World of Warcraft Season of Discovery: Ultimate Mage Healer Guide

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in World of Warcraft season of Discovery there's been a ton of different wild and combinations going on especially with the Rune system so today we're going to be doing a short guide talking about the Mage healer going through all the ins and outs Talent builds runes everything that you need to do to jump in and try out this crazy Cass combination so without further Ado let's dive in and let's get into first what runes you're going to need before you start your Mage healing Journey regeneration the first Mage healing Rune you're going to want to head to lock moodon over at this tent right here here from there you'll loot it from this pile of books and you'll have it right there you can also do it by killing def pillagers though you have to kill quite a few before it actually drops for Arcane blast you're going to want to head to Ashen Vil over here once you're there you're going to go to each of these little pink crystals along the coast in the craters and cast Arcane explosion after you've done all three you'll gain the Rune of Arcane blast Mass regeneration Rune you're going to want to head to duskwood over to the catacombs right here you're going to go down the stairs take a left and to the right there will be a box you're able to loot right where my character is jumping and from there you'll get this Flory but you're not quite done yet there's one more part to this now that you have the Flory you're going to head over to the catacombs right here once you're at the catacombs you're going to see an alter as you enter it on the right side you're going to click that and you're going to have a boss fight with a lich recommend to have a party here as he is able to cast a variety of that make it rough but once you kill them you loot them and boom you'll have the mass regeneration Rune finally this guide I'm not going to recommend rewind time even though it's a very powerful ability that has a 30- second cool down that basically allows you to reset People's Health back to when you originally put the temporal beacon on them during combat you're actually going to be using so much Mana by switching out this ability as it replaces Arcane blast and basically what ends up happening is that your only damaging abilities is going to to be Arcane missile and Arcane explosion due to this it makes it very inefficient makes it to where you burn through a lot more Mana while adding more powerful heals to your kit it makes it to where it's inefficient at this stage because you don't really have a damage based ability that you can spam and not to mention Arcane blast makes it to where it increases your overall power of your heals with a certain amount of stacks now eventually you're obviously going to want this ability but you're going to go over to ratchet and talk to grisbee at the end there and he's going to give you a a couple of quests one of them is killing murlocs for fish oil another is killing shredders for their turbochargers and the last one is getting dark iron Silhouettes from dark iron NPCs this takes quite a bit of time you're going to be grinding a lot of these mobs to try to get it or you're going to have to spend tons and tons of gold in order to get all the materials needed for this ability it's very time inefficient at this moment but in the later stages this ability will be needed so make sure to also pick it up up along the journey but at the time of recording and for phase one it is not needed at all now that we've gotten all the runes taken care of I want to talk to you guys about what level you guys really should be starting with leveling up and playing as a mage Bas healer I recommend level 20 Level 20 you get evocation which is a very powerful spell which allows you to make it to where you don't have as much Mana issues especially with having void blast is like a really nice cost effective base damage ability to help help out with your heals having it at level 20 is so important because having evocation makes it to where you have this battle stamina as I like to call to where you can outclass a lot of the healers as a lot of the healers they pop a few holy lights a few bit decent heals here in there and run out of Mana relatively quickly Meanwhile we're able to pop heals deal damage and then do evocation and then do it all over again like it's nobody's business and that's one of the core things about the class that's going to be very important I highly recommend if you are looking into Mage healing started at level 20 maybe level up as an Arcane Mage dealing decent damage but then unlocking fully once you get to level 20 with evocation that is just my highly big recommendation When jumping in into this class now let's first talk about the basics of how this class Works obviously you have your heals that we've now talked about with regeneration and mass regeneration but the big thing is that thing in the corner right there of temporal Beacon temporal Beacon basically makes it to where 80% of all Arcane damage that we do is converted into heals of anybody that has that buff and that's going to be very important as it's kind of the fundamentals of the class of you pop it on people and then you do your damage that's why we picked up Arcane blast as it's a very powerful based uh attack that also makes it to where it increases the power of our other Arcane based abilities by 15% up to a Max stack of four making it to where we deal about 60% more damage or healing based off of it most of the time you're going to be using it for healing but that's basically how it works is basically I pop it on me I now have temporary o Beacon now any damage that I do is put towards whoever this is on and that's kind of the basics of how exactly this class works and getting into really the fundamentals of it as time goes on we'll talk about some other tips and tricks to make it a lot easier for you jumping in without further Ado let's talk about the talent trees the pros the cons and everything that you need to know about the class all right so let's talk about the pros the pros are basically you're able to deal damage to the boss allowing it to where you're able to do faster times to kill which is so important especially when you're wanting to just get content over as fast as possible having it to where the Mage also does damage makes it to where it overall utilizes a lot better so it really Partners up well if you are with like a priest or like a paladin or like a druid that is hard focusing on healing and allows you to be kind of like the secondary healer but not really secondary but you're able to do some damage to help make those encounters go by a lot quicker the other thing is is that they have a really powerful AOE heal with mass regeneration which allows you to be able to heal a bunch of Targets in a short window which especially at this level range is pretty impressive so able to just do Mass regeneration and then just start doing damage and heal multiple targets within that 15 yard radius of that initial cast is so important and it's just overall really powerful especially jumping into BFD and a lot of the other raid content out there so overall the pros is just basically you're able to do damage and you have a really powerful AOE heal which can't beat that especially at level 25 now speaking of the cons of the class the thing is that this is not a burst based Caster it has a lot of issues with doing instant based healing so one of the biggest issues that you're going to have is if uh say like you're fighting a boss that's hitting really hard really fast you're going to be struggling in the beginning because you have to be able to cast your regeneration based spells and then also be able to cast a few a few void blasts to make sure that you're maintaining your healing and keeping it going otherwise you're going to have to keep using your channel based casting making it to where it's a really hard time the other issue is that you're going to have a lot of Mana issues when you're trying to get geared up that's why I recommended in the beginning that you get to level 20 with evocation allowing yourself to be able to have that combat Regen to making it to where it's overall more effective so the big thing is is when you're doing this you're going to make sure that you need to do your proper prep that we're going to be talking about and on top of it making sure that you have a decent amount of gear and level requirement so that way you are able to do the big heals and be able to keep up with a lot of the other healers out there otherwise you're going to have a little bit of a struggle but bear with me we're going to make you a master at it in no time next we're going to talk about is stat priority so this is basically what you're going to be looking for When jumping into your gear so the first one you're obviously wanting to get is intellect as this will increase our Mana pool which is obviously very much needed as a Healer it also increases our crit chance with spells which makes it to where as we're doing damage as we're doing healing it makes it to where we have a higher chance of critting which is super helpful on top of that we're going to be looking at heals and spell power Buffs so you're going to have a lot of gear that has stats similar to this where it increases your damage and healing by Certain Magical aspects by like six or five or whatever you're going to be really hunting down these pieces as they're going to be able to really power you up and make it to where those heals and spells do even more damage Mak can get to where if you're doing more damage and you're doing more heals it's exactly what you're looking for because we do both after that you're going to be mainly focusing on Mana per second as this will allow us to make sure that we don't go o and making it to where we have that battle stamina that I'm talking about to where we can last longer in fights and making it to where we're key compared to some of the other healers that go o really quickly after that is spell hit making it to where we have a higher chance of hitting with our spells as you don't want to have any of your stuff get resisted because if it gets resisted that's no damage that Therefore your temple beacons are not getting healed and you're going to have have a bad time after that a spirit again helping out with that Mana generation over the course of a battle as long as you focus on mainly getting intellect just pretty much if you ever see intellect grab that stuff because it's always better to have that especially in the early phases all right let's talk about talents so for talents here it there's only a few different ways you can do this it's pretty much all the same across the board though so what you're going to be doing is you're going to put two points into Arcane subtlty this will make it to where you reduce their resistance by a certain amount with the Spells and on top of it makes to where you generate less threat with your Arcane based spells which as a damage based healer you obviously don't want the boss to come over and whack you side of the head and kill you and then you have nobody to heal so you want to make sure that you have at least two points into that and then you're going to put only three points into Arcane Focus allowing us to have a better hit rate with our damaging base spells making it to where when we use our temporal Beacon it heals the party a lot more after you've put the three points into that you're going to be bouncing over to one of the most and key parts of the entire Talent sort of build here is Arcane concentration this makes it to where you have a 10% chance of when you're casting your spells for this to pop up and basically it makes it to where your next ability is a free like does not cost any Mana whatsoever so what I recommended using is regeneration or mass regeneration as these are some of the more heftier spells that cost a lot more Mana so makes it to where it's overall really good time once you've unlocked this third row here you're actually going to go bounce back up and you're going to go back to arcane focus and make it to where our hit rate is a little bit better when using Arcane damaging spells as we don't want them to get resisted or to not deal as much damage as because of temporal Beacon from here you actually have a few different choices I go with Arcane resilience you do not have to do this I just like having a little bit more armor for my class as it gives me about 60 armor right now it makes it to where I get a little bit less damage especially when it comes to PVP and everything else out there you do not have to do that what you're actually going to be mainly focusing on is Arcane explosion now the thing about Arcane explosion is you're not going to want to use it unless there's four or more targets as this ability doesn't deal too much damage and it is very Mana costly so if you're constantly spamming it next thing you know you're o so you want to make sure that you're utilizing it in scenarios where it is good if you're doing the BFD raid and a few other things obviously uh you're not going to be using it all that often but if in the event that there is four or more ads it is a efficient to do that and that's why we're putting points there the main other one that we're going to be wanting for in this talent tree and pretty much required is Arcane meditation as this will help out with o issues and you don't want to run it out of Mana so you want to make sure that you at least have one point in this as this will make it helpful later on as we get to later phases you're obviously going to want to put more points into that but they also with me having Arcane resilience already on stat I can make it to where I can focus on awakened mind and as we get also more points we're going to be putting it into one W specialization as wands are a really good way of dealing some additional damage if in the event that we run out of Mana which doesn't happen too often but if in the event it does so between all the spell hit chance having it to where we have reduced threet having it to where we can uh reduce our Mana cost on stuff and having it to where we can get more Mana makes it to where you're more efficient as a Healer especially with evocation and everything else out there making it to where we can have the best combat stamina for keeping up with a fight compared to a lot of other healers that's pretty much the talent tree for the first tip I recommend popping restoration on your tank before a pull and then moving to cancel the animation this makes it to where they have temporal Beacon right at the start of the battle and you can focus on deing damage which in reality does more healing than doing the long channel base heal this makes it to where it reduces downtime and also on top of it makes it to where you don't pull fret by doing the channel right at the beginning of the battle as you don't want to get whack another tip that I recommend is evocation you want to pop this usually before a phase 2 or any sort of major based damage ability that's about to go out this makes it to where you have full mana and you're able to keep up with whatever craziness is about to come your way and it's very nice and it keeps it to where you have that battle stamina that we've talked about compared to other healers this trick is what is known as the quick heal method basically if in the event you can't Channel a long heal and you can't do an Arcane blast on any of your temporal beacons what I recommend is casting Arcane missile this makes it to where you have a quick burst of heat heals and you're able to deal some damage and make it to where you can pop those nice heals in a short record time so anyways guys that is my healer guide I just wanted to show you guys all the tips and tricks how to do it how to jump into The Fray and play it in season of Discovery I love all the crazy combinations and that's probably my favorite thing of season of Discovery and I want to make sure that I kind of update you guys along the way so if the meta changes or anything crazy pops up along the way I'll be sure to update this guide as the time goes on anyways I want to thank you guys for watching make sure to subscribe we're almost at 4,000 subscribers and I plan to do more content like this in the future if there's another class that you guys wanted me to check out make sure to comment that down below and also check out a lot of my Rune location guides as right now we're covering up and finishing up the last little bit of the Mage and as time goes on we're going to be looking at Warlock and possibly priest as well but without further Ado I want to thank you guys for watching seriously make sure to subscribe and like and if you have any issues whatsoever or have you know struggles while doing a healer comment down below I am glad to help I am always active in my comments and always glad to help out the community without further Ado I'm C loop on Crusader strike be sure to add me as a friend and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Datcoopguy
Views: 21,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DatCoopGuy, world of warcraft, season of discovery wow, season of discovery, season of discovery mage healer, world of warcraft sod mage healer setup, mage healer, mage healing, wow classic, wow classic season of discovery, mage, wow, arcane mage, season of discovery mage healing, wow sod mage healer, mage healer guide
Id: 8vevjmqCUyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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