Top 10 BEST Gold Farms in Season of Discovery Phase 2

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hey guys and welcome back to another season of Discovery Phase 2 gold farming video in this video I'm going to be showing you the top 10 gold Farms to do in season of Discovery Phase 2 and there is some really good Farms coming in this video before we get into it I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has gotten a copy of my season of Discovery gold guide it really means a lot this is a guide that I constantly update all the way throughout season of Discovery if you want to check it out is linked down below so the first farm that we're going to be talking about and they're in no particular order is the wild wine farm in strangle Thorn Veil so the mob's located right here and the item that we're farming for is the wild wine this is used in a bunch of the professions to make some really good gear for Phase 2 so they have a really good price the mobs you want to be farming are the skull splitter mobs now there is melee mobs there is range mobs as long as they are the skull splitter mobs they will have a chance at dropping the wild Vine now these are very easy to farm the only downside is that they're in STV so if the PVP event is on make sure that you're oped out of the PVP event on top of that there may be a bit of PVP at the Zone but this is by far the best spot to farm the wild vines just because of how many mobs there are in this location so you'll pretty much never run out of mob mobs to be farming for the wild wine if you do it over in STV there's a few other locations that you can do it um but this seems to have the most amount of mobs and is the best for doing it especially on like a full pop server so I'd highly recommend coming here and giving this a go and farming some wild wines really good farm and um you also get a bunch of Mage we cloth cloth on top of doing this Farm moving on to the next farm so Farm two we have a farm over in Badlands so this here is a really good Farm to do you can actually AOE at this farming location so the items that we're going to be farming for is mainly solid Stone the deep rock salt and the elemental Earth there's also some really good Boe that you can get at this farm so we're going to be farming The Rock Elemental so that's the name of the mobs that we're farming they're around level 39 to 40 and you can AOE these guys they only hit you with melee and there's a bunch of these all stacked up in a very tight area so if you're lucky enough to have the area to yourself you can do some really big AOE pools and farm a bunch of these per hour especially if you do it on a mage um there's a lot of potential for some really big AOE pulls giving you a lot of kills per hour whilst doing this Farm they also dropped some decent Boe so if you get lucky enough to get that they'll really bump up the amount of gold that you can get from doing this Farm the other materials sell very quickly on the auction house though like your solid Stones moving on to the third farm this is the turtle farm over in Taris so along the coastline there's going to be a bunch of turtles now I would recommend having skinning for this Farm the main things that we're after is the turtle scales the turtle meat and the big mouth clams you can get some of the really good pearls out of the clams you just click on those and they have a small chance at giving you some of the pearls whilst opening them so these are the mobs that we're going to be farming they are around level 43 but you can still AOE Farm These Guys however all of these Farms you can do this on any single class in the game it doesn't have to be a mage personally I just play a mage that is why I've recorded all these videos playing a Mage and kind of doing some of them like AOE farming them but for an example if you play any other DPS class you can just single Target all of these mobs in all of the Farms that I'm going to be showing you you and it works just as good so don't be discouraged if you don't have a Mage and you think you need a mage you do not need a mage to do any of these Farms so skinning will really increase the amount of gold that you make per hour from doing this Farm these guys also drop some pretty good Bo because they are level 43 most of the bo you get from them are around like level 36 to 40 so perfect level for phase two really really good farm with skinning moving on to the fourth Farm we're going to be heading over to the swamp of Soros so at the swamp of Soros we're going to be farming for the heart of wild now this has a kind of low Drop chance I believe it's like 8% drop chance um but they're worth a lot of gold up in the auction house these are used to craft some of the best gear and some of the coolest things with professions in Phase 2 so the mobs that we're going to be farming are the swamp Walkers so these big guys right here now there there's two different locations where you can Farm These so if there's competition at one spot go over to the other spot that I showed on the picture of the map and um just juggle in between the spots depending on which spot has the most competition you can also layer hop and find a new layer with less competition if there is competition overall a really really good Farm to do and they sell for a lot of gold moving on to the fifth farm this is going to be over in D wallow Marsh so so what we're going to be farming here is actually spiders meat so the white spider meat this is used to make some of the best consumable Buffs which is from the spider sausages these are really sought after in phase two because it actually is one of the best contributable Buffs that you can get so a lot of people will be after that these are the mobs that we're going to be farming now there are spiders outside of the cave what I'm showing right now and there's a bunch of spiders inside of the cave this is a really good steady gold Farm if you want to make some steady consistent gold you don't have to rely on any RNG whatsoever the spiders meat drops very very consistently it's a really good gold farm so go ahead and try this one out moving on to the six Farm we're still over in D wallow Marsh but we're going to be farming something a little bit different here we're going to be farming the WPS so from the WPS you can get the small flame sacks and also the dark woing this is actually a toy the dark weling and it SS for a decent amount of gold up in the auction house with this Farm I would recommend having skinning because you can also skin these mobs for a lot of extra gold whilst doing this farm this was a really good Farm the only downside about this Farm is that the mobs are spread out a fair bit so I would recommend having a mount to do this Farm it will be a bit slow if you have to run around to finding all the mobs it's a lot quicker and a lot better if you have a mount this way you can just Mount up and you can go from from Mob to mob because they are spread out quite a bit but skinning is really recommended moving on to the seventh farm this is over in Badlands now this is another warp farm so we're going to be farming the red wpl blings over in Badlands now you can also get your small flame sacks once again and you can also get the dark wobbling from this Farm on top of that there are some really good boe's that these mobs drop a few purples that are worth a lot of of gold like a lot of gold obviously skinning once again really will help out with the amount of gold that you make from this Farm just for for some extra steady gold whilst doing this farm this is a really good Farm the mobs are around level 43 um and the bo that these guys drop a perfect level range for Phase 2 and they're usually worth a lot of gold moving on to the eighth farm and the eighth Farm is over in swamp of Soros and this is going to be another wling Farm these ones are a bit lower level but they still obviously will drop your small flame sacks which is the main thing that is going to make the gold and then also your tiny Emerald waling now the tin Emerald waling is a toy but it can sell for a lot of gold on the auction house it is kind of rare and a low Drop chance um that is why the price of it is so good and now once again skinning will really help out to have on this Farm because the mobs are skinnable moving on on to the ninth Farm the ninth Farm is actually a raw gold Farm in STV so I'd recommend coming here and turning off the PVP event this means when the PVP event starts you won't actually be in the PVP event so where it is located is right here in STV and we're actually going to be farming the bassilus now these guys have a really good drop table for some gray items that vender for a lot of gold another thing when doing this like many of these Farms is I'd High recommend having skinning too if you want more raw gold you can just vendor things that you skin off them or you can throw them up on the auction house and fetch a little bit more gold from skinning moving on to the 10th Farm now the 10th Farm is the elemental Farms over in aathy Highland now there's four different ones so I'll show you every single one of them so first of all we have the fire Elemental Farm on top of that you'll be getting the burning charms which are used to make the Whirlwind ax and these also sold on the auction house so with these guys right here they're all fire mobs they're only hit with melee so if you have for an example a mage you can actually AOE Farm these guys very easily and it's really efficient but obviously you do not have to be a mage to farm these guys you can do it on any DPS class whatsoever the mobs have around 2.6k health so they're actually pretty easy to kill and um they're really good to AOE farm for a mage but you can do this on any single class so don't worry if you do not have a mage but moving on to the next Elemental farm that is also in arati Highlands like all four of them so the next one that we're going to be doing is the which one is it is the elemental air farm and you're also going to be getting the Thundering charms and these are also used once again to make the worldwind axe now the worldwind axe is pretty sorta it's a quest they need to hand in eight of the charms is three different charms they need to have eight of each of the charms and once they hand that in they can actually do the quest to get the Whirlwind axe so these guys right here are really good and the elemental air has a really good price especially on my realm and may be different on other Realms and then the charms also sell very quickly up on the auction house so the next Elemental Farm is the elemental water farm this is up in the top of RI highlands now the prices on these ones are a bit lower because there's not much use for the elemental water quite yet but you also get the charms which is used once again to make the Whirlwind axe so they can sell on top of the elemental water now with the elemental water they aren't worth too much right now cuz there's not much use for them however if you farm a bunch of these and hold on to them they're going to worth a lot more in future phases so this would probably be the lower one of the ele Elemental Farms moving on to the fourth Elemental farm this is going to be for the elemental Earth now there are no charms that you actually get from this one instead you get solid Stone so Elemental Earth and solid stone is what you're going to be farming at this location right here now when doing this you need to take into consideration or just remember that they do actually have a stun which can get quite annoying especially if you're a Caster they can actually still stun you from a range we'll see here in a second but they can stun you from range so as you can see we just got knocked down for like 2 seconds and it actually interrupts your car so it can get quite annoying doing this farm so the best way to probably do this is just pull one at a time and have some big single Target damage this way you're not getting chain stunned from their stun ability which can get very annoying especially on a mage trying to cast blizzard but this is a really good Farm the steady uh the solid Stone so it's very steadily and very quick on the auction house and then obviously also does the elemental Earth so that is the four different Elemental Farms that at best to do in phase two they're actually really really good for some nice steady gold they'll have a chance of dropping some BO too but none of the bo come close to this next farm so this is a bonus farm this is a bonus RNG Boe farm and that's right it's going to be farming the trash in older man some of the bo from here are worth up to 3,000 gold each and are absolutely insane items for phase two of season of Discovery as you can see on the screen there is a bunch of different blue boes that all drop from the trash mobs and that all Boe meaning they can all be posted up on the auction house some have better prices than the other but the best way to do this is that you can either solo Oldman or you can do a duo or a trio you don't want to have a fiveman group cuz that's five people that you're going to have to roll against on the Boe I found the best way to do it is around like a duo or a trio in this clip right here we're doing a trio two Mages a Wei farming and a priest healing us this seemed pretty efficient and worked really really good for us personally we also could clear the dungeon or the trash you don't want to be killing the bosses but we could clear all the trash very quickly and um this seemed to be the most efficient I did it solo but it does take a lot of time doing it solo but the upside about doing it solo is when you get a Boe to drop you don't have to roll against anyone else and have a chance of missing out on that Boe you get all of the bo straight to yourself so you need to weigh is it worth partnering up with some people to make it a bit easier and quicker or do you just go ahead and solo this yourself which will take a lot longer but then you have all of the Boe to yourself a really good Farm if you are into farming for RNG and having a chance at some big items but that was it for the top 10 gold farms in season of Discovery Phase 2 if you'd like to learn more about making gold in season of Discovery from all the best methods tips and tricks and all the best gold Farms you can find that inside of my season of Discovery gold guide this is constantly updated and we'll be in the next phase and the last phase with all of the best methods on how to make gold in season of Discovery you also get access to a private Discord where we help each other out with making gold in season of Discovery from farming and flipping till the next one guys take care
Channel: Boophie
Views: 42,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, Season of Discovery Gold Farming, Farming Gold Season of Discovery, Season of Discovery WoW, Season of Discovery Gold Making, How To Make Gold in Season of Discovery, season of discovery, SOD wow, SOD gold farming, Best Gold Farms in Season of Discovery, Top 10 Gold Farms SOD, best gold farms SOD, gold farms season of discovery, season of discovery best gold farm, Top 10 BEST Gold Farms in Season of Discovery Phase 2, Top 10 BEST Gold Farms
Id: NowoaXv1i2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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