old so if you dig around in the summertime you'll find this stuff buried around the city this is for making the arrow shaft straight they go and they run it up and down when you come here in the summertime on the beach where we snow machine the people will set that up and they'll dry their salmon right there on the beach foreign look at that regular unleaded just under eight bucks now I have a boy here who really wants to go hunting is that right Tom yes should I do a little bit more time again honey you can see if Tommy can't get a bird I think it's time to load up and do some target practice oh you got the back one see him so this is where you got two of them and then up there Tom you're doing really good I'm actually really impressed Bud all right let's hop on it's got an overcast and now it's really hard to see the Contours of the snow and much harder to see a white tarmigan you getting hungry Tom yeah are you cold all right maybe go back get some lunch okay the guys out there are reeling in some sea fish Tommy we might have to go catch some sea fish after lunch be quick go out and try to catch some sea fish redeem ourselves from our Ptarmigan hunt failure this morning off we go no that's pretty much it through it oh there you go rad big sea fish right there long fish you got an icewood all right you got it oh I got it I got it oh there we go you got one too okay that's a triple got down fighting one oh yeah reactive over here with one my arm needs a break yeah see he's snagged that's why he couldn't get him in wow ah that is a good one Tom ah look at that all right there you go you got another one job oh yeah there we go diving already oh the fishing rods are more fun but these work so much better you get to fish in faster you lose fewer of them [Music] there we go nice oh wow oh they're just crazy we've only been here about 30 minutes and I've maybe been able to fish for a total of three I keep having to run over and Philip Tommy and take his fish off the hook pull this one out yourself this is a great opportunity if you learn how to do this grab the lure because it's that it's not stretchy you got it hang them on the ground this guy's heavy yeah you want to try to unhook at him push it out push it there you go you got him out buddy you got one over there yeah you can understand why I say the antlers work way better don't they yeah I'll tell you what guys this is arguably the best ice fishing in North America we've been fishing for 30 40 minutes we've got a pile of 20 pound fish and it's just right outside of town a beautiful spring day it's just wonderful we've got plenty of fish so Tom and Ranch I'm gonna go get some Ziploc bags for me you get it yeah I almost there we go oh there we go 15 Shea fish look at that all in about 35 40 minutes that's ridiculous if you want to do this hole this hole is produced almost all of them I should really stop and clean fish now oh nice all right this lovely lady over here just let me borrow her ULU knife this is a traditional knife here and uh it's actually an heirloom I'm gonna go ahead and play up my first sheet fish with the noodle knife that was fun I think I need a lot more practice with that thank you so much for letting me borrow that all right well that ULU knife was way cooler than my filet knife but unfortunately I'm kind of slow and my fingers are getting numb so I think I'm gonna fall back on what I know if you got a sculping over there yeah it was a skull you got another one Dom I kept running look at your drag just go and get going and you're putting those rods through their Paces I don't know what we're doing with this fish but I can tell you what I'm not filleting it I think you I hooked a seal there really fighter oh look nah he's good he's in good shape Tommy that was a rodeo good job bud tell you what Tom those whisker Seeker ice fishing rods do a good job oh look at that oh those little orange rods are made by whisker Seeker they're designed for fishing for catfish through the ice but I love them I mean they're just got loads of strength to them me and Ratchet are sitting here packaging up fish and Tommy's just going to town on s'more sea fish Catch and Release though we're done we have fish boxes oh it's like trying to button up my jeans oh come on up nope that's not happening I don't think that's a sculpin it must be one desperate that what is that possible look at this beautiful all right Tom I think we're ready to wrap it up bud I think total we only fished for maybe an hour and we caught 26 fish we ended up releasing a bunch giving away a bunch what an epic day look at this bag of fish we got oh streams I just like going will you open the door for a rest oh man I think we got sunburned I'm a little red oh I feel it oh I feel it on my lips all right I'm hungry so we're gonna go get some Chinese food almost every major Village in Alaska has one Chinese restaurant people here are so friendly they just asked Tommy if he's ever tried she fish and he's like oh so they're like we'll cook some up for you oh my goodness thank you so much it tastes really good and sea fish is a great fish doesn't bring them back well thank you oh those people are so nice we just sat and chatted for a while it's like everyone we've met here in casabia was like that just very friendly you guys you want to see something see these rocks these are solid Jade see this this is solid Jade right here yeah there's an entire mountain made out of Jade not too far from here and the mine went bust and they left some of those Boulders there full of jade now they use them to keep people from cutting through the parking lot all right we got some Mushu pork and crab rangoon here never had Mushu pork it's like Chinese tacos oh good morning it is our last day here in kotzebue and we are eating breakfast and packing up a healthy breakfast of S'mores cereal I'm not gonna lie that's good this is [Music] [Music] good to see you time to deliver some fish those are some slams all right you want some fish yeah let's get you some fish make sure you have it all right there we go there's another one thanks Luke that disappeared quickly oh we were eating that Lily koi Jam your mom gave us oh my goodness well Jared it's a pleasure man hey thanks a lot oh well me and Becca just got rid of about 100 pounds of sheet fish and we still have a lot left over which is a good thing because we have some friends coming over tomorrow and uh we're gonna be cooking them up some tarmigan and she fish you ready yeah well I've got a couple recipes I'm gonna do with the she fish and I've got a couple recipes I'm gonna do with the tarm again the first sheet fish recipe is I'm gonna make smoked she fish or she fish candy it's a recipe you might have seen me do before two two one two all right we let that sit overnight foreign got all the sea fish in the smoker we're gonna let that go for about six to eight hours [Music] oh that's doing good all right time to get the tarm again okay one time again six so check it out we've got the target all washed and cleaned you can see how dark red the meat is now it's really normal for wild meat the white meat you see in domesticated chickens and pork that's not natural that's bred that way this red meat will have a lot more flavor and it'll be a lot leaner so we're gonna do is we're gonna fillet off these breasts and we're gonna cook those separate and then the rest of the carcass we're going to use to make a stew [Music] all right we got the breast meat right there got some white vinegar here the purpose of the vinegar is to draw out the gamey flavor a little bit some people really love that gamey flavor my family does not I got the stockpot full of carcasses here and I'm gonna make stew out of this sprinkle a bit of salt on everything Touch of this white vinegar on there this is tine oregano sage and rosemary all mixed together a little bit of ground mustard a little bit of black pepper we're gonna start boiling that got that meat cooked we got to pull out some of the meat uh check it out right here this is the wishbone so each of you grab an end and you pull it and when it breaks whoever's got the biggest piece gets their wish the boiling process takes all the flavor out of the meat and so any of the good chunks you want to pull them out at the beginning of the process so all this salvaged meat we want to set this aside we're going to add it back into the stew later on two hours later [Music] all right we got our tarmigan stock here give it a little taste and see how the seasoning is man it's pretty bang on first things first gonna dump in some tomatoes hey here we go we got some rosemary sage and Thyme we're just gonna bundle that up put that right there we're gonna add back the tarmigan meat take a little cornstarch and water mix it up I don't thicken that stew up there we go nice beautiful Ptarmigan stew back burner this until dinner here try the tournaments too this is oh I'm gonna make a cranberry sauce to go with dinner and it's really easy just take these dried Craisins cover them in a little water and boiling we're gonna pour them into a blender now if you want to make a Thanksgiving style cranberry sauce just reduce this till it's the texture you want and there you go I'm gonna make this a little special and add some blackberries to it just boil it until all the blackberries mush up and turn into jelly what do you think of this sauce oh you look so crazy oh that's really really good [Music] well I want to make sure my wife doesn't leave me for a younger man so I'm going to go ahead and make homemade rolls with cheese inside to go with this meal they are really amazing even when my looks fade I have something to offer you you know bread can be really complicated or it can be really simple this is simple bread flour yeast water that's it all right once the yeast gets all foamy and stuff then it's time to add a little more water you want to add water just a little bit at a time until you get the right consistency give it a good mix now we just let it sit for about an hour and Rise all right we're gonna knock the air out of this okay got a little garlic powder we'll just let these rise for another 45 minutes or until I feel like it and then we'll throw them in the oven oh you got a Mickey Mouse one [Music] brown sugar and butter is the simplest fish recipe but it works good on salmon halibut whatever so delicious this is really good to do on a barbecue all right we're gonna make some couscous to go with all this all right we're just toasting the couscous and raisins right there after you toast the couscous just add some water and salt couscous is looking done all right I'm gonna pull out the cast iron skillet here we got garlic tine Rosemary and Sage we're just gonna put that in the butter right there there we go pecorino Romano cheese we got some smoked lake trout here I'm gonna take the skin off all right [Applause] there we go smoke late trout carbonara hey guys welcome what's up hey eventually yeah oh all right here I want this piece try a bit you guys ever you guys know what a sea fish is big white fish that lives up above the Arctic Circle tastes really good yeah I come on well guys I forgot that we've signed up to feed the volunteer missionaries from our church and it's good you can because we ended up having a lot more food than we expected so uh have you ever guys ever had she fish before nope no ever had cardigan before nope nope you're gonna take a lot of boxes today uh we got some basil couscous we got biscuits with cheese in it we've got a tarmigan stew um and put a little cilantro on there we got the tarmigan breasts and we've got this cranberry blackberry sauce it goes with the breast and then we have a smoked lake trout carbonara over there which all right oh pepper what do you guys what do you guys think about the uh tarmigan tastes almost like deer yeah yeah it'd be tastes much more like deer and stuff like that very lean the real test is whether Becca likes it I don't usually like wild meat wild meat weirds are out but she really likes blackberries I love this sauce the vinegar really helped tone down the gamey flavor those little rolls are so good [Music] who right here let me hand you that and I will swap you there you go you guys full we took it no yes yeah good sea fish it looks good you want to eat a good fish it's a really good fish you know she fish is a nice white meat it's not as flaky as halibut but it's kind of like cod you know I think maybe a little bit so guys thanks for coming by appreciate it that was fun but I am so full that was a lot of food hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want to see more fishing camping and adventure videos from the outdoor Boys YouTube channel don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning all right guys we'll see you next Saturday if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that Bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 1,992,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, hunting, ice fishing, icefishing, ptargmian, sheefish, ptarmigan hunting, bird hunting, upland game bird, winter hunting, spring hunting, winter fishing, sheefishing, catching sheefish, best ice fishing in the world, best ice fishing in US, inuit, inyupiaq, Eskimo, eskimo fishing, inuit fishing, fishing adventure, catch and cook, catch clean cook, fishing catch and cook, ice fishing catch and cook, hunting catch and cook, ptarmigan catch and cook, sheefish catch and cook
Id: 7P-sAGJjLJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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