Mage Healing in Phase 2 SoD Build Guide - WoW Classic Season of Discovery

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yo what is good everyone in this video we'll discuss Mage healing in phase two based on everything we've learned in Phase One combined with the new information available from Data Mining and the patch that just hit I ran a bunch of bfds this phase as regen Mage and had a lot of fun with it so I will share what I learned from that and how we can adapt this build with new runes and more Talent points to blast a 40 and Crush ner I've not only been playing a bunch of Mage but also every other class on horde and I've been doing this not just because I'm completely addicted to sod but also because I want to be able to make better content for you guys I realized no one really knows what the is going on out here which is kind of awesome and I really want to be on The Cutting Edge of figuring it all out and the only way to really do that is not just to understand the runes and mechanics of a single class but also how those interact with the runes and mechanics of every other class and so in the pursuit of Mastery and understanding I've successfully leveled every class on hor to 25 and I've discovered and used every single Rune in phase one so we are 96 out of 96 going into phase two I'm going to continue this journey into the next phase except this time I will be streaming the whole thing and going even more ham so if you want want to hang out in theory craft with me I will be live on Twitch at zikre with a zero and there is a link to that in the description with that let's dive in I know many of my fellow Mages out there might be disheartened by the recent class balances with the only real adjustment to Mage being another giant Nerf to Healing by including living flame in 80% healing reduction and if you remember last pass of class balances the only thing we really got was the same giant nerfed to Arcane explosion it's honestly a bit frustrating to me that really the only tuning they've done to Mage so far is to try to stop boosting with these giant AOE pulls and instead of figuring out a way to Target that specific case they just massively Nerf all AOE healing for all Mages making it much harder to effectively heal in PvP or Dungeons and raids as a normal Mage and at the same time classes that already feel like they are very powerful are getting Buffs so I feel basically the same way I felt in Diablo 4 I don't think any dev's main Sorcerer And it feels like no dev's main Mage either but it's all good homies we're Wizards so we Face adversity with our giant brains and a Nerf to living flame is not going to stop us from being super powerful healers at level 40 in general I think the value of Mage healers in raids is grossly underestimated at this point just because of how new it is and how few people really understand how it works as a regen Mage we can basically fill the second healer slot in a 10-man raid while still delivering giant DPS imagine a Healer or a DPS in a raid having a potential of 100% Effectiveness if they're doing everything perfect as a mage healer you can fill both of these roles at the same time and still accomplish about 75% of the healing and 75% of the damage as other classes only performing a single role this means your total value to the raid is 150% you are delivering High DPS and translating 80% of that damage into direct healing on the main tank so your normal raid comp is basically running with an extra DPS this big single Target healing also enables the other healer to not have to focus nearly as much of the main tank and thus can spread more heals around the raid and conserve Mana I think as raids continue to scale in size the value of Mage healer will continue to increase simply because of the total value of their effectiveness because they are filling multiple roles rolls at the same time all right so let's start with the main build I've been using for healing PVE in phase one which looks like this basically the way I heal BFD with this build is to always keep temporal Beacon up on the main tank otherwise blast like I'm playing Arcane DPS in general my rotation is to pre-cast regen on the main tank right before the fight get a quick sip then start the fight with four Arcane blasts to full stacks and dump those four Stacks into a living flame then cast three to four Arcane blasts and dump those Stacks into Arcane missiles over and over again making sure to refresh regen on the tank every 30 seconds this rotation delivers big DPS 80% of which is converted to Healing on the main tank you'll find that the value of actually channeling your regen spell is fairly low especially in quicker fights where you're not going o you'll want to instantly cancel your regen right after you cast it just to get the temporal Beacon up and go right back into your damage rotation the large majority of your healing is going to come from your damage causing chronomantic healing not channeling the regen spell itself in general I think this approach to focusing on single Target healing is is much more effective for regen Mage than trying to run the mass regen Rune on legs for two reasons single Target regen is much more Mana efficient and the temporal Beacon buff lasts for 30 seconds instead of 15 allowing you to use more time and mana on damage while still delivering effective single Target healing don't forget in emergencies you can still spread your beacon to multiple targets with multiple quick cast of regen very often the entire rate is not taking damage except for on specific fights or circumstances so running Mass regen all the time results in a t of wasted overhealing on everyone in the party that's already at full health utilizing Mass regen on legs should be much more of a situational thing than something you run all the time so like gura in BFD is a good example of a fight where switching to mass regen might make a lot of sense when you do utilize Mass regen on your legs I think you should switch the regen Rune on your chest to burnout now let's look at how things are going to change with the recent class balances and new runes getting added if you look ingame right now after the Patch every class shows six to seven new runes getting added much less than the amount shown on wad from the data mining because Mage shows seven new runes available and belt is the only new slot that shows four runes we know belt is getting added with one of the other slots that have three in Blizzard's official announcement of new Phase 2 runes chronoa preservation was shown for mage which is on boots this tells me it is highly likely only the belt and boot slots will be added this next phase with four on the belt and three on the boots for mage with other runes that were data mined coming in future phases now let's talk about living flame while I still think living flame will deliver big damage the amount of healing done has been reduced by 80% just like Arcane explosion and so it is going to become more of a damage ability used with fire in Arcane DPS specs rather than a stable in the healing rotation like it has been instead of relying on the AOE healing of living flame we are going to have to lean even more into single Target damage and healing by running Icy Veins which will stack perfectly with Arcane power instead of having 20 seconds of living flame healing we are going to have 20 20 seconds of Arcane power adding 30% damage to all of our spells and remember our Beacon targets heal for 80% of the damage we deal with Arcane spells and so by increasing our spell damage by 30% we are increasing our healing by 24% if we stack this power window with Icy Veins we can be casting these boosted spells 20% faster with zero push back combine this with the new Rune we are running on our belt called missile barrage which gives your Arcane blast a 40% chance to double the speed of your next Arcane missiles and also make it clear casted costing zero Mana imagine almost half of your Arcane blast proing free double speed missiles and during your burst window with Arcane power those missiles are hitting for 30% more thus healing for 24% more and with Icy Veins up you'll be casting a full channel of five missiles in about 2 seconds rocking spell power as the new foot Rune is going to be extremely powerful for many different builds but especially for mage healer because it is going to increase the damage of our crits by an additional 50% which increases the healing of our crits by an additional 40% and when you're critting with Arcane power up that 30% spell damage is going to make your crits with spell power absolutely massive generating massive healing as well the rotation here is going to be very similar to what we've already been doing except we don't need to worry about living flame anymore we're basically going to be keeping regen up on the main tank or on the priority healing targets and casting Arcane blast to build stacks until we get a missile barrage proc since it costs zero Mana we're going to want to try to utilize missile barrage instantly whenever it comes up you'll find that if you don't 40% of the time the next Arcane blast you cast will proc it again anyways which means you just missed a free 2 and 1/2 second missiles since you didn't use the first one I think in raid presence of mind will be best utilized when there is a mechanic where you have to move normally where you do an instant spell like fire blast and use that Global cool down to move you can now Palm Arcane blast instead continuing to heal build stacks and fish for missile barrage on shorter fights I think will be best utilized right at the start of the fight pre-cast your Arcane blast as the tank is going in then instantly Palm Arcane blast to jump up a stack and fish for an early missile barrage I think the hit here in Arcane Focus will be very useful for leveling up but it is very possible there is going to be spell hit Buffs for ner similar to how it was for BFD where you don't need to run an additional spell hit if you have the buff so like in BFD at 25 the spell hit cap was 5% so if you had Boon which gives you 3% and Mana oil which gives you 2% you were capped without any additional hit required on talents or gear if that is the case with no more as well once we are 40 and clearing it without wiping we're going to want to move these three points down into magic absorption for the extra chance at Mana you could also put them in some of these other things based on preference but I've tried all of them over the years and none of them feel that great to me so the chance at extra Mana from resists is my Top Choice going back to our foot runes real quick you'll notice there is a new healing spell getting added called chronoa preservation I can only speculate on how good this will be and it's really hard to tell until we actually get to use it I think in general the spell power Rune is going to to be a safe bet with this build but there definitely might be a case to rock this new healing spell especially if it's performing well however I will say that if you're trying to lean into this idea of healing off of your damage spell power enables that idea while Chrono static preservation does not it does not utilize the beacon mechanic and appears just to be a separate new direct healing spell with this timing mechanic getting added for Mages so in summary I think this is going to be a very well-rounded build for PVE leveling up questing dungeons raids and and I also think it actually has the tools to perform pretty decent in PvP as well I'll be playing this build and fine-tuning it all the way to 40 so if you want to see how it's going or have any questions definitely drop by the stream and say what's up and again that's zikri with a zero on Twitch when I get to 40 I will be making a more thorough PVE build once I get some experience in nomer as well as a PVP build for regen Mage as early as possible so stay tuned for that then I will likely be testing a few hybrid specs I love like Arcane shatter and Scorch shatter now that we have some more Talent points and making videos on those if they're any good then we will likely start working on other classes this may change but right now my lineup is looking like it's going to be Mage first for sure sham second Hunter third with Rogue lock and Shadow priest right there in the running and so we'll see uh based on how everything's going what I end up doing with the order but in the end we will have all eight classes on horde at 40 with all the runes unlocked trying all the different builds so no matter what happens I think it's going to be a really dope time out there in azoth for Phase 2 and I'm stoked to see y all out there um so that's it for this one thank you so much for watching remember you are a miracle of nature a perfect synergistic machine of Stardust so please remember to take care of yourself and I will catch you in the next one peace stay optimistic
Channel: Zikorik
Views: 12,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sod mage, sod mage healing, sod mage runes, sod, wow classic, season of discovery, mage healer, mage healing, mage, sod mage rune, mage build, sod mage build, mage runes, rune
Id: lCyv55jTkZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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